How to terminate the contract and return the VAT advance. VAT upon termination of a car purchase and sale agreement. On termination of the purchase and sale agreement

29.03.2023 Hypertension

Anastasia Urvantseva, senior consultant for accounting and taxation at Kuzminykh, Evseev and Partners, Ph.D. n.

Expertise of the article:
Elena Vikhlyaeva, Advisor to the Department of Indirect Taxes of the Department of Tax and Customs Tariff Policy of the Ministry of Finance of Russia

Upon termination of the contract, VAT on the previously paid advance under this contract can be deducted. For this to happen, two conditions must be met. First, the contract must be terminated or its terms must be changed. Secondly, the advance must be returned to the buyer.

The seller, having received an advance payment under the contract from the buyer, must charge VAT to the budget. Deduction of VAT on advances is possible only in two cases:

If the debt to the buyer for a previously received advance is written off due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, none of these conditions are met. Therefore, both the Russian Ministry of Finance and the courts believe that a VAT deduction from advances not returned to the buyer is impossible.

Let's say a company received an advance from customers against upcoming deliveries of goods. Further, for some reason, the supply agreement was terminated, but the relationship with this buyer was not terminated, and a new agreement was concluded. It is quite logical that the parties decided to leave the payment received under the first agreement as payment under the second agreement. Let's look at what's happening with VAT. Will the conditions of the Tax Code be considered fulfilled?

Is there a refund if the advance is offset against payment under a new contract?

There have been no shipments yet, so the deduction cannot be applied. Based on a literal reading of the provisions of the Tax Code, the payer has the right to apply a tax deduction if two conditions are met simultaneously:

  • the contract must be modified or terminated;
  • advance payment has been returned.

When the advance is offset against payment under a new contract, the last condition, according to financiers, is not met. The Russian Ministry of Finance consistently confirms this conclusion in its explanations. Consequently, the supplier organization does not have the right to accept the amount of VAT as a deduction at the time of termination of the first contract, regardless of the fact that the tax was paid to the budget.
However, in their recent letter, financiers also explained that VAT deductions from payment amounts and partial payments can only be claimed from the date of shipment of goods under a new contract.
In turn, the arbitrators of the Moscow District recognized that if the terms of the contracts are changed and the amounts of the received advance payment are offset against the fulfillment of obligations under other contracts, the advances are actually returned. Other judges adhere to a similar position. And the FAS of the Volga District, examining one of the cases, indicated that the arbitration courts rightfully came to the conclusion: the applicant, citing the fact that the conditions for application tax deduction in respect of the disputed amount they have complied with, in fact equates the concepts of “return of advance payments” and “termination of the obligation to return advance payments.”

Does it make sense to argue with tax authorities who will be guided by letters from the Russian Ministry of Finance?

If the seller nevertheless took advantage of the deduction on the day of offset of payment under the terminated contract against the prepayment under the new contract, then he has the obligation to calculate and pay VAT to the budget on the advance received under the new contract, as well as issue an invoice for this advance. As a result, there is a deduction, but in the same amount there is also accrued VAT on the advance payment under the new contract. If you do not use the VAT deduction, then there is no second advance, because, following the logic of the Russian Ministry of Finance, there were no new receipts, and there was no return of the advance to the buyer.
Thus, if a company goes against the opinion of the Russian Ministry of Finance and declares a VAT deduction at the time of offset of the advance payment, and, as a result, charges VAT on the advance payment under a new agreement, the budget will not suffer. Therefore, no adverse consequences will follow. If the company declares a deduction, but does not charge VAT on advances, then a dispute with the inspectors cannot be avoided. Most likely, they will blame the illegality of the deduction, although they may also accuse you of failure to pay VAT on the advance received.

Example 1

The Stroitelny Dvor company entered into an agreement on 03/01/2014 for the supply of tiles with the Kafel Trading House company in the amount of 236,000 rubles. on conditions of full prepayment. On 03/02/2014 Stroitelny Dvor LLC made payment under this agreement.
On 04/01/2014 this contract was terminated and a new one was concluded for the supply of mosaics in the amount of 354,000 rubles. also on the terms of 100% prepayment. It was decided to offset the advance payment under the terminated contract against the advance payment under the new contract.
On May 15, 2014, the mosaic was shipped.

The following accounting entries were made in the seller's accounting:

– 236,000 rub. - an advance was received under the tile supply contract;

– 36,000 rub. - VAT was calculated on the amount of the advance received at the rate of 18/118;

– 36,000 rub. - VAT has been paid to the budget.
Entries as of the date of concluding a new contract and terminating the old one (04/01/2014):

DEBIT 51 CREDIT 62 subaccount “Advances received”
– 118,000 rub. (354,000 – 236,000) - an advance was received under a new contract;

DEBIT 76 subaccount “Advances received” CREDIT 68
– 18,000 rub. - VAT was calculated on the amount of the advance received at the rate of 18/118;

– 354,000 rub. - shipment under the new contract is reflected (05/15/2014);

– 54,000 rub. - VAT is charged on shipment;

– 54,000 rub. (36,000 + 18,000) - accepted for deduction of VAT on advances.

Example 2

The Confectionery Factory company entered into an agreement on February 13, 2014 for the supply of chocolates with the Supermarket No. 1 company in the amount of 118,000 rubles. subject to 100% prepayment. Delivery time under the contract is 04/01/2014. The advance amount was transferred by Supermarket No. 1 on 02/15/2014 in full to the supplier’s bank account.
On the same day, marmalade in the amount of 70,800 rubles was mistakenly shipped to Supermarket No. 1. (including VAT - 10,800 rubles).
On 03/01/2014, the parties agreed to terminate the contract for the supply of sweets and offset counterclaims for the amount of the transferred advance against payment for the delivered marmalade (shipment for which was carried out on 02/15/2014). The parties also agreed to enter into an agreement for the supply of cakes in the amount of 82,600 rubles. It was decided to offset the remaining portion of the advance payment under the sweets supply agreement when selling the cakes.

The following entries were made in the seller's accounting:
– 70,800 rub. - shipment of marmalade;

– 10,800 rub. - VAT on marmalade shipment;

DEBIT 51 CREDIT 62 subaccount “Advances received”
– 118,000 rub. - advance received;

DEBIT 76 subaccount “Advances received” CREDIT 68
– 18,000 rub. - VAT is calculated on the amount of the advance received.

Transactions as of the settlement date 03/01/2014:

DEBIT 62 subaccount “Advances received” CREDIT 62
– 70,800 rub. - the buyer’s debt for shipped goods has been reduced by the amount of advance payment;

DEBIT 68 CREDIT 76 subaccount “Advances received”
– 10,800 rub. - advance VAT was accepted for deduction in connection with the termination of the contract and the offset of counterclaims.

The remaining advance amount is RUB 47,200. (118,000 – 70,800) will be credited in case of shipment of cakes. VAT on this amount can be deducted only after the sale of the cakes.


The contract has been terminated. What to do with VAT?

The procedure for applying VAT deductions on advance payments received by the seller is provided (, Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, VAT amounts calculated and paid by the seller upon receipt of advance payments are accepted for deduction in the event of termination or change in the terms of the contract and the return of advance payments. In this case, these deductions are made no later than one year from the date of adjustments in accounting. In the practice of applying this tax, the question arises: what is considered a refund of advance payments received? Based on the rules, a return should be recognized as the termination of the seller’s obligation to return them. Thus, this may be the actual transfer of funds or the transfer of other property received by the seller as advance payments, as well as the offset of mutual homogeneous claims by the seller and the buyer (for example, the transfer of funds or the transfer of other property). Thus, if, when the contract is changed or terminated by the seller, the buyer is actually transferred cash or other property is transferred, and an agreement is concluded between the seller and the buyer to offset similar counterclaims, then the amounts of VAT calculated and paid to the budget by the seller upon receipt of advance payments are accepted for deduction. If there is no transfer of funds, transfer of property or offset, the seller has no grounds for applying tax deductions. As for the application of VAT, when advance payments received under one agreement are offset against advance payments under another agreement, then in this case there is also no basis for deducting the tax previously calculated upon receipt of advance payments under the original agreement, since the seller does not the obligation associated with the return of these advance payments has been terminated.

Offsetting the advance received under a terminated contract against the counter-obligation

When setting off an advance received under a terminated contract against a counter-obligation, will it be considered that the advance payment has been returned? Let's figure it out.
In accordance with the obligation, the obligation is terminated in whole or in part by offsetting a counterclaim of the same type, the due date of which has come or is not specified or determined by the moment of demand.

According to the position of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, which can be called already established, in the event of termination of the contract and termination of the seller’s obligation to return the prepayment by offsetting a counter-similar claim, the VAT amounts calculated and paid by the seller upon receipt of the prepayment are accepted for deduction. Similar clarifications were given by the department in relation to advances received mutually. Experts explained that when carrying out mutual settlement between the buyer and the supplier in relation to advance payment received mutually, the advance amounts should be considered returned. This means that VAT on advances is subject to deductions upon offset. At the same time, officials noted the need for a netting agreement in this case.

Previously, the Russian Ministry of Finance took the opposite point of view and indicated that it is impossible to deduct VAT paid on advances in the event of termination of the contract, if the advance payment was offset against the payment of penalties and losses incurred by the seller in connection with the termination of the contract.
The courts believe that when offsetting sales obligations, the conditions for deducting VAT on advances for the seller are met.
There is, however, a negative court decision.
As a result of the analysis of judicial practice, we can conclude: if the contract is terminated and payment under it is offset against the act of offset with the buyer, then deduction of advance VAT is possible on the day of offset.

From the document

<...>subject to deductions are the amounts of value added tax calculated by sellers and paid by them to the budget from amounts of payment, partial payment on account of upcoming deliveries of goods (performance of work, provision of services) sold in the territory Russian Federation, in case of change of conditions or termination of the relevant contract and return of the corresponding amounts of advance payments.
Thus, upon termination of a contract for the provision of services in the case of offset of the amount of the advance against the provision of services under a new contract, that is, without the return of the advance, the taxpayer has no grounds for deducting the value added tax calculated and paid to the budget from the amount of the advance .

Example 3

On 03/02/2014, the company “Akvarel” entered into a contract with the company “Remontnik”. According to the agreement, “Repairman” is obliged to perform repair work on office premises for “Akvareli” in the amount of 118,000 rubles. (including VAT - 18,000 rubles) in the order of 100% advance payment. The advance was transferred on March 15, 2014.

In turn, “Repairman” on 03/02/2014 entered into an agreement with “Akvarel” for the supply of primer paint in the amount of 118,000 rubles. (including VAT - 18,000 rubles). The contract provides for 100% advance payment. The advance payment was made on March 14, 2014.

However, on April 1, 2014, the companies terminated both contracts. It was decided to terminate the obligation to repay advances through netting. Thus, after offset of mutual obligations, “Repairman” and “Akvarel” have the right to deduct VAT from the advance payment.

In March 2014, the following entries were made in the accounting records of the Akvarel company:
DEBIT 51 CREDIT 62 subaccount “Advances received”
– 118,000 rub. - received an advance for primer paint;

DEBIT 76 subaccount “Advances received” CREDIT 68
– 18,000 rub. - VAT is calculated on the amount of the advance received;

– 118,000 rub. - funds were transferred to the Remontnik company under a contract for the provision of repair work.

Entries made on 04/01/2014:

DEBIT 62 subaccount “Advances received” CREDIT 76
– 118,000 rub. - offset of mutual claims was carried out;

DEBIT 68 CREDIT 76 subaccount “Advances received”
– 18,000 rub. - accepted for deduction of VAT on the advance payment in connection with the termination of the contract and the offset of mutual claims.

1. The advance payment under the terminated contract is offset against the supply under the new contract

According to paragraph 5 of Article 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, VAT calculated and paid to the budget by the seller from the amount of the advance received is subject to tax deduction when the conditions change or the relevant agreement is terminated and this advance amount is returned. When offsetting the amount of the advance payment under a terminated supply agreement against the supply of goods under a new agreement, that is, without returning the corresponding amount of the advance payment, the specified norm of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not apply.

Previously, a similar position was expressed in a letter from the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 29, 2012 N 03-07-11/337. Moreover, in accordance with paragraph 8 of Article 171 and paragraph 6 of Article 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, VAT calculated and paid by the seller upon receipt of the advance payment is taken for deduction upon the actual shipment of goods under the new contract.

The accounting should reflect:

  • Debit 62 Credit 62 – advance payment under agreement No. 1 is offset against delivery under agreement No. 2;
  • Debit 62 Credit 90 – goods were shipped under contract No. 2;
  • Debit 90 Credit 68 – VAT charged upon shipment;
  • Debit 68 Credit 76 – VAT calculated on the advance payment is accepted for deduction.

2. An agreement was concluded on the novation of the obligation to supply paid goods on loan .

The conclusion of a novation agreement is possible if the supplier does not have the necessary goods for the supply of which he received an advance payment. After novation, the buyer becomes the lender and the supplier becomes the borrower. In this case, the amounts transferred as an advance payment under the original agreement lose the status of an advance.

When the original obligation to supply goods is novated into a loan from the supplier organization, an overpayment of VAT is generated, calculated from the amount of the advance received on account of the future delivery. It is logical to assume that the supplier has the right to return the overpaid tax. The Ministry of Finance is categorical in its opinion - when concluding such an agreement, the amount of prepayment by the seller is not returned, therefore the norm of paragraph 5 of Article 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not apply. Consequently, on this basis, deduction of VAT paid upon receipt of an advance is not possible. At the same time, the letter does not say anything about the mechanism for offsetting VAT overpaid to the budget.

Judicial practice on the issue develops differently. The Supreme Arbitration Court, for example, indicated: since the obligation to return the advance payment under the supply agreement has ceased, the seller (borrower) has the right to deduct the amount of VAT transferred by him to the budget and subject to return to the buyer (lender) in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement, and not on the terms of the supply agreement goods (Definition of the Supreme Court of January 28, 2008 N 15837/07).

The right of the supplier to deduct VAT during the period of concluding a novation agreement is supported by many arbitration courts (Resolutions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-West Region dated 04/05/2013 N A32-2964/2012, FAS North-West Region dated 02/12/2013 N A56-4264/2012, FAS Moscow Region dated 10/18/2012 N A40-12957/12-91-66, dated 04/21/2010 N KA-A40/3418-10).

However, there is also another position. If the prepayment debt is replaced by novation with a loan obligation, then the overpaid amount of tax resulting from its calculation from the advance payment can be offset from the taxpayer after the loan is repaid, that is, after the fulfillment of obligations to counterparties in monetary form (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-West District dated 24.02 .2011 N A42-880/2009).

Since the issuance of a loan on the basis of subclause 15 of clause 3 of Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is not subject to VAT, the supplier automatically incurs an overpayment of VAT due to the novation. The taxpayer may offset or return the specified overpayment in the manner prescribed by Article 78 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, the supplier can return VAT previously paid to the budget, but not through a tax deduction, but by offset or refund based on Article 78 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. However, tax disputes are also possible in this case.

Therefore, in order to avoid disputes with tax authorities, the supplier must try to formally fulfill all the requirements of paragraph 5 of Article 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: terminate the supply contract, return the advance to the buyer, accept VAT as a deduction. And again receive funds under the loan agreement.

3. An agreement has been concluded between the seller and the buyer to offset the prepayment amounts.

In the letter, the Ministry of Finance considered the following situation. The buyer and seller have monetary obligations to each other for previously received advances and offset counterclaims. It is clarified that, according to Article 410 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the obligation is terminated in whole or in part by offsetting a counterclaim of the same type, the due date of which has come or the due date of which has not been specified or is determined by the moment of demand.

Therefore, the offset by the buyer and seller in relation to the amounts of advances received mutually is recognized as the termination of the obligation to return the specified payment amounts. For the purpose of applying VAT, the amounts of offset advances should be considered returned.

Consequently, VAT calculated and paid to the budget by sellers of goods on advances received from each other is subject to deductions when concluding an agreement on netting, subject to termination of the agreement (or change in its terms). A similar conclusion is contained in the letter of the Ministry of Finance dated September 11, 2012 N 03-07-08/268.

The accounting should reflect:

  • Debit 51 Credit 62 – advance received under agreement No. 1;
  • Debit 76 Credit 68 – VAT charged on prepayment;
  • Debit 60 Credit 51 – advance payment under agreement No. 2 is transferred;
  • Debit 62 Credit 60 – an agreement on the offset of counterclaims was signed;
  • Debit 68 Credit 76 – VAT accepted for tax deduction.

If, when the buyer made an advance payment, VAT was accepted as a tax deduction, then on the basis of subparagraph 3 of paragraph 3 of Article 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the specified tax amounts must be restored during the period of concluding the offset agreement.

Auditors of the company "Pravovest Audit"

In what case can the contract be terminated? Termination of the contract is regulated by the provisions of Article 450, Part 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which states that: “At the request of one of the parties, the contract can be... terminated by a court decision... in the event of a significant violation of the contract by the other party... Recognized as material a violation of the contract by one of the parties, which entails such damage for the other party that it is substantially deprived of what it had the right to count on when concluding the contract.” Thus, reasons such as “I changed my mind” or “I didn’t like the car” are not weighty enough from the point of view of law, since it is possible to terminate the contract for the sale and purchase of a car and return the money only if the seller has significantly violated the terms of the contract.

Peculiarities of VAT calculation upon termination of a purchase and sale agreement (Bulantsov m.)

If previously there were often problems such as the delivery of a vehicle with the wrong configuration, the wrong color, or at an inflated price, now such problems can be avoided. You can not just discuss all issues with the manager orally, and then make claims that “you promised!”, but the issue can be resolved officially by drawing up a preliminary purchase and sale agreement.


Options for canceling a car purchase and sale agreement between individuals

If the buyer was not notified of the rights of third parties to the vehicle, then by a court decision the parties will be restored to their original condition. That is. The seller must return the amount of money received, and the buyer must return the car.
If you were forced to enter into a purchase or sale agreement on terms unfavorable to you or through the use of physical force against a potential buyer, the court may invalidate the transaction and terminate it. An agreement is also recognized as enslaving, which is concluded by a person while in cramped, difficult life circumstances, and the other party took advantage of this for the purpose of enrichment.

How to properly terminate a car purchase agreement

The court also explained that in the given circumstances, the return of goods, being an independent operation, does not require adjustment of the revenue of the previous period, i.e. this operation should be reflected as the implementation of the current reporting (tax) period (see also the Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga Region dated August 12, 2010 in case No. A72-15625/2009). If the buyer is on common system taxation, he is a VAT payer.

Based on paragraph 1 of Art. 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the buyer (who, upon termination of the contract, turned out to be the seller), when transferring cars to the seller (who became the buyer), is obliged to calculate VAT on the cost of the returned goods. In general, the tax base when a taxpayer sells goods is calculated as the cost of these goods, calculated on the basis of prices determined under Art.

Termination of a car purchase and sale agreement

Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 02/09/2015 N 03-07-11/5176). In addition, by virtue of clause 3 of the Rules, the buyer must register this invoice in the sales book. The invoice received from the buyer when returning the goods is registered by the seller in the journal of received and issued invoices used in VAT calculations, and is the basis for the VAT tax deduction (clause


Rules). Thus, when returning goods accepted by the VAT payer buyer for registration, an invoice for the returned goods is issued by the buyer. In this case, the seller does not issue adjustment invoices (Letters of the Ministry of Finance dated 04/07/2015 N 03-07-09/19392, dated 05/21/2012 N 03-07-09/58, dated 05/16/2012 N 03-07-09/ 56, dated 04/13/2012 N 03-07-09/34, dated 03/27/2012 N 03-07-09/29, dated 03/02/2012 N 03-07-09/17, dated 02/27/2012 N 03-07- 09/11, dated 02/20/2012 N 03-07-09/08, Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 04/11/2012 N ED-4-3/6103@).

This means that the parties can draw up an appropriate agreement, which in its form will be similar to the previously concluded document. It will record the fact that the vehicle’s contract has been terminated.

Sample agreement on termination of a contract for the purchase and sale of a car The agreement of the parties that the contract is canceled contains the following information:

  • basic information about the parties to the agreement (seller and buyer);
  • number and date of conclusion of the policy agreement;
  • a clause stating that all obligations terminate mutually upon its termination;
  • date and signatures of the parties.

It would be very prudent to attach a vehicle acceptance certificate to the agreement, which will indicate that there are no claims regarding the condition of the returned vehicle.

VAT upon termination of a car purchase and sale agreement

Tax Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account excise taxes (for excisable goods) and without including tax (clause 1 of Article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In general, the buyer, when shipping returned goods accepted for registration, is obliged in the manner established by clause 3 of Art. 168 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, issue an appropriate invoice to the seller of these goods. When returning cars to the seller, the procedure for issuing invoices depends on whether the buyer accepted them for accounting or not.

If the buyer returns the goods to the seller without accepting them for accounting, the quantity of goods shipped by the seller actually changes. According to para. 3 p. 3 art. 168 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when the cost of shipped goods changes, including in the event of a change in price (tariff) and (or) clarification of the quantity (volume) of goods shipped, the seller issues an adjustment invoice to the buyer no later than five calendar days, counting from the date of preparation of the documents, specified in paragraph.

10 tbsp. 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Q1 2017 and issuing an adjustment invoice. Based on clause 2 of Art. 218 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the right of ownership of property that has an owner can be acquired by another person, including under a purchase and sale agreement.

Under a purchase and sale agreement, one party (seller) undertakes to transfer the thing (goods) into ownership of the other party (buyer), and the buyer undertakes to accept this product and pay a certain amount for it. sum of money(price) (clause 1 of article 454 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Changes and termination of the contract are possible by agreement of the parties, unless otherwise provided by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, other laws or the contract (clause

1 tbsp. 450 Civil Code of the Russian Federation). By virtue of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Art. 453 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, upon termination of the contract, the obligations of the parties are terminated, unless otherwise provided by law, contract or follows from the essence of the obligation.
In this regard, we believe that the buyer could hardly refuse to accept the cars for accounting (registration with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate is not important for VAT purposes). When returning goods accepted by the buyer for accounting, in the opinion of the Russian Ministry of Finance, it is necessary to be guided by clause. "a" clause 7

Rules for maintaining a journal of received and issued invoices used in calculations for value added tax (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 N 1137; hereinafter referred to as the Rules), which establishes that in Part 1 “Issued invoices” The accounting journal reflects the indicators of invoices issued by the buyer - a VAT payer to the seller when returning goods accepted by the buyer for accounting.

In this regard, when returning goods accepted by the buyer - a VAT taxpayer for registration, an invoice is issued by the buyer for the original cost of the returned goods (see.
But is it possible to terminate a car purchase and sale agreement with a private person? Russian legislation equally places responsibility for the fair execution of the policy on both legal entities, and on its citizens. How a purchase and sale agreement is terminated. Damage to the buyer is not always caused due to the seller’s dishonesty.
Sometimes it may happen that a breakdown occurs due to wear and tear of parts, which the selling party may not have been aware of. That is why the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the opportunity to try to terminate the contract by mutual agreement. If the buyer contacts the seller with a demand to cancel the transaction and provides evidence of the damage received, then according to Article 452, Part 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: “Agreement...

  • Article 417 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - the seller did not provide the accompanying documents;
  • Article 416 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - the car was not handed over within the agreed time frame.

In turn, the seller has the right to terminate the purchase and sale agreement on the following grounds:

  • Article 462, paragraph 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - the buyer did not pick up the car within the agreed time frame;
  • Article 443 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - the buyer refused compulsory insurance if it was assigned to him in the contract;
  • Article 439 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - the buyer did not pay for the purchase in due time.

Termination of a preliminary purchase and sale agreement with a car dealership Despite the large number of problems of a different nature sometimes associated with the purchase of a car, we can safely state the fact that the cooperation of buyers with a car dealership has become carried out in a more civilized form.

Upon termination of the contract, VAT on the previously paid advance under this contract can be deducted. For this to happen, two conditions must be met. First, the contract must be terminated or its terms must be changed. Secondly, the advance must be returned to the buyer.

The seller, having received an advance payment under the contract from the buyer, must charge VAT to the budget (paragraph 2, paragraph 1, article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Deduction of VAT on advances is possible only in two cases:

the most common is when selling goods for which payment was made before their shipment (deductions are made from the date of shipment of the goods) (clause 8 of article 171, clause 6 of article 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

when changing the conditions or terminating the contract and returning the corresponding amounts of advance payments (deduction is possible after adjustments are reflected in the accounting records, but no later than one year from the date of termination) (paragraph 2, paragraph 5, article 171, paragraph 4, article 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) .

If the debt to the buyer for a previously received advance is written off due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, none of these conditions are met. Therefore, the courts also believe that a VAT deduction from advances not returned to the buyer is impossible (letters from the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 7, 2012 No. 03-03-06/1/635, dated February 10, 2010 No. 03-03-06/1/58; regulation FAS MO dated March 19, 2012 No. F05-12939/11).

Let's say a company received an advance from customers against upcoming deliveries of goods. Further, for some reason, the supply agreement was terminated, but the relationship with this buyer was not terminated, and a new agreement was concluded. It is quite logical that the parties decided to leave the payment received under the first agreement as payment under the second agreement. Let's look at what's happening with VAT. Will the conditions of paragraph 5 of Article 171 of the Tax Code be considered fulfilled?

Is there a refund when the advance is offset against payment under a new contract?

There have been no shipments yet, so the deduction cannot be applied. Based on a literal reading of the provisions of Article 171 of the Tax Code, the payer has the right to apply a tax deduction if two conditions are met simultaneously:

The contract must be amended or terminated;

The advance payment has been returned.

When the advance is offset against payment under a new contract, the last condition, in our opinion, is not met. The Ministry of Finance of Russia consistently confirms this conclusion in its explanations (letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 29, 2012 No. 03-07-11/337, dated November 18, 2008 No. 03-07-11/363). Consequently, the supplier organization does not have the right to accept the amount of VAT as a deduction at the time of termination of the first contract, regardless of the fact that the tax was paid to the budget.

However, in their recent letter, financiers also explained that a VAT deduction from amounts of payment or partial payment can only be claimed from the date of shipment of goods under a new agreement (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 04/01/2014 No. 03-07-RZ/14444 (hereinafter referred to as Letter No. 03-07-РЗ/14444)).

In turn, the arbitrators of the Moscow District (regulatory Federal Antimonopoly Service dated August 14, 2013 No. F05-9290/13) recognized that if the terms of the contracts are changed and the amounts of the received prepayment are offset against the fulfillment of obligations under other contracts, the advances are actually returned. Other judges adhere to a similar position (post. FAS UO dated January 23, 2009 No. F09-10463/08-S2, FAS TsO dated May 26, 2009 No. A48-3875/08-8). Yes, and the FAS of the Volga District, examining one of the cases (regulatory FAS PO dated May 30, 2013 No. F06-3732/13), indicated that the arbitration courts rightfully came to the conclusion: the applicant, citing the fact that the conditions for applying the tax deduction for the disputed amount has been complied with, in fact equates the concepts of “return of advance payments” and “termination of the obligation to return advance payments.”

Does it make sense to argue with tax authorities who will be guided by letters from the Russian Ministry of Finance?

If the seller nevertheless took advantage of the deduction on the day of offset of payment under the terminated contract against the prepayment under the new contract, then he has the obligation to calculate and pay VAT to the budget on the advance received under the new contract, as well as issue an invoice for this advance (para. 2 clause 1 article 154, paragraph 1 clause 168 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). As a result, there is a deduction, but in the same amount there is also accrued VAT on the advance payment under the new contract. If you do not use the VAT deduction, then there is no second advance, because, following the logic of the Russian Ministry of Finance, there were no new receipts, and there was no return of the advance to the buyer.

Thus, if a company goes against the opinion of the Russian Ministry of Finance and declares a VAT deduction at the time of offset of the advance payment, and, as a result, charges VAT on the advance payment under a new agreement, the budget will not suffer. Therefore, no adverse consequences will follow. If the company declares a deduction, but does not charge VAT on advances, then a dispute with the inspectors cannot be avoided. Most likely, they will blame the illegality of the deduction, although they may also accuse you of failure to pay VAT on the advance received.

Example 1

The Stroitelny Dvor company entered into an agreement on 03/01/2014 for the supply of tiles with the Kafel Trading House company in the amount of 236,000 rubles. on conditions of full prepayment. On 03/02/2014 Stroitelny Dvor LLC made payment under this agreement.

On 04/01/2014 this contract was terminated and a new one was concluded for the supply of mosaics in the amount of 354,000 rubles. also on the terms of 100% prepayment. It was decided to offset the advance payment under the terminated contract against the advance payment under the new contract.

On May 15, 2014, the mosaic was shipped.

The following accounting entries were made in the seller's accounting:

RUB 236,000 — an advance was received under the contract for the supply of tiles;

36,000 rub. — VAT was calculated on the amount of the advance received at the rate of 18/118;


36,000 rub. — VAT has been paid to the budget.

Entries as of the date of concluding a new contract and terminating the old one (04/01/2014):

DEBIT 51 CREDIT 62 subaccount “Advances received”

118,000 rub. (354,000 - 236,000) - an advance was received under a new contract;

DEBIT 76 subaccount “Advances received” CREDIT 68

18,000 rub. — VAT was calculated on the amount of the advance received at the rate of 18/118;


RUB 354,000 — shipment under the new contract is reflected (05/15/2014);


54,000 rub. — VAT is charged on shipment;

54,000 rub. (36,000 + 18,000) - accepted for deduction of VAT on advances.

Example 2

The Confectionery Factory company entered into an agreement on February 13, 2014 for the supply of chocolates with the Supermarket No. 1 company in the amount of 118,000 rubles. subject to 100% prepayment. Delivery time under the contract is 04/01/2014. The advance amount was transferred by Supermarket No. 1 on 02/15/2014 in full to the supplier’s bank account.

On the same day, marmalade in the amount of 70,800 rubles was mistakenly shipped to Supermarket No. 1. (including VAT - 10,800 rubles).

On 03/01/2014, the parties agreed to terminate the contract for the supply of sweets and offset counterclaims for the amount of the transferred advance against payment for the delivered marmalade (shipment for which was carried out on 02/15/2014). The parties also agreed to supply cakes in the amount of 82,600 rubles. It was decided to offset the remaining portion of the advance payment under the sweets supply agreement when selling the cakes.

The following entries were made in the seller's accounting:


70,800 rub. — shipment of marmalade;


10,800 rub. — VAT on marmalade shipment;

DEBIT 51 CREDIT 62 subaccount “Advances received”

118,000 rub. — advance received;

DEBIT 76 subaccount “Advances received” CREDIT 68

18,000 rub. — VAT is calculated on the amount of the advance received.

Transactions as of the settlement date 03/01/2014:

DEBIT 62 subaccount “Advances received” CREDIT 62

70,800 rub. — the buyer’s debt for shipped goods has been reduced by the amount of advance payment;

DEBIT 68 CREDIT 76 subaccount “Advances received”

10,800 rub. — advance VAT was accepted for deduction in connection with the termination of the contract and the offset of counterclaims.

The remaining advance amount is RUB 47,200. (118,000 - 70,800) will be credited in case of shipment of cakes. VAT on this amount can be deducted only after the sale of the cakes.

Offsetting the advance received under a terminated contract against the counter-obligation

When setting off an advance received under a terminated contract against a counter-obligation, will it be considered that the advance payment has been returned? Let's figure it out.

In accordance with the Civil Code (Article 410 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the obligation is terminated in whole or in part by offsetting a counterclaim of the same type, the due date of which has come or has not been specified or is determined by the moment of demand.

According to the position of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, which can be called already established, in the event of termination of the contract and termination of the seller’s obligation to return the advance payment by offsetting a counter-similar claim, the VAT amounts calculated and paid by the seller upon receipt of the advance payment are accepted by him for deduction (letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 03-07- RZ/14444, dated 09/11/2012 No. 03-07-08/268). Similar clarifications were given by the department in relation to advances received mutually. Experts explained that when carrying out mutual settlement between the buyer and the supplier in relation to advance payment received mutually, the advance amounts should be considered returned. This means that VAT on advances is subject to deductions upon offset. At the same time, officials noted the need for a netting agreement in this case (letter from the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 03-07-RZ/14444, dated June 22, 2010 No. 03-07-11/262).

Previously, the Russian Ministry of Finance took the opposite point of view and indicated that it is impossible to deduct VAT paid on advances in the event of termination of the contract, if the advance payment was offset against penalties and losses incurred by the seller in connection with the termination of the contract (letter from the Russian Ministry of Finance dated 04/25/2011 No. 03-07-11/109).

The courts believe that when offsetting sales obligations, the conditions for deducting VAT from advances for the seller are met (regulatory FAS PO dated November 12, 2012 No. F06-8107/12, FAS SZO dated August 31, 2011 No. F07-7490/11, FAS TsO dated 05/26/2009 No. A48-3875/08-8).

There is, however, a negative court decision (registered by the FAS ZSO dated 10/12/2012 No. F04-4433/11).

As a result of the analysis of judicial practice, we can conclude: if the contract is terminated and payment under it is offset against the act of offset with the buyer, then deduction of advance VAT is possible on the day of offset.

Example 3

On 03/02/2014, the company “Akvarel” entered into a contract with the company “Remontnik”. According to the agreement, “Repairman” is obliged to perform repair work on office premises for “Akvareli” in the amount of 118,000 rubles. (including VAT - 18,000 rubles) in accordance with 100% advance payment. The advance was transferred on March 15, 2014.

In turn, “Repairman” on 03/02/2014 entered into an agreement with “Akvarel” for the supply of primer paint in the amount of 118,000 rubles. (including VAT - 18,000 rubles). The contract provides for 100% advance payment. The advance payment was made on March 14, 2014.

However, on April 1, 2014, the companies terminated both contracts. It was decided to terminate the obligation to repay advances through netting. Thus, after offset of mutual obligations, “Repairman” and “Akvarel” have the right to deduct VAT from the advance payment.

In March 2014, the following entries were made in the accounting records of the Akvarel company:

DEBIT 51 CREDIT 62 subaccount “Advances received”

118,000 rub. — received an advance for primer paint;

DEBIT 76 subaccount “Advances received” CREDIT 68

18,000 rub. — VAT is calculated on the amount of the advance received;


118,000 rub. — funds were transferred to the Remontnik company under an agreement for the provision of repair work.

Entries made on 04/01/2014:

DEBIT 62 subaccount “Advances received” CREDIT 76

118,000 rub. — offset of mutual claims was carried out;

DEBIT 68 CREDIT 76 subaccount “Advances received”

18,000 rub. — accepted for deduction of VAT on the advance payment in connection with the termination of the contract and the offset of mutual claims.

Expertise of the article: Elena Vikhlyaeva, Advisor to the Indirect Taxes Department
Department of Tax and Customs Tariffs of the Ministry of Finance of Russia


Albina Ostrovskaya, leading tax consultant of the Tax Optima consulting group

Deduction of advance VAT upon termination of the contract

As is known, the seller must charge VAT on the advance received. If the shipment against this advance payment never took place, then the company can deduct the previously calculated VAT. But for this, certain conditions must be met: the contract must be terminated and the advance must be returned (clause 5 of Article 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Accordingly, if the parties decided to terminate the contract, but the funds received as an advance were not returned to the buyer, then the “failed” seller has no grounds for deducting VAT.

If the funds are not returned to the buyer’s account, but are counted toward the new contract, then, according to officials, this does not give the seller the right to deduct VAT upon termination of the contract (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 29, 2012 No. 03-07-11/337) . Although one can argue with this, because a return can be made by any means, including by “transferring” to another contract. But in this case, it is better, in the author’s opinion, to agree with the officials, since this will avoid unnecessary disputes, reduce paperwork and ultimately will not affect the tax burden. After all, if we take VAT as a deduction, then at the moment of “transferring” the advance payment to a new contract, the seller will have to once again charge VAT on the advance payment. And this is additional work.

In a situation where, after termination of the contract, the obligation to return the advance payment is fulfilled by means of offset (for example, if the buyer owes the seller a debt to pay for previously purchased goods), the seller, according to the author, has the right to deduct VAT. Indeed, in this situation, the advance can be considered returned, since the obligation to return the advance is terminated.

An organization that sold cars had accounts payable for spare parts and other goods to a counterparty. In February 2016, in order to secure the said debt, the seller issued its own promissory notes to the buyer and entered into a pledge agreement for several cars.

According to the purchase and sale agreement dated July 25, 2016, two of the pledged cars were sold to the buyer, payment was made by offset (repayment of previously incurred debt). Sales are reflected in the seller’s reporting, including VAT.

In January 2017, the purchase and sale agreement was terminated by entering into an additional termination agreement. The cars were legally repossessed by the seller, but actually remained with the buyer as collateral.

Let's find out how to reflect the cancellation of a contract for VAT purposes: by filing an updated VAT return for the third quarter of 2016 and reflecting the "reversal" operation in the sales book, or by reflecting the cancellation of the contract in the purchase book for the first quarter of 2017 and issuing an adjustment invoice - invoices.

Changes and termination of the contract are possible by agreement of the parties, unless otherwise provided by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, other laws or the agreement (clause 1 of Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). By virtue of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Art. 453 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, upon termination of the contract, the obligations of the parties are terminated, unless otherwise provided by law, contract or follows from the essence of the obligation. Obligations are considered terminated from the moment the parties agree to terminate the contract, unless otherwise follows from the agreement. In this case, by agreement of the parties it can be established that the parties return to each other what was fulfilled by them under the obligation before the termination of the contract (clause 4 of Article 453 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

In the general case, the ownership right of the acquirer of a thing under a contract arises from the moment of its transfer (clause 1 of Article 223 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), while the contract may stipulate another moment of transfer of ownership of the goods. The delivery of a thing to the acquirer is recognized as its transfer. The thing is considered delivered to the acquirer from the moment it actually comes into the possession of the acquirer or the person indicated by him (clause 1 of Article 224 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

From the above situation, we can conclude that the seller and buyer agreed that the purchase and sale agreement is terminated and the property (cars) is legally returned to the seller, and again becomes the subject of collateral for the original obligation. Upon termination of the purchase and sale agreement, ownership of the vehicles is transferred back from the buyer to the seller.

Value added tax. For tax purposes, the sale of goods, work or services by an organization or individual entrepreneur is recognized as the transfer on a paid basis (including the exchange of goods, work or services) of ownership of goods, the results of work performed by one person for another person, the provision of services for a fee by one person to another person, and in cases provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the transfer of ownership of goods, the results of work performed by one person for another person, the provision of services by one person to another person - on a free basis (clause 1 of Article 39 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, taking into account the opinion of the tax authorities, the transfer of ownership of property to the former owner as a result of termination of the purchase and sale agreement for tax accounting purposes must be considered as a sale.

As part of the agreement to terminate the sales contract and return the goods to the seller, the buyer has an obligation to return the goods, and the seller has an obligation to accept them. In other words, if the seller and buyer agree to return the goods delivered, a new contract will actually arise between the parties in which the seller and buyer change places with each other.

Arbitration practice confirms the above position. According to the FAS Far Eastern District, reflected in the Resolution of March 27, 2008 N F03-A24/08-2/710, the reverse transfer of ownership to the seller should be considered as a reverse sale, i.e. independent business operation. The court also explained that in the given circumstances, the return of goods, being an independent operation, does not require adjustment of the revenue of the previous period, i.e. this operation should be reflected as the implementation of the current reporting (tax) period (see also the Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga Region dated August 12, 2010 in case No. A72-15625/2009).

If the buyer is on the general taxation system, he is a VAT payer. Based on paragraph 1 of Art. 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the buyer (who, upon termination of the contract, turned out to be the seller), when transferring cars to the seller (who became the buyer), is obliged to calculate VAT on the cost of the returned goods. In general, the tax base when a taxpayer sells goods is calculated as the cost of these goods, calculated on the basis of prices determined under Art. 105.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account excise taxes (for excisable goods) and without including tax (clause 1 of Article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In general, the buyer, when shipping returned goods accepted for registration, is obliged in the manner established by clause 3 of Art. 168 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, issue an appropriate invoice to the seller of these goods.

When returning cars to the seller, the procedure for issuing invoices depends on whether the buyer accepted them for accounting or not.

If the buyer returns the goods to the seller without accepting them for accounting, the quantity of goods shipped by the seller actually changes. According to para. 3 p. 3 art. 168 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when the cost of shipped goods changes, including in the event of a change in price (tariff) and (or) clarification of the quantity (volume) of goods shipped, the seller issues an adjustment invoice to the buyer no later than five calendar days, counting from the date of preparation of the documents, specified in paragraph 10 of Art. 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Such documents are: contract, agreement, other primary document confirming the consent (fact of notification) of the buyer to change the cost of shipped goods, including due to a change in price (tariff) and (or) change in the quantity (volume) of shipped goods (clause 10, Article 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). According to the regulatory authorities, when returning goods, adjustment invoices are drawn up by the seller only if we are talking about the return of goods that were not accepted for registration by the buyer.

However, in the situation under consideration, about six months passed from the moment the contract for the sale and purchase of cars was concluded until its termination; the cars were actually transferred to the buyer, and the buyer made no claims regarding the quantity or quality of the cars. In this regard, we believe that the buyer could hardly refuse to accept the cars for accounting (registration with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate is not important for VAT purposes).

When returning goods accepted by the buyer for accounting, in the opinion of the Russian Ministry of Finance, it is necessary to be guided by clause. "a" clause 7 of the Rules for maintaining a log of received and issued invoices used in calculations for value added tax (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 N 1137; hereinafter referred to as the Rules), which establishes that in part 1 The “issued invoices” of the accounting journal reflects the indicators of invoices issued by the buyer - a VAT payer to the seller when returning goods accepted by the buyer for accounting. In this regard, when returning goods accepted by the buyer - a VAT taxpayer for registration, an invoice is issued by the buyer for the original cost of the returned goods (see also Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 02/09/2015 N 03-07-11/5176). In addition, by virtue of clause 3 of the Rules, the buyer must register this