Come up with a sentence and perform grammar analysis. Analysis of composition proposals online. Online resources for breaking down member proposals

Syntax is the most complex section of the modern Russian language. At school, syntactic analysis of a sentence almost always causes serious difficulties, since when analyzing it is necessary to use previously acquired knowledge in a comprehensive manner: be able to distinguish parts of speech, refer to information from the vocabulary, be well versed in the semantic load and functions of different members of a sentence, correctly indicate simple sentences in the composition complex and determine their role.

At school and university there are different requirements for the syntactic parsing of sentences. Schoolchildren usually identify parts of speech and comment on each word during analysis. The requirement is due to the fact that for correct parsing it is necessary to know morphology well; the concepts of syntax and morphology should not be confused (there is a common mistake when parts of speech and parts of a sentence are mixed). At philological faculties of different higher educational institutions, syntactic parsing schemes are individual: it depends on what educational complex is being taught, what methodological developments are available at the department. When preparing for admission, an applicant will need to find out the requirements of a particular university, otherwise the analysis may be considered incorrect.

To correctly parse a sentence, you need to master a large amount of theory, be able to use terms accurately, and gain practical skills. Practice plays a particularly important role, so it is advisable to practice regularly, analyzing sentences of different levels of complexity.

There are strict requirements for parsing: it can only be done according to a clear scheme, without deviating from a given algorithm. Often you also need to draw a graphic diagram of a sentence, reflecting in it the levels of division and the dependence of simple sentences on each other. Also, the members of the sentence are graphically highlighted with different signs directly in the text (several types of subscript lines).

General scheme for parsing a sentence
There is a general scheme according to which the syntactic parsing of a sentence is carried out. It varies depending on specific requirements, but the basic basis remains the same.

  1. The purpose of the statement is indicated: narrative, incentive, interrogative sentence.
  2. At this stage, you should write what kind of intonation the sentence is: exclamatory or non-exclamatory.
  3. The type of sentence is determined: simple or complex, consisting of several simple ones.
  4. For complex sentences, you need to indicate the type of construction: simple (of the same type), complex (different types of connections between simple sentences within a complex sentence).
  5. The type of connection between sentences is indicated: union, non-union.
  6. Conjunctive sentences have two types: complex and complex.
  7. For a complex sentence, the type of subordinate clause is determined: attributive, explanatory, adverbial, adjunctive;
  8. It is necessary to indicate the type of adverbial clause:
    • mode of action;
    • places;
    • time;
    • conditions;
    • measures and degrees;
    • comparisons;
    • concessions;
    • consequences;
    • goals;
    • reasons.
  9. If the sentence is complex, a description of the connection between the parts within the complex is performed. The parts are numbered, all types of connections are indicated (non-union and allied, subordinating and coordinating), and if necessary, division into levels is made.
  10. Then they move on to the characteristics of each simple sentence, indicating its number.
  11. The analysis of a simple sentence continues to indicate the presence of main members: one-part or two-part.
  12. For a one-part sentence, its type is determined: nominative, generalized-personal, impersonal, definite-personal or indefinite-personal.
  13. At this stage, you need to write the type of predicate: PGS (simple verbal predicate), CGS (compound verbal predicate) or SIS (compound nominal predicate).
  14. Now you should determine the presence of minor members: widespread (there are minor members), non-widespread (there are no minor members).
  15. At this point of analysis, they indicate whether the sentence is complicated, and what exactly it is complicated by.
  16. At the end of the analysis, it is necessary to determine the type of sentence in terms of completeness: complete or incomplete. Sentences in which major or minor members are omitted are called incomplete, but they can be easily restored from the context.
You will also need to graphically indicate the members and boundaries of sentences in the text, draw diagrams, indicating sentence numbers, conjunctions, and asking questions to subordinate clauses from the main ones.

Ways of expressing sentence members
Knowing how to express the members of a sentence will help you parse the sentence correctly, without confusing its parts. Often, schoolchildren have difficulty identifying even the main members of a sentence, since there are a number of difficulties, and generally accepted stereotypes prevent them from correctly finding the basis and accurately analyzing the minor members.

It must be remembered that different parts of speech have almost unlimited possibilities and can be almost any part of a sentence, with rare exceptions. Often, schoolchildren get used to the fact that the subject is a noun, and the predicate is a verb. Without seeing the appropriate parts of speech in a sentence, they find themselves in a difficult situation and do not know how to parse it according to its composition. In fact, analysis cannot be confined to such a framework.

Subject answers questions in the nominative case and is expressed by different parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, numerals. The subject can also be expressed:

  • adjective (red is my favorite color);
  • a participle that turned into a noun (the people around fell silent);
  • union (and – connecting union);
  • indefinite form of the verb (for example, indefinite form of the verb with a noun in the accusative case: having a doctor in the house is a serious advantage).
Predicate answers the questions: what does the object do? what happens to the item? what is the subject? what is he?

To distinguish different types of predicates, it is important to remember the lexical and grammatical meaning of words. Lexical meaning reflects the meaning of the word, and grammatical meaning contains grammatical categories (for example, mood, tense, number and gender of the verb). Types of predicates:

  • PGS: the predicate is expressed by the personal form of the verb, in which the GZ and LZ coincide. Sometimes PGS is expressed by a phraseological unit containing a conjugated verb form.
  • GHS: must consist of at least two words. Each word carries its own meaning: the infinitive of the verb (lexical meaning) and the modal or phase connective (grammatical meaning). The phase connective indicates the phase of the action, and the modal connective reflects the attitude towards the action. The link can be expressed in words reflecting the assessment of the action, desirability, necessity, and short adjectives.
  • SIS: must consist of at least two words. The nominal part (LP) and the formal or semi-nominal copula (GZ). A more common formal connective is the verb to be. The role of the nominal part is played by all nominal parts of speech, adverbs, and phrases. Semi-nominal connectives include the verbs do, become, appear, seem, and others; verbs of state, movement.
Definitions answer what questions? whose? They are divided into coordinated and non-coordinated.
  • The agreed definition is easy to recognize, it is expressed by an adjective pronoun, adjective, participle, ordinal number. The main thing is not to confuse it with the nominal part of the SIS.
  • An inconsistent definition is usually expressed by nouns in indirect cases, but sometimes it becomes adverbs, phrases, infinitives, and comparative adjectives. There are also inconsistent application definitions.
Addition answers questions about indirect cases. More often expressed as a noun.

Circumstance answers the general question how? Expressed by adverbs and nouns. Circumstances are divided into categories:

  • circumstance of time;
  • places;
  • mode of action;
  • reasons;
  • comparisons;
  • concessions;
  • conditions;
  • goals;
  • measures and degrees.
It is necessary to take into account the nuances of expressing the members of a sentence in different parts of speech in order to correctly parse the sentence.

Types of subordinate clauses
When analyzing a complex sentence, it is important to correctly determine the type of subordinate clause. It can be adverbial, explanatory and definitive.

  1. Subordinate explanatory clauses answer questions of indirect cases. Unions and allied words act as means of communication.
  2. Subordinate clauses refer to a noun, are joined with the help of allied words, sometimes conjunctions, answer the questions whose? Which?
  3. Subordinate adverbial clauses differ depending on the category:
    • PO places answer questions where? where? Where? joined using allied words;
    • How long will it take to answer questions? How long? When? for how long? Joining with the help of conjunctions is common: only when, while, as soon as, etc.;
    • By measures and degrees answer the questions to what extent? how much?, refer to a word expressing a concept that may have a degree of manifestation;
    • The modus operandi answers the question how?, in the main part you can insert words like this, like this;
    • PO conditions answer the question under what condition?, connecting conjunctions - when, if, how soon;
    • By reasons reveal the question why?, conjunctions due to the fact that, since, because, due to the fact that;
    • By purpose: questions for what purpose? For what? etc. Unions just so that, in order to;
    • By consequence: the consequence follows from the first part, the union so that;
    • Software concessions: questions in spite of what? no matter what? Unions may be for nothing, despite the fact that;
    • Comparative software: questions like what? like what? Unions as if, as if, exactly like;
  4. Subordinate clauses do not answer questions, do not express semantic relations of the circumstance, but provide additional information to the main part. Means of communication: allied words (relative pronouns what, where, where, when, how, why, why, why).
In polynomial sentences, the type of subordination must be indicated. It can be sequential: the first subordinate clause is subordinate to the main one, the second subordinate clause is subordinate to the first, etc. With parallel subordination, subordinate clauses depend on the main clause, but answer different questions. When the subordination is homogeneous, the subordinate clauses depend on one main word and answer one question.
At universities, they mainly analyze polynomial sentences, so they highlight the levels of division, the connections between them, indicate all the blocks and the features of their relationships with each other, and draw complex diagrams. At school they usually limit themselves to sentences consisting of two to four simple ones.

Sentence parsing is a detailed analysis of a sentence, divided into several components. Thanks to this method, students will test their knowledge of the syntax of the Russian language. In educational institutions, parsing is the last chapter in the syntax section, since it provides an opportunity to comprehensively use previously acquired knowledge.

How to parse a proposal

Syntactic analysis is a logical and step-by-step process. They use it at school two types of parsing: oral and written. Their difference lies in the fact that in written language the parts of speech are marked schematically, while in oral language they are spoken out.

Step by step analysis:

  1. Determine what purpose carries a proposal. If the author is trying to tell something - narrative, ask - interrogative, induce to some action - incentive.
  2. Emotional color in writing is expressed by the presence of an exclamation mark. If you see an exclamation mark at the end, then the sentence is exclamatory. If it is not there, it is non-exclamatory.
  3. Count the number grammatical basics. One grammatical basis is simple, several are complex.
  4. Describe The connection between the parts of the sentence is union or non-union.
  5. Determine how the parts communicate with each other: conjunctions (subordinating or coordinating) or intonation (punctuation marks).
  6. Depending on the alliances describe the type: compound, complex or non-union.
  7. Analyze each part for the following parameters: the presence of main and minor members, the search for complicating factors (homogeneous members, introductory constructions, interjections, appeals).
  8. Make a diagram sentences, graphically highlighting the components.

Pay attention! Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence differs from a simple one only in the number of grammatical bases. Because of this, some steps (step 7) are repeated.

The best services for online analysis

Lexis Res

The Lexis Res website is one of the best services for member-based parsing in English. Main advantage– a detailed description of all the meanings of a single word, which will help users learning English.

The interface consists of two buttons. Team " Analyze" starts the process. The results are available at the bottom of the page. Function " Random sentences» will allow you to get acquainted with the work of the site using the example of a random offer.


  • Detailed parsing.
  • No annoying advertising.
  • Wide functionality of the service.
  • Minimalist interface.
  • Extensive base of words.


  • The resource is adapted for English expressions only.
  • Lack of graphic symbols.
  • Without proper knowledge of a foreign language, it will be difficult to read detailed explanations.


The Delph-in service is another English-language resource dedicated to parsing. Uniqueness is that it uses the Linguistic Knowledge Builder programming language, which is used in foreign universities.

Using the Linguistic Knowledge Builder Method provides benefits in terms of detail and its components. The English Resource Grammar technology, which is also used in foreign education, is responsible for visualization.


  • Great for exploring highly focused offerings.
  • A huge number of tools for parsing parts of speech.
  • There is no limit on the number of characters.


  • People with a good command of English will be able to fully work with the service.
  • A cumbersome interface that will take time to master.


The MorphologyOnline website is a Russian-language resource dedicated to syntax. The site interface fits into one button. From user required enter the required word, and the program will analyze it.

For the convenience of users, the service provides step-by-step check. In most cases, the verification process is carried out in three stages: identification of the part of speech, morphological features and probable syntactic role.


  • Detailed analysis.
  • Operational operation of the site.
  • No advertising.


  • Parsing is carried out within one word.
  • The main emphasis of the resource is on morphology.
  • Narrow specialization. is a Russian-language site that parses the requested word. Submitted by the service is carried out checks the selected word not only according to syntactic and morphological characteristics, but runs the selected word through all popular dictionaries, including a dictionary of specialized terms.


  • Detailed analysis of a word, including searching for meaning in dictionaries.
  • Nice user interface.
  • Possibility to choose criteria.


  • The program parses one word at a time.
  • The site is more focused on morphological analysis.


Goldlit website is one of the best parsing portals. Key Advantage Russian-speaking competitors have the opportunity to analyze entire proposals.

The algorithm of actions is extremely simple: the user enters a phrase or word. The portal processes the information and parses each word separately. Near every member the initial forms of the word, the part of speech to which it belongs, are written, and then grammatical analysis and declension by case are performed.


  • Detailed syntactic and grammatical analysis.
  • There are no restrictions on the topic and number of characters.
  • Friendly interface.
  • The site is easy to use.
  • Additional information on the literature.


  • Lack of grammar reference books.
  • The service is more focused on literature.

Tasks related to syntactic analysis of text cause difficulties for schoolchildren and students of the philology department. A competently carried out syntactic analysis of a sentence requires quite extensive knowledge in the field of the Russian language. But, having basic concepts, you can successfully cope with the tasks.

What is sentence parsing

Parsing is the analysis of a sentence according to the following criteria:

  1. Type according to the purpose of the statement.
  2. Kind of emotional coloring.
  3. The number of stems (hereinafter simple and complex sentences are parsed according to a certain order).
  4. Characteristics of the members of the sentence.
  5. Constructions that complicate the sentence (if any).
  6. Punctuation analysis.
  7. Scheme (if required).

Sentence parsing free online

Finding a program that can correctly perform parsing in full, taking into account all the nuances, is quite difficult. But still there are several services on the network that will help solve the problem.

The resource is the most popular available. When you enter a sentence in the appropriate window, you can get a syntactic analysis of the text.

If semantic analysis is required for analysis, it is best to use the program of the well-known exchange “Advego”.

You can also get an online solution from specialists - philologists and linguists. To do this, you need to go to the appropriate forum (,, Professionals will definitely help with analysis and give a comprehensive answer to the most difficult question.

Do the parsing yourself

You can comprehend all the intricacies of analysis if you carefully read the information below and practice a little.

I. Purpose of the utterance

Depending on the purpose, proposals are divided into:

  1. narrative(they convey information, report something, affirm or deny. At the end of such sentences there is a period or an exclamation mark);
  2. interrogative(contain a question, at the end there is (required!) a question mark);
  3. incentive(contain an incentive, appeal, request, demand). Characteristic are incentive intonation, the use of imperative verbs, particles let, let, come on.

II. Emotional coloring

The indicator is the presence of an exclamation mark. There he is - a proposal exclamation point, No - non-exclamatory. Any of the sentences according to the purpose of the statement can become exclamatory.

III. Number of grammar points

Based on the availability of basics, proposals are simple and complex. Simple ones include those in which there is 1 grammatical basis.

Accordingly, a complex sentence must have 2 or more stems.

III. 1. The procedure for parsing a simple sentence

The type of proposal based on the presence of main members should be indicated.

The main members include subjects and predicates.

Subject answers the questions who and what? Can be expressed by almost any part of speech.

Predicate answers the questions what does it do, what is this object, who is it, what is it like, what state is it in? It can also be expressed by different parts of speech.

Minor members include addition(answers questions about indirect cases), definition(which? whose?) and circumstance(where? when? where? how much? etc.)

III. 1.1 Common and non-common offers

If a sentence contains only main members, it uncirculated. If the sentence has at least one minor member - common.

III. 1.2. One-piece or two-piece

If a sentence has a subject and a predicate, the sentence is two-part. If only one main member is one-piece.

III. 2. Analysis of a complex sentence.

After determining the type of simple or complex sentence, it is necessary to analyze the secondary members, find complicating structures and explain the placement of punctuation marks.

Parsing examples

Syntactical analysis of the sentence: The sun was already quite high in the clear sky.

  • 1 base - simple,
  • The basis is the sun (subject) stood (predicate). Secondary members of the sentence: stood (where?) in the sky (adverbial). In the sky (what?) pure (definition). It was (how?) already quite high (circumstance).

Syntactic analysis of the sentence: The rain fell along the garden path.

  • Narrative, non-exclamatory,
  • 1 base - simple,
  • there are both main terms - two-part,
  • there are minor ones - common.
  • The bottom line is that the rain has passed.
  • Secondary members: walked (where or how?) along the path (circumstance). Garden path (what?) (definition).
  • There are no complicating structures or punctuation marks.

Syntactical analysis of the sentence: Blueness appeared between the thinning tops.

  • Narrative, non-exclamatory,
  • 1 base - simple,
  • there are both main terms - two-part,
  • there are minor ones - common.
  • The base appeared blue.
  • Secondary members: appeared (where?) between the tops (circumstance), (which ones?) blue (definition).
  • There are no complicating structures or punctuation marks.

Syntactical analysis of the sentence: Old handwritten books were worth their weight in gold.

  • Narrative, non-exclamatory,
  • 1 base - simple,
  • there are both main terms - two-part,
  • there are minor ones - common.
  • The basis is that books were valued.
  • Secondary members: were valued (how?) as worth their weight in gold (circumstance). Books (what?) old handwritten (definition).
  • There are no complicating structures or punctuation marks.

Syntactic analysis of the sentence: The summer was dry, there was almost no rain.

  • Narrative, non-exclamatory,
  • 2 basics (the summer was dry and there was no rain), so we analyze a complex sentence,
  • Part 1 – undistributed,
  • Part 2 – common. The secondary member is a circumstance (how?) almost.
  • Non-Union.
  • The parts are separated by a comma.

To use punctuation marks correctly, you need to have a clear understanding of the sentence structure. Syntactic parsing, that is, parsing the sentence into members, is intended to help you understand it. Our article is devoted to the syntactic parsing of sentences.

Syntax units

Syntax studies the connections between words within phrases or sentences. Thus, the units of syntax are phrases and sentences - simple or complex. In this article we will talk about how to do a syntactic analysis of a sentence, not a phrase, although they are often asked to do this at school.

Why is sentence parsing needed?

Syntactic analysis of a sentence involves a detailed examination of its structure. This is absolutely necessary in order to put punctuation marks correctly. In addition, it helps to understand the connection of words within a phrase. During syntactic analysis, as a rule, the characteristics of the sentence are given, all members of the sentence are determined and it is replaced by what parts of speech they are expressed. This is the so-called full parsing. But sometimes this term is used to refer to a short, partial, syntactic analysis, during which the student only emphasizes the parts of the sentence.

Members of the sentence

Among the members of a sentence, the main ones are always identified first: subject and predicate. They usually form the grammatical basis. If a sentence has one grammatical stem, it simple, more than one - complex.

The grammatical basis can consist of two main members, or include only one of them: either only the subject, or only the predicate. In the second case we say that the sentence one-piece. If both main members are present - two-part.

If, apart from the grammatical basis, there are no words in a sentence, it is called undistributed. IN widespread the sentence also has minor members: addition, definition, circumstance; a special case of the definition is application.

if a sentence contains words that are not members of the sentence (for example, appeal), it is still considered uncommon.

When performing analysis, it is necessary to name the part of speech by which one or another member of the sentence is expressed. The children practice this skill while studying Russian in the 5th grade.

Offer characteristics

To characterize a proposal, you need to indicate it, you need to describe it

  • according to the purpose of the statement;
  • by intonation;
  • by the number of grammatical bases and so on.

Below we offer an outline of the proposal's characteristics.

According to the purpose of the statement: narrative, interrogative, motivating.

By intonation: exclamatory or non-exclamatory.

Exclamatory sentences can be any type of sentence, not just incentive ones.

By the number of grammatical bases: simple or complex.

By the number of main members in the grammatical basis: one-piece or two-piece.

If the sentence is one-part, it is necessary determine its type: nominative, definitely personal, indefinitely personal, impersonal.

By the presence of minor members: widespread or not widespread.

If the proposal is complicated in some way, then this must also be indicated. This is a plan for parsing a sentence; It's better to stick to it.

Complicated sentence

A sentence can be complicated by address, introductory and inserted constructions, homogeneous members, isolated members, direct speech. If any of these types of complications is present, then you must indicate that the sentence is complicated and write with what.

For example, the sentence “Guys, let’s live together!” complicated by the address “guys”.

If the sentence is complex

If it is necessary to analyze a complex sentence, you must first indicate that it is complex and determine its type: conjunctive or non-conjunctive, and if conjunctive, then also complex or complex. Then characterize each of the parts in terms of the composition of the grammatical basis (two-part or one-part, type of one-part) and the presence/absence of minor members.

The table shows the minor members and their questions.

Secondary members can be expressed by different parts of speech, for example the definition:

wool skirt- adjective;

wool skirt- noun;

ironed skirt- participle;

habit of winning- infinitive...

Example of parsing a sentence

Let's look at the proposal “I didn’t know that you, Masha, moved from the village to the city”.

We emphasize grammar basics. There are two of them: knew and You moved. Let's define parts of speech: knew- predicate, expressed by a verb in personal form, etc.

Now we emphasize minor members:

Moved from where? from the village - a circumstance expressed by a noun; Where? to the city - also a circumstance, also expressed by a noun. Masha- this is an appeal, it is not a member of the sentence.

Now let's give characteristics. The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, conjunction, complex.

The first part “didn’t know” is incomplete and undistributed.

The second part is two-part, widespread. Complicated handling.

At the end of the analysis, you need to draw up a diagram of a complex sentence.

What have we learned?

Parsing is designed to help you understand the structure of a sentence, so you need to indicate everything that can be associated with it. It is better to carry out the analysis according to plan, then there is a greater chance that you will not forget anything. It is necessary not only to emphasize the members of the sentence, but also to identify the parts of speech and characterize the sentence.

Test on the topic

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Today we continue to study a complex sentence, in this lesson we will learn how to parse it.

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement ( narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2. Determine the type of sentence by intonation ( exclamation, non-exclamation).

3. Identify simple sentences within complex ones and determine their bases.

4. Determine the means of communication of simple sentences in a complex one ( allied, non-union).

5. Highlight the minor members in each part of a complex sentence, indicate whether it is common or uncommon.

6. Note the presence of homogeneous members or appeals.

Proposition 1 (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Sentence 1

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex (has two grammatical stems), conjunctive (connected by the conjunction And), both the first and second parts are not widespread (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Analysis of sentence 1

Proposition 2 (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Proposition 2

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, non-conjunctive. The first part is common (there is a definition), the second is not common (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Analysis of sentence 2

Parse the sentence (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Offer

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, conjunction. The first part is common, complicated by homogeneous predicates. The second part is common.

Rice. 6. Analysis of the proposal


1. Russian language. 5th grade. In 3 parts Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. 9th ed., revised. - M.: 2012 Part 1 - 182 p., Part 2 - 167 p., Part 3 - 63 p.

2. Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook in 2 parts. Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. and others - M.: Education, 2012. - Part 1 - 192 pp.; Part 2 - 176 p.

3. Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook / Ed. Razumovskoy M.M., Lekanta P.A. - M.: 2012 - 318 p.

4. Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook in 2 parts Rybchenkova L.M. and others - M.: Education, 2014. - Part 1 - 127 p., Part 2 - 160 p.

1. Website of the festival of pedagogical ideas “Open Lesson” ()


1. What is the procedure for parsing a complex sentence?

2. What are complex sentences for the means of communication between parts?

3. Underline the grammatical basics in the sentence:

The hasty dawn was approaching, the heights of heaven brightened.