Why do you dream about a lot of pins? Pin interpretation of the dream book Why do you dream of pins in your mouth

19.07.2024 Operations

Dream Interpretation Pin

After having a dream, you asked yourself the question: “why do you dream about a pin?” and decided to find the answer in a dream interpreter. In general, such a small detail, dreamed of in night vision, warns a person about the upcoming great danger, unfavorable events, as well as the onset of a period of troubles in real life. But a more complete decoding directly depends on the details that appeared in the plot of the dream.

Why do you dream about pins?

To see this accessory in a dream means that the vision should be taken as a warning about upcoming conflicts and various disagreements in the family.

For an unmarried lady, this dream is a sign of warning: her chosen one will probably be rude to her and the girl is unlikely to be able to forgive this attitude towards her.

The dream book interprets: you dreamed of a pin, and in the story you happened to pin it to your clothes - this means that in reality the dreamer has such character traits as: prudence and prudence. These qualities help him overcome many of life's difficulties, overcoming troubles and traps along the way.

If you dreamed of a pin

There is another explanation: why do you dream of a pin pinned to clothes - in reality, the dreamer is trying in every possible way to attract the attention of others. What matters to him is how people perceive his appearance.

Which one did you dream about?

Do you remember what kind of pin you saw in your dream?


I dreamed about English - expect losses. The dreamer will get involved in a risky event. In reality, a big family scandal will occur, which could ultimately lead to divorce. English (her loss) is interpreted in some dream books as a symbol of an impending separation from her lover.


Golden - portends a quick wedding for singles. Why do you dream about a golden pin? This accessory is a universal symbol of purity and wealth.

A golden pin found in a dream means great prospects in life, the realization of which will require a lot of effort and labor. But if the dreamer tries to resolve problems in interpersonal relationships in various ways, it means that as a result, a worthy reward awaits him.

You just saw a golden pin - do an act for which you will earn the respect of others.

If the pin was gold


If you dream of a pin that is old, rusty, or bent, all your authority, earned over the years, may be lost due to an unreasonable, stupid act or behavior.

The dreamer's actions

Finding a pin in a dream means an unexpected meeting in reality. If you dream of losing a pin, expect a small loss or quarrel.

Try to remember what you did with the pin.

Hold in mouth

Why do you dream of a pin in your mouth? It's time to control your words and actions, try to be more restrained and control everything you say and do.

Remember, people don’t always like to hear barbs directed at them. By speaking negatively about others, you turn them against yourself. Swallowing it means you have to commit a risky act.

Lose her

If you dream of losing a pin, expect a small loss or quarrel.

In night vision you happened to break a pin - in reality you hope for a miraculous outcome of things that are not going very well. In this case, the sleeper probably subconsciously turns to friends, from whom he expects help and support. Sometimes this indicates that some unexpected news awaits you.


  • If needles appeared in the dream, then the interpretation of this plot depends on the dreamer’s attitude towards these things. Rely on the interpretation of the gypsy dream book: you dream of needles as a sign of disappointment in love. And referring to Martyn Zadeka, needles are a sign of victory over enemies.
  • Have you been pricked by needles or pins? Probably, in everyday life you are afraid of caustic statements and barbs addressed to you. Sewing with a needle means longevity.
  • Seeing a lot of needles and pins in a dream means beware of gossip. I happened to see how they found a pin, which lies with the tip of the needle towards the sleeping person - expect an unpleasant meeting with secret enemies. Seeing the blunt end towards the top means a fun party with bosom friends.
  • In dreams you were pricked with a needle - in reality, the dreamer will be able to accomplish a big and important thing, in the end it will turn into considerable profit, and the person will also be respected and respected by others. If you were pricked, there is a possibility of undeserved offense.

Collecting needles and pins scattered on the floor is a sign of a false period in life.

A pin (fibula) has long been considered a powerful amulet against the evil eye and damage. Our ancestors also believed that by pinning it on the inside of your clothes, you could ward off evil forces. Why do you dream about a pin? What does it mean to see this object in a dream?

A golden pin usually dreams of prosperity and success in all matters. And for young girls it foretells an acquaintance with a rich man. In addition to a stable financial situation, the guy will have such excellent qualities as reliability and decency.

As the dream book says, a silver pin often appears before concluding a deal. Its outcome depends entirely on your actions. If you think everything through carefully, you will receive significant material profits.

Seeing a pin made of ordinary metal in a dream means you will have the opportunity to correct the situation. If you have recently made a mistake in something, fate will give you the gift of a second chance. Don't miss it.

A lot of safety pins in a dream is a sign that you will soon make a profit. Also, such night dreams foreshadow fame and prosperity. And a dream about black pins warns of possible conflicts with loved ones.

Dreaming of a closed fibula promises good luck and material success. And an open one indicates that provocations from ill-wishers are possible in the near future. Try not to give in to them, take care of your nerves.

If a woman saw in a dream how she was stabbing people with a pin, then in reality she feels insecure because of the reproaches of others. Experts recommend listening less to others and accepting yourself as you are.

Success in creative work is what dreams of pins that you swallow mean. A dream in which pins were made of gold is considered especially favorable. It portends not only fame, but also wealth.

  • You have a fibula - you may be misinformed.
  • In the mouth - to insult.
  • Sticks out in your leg - strangers will try to interfere in your life.
  • In hand - think before you take a responsible step.
  • In the body - to communicate with a bore.

According to the dream book, removing a pin from your leg means giving a worthy rebuff to the enemy. What if you couldn’t take it out in your sleep? What is this for? Usually such a dream indicates that you need to act more decisively.

If the pin in a dream was a gift, then you should show restraint and not react to the attacks of others. And buying it means risking your own authority. Do not agree to dubious offers.

The dream interpreter interprets many pins in your pocket as an opportunity to acquire something you have long dreamed of. You can please yourself without much damage to your wallet, and you will find a good deal.

If you saw your best friend reveal the fibula, then he may need your support. Most likely, he will ask you to borrow money. If you have the opportunity to help a friend, be sure to do so.

I dreamed that you had a damaged or rusty pin in your hands. What is this for? Such a dream foreshadows a risk, the result of which can be either a large cash flow or failure. Think, is it worth the risk?

If you dreamed of a pin, do not neglect what the dream interpreter wants to tell you. Taking into account the explanations of the dream book, you will be able not only to look into the future, but also to objectively assess the present. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Women's dream book

Pin - this dream does not bode well, especially for young girls dreaming of getting married soon. Be prepared for the fact that your chosen one will turn out to be completely different from the person you imagined him to be.

Maly Velesov dream book

Pin - loss, worries, villainy, minor quarrel, gossip, argument, insult; hold - you will obey your wife; a lot of empty jokes; to inject yourself - to make a stupid mistake; prick - trouble over trifles.

Newest dream book

Pin - you will participate in some kind of coalition; if you inject yourself, it will cause a significant blow to your own pride.

If you dream of pins, it means a disease that is carried on your legs.

Russian folk dream book

The pin is a symbol of danger, as well as superstition.

Combined dream book

A dream in which you pin something with a pin or sort through several pins - people will start gossiping about you, and conflict situations in the family are possible.

Pricking yourself on a pin is a minor problem; swallowing a pin is a forced adventure; losing a pin is a small loss; rusty pin - because of your actions, people around you will begin to judge you.

Modern dream book

Pins - gossip, insult, argument.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The pin is a reflection of the feeling of lack of freedom (like a pinned insect). A reflection of the desire to combine incompatible things.

Dream book of the 21st century

Pins seen in a dream can portend your dissatisfaction, irritation and grief in reality, if there are a lot of them - it means profit, a fallen pin means satisfaction, losing it means that you can lose your authority, sitting on it is a pleasant surprise.

Dream book for lovers

Pins are a sign of troubles and family quarrels. If a girl has such a dream, it means that her lover will treat her with disdain. Losing a pin means a quarrel with your loved one. A pin stuck into the body means the appearance of a person who will bother you.

Dream book for a bitch

Pin - a disagreement with a loved one, misunderstanding in the family.

To prick yourself with a pin - someone is greatly annoying you.

Pinning something with a pin is a futile attempt to correct the current unpleasant situation, but in the future everything will work out in the best possible way.

Drop or lose a pin - circumstances will force you to accept an unfavorable offer.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

A pin in a dream means “pin” pricks from your ill-wishers.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

If you prick yourself with a pin in a dream and see blood flowing from your finger, this means pricks of conscience.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A pin is an injection of pride.

Golden pin - for the crown.

Miller's Dream Book

Pins in a dream - warn of family quarrels and discord. Such a dream warns a girl about her lover’s rude treatment of her.

If in a dream you swallow a pin, in real life some emergency circumstances will force you to accept risky conditions.

A pin lost in a dream threatens you with minor damage or a quarrel.

A bent or rusty pin warns that your frivolous behavior will lead you to loss of respect.

If a pin sticks into your body in a dream, it means that some person will get on your nerves.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A pin seen in a dream foreshadows quarrels and scandals in the family.

To prick yourself with a pin - completely strangers whom you don’t even know will make you a lot nervous. For a girl, such a dream is a harbinger of worries about rude treatment from her lover.

A broken pin means that the frivolity of your behavior will lead you to loss of respect.

Losing a pin in a dream and trying to find it means a trifling quarrel and minor damage.

Pinning something with a pin means that in reality some extraordinary circumstances will force you to accept the conditions dictated to you.

Breaking a pin in a dream is a warning of impending grief and loss, and you will also suffer from insufficient attention from your closest relatives.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Pin - gossip, argument, insults.

Solomon's Dream Book

Pin - gossip, insults, disputes, quarrels.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Pin - addiction; caustic jokes, ridicule.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Dreaming of pins predicts: you will find yourself in the very center of an intrigue started by your superiors.

Losing a pin means: nothing important will happen in your life in the near future.

If you dreamed that you were buying a pin, be careful, you may be drawn into someone else’s adventure, which will bring you nothing but trouble.

Aesop's Dream Book

The pin is the personification of danger, surprise and secret threat. The image of a pin in your dream most likely arose thanks to those well-known superstitions and signs that you heard in real life and which were deposited in your subconscious: “Don’t lift the pin toward yourself,” “If the pin you find lies with its head towards you, a friend recalled ; if the tip is towards you, the enemy is planning”, “A girl pricks her finger with a pin - hear praise”, “Pin a pin to clothes - avoid trouble.” Finding a pin in a dream means an unexpected meeting.

If in a dream you find a pin with its tip facing you, you will meet your enemy, who will try to harm you in every imaginable and inconceivable way.

If you find a pin with its blunt end facing you, a fun meeting and party awaits you with your old, good friends.

If you dreamed that you were pinning a pin to your clothes, in real life you are a very prudent person and calculate your every step before taking anything. Thanks to this quality, you easily avoid meeting your enemies and conduct your affairs well.

Pricking yourself with a pin in a dream is a sign that in reality you will accomplish a very important thing, which will bring you not only great material profit, but also the respect and gratitude of the people around you.

Breaking a pin in a dream is evidence that despite the fact that your business is not going very well, you are hoping for a miracle. Sometimes such a dream indicates that some unexpected news awaits you.

If you dreamed that you were inserting an elastic band into your clothes with a pin, then in real life your secret desire is to attract attention to yourself with your appearance, clothes and charm.

Losing a pin in a dream is a prophecy of minor misunderstandings due to your absent-mindedness.

French dream book

If you dream of pins, it means prosperity and profit.

Online dream book

According to the dream book, a pin warns that you can be very deceived in people whom you trust infinitely.

Finding her in a dream means you will have a great time in the company of old friends.

If you dreamed that you were buying it, you might have to suffer while defending other people’s interests.

If you lost her in a dream, losses await you in life, however, they will be insignificant.

If you dream that you see more than one pin or attach something with its help, it means misunderstandings with relatives, various rumors about you.

A dream in which you inject yourself with it portends minor difficulties; if you swallowed it, you will find yourself in a dubious situation.

If you dreamed of a rusty pin, try not to do anything bad, otherwise you cannot avoid harsh criticism.

If it is broken in a dream, in reality you will ruin your reputation.

A dream in which a gold pin appears - it is very successful to marry a wealthy and highly moral person.

I dreamed about a Pin, what is it for, what does a Pin mean in a dream

Slavic dream book Meaning of sleep Pin:

You dreamed of a Pin, what is it for - you are in for squabbles with women, beware of everyday dirty tricks, damage, etc.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife I had a dream Pin.

Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream about a Pin?

What does it mean to see in a dream? You dreamed of a Pin; what is it for - to pin it - to prevent someone’s machinations, to look for a dropped one - to become the object of speculation, to prick someone with a pin - to refute defamatory rumors, to pin a pin to a loved one - the fear of losing him. Seeing a pin lying down means avoiding conversations.

British dream book I dreamed about a Pin:

Dream Interpretation by A. Mindell What does the Pin mean:

You dreamed of a Pin, what is it for - If you dream of pins, get ready for family quarrels, for quarrels with loved ones; Moreover, the basis of quarrels and strife will be little things - these eternal annoying little things. It’s as if you’ve lost a pin and are looking for it on the floor or on your knees, at the same time you’re afraid of inadvertently pricking yourself - the dream means some kind of damage; but don't worry, the damage will be small; Some conversation on an ordinary topic will end in a quarrel. To your horror, you swallowed a pin and are waiting to see what will happen now - emergency circumstances will soon arise around you; to get out of them without losses and as quickly as possible, you will have to take a risky action; the act may not be entirely worthy, but you will justify yourself with the aphorism: The end justifies the means. You dream of bent or rusty, broken pins - in the near future your actions will be frivolous; your frivolity will come either from the fact that you feel very good, or from the fact that you are in the company of frivolous people and do not want to stand out too much in this company; you should fear for your authority: in wanting to gain the respect of frivolous people, you risk losing the respect of serious and influential people. It’s as if you were pricked with a pin - an unpleasant person will do something that will make you feel irritated for a long time.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Pin mean in a dream:

What do Pins mean in a dream - Family quarrels and discord are possible. Imagine throwing pins into a fire and they melt into metal (see Iron).

Creative dream book Meaning of sleep Pin:

You dreamed of a Pin, what is it for. 1. In a dream, everything depends on whether the pin is pinching something or is being used to prick someone. If it holds something together, it will represent emotional ties or obligations that we use. If something is pierced, then an injury is assumed, albeit a very small one. 2. From time to time, dreams remind us of the feelings we experience in everyday life. The pin indicates that we are using an inadequate flow of information and energy in the situation around us. 3. Sometimes we are unable to discern spiritual wisdom that suddenly appears. A temporary solution can be symbolized with a pin.

Russian dream book What does a Pin mean in a dream:

What do Pins mean in a dream – gossip, insults, quarrels.

Dream Interpretation Pin

If in a dream you saw a Pin, a safety pin, or you were forced to collect Pins, then the Dream Interpretation warns you about possible family quarrels, conflicts with a loved one. These dreams always symbolize the union of two things into one, or separation, separation, rupture.

I dreamed about a Pin, a safety pin– to risky situations; to divorce and quarrels; loss; nervous and unpleasant environment.

Such dreams can symbolize your attitude towards loved ones. If you lost a Pin in a dream and have been looking for a Pin for a long time, then in life you have probably experienced a recent divorce, or are preparing for it. If in a dream you swallowed a pin, then this dream warns you of the onset of very risky situations. Pinning two things together with a pin in a dream means an attempt to combine two life situations into one. A pin prick in a dream warns you that you will soon be attacked by unkempt people. An old, rusty pin is an omen of loss of respect and authority.

In a dream, collect pins- to stupidity, evil jokes; to find problems.

A dream where you collect Pins may mean a life situation in which you are looking for problems for yourself. Having seen such a dream, you need to think about whether you are doing everything right in life, whether you are using prohibited methods. You should be simpler in life, and not attach much importance to all the words that people around you tell you.

Safety pin

Dream Interpretation Safety Pin dreamed of why you dream about a safety pin? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a safety pin in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Pin

Dream Interpretation – Pins

Dream Interpretation – Pin

Dream Interpretation – Pins

Dream Interpretation – Pin

Dream Interpretation – Pins

Dream Interpretation – Pins

Dream Interpretation – Pin

Dream Interpretation – Pin

Dream Interpretation – Pins

Gold pin

Dream interpretation Golden pin dreamed of why you dream about a golden pin? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a golden pin in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Pin

The pin is the personification of danger, surprise and secret threat. The image of a pin in your dream most likely arose thanks to those well-known superstitions and signs that you heard in real life and which were deposited in your subconscious: “Don’t lift the pin towards yourself,” “If the pin you find lies with its head towards you,” a friend recalled ; if the point is towards you, the enemy is planning”, “A girl pricks her finger with a pin - hear praise”, “Pin a pin to clothes - avoid trouble.”

Dream Interpretation – Pins

Seeing a lot of pins in a dream foretells gossip, insults and quarrels and sometimes a waste of time or futility of efforts, which will subsequently greatly upset you. Such a dream can also warn you that you should not trust empty promises. Swallowing a pin in a dream means falling into a trap. Such a dream is considered a bad omen. Receiving it as a gift is a sign of someone's affection for you. Losing a pin in a dream means losses, failures and subsequent discord. If in a dream you prick yourself with a pin, then in real life you will make a mistake, because of which you will be very upset. If you suddenly feel a pin prick, then an unpleasant surprise and experience awaits you. If you were pricked with a pin in a dream, then a lot of trouble awaits you, the cause of which will be a stupid and insignificant dispute. For lovers, such a dream predicts an insult or undeserved insult, the culprit of which will be your beloved (beloved). If a woman sees a pincushion in a dream, then the dream warns her that she should devote more time to household chores if she does not want her husband to be dissatisfied. A rusty, bent or broken pin is a harbinger of grief and reproach. See interpretation: needle, prick.

Dream Interpretation – Pin

A pin seen in a dream foreshadows quarrels and scandals in the family. Pricking yourself with a pin means complete strangers whom you don’t even know will make you a lot nervous. For a girl, such a dream is a harbinger of worries about rude treatment from her lover.

Dream Interpretation – Pins

Pins in a dream warn of family quarrels and discord.

Dream Interpretation – Pin

A dream in which you see pins, pin something, or sort through them means family quarrels, misunderstandings, stupid jokes and gossip.

Dream Interpretation – Pins

Pins are a sign of troubles and family quarrels. If a girl has such a dream, it means that her lover will treat her with disdain. Losing a pin means a quarrel with your loved one. A pin stuck into the body means the appearance of a person who will bother you.

Dream Interpretation – Pins

Pins in a dream warn of family quarrels and discord. For a girl, such a dream is a warning about the rudeness of her lover.

Dream Interpretation – Pin

It may portend your dissatisfaction, irritation and grief.

Dream Interpretation – Pin

Using a pin, two separate things are pinned together.

Dream Interpretation – Pins

Pins dream of prosperity and profit.

Why do you dream about Pins?

Why do you dream about Pins?

Pins in a dream warn of family quarrels and discord.

Seeing Pins in a dream

Pins dream of prosperity and profit.

What does the dream Pins mean?

Seeing a lot of pins in a dream foretells gossip, insults and quarrels and sometimes a waste of time or futility of efforts, which will subsequently greatly upset you. Such a dream can also warn you that you should not trust empty promises. Swallowing a pin in a dream means falling into a trap. Such a dream is considered a bad omen. Receiving it as a gift is a sign of someone's affection for you. Losing a pin in a dream means losses, failures and subsequent discord. If in a dream you prick yourself with a pin, then in real life you will make a mistake, because of which you will be very upset. If you suddenly feel a pin prick, then an unpleasant surprise and experience awaits you. If you were pricked with a pin in a dream, then a lot of trouble awaits you, the cause of which will be a stupid and insignificant dispute. For lovers, such a dream predicts an insult or undeserved insult, the culprit of which will be your beloved (beloved). If a woman sees a pincushion in a dream, then the dream warns her that she should devote more time to household chores if she does not want her husband to be dissatisfied. A rusty, bent or broken pin is a harbinger of grief and reproach. See interpretation: needle, prick.

Seeing Pins in a dream

Pins are a sign of troubles and family quarrels. If a girl has such a dream, it means that her lover will treat her with disdain. Losing a pin means a quarrel with your loved one. A pin stuck into the body means the appearance of a person who will bother you.

What do dreams mean? Pins

Family quarrels and discord are possible.

Dream about Pins

Pins in a dream warn of family quarrels and discord. For a girl, such a dream is a warning about the rudeness of her lover.

What do Pins mean in a dream?

Meaning of dreams Pins

If you prick yourself with a pin, someone will get on your nerves.

Throw out the pins

Dream Interpretation Throw out pins had a dream, why do you dream about throwing out pins in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see throwing out Pins in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Pin

The pin is the personification of danger, surprise and secret threat. The image of a pin in your dream most likely arose thanks to those well-known superstitions and signs that you heard in real life and which were deposited in your subconscious: “Don’t lift the pin towards yourself,” “If the pin you find lies with its head towards you,” a friend recalled ; if the point is towards you, the enemy is planning”, “A girl pricks her finger with a pin - hear praise”, “Pin a pin to clothes - avoid trouble.”

Dream Interpretation – Pins

Seeing a lot of pins in a dream foretells gossip, insults and quarrels and sometimes a waste of time or futility of efforts, which will subsequently greatly upset you. Such a dream can also warn you that you should not trust empty promises. Swallowing a pin in a dream means falling into a trap. Such a dream is considered a bad omen. Receiving it as a gift is a sign of someone's affection for you. Losing a pin in a dream means losses, failures and subsequent discord. If in a dream you prick yourself with a pin, then in real life you will make a mistake, because of which you will be very upset. If you suddenly feel a pin prick, then an unpleasant surprise and experience awaits you. If you were pricked with a pin in a dream, then a lot of trouble awaits you, the cause of which will be a stupid and insignificant dispute. For lovers, such a dream predicts an insult or undeserved insult, the culprit of which will be your beloved (beloved). If a woman sees a pincushion in a dream, then the dream warns her that she should devote more time to household chores if she does not want her husband to be dissatisfied. A rusty, bent or broken pin is a harbinger of grief and reproach. See interpretation: needle, prick.

Dream Interpretation – Pin

A pin seen in a dream foreshadows quarrels and scandals in the family. Pricking yourself with a pin means complete strangers whom you don’t even know will make you a lot nervous. For a girl, such a dream is a harbinger of worries about rude treatment from her lover.

Dream Interpretation – Pins

Pins in a dream warn of family quarrels and discord.

Dream Interpretation – Pin

A dream in which you see pins, pin something, or sort through them means family quarrels, misunderstandings, stupid jokes and gossip.

Dream Interpretation – Pins

Pins are a sign of troubles and family quarrels. If a girl has such a dream, it means that her lover will treat her with disdain. Losing a pin means a quarrel with your loved one. A pin stuck into the body means the appearance of a person who will bother you.

Dream Interpretation – Pins

Pins in a dream warn of family quarrels and discord. For a girl, such a dream is a warning about the rudeness of her lover.

Dream Interpretation – Pin

It may portend your dissatisfaction, irritation and grief.

Dream Interpretation – Pin

Using a pin, two separate things are pinned together.

Dream Interpretation – Pins

Pins dream of prosperity and profit.


Hello! I want to write briefly about my dream and find out what it’s all about. I don’t really remember him, well, I’ll try... So I dream about a lot of strangers and in a wedding dress. A crowd of people has gathered to my right, and I go there. I look, and there they make bouquets (they are attached to a pin to clothes). And I decided to help too, and someone pierced my hands with a pin. There were several wounds, and very deep ones, there was blood and the pain was so hellish. I scream for help, but there is no one. Then a swarm of some insects appeared near me, I tried to get rid of them with water...

Good afternoon)) dream... a pleasant feeling - I’m 12-15, although I don’t actually know how old, everything is approximately, joyfully and tenderly I accept, listen, examine, open, follow the transformations.. And so.. they hand me the mace, I just know that it is...a lumpy thing...and turns into a beautiful pine cone. I know one like this - they brought one from a honeymoon - my husband picked it from a Lebanese cedar, it then darkened, shone like lacquered brown and rattled with seeds, stood in the closet for a long time, I love it, now it’s been put away somewhere long after the move... And here we go again. It turns out I’m looking at it with pleasure as just a “mace” I received, the handle has already dissolved... I’m looking at the bump, I remember where I know, I saw it and who and where am I then.. in the country and time)) And so I woke up to this day and state, as if she had come with a gift (?) from tenderness-trust-encouragement-giving - brought to today’s state)) and today we swam in the river for Epiphany... it is clear, I clearly remember, pleasant, affirming. What does it mean? In your? thank you)) With respect to you and to dreams)))

I dreamed that I stole a gold hairpin. And in general I dreamed of a lot of gold jewelry, pins, earrings, studs... I saw and touched all of this. And I spent a long time deciding what to steal, and in the end I stole a hairpin.

I'm sitting on a chair with my pants down. and I see that I have a pin stuck “below the belt”. I got scared and immediately pulled it out. I felt bad. but it doesn't hurt. tell me what does this mean?

I dream that I’m in a store, they give me a gold pin in my hands. I see it close-up, very clearly. Then for some reason I took it with my lips to hold it, then they also give me silver earrings in the shape of a cross.

Hello! I dreamed that I was piercing my leg, which actually hurt me, as if I was doing an operation on myself.. Thank you!

I dreamed of several pins. lying on the table, bright, golden in color. And yesterday I dreamed very clearly about mushrooms. It’s like I’m walking through a market and they’re selling beautiful mushrooms, but I’m not buying.

I dreamed that I was given some kind of object, such as a box or an old alarm clock, with a practical purpose, and inside there was a large pin, obviously not new

I dreamed that I took a handful of pins and stuffed them into my mouth, and then some man helped pull them out

my dear aunt came to visit me for the first time after the birth of my son. As a gift I brought a yellow kangaroo (to make the child feel sad) and a silver cufflink for a tie. There was a small chain hanging from the cufflink. Then she gave gold earrings to her mother-in-law.

While in bed with a guy, he asked if I was ready, to which I replied that I was ready, he took the box and gave me a patched pin from there, then we had sex and he said something about a boy

I watched how they decorated the hall for a wedding banquet (I’m already married), they laid a carpet on the floor and I began to look closely at it - it turned out that there were a lot of little ones caught in it, and they were all in an open state. I wanted to start pulling them out, but I advised that it would be better if the carpet was completely removed from the room. What would that mean?

I was wearing lenses, it became worse for me to see in them and there was a lump in my throat, I was constantly wheezing. Someone told me that to make this sensation go away, you need to pierce your lower lip with a pin and make an incision from it to the chest along the entire neck. They explained this by saying that some vein got caught in the skin, and when air gets under the skin, it will become easier. I pierced my lower lip, but I was afraid that I might miscalculate the force and accidentally kill myself, so I hid the pin. But someone cast a spell on her, and she magically began to fly after me and try to do it herself. I hid in the bathroom, it was outside, but I couldn’t stay there for long, because... A bunch of different insects began to appear on the walls, so I had to run away. I jumped from the 3rd floor of my house and ran into the yard. There I met my ex-best friend, with whom in the real world we only recently began to communicate again. I thought she had cast a spell on the pin, but she said no. When I asked what to do, she laughed and said nothing, if she kills you, then she will kill you. That's all. The tip of the pin was white, I clearly remember it.

a month ago I lost a gold pin. Today I had a dream that I was climbing a ladder (not a stepladder) with wide wooden steps, children (a girl) called out to me and showed me that on the step there was my pin tangled with some other decoration. The girl says: “We hid it, and now we’re giving it away,” I bend down, untangle my pin from another piece of jewelry and examine it.

in a dream I saw how a child swallowed a pin, I want to pull it out of his mouth, I only pull mine out of his mouth for some reason, but for some reason it gets stuck, pulls back, I can’t pull it out

A clothing market and I approach a boutique with T-shirts. Men's and women's colored new T-shirts, many T-shirts and each decorated with a new pin. And then the saleswoman says to me: “Stay here for 5 minutes. I’ll go on business and come back.” She leaves, and I I see a cute women’s T-shirt without a pin on the counter. I take a new huge, huge pin and pin it on this T-shirt in the heart area. Then I, very pleased with myself, hang it on hangers and under the ceiling of the boutique with the rest of the T-shirts. And then in a dream I thought: “Why am I here, why? I’ve done everything. I’ll go.” And I leave, abandon this boutique. And the saleswoman never returned.

I saw a pin in a dream, I found it, it was large in silver color, I picked it up, it was lying with the point away from me, the point itself was a little crooked, and in the dream I thought I’d bring it home and straighten it out. I found the pin while going up the stairs, leaving the store where I once it worked

hello! I recently agreed on an important meeting with a person, and then I had a dream where supposedly the person I was supposed to meet asked me to bring a pin to the meeting. Why is this? The meeting must be very important

I dreamed of my friend, she is 15 years younger than me, so she came from Turkey and came to visit, there were a lot of pins on things on the tablecloth everywhere and she also said just don’t bother me and followed her and put them away

Jumped with a parachute. Gray clouds. The planet is not earth, but bright, colorful colors. Then I dived into a limited small waterfall, but it looked bright and fiery in color. He surfaced with a mouthful of yellow gold colored pins. I spit them out, choke, and lots and lots of them fall out of my mouth. Some kind of horror and that’s all.

I dreamed of a hand. There was a pin stuck in my elbow and there was blood on my hand. They asked me, “Why didn’t you feel it?” I answer no. And either I take out this pin or they take it out for me.

Hello, I took my son to school and fell asleep in the morning. I had a dream that I was visiting a man I knew and saw a lot of pins on his tulle, which I started unhooking. At the end of the dream, they were all in my hand. Thank you.

Hello! I dreamed of three pins, two small and one large, and in the dream I thought that I had lost the big pin a long time ago, and it was really in reality. And in a dream, it was as if I found her, and at the same time I laughed. What is it for?

Hello. My name is Natalia. I dreamed that there was devastation and war all around. A work colleague and I walked into an empty house. There in the closet hung the clothes of a very well-groomed woman; snow-white cardigans, pleasant to the touch, but large in size, hung on hangers. Then I looked at the wall, and there were gold jewelry on safety pins hanging all over the wall. I started removing earrings of different sizes from these pins. Then I took off one chain, but my colleague asked me to give it to her and I gave it to her. I only got a lot of earrings. Then I took off one of my wristwatches and offered it to her, but she refused. And then we found ourselves in front of a high wall, at the very top, hanging from one pin was my daughter, about 2 years old (she is now 16 years old). Nobody could take it off. And I clearly saw this pin. I began to pray and suddenly a fairy appeared and in an instant the child was in my arms. Thank you.

Hello, I dreamed of a large rusty pin, the dream was scary, we wanted to rid my very old friend of fear. There were some kind of spells or witchcraft present. Then I saw a small shiny pin. And I wanted to pin it to my clothes, but when I began to pin it, it turned into a large and rusty one about 10 cm. Then in a dream I felt something was wrong and unfastened it in the lock (pins), but it still remained hanging on the sleeve dark blue woolen jacket.

Why such a dream?

in my body there are many many needles, they are without an eye, i.e. pins, I pull them out and there are many more of them of many different sizes, some bent ones I pass with my hand and again feel for the cap and pull out, but with such confidence that I will pull everything out

Hello, my name is Olya, 2 days ago I had a dream in which my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend, in this dream she put a pin in my photo, in this I woke up when I fell asleep again, I dreamed that she came up to my bed and started pulling me by my hair from the bed. Please tell me what it could mean

old grandfather (I don’t know him, he’s not my relative) gives me a pin in a dream. I ask him “why is he giving it to me?” and then I wake up

I dreamed that my friend stuck a pin under my skin in my finger and then I pulled it out and my friend and I became enemies

I asked my father for a pin, he said something like this, don’t you have one, look and I saw, if I’m not mistaken, a pin pinned on my yellow T-shirt, he said something like Marishka (this is my sister) tried with the intention that she pinned it from the evil eye, then I saw two more pins pinned a little higher. I don’t remember further.

In general, I was in the hospital..at a regular appointment..then after everything I left the hospital I was met by my young man...He needed to fasten something with a pin...but it wouldn’t open somehow...I tried to open it with my mouth. .and it opened)…it was open..stuck in my throat…it didn’t hurt…but there was a feeling that I was suffocating and it was falling deeper and deeper into my throat….And my boyfriend and I went to the hospital….to look for a doctor who would suit me will get...an open pin out of my throat....;) climbed the floors...ran around the hospital...but there they told us in the neighboring clinic there is someone who will pull it out...we went there...and all this time we were running around the hospital we were going to another hospital ...I was out of breath...and I was afraid that a sharp needle would prick me....And that’s how I woke up..

Hello! I dreamed that I didn’t know where, maybe I was visiting, I lay down on the bed, I lifted the sheet or blanket to cover myself and I saw a lot of sewing pins scattered. I’m standing on the bed, afraid of pricking myself, and I see about a dozen pins stuck in my left hand. There is no pain, no blood either. Slowly, one by one, he took them out of his hand. People and a wife are standing nearby. I remember that I was angry, maybe grumbling about something. What is all this for?

I bought a gold pin at the store. At first I held it in my hand for a long time, then suddenly I saw the perfume, I really liked it. I decided to buy it too. Then I paid 1,700 rubles for the pin, in large bills, but I was thinking about perfume, I didn’t have enough money. I wanted to give 1 thousand, and then bring in the rest.

I dreamed of my son (2.5 years old) who died (a year ago). I look at him and say open your mouth, he opens his mouth, and there are safety pins stuck into his tongue, and there are also pins under his tongue. I began to remove them with my fingers. The first one I cleaned it once, I cleaned it a second time. I started cleaning it a third time and woke up.

Hello, I had a strange dream... there was a lot of stuff there, I only remember half of it. There were a lot of people, friends and relatives of my boyfriend, we lived with him and I had a hard time making coffee for myself, there was always not enough water from the kettle. I remember we were getting ready to go out somewhere on business. I put on a pink coat and the girl who came out with me (in my dream it was either the young man’s sister or his girlfriend) did not have any outerwear with her... we were already walking on the street when she ran into the store and quickly seemed - I wish I could borrow a coat, I thought that I had the same one, only I was wearing a pink one, and the black one was at home, just like hers. In real life I am a singer, but in my dream I apparently worked in some restaurant, and everyone always asked me why there wasn’t a dancer working with me at the same time (yes, it’s a little strange, but there was a dancer dancing on the days when I didn’t sing) I She said that I have no idea why we don’t work at the same time and that this should be said not to me but to the owners of the restaurant. in general, we came, went into the house, strangely, this house was my aunt’s (maybe there is an association with the fact that a seamstress lived near my aunt) and I was looking for just the same woman - a seamstress. I was the only one who went into her apartment. I knew her, and we started talking, she was sewing something, and she also started talking about me and the dancer. I don't remember what I answered. I remember that for some reason I started talking to her about a wedding dress for myself. and she said that she already knew in advance what awaits the newlyweds when they get married... and she might even say what kind of dress they would want to ask her for... she talked to me and at the same time was busy with something, I just remember that I had a lot of pins in my hands , and then I saw a bunch of people looking for me (my friends) came up, and it turned out to be this window, and the window through which only I see them, they don’t see me. Somehow I scratched my tooth a little with a pin... it’s disgusting, I still remember it in real life and it’s unpleasant. That’s basically all I remember... then I woke up.

Hello, I dreamed that there were pins in my fingers (some of them were twisted) and I pulled them out, and my fingers hurt.

I froze the bed to cover my daughter and son-in-law’s bed, when I lifted the bedspread I saw two open pins lying there, criss-crossed!

my friend dreamed that I found a golden bent pin

I had a dream that I was in some place, and I found a gold pin and a gold earring! and there’s something else I can’t understand, it’s like a pin attachment! everything seemed to be black and white around.

I dreamed of a lesson at school and in class, everyone was joking, laughing and I made a joke, they laughed and a friend said high five, I raised my hand, opened my palm and there were 7 pins somewhere and they didn’t want to get out of my hand

I dreamed that there was a roll on the table, and a bent, darkened pin was stuck into it.

I had a dream about how I stuck a pin in my tooth and pulled out the tooth along with the pin. Did your tooth hurt in the morning? What is this?? what should I expect?

I had a dream. A very strange dream. I dreamed that I was sitting in front of a mirror and piercing a lot of pins - cloves - into my face... and most importantly, I didn’t feel pain... what could this dream mean?

killed a man with a large pin in the neck and at the same time there was spitting on him

I DREAMED OF MY 4 YEAR OLD CHILD HE CRIED, my mother is cold, my mother-in-law runs up to his (boy) feet, wraps a white sponbon and pins pins with one eye from top to bottom, he cries and screams, this is not mine, I put away and put on the tights, and fell asleep

A small child playing with needles in a package. Allegedly he choked, but in fact the needles are still there, but the child is choking, I scream that he will suffocate. Child in grandma's arms. And a pin began to come out through the back and the child came to his senses

hello, in my dream I saw how I inserted a pin into my ear, instead of an earring on my right lobe, head first. Everyone in the dream wondered why it was there, I couldn’t find anything on your website that suited my case, thank you for the future answer that you will send me.

I dreamed of several pins and needles stuck into the wall.

took the needle out of the joint of his hand and removed the open pin

stuck like a ring into the skin of the shoulder

Hello Tatiana! The dream was short. Because of some girl I didn’t know, pins appeared in my mouth, which had a round eye. I tried to spit them out, touching them in my mouth with my tongue so as not to sting. I spat out a lot, and everything seemed to be fine, but this girl appeared again and I began to feel with my tongue that there were pins in my mouth again

They stuck pins into both hands; there was no blood in my wrist; I took it out myself. One hand was slightly swollen.

i dreamed that I broke a pin in a dream. And then I attached a small gold one to my pocket

I dreamed that I was putting on my mother’s robe and it was all covered with pins, there was simply no free space, some of them opened up. and I try to put it on, then I take it off when I see open pins so as not to prick myself and I say how my mother wears it and that’s it... the dream alarmed me. my mail

I remove three pins from the wedding dress, all new, one large and 2 small. I want to try on a dress, but I understand that there is something wrong with it, as if it was not properly sewn. Something is missing in him. And I decided to put it aside.

in a dream, a woman unfamiliar to me gave me a gold antique decorative pin (which is pinned to clothes), I didn’t want to take it, but it was so beautiful that I took it.

Hello! I dreamed as if in a dream I collected pins and a needle in my hands and threw them out the door

A pin is a symbol that has many meanings if a person saw it in a dream. This article reveals the interpretation of dreams with pins.

Pin has long been considered a strong talisman for people. It was pinned to the inside of clothes for protection, lapel, good luck and even for love. This simple object itself has a very original shape that can attract negative energy and lock it in.

As a result, the evil eye, damage, envy and everything that an enemy can wish for a person, falls into a pin and begins to circulate in it in an endless circle.

See a pin in a dream is a good sign, if the item itself is clean, new and shiny. In every dream you should definitely pay attention to the smallest details: surroundings, conditions for finding the pin, its visual signs.

Classic pin in vintage style

Dream with a pin:

  • New pin(shiny, smooth, buttoned up) - to an acquisition, a new acquaintance, a purchase and good news.
  • New pin(smooth, shiny, but unbuttoned) - someone is plotting an evil deed against you or is jealous of you, be careful.
  • Broken pin(not ideal) – a bad sign, foreshadows failures, illnesses, losses and troubles.
  • Pin looking head(clasp) on you- a good sign, your business will go uphill.
  • Pin on a pregnant woman- a sign that she is expecting the birth of a son.
  • Prick with a pin- a person is opposed to you who wants to harm you in any way.
  • Pin in mouth– don’t talk too much. Perhaps you had a fight with someone. This could backfire on you.

Seeing a pin in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing prosperity.

Why do you dream about pins, a lot of pins?

One clean and new pin in a dream - good sign. But what if you dream a lot of pins? In this case, you should also pay attention to the appearance of the pin: is it intact or damaged, bent or straight, what color is it and what was next to it.

A dream in which there are many pins:

  • See a lot of new shiny pins– big profits, financial wealth, prosperity and luck.
  • Receive a lot of beautiful pins as a gift- to good news, to favorable changes in life, to the joy and health of loved ones.
  • Seeing a lot of damaged or rusty pins- to illness, to endless problems, to failures and troubles.
  • Scatter pins– in your family there will be a series of endless quarrels and showdowns.
  • A young girl scattered pins- the dream foreshadows separation from a loved one.

A dream in which a person sees a lot of pins: meaning

Why do you dream about needles and pins?

Depending on how you saw these objects in your dream, you should interpret the meaning of a dream:

  • Pins mixed with needles– there are many friends in your circle, but there are also quite a few ill-wishers among them.
  • A young girl saw pins and needles in her dream- to marriage, to quick romantic and sexual relationships.
  • Pour needles to pins- want to harm someone. There is a person in your environment who brings you evil. You want to take revenge on him.
  • Sewing pillow in a dream was full of needles and pins - such a dream for a woman foreshadows family well-being and prosperity.

Why do you dream about pins and needles?

Dream meanings:

  • Find the golden pin- to big profits
  • Lose a gold pin- say goodbye to wealth and business.
  • Pin a gold pin to your clothes– you will be lucky in your affairs and personal relationships.
  • Giving a gold pin (woman to man)- to a quick serious relationship, perhaps marriage.
  • Receive a gold pin as a gift- a marriage proposal for a woman, good luck in business - for a man.
  • Big gold pin- great wealth
  • Small gold pin- an expensive gift, a bonus.
  • Unfastened pin– in order for your business and work to generate income, you need to invest a lot of work.
  • Prick yourself with a gold pin– you have envious people who don’t like you for your success.

Why do you dream about a golden pin?

Meaning of sleep:

  • See the head of the pin clearly- to good luck and fortune
  • Fasten the pin- cope with problems and failures.
  • Unfasten the pin– you trust unkind people
  • Buy a pin– make an important and necessary acquisition in your life.
  • Bite the pin- quarrel with family and friends

Why do you dream about a safety pin?

Dream Interpretation: big and small pin

Meaning of sleep:

  • Find a big pin on the street- there is nowhere to make a profit.
  • Find a small pin on the street– to good news: a letter, an event, a message, joy.
  • Large pin on clothes– you have reliable friends and helpers in the family who will not let you be offended.
  • Select a pin and choose a large one– you strive to successfully change your life.
  • Select a pin and select a small one– you should rest, devote time to yourself.
  • Big rusty pin– severe illness, loss of money.
  • Small rusty pin- illness, failure in business.
  • Large pin with black thread or bead- to the loss of a loved one.
  • Small pin with black thread or bead– you have an envious person or an ill-wisher.

Why remove large and small pins?

Why do you dream of a pin on clothes?

A pin pinned to clothing represents a talisman. Such an amulet protects a person from any troubles that may come from envious people.

Meaning of sleep:

  • Pin to clothes- you will be lucky.
  • Pin and lose a pin– something will go wrong, you will fail or experience deception.
  • Pin a pin to clothing and prick the body– you have envious people who wish you failure.
  • Pin a new pin– to health and well-being.
  • Pin a rusty pin– consult a doctor. You may be developing a serious illness.
  • Pin a black pin- they have cast a love spell on you, a spell, a spell, a curse, an evil eye, and so on.
  • Pin a gold pin- prosperity will accompany you.
  • Pin a silver pin- your affairs will end successfully.

Pin on clothes: meaning of sleep

Why do you dream of a pin in your hand?

Meaning of sleep:

  • Look at the pin in your hand– new: for love, kindness and good changes, old and rusty: for troubles and quarrels.
  • Holding a pin in your hand– try to focus on work, study, relationships, so that good luck accompanies you.
  • Squeeze the pin with your fingers– you should control the words spoken so that they do not lead you to a quarrel.
  • Prick your hand with a pin- you will encounter difficulties.

Why do you dream of pins in your hand?

Why do you dream of pins in your body?


  • Pin on chest– take care of your loved ones, they lack your attention.
  • Pin in lips– quarrels, scandals and discord in the family
  • Pin in ear- to gossip, quarrels and scandals due to rumors.
  • Pin in jewelry: necklace, bracelet, pendant, ring - you have good protection that gives you good luck.
  • Find a pin on the body- you have an envious person
  • Pin in foot– someone is arrogant towards you with their attention.
  • Pin in hair– your thoughts and decisions are not correct
  • Pin in foot- someone will interfere with your success.
  • Pin stuck in hand- you will fail in your professional activities.
  • Swallow a pin- good luck in creativity
If you dream of a pin on your body, what does the dream mean?

Why do you dream of a pin on the floor?

Dream meanings:

  • Find a pin in the house- to prosperity and profit if the pin is new and fastened.
  • Find a pin while cleaning the floor– for purchases, meetings, news.
  • Find a pin under the carpet- to gossip, envious people and failures.
  • Find a pin in the dust- to quarrels with loved ones.
  • Pin stuck in the floor- to divorce, to separation.

A dream in which you saw a pin on the floor - meaning

Dream Interpretation: find pins, collect pins, give pins

Dream meanings:

  • Find a lot of pins– win money, receive a bonus or salary.
  • Find pins and pass by– miss out on profits or earnings.
  • Find pins and collect them- prosperity and prosperity will be drawn to you.
  • Find a lot of pins and put them in your pocket– you will not have a shortage of funds.
  • Give pins to your loved one- quarrel with him.
  • Pick up pins from a loved one- solve his problems.

The meaning of sleeping with pins

Why do you dream of pinning a pin?

Meaning of sleep:

  • Pinning yourself a pin in a dream- achieve success in reality.
  • Pinning a pin to your loved one– help a loved one with problems.
  • Pinning a pin to a child– he lacks communication with you.
  • Pin the pin head down- to luck and prosperity, to goodness.
  • Pin the pin head up- to love affairs.

Video: “Dream book of pins, interpretation”

You will participate in some kind of coalition.

If you inject yourself, it will cause a significant blow to your own pride.

If you dream of pins, it means a disease that is carried on your legs.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

What does the dream Pin mean?

A dream in which you see pins, pin something, or sort through them means family quarrels, misunderstandings, stupid jokes and gossip.

Getting pricked or being pricked by a pin is a minor nuisance.

Swallowing a pin is a forced risk.

A lost pin is a minor loss.

Rusty or bent - loss of respect due to your incorrect behavior.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Dream about Pin

The pin is the personification of danger, surprise and secret threat. The image of a pin in your dream most likely arose thanks to those well-known superstitions and signs that you heard in real life and which were deposited in your subconscious: “Don’t lift the pin towards yourself,” “If the pin you find lies with its head towards you,” a friend recalled ; if the point is towards you, the enemy is planning”, “A girl pricks her finger with a pin - hear praise”, “Pin a pin to clothes - avoid trouble.”

Finding a pin in a dream means an unexpected meeting. If in a dream you find a pin with its point facing you, then you will meet with your enemy, who will try to harm you in all imaginable and inconceivable ways. If you find a pin with its blunt end facing you, then a fun meeting and party awaits you with your old, good friends.

If you dreamed that you were pinning a pin to your clothes, then in real life you are a very prudent person and calculate your every step before taking anything. Thanks to this quality, you easily avoid encounters with your enemies and manage your affairs well.

Pricking yourself with a pin in a dream is a sign that in reality you will accomplish a very important thing, which will bring you not only great material profit, but also the respect and gratitude of the people around you.

Breaking a pin in a dream is evidence that despite the fact that your business is not going very well, you are hoping for a miracle. Sometimes such a dream indicates that some unexpected news awaits you.

If you dreamed that you were using a pin to insert an elastic band into your clothes, then in real life your secret desire is the desire to attract attention to yourself with your appearance, clothes and charm.

Losing a pin in a dream is a prophecy of minor misunderstandings due to your absent-mindedness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

What does Pin mean in a dream?

Loss, worries, villainy, minor quarrel, gossip, argument, insult; hold - you will obey your wife; a lot of empty jokes; inject yourself - make a stupid mistake; prick - trouble over trifles.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Meaning of dreams Pin

A pin seen in a dream foreshadows quarrels and scandals in the family. Pricking yourself with a pin means complete strangers whom you don’t even know will make you a lot nervous. For a girl, such a dream is a harbinger of worries about rude treatment from her lover.

A broken pin indicates that your frivolous behavior will cause you to lose respect. Losing a pin in a dream and trying to find it means a trivial quarrel and minor damage. Pinning something with a pin means that in reality some extraordinary circumstances will force you to accept the conditions dictated to you.

Breaking a pin in a dream is a warning of impending grief and loss, and you will also suffer from insufficient attention from your closest relatives.

Interpretation of dreams from