Spell for the tomato harvest. Prayer for protection in the garden. Prayer to the Holy Trinity

15.05.2022 Diseases

Gardeners and gardeners begin their battle for the harvest every year. An abundance of vegetables and fruits means not only compotes and other preparations for the winter, fresh vitamins from the garden, but also an additional source of income. You can read a plot for a good harvest.

Rules that will help ensure the harvest

Conspiracies and prayers are effective help. But before pronouncing them, it is advisable not to violate the rules that are mandatory for every farmer.

  • The land must be treated with respect and reverence. Previously, she was called the “nurse” and was considered a living being. She will feed and give a good harvest only when she is treated well.
  • Purchasing seeds. In our age of the Internet and large supermarkets, there should be no problems with purchasing seeds: they are sold literally at every turn. But healers advise taking seeds from ordinary people On the market. But you need to choose a person who is kind, generous, sympathetic, and has good energy. Then the harvest will be rich. You should refuse to buy if you come across a quarrelsome and angry person, even if his prices are reasonable. Then you won't get a harvest.
  • When you are planting seeds or seedlings, you should not lend anything.
  • It is better to sow and plant in the garden alone, and not under the supervision of a neighbor.
  • It is better not to eat the first cucumber or tomato or other fruit that ripens in the garden, but to leave it for seeds.
  • Pay attention to the moon.

Now many gardeners and gardeners know that it is better to plant based on the phases of the moon.

  • When the moon changes its phase, you cannot plant anything (seeds, seedlings), otherwise the plants will be weak and will often get sick.
  • The energy of the waning moon is directed towards the center of the earth, so at this time it is better to plant root crops, i.e. those plants that ripen underground: potatoes, radishes, carrots, beets, etc. You can do weeding and get rid of pests.
  • The waxing moon helps stems and greenery grow, so at this time it is worth planting shrubs and fruit trees, as well as cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.
  • On the new moon it is customary to plant potatoes, peas, carrots, red fruits and other warm colors. Trees can be trimmed.
  • Before the full moon, it is good to harvest crops, replant trees and indoor plants.
  • On the full moon, you can plant round vegetables: cabbage, pumpkin, etc. But you cannot give anything from your garden to anyone.

Spells to increase harvest

There are conspiracies and prayers that will help increase the harvest on your site. Particularly popular are the conspiracies of the Siberian healer Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova. Millions of people prefer to follow her advice, because she collected these conspiracies from all over Russia. Stepanova’s books are extremely popular not only in our country, but also abroad. These spells of the Siberian healer will be given first.

Conspiracies before planting seeds

You need to prepare prosvira in advance during a church holiday. It is advisable to take the prosvira from the Annunciation, which is celebrated on April 7th. It must be crushed and mixed with seeds, saying:

“Where I plant, sit there, Don’t be swept away by the winds, Don’t be washed away by the rains, And don’t be spoiled by enemies. Mother is the earth, mother is the holy church. Amen. Amen. Amen".

These words need to be said in the garden:

“I approach the gates of heaven and am amazed. I will worship the Lord. Would you, Lord, give me the same thing that you have in the Garden of Eden. So everything would bloom and grow, expand and fill. To the angels' delight, to people's surprise. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Before planting, the seeds need to be germinated: placed on a damp cloth and kept in a warm place, adding water from time to time. While wetting the cloth with water, you need to say:

“It’s up to you to grow, to sprout, and for us to reap the harvest.”

Before planting the seeds in the soil, you need to hold them in your palms. At this time, the prayer “Our Father” is read. Then you need to sprinkle the seeds in front of you, cover them with your hand and say:

“It has sprouted, grown, outgrown itself.”

When throwing seeds into the ground, you can say:

Spells over the earth for a good harvest

The prayers of the Siberian healer will help make the land productive. This prayer must be read in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves.” Ambrose Optinsky also said that She always helps those who are trying to get their daily bread.

“Oh, Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, Merciful to the Lady, Queen of Heaven and earth, every Christian home and family, Blessing of those who work, those in need of inexhaustible wealth, the orphans and widows and all people, the Nourisher! To our Nourisher, who gave birth to the Nourisher of the Universe, and to the Spreader of our breads, You, Lady, send Your Motherly blessing to our city, villages and fields, and to every house that has hope in You. Moreover, with reverent awe and a contrite heart, we humbly pray to Thee: be also us, sinners and unworthy servants of Thy, wise Steward, ordering our life well. Keep every community, every home and family in piety and Orthodoxy, like-mindedness, obedience and contentment. Feed the poor and needy, support old age, educate babies, teach everyone to sincerely cry out to the Lord: “Give us this day our daily bread.” Save, Most Pure Mother, Your people from all need, illness, famine, destruction, hail, fire, from all evil conditions and all disorder. To our monastery, to the homes and families and to every soul of Christians and to our entire country, intercede for great mercy, so that we glorify Thee, our Most Gracious Nourisher and Nurse. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

This is an appeal to Joachim and Anna. It is usually read by those who want to beg God for children. But it also helps to grow a rich harvest in the garden. It is read before sowing.

“O holy righteous woman, Godfathers Joachim and Anno! Pray to the Merciful Lord, that He may turn away His anger from us, righteously moved against us by our deeds, and may, despising our countless sins, turn us, the servant of God (names), to the path of repentance, and may He establish us on the path of His commandments. Also, with your prayers in the world, save our life, and in all good things, ask for good haste, all that we need from God for life and piety, from all misfortunes and troubles and sudden death, through your intercession, delivering us and protecting us from all enemies, visible and invisible, and Thus, having passed this temporary life in the world, we will achieve eternal peace, where through your holy supplication may we be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ our God, to whom, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be due all glory, honor and worship forever and ever. Amen".

Say in the garden when you sow seeds:

“Give me, Lord, to scatter in a handful, Help, Lord, to collect in a heap.” It’s easy to carry there, but hard to drag back. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

While digging the ground, you need to say the words of the plot for the harvest:

“God grant me everything for the future. I plant it with my hands, I carry it away with carts, and whoever wants to jinx my property will have salt on his tongue, a hole in his teeth, lips, key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Have to take Easter Egg, reserved for the ritual, crumble it in the garden and say:

“Mother Earth, accept my affection. I give you a red Easter, and for this you give me the richest harvest. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Spells for good growth of cucumbers

One of the most popular crops is cucumbers, which can be grown not only in a greenhouse, but also open ground. They are very demanding, especially regarding temperature, so they will grow well only in warmth (24–27 degrees during the day and 15–17 at night) and with high humidity (about 90%). Spells for good growth of cucumbers will help provide your family, relatives, and neighbors with this vegetable.

This is an effective spell from a Siberian healer that needs to be read before planting cucumbers. Before reading it, you need to take some vegetable oil (half a glass) to church and put cucumber seeds in it. You need to withstand this glass for the entire service, after which you don’t take it out for another three days. While sitting down, speak.

“There is hail in Jerusalem, There is rain in Jerusalem, There is trouble in Jerusalem, And in my garden there is a ridge. Just as butter is rich, so are my ridge and my table rich. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This is from empty flowering cucumbers. You need to take three empty flowers and throw them at the crossroads, saying:

“They will pass and pass, And the barren flowers will leave from my ridges. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Having picked the first cucumber, you need to bury it in the ground, saying: “Take, mother earth, the first fruit, in return give tasty, sweet fruits, apparently or invisibly.”

You need to catch the spider and put it in a matchbox, wrap it in a bag and bury it in a vegetable garden. After this say 7 times:

“Oh, sit there, watchmen, without a gun or a knife. Collect emeralds, take care of them, protect them. I will have a royal harvest, and you will have freedom. Amen!".

When the cucumbers grow, the boxes need to be taken out and burned.

Tomato seedlings also require careful care: you should not allow thickening in the beds, otherwise the seedlings will stretch out and produce a harvest late. We must not forget about ventilation, because tomatoes love fresh air and cannot tolerate stuffiness and heat. When planting tomatoes (the first bush) in the garden, you need to say.

Spell for tomatoes

“As the forest is thick, so is my bush. St. Peter, St. Elijah, my tomatoes and me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

You need to get up before sunrise, cross yourself three times, and, looking at the seedlings, say:

“There is no counting of the believing people, the ringing of the church bell, the ants in the forest, so there would be no counting of the profits of the tomatoes in my garden beds. Amen".

You can say:

“As the ancient forest is tall and thick, So let my tomato bush be full. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Tie each tomato bush with a red woolen thread and recite the spell:

“The vein is scarlet, the blood is red, the berry grows juicy and beautiful. Get nourished from the sun, swell from the moon. Amen!"

Spells for potato growth

Potatoes begin to be planted at the moment when leaves begin to bloom on the birch tree. It is advisable to use tubers for planting from those bushes that gave a good harvest last year.

It is necessary to say:

“Holy mother Moon, you are tall and strong. You are high, you are far away. Your light shines widely. This is how my harvest will be born. Give me strength. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Before planting potatoes, you need to let the cat out into the garden and say: “Where the cat wanders, the first potato will fall.” Wherever the cat runs, that’s where you should start planting potatoes.

Very often, the entire potato harvest is stolen from the owners. This plot will prevent strangers from approaching the garden bed. You need to get an aspen stake, stick it in the middle of the field, and, turning to the south, north and east, loudly pronounce the words of the conspiracy. At the same time, you need to draw crosses in the air, using the ring and middle fingers of your right hand, which must be tied together.

“In the name of Adonai! This land is not mine, but God’s, not a thief’s, but God the Father’s. In the name of Adonai! Let it not be the thief who takes the fruit, but the one who sticks this stake in the ground! Amen. Plague, blood, death, pestilence, thief. Amen. Amen. Amen. Whoever breaks my amulet will not take a sip of water or chew a piece of bread. He will die an untimely death. Amen".

Spells for carrots

Loose soil (loamy soils, peat bogs) is suitable for carrots, but it grows poorly in clayey and wet soil. You can plant it at the end of April, because it tolerates frost well, or you can wait until May or even June.

When planting carrots, say:

“Root to root, and top to top. Let this root be strong. Amen".

“Tops are tops, Roots are bottoms. Multiply, Grow, Gain strength from Mother Earth. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is desirable that the carrots in your garden grow large, juicy and sweet. This can be achieved with the help of a conspiracy. You need to prepare a saucer in advance and pour the seeds into it and put a coin. Leave it all overnight. When sowing carrots, you must say:

“I am purchasing a rich harvest from the inhabitants of the underground kingdom! Amen!".

The coin needs to be buried at the edge of the bed.

Spells for cabbage

Cabbage is a cold-resistant plant. It will only grow if it receives enough water. Intense heat is the enemy of cabbage; if it is more than 25 degrees outside, it is difficult for it to grow, and at temperatures above 30 degrees it does not form a head.

These prayers of the Siberian healer must be read when planting cabbage in the garden. This is an appeal to the martyr Irina.

“Thy lamb, Jesus, Irino, calls with a great voice: I love You, my Bridegroom, and seeking You, I suffer, and I am crucified, and I am buried in Your baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, for I reign in You, and I die for You, that I may live. with You, but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, sacrificed to You with love: through your prayers, for You are merciful, save our souls.”

“Virginity is replete with kindness, O maiden, you were the most red of suffering, Irino, stained with Your flowing blood, but the beauty that overthrew atheism, for this reason you accepted the honors of victory by the hand of Your Creator.”

These words should not be uttered by a woman who began to experience critical days. And so - during landing you need to say:

“Cabbage, don’t be empty, but be thick.”

“Bush with a bush, wrap yourself with a leaf.”

Spells for onions

Onions should be planted in an open place that is well blown by winds. You should not plant onions before May 9th. When the onions grow foliage, they need to be watered. But watering should be stopped as soon as the bulb begins to ripen. After harvesting, the bulbs must be thoroughly dried.

So that the meadow does not rot, when planting, say:

“I will go to the meadows where the bow is, and I will take its power to my ridges. My word shall be, but my bow shall not rot.”

You need to pour the seeds into the weed, say the spell and go to the garden bed:

“Go, onion, from my hem to the garden bed, Grow, onion, for my prosperity. Wash yourself with the rain, wipe yourself with the wind, Grow in height and width. Deed, word, silence, engagement plot. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

When planting onions, say:

“It’s not I who sow and plant, but God helps and blesses my garden bed. Grow, my onion, grow, multiply one by ten. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Protecting your garden from the evil eye

Sometimes it is impossible to wait for the harvest in the garden due to the evil eye. Someone praised your harvest or your spreading tomato seedlings, and because of the evil eye, you lost your entire harvest. Sometimes an envious glance from a neighbor was enough for the evil eye. To protect the garden from the evil eye, you need magical intervention.

How to protect your garden from the evil eye

Spells of a Siberian healer against the evil eye

These spells of a Siberian healer will protect your garden from the evil eye:

"God help me. Be a fence for my garden, for my land. Amulet-fence, help me. Neither the devil, nor the she-devil, nor the evil witch will cross that fence or spoil my garden. Amen".

On Thursday, against the evil eye, you need to drive a peg at the gate with the words:

“I bow to Christ, the Heavenly King. Lord, save, save my land from every evil word, every evil look. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This spell, a talisman against the evil eye, is read on the new moon, early in the morning, only in the spring, before you sow something in the garden. If on the same day, a little later, it rains, the ritual will have to be repeated again, the next morning. Otherwise it won't help:

The harvest is for me and not for an evil witch. Amen".

Ritual with church land

This ritual to remove the evil eye should be performed in the fall, when the entire harvest has been harvested, and in the early spring, while no work is being done in the garden. You need to go to the church fence and take a handful of earth. At home, you need to pour it into a glass and stick a church candle into the ground.

“I will take off the dark cloth, the black damage, from the Holy Land. Lord, bless my land, may fruits be born so that I can feed myself. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A spell for a good harvest

This spell is pronounced when seeds or seedlings are planted.

“Mother, Holy Moon, you are tall and strong. You sit high, you are visible far away, you shine widely. Like you, immense and strong so that my harvest will be. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Before you leave the house and start planting, step with your right foot on your left and say the following spell:

“I will give to the earth, and the earth will give back to me. And no one will stop me from doing this. Amen.”

A conspiracy to prevent the harvest from being spoiled

It sometimes happens that an unkind glance (there is always a “nice” neighbor behind the fence) can spoil the garden and garden, after which only weeds will grow there.

This problem can be corrected. You need to take an old cart wheel and burn it in the garden, saying:

“Burn in ash, fall in ash, and you, mother earth, give birth to a harvest. Amen.”

Then power will return to the soil of your magical garden.

You need to wait until Thursday and drive a peg into the ground at the gate of the house, and while you’re driving it in, say the following spell:

“I bow to Christ, the Heavenly King. Lord, save, preserve my land from every evil word, every evil look. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

A conspiracy to make everything grow in the garden

In clear weather, when the stars are visible in the sky, walk around the garden crosswise and whisper:
"The earth gave birth, the earth rewarded, the earth enriched, Mother of God, save. Amen."

A spell to prevent onions from rotting

When you sow seeds, say the following spell:

“I will go to the meadows where the bow is, I will take its power to my ridges. My word will be, but my bow will not rot.”

Spell for sowing carrots

While you are sowing the seeds, say the following spell:

“Root to root, and top to top. Let this root be strong. Amen.”

Plot when planting tomato seedlings

When you plant tomato seedlings, be sure to read the following plot over the first bush:

“As the forest is thick, so is my bush, Saint Peter, Saint Elijah, my tomatoes and I. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Plot against pests in the garden

As soon as you notice the first pests in the garden (worms, flies or bugs), immediately catch one of them. Read this plot and crush the pest with your right foot:

“Go, earthworm, gnaw your chiryak, eat earthen damage, take you, worm, writhing. So that it will be and grow, it will help from my conspiracy. Key, lock, tongue. Amen, amen, amen.”

A spell for a good harvest

Reading this plot in your garden or vegetable garden, you will always reap a good harvest and have full bins: I approach the gates of Heaven and marvel at it. I will worship the Lord. Would you, Lord, give me the same thing that you have in the Garden of Eden. So everything would bloom and grow, expand and fill. To the angels' delight, to people's surprise. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For growth in the garden

In clear weather, when the stars are visible in the sky, walk around the garden crosswise and whisper: The earth gave birth, the earth rewarded, the earth enriched, Mother of God, save. Amen.

Amulet for a good harvest

Find a worm in your country house or garden. Wrap it around thumb, in the manner of a ring, and say this: I crown you a guard. Until your tribe is exhausted, the world turns upside down, the aspen becomes a flower, urine becomes boiling water, a stone becomes a hammer, a dog becomes a beetle, you will live in the earth, guarding the harvest in the name of my Alani. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

What to say when planting carrots

Root to spine, and top to top. Let this root be strong.

What to say when planting cabbage

Cabbage, don’t be empty, but be thick. Roll with a bush, wrap yourself in a leaf (women who are menstruating cannot read this plot).

A conspiracy to make tomatoes grow

Get up before sunrise and, crossing yourself three times, say, looking at the seedlings: There is no number and count for the believing people, the ringing of the church bell, the ants in the forest, so there would be no counting of the profits of the tomatoes in my beds. Amen.

Amulet for a potato field

An aspen stake is driven into the middle of the field after potatoes are planted. They read the hex, turning to the south, then to the north, then to the east. They read loudly, while drawing crosses in the air, tied together with the ring and middle fingers of the right hand: In the name of Adonijah! This land is not mine, but God’s, not a thief’s, but God the Father’s. In the name of Adonijah! Let it not be the thief who takes the fruit, but the one who sticks this stake in the ground! Amen.

Plague, blood, death, pestilence, thief. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Whoever breaks my amulet will not take a sip of water or chew a piece of bread. He will die an untimely death. Amen.

Plot against garden pests

Say, walking around your garden: White worm, gray worm, any worm, leave my garden. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy against any soil pests

They look for the first pest that appears in your garden, be it an aphid, a caterpillar or a Colorado potato beetle. But not for the pupa or larva. Start a conspiracy and crush the pest with your right foot: Go, earthworm, gnaw your chiryak, eat earthen damage, the cramping worm will take you away. So that it grows and grows, my conspiracy helped. Key, tongue lock. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Well, a conspiracy from thieves and arsonists

They read on the water and sprinkle it on their house or dacha. To speak against thieves and arsonists on all days of the week, you need the day to be Monday and the number to be even.

There is a holy church

Golden bell.

Who will burn her?

He won't live three days.

I light 7 candles

I lock it with 7 keys.

Monday - watchmen,

Tuesday - delay

Wednesday - the thief will not run away,

Thursday - Vora Mori,

Friday - if your eyes

Saturday - if the brain

Sunday is the nail in the coffin.

Angels, archangels,

Saints, warriors,

Guardians and baptists,

Who will come to the house with fire,

Let your revenge not blow,

He will die a terrible death.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.


Every gardener dreams of a high harvest and does everything possible for this. It is important to get support before boarding higher powers. This can be done with the help of special prayer texts and conspiracies.

It has long been noted that Orthodox Christians have high yields in their gardens and dachas, even in a “bad” year, and the grown fruits are well stored.

Rules for every gardener

Before turning to heavenly powers, the following conditions must be met:

  • When planting seeds, it is not recommended to lend money.
  • It is better to work in the beds without prying eyes. This especially applies to neighbors.
  • We need to treat the land with respect.
  • It is better to plant plants on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday.
  • When the seed has already been lowered into the hole, you must say each time the words:

    “Grow, don’t make a mistake, let there be a good harvest.”

When landing, you need to pay attention to the cycles of the moon. During the waning moon, root crops are planted: potatoes, carrots, beets, etc. During this period, it is advised to start weeding and destroying harmful insects. Shrubs and fruit trees are planted on the growing moon. Before the full moon, bushes and plants should be replanted.

Whom does one pray to for a good harvest?

For many centuries, Russian farmers have been turning to God to obtain a large number of harvested fruits and grains. In any task in the garden or vegetable garden, you must ask for help from the Lord.

They pray to Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, as well as:

  • to the Apostle Luke;
  • Hieromartyrs Charalampius and Blasius;
  • Martyr Phokas;
  • Euthymius the Great;
  • Holy King Constantine;
  • Saints Gleb and Boris;
  • Apostle Philip;
  • Saints Joachim and Anna;
  • Blessed Isidore.

To protect your beds from thieves, you need to read the prayer text to St. Spyridon of Trimmifunt, as well as the Holy Cross “May God rise again” and Psalm 90. You cannot get into a fight or conflict with a thief.

An abundance of vegetables and fruits means not only compotes and other preparations for the winter, fresh vitamins from the garden, but also an additional source of income.

Prayer to Joachim and Anna

“O holy righteous woman, Godfathers Joachim and Anno! Pray to the Merciful Lord, that He may turn away His anger from us, righteously moved against us by our deeds, and may, despising our countless sins, turn us, the servant of God (names), to the path of repentance, and may He establish us on the path of His commandments. Also, with your prayers in the world, save our life, and in all good things, ask for good haste, all that we need from God for life and piety, from all misfortunes and troubles and sudden death, through your intercession, delivering us and protecting us from all enemies, visible and invisible, and Thus, having passed this temporary life in the world, we will achieve eternal peace, where through your holy supplication may we be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ our God, to whom, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be due all glory, honor and worship forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to the Mother of God

They pray to the Mother of God in front of the “Different of the Loaves” icon. It depicts a flowering field and sheaves of rye. There are known cases of miraculous help from this icon. During the drought in 1981, a prayer service was served before her, and immediately it began to rain. Text of the prayer:

“Mother of God, send us gracious help, and when the sower goes out, let the seeds not fall along the way or in the midst of thorns, or on the stones, but on good soil. Make them rise, so that the earth may produce fruit a hundredfold, and we all cry out to God with joyful hearts and grateful lips: Alleluia.”

Prayer to the Lord

The text of the most powerful prayer:

“Almighty God, we call upon Thy mercy, so that Thou hast deigned to nurture these seeds, which Thou hast deigned to nurture with Thy blessing. Grant, O Master, to Your people to always thank You for Your gifts, and turn away the souls of the hungry from the barrenness of the earth, so that the poor and the rich, the sick and the strong, glorify Your name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

A plot for a good garden

During planting, special attention must be paid to the placement of the bed. It should be in a level place in the sun, protected from the wind. When you divide the bed, you need to say the following words:

“From east to west, from north to south. From the ocean sea to Buyan Island. Earth Mother, Earth, you gave birth to us and endowed us with a ridge. Let the ridge not become scarce; let every vegetable grow on it. And give them drink for life, for life, for wealth. Amen".

Afterwards crumbs of bread are poured onto it and they cross it three times. The bread should be illuminated in the temple. At the end they say:

“The bird will fly in and consecrate the garden bed. Amen".

The birds will look after the garden bed and protect it from pests.

A good garden bed is one of the main conditions for everything to work out for you and for everything you plant to grow.

Quick conspiracies

Before starting work in the beds, you need to say the magic words:

“Zemlitsa, zemlitsa, beautiful maiden. Don't interfere with work, you better help me. My hands are dexterous, my words are forged. Thank you."

And after finishing they say:

“Zemlitsa, zemlitsa, beautiful maiden. Let everything grow like in paradise, I thank you for your help. Amen".

The next spell should be pronounced in the evening in good weather, when the stars are already visible. You should walk around the garden crosswise and say:

“The earth gave birth, the earth rewarded, the earth enriched, Mother of God, save. Amen".

Ritual for seeds

To fill the seeds with warmth, you need to put them in a thermos with water. Then shake it three times and put it in a secluded place. Cover the thermos with a red rag and say:

“Fire, water, fire, water, the time has come for the seed. The seed will take heat, no matter how much water flows away. For good. To your health. For the harvest. Amen".

Depending on the type of crop, it is necessary to keep the seeds in a thermos for a certain amount of time at a specific water temperature. For example, pepper and cucumber seeds are kept for a little less than half an hour. The water should be at a temperature of 45 degrees.

Before planting, the seeds must be blessed. To do this, a prayer is read over them for the consecration of the seeds, and sprinkling with holy water is performed.

Ritual for potatoes

Before planting, the cat should be released onto the ground. Wherever it goes, that’s where you need to start planting. Don't forget to say:

“Wherever the cat wanders, the first potato will fall.”

Ritual for cabbage

Every gardener knows that cabbage does not like heat. If the air temperature is more than 30 degrees Celsius, the head of cabbage will not form. Appealing to the martyr Irina will help preserve cabbage fruits. When planting cabbage, you need to say:

“Thy lamb, Jesus, Irino, calls with a great voice: I love You, my Bridegroom, and seeking You, I suffer, and I am crucified, and I am buried in Your baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, for I reign in You, and I die for You, that I may live. with You, but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, sacrificed to You with love: through your prayers, for You are merciful, save our souls.”

Ritual for cucumbers

Cucumbers are one of the most common vegetable crops. They are grown in greenhouses and in open ground. A special plot will help ensure a large harvest of this vegetable. 3 days before landing, you need to take half a glass of oil with you and put some cucumber seeds in it, go to church and attend the entire service. You cannot remove the seeds from the glass before planting. When planting, you need to say:

“There is hail in Jerusalem, There is rain in Jerusalem, There is trouble in Jerusalem, And in my garden there is a ridge. Just as butter is rich, so are my ridge and my table rich. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The oil should be lean. Vegetable, olive or rapeseed will do.

Ritual for tomatoes

Tomatoes require careful care and proper growing experience. When planting the first bush, you need to say:

“As the forest is thick, so is my bush. St. Peter, St. Elijah, my tomatoes and me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Before the next spell, the tomatoes are tied with a red wool thread. Say:

“The vein is scarlet, the blood is red, the berry grows juicy and beautiful. Get nourished from the sun, swell from the moon. Amen!".

Conspiracy against the evil eye

Sometimes a person can praise a neighbor’s rich harvest and, without meaning to, put the evil eye on him. Sometimes the glance of an envious person is enough. It is very important to protect your crops from the evil eye. The following words must be read:

"God help me. Be a fence for my garden, for my land. Amulet-fence, help me. Neither the devil, nor the she-devil, nor the evil witch will cross that fence or spoil my garden. Amen".

Another ritual can be performed in the fall or early spring, when no work is being done on the beds. You should go to the church and take some earth near its fence. Already at home they pour it into a glass, and stick a church candle in it. Then read the “Our Father” and the text of the conspiracy:

“I will take off the dark cloth, the black damage, from the Holy Land. Lord, bless my land, may fruits be born so that I can feed myself. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy after harvest

When all the fruits have been collected, the beds are cleared of unnecessary plants. Bad plants are burned, weeds are put into compost. The ashes from the plants should be poured into the compost heap and said:

“Fire is a healer, ash is a baker. They obey my word, they need my word. Amen".

After this, the soil is loosened to a shallow depth. After 14 days, the beds are dug up to their full depth and the roots of weed plants are removed. The larvae of the cockchafer are collected and destroyed by throwing them into the fire. Need to say:

“My garden is at the gate, and for you a beetle means a hundred sufferings and a hundred torments. Burn, burn in fire, you won't come back to me. My words are molded, strong, forged in fire. So be it."

Special spells and prayer texts will help you get a lot of delicious vegetables, fruits and berries. The main thing is not to envy the number of crops produced by others, but to devote more time to caring for your own beds.

Today we forget about our roots, origins and traditions. A couple of centuries ago, people were close to nature and turned to it for help in all cases of life. This was especially true in the spring-autumn period, when the time to worry about the harvest began. In Rus', everyone knew harvest spells and actively used them every year.

How to use earth magic correctly

The forces of nature are priceless; a person who lives by its rules will always be protected. The main element is considered to be the earthly element, which is responsible for the world of man and everything connected with him. Home, household, pets, family, marriage, children and motherhood are under her protection. When addressing her, they called her nothing more than: “Mother, nurse, Rodimitsa,” because life depended on her. There will be a harvest, joy for people, but if there isn’t, severe famine will begin, which means grief.

The earth is a female element, because it was also fertilized by seed, so all women turned to it for help. They asked for reason and wisdom, help in marriage and raising children. Prayers, rituals, chants, and celebrations were dedicated to her. It was a sin to show disrespect for this element, because it feeds and waters, gives a good life.

Before starting processing, people performed simple rituals. They woke her up and greeted her with cries and songs. They thanked them for their efforts, for helping them grow. Before planting any crop, they asked the nurse for help. After everything, we moved on to each culture separately.

Prayer for the fertility of the earth

First, the soil should be cleaned and cultivated. In Rus' this happened to the accompaniment of sonorous songs, appeals and prayers. Juniper branches were specially collected from the forest and laid out across the field. People believed that juniper warded off evil spirits and provided good protection. With the advent of Christianity, the branches were consecrated in the church. If finding juniper is problematic, you can replace it with other plants that have phytoncidal properties: bird cherry, sulfur currant, mint, cypress.

After the branches have lain for several days, they should pray:

“The mother of the earth is the cheese, the parent of all living beings and plants, the wife of the sky, fertilized by the rain, refreshed by the wind! You are a nurse, you are a drinker! Without you, our life would be hungry and cold! I pray to heaven that droughts and other misfortunes will pass you by. To always be fresh, healthy and rich. My words to God in the soul, so that he protects our mother, our nurse, as we protect! Amen!".

A spell for good tomato growth

It may seem strange to you, but crops love songs and music, and what’s even more interesting is that they love tomatoes the most. Owners who sing when planting and caring for them get the best results. The song may not even rhyme, the main thing is that the performance comes from the heart, and the words reflect the meaning of what is desired. The desired must have the present tense:

“The sprouts are green, whole, healthy, reaching towards the sky! The fruits are beautiful, bright, favorite fruits, juicy, heavy above the ground! I will nurture you with love, cherish you with kind words, and embrace you with kind hands!”

We must not forget about gratitude for a good harvest:

“Thank you for giving good shoots, thank you for your fertility, thank you for the abundant fruits, for keeping us well-fed.”

All bushes must be tied only with scarlet ropes! And take the pegs from feminine wood.

A spell to make cucumbers, zucchini and eggplants grow

For this plot you will need:

  • soil from the site;
  • silent seeds that you plan to plant;
  • brown candles;
  • wool threads (red, yellow, brown);
  • grass;
  • Holy water.

At night full moon mix the soil with the seeds, reading the following words with a lit candle:

“Mother nurse, we and our children depend on you every day. May the wind help you to be purified, may the sky help you to be fertilized. Take help into yourself for a good harvest. Take the water from heaven (to pour it) so that it is nourishing and tasty. My words are true and eternal!”

Then tie a belt from a red thread, weaving herbs into it and consecrate it in the church. In the morning, return the soil to its place, repeating the spell:

“Mother of the earth, accept fertility, and give us a well-fed, good, comfortable life! Let the cucumbers, zucchini and eggplants grow, and we don’t know the need. Words like fertilizer will fall into you, and the seeds will sprout on it!”

Hang the belt in an area next to the beds and do not touch it until the fall. The same plot is well suited for planting cabbage.

Ritual for a rich harvest of potatoes, onions, carrots

To implement your plan you will need:

  • Brown candles;
  • Soil in a bucket (it should be very good, preferably from the place where, in your opinion, there are excellent seedlings).
  • Sugar blessed in the church.
  • Seeds, seedlings.
  • Holy water.

Before starting work, on the night of the full moon, place the seeds of future fruits on saucers. By candlelight, after watering the ground with holy water and fertilizing it with sugar, take a saucer and draw circles over the bucket and say:

“Fresh earth, holy water, potatoes (carrots, onions) will make everyone happy! I will feed it with fertilizer (sprinkle with sugar and mix) for the seeds to heal! The harvest will come out good, rich and tasty. My words are strong! My words are true! As I said, so it will be! Moon, the night light, help me! Seal the candle as a witness (fill with wax, a little).”

Then, you should go (go) to the garden and scatter it throughout the garden.

Conspiracy for large radishes, radishes and beets

Before planting seeds, take them to church for blessing - a good harvest is guaranteed. Instead of moistening them with plain water, you should use holy water. Water it, diluting it with regular water throughout the summer. And for a good harvest, do it with the words:

“As a living thing reaches out to the sun, so the tops would all stretch out, stretch out, caressed by the sun, washed with heavenly water! And the fruits would go deep, sit lushly, and fill with juice. Mother-nurse, help, cover with yourself, let them be rich and well-fed! Amen!".

Ritual for fruits - apples, pears, apricots, plums, cherry plums, grapes

Gardeners should know that these are southern fruits that love the sun and certain soil. The above crops are planted in Siberia and even in the North, but the result does not justify the means. Although plum, pear and cherry have taken root well. But it is best to choose frost-resistant, climate-adapted varieties, then your garden will be glorious. One way or another, the ritual for a good harvest will suit everyone.

  • Before planting seedlings, pray to the patrons: Parasveka Friday, Natalia, and the holy martyr Tryphon.
  • Check to see if you have any debts and pay them off.
  • You need to work in the garden alone or with your family, especially avoid the gaze of neighbors, so it is best to do it from 4 to 6 in the morning.
  • If you are a woman, do not sow on menstrual days.

Ritual at dawn

First of all, you need to put protection on the garden: throw small coins counterclockwise around the perimeter (the distance between the coins is about a meter or two). When working with seedlings, say:

“Mother-nurse, you also helped in paradise to grow fruit trees, help us not to remain hungry, to eat nourishing fruits. Amen!".

Red strings should be tied to branches and trunks as protection from the evil eye. Fill a ring with holy water around the trees (you can dilute it with regular water).

Spell for berries: strawberries, cherries, raspberries, currants, cherries

You will need to walk around the perimeter of the area where your dacha or garden is located three times counterclockwise with the words:

“I ring my wealth three times, envelop it, confuse it from the gaze of others. This defense is strong! This defense is strong! Amen!".

Before landing, ask the ground for help:

“Mother, the earth is the wet nurse! I give all my love and care: I fertilize and loosen, water and save from infection! Help us with your strength, let us enjoy your delicious fruits, so that they are sweeter than honey and more fragrant than fragrant grass!”

Place three church candles and light them in a house or building on the site. If there is no building, hold candles in your hands. After extinguishing, put the cinders in your personal space. You should be as careful as possible with fire; you cannot move away from it!

A spell for a large harvest of melons and melons

A plot for a good harvest of melons such as watermelon, melon or pumpkin will not be very difficult. First, be sure to read over the seeds or consecrate them in church. Secondly, wait for the full moon and place them under its light at night with the words:

“As mother earth gains strength under the moon, so would the seed that would be grown in her absorb this strength into itself, the light of the moon would flow, and the seed would flow from the earth!”

It is necessary to plant early in the morning, so that none of the neighbors observe the process; you can care for it in public. Strong conspiracy at dawn:

“As the dawn rises above the earth, and the day grows stronger, so my fruits would sprout and surprise me with their beauty.”

As protection, place plucked weeds around the perimeter of the garden.

How to protect your vegetable garden or garden from the evil eye?

As mentioned above, try not to let anyone see the landings. Spray often with water taken from the church and tie the branches with red thread. If you see an unkind look from your neighbors, say to yourself:

“Your eye has 6 powers, mine has 12! All the evil things you have planned are for you!”

At the place where the sections intersect, hang a red bow discreetly.

What to do if you haven’t found the ritual you need?

If you haven't found the ritual or spell you need, don't be upset. First, read the above. Apply what is used against the evil eye, and repeat this spell for a rich harvest:

“Our mother, our nurse! I sanctify you with water and protect you from all troubles! It’s your job to give birth, my job is to fertilize you!”

At the same time, you need to loosen and fertilize, with what you usually fertilize future beds. But the main thing to remember is that any plot for the harvest must be read with soul, using kind words that contain hope, faith and love.

A spell for a good harvest

This spell is pronounced when seeds or seedlings are planted.

“Mother, Holy Moon, you are tall and strong. You sit high, you are visible far away, you shine widely. Like you, immense and strong so that my harvest will be. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Before you leave the house and start planting, step with your right foot on your left and say the following spell:

“I will give to the earth, and the earth will give back to me. And no one will stop me from doing this. Amen.”

A conspiracy to prevent the harvest from being spoiled

It sometimes happens that an unkind glance (there is always a “nice” neighbor behind the fence) can spoil the garden and garden, after which only weeds will grow there.

This problem can be corrected. You need to take an old cart wheel and burn it in the garden, saying:

“Burn in ash, fall in ash, and you, mother earth, give birth to a harvest. Amen.”

Then power will return to the soil of your magical garden.

You need to wait until Thursday and drive a peg into the ground at the gate of the house, and while you’re driving it in, say the following spell:

“I bow to Christ, the Heavenly King. Lord, save, preserve my land from every evil word, every evil look. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

A conspiracy to make everything grow in the garden

In clear weather, when the stars are visible in the sky, walk around the garden crosswise and whisper:
"The earth gave birth, the earth rewarded, the earth enriched, Mother of God, save. Amen."

A spell to prevent onions from rotting

When you sow seeds, say the following spell:

“I will go to the meadows where the bow is, I will take its power to my ridges. My word will be, but my bow will not rot.”

Spell for sowing carrots

While you are sowing the seeds, say the following spell:

“Root to root, and top to top. Let this root be strong. Amen.”

Plot when planting tomato seedlings

When you plant tomato seedlings, be sure to read the following plot over the first bush:

“As the forest is thick, so is my bush, Saint Peter, Saint Elijah, my tomatoes and I. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Plot against pests in the garden

As soon as you notice the first pests in the garden (worms, flies or bugs), immediately catch one of them. Read this plot and crush the pest with your right foot:

“Go, earthworm, gnaw your chiryak, eat earthen damage, take you, worm, writhing. So that it will be and grow, it will help from my conspiracy. Key, lock, tongue. Amen, amen, amen.”

A spell for a good harvest

Reading this plot in your garden or vegetable garden, you will always reap a good harvest and have full bins: I approach the gates of Heaven and marvel at it. I will worship the Lord. Would you, Lord, give me the same thing that you have in the Garden of Eden. So everything would bloom and grow, expand and fill. To the angels' delight, to people's surprise. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For growth in the garden

In clear weather, when the stars are visible in the sky, walk around the garden crosswise and whisper: The earth gave birth, the earth rewarded, the earth enriched, Mother of God, save. Amen.

Amulet for a good harvest

Find a worm in your country house or garden. Wrap it around your thumb, like a ring, and say this: I crown you a guard. Until your tribe is exhausted, the world turns upside down, the aspen becomes a flower, urine becomes boiling water, a stone becomes a hammer, a dog becomes a beetle, you will live in the earth, guarding the harvest in the name of my Alani. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

What to say when planting carrots

Root to spine, and top to top. Let this root be strong.

What to say when planting cabbage

Cabbage, don’t be empty, but be thick. Roll with a bush, wrap yourself in a leaf (women who are menstruating cannot read this plot).

A conspiracy to make tomatoes grow

Get up before sunrise and, crossing yourself three times, say, looking at the seedlings: There is no number and count for the believing people, the ringing of the church bell, the ants in the forest, so there would be no counting of the profits of the tomatoes in my beds. Amen.

Amulet for a potato field

An aspen stake is driven into the middle of the field after potatoes are planted. They read the hex, turning to the south, then to the north, then to the east. They read loudly, while drawing crosses in the air, tied together with the ring and middle fingers of the right hand: In the name of Adonijah! This land is not mine, but God’s, not a thief’s, but God the Father’s. In the name of Adonijah! Let it not be the thief who takes the fruit, but the one who sticks this stake in the ground! Amen.

Plague, blood, death, pestilence, thief. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Whoever breaks my amulet will not take a sip of water or chew a piece of bread. He will die an untimely death. Amen.

Plot against garden pests

Say, walking around your garden: White worm, gray worm, any worm, leave my garden. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy against any soil pests

They look for the first pest that appears in your garden, be it an aphid, a caterpillar or a Colorado potato beetle. But not for the pupa or larva. Start a conspiracy and crush the pest with your right foot: Go, earthworm, gnaw your chiryak, eat earthen damage, the cramping worm will take you away. So that it grows and grows, my conspiracy helped. Key, tongue lock. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Well, a conspiracy from thieves and arsonists

They read on the water and sprinkle it on their house or dacha. To speak against thieves and arsonists on all days of the week, you need the day to be Monday and the number to be even.

There is a holy church

Golden bell.

Who will burn her?

He won't live three days.

I light 7 candles

I lock it with 7 keys.

Monday - watchmen,

Tuesday - delay

Wednesday - the thief will not run away,

Thursday - Vora Mori,

Friday - if your eyes

Saturday - if the brain

Sunday is the nail in the coffin.

Angels, archangels,

Saints, warriors,

Guardians and baptists,

Who will come to the house with fire,

Let your revenge not blow,

He will die a terrible death.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.