Dmitry silver. Information about the personnel of teaching staff of an educational organization. Main directions of radio broadcasting

14.02.2022 Complications
Dmitry Emilievich Serebryany Faculty: No. 7, “Robotics and intelligent systems"(FAUST)
Department: 702, “Aerospace drive systems”
Nikolay, [email protected]
Published: 2007
A stern, serious middle-aged guy. He not only teaches at MAI, but also works in one of the commercial companies related to drives. He reads quite easily, but sometimes makes mistakes (for example, he forgets to tell something important when moving on to the next topic). Requires attendance to your classes. I remember that for missing the first (!) lecture I almost forced him to write an explanatory note.
He often likes to joke, usually at the expense of students, and is generally very sarcastic.
Quite by chance, I had the opportunity to meet him personally in an informal setting: he turned out to be an adequate person with whom it was pleasant to communicate. But this in no way affected the protection of laboratory workers. There are only two labs in the ADMU course, but they say that some took them before October.
Don't offer money; won't take it.

VIN DISEL, [email protected]
Published: 2008
The lectures seem to be clear and tolerable, you don’t want to sleep through them, but when it comes to passing This is where you guys expect surprises. He will bombard you with a sea of ​​questions that, of course, are related to the subject, but are not included in the lectures (or rather, not all of them are). Here, guys, you will have to use your wits, because the questions are really for logical comprehension. Even in the mat. analysis he forced me to climb too. I remember I forced him to derive a formula for average voltage. It was the most unexpected moment in my life. Moreover, I was threatened with expulsion. And I told him everything. “Oh, you can whenever you want!” he said. Of course, if you're a hyperbrain, you'll pass everything, but I really don't recommend skipping his lectures: you'll get caught, check it out for yourself. I passed his test in November!

Chamomile, [email protected]
Published: 2009
The first debt I had during my entire student life was ADMU. :-) This is so, for the sake of introduction Now to the point. Dmitry Emilievich is a demanding teacher, but, as it turned out, he is not greedy for grades. If you don’t understand anything about the subject (like me), the main thing is to attend lectures ( All!) and ask questions, then everything will be explained to you clearly. He's a man Very patient, so it’s useless to panic in front of him, starve him out too, because, according to him, this is a hobby for him, and he can sit with you even until twelve at night, it’s been tested. So, dear students, don’t delay in passing your lab and coursework.…

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(Don't forget to indicate the name of the teacher and the number of the department where he/she works!) This man was at the origins of the founding of the legendary radio station “Silver Rain”. Despite many changes and difficulties, he has been leading since the first day of its foundation in 1995. For almost 21 years, Dmitry Savitsky has been the constant general director of this radio station. In addition, he gained additional popularity by becoming one of the founders of the comic award “Silver Galosh”, which was awarded famous people

for dubious achievements.

Dmitry Savitsky: biography

The young man was unable to obtain a complete higher education, because even in his first year he was called up for military service. Savitsky served in the internal troops in the NKAO. I visited the territory of Armenia, as well as Azerbaijan. During his service, the young man had the opportunity to distinguish himself, for which he was awarded several medals and certificates.

Where did Dmitry Savitsky work before “Silver Rain”

After the army, it turned out that the guy decided not to return to college, which, judging by his interview, he does not regret to this day. According to data that can be freely read on the Internet, after the army Dmitry worked for some time as a taxi driver. Then, from 1991 to 1992, he worked as a sound engineer at Aktiv LTD, a Soviet-British television company. Then he had the opportunity to gain experience in a leadership position that would be useful in the future, holding a post at the joint Soviet-French enterprise “New Time”, which was the International Association of Cultural Workers. He held this position for almost a year, from 1992 to 1993. The next stage in Savitsky’s life was the legendary “Silver Rain”.

Foundation of the radio station

Savitsky himself now recalls that in 1995, a situation arose in the Russian media space when only five or six radio stations were broadcasting. All of them were purely musical, and it was Dmitry who put forward the idea of ​​​​creating an information and music radio station, on the air of which one could hear various programs. This idea was supported by his like-minded people, among whom was and now ex-wife Dmitry Savitsky Natalya Sindeeva.

At this time, the authorities announced a federal competition for a new radio station that could broadcast on a certain wavelength. Savitsky and his team presented the developed concept and won this competition in April 1995. Three months later, in July, the radio station began broadcasting around the clock. Since then, the broadcast of “Silver Rain” has not stopped for a minute. took the post of general producer, and Dmitry Vladimirovich Savitsky, as the founder of the station, became general director.

Main directions of radio broadcasting

Today, the audience of this radio station is middle-aged Russians with a stable income above average. About 20 original programs are regularly aired, each of which has its own point of view on certain events. Perhaps this was due to the fact that there is no strict censorship here. The general director of Silver Rain radio himself says that while “from above” there have been no taboos or prohibitions on their radio station, he allows his employees to cover any events, adhering to any point of view. At the same time, Savitsky says that there is only one topic that he will never allow to be broadcast - this is the topic of nationalism.

The need to support itself and cover expenses on its own forces the radio station to broadcast a large amount of advertising. Many listeners note this fact, but Savitsky himself is very pragmatic about this and says that this source of income helps Silver Rain support itself independently and not ask shareholders for money again. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that on the frequencies of this radio station, in addition to commercial advertising, you can often hear social projects, for example, warning drivers to drive while intoxicated. Radio introduces such advertising based solely on its conscious civic position, and they do not receive additional money for it.

"Silver Galosh"

Over time, the Silver Rain team came up with a new project that attracted a lot of attention. This was the annual Silver Galosh award. It meant rewarding public figures in certain “anti-nominations”. Many recognizable people tried to avoid the “Silver Galosh,” and only a few celebrities could adequately accept such an “award.”

This project lasted for several years, and the last award was presented in the Kremlin in 2013. The real reasons for the closure of “Silver Galosh” are known to few, but according to the official version voiced by Savitsky, the award was closed because there were no conditions for the further implementation of the project.

Evil director

The need to save money on absolutely everything possible forces the CEO to be a fairly strict leader. The management methods of Dmitry Savitsky, whose photo is provided in our article, are not liked by all employees of Silver Rain.

Some time ago, there was a heated discussion online about reviews of work at Silver Rain left by a former employee. The girl spoke in detail about the strict system of fines that Savitsky introduced. Monetary penalties are imposed for almost any violation - being late, breaking office equipment, etc. The pathological saving of light was described, which Savitsky requires office employees to observe: if it is daylight outside, turning on artificial light is strictly prohibited. The girl also noted that the requirements for staff are too high, which require employees to quickly understand all the boss’s thoughts and move around the office only at a fast pace - walking at a measured pace is considered by Dmitry as “doing nothing.”

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