The Psalter to the Most Holy Theotokos when read. Conversations with the priest. Praise to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Why do not all clergy approve of reading psalms to the Virgin Mary?

05.11.2021 Diagnostics

April 1st, 2016

Psalms 26, 50, 90 and Praise to the Mother of God - protection when attacked by enemies
"...and it won't be torn apart by a bomb"

“Human life is worth less and less... It has become scary to live - there is danger on all sides. Any of us can be robbed, humiliated, killed. Realizing this, people try to defend themselves; someone gets a dog, someone buys a weapon, someone turns their home into a fortress.

The fear of our time has not escaped the Orthodox. How to protect yourself and your loved ones? - believers often ask. Our main defense is the Lord Himself, without His Holy will, as the Scripture says, not a hair will fall from our head (Luke 21:18).

God has given us the greatest shrines to protect us from visible enemies. This is, first of all, a Christian shield - a pectoral cross, which cannot be removed under any circumstances. Secondly, holy water and artos, eaten every morning."
(Hegumen Pachomius (Bruskov).

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Archangel's greeting to the Most Holy Theotokos:

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Psalm 26:

The Lord is my enlightenment and my Savior, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the Protector of my life, from whom shall I fear? Sometimes those who are angry approach me and destroy my flesh; those who insult me ​​and defeat me become exhausted and fall. Even if a regiment turns against me, my heart will not fear; Even if he fights against me, I will trust in Him. I have asked one thing from the Lord, and this I will require: that I may live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, that I may behold the beauty of the Lord, and that I may visit His holy temple. For He hid me in His village in the day of my evil, for He covered me in the secret of His village, and lifted me up on a stone. And now, behold, you have lifted up my head against my enemies: the sacrifice of praise and exclamation was lost and devoured in His village; I will sing and make praise to the Lord. Hear, O Lord, my voice in which I cried, have mercy on me and hear me. My heart says to you: I will seek the Lord, I will seek your face, O Lord, I will seek your face. Do not turn Your face away from me and do not turn aside in anger from Your servant: be my helper, do not reject me and do not forsake me. God, my Savior. As my father and mother abandoned me. The Lord will accept me. Give me the law, O Lord, in Thy way, and guide me on the right path for my enemy’s sake. Do not betray me into the souls of those who suffer from my cold: for I have stood up as a witness of unrighteousness, and lied untruthfully to myself. I believe in seeing the good of the Lord on the land of the living. Be patient with the Lord, be of good courage, and let your heart be strong, and be patient with the Lord.

Psalm 50:

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy, and according to the multitude of Your mercies, cleanse my iniquity. Above all, wash me from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin; for I know my iniquity, and I will take away my sin before me. I have sinned against You alone and have done evil before You, so that You may be justified in Your words and triumph over the judgment of You. Behold, I was conceived in iniquities, and my mother gave birth to me in sins. Behold, you have loved the truth; You have revealed to me the unknown and secret wisdom of Yours. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be cleansed; Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. My hearing brings joy and joy; humble bones will rejoice. Turn Your face away from my sins and cleanse all my iniquities. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit away from me. Reward me with the joy of Your salvation and strengthen me with the Lord’s Spirit. I will teach the wicked Your way, and the wicked will turn to You. Deliver me from bloodshed, O God, God of my salvation; My tongue will rejoice in Your righteousness. Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will declare Your praise. As if you had desired sacrifices, you would have given them: you do not favor burnt offerings. The sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; God will not despise a broken and humble heart. Bless Zion, O Lord, with Your favor, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then favor the sacrifice of righteousness, the offering and the burnt offering; Then they will place the bullock on Your altar.

Psalm 90:

Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap and from rebellious words, His splash will overshadow you, and under His wing you hope: His truth will surround you with weapons. Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies during the day, from the thing that passes in the darkness, from the cloak, and from the demon of the midday. Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, otherwise look at your eyes and see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not approach your body, as His Angel commanded you to keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, but when you dash your foot against a stone, you will step on an asp and a basilisk and cross a lion and a serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will take him away and glorify him, I will fulfill him with the length of days and show him My salvation.

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Sergei Nilus writes about what Elder John of Optina told him

Sergei Alexandrovich Nilus and his wife Elena Alexandrovna came to the Optina Elder Father John (Salov).

“The elder accepted with the joyful affection characteristic of him towards my wife and me.
“Take a stool,” he said, hugging me, “sit down next to me.”
- What psalms do you read? - he asked me a question. I was embarrassed: usually in my short, purely worldly, not even the rule, but the rule, I did not read any psalms.
“I know,” I answered, “Alive in help,” “Have mercy on me, O God”...
- And what other ones!
- Yes, father, I read all the psalms and, although not by heart, I know everything; but my little rule...
The elder interrupted my self-justification:
- I don’t want to ask you what your rule is, but about whether you still read Psalm 26 - “The Lord is my enlightenment?
- No, father, I don’t read.
- Well, so I’ll tell you what! You once told me that the enemy was shooting his arrows at you. Do not be afraid! not a single one will touch you, don’t be afraid of any rubbish: rubbish will remain rubbish. Just take my advice as a rule, listen: read in the morning and evening before your prayer both of these psalms - the 26th and 90th, and before them the great Arkhangelsk joy - “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice.” If you do this, neither fire will take you, nor water will drown you...
At these words, the elder stood up from his chair, hugged me and with some special strength, in a rolling ringing voice, did not even say, but shouted:
- I’ll tell you more: it won’t blow up with a bomb! I kissed the old man’s hand that hugged me. And he again, pressing himself close to my ear, again loudly exclaimed:
- And the bomb won’t explode!* And don’t pay any attention to any rubbish: what can rubbish do to you?... That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Well, now go with the Lord!
And with these words the elder sent us away in peace.
I knew that person, more precisely, the woman to whom the elder was hinting, calling her rubbish: she clung to the Optina splendid-leaved tree like a lichen, and for a long time, with her false holiness and the name of the elders, she fooled the Optina pilgrims. I understood her, and she took revenge on me where she could. God be with her!..
“And the bomb won’t explode!..” Prediction of Fr. John (Salov) was fulfilled exactly at the time civil war. According to the memoirs of M.V. Smirnova-Orlova, Elena Alexandrovna told her that once, when she and her husband were riding in a carriage under fire, a bomb exploded next to them, but it did not hit them at all."

Troparion of the Archangel Michael, tone 4:
“Heavenly armies of the Archangel, / we always pray to you, unworthy, / and with your prayers protect us / with the shelter of your immaterial glory, / preserving us who fall diligently and cry out: / deliver us from troubles, / / ​​like the commander of the highest powers.”

Kontakion of Archangel Michael, tone 2:
“Archangel of God, / servant of the Divine glory, / leader of angels and teacher of men, / ask for what is useful to us and great mercy, / like the bodiless Archangel.”

Prayer to Archangel Michael:
“Oh, Saint Michael the Archangel, bright and formidable commander of the Heavenly King! Before the Last Judgment, let me repent from my sins, deliver my soul from the net that catches me and bring me to the God who created me, who sits on the Cherubim, and pray for her diligently, and your I will send my intercession to the place of peace. O formidable commander of the Heavenly Powers, representative of all at the Throne of the Lord Christ, guardian of the whole man and wise armorer, strong commander of the Heavenly King, have mercy on me, a sinner who demands your intercession, save me from all visible and invisible enemies, Moreover, strengthen me from the horror of death and from the embarrassment of the devil, and grant me to appear shamelessly to our Creator at the hour of His terrible and righteous Judgment. O all-holy, great Michael the Archangel! in the future, but grant me there together with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.”

+ Troparion to St. Nicholas, the great saint of God, tone 4:
“The rule of faith and the image of meekness, abstinence as a teacher, reveal to your flock the truth of things: for this reason you have acquired high humility, rich in poverty. Father Nicholas, pray to Christ God that our souls will be saved.”

Kontakion to Saint Nicholas, the great saint of God, tone 3:
“In Mireh, the holy one, you appeared as a priest: for Christ, O Reverend, having fulfilled the Gospel, you laid down your soul for your people, and saved the innocent from death; for this reason you were sanctified, as the great hidden place of God’s grace.”

(Archangel Michael and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are especially beloved saints of the Orthodox Russian people.)


Troparion to Saint George the Victorious, tone 4:
“Thou hast fought a good fight, more passionate than Christ’s George, and for the sake of faith, thou hast rebuked the tormentors of wickedness: and thou hast made a sacrifice acceptable to God. In the same way, thou hast received the crown of victory, and through thy holy prayers, thou hast granted forgiveness of sins to all.”

Another troparion to Saint George the Victorious, the same voice:
“As the liberator of the captives, and the protector of the poor, the physician of the infirm, the champion of the Orthodox, the victorious Great Martyr George, pray to Christ God to save our souls.”

Kontakion to Saint George the Victorious, tone 4:
“Cultivated by God, you showed yourself to be a most honest worker of piety, having collected the virtues of the handle for yourself: having sowed in tears, you reap with joy; having suffered with blood, you received Christ: and through your prayers, holy, you grant forgiveness to all sins.”

Most Holy Theotokos, save us! The ending is the usual: “IT IS WORTHY TO EAT” (from Easter to the Ascension, instead of this prayer, the chorus and irmos of the 9th song of the Easter canon is read, “An angel crying with grace... Shine, shine, new Jerusalem...”) and dismissal. AMEN

Saint Demetrius of Rostov

Psalter of the Mother of God

Christian hymns to the Most Holy Queen of Heaven, Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

Compiled in the likeness of the Psalms.


To the glory of the Holy, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and in honor and praise of the heavenly Queen, the Most Pure Virgin Mary.

We take refuge under Your compassion, O Virgin Mother of God, do not despise our prayers in sorrow, but deliver us from troubles, O pure and blessed One.

O Lady, open my mouth, and my mouth will declare Your praise.

My lady, please help me. Glory to Thee, orphans Mother, make us a merciful Almighty God.

Oh, Most Holy Lady, Most Pure Virgin Mary, Mother of my Lord God Jesus Christ! I fall down and pray, like the Tsar’s Mother, commending my unworthy prayer to You, having accepted it, Fr. Mother of the King of heaven and earth, bring to the King of those who reign, all to the Lord, Thy Son and God, and ask for forgiveness of all my sins, grant correction to my life and at the end of the air enemies a peaceful passage, open the divine entrance to the kingdom, intercede with me and there the heavenly food of pleasure , the mountain of this city, the most beautiful Jerusalem, the joy and indescribable beauties, the lordship of the threefold Trinity light and the sweet voice of angelic songs to enjoy: for the glory and joy of the heir of me and the saints of all, make a partner, all you can, as the Mother of the Almighty King; and now, more than ever at this hour, hear me, O All-Merciful Lady, who stands before Thee; look, O Lady Queen, I offer prayers to Thee.

Worship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Come, let us worship our Queen Theotokos.

Come, let us worship the Virgin Mary, our Queen Mother of God.

Come, let us bow and fall before the Lady Virgin Mary herself, our Queen Theotokos.

We bow to You, Most Holy Theotokos, by Your Nativity revealing to us the true light, Queen of heaven and earth, hope of the unreliable, helper of the weak, intercessor to all sinners; Cover us and intercede from all troubles and needs, mental and physical, and be our intercessor, we pray, with your holy prayers.

We worship Your blessed conception and birth from your holy parents, from Joachim and Anna; We pray to Thee, our Lady, grant us a sinless life to conceive and bear the fruits of repentance.

We bow to Your introduction into the Church of the Lord, who was the third-year-old Maiden, and we pray to You, our light, to make us a church of the Holy Spirit through Your prayers.

We worship Your Annunciation, Most Pure Virgin Mary, when through the action of the Holy Spirit with the voice of the Archangel you conceived the Word of the Father, and we pray to You, our light, to bring salvation to us, the desperate.

We worship Your birth, when You incarnated and gave birth to Christ, the Savior of the world, and You appeared as the Mother of God, glorified and exalted from all creation, and we pray to You, our light, to show yourself the Mother of mercy now and in the age to come.

We worship Your purification, undefiled, unblasphemous, incorruptible, Most Pure, and we pray to You, our light, cleanse us from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit through Your prayers.

We worship and honor Your illnesses, which You endured during the free passion of Your Son, when Simeon’s prophecy came true: But a weapon will pierce Your very soul, and we pray to You, our light, to deliver us from mental and physical illnesses.

We bow to You, Lady, remembering the joy You had during the resurrection of Your Son, and we pray to You, our light, not to deprive us of spiritual joy.

We bow to Your honest and glorious Dormition, and we pray to You, our light, to rest our carnal passions with Your help.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos! Accept this little prayer and offer it to Your Son and our God, that He may save and enlighten You for the sake of our souls.

Looking at Your most holy image, as if we behold You as the true Mother of God, with heartfelt faith and love from the soul we fall and worship with the eternal Child held in Your hand, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Oh, Our Most Holy Lady, Heavenly Queen, glorious Lady, Virgin Mother of God, righteous consolation to all who are sad and life and resurrection to all who trust in You! Incline, O Lady, Your most pure ear to our prayer, offered to You from us, Your indecent and unworthy servants.

Oh, our merciful Mother! Show Thy mercy to us, who are always in sorrow and always in sin, and do not despise us, Thy many-sinful servants.

Oh, our beautiful Mother! Thou art the wine of all good things, the revival of mortal man and the deliverance of the lost, accept our unworthy this prayer, Thy fallen and many-sinful servants, in this hour of our bitter, lamentable, and painful petition, as we now dare to speak to You, the Most Holy Lady Queen Theotokos, This prayer and joyful invitation with the Angel is: Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, full of grace Mary, for you have conceived in the flesh the Son of God. Rejoice, for you carried Him in Your womb. Rejoice, for you gave birth to Him. Rejoice, for you nourished the breasts. Rejoice, for the wolves worshiped Him. Rejoice, for you have found Christ in the church in three days. Rejoice, for Christ has risen from the dead and ascended to heaven. Rejoice, for you yourself have been taken to heaven. Rejoice, for You are superior to the virginity of the Angels and the glory of the Saints. Rejoice, for You are creating peace on earth. Rejoice, for all the inhabitants of heaven are obedient to You. Rejoice, for you can ask what you want from your Son, Christ our God. Rejoice, for you have been honored to be near the Most Holy Trinity. Rejoice, for You are the Mother of embittered people who resort to You. Rejoice, for Your joy will never end. Rejoice, O Gracious One, the Lord is with You.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Lady, Virgin Mother of God! accept our unworthy prayer, and save us from insolent death, and grant us repentance before the end.


Worthyly glorified and righteously blessed from all the heavenly ranks, as surpassing them without comparison, having given birth to God and the Creator of all things, exalted above all, She, like a Queen, stands before the faces of the Angels, proclaiming Gabriel’s song: Rejoice, Full of Grace! Our sinful and mortal lips will be able to bring worthy praise to Your greatness, so let us call You: O, most wonderful Lady, praying from You to the incarnate Christ our God, may he look upon us, unrequited people, and keep us unharmed from all the slander of the enemy and evil slander, Your mother’s prayer can do a lot, according to what was said: ask My Mother, I will not turn away, but I will fulfill all Your requests. We are filled with joy in this, we cry to Thee: save, O Lady, Thy perishing servants, enlighten those darkened by the wisdom of this age and bring us to the Sweetest Jesus, and, ever rejoicing, we cry: glory to the Father, glory to the Son, glory to the Holy Spirit, glory to You. The Most Glorious and Most Immaculate Virgin Mary, blessed and blessed throughout the endless ages of ages. Amen.

It is worthy to eat, as you are truly blessed, the Mother of God, ever-blessed and most immaculate, and the Mother of our God. We magnify You, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption.

Kathisma 1

Psalm 1

Blessed is the man who loves Your name, Ever-Virgin Mother Mary: by Your grace his soul will be strengthened, and like a tree planted at the issue of water, it will bear abundant fruits of righteousness. Blessed are You among women for the sake of the humility and faith of Your heart; You conquer all women with Your beauty, you surpass the Angels and Archangels in holiness, Your mercy and generosity are preached everywhere; God has blessed the work of Your hands.

Psalm 2

Madam, why do the tongues, who are suffering from the cold, stagger for the sake of it? Shame and overthrow them with a storm of horror and fear; May Thy right hand cover us: scatter the clouds of our iniquities, take away the burden of our sins. Come to Her, all you who labor and are burdened, and He will give you rest; come to Her in your misfortunes, and the enlightenment of Her face will illuminate you; bless You with all your heart: for the earth is full of Her mercy.

Psalm 3

Madam, why have the visible and invisible enemies multiplied and chilled us? Let Thy storm of righteous anger dispel them. Have mercy on me, Lady, and heal my infirmities, warm my frozen heart and do not deliver me into the hands of my spiritual enemies; on the day of my death, appear to help my soul, lead me to the haven of salvation. Glory to You, helpless Intercessor.

Song instead of glory

We praise You, Mother of God, You, Ever-Virgin Mary and Mother of God, we confess, You, chosen by the Eternal Father, the whole earth magnifies; All Angels and Archangels humbly serve You; To You all the Powers and the highest Powers of heaven, and all Dominions obey; All Thrones stand before You, the Cherubim and Seraphim rejoice before You, all the angelic faces cry out to You with an unceasing voice: Most Holy Theotokos Mary, Mother of the Ever-Virgin! the heavens and earth are full of the majesty of the glory of Your womb; To you the glorious apostolic face of your Creator and Savior Mother is praised; Many martyrs call you the Mother of God; To you the glorious face of the confessors of the Holy Trinity is named a temple; To you the virgins preach the image of their virginity; All holy souls call you the glorious Queen of heaven; Throughout the entire universe, the Holy Church of all faithful Christians confesses to you the Mother of God and honors the true King of Heaven, the God-chosen Maiden; You are the Lady of the Angels and glory to all the saints; You are heaven's open door; You are the ladder of the kingdom of heaven; You are the beautiful palace of the King of glory; You are an incorruptible ark of grace; You are an abyss of generosity; You are a refuge for sinners; You, blessed Mother of the Savior Christ; You, for the sake of liberating a captive man, you received God into your womb from the Holy Spirit and you contained the Inconceivable One; You trampled the hellish enemy and opened the doors of the kingdom of heaven to the faithful; You stand at the right hand of God; You beseech Him for us, O Ever-Virgin Mary, Who will judge the living and the dead; Therefore we wish You to always be our Intercessor to Your beloved Son and God, Who redeemed us with His honest blood, so that we may receive the promise of eternal glory. Save Thy people, O Blessed Lady, and bless Thy inheritance, for may we be partakers of the blessed inheritance of Thy Son, and save us, and take us even unto the ages, every day. Oh, Most Generous! We wish to praise and bless You with our hearts and lips. Grant, Most Merciful Mother, that now and always we may be preserved without sin. Have mercy on us, Intercessor, have mercy on us, may Your mercy be with us, as we trust in You, keep us, Most Merciful, forever and ever.

Questions from TV viewers are answered by Priest Konstantin Morozov, cleric of the Church of St. Prophet Elijah on the Porokhovs. Broadcast from St. Petersburg.

-Tell us about your new position?

I was approved as director of the Center for Spiritual Culture and Religious Education Vyborg district in St. Petersburg. Priests in all districts of the city received such appointments. This center is designed to improve work with secular schools in the field of Fundamentals of Orthodox culture, organize advanced training courses for teachers, unite and diversify the activities of Sunday schools, establish interaction between churches and Sunday schools, organize concerts and exhibitions.

- Question from a TV viewer from Lipetsk: “When is the Psalter read to the Most Holy Theotokos?”

-In each district of the city there will be a certain center. Who can contact him?

School teachers can contact us to hold certain events (for example, dedicated to Prince Vladimir, because this year we are celebrating the 1000th anniversary of his death) or lectures, conversations, excursions for children to various spiritual centers of St. Petersburg. The center can help in the implementation of these ideas and plans, but its main activity is to unite on the basis of the center those who are engaged in religious education in deaneries. In our diocese, after the reform, the deanery district coincides with the city districts. In each district there is now a center to support teachers on the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture and to help teachers work in Sunday schools. Previously, the priest would ask some knowledgeable parishioner, perhaps even one with a spiritual education, to work with the children. Pedagogical knowledge is very important, but processing of the material that the teacher offers to children in Sunday school is also important, and this is not always at a good level. The Center for Religious Education and Culture of the Vyborg Deanery District of St. Petersburg has a website.

- Will these centers be of the same type, or does everything depend on the initiative?
- The center has a certain direction of activity, but how and with what help it will develop, what this center will use in implementing its tasks assigned to it, depends on the director.

- Most often, the organization of a center depends on the premises. Is it already there?

We have a Sunday school building in our temple, where there are enough classrooms. It is not necessary that all events be held in one or another room of the center - they can be offsite: in schools, cultural centers, or in premises that will be provided by the district for the implementation of the program. We will have an Easter concert for secondary school students, which will be held at the Vyborg Side club. The club provides its premises for the concert.

Question from a TV viewer from the Tyumen region: “I don’t remember whether the late aunt was baptized. Can we read the canon to the holy martyr Huar for her?”

There is nothing wrong with praying for a baptized person as for an unbaptized one. But there are cases when a person is alive and does not remember whether he was baptized or not, and for some reason evidence of this has not been preserved. In this case, the person must be baptized. The priest baptizes him and says: “The servant of God is baptized even if he is not baptized.” And then, if a person is really not baptized, he is baptized, and if he was baptized, then the Sacrament of Baptism is no longer performed on him, but the grace that is over him is confirmed.

- What are your plans for this center? How would you like to see it ideally?

I would like to see it multifaceted so that it attracts a large number of people different people, because it is a center not only of education, but also of culture. “Culture” comes from the word “to cultivate”, as well as from the word “cult”, that is, “spirituality”. It's already going away, many words stop playing important role. The main direction of the center should be the words spoken by His Holiness: “If earlier the word “parish” was formed because people came, now we ourselves must go out to meet them and talk to them about what is dear to us.” Unfortunately, the old stereotype still applies that we will pray, live a spiritual life, and the people will come. This sometimes works because the ministry of more experienced priests took place under Soviet rule, when there was no opportunity for extensive preaching. Therefore, many questions arise about how to tackle this again. Now is the time when the Church must speak about itself, but not sinking to the level of the average person, but raising him to its own level. The main task of the center is to enter into a lively dialogue between the Church and society on the basis of culture and education.

Question from a TV viewer from Yekaterinburg: “Name practical advice for two important weeks that end the fast. How to attend worship services so you can stand before God without getting distracted. As they say, the end is the crown of the matter. I would like everything to go well."

What we lack is that we do not think through the Gospel that is read on Sunday. If we thought through this passage, thought about it throughout the week, then the Lord might have done something with us. We would not just listen, but experience this passage. And when we heard it another time, we would have a completely different perception of the text of Holy Scripture. It is important not only to hear, but also to read the Holy Scriptures, which are read at services. You can take this passage with you in order to better perceive the text that is offered to those praying.

The second thing that can be said about the coming weeks is the experience of the Passion of the Lord. We will remember them, about why the Lord came into this world. He came voluntarily to suffer for us. To experience these Passions more, various moments can help us with this: prayers, expanding the morning and evening prayer rules. Nowadays there is a lot of literature dedicated to Holy Week, where there are texts that are read at services. Come with these little books to the reading of the twelve Gospels, so that you not only hear, but also see. Prepare by reading the texts and thinking about what is happening these days. For example, when I talk about Maundy Thursday, I can say that this is the Last Supper. Read about what is really happening there, what the Lord did at the Last Supper, and why it is so important to us.

There is a wonderful book by Alexander Schmemann, “Great Lent.” In it, the author describes the services of Lent. For me, at one time, Mel Gibson’s film “The Passion of the Christ” became a kind of discovery. I experienced differently what the Lord endured for me when I watched this film. It was filmed on a historical basis, based on studies of the Shroud. I began to perceive in a completely different way Holy Week, when partly cinematic images were superimposed on the worship that was performed and spoke about it.

- At the seminary, we even gathered in classes on Passion Street and watched “The Passion of Christ.”

- There should be one spiritual and educational center. Will they be connected?

They are connected because the directors of the center gather for meetings, discuss problems and share their joys. This is all just beginning for us. On March 31, there will be a second meeting of the directors of the centers, and I proposed to develop a common reading, an Olympiad, so that the activities of the centers would be united, and their direction could be adjusted so that everyone would respect the common boundary. This proposal will be considered by the chairman of the department, Bishop Ambrose, and his deputy and will help direct this in the right direction.

- Does the center need a confessor?

Each center is headed by a priest who will provide spiritual care to the employees he recruits to carry out his obedience.

- Will it be mostly the laity who work?

Of course, the active role of the laity in the Church will be well realized here in the organization of missionary projects in the future. This year, in our deanery, we will publish books by Patriarch Kirill during Holy Week and on Palm Sunday with his speeches from the program “The Word of the Shepherd” about Easter; booklets that we print for the twelve holidays. All this will make it possible to involve the laity in the activities of parishes and help priests in carrying out their obedience.

Question from a TV viewer: “When reading a prayer rule, is it possible to change prayers in the masculine gender to feminine? Isn't this a sin?

In my opinion, no. My mother asked me this question when she just started praying: “I’m not a servant of God - I’m a servant of God.” It seems to me that there is no problem with this, if she feels that it would be more correct for her, then go ahead.

Question from a TV viewer: “How to prepare for general confession, should you do it with a priest or on your own?”

If you need a general confession, then it needs to be carried out with one priest, and if it is very long, then it is better to break it up into several confessions. Let’s say you tell part of your life in one meeting, part of it in a second or third. General confession is bringing repentance for your life. This good experience, when a person can comprehend his life, if he is a person who has lived enough time and lived, as it seems to him, incorrectly. All brochures that are printed, such as “1001 sins” or something like that, should be avoided. In my opinion, confession should come from the heart. I have to remember my life, understand what I did wrong in my life, understand what torments me in it.

Very often, the more people confess, the more it becomes automatic. On the one hand, because a lot of people come to Sunday services, many are just getting into church, they need help and adjustment, and this is confession. Therefore, confession is a “sieve” through which all parishioners are passed every Sunday or holiday in order to weed out people who are just preparing to approach Communion or do not understand what it is at all. So that it doesn’t happen like this: “Everyone has come up, and I’ll come up.” Our confession is tied to the Liturgy. Because of this, it is difficult for many faithful, every time they receive communion, for example, every Sunday, to experience confession as repentance of their sins. I experienced this too. We do not achieve such ascetic activity as to be inwardly contrite and bring complete repentance.

If general confession is performed correctly, then, of course, it is better for this person to sit quietly for several days, without rushing anywhere, to reflect on his life from his first days, as he remembers himself, until the day he sat down at his desk, putting lies in front of him Blank sheet paper, which must be filled with the lies that he has committed in his life.

Question from a TV viewer from Lipetsk: “I want to take communion on Maundy Thursday. Do I need to read the canons or can I just read the Rule for Communion?”

If you receive communion on Maundy Thursday, then you must read the entire Rule. There is no such rule that by this day it is enough to read the Rule for Communion, and the canons are omitted. Although, everything is at the discretion of your confessor. If he says that you can only read the Rule, and there is no need for the canons, then read the Rule for Communion.

Many, preparing to receive communion on Maundy Thursday, forget that Liturgies are served earlier in the week. It turns out that these services remain unattended. How to participate in services and Liturgies during Holy Week?

Participation in any Liturgy consists of Communion. Perhaps there has been an incorrect stereotypical opinion that Communion on Maundy Thursday is a special Communion, because of which everything else fades, and it is enough to take Communion on Maundy Thursday and you can go a year without communion. This is still a pre-revolutionary formula. Perhaps due to the fact that people had lost their living religiosity, they received communion very rarely, sometimes once a year or only during fasting 4 times a year and the 5th time on Angel Day. The Church has weakened in that it has ceased to play a living role as a Eucharistic community.

Question from a TV viewer from the Stavropol Territory: “My husband had surgery, he has epilepsy, and he cannot do without medication. In the morning he needs to take medicine, and Communion usually takes place at 10 o’clock. What can he eat when taking medicine at 8 o’clock?”

My confessor told a story. He was ordained by Father Nikodim (Rotov). Once, when he was still a young deacon, he had a headache, he felt unwell, caught a cold, and in the morning he thought: “I will serve, but I will not receive communion.” Deacons are allowed to do so without preparation. I took the pills and went to the service, and when everyone began to approach the bishop for his blessing, he asked: “Why didn’t you take communion today?” He replied: “Vladyka, I was sick, I took a pill.” The Bishop replied: “Father Alexander, shame on you! Do you think that Christ won’t pass through your pill?” If someone needs to take a pill and eat before the service, just not to get too full, then this is allowed. If a person has diabetes, then he will physically not be able to stand the service without eating a small piece of bread in the morning. Let him eat and take communion. There is no problem with this; let your spouse, who is sick, take the necessary pills and eat what he needs before Communion.

Question from a TV viewer: “My husband was baptized according to the Old Believer rite at home with a priest, but he doesn’t really remember this - he is completely unchurched. I am trying to attract him to spiritual life, being Orthodox. My husband and his relatives sometimes go to general confession in an Old Believer church without a priesthood. Can I go with my husband and find out what is going on there, is there Communion and confession there? Since there is no priest there, I understand that there are no Sacraments. Is this a church or is it a sect?

With the Old Believers, we have a division into priests and non-priests. Communion is handled differently in every community. Some Old Believers had such a thing that they pounded pre-Nikon’s prepared Gifts, when they still had the priesthood, many centuries ago, and added them to the dough. Prosphoras were made on them and thus they received communion. Of course, the Bespopovites do not have communion. We recognize their baptism, but if a person converts to Orthodoxy, then it is worth anointing and thus joining the Russian Orthodox Church. You can go, however, you may encounter the fact that they will not let you into the temple, but will leave you to stand in the vestibule and pray there, because the Old Believers are quite conservative in these matters. Even though you are a spouse, they have their own community.

- Can I advise you to contact the Russian Orthodox Church of the Same Faith?

Can. But the question is that co-religionists are those who left the rituals before Nikon, pre-reform, but became part of the Moscow Patriarchate. We have such a parish in the city; it is located next to the Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic. There you can contact Father Pavel. But if the listener’s husband visits the Bespopovites, then everything will probably be different. I would recommend going to fellow believers, they have a small chapel. She can consult Father Michael about Communion and everything else she needs there.

Question from a TV viewer from Lipetsk: “At the general confession, I will confess the sins I committed in childhood. Can I make an excuse that, as a child, I did not understand, did not know, someone influenced me. Is this allowed?

Firstly, general confession begins at the age of 7. Secondly, in confession there is no need to make excuses at all. When you read your prayers, say: “Lord, forgive me my voluntary and involuntary sins.” An involuntary sin is still a sin. Sin is a mistake, a mistake. If you admit that this is a mistake, you must correct it by repentance. Excuses for mistakes are mutually exclusive actions. The formulation “I, of course, am wrong, but I had some circumstances connected with this” is not suitable for confession.

Unfortunately, we talked very little about the Mother of God. What place does the Blessed Virgin Mary occupy in your life?

In the life of every Christian, the Mother of God occupies a special place. Unlike the Western Church, which emphasized Her virginity and chastity in the image of the Mother of God, the Eastern Church emphasized motherhood, and for everyone She is the Mother. When I came to church, I had such a feeling while standing in prayer, like turning directly to the Protector, the One Who will always cover you with love. Yesterday we read about Mary of Egypt: when she was not allowed into the temple, she saw the image of the Mother of God and said: “Most Holy Mother, You are pure, but I am not pure. You, of course, may not look at me, but let me enter the temple.” What follows is a description of how Mary of Egypt enters the temple with tears and how throughout her entire repentant life she feels the Mother of God as her Intercessor. And only because of this love of the Mother of God, who allowed her into the temple, Mary accomplished such a feat of her life. The Mother of God condescends to each of us and our lives, because she is a special Intercessor for us before God.

- Is the akathist that was read today different from other akathists to the Mother of God or to the saints?

He is one of the first, on the basis of which many other akathists familiar to us were written. There is a tradition of not reading akathists during Lent. It appeared precisely in order not to diminish the dignity of the Akathist to the Mother of God, which was read today at the service “Rejoice Unbrided Bride.” In relation to this chant, the exclamation with which each ikos ended speaks of the special place of the Mother of God in the Church.

Question from a TV viewer from St. Petersburg: “Is it necessary to tell a person that his actions are a sin, or is it not worth it, since we ourselves are sinners, and we once committed the same sins, but repented?”

Sin must be named if it exists. However, there is an amazing line in one of the prayers that I try to say so that people can use it as a guide when they communicate with someone about their sins. It says: “Lord, send me at the right moment a person who is ready to tell me the truth, but tell it lovingly.” Not everyone is capable of telling the truth in love. Therefore, if you communicate with a dear and significant person and you will tell him about his sin, strive to say it with love, so that he feels it.

- So you can get carried away and start denouncing everyone.

On the one hand, it depends on a person’s internal culture: how to speak, to whom to say and what. On the other hand, there should be no arrogance. And the TV viewer can say from her own experience, if she had these sins, and she repented: “You know, I also encountered this, but now I really repent that I had this in my life.” A woman who tells a girl about to have an abortion can talk about how she regrets with all her heart now that she herself once had an abortion. Any sin in our life is a tragedy.

A certain indicator of attitude towards a person is death. I have said many times that when someone dies, we cry for ourselves. We feel sorry for ourselves because we didn’t do something, didn’t say what could have been said, didn’t lend a helping hand, didn’t say a word of support. But the person died - and nothing can be changed. Therefore, the voice of conscience tells us that we were less human than we could have been. But, on the other hand, death before us reveals the secret of eternity, because when a person dies, you feel that he has not left, that he is next to you. We must take care of people while they are alive, because when they resign to the Lord, we will no longer be able to tell them how dear they are to us, how significant they are.

- Is it a big sin to make a mistake when reading the Psalter?

There is no sin in this. A slip of the tongue or misreading of a word occurs due to inexperience. It is enough to re-read this sentence or pronounce this word correctly. There is nothing criminal in any mistake, because the Lord knows the Psalter by heart, He is not a teacher of Russian literature who punishes us for incorrect pronunciation of a word. The Lord needs our heart, and in this regard, if you read the Psalter correctly, but your heart is cold, then there is no use in it. Some grandmother who knows nothing reads the Psalter, but incorrectly, but her heart burns - this is the real reading of the Psalter. Very often we reduce the Lord to what is right and what is wrong, and we forget the most important thing, why we undertake the feat of prayer in the first place. We take the Psalter to make our hearts burn, and not to practice correct pronunciation.

- Is it necessary to include an akathist to the Rule for Communion?

I think no. This is for those interested. But sometimes it happens that a person takes on very large rules: reading the canon, several akathists a day. He can't cope and becomes despondent. All this happens because a person has taken on more than he can bear. The prayer rule should be varied; there should be several morning and evening rules. If a person does not have time to read a long one, then he prays with a short rule. If I’m not in a hurry, but realize that I don’t have time to read the full one, then I pray for the middle one. In the evening, if I am tired, I pray briefly, but still devote time to prayer. The prayer rules must be adjusted depending on what my condition is. My good teacher Igor Tsesarevich said: “A man came to me to pray and made mistakes. I think I won’t tell him that he’s making mistakes, so as not to upset him, and so that next time he won’t think that I can expose him for not praying correctly with me.”

Presenter: Deacon Mikhail Kudryavtsev
Transcript: Anna Solodnikova

Saint Demetrius of Rostov

Psalter of the Mother of God

Christian hymns to the Most Holy Queen of Heaven, Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

Compiled in the likeness of the Psalms.


To the glory of the Holy, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and in honor and praise of the heavenly Queen, the Most Pure Virgin Mary.

We take refuge under Your compassion, O Virgin Mother of God, do not despise our prayers in sorrow, but deliver us from troubles, O pure and blessed One.

O Lady, open my mouth, and my mouth will declare Your praise.

My lady, please help me. Glory to Thee, orphans Mother, make us a merciful Almighty God.

Oh, Most Holy Lady, Most Pure Virgin Mary, Mother of my Lord God Jesus Christ! I fall down and pray, like the Tsar’s Mother, commending my unworthy prayer to You, having accepted it, Fr. Mother of the King of heaven and earth, bring to the King of those who reign, all to the Lord, Thy Son and God, and ask for forgiveness of all my sins, grant correction to my life and at the end of the air enemies a peaceful passage, open the divine entrance to the kingdom, intercede with me and there the heavenly food of pleasure , the mountain of this city, the most beautiful Jerusalem, the joy and indescribable beauties, the lordship of the threefold Trinity light and the sweet voice of angelic songs to enjoy: for the glory and joy of the heir of me and the saints of all, make a partner, all you can, as the Mother of the Almighty King; and now, more than ever at this hour, hear me, O All-Merciful Lady, who stands before Thee; look, O Lady Queen, I offer prayers to Thee.

Worship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Come, let us worship our Queen Theotokos.

Come, let us worship the Virgin Mary, our Queen Mother of God.

Come, let us bow and fall before the Lady Virgin Mary herself, our Queen Theotokos.

We bow to You, Most Holy Theotokos, by Your Nativity revealing to us the true light, Queen of heaven and earth, hope of the unreliable, helper of the weak, intercessor to all sinners; Cover us and intercede from all troubles and needs, mental and physical, and be our intercessor, we pray, with your holy prayers.

We worship Your blessed conception and birth from your holy parents, from Joachim and Anna; We pray to Thee, our Lady, grant us a sinless life to conceive and bear the fruits of repentance.

We bow to Your introduction into the Church of the Lord, who was the third-year-old Maiden, and we pray to You, our light, to make us a church of the Holy Spirit through Your prayers.

We worship Your Annunciation, Most Pure Virgin Mary, when through the action of the Holy Spirit with the voice of the Archangel you conceived the Word of the Father, and we pray to You, our light, to bring salvation to us, the desperate.

We worship Your birth, when You incarnated and gave birth to Christ, the Savior of the world, and You appeared as the Mother of God, glorified and exalted from all creation, and we pray to You, our light, to show yourself the Mother of mercy now and in the age to come.

We worship Your purification, undefiled, unblasphemous, incorruptible, Most Pure, and we pray to You, our light, cleanse us from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit through Your prayers.

We worship and honor Your illnesses, which You endured during the free passion of Your Son, when Simeon’s prophecy came true: But a weapon will pierce Your very soul, and we pray to You, our light, to deliver us from mental and physical illnesses.

We bow to You, Lady, remembering the joy You had during the resurrection of Your Son, and we pray to You, our light, not to deprive us of spiritual joy.

We bow to Your honest and glorious Dormition, and we pray to You, our light, to rest our carnal passions with Your help.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos! Accept this little prayer and offer it to Your Son and our God, that He may save and enlighten You for the sake of our souls.

Looking at Your most holy image, as if we behold You as the true Mother of God, with heartfelt faith and love from the soul we fall and worship with the eternal Child held in Your hand, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Oh, Our Most Holy Lady, Heavenly Queen, glorious Lady, Virgin Mother of God, righteous consolation to all who are sad and life and resurrection to all who trust in You! Incline, O Lady, Your most pure ear to our prayer, offered to You from us, Your indecent and unworthy servants.

Oh, our merciful Mother! Show Thy mercy to us, who are always in sorrow and always in sin, and do not despise us, Thy many-sinful servants.

Oh, our beautiful Mother! Thou art the wine of all good things, the revival of mortal man and the deliverance of the lost, accept our unworthy this prayer, Thy fallen and many-sinful servants, in this hour of our bitter, lamentable, and painful petition, as we now dare to speak to You, the Most Holy Lady Queen Theotokos, This prayer and joyful invitation with the Angel is: Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, full of grace Mary, for you have conceived in the flesh the Son of God. Rejoice, for you carried Him in Your womb. Rejoice, for you gave birth to Him. Rejoice, for you nourished the breasts. Rejoice, for the wolves worshiped Him. Rejoice, for you have found Christ in the church in three days. Rejoice, for Christ has risen from the dead and ascended to heaven. Rejoice, for you yourself have been taken to heaven. Rejoice, for You are superior to the virginity of the Angels and the glory of the Saints. Rejoice, for You are creating peace on earth. Rejoice, for all the inhabitants of heaven are obedient to You. Rejoice, for you can ask what you want from your Son, Christ our God. Rejoice, for you have been honored to be near the Most Holy Trinity. Rejoice, for You are the Mother of embittered people who resort to You. Rejoice, for Your joy will never end. Rejoice, O Gracious One, the Lord is with You.

It is often difficult to read the Psalter; everything seems to fall out of hand. Those. We read intensively for several days or a week, and then something happens and we quit. And it turns out that there is no system. And this phenomenon is not isolated, but widespread. And the question arises, why are some people able to work in the system harmoniously, while others are not? What is the reason???

The fact is that the enemy of the human race especially takes revenge for prayer. As Rev. wrote. Anatoly Optinsky, that those who begin to strive in the Jesus Prayer endure strong temptations and many enemies, envious people, and haters appear. But the grace of God, of course, covers all this with competent doing and complete trust in God’s help. As for the Psalter, this is a prayer of special power. And without going through a certain school of prayer, it is very difficult to approach the serious reading of the Psalter. Those people who intensively read the Psalter, and even more so remember others, are subject to special abuse. And naturally, without God’s grace, you cannot stand here on your own. In order for the reading of the Psalter to go well and, in general, to continue to confidently move along the path of salvation, it is simply necessary to be under the Special Cover of the Queen of Heaven! Only with Her help can we stand and not break. We remember such a great role of the Queen of Heaven in the life of St. Seraphim of Sarov and Sergius of Radonezh! And they did not break, but succeeded precisely thanks to their fervent prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos. And these are not empty words. We apparently have many other similar examples that we can talk about and talk about.

2 different people read the Psalter. Strong abuse ensues for everyone. One person is under the Cover of the Queen of Heaven, i.e. diligently resorts to Her, but there is no other. Who is easier to resist? Before intensive reading of the Psalter, it is highly advisable to place yourself under the Special Cover of the Queen of Heaven, so that there will be quick help from all misfortunes. It is believed that if a person fulfills the Rule of the Theotokos (150 times “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice!! daily”), then this gives a Special Protection. At least, this rule was advised to be followed by St. Seraphim of Sarov, the Elder Schema-Abbot Savva, and the Elder of the Trinity to their spiritual children. Sergievo Lavra Zakhary, smch. Seraphim Zvezdinky, etc. But here it’s not really about the number of times, but about our diligence. Simply 150 times is connected with 15 most important moments in the life of the Mother of God. But in fact, it can be 30 times daily. , and 50 times or 200 times or 300 times, for example. It’s not about the number, but about our consistency and good intention. Usually they start reading from 30 and 50 times daily, increasing the number of times over time. You need to read everything at once and nothing more. Yes, this is possible, but it is not obligatory. You can also read on the road, which is actually what Elder Schema-Hegumen Savva said very well, that you can read, breaking it up. of the day, and also what is very good to read on the road. And here, of course, we can completely agree. This rule seems less like a rule than a rule. But in fact, the Mother of God rule is the strongest help in the matter of salvation. This support will also be very helpful in reading the Psalms. And whoever is without the Protection of the Queen of Heaven has not much chance of success.

Another outstanding example is St. Parthenius of Kyiv. He knew the Psalter by heart and read it all daily. But how could he resist without resorting to the help of the Lady? It’s unlikely... But he resisted. And it was his great zeal to help the Most Holy Theotokos that helped him in this. He performed 300 Hail Marys daily and had very significant help.

I honestly don’t really understand why in our time so little is said about the Psalms, the benefits of the psalms and the importance of the Theotokos rule. Indeed, for further cleansing from passions and resisting the wiles of the evil one, this is very, very important. I would really like people to know about the Theotokos Rule more people. Just because we live in the world doesn't mean we shouldn't fight for our salvation. And, besides, they usually start with 30 or 50 times. And this is quite possible to do a lot. It is not at all necessary to immediately set the bar high. More precisely, it is not even very desirable. You need to start small and gradually increase your efforts. It may seem that I write a lot, but I cannot remain silent. I am against indifference. It upsets me to see that people are often in the dark and underestimate the great benefits of the psalms and the enormous help to all those who fulfill the Theotokos rule - full or abbreviated.

“Reading “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...” 150 times brings great benefit to a person. The Lord showed us how powerful the prayer of His Most Pure Mother is before Him and how effective the help She brings in all circumstances. This appeal indicated a way out in the most impassable places: it disposed those who were not disposed towards us, it repeatedly softened evil hearts, and those who were not softened were shamed and removed; in complete helplessness, unexpected help suddenly came, and from a direction from which it was impossible to expect it. Reading 150 times “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...” The wrath of God was rejected and the very sentence of the Judge of the Heart was canceled! O great boldness! O irresistible advance! It will take you away from the fire of passions and raise you from the bottom of your fall “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice”
With this prayer we will not perish in any way: we will not drown in the sea, we will not burn in fire; If Satan, who hates us, blocks our path and knocks us down, then even then we will exalt: “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...”. And having sent forth, we will rise up, we will rise, the darkened will be enlightened, the sick in soul will be healed, those polluted by sins will be cleansed, we will be convinced, like snow, by the purity of the highest Heaven and the purest light of the sun's rays. The dead, killed by passions, we will rise again, we will come to life and in the delight of the spirit we will sing: Christ is risen! Truly risen!”

I used to read at home, now I read more on the road. It's not that important. The main thing is to be with God. And there is no need to put off this rule until the very evening; it is better to start reading earlier to make it easier to follow. And it is not necessary to read everything at once, as Elder Schema-Hegumen Savva writes, it can be distributed throughout the day.

Concerning current situation, then, unfortunately, despite the great importance of this rule, many do not take all this seriously. And it often happens that a person himself does not read, has not experienced the power of this rule, and does not advise others. But here you also need to be guided by the advice of saints and elders. If it’s hard, then start small - 30 or 50 times, and then increase the number of times. My opinion is that the more people read the Mother of God rule, the better.

It is believed that the Queen of Heaven Herself gave people this rule in the 8th century, and all Christians once followed it, and then they forgot about it. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov recalled this rule. Blessing people to walk along the ditch around the Diveyevo monastery, the elder asked people to read “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...” 150 times - and blessed them to fulfill this rule every day.

Of course, if you have a confessor, you definitely need to consult with him - if you take some special rule. As for simply reading “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary,” this is usually very, very welcome.

As for the quantity, it is advisable to have some minimum, indeed, but in general, fervent prayer to the Lady is good