Card of accounting accounts for the tax office in 1s. Accounting info. Standard Accounting Reports

09.08.2024 Ulcer

You can generate the Account Card report in 1C 8.3 from the section Reports → Standard reports → Account card:

Select the period for which you want to generate a report; check; if necessary, indicate the organization and Form:

Let's analyze the resulting report using an example:

  • In the first column we see: what date was the movement on the account - 06/30/2016;
  • In the second - what document caused the movement on the account: receipt document No. 0у00-000011 dated June 30, 2016;
  • Next, which goods arrived and to which warehouse: paper clips arrived at the warehouse - Warehouse Store No. 2;
  • In the next column - from whom the goods came - LLC "Knopka";
  • We also see information: for what amount and in what quantity the goods were capitalized - 4,237.29 rubles. in the amount of 500 pcs.;
  • Next, what account does the torn account correspond to – account 60.01;
  • And in conclusion we see the current balance;
  • The information in the other two lines of the report is similar to what we just looked at:

By clicking on any of these lines, we will go to the original source, that is, the receipt document. We see that the information from the document is reflected in the report. Each line in the document corresponds to a line in the report:

If necessary, in 1C 8.3 you can make changes to the receipt document. After making changes, click Swipe and close and return to the report. Press the button Form and see the changed data.

In the final line of the report we see the turnover for the period and the balance at the end of the period:

Report settings Account card in 1C 8.3

Using the button Show settings:

You can make the necessary report settings:

If you select monthly frequency, the report will display turnover for each month included in the period and for the period as a whole:

On the tab Selections You can select a specific warehouse or a specific item for which you want to view movement. Select the type of comparison from the drop-down list:

Let's generate a report on the item Paper clips:

As we can see, the report reflected the movement only in the nomenclature Paper clips. On the tab Indicators you need to select the indicators that should be displayed in the report. By default, accounting data and quantities are displayed:

If you only need quantitative indicators, then uncheck the box BU (accounting data). And we will see the following data:

And the last tab Registration allows you to change the appearance of the report. You can select a design option from the proposed list, for example Sea. We will see the following option:

You can add your own settings to the proposed design options in 1C 8.3.

For example, we want to highlight the debit movement of an item with a certain color Paper clips. To do this, use the button Add, then Condition, in the available fields select Analytics Dt and indicate Contains paper clips. Choose Decoration, Next, choose a color:

And we get the following version of the report:

By button Seal you can print the Account Card report to a printer, and also, using the button, you can send the report by email from 1C 8.3:

How to send documents to buyers and suppliers by email directly from the 1C 8.3 program is discussed in

To understand where which documents and reference books are located in 1C 8.3 Accounting, what actions the program takes automatically and which you will have to do yourself, how to customize the program “for yourself”, what procedure for drawing up documents and regulatory reporting operates in the program - discussed in detail at ours. For more information about the course, see the following video:

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To check the correctness of accounting reflection, we generate a report. Conveniently view information using Account balance sheet. To create it, follow the menu link Reports - Account balance sheet.

To reflect the information we need, it is necessary to establish a period and an accounting account. In our case, the accounting account is 75.01. After all the settings have been made, press the button Form and the necessary information about revolutions is displayed on the screen. The report shows opening and closing balances, as well as turnover for the period for the selected account.

Account card

To display more detailed information on the balance sheet field, double-click and an additional report opens Account card. The Account Card report is a standard report with an extreme level of detail - up to the account, that is, before the posting. The generated report is a date-ordered selection of information about transactions that relate to the selected time period and in which the selected account was used.

Keeping records in the 1C:Enterprise program

Cash register

Cash accounting documents are contained in the menu Bank and Cashier. A document is intended to register the receipt of cash at the organization's cash desk Receipt cash order.

Payment from the buyer;

Return from an accountable person:

Return from supplier;

Receiving cash from the bank;

Other receipts.

Document Receipt cash order can be printed (unified form KO-1).

A document is intended to register the expenditure of cash from the cash register. Expense cash order.

The document reflects the following types of business transactions:

Payment to the supplier;

Refund to the buyer;

Issuance of funds to an accountable person;

Payment of wages;

Cash deposit to the bank;

Payments for loans and borrowings;

Cash collection;

Payment of deposited wages;

Other cash expenses.

The Cash Expense Order document can be printed (unified form KO-2).


Documents for accounting for non-cash funds are contained in the Bank and cash desk menu. The Outgoing Payment Order document is intended for generating a printed form of a payment order, as well as for preparing information for uploading data into a banking program.

When filling out the tabular part, the user indicates:


Payment amount;

VAT rate;

Recipient's account;

Type of payment and priority;

Purpose of payment.

If a payment order is issued for the transfer of a tax or other payment to the budget, then you must check the box Tax transfer. The payment order can be printed.

Document Incoming payment order is intended to reflect data on the receipt of funds from counterparties. When filling out the tabular part, the user indicates:

Sender of the payment;

Payment amount;

Sender's account;

Date and number of the incoming payment order;

Accounting account;

Cash flow item.

Document Bank statements is intended for recording transactions of receipt of funds to the current account of the organization, transfer of funds from the current account upon receipt of a bank statement for a certain period (day).

Removing marked objects

To delete any object, you need to find the required document in the journal and set the deletion mark.

After an object is marked for deletion in the journal, the specified document will be marked with a red cross. In this case, the document no longer generates transactions, but is present in the journal under the number that was assigned when entering the document in 1C:Enterprise.

In order to clear the log of documents marked for deletion, use the menu link Operations - Deleting marked objects.

A window is displayed in the upper part of which contains a list of objects detected in the information base and marked for deletion. Any of the objects can be opened using the button Open.

Using flags, you can specify which objects need to be checked for deletion.

To control the presence of links to deleted objects, click the button Control.

The program will check how users work with this information base and set the exclusive operating mode. If the database is being accessed, a message is displayed.

The program generates a list of links to the specified objects and displays another dialog (in modal mode), in which you can view the list of links and delete them.

1C: Accounting 8.2. A clear tutorial for beginners Gladky Alexey Anatolyevich

Subconto card

Subconto card

Here we will get acquainted with the Sub-Account Card report, which is in many ways similar to the Account Card report. The difference in this case is that the subconto card is linked not to the account, but to the subconto value. For example, you can generate a report for the subaccount Contracts, Items, Contractors, etc. At the same time, you can fine-tune the report: for example, generate it only for the subaccount Counterparties with the value of the subaccount Trade World LLC, or only for the subaccount Nomenclature with the value subconto Chocolate spread, etc.

To generate a subconto card, you need to execute the main menu command Reports? Subconto card, then in the toolbar of the window that opens, click the Settings button. As a result, the window shown in Fig. will open. 12.12.

Rice. 12.12. Setting up a subconto card

In the corresponding fields of this window on the General tab, the period for generating the report is indicated, the organization for which it is generated is selected, as well as the mode for displaying turnover. In the tabular part of the window, you need to select at least one type of subconto to generate a report: to do this, press the Insert key or the Add button, which is located in the toolbar, then in the Type of subconto field, click the select button and in the window that opens, specify the required type of subconto.

On the Selection tab, you can fine-tune the filter according to which data will be included in the report. For example, if on the General tab you selected the Accounts subconto type, then on the Selection tab you can specify specific contractors for which the report will be generated, etc.

To generate a report, click OK in the settings window. An example of a subconto card is shown in Fig. 12.13.

Rice. 12.13. Subconto card

From the subconto card, you can quickly switch to the editing mode of the corresponding primary document - to do this, double-click on the corresponding transaction in the report.

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How to generate reports in the 1C 8.3 Accounting program: balance sheet (general),account balance sheet, account analysis, account card, account turnover, subconto analysis?

In the 1C 8.3 program Accounting 3.0 is mainly formed by the turnover between the debits and credits of accounting accounts.

Let's look at the most needed reports. In fact, the program provides a rich selection of reports and flexible work with them. As a rule, when doing their accounting, people use 5–6 reports. Highlighted in the figure:

  • balance sheet (general)
  • account balance sheet
  • account analysis
  • account card
  • account turnover
  • subconto analysis

The need and importance of other reports depends on the tax regime and individual preferences. If these reports are not enough for you, you can try to get the necessary information using the 1C Universal Report.

This article covers general principles of working with reports and provides some examples.

General principles of working with reports in 1C 8.3

Reports are necessary primarily for analysis and identification of errors in accounting.

The most complete and generalized picture is given by the “Turnover balance sheet”.

Usually the easiest way to start is by creating this statement; it will contain summary information on all accounting accounts, including off-balance sheet accounts.

After the formation of the “Turnover Balance Sheet”, we can obtain a transcript for the account that interests us. To do this, you need to double-click on the amount of turnover that interests us for a certain period:

Now we have access to several reporting options for this account.

In addition, all reports have their own settings. Access to the settings can be obtained by clicking the “Show Settings” button. In the window that opens, you can configure how the report will look. Will the accounts be expanded into subaccounts or will it be necessary to display off-balance sheet accounts, and so on. The settings are clear and not complicated.

These principles apply to most accounting reports.

Here are some examples of working with reports.

Examples of working with 1C reports

For example: “Account card” and “Account analysis”. “Account Analysis” allows you to analyze account turnover.

Example of analysis of account 60 for the year:

The “Account Card” report provides details down to the posting. You can pick up the primary and compare it with the details:

Some additional features

  • The reports implement the function of calculating allocated amounts:

  • You can also send the report by email by clicking the envelope button.

Based on materials from:

Standard reports in 1C for accounting and tax accounting

Standard reports are designed to obtain data on account balances and turnover, subaccounts and transactions in various sections for accounting and tax accounting.

Each type of accounting (accounting or tax) has its own sets of standard reports.

For accounting in “1C: Accounting 8” the following set of standard reports is provided:

  1. “Turnover balance sheet”;
  2. "Chess sheet";
  3. “Account balance sheet”;
  4. “Account turnover”;
  5. "Account Analysis";
  6. "Account card";
  7. "Analysis of subconto";
  8. “Turnover between subcontos”;
  9. “Subconto card”;
  10. "Summary transactions";
  11. “Report on transactions”;
  12. "General Ledger";
  13. "Diagram".

This report contains a tabular representation of turnover between accounts for a selected period of time. The rows of the table correspond to debited accounts, the columns to credited accounts.

Posting report : information is displayed from transactions selected according to specified criteria. Using the default settings, the report will display a list of transactions, and, unlike the transaction journal, this list can be printed on paper. In the report setup form, you can specify the criteria by which transaction data should be displayed in the report: debit account, credit account, currency, document, fragment of text that should be contained in the content of the transaction or the name of the subaccount. “PR” (accounting for permanent differences in the valuation of assets and obligations) a similar set of reports is provided. Standard tax accounting reports have additional settings in the dialog area "Accounting type", which allows you to select one of the types of accounting for PBU 18/02: for accounting for temporary differences ( "VR"), to take into account permanent differences ( "PR").

These reports can be seen in the menu "Reports". The reports use synthetic and analytical accounting data.

Any report can be generated for a specific organization and for a specific period of time.

The advantage of all standard reports is the ability to detail them (decipher them). This feature greatly facilitates the detection and correction of errors and allows you to quickly find answers to questions that arise in the current work of users.