Everything you need to know about Rottweiler puppies. Feeding and caring for Rottweiler puppies - advice from veterinarians Rottweiler 3 months weight

22.03.2022 Thrombosis

A dog's diet can consist of either natural products and mineral supplements, or from good ready-made food. To prevent your dog from having problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it should not be suddenly switched to another type of food. We will tell you what else you need to know about feeding your Rottweiler below.

The puppy must develop correctly, always be healthy and active. The body of a young dog needs nutrients that restore its energy supply. And her well-being directly depends on the amount of vitamins and minerals that should be part of the daily menu.

Opinions differ on how to properly feed a Rottweiler. Some breeders feed their dogs natural food, others make do with ready-made food, while others practice mixed nutrition - natural and dry food.

Experts do not recommend using a mixed system, since two types of food at the same time can lead to an excess of nutrients in the dog’s body. The animal may develop diarrhea, develop allergies, or suffer skeletal damage. For a Rottweiler, it is better to choose one of two types of food.

Natural products

Perfect balance

Puppies' diet should include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Everything needs to be balanced so that the dog’s menu is varied, nutritious and healthy.

Let's take a closer look at how to feed a puppy to avoid shortages or excesses of vital substances in its body.


Meat is the main source of protein. It contains vitamins that promote proper metabolism. Meat improves the dog’s immunity and is responsible for the development of its muscles.

Beef, lamb, rabbit, veal, and boneless poultry are suitable for the Rottweiler. Meat begins to be given to the puppy from two months in boiled and chopped form. From three months, raw meat is given, which must be frozen in advance to prevent worms from entering the puppy’s body.

There should be thirty grams of meat per kilogram of dog weight. Let's say a puppy weighs twenty kilograms. Then he is entitled to six hundred grams of meat per day.

From two months of age, the Rottweiler begins to be given raw beef or veal bones, preferably cartilage ones. They help strengthen the jaw muscles and speed up the change of teeth.

When the puppy is five months old, two or three times a week the meat is replaced with offal: liver, gizzards, heart, etc.

A four-month-old puppy begins to be fed boneless sea fish. It can be boiled or frozen in advance and served raw. Fish is given no more than twice a week instead of meat.

Starting from two months, the puppy’s diet should include boiled eggs, no more than two per week.

At two months the baby can be fed fermented milk products: cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir. If the puppy’s body copes with milk, then two or three times a week the fermented milk is replaced with cow’s or goat’s milk. It needs to be boiled for two minutes to get rid of the infection, but keep useful substances.

Brewer's yeast is suitable as a protein supplement for a puppy - one gram per day.


The puppy's diet should include fats of plant and animal origin. They contribute to the normal growth of the puppy. The color and condition of a dog's coat depends on fatty acids and vitamin E, which are found in fats.

Sources of fats are sour cream, rendered beef fat, butter, as well as sunflower, flaxseed and olive oil. They can be added to cereals, soups or salads.

A dog needs two grams of fat per kilogram of weight per day. A larger amount of fat can lead to a malfunction of the Rottweiler’s vital organs, making it lethargic and lethargic.

Carbohydrates and vitamins

Carbohydrates fill the Rottweiler with energy, and vitamins strengthen the immune system and are responsible for the proper functioning of his body as a whole. Vitamins are also an excellent preventive measure against diseases and infections.

Can a two month old puppy be given rye bread, soaking it in meat broth and serving it as a soup along with meat. It is better to make crackers from wheat bread - fresh bread slows down digestion and can cause constipation. Rusks develop the Rottweiler's jaw muscles and make it easier to change teeth.

For a puppy, starting from two months, you need to cook porridge from buckwheat, rice, pearl barley or oatmeal without adding salt, sugar or spices. For up to four to five months, it is advisable to grind the cereals into powder and cook them in milk or meat broth. An adult Rottweiler will also not refuse milk or meat porridge.

Sprouted wheat or oats will be beneficial for your puppy.. They need to be dried and crushed before use. This feeding is given once a week, one tablespoon for up to six to seven months.

For up to three months, vegetables should be boiled and served with porridge: pumpkin, beets, turnips, zucchini and others. When your puppy is three months old, his body will be able to digest raw vegetables. A fresh tomato will clean your Rottweiler's teeth and normalize its coat color. You can also give him grated carrots, radishes or cucumbers mixed with vegetable oil or sour cream.

Fruits should diversify the Rottweiler's diet from the age of two months. For example, it is safe to give your dog green apples by grating them for up to three months, and then cutting them into pieces. Berries: currants, raspberries and others can be given in any form - fresh or by making a compote from them.

You need to add finely chopped greens to your salad or porridge: parsley, dill, lettuce, young leaves of dandelion or nettle, and others. In winter, to prevent colds, your Rottweiler can be given one crushed clove of garlic per day.


To ensure a balance of nutrients, the Rottweiler's diet should include mineral complementary foods. Helps replenish iodine deficiency seaweed: half a gram per day up to six months, and five grams after.

Crushed chalk or eggshells will add calcium to the dog's body: half a teaspoon three times a day for a month. Twice a week, separately from food, you can give your dog bone meal, rich in phosphorus and calcium - one gram of flour per two kilograms of the dog’s weight.

Such complementary foods can be easily replaced with ready-made mineral supplements, which are sold in any veterinary pharmacy: Beaphar Irish Cal, 8 in 1, Canina Caniletten. Give as directed.


Your Rottweiler should always have access to clean water, especially during the hot season. You can give your dog juices from apples, carrots, and beets.


You need to feed your Rottweiler puppy according to a certain schedule. The dog must know where, when and how much it can eat. Set aside a place for feeding, hang two stainless steel bowls for food and water on a special stand. Adjust the height of the stand to avoid curvature of the animal's spine - the bowls should be at shoulder level.

Feed your Rottweiler at the same time, removing food after fifteen minutes. Do not give your pet supplements - do not encourage begging. The number of meals per day can be found in the following table:

What do adult dogs eat?

A Rottweiler's diet after a year remains the same as before a year, but the daily volume decreases. The amount of food for an adult dog is selected at the rate of five percent natural food of its weight. The resulting portion is divided into two times and given in the morning and evening.

The Rottweiler is prone to obesity, so it is necessary to monitor its weight and, if necessary, reduce the daily amount.

Prepared food

There are several requirements for ready-made food for a Rottweiler puppy:

  • they must be premium or super premium;
  • you need to buy food from trusted companies: Royal Canin, Brit Premium, 1st Choice;
  • until the puppy is six months old, dry food is diluted with meat broth;
  • you need to look at the expiration date written on the box.

Food is purchased according to the dog’s age, otherwise the puppy may not receive enough nutrients, and an adult dog may get too much. There are also foods for different situations: “for nursing bitches”, “for old dogs”, “for weakened dogs” and so on. To avoid mistakes, you should always read the instructions written on the box. The daily dose of food is also indicated there.

Additional vitamin and mineral supplements are not required - the ingredients included in the prepared food are already properly balanced. The exception is a deficiency of some substance in the Rottweiler’s body. In this case, you will need to consult a veterinarian - he will prescribe treatment.

List of prohibited foods

In order not to harm the Rottweiler, the following foods should be absent from its diet:

  • legumes: beans, peas;
  • pearl barley;
  • potato;
  • sweets: chocolate, marmalade and others;
  • tubular bones;
  • sausages, frankfurters, pork;
  • salted, pickled, smoked, fried;
  • citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, lemons (a couple of drops per hundred grams of clean water);
  • grape;
  • sorrel;
  • river fish.

Now you know what you can feed your dog. If you have anything to add to our article, you can always leave a comment.

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Often, people who dream of having a pet opt ​​for our smaller brothers - dogs. And, if you are a self-confident person, have a strong character and are ready to train your pet, then you have probably thought about purchasing or have already taken a Rottweiler puppy under your wing.

And, precisely at an early age of puppies, it is recommended to adopt this breed, since “butcher’s dogs,” as they were harshly called back in the 18th century, in the German city of Rottweil, are prone to building warm and trusting relationships with one person and it is better if you It is you who are the owner, not the breeder.

Otherwise, the animal may simply not perceive you. In addition, it is during the period of growing up that a dog develops an attitude towards people, family members, pets and, most importantly, towards children. Many people are afraid of the representative of the mastiff group. Restlessness and a strong physique give the animal the reputation of being uncontrollable and dangerous, but all these problems go away before they even begin, subject to proper and competent upbringing.

The Rottweiler has a dulled sense of pain, a strong skeleton, a powerful body, innate mental abilities and good memory, willfulness and fearlessness, a guard instinct and love for the owner - this breed is famous for all these qualities, and more.

Animals are active and need to release their accumulated energy and emotions. Your friend should always be active and in good physical shape, which is facilitated by regular exercise and proper nutrition.

Food selection

Having taken your future pet into your home, you need to take seriously the issues of raising and maintaining the puppy. As your household grows, you will become an expert in most topics related to our little brothers, and one of the main and first issues that you will face is the selection of food for the baby.

Eating mother's milk, the cubs received all the necessary microelements and nutrients, and now, when you bear responsibility for the life of the little ones, you need to think and decide what to feed the Rottweiler puppy in such a way as to preserve everything that nature has endowed the little one with and give him what he needs for proper and complete nutrition. growth and development.

One of the main topics of discussion, which is still open to this day, is the question of what kind of nutrition is more balanced and healthy. Each “contender” for the role of the best, and in particular food and the so-called natural nutrition, there are both differences and advantages with disadvantages, which we will now consider. I suggest we deviate from the topic of dogs and talk a little about you, their owners.

For most owners, a passion for animals is not the only hobby and activity; in addition to caring for and raising their pet, a person needs to attend work, communicate, pay attention to his family, if he has one, and, of course, do not forget about himself. But are you ready, in a series of all these responsibilities and events, to devote another part of your time to your ward, for selecting and preparing food for him?


Although this process does not take a lot of time, many do not want to engage in “dog cooking”, preferring as an alternative - food, which already provides a balanced diet, including all the necessary vitamins and supplements.

And canned food manufacturers have succeeded a lot in developing all sorts of variations and new products to satisfy the demand and selectivity of customers.

In store windows you can see an abundance of different types, both dry food and canned food.

And in order to choose a good and high-quality product for your pet, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. You shouldn't skimp when choosing canned or dry food for Rottweiler puppies. Often, behind a low price lies a not very high-quality product that cannot provide your dog with healthy nutrition and all the necessary nutrients;
  2. Buy specialized food that is suitable for both the breed and weight of the animal. If you yourself are not sure that you will make the right choice, ask a consultant for help.;
  3. Before purchasing, read the recommendations and other information provided by the manufacturer on the packaging;
  4. The first time it is better to take a little product for testing. If the purchased food is not to your pet’s taste, there is no need to force it - you should look for a replacement.

In general, they give preference to dry food rather than canned food, since the risk of poor quality or not fresh goods is much less and, moreover, the “compressed meal” can be stored much longer. And, what is very important, do not forget to give the dog the required amount of liquid to avoid stomach problems, and be attentive to its health and well-being.

Natural food

Those who prefer saving money to saving time choose regular food, the so-called homemade one. Here you can fantasize, but we should not forget that the growing body of an animal needs certain beneficial substances, in the right proportions.

Nutrition should be based on proteins and carbohydrates, as well as fiber. The diet must include porridge (it is recommended to cook it in vegetable or meat broth), eggs, meat products, fresh vegetables (<20%). Собаке, так же, необходимо употреблять молочные и кисломолочные продукты (сыр, творог, молочные каши).

The diet should include liquid dishes, and the food should be warm or at room temperature.

Don’t forget about your pet’s drinking habits; there should always be a bowl of fresh water next to the place where he eats, so that he can quench his thirst at any time.

Nutrition should be low-calorie, since excess weight increases the likelihood of developing hereditary and pathological diseases, contributes to abnormal development of puppies: the animal gains weight, but its joints and bones do not have time to sufficiently develop and strengthen, and this is fraught with consequences such as curvature of the spine, curvature (bent) paws and similar defects.

Considerable attention should be paid to vitamins and specialized supplements in the diet; in this regard, it is better to consult with a specialist who should help with the choice and advise you on what and when is best to give to your pet.


When choosing how to properly feed a Rottweiler puppy, do not forget about such an important point as planning the baby’s diet. What to feed your baby directly depends on his age.

For up to 4 weeks, babies are “under the wing” of their mother, eating her milk for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and only by the age of one month do they begin to become interested in the contents of the dog’s bowl. The breeder or future owner should encourage such interest and curiosity of the “discoverers” by slowly feeding the cubs. Introducing him to “adult” food before this period is not recommended; as previously mentioned, in the first month of his life, the future guard receives all the necessary elements and nutrients from his parent. If the bitch has too many hungry mouths that she is unable to feed or the newborn is too weak, then feeding milk substitute is an option. But, often, the female can easily feed her entire litter. When the baby leaves its mother's care, of course, it is worth thinking about its nutrition, but do not worry or be afraid of difficulties, since feeding a month-old Rottweiler puppy is not difficult.

At this time, prepared milk formulas are good for the dog, or you can purchase specialized complementary foods, which are sold in pet stores. The question “What to feed a Rottweiler puppy up to 2 months old” should “fall out” of your life.

Continuing this kind of addition to food for another month, you will accustom your babies to new foods, and you can expand the diet from 8 weeks.

A good dish for this is rice porridge with pieces of raw beef (cook the rice for at least 45 minutes so that it boils well, put the beef in the hot porridge so that it undergoes heat treatment), you can give milk (not cold), cottage cheese with sour cream and different types of eggs, minced meat is also suitable, but first you need to pour boiling water over it for a couple of minutes.
Continue to gradually introduce this variety of foods into your puppy’s diet up to 3 months inclusive. A little earlier than four months or exactly at this time, it all depends on your ward, they begin to dilute the monotony of everyday food a little with new cereals and fresh vegetables. In small and slow steps, the owner brings the pet to its so-called “basic diet”.

If at 1-2 months babies ate 5-6 times a day, now the number of meals can be reduced to 3-4, and it is recommended that the first feeding be done before a walk, and the last before bed, so that the dog is full at night and does not bother you.

Gradually, meals will need to be reduced to two times - this is the amount that is considered optimal for an adult. Having dealt with the problem of what to feed a 3-month-old Rottweiler puppy, you, as already a kind of expert, will not have much difficulty transferring the baby to the menu of an adult and full-fledged individual.

When expanding the range of dishes and products, it is necessary to remember that the dog must receive the full amount of necessary vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and its menu should be extensive and healthy.

The diet should contain:

  1. Various types of meat and offal. For puppies, these foods should make up half of their diet. Beef and pork work well, but the meat should be low-fat and heat-treated before serving. You can also take into account turkey, chicken, heart, liver and other types of liver products.
  2. Cereals. A variety of porridges: rice, barley, buckwheat, wheat, etc. But don’t get carried away, 30% of the entire menu in the form of cereals will be enough for the dog.
  3. Eggs. It all depends on the tastes of the four-legged animal; if it accepts the product well, then it can be given 2-3 times a week; in the opposite situation, “feeding” is not appropriate.
  4. Fish. This, of course, is not the dog’s favorite delicacy, but sometimes, as a form of variety, you can give the shaggy sea fish, provided that it is cleaned of bones and well boiled.
  5. Vegetables. The volume of vegetables should not exceed more than 1/3 of the menu. Carrots, beets in small quantities, sweet peppers and pumpkin are good for your pet. You can also make vegetable broths.
  6. Fruits. Here you should be careful with experiments and, in addition to the fact that you need to familiarize yourself with the list of acceptable fruits, pay attention to the dog’s reaction to this food. For starters, you can try giving the animal an apple.

Dairy products always remain in the diet; various vitamins and oils may be added to aid digestion. Don’t forget to discuss the norms and types of additives with a specialist first.

Taboo in food

There are a number of foods that animals cannot accept for one reason or another. And in order not to harm your four-legged friend, you need to know them.

  • Unprocessed cow's milk can lead to problems with the digestive system;
  • legumes are difficult to digest and can cause bloating;
  • cabbage is not recommended at an early age. Can be administered from six months of age, in heat-treated form;
  • potatoes are simply not digestible for dogs; they contain too much starch;
  • Sweets are another item that should be removed from the menu. Not only do sweets have a bad effect on your Rottweiler’s eyesight, they also cause obesity;
  • tubular bones are not digested and can damage the walls of the stomach.

Of course, like any dog, the Rottweiler should not be given fried, fatty, spicy foods, foods with a high content of spices or alcohol, or a lot of flour. You cannot switch your animal to monotonous food; the diet must be simple, healthy and balanced so that the dog is well-fed and cheerful.

A dog in the house is a source of not only joy, but also of great responsibility. Before getting a pet, you must first clearly understand the purpose of its presence in the house (for security, company, or other things), and also analyze the possibility of fulfilling your responsibilities to it (proper feeding, walking, training, and so on).

If you need reliable security, and at the same time pleasant dog company, then you can safely choose such a popular one.

The Rottweiler amazes with its versatility. After all, with proper upbringing, he is able to simultaneously be a serious protector of the owner and an affectionate friend of the child.

There is still debate about the origin of these dogs, but there is a version that the ancestors of Rottweilers regularly served Roman society, in particular the legionnaires. Additionally, some experts tend to think that this breed is descended from the Tibetan Mastiff. One way or another, but the small town of Rottwil in southern Germany is recognized as the homeland of Rottweilers.

Brief description of the breed

The Rottweiler is a large breed. The weight of an adult dog is more than 42 kg, and its height ranges from 56-68 cm depending on the sex of the animal.

By all standards, the color of the dog should be black with red tan. Other options do not meet the breed requirements.

By nature, the Rottweiler is cunning, soft and affectionate; it is sometimes even compared to a cat, but only for members of its family. If he feels seriously threatened, he will turn into a ruthless protector of the pack (family).

Considering that the dog’s instinct to protect its owner comes first, it must be trained to avoid the manifestation of causeless aggression. The Rottweiler is easy to train, you just need to overcome its natural laziness. In addition to training, do not forget about the early socialization of the dog.

If a person does not have experience raising this type of dog, then he should entrust the dog to a professional or think about choosing a different breed.

Dog care

Caring for a Rottweiler is not particularly difficult if you follow the basic rules:

How to feed a Rottweiler correctly

The dog's diet is the second important point after education and training. How long Rottweilers live at home depends on the quality of the diet and the correct feeding regimen. And they live a long time: with good care, up to 12 years.

Veterinarians and breeders advise following the following recommendations:

Types of feed

The Rottweiler's diet should be varied. You can feed dry food or natural food:

The owner should choose the type of food based on his convenience. The main thing is not what to feed your Rottweiler at home, but how to choose the correct portion size and determine the number of feedings. These parameters directly depend on the age of the dog.

The feeding schedule for an adult dog or puppy with dry food is not difficult to determine. Detailed recommendations are included with the food packaging. A natural diet should be given special attention.

Nutrition for a puppy up to 3 months

As a rule, until the puppy reaches the age of one month, its main food is mother's milk. When the puppy is 1 month old, complementary foods are gradually introduced. This can be natural food or special canned food.

The breeder decides what to feed a 2-month-old Rottweiler puppy. And the type of food usually matches what the mother is fed. If Rottweilers are kept on natural food, a two-month-old puppy should already have a fairly rich diet.

Up to 3 months, the main components of a natural diet will be:

  • boiled beef (preferably in the form of minced meat);
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • milk (up to 3 months it usually does not cause gastrointestinal upset).

Up to 2 months, the puppy should be fed 6 times a day, the amount of food should not exceed one glass for each feeding. From 2 to 3 months - 5 times a day, the amount of food increases to 2 glasses per meal.

The dog is fed for the first time in the morning, at least 1 hour before the walk. And the last one is before bed.

Feeding a puppy after 3 months

After 3 months, the puppy is offered to try porridge, and a little later - raw vegetables in small quantities. For vegetables, cabbage is not given yet, since the puppy’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready for such indigestible food, especially since it can cause fermentation in the dog’s intestines.

Gradually the diet is adjusted to a complete diet, which includes:

  1. ½ meat (offal), fish;
  2. 1/3 cereals (except for rice and buckwheat, wheat and barley are included);
  3. vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, tomato, cabbage);
  4. eggs;
  5. fruit (green apple).

Be sure to include vitamin supplements in your diet, and consult your veterinarian before using them.

The diet of puppies after 3 months is largely the same., differs only in the number of feedings and the volume of food per meal.

However, it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of the dog’s body. A puppy may need a little less food. You should focus on the weight standards for Rottweiler puppies to avoid dog obesity. For example, at 4 months the pet should weigh approximately 23 kg if it is a male, and 17 kg if it is a female. And already at six months the norm for a male is 35 kg, for a female - 30 kg.

Diet of an adult Rottweiler

There are no particular differences in feeding an adult dog. The only recommendation from veterinarians is that the amount of meat should be reduced to 1/3 of the serving volume.

You should definitely monitor your pet’s weight and condition.. If necessary, change food, amount of food and number of feedings. Each dog is unique, and we cannot fit everyone to the same standards. The most important thing is to consult a specialist when changing your diet.

If you properly raise a Rottweiler, care for it and feed it, then this dog will become a person’s most devoted friend and reliable assistant in life.

Rottweiler puppies

The main principle on which a dog’s correct diet is based is maintaining a balanced diet. It is necessary to feed your Rottweiler so that he receives all the nutrients to maintain good health, but does not overeat. The tendency to gain excess weight, combined with an unbridled appetite, makes dogs of this breed real gluttons. They may whine and beg for more, but you cannot indulge their weaknesses.

There is no consensus among veterinarians about what type of food is best for Rottweilers. However, everyone agrees that when preparing a diet from natural products, it is important not to forget about additional vitamin and mineral complexes. Ready-made premium and super-premium food already contains all the necessary additives.

Breed Features

Rottweilers have a strong immune system and a resilient body. They are not prone to genetic diseases, but they are susceptible to joint and gastrointestinal problems.

With an unbalanced diet, dogs often suffer from bloating, pancreatitis and gastritis. Arthritis and dysplasia can appear even at a young age. Therefore, to prevent joint diseases, the menu should include foods rich in vitamins B, E and fatty acids.

Rottweilers rarely have allergies. If a negative food reaction occurs, it is often caused by low-quality economy-class food.

The breed has powerful jaws that require daily exercise. A dog treat will do the job. Pets are allowed to chew on moss and sugar bones without meat. They force the muscles and joints of the jaw to work, and also clean the teeth.

Very quickly, the Rottweiler turns from a cute puppy into a large dog. Therefore, when preparing a diet, it is also necessary to take into account that the pet will grow at a record speed. Two conclusions follow from this.

  1. The basis of the diet is protein, because it is necessary for the healthy growth of the dog. Vegetable and animal fats should be added to the diet at the rate of 2 g per day per 1 kg of weight.
  2. Do not overfeed your pet under any circumstances, otherwise obesity is inevitable.

Assimilation of products

At home, the Rottweiler is fed fresh meat. Only five-minute cooking is allowed. If you cook meat longer, the protein will not be absorbed. Boiled meat also puts stress on the kidneys. It is also better to give vegetables raw or slightly boiled.

Cartilage and muscles that the dog uses as treats should also not be processed. High temperatures will convert calcium into an indigestible form.

Natural nutrition

“Naturalka” significantly saves owners money, but requires time for cooking and responsibility. It is important to correctly calculate the quantitative ratio of products. Half of the Rottweiler's food is meat. For variety, other sources of protein are added to the menu - cottage cheese, eggs. 30% of the diet is allocated to carbohydrates (cereals). The remaining 20% ​​is fiber (vegetables and fruits).

Required and Acceptable Products

Rottweilers are allowed to feed the following types of protein products:

  • beef;
  • mutton;
  • veal;
  • rabbit;
  • bird;
  • meat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • sea ​​fish.

Offal products such as heart, kidneys, udder and liver are added to the menu. Unlike meat, they must be boiled. Among cereals, preference is given to buckwheat, oatmeal, and rice. For cooking, use water or meat broth. One day of fish or sour milk will diversify the dog's menu.

Boiled vegetables are usually given as part of meat soups. Rottweilers benefit from pumpkin, beets, carrots and cabbage.

Raw vegetables should be passed through a coarse grater. Apples and pears are very useful for dogs. It is important to use fiber in moderation, otherwise the Rottweiler’s sensitive intestines will react with indigestion.

Prohibited list

Rottweilers should not be given pork because it is a very fatty meat. Among cereals, avoid barley, which the dog’s stomach does not digest, and semolina porridge. Citrus fruits and grapes can cause allergies even in breeds that are not prone to them. Legumes and potatoes lead to gastrointestinal diseases. Also prohibited are sweets, flour products, and any spicy food from the human table. In addition, Rottweilers should not be given:

  • tubular bones;
  • river fish;
  • milk (for pets from six months);
  • smoked meats

Natural feeding scheme

You must teach your pet good eating habits. It is necessary to follow the regime. Any begging at an inopportune hour is suppressed. Set aside a specific time for feeding and stick to it every day. The “meal” should take no more than 15 minutes.

It is important to properly organize the “dining room” for your pet. You will need two bowls: one for food and one for water. The dishes must be made of stainless material. The bowls are placed on a stand so that they are at the level of the dog's shoulder.

Make sure your pet always has fresh and clean water. The bowl of drink is changed twice a day.

First two months

For the first month, Rottweiler puppies are fed their mother's milk. It contains everything necessary for the health of a newborn. In the fifth week, meat and porridge are introduced into the menu. At two months of age, Rottweilers begin a period of intensive growth. Mother's milk is no longer enough; familiarity with “adult” products is necessary.

Meat makes up a third of the puppy's daily diet. Boiled beef is best digested in the stomach of babies.

It is cut into small pieces and mixed with rice or oatmeal. The porridge is made liquid so that the puppy can easily digest it. He should eat approximately 300 g of meat and cereal per day.

The menu for a two-month-old dog also includes boiled milk (400 g) and 100 g of boiled vegetables. In case of lactose intolerance, give cottage cheese. Feed 6 times a day.

To speed up the change of teeth at two months, beef cartilage is recommended for a puppy. They are given raw. During this period, the pet is also introduced to boiled chicken eggs.

3 months

Cooked foods are slowly giving way to raw foods. This is how the stomach adapts to the “adult” diet. Pre-freezing is now used as a heat treatment for meat.

Among vegetables and fruits during this period, emphasis is placed on cucumbers, pumpkins, tomatoes and green apples. They are given in grated form. Carrots and beets can cause stomach upset, so you should be careful with them. Cabbage is still prohibited. Meals become five times a day.

From 4 to 6

Sea fish without bones is included in the diet. They are given boiled. By six months, the meat portion is increased to 400 g.

Offal appears on the menu twice a week. The daily portion of porridge is 200 g, milk - 500 g. At five months, the puppy is transferred to four meals a day.

After six months

Starting from six months, the young Rottweiler eats almost like an adult. From six to nine months inclusive, the dog is fed three times a day. From ten months you can switch to two meals a day. Every day your pet should eat half a kilo of meat. Vegetables and cottage cheese are given 250 g each.

You need to be careful with cereals. The period of active growth is not yet complete, and from eating too much grain, the dog can quickly gain weight. On average, a serving of porridge per day is approximately 300 g, but if the Rottweiler has fat, then the amount of cereal is reduced.

Adults and elderly

Adult dogs are fed strictly twice a day. The quantitative ratio of products is the same as it was, starting from ten months.

When feeding a pregnant Rottweiler dog, there are no significant differences in the composition of the menu. But by the eighth week of the term, the pet is transferred to four “meals” a day instead of two.

The same number of meals is maintained throughout the entire lactation period. Starting from the third month of pregnancy, the dog is given a tablespoon of calcined cottage cheese daily.

As pets age, they become less active, which reduces their need for carbohydrates. Therefore, the amount of porridge is reduced. The stomach of an elderly Rottweiler does not cope well with processing food. It is better if the dog is fed three times a day, but the portions should be smaller than with two meals a day.

Features of dry feeding

The main rule when choosing industrial food for a Rottweiler is to buy a premium product or higher. Most manufacturers have lines for massive breeds. For puppies, buy food “for dogs under 18 months”.

Regular food for adult pets can cause indigestion in a baby. Rottweilers over eight years of age are recommended to be given food for older large breed dogs. Purina Pro Plan, Royal Canin, Hills, Brit have such lines.

The portion calculation is determined based on the size of the Rottweiler. For 1 kg of body weight of an adult pet, 30 g of food is needed.

The optimal age for switching a dog from natural food to industrial food is 3-4 months.

Examples of finished products

Rottweiler breeders identify several manufacturers whose products are suitable for these large dogs:

  • Royal Canin;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Jazz;
  • Appetitto;
  • Purina.

Eukanuba produces Dog Adult food for Rottweiler dogs. It, compared to other products from this company, contains an increased amount of protein to maintain strong muscles of the animal. It contains vitamin supplements for the heart, immunity and joints.

Royal Canin also produces a separate product for Rottweilers. This food has two types - for puppies and for adult dogs. The composition, rich in taurine and L-carnitine, strengthens the cardiovascular system and muscles. Fatty acids maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system.

Combined nutrition

Veterinarians recommend sticking to one type of diet. Mixing “drying” with natural food will lead to hypervitaminosis. The animal is at risk of diarrhea. This can also be an impetus for the development of food allergies. Therefore, it is better for Rottweiler owners not to experiment with combined nutrition.

Vitamin and mineral supplements

Vitamin and mineral complexes are necessary for a dog if it is fed “natural”. A veterinarian will help you make your choice.

For the health of Rottweilers, it is important that the supplement contains substances such as calcium, phytin, retinol and vitamins D.

The drugs are well absorbed if mixed with fermented milk products.

Supplementation with vitamins must be done wisely. In summer you can do without medications. During the cold period, the body could use vitamin help.

Power, seriousness, masculinity, devotion – these are the traits by which it is easy to recognize a Rottweiler dog. These dogs took part in battles in Ancient Rome and preferred death rather than a shameful retreat.

Origin story

The ancestor of the Rottweiler breed is considered. In ancient Rome, the Rottweiler was used as a fighting dog and to guard livestock being driven for the needs of the army.

The homeland is considered to be the German city of Rottweil - at that time one of the major meat trade points. Butchers needed dogs to protect their goods.

In the mid-19th century, livestock driving was prohibited and the number of Rottweilers began to decline. In 1901, one of these dogs attracted attention again when it broke up a massive riot in one of the squares in Hamburg, and in the same year the first breed standards were adopted.

Description of the Rottweiler breed

The Rottweiler dog is a confident, attentive and strong-willed dog. This type of dog has service qualities. Therefore, the description of the breed suggests well-developed muscles and impressive size.

  1. Weight indicators for males are 50 kg, for females – 42-45 kg. The height of males at the withers is 61-68 cm, females are 56-63 cm.
  2. The head is heavy in weight, proportional to the body, the back is strong, straight, the chest is wide, the stomach is tucked.
  3. The neck is muscular of medium length, the muzzle is elongated with well-defined cheekbones, the nose is black, large, with large nostrils.
  4. The ears are medium, triangular in shape, hanging.
  5. The eyes are small, almond-shaped, black or brown with a golden tint.
  6. The tail is docked. The legs are straight and muscular.
  7. The coat is medium length, hard, thick.


The characteristics of the breed suggest that the Rottweiler has one color - black with clearly defined red or brown tan marks. Tan marks are located on the muzzle, lower part of the neck, chest, paws, and under the tail.

IMPORTANT! The standard does not provide for mixed breeds and albinos with white, gray and other colors. For elite representatives of the breed, deviations from the standard color are not acceptable.


The Rottweiler dog has a calm character, balanced, active, and obedient. These dogs have long been used as bodyguards and security guards. If the dog senses danger, it will immediately come to the defense of its owner.

  1. Dogs of this breed quickly get used to their owner.
  2. They have a clear, quick reaction.
  3. Despite their stern appearance, they are good-natured towards children.
  4. Distrustful of strangers.
  5. They get along well with both a large family and a single person.
  6. They are warlike and aggressive towards other large dogs.
  7. Rottweilers are very sensitive and tend to understand your condition and mood.
  8. Need long-term physical activity.
  9. These servants always try to be useful to their master.
  10. They show devotion and respect for the love and care of the owner.

If we talk about the pros and cons of the breed, then everything depends on the character formed in the process of education. The training methods and the owner’s attitude towards the Rottweiler determine which qualities will dominate in the pet.


Education needs to be done as long as Rottweilers live.

You should pay attention to puppy training from the first day the baby arrives in the house. These are smart and quick-witted guards, they can quickly be trained, learn to use the toilet and remember their place in the house.

In raising an obedient Rottweiler, they show moral rigor and rigidity. Physical punishment is contraindicated.

The owner who purchases a Rottweiler must devote time daily to physical activity and long walks with the pet. To prevent a dog from becoming aggressive, it is necessary to accustom him from childhood to society - passers-by, other dogs.

When asked how to raise a Rottweiler, experienced owners give the following advice:

  • be persistent in your demands and ensure that all commands are followed;
  • show respect to the dog;
  • spare no time and patience in raising your pet;
  • do not encourage aggression and malice;
  • For completing commands and assigned tasks, treat your pet with a treat;
  • do not use physical violence for disobedience;
  • do not allow slack in training, always be consistent and correct behavior;
  • Let your pet know that you are the “leader of the pack” and deserve respect.
  • Provide your pet with energetic walks and activities.

Care and maintenance

Life expectancy is short and amounts to 8-10 years.

Dogs are unpretentious in care and do not require much time, but every owner of this servant should know how to care for and how to wash their pet.

Hygiene and health

  1. Bathing is carried out 1-2 times a year using dog shampoos.
  2. Brush thoroughly with combs and massage brushes 2 times a week. During the molting period, the amount of combing is increased up to 3-4 times.
  3. The ears are regularly cleaned of earwax and dirt using a cotton swab dipped in a special lotion.
  4. Claws are trimmed as they grow, on average 3 times a month. The paw pads are inspected for wounds, scratches and foreign objects.
  5. The eyes are wiped daily from mucous secretions with wet wipes. Monitor the condition of your dog's nose; it should always be wet and cold.
  6. At the age of three months, the puppy's teeth change. It is necessary to monitor the formation of the correct bite and strengthening of the molars, allowing the baby to gnaw on large brain bones.
  7. Dogs that have reached the age of 2-2.5 years are allowed to breed. To find a suitable pair for a purebred Rottweiler, you need to contact a nursery or club.

Before buying a dog, prepare in advance a place where the dog can rest comfortably.

  1. The place for your pet should not be in the hall with constant drafts. Give him an orthopedic bed.
  2. Make sure you have two bowls: one for food and one for water.
  3. Buy care products (shampoos, brushes, combs, washcloths).
  4. Make sure that your veterinary medicine cabinet always contains the necessary first aid medications.
  5. Buy a collar, leash, muzzle.
  6. Walks should be organized at least 3 times a day. The total time a dog should spend outside every day is a minimum of 3 hours.
  7. Buy various toys for your pet - rubber balls, bones.
  8. Take care of training. A well-mannered dog should be able to follow standard commands: come to me, sit, stand, lie down, ugh, next to me, place.


Rottweiler puppies undergo three stages of vaccination before they reach three months of age. In the future, vaccinations should be done every year.

It is allowed to vaccinate a pet at home only if the procedure is entrusted to a veterinarian.

The Rottweiler breed suffers from diseases such as:

  • epilepsy;
  • heart disease;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • cataract;
  • tetanus.

IMPORTANT! If you are unsure how to identify signs of various diseases in your pet, contact your veterinarian immediately. For preventive examinations, it is enough to visit a veterinary clinic 2 times a year.


In order for your Rottweiler to always be in good shape and in excellent physical shape, you need to monitor his diet. The number of feedings depends on the age of the dog: the younger it is, the more often it needs to be fed.

What to feed the puppy? When choosing a diet for a growing pet, we recommend focusing on the following products:

  • boiled and raw beef;
  • boiled and fresh vegetables (except legumes, cabbage);
  • fermented milk products;
  • boiled cereals.

As the puppy grows, he is given small meat bones. It is not allowed to feed the animal pork bones, as well as bones from poultry.

When choosing what to feed an adult dog, use the following in its diet:

  • flour and pasta products;
  • boiled and raw meat;
  • boiled and fresh vegetables;
  • cottage cheese, kefir;
  • chicken eggs;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • fresh herbs;
  • cereals

Add healthy vitamins and minerals to your food. When feeding dry food, you must ensure that your dog has fresh and clean water.


Poor quality products and feeding in large quantities lead to a deterioration in the pet’s health and well-being.


Rottweiler photo

How much does a puppy cost?

The price of puppies with a pedigree and all necessary documents ranges from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. If the title of your parents does not interest you, then you can buy a faithful friend for 6,000 rubles.


Due to their protective qualities, Rottweilers were popular. Due to the prevalence of the breed, the number of kennels where breeders are engaged in professional breeding of these dogs is sufficient.

Nurseries in Russia and Ukraine:

When choosing where to buy a Rottweiler, be sure to read reviews about kennels. When buying a puppy, ask the breeders what kind of litter it is, what the parents look like, what illnesses they had, what food the dog should be fed, the size of the dogs (mini or standard). Make sure you have all documents confirming your pedigree.

The Rottweiler is the embodiment of calm, nobility and masculinity. This dog will be a wonderful friend and companion for both families and single owners.