Have the results of the Unified State Exam in Russian arrived? Will Russia find out the truth about the Unified State Exam results? When can you retake the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam or State Examination?

12.01.2024 Medicines 

According to official information from Rosobrnadzor, three days are allotted for checking USE work in basic level mathematics, in the Russian language - six days, and in other subjects - up to four days. However, the results are announced after they are approved by a special commission.

Unified State Exam-2018 / http://cdn.wi-fi.ru/www.mos.ru/

Preliminary results can be found out much earlier than the deadline for their announcement. This can be done on the official Unified State Exam portal. It is necessary to enter the full name of the test participant, registration code and passport number into a special form. In addition, you can view the results on the State Services website, in PPE or in schools.

Each region determines independently how to inform Unified State Exam participants about their scores. In a number of regions, special Internet resources have been created to inform examinees (absolutely free of charge) and hotlines have been opened where you can get advice on issues related to the final state certification (FSA).

The time for graduation ceremonies in secondary schools is approaching. Eleventh graders are eagerly awaiting exam results to find out their scores and grades. The future of every student depends on them. Scores and grades primarily affect the school certificate, as well as admission to a university.

On Wednesday, June 6, graduates of Russian secondary schools, as well as graduates of previous years, took the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. The specified school subject is mandatory for passing, along with mathematics. Graduates already passed mathematics at the end of May. Its results have already been announced. Now graduates are excitedly awaiting the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language 2018. It is preliminary known that the results will be announced on Monday, June 18. But they must be published no later than June 20.

They can be accurately found on the official website of the Unified State Exam 2018, as well as in the personal account that every student has on the Public Services portal. To obtain information on points, you need to know your personal code.

The examination paper in the Russian language consists of 26 tasks. Each USE participant is allocated 3.5 hours to complete them. To enter the desired university, graduates must score at least 36 points. To receive a school certificate, an eleventh grader must earn at least 24 points.

When should you expect results in Russian?

The Unified State Examination in the Russian language is one of two mandatory exams, along with mathematics, and is needed not only for admission, but also for obtaining a certificate, for which all students worked hard for 11 long years. If the student’s main goal is simply to obtain a certificate, then 24 points will be enough for him. If a graduate hopes to get a higher education after school, then he will have to try to score at least 36 points.

The Russian language exam sheet contains 26 tasks, for which the student is given three and a half hours to solve.

On average, checking papers in the Russian language takes from 7 to 14 calendar days, because checking the Unified State Exam is not comparable to checking a regular exam. Initially, the work is checked at the regional level by two teachers. If the teachers do not agree, another teacher checks the work.

After work they are checked at the Federal level. This type of verification takes about 5 days.

Also, those works that receive high scores undergo additional verification, Therussiantimes.com reports. This time, all observer notes and surveillance camera recordings are taken into account. If any violations were recorded, such as the presence of a mobile phone, the results are immediately canceled without the right to retake on a reserve day.

If we take into account that the exam was written on June 6, then according to calculations, the results should be expected no later than June 20. Most likely they will appear early next week.

Where to see results in Russian language

First of all, each student can find out his results in his own school, or in the place where he took the exam.

Also, everyone will be able to find out the results on the official website of the Unified State Exam - http://ege.edu.ru. There is a special tab for checking. To find out your results, you will need to enter the full name and passport data indicated at work in the field and select your region.

In addition, Moscow graduates will be able to find out their results on the website of the Moscow Mayor. It is worth noting that this year, in Moscow, a special program was introduced that allows students to be notified about checking their work. To do this you need to register on the same website. Notifications arrive by email or via SMS.

Checking the Unified State Examination in the Russian language in 2018

It takes approximately 7 to 14 days to check the Unified State Examination in the Russian language in 2018. To find out the exact scores, the process is very long, strict and difficult. Each student will be tested several times.

Immediately after passing the Unified State Exam, all data is sent to the Regional Center for processing all information. Next, the written Unified State Exam in the Russian language in 2018 is checked in the Federal Center for about 5 days.

Then the almost finished results are checked by the State Examination Commission within 1 day. After a thorough check, the results can be found on the website or in schools.

State certification after graduation from school is a solemn and very important moment. After the exam, you want to find out the results as soon as possible - after all, admission will depend on this. But how long do you need to wait for the results of the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam and State Examination in 2018? And where can they be found in the future? We have collected all the known information about final school exams - the date of publication of the results, the place of receipt and everything that a future student needs!

Of course, I want to quickly find out how many points this or that exam was written for. But you will have to be patient - you will have to wait quite a long time for results. Due to the sheer volume of materials, it will take a lot of time for reviewers to review everything, enter it into databases, distribute it, and publish it.

According to the regulations, the results of the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam and State Examination will be gradually posted after approximately 14-16 calendar days. This applies to results at all stages. On the official website of the RCIO, specific days are indicated for everyone by which the commissions must send all results. You can find them below.

It is worth looking at information about scores at certification before. These dates are the deadline for all data to be published. No one said that they should not be posted 1-2 days earlier, if the time and energy of the inspectors allows this.

Dates for publication of the results of the Unified State Exam and GVE-11 in 2018

The following are the expected days on which the Unified State Exam and State Examination scores in 2018 should become known:

The results of the GVE for eleventh-graders and the Unified State Exam conducted on reserve days in 2018 will be published approximately on the following days:

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What benefits do the unemployed receive in 2018?

2. After registration, go to the page of the service itself. Click "Get a service":

3. Fill in the required fields and click the “Submit” button:

Video on how to find out exam results

If you have any questions, watch this video of ours:

Where can graduates of previous years find out the results?

If a person graduated from school several years ago, but suddenly wanted to pass a state certification (for example, to enter a university), or even came from another country, then the situation is somewhat different. This graduate is not assigned to any school. He applies for the exams on his own.

Consequently, he will be able to receive the results only in the department where he submitted his application for participation in the exams. It is also possible that the results will be published on websites, so it is worth checking there as well.

Who can find out the results

After the expected publication of the necessary information, it must be obtained somehow. But it is worth remembering that scores for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam and State Examination are strictly confidential information. It can only be received by those who are directly related to it. This:

  • a graduate himself;
  • parents of the graduate;
  • graduate confidant.

But for a reason. It is necessary to provide confirmation of the right to receive your own points, and for family or trusted persons - in fact, documents certifying the fact of kinship or power of attorney.

What documents are needed

Fortunately, you will not need to collect a package of documents. In order to find out the results of certification, you must:

  1. Student passport.
  2. The parent's passport and, if the graduate is not included in it, the child's birth certificate.
  3. The proxy's passport and power of attorney confirming the owner's right and consent to receive the exam results.

In addition, if you try to find out your points online, you will need a member registration code. It is entered on the portal, and it is through it that the system will search for data on a specific person. However, in some places it can be replaced with a passport number.

How long are exam results valid for?

According to recently updated legislation regarding this type of certification, the results of any state examinations will now be valid for 4 years excluding the year in which they were obtained.

Let’s say a student passed the Unified State Exam in 2018. Its results will be valid until 2022 inclusive. He has the right to use them for admission to a higher or secondary vocational educational institution at any time, until the points “burn out.”

Deadlines for retaking the Unified State Exam, OGE and State Examination

Unfortunately, there is a chance that you simply will not pass the state certification along with your classmates. A couple of points might just be missing. Or the result did not meet expectations, and you want to earn more to enter university on a budget basis.

Unified State Exam results– confidential information for applicants and a chance to get a higher education. The methods for obtaining results have remained unchanged from previous years:

  1. Official information portal- http://check.ege.edu.ru/. Here you need authorization by last name and first name, series and passport number or registration code. You can only find out the results of your work if the applicant was registered and took the Unified State Exam.
  2. Contacting the school or place where the Unified State Exam was held with a passport. The results will be issued in the form of a certificate, certified by the school and handed over to the applicant in person.
  3. Regional education sites. The procedure for authorization and familiarization with the results on the passport is similar to the OIP Unified State Examination. Suitable for applicants who want to get acquainted not only with their own scores, but also with mistakes made. The scanned work is provided to the graduate for review and stored in an electronic archive.

The entire Unified State Exam procedure - passing and issuing results - is organized at public expense and is completely free. The organizers of the Unified State Exam mention that cases of fraudulent offers to check scores for money a few days after the tests have already happened to gullible and impatient applicants.

It is already known WithHow long are the 2016 Unified State Exam results valid?. Results are valid for 4 years in accordance with the decision of 2013, and there are no plans to change this.

When will the results of the Unified State Examination in Russian language 2016 be known?

Deadlines for reviewing and checking test items – no more than 12 days from the moment the exam was written. Taking into account the fact that several stages of the Unified State Examination are planned in 2016, the dates for receiving the results directly depend on them. Approximate dates when applicants will be able to atknow the results of the Unified State Examination in Russian language 2016:

  • participants in the main stage (May 30, reserve - June 27) will evaluate their chances of joining June 11-13 or July 9-11;
  • the additional stage will take place on September 17 and 24, and the results will be announced September 26-28 And October 6-8.

The publication schedule on various government websites may differ and lag for several days due to the large amount of information received, therefore it is most reliable to find out the result at the place where the Unified State Exam is taken. The ability to submit depends on this ( within 3 days) if your analysis and verification of the work is questionable.

When will the results of the Unified State Examination in Russian language 2016 be known? They also know the schools that conduct the Unified State Exam. Therefore, it is better to verify information with the administration in advance.

Since graduates are given the opportunity to try their hand three times, the Unified State Exam with the highest earned score will be valid. Everyone is invited to apply for a retake: both those graduates who did not pass the passing grade, and those who consider their own results to be insufficiently successful.

FIPI official website presents a bank of open tasks for graduates, where you can try your hand online and familiarize yourself with the rules of the Unified State Examination and the schedule.

Minimum score for admission to universities – 24 . Despite the fact that in 2015 the average score in Russian was 65,9 .

To avoid cases of cheating and falsification of results, independent federal representatives monitor the conduct of the Unified State Exam.

Unified State Exam 2016 hotline phone number

You can ask questions about the conduct, organization, registration and receipt of Unified State Exam results on the free "hotline" General Physical Test of the Unified State Exam +7 495-984-89-19 . Her work is secured throughout the 2016 campaign. You can report cases of violation of the Unified State Exam instructions by phone +7 495-104-68-38 . You can contact the indicated numbers from 8-00.

Organizational aspects of conducting the unified state exam in the Russian language

Russian language is required. This year, significant changes have been made - the ability to retake the Unified State Exam twice if the first attempt was unsuccessful. The decision is motivated by the fact that anxiety and stress in many cases become the key to absent-mindedness and confusion among graduates. A repeat exam will provide an opportunity to show your abilities in familiar conditions and taking into account past experience. .

Admission to the Unified State Exam in 2016 was the one that graduates write at school in the winter, in December. A good score gives you a chance to register for entrance tests, a bad score gives you a chance to rewrite your essay in the spring.

In 2016 more than 19 thousand people ready to participate in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. The exam will be taken 86 regions And more than 100 points Unified State Exam.

Minimum number of points to obtain a certificate:

  • primary score – 9;
  • test score – 22.

Minimum number of points for admission to the university:

  • primary score – 15;
  • test score – 34.

Date of retaking the Unified State Exam in Russian

Latest news on the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language 2016

The head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science reported that there were no leaks of assignments for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

In general, the exam passed without violations; only a few dozen students were removed from the exam for using mobile devices.

This year, 202 works were canceled (for comparison, the figures of previous years: 2015 - 211 works, 2014 - 320 works).

Addresses of resources where you can find out exam results by region

Name of executive authority
Website, information
about individual
results of the participants
kov Unified State Examination
Moscow Moscow Department of Education http://pgu.mos.ru
Saint-Petersburg Education Committee http://www.ege.spb.ru/result/


“Regional center

assessment of the quality of education

knowledge and information

new technologies” (RTsOI St. Petersburg)

Novosibirsk Department of Education http://www.edunso.ru
Ekaterinburg Ministry of General and Vocational Education http://ege.midural.ru
Nizhny Novgorod Ministry of Education http://minobr.government-nnov.ru/
Kazan http://mon.tatar.ru
Samara Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region http://www.educat.samregion.ru/
Chelyabinsk Ministry of Education and Science http://www.minobr74.ru/
The Unified State Examination results in the Russian language in 2018 are generally comparable to last year’s; the average test score increased by less than 2 points. The proportions of participants with results in the ranges of 41-60, 61-80, 81-100 points changed little. “The comparability of exam results from different years is a key task in the development of examination materials. By including a new task model in the examination paper, we conducted special testing studies, provided explanations for teachers and schoolchildren. All this ensured the stability of the exam results,” the head of the Federal Commission commented on the Unified State Exam results on the development of control measuring materials for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, Irina Tsybulko. During the main exam period, 645.5 thousand participants took the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, which is 29 thousand more than a year earlier. The number of exam participants who failed to overcome the minimum threshold for obtaining a certificate of 24 points was 0.4%, which is 0.2% less than in 2017. 3,722 graduates received the maximum score of 100 points, which is also comparable to the results of last year. “It is gratifying that the proportion of graduates who do not achieve the minimum score and for whom Russian is not their native language is gradually decreasing. This is a significant result, since good knowledge of the Russian language is the key to continuing education in the chosen specialty and a successful career,” said Deputy Head of Rosobrnadzor Anzor Muzaev . Today, the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language will be sent to the regions, which will begin issuing them to exam participants. The use of new technologies in organizing the Unified State Exam allows us to reduce the established time frame for processing results. Thus, as last year, Unified State Exam participants will be able to receive certificates before graduation.