Descriptive phrase for the word flower. Urgently!!!! please!!!!!5 examples of descriptive phrases. Grammatical means of communication

10.07.2024 Diagnostics

Lexical means of connecting sentences in the text. Descriptive phrase - paraphrase In the stone placers we found a residential nest of a polar owl. A huge white bird silently flew up at my feet. Synonyms, text synonyms We met an elk in the forest. Sokhaty walked along the edge of the forest and was not afraid of anyone. A long-legged flamingo was placed in the swans' cage. At first the new resident behaved restlessly, but then he got used to it.

Slide 6 from the presentation “Execution for the State Examination Agency”.

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Russian language 9th grade

summary of other presentations

“Exposition on the Russian language” - Preparing students in the Russian language for the exam. Real progress. Illustrative examples. Identify basic and redundant information in the text. Methods of constructing text. Basic skills when writing a presentation. Text compression techniques. Original text. Basic skills when writing a summary. Typical mistakes when writing an essay. Language techniques for text compression.

“Game-competition in the Russian language” - Evaluation. Accents. Winged words. Received knowledge. Surnames. Titles. Envelopes. Anabiosis. Who is faster. Top. Contest. Antonyms. Words. Grona. Oppression. Dictionary. Joke. Synonyms. Delirium. Assistants. Let's go back to the roots. Russian language. Meaning. Soviet linguist. Pastoral. Words-images. Material. Head of the library. Awards. Sparks of feeling.

“Exposition for the State Examination Agency” - Antonyms. Listening skills. Shorten the text. Concise presentation. Replacement offer. Information processing of text. Kenning. Compressed text. Excerpt of text. Fighters. Text compression techniques. Language techniques for source text compression. The children were weak from hunger. Use of personal pronouns. Morphological means of connecting sentences in the text. Basic techniques for text compression. Time of war. Lexical means of connecting sentences in the text.

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“Spelling Rules” - Determine the type of sentences. Suffix. Free dictation. Homework questions. Subject of the text. Answer the questions. The role of complex sentences in the text. Spelling of the prefix. Test yourself. Main types of complex sentences. Book word. Syntax five minutes. Complex sentences. People love nature. Spruce paws. Consoles. People have forgotten this truth. Find the word. Text compression techniques.

This lesson is a logical continuation of the “Text” topic in 6th grade and is of great importance for improving students’ skills in working with text. Includes ICT methods and technologies for the development of theoretical conceptual and visual-effective thinking; group and frontal, as well as search work of students. The result of the lesson is creative work.



Russian language lesson in 6th grade on the topic “Text. Means of connecting sentences in the text. Kenning"

Teacher of the highest category Ivanova Lyubov Valerievna GBOU Lyceum No. 344 of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

Class 6 "A"

The main didactic goal of the lessonformation of communicative competence through deepening and expanding knowledge about the text.

Lesson objectives.

  1. Educational:
  • repeat and generalize knowledge about the characteristics of the text;
  • generalize and systematize knowledge about lexical means of connecting sentences in the text;
  • introduce students to descriptive language;
  1. Educational:
  • develop the skill of creating texts using
  • descriptive language;
  • continue to develop skills and abilities to structure
  • material, choosing the main thing, generalizing, drawing conclusions;
  • teach creative thinking and creation of creative works;
  • develop students’ skills to work independently and in groups.

3. Educational:

  • cultivate a culture of communication, a sense of responsibility for the results of one’s work;
  • contribute to identifying the personal qualities of students;
  • improve group work skills and everyone's creative abilities.

Lesson type: combined lesson

Teaching technologies used: research technology

Training, training technology based on circuit models, testing

Using ICT.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity:frontal, group, explanatory-illustrative, partially search.

Explanatory note.This lesson is a logical continuation of the “Text” topic in 6th grade and is of great importanceto improve students' skills in working with text. Includes ICT methods and technologies for the development of theoretical conceptual and visual-effective thinking; group and frontal, as well as search work of students. The result of the lesson is the creation of creative works.

Note to the explanatory note:The lesson is held for the Lyceum Young Teachers Club as part of the lecture “Modern lesson as a system” for the lesson “Structural analysis of a lesson”. The teacher’s task is to show the integrity of the lesson, the necessity of all its components, the logic of the transition from one stage of the lesson to another, and effectiveness.

Textbook: E.I. Nikitina Russian language. Russian speech. M: Bustard, 2009.

Lesson equipment:interactive whiteboard, presentation for the lesson, audio recording of MP3 music: plays “Elephants”, “Royal March of the Lions” from the suite “Carnival of the Animals” by C. Saint-Saens, handouts.

Lesson epigraph (on the board)

Speech is an amazingly powerful tool,

But you need to have a lot of intelligence to use it. G. Hegel

Basic concepts covered in the lesson:

Speech is language in action.

Text (from Latin textus - fabric, plexus) - in linguistics it is understood

As a product of speech activity.

Main features of the whole text:

  • title;
  • subject;
  • idea;
  • divisibility: 1 – beginning, 2 – main part, 3 – end;
  • connectivity;
  • stylistic unity.

Ways to connect sentences in the text:chain and parallel.

Means of connecting sentences in the text:lexical, morphological.

Lexical means of connecting sentences in the text:

  • lexical repetition;
  • synonymous replacement;
  • use of antonyms;
  • generic words;
  • the use of words from the same thematic group.
  • kenning.

Kenningis a descriptive expression that is used instead of a particular word.

Descriptive -aya, -oe.

  1. Containing a general description of something. O. figure of speech (in which an object or phenomenon is not called directly, but in several words indicating some signs, for example: daylight - about the sun).

During the classes:

  1. Organizational stage and introductory speech by the teacher.

Didactic task:prepare students for work in class.

On the desk slide 1: title

  • Mutual greetings between students and teacher.
  • Checking students' preparedness for the lesson, order on their desks and correct seating.
  • Preparing notebooks for work.

On the desk Slide 2: epigraph for the lesson.

Speech is an amazingly powerful tool, but it is necessary

Have a lot of brains to use it. G. Hegel


Read the epigraph to today's lesson and think about what the 19th century German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel thought about.

  • Speech is the wealth of every person, since it is communication through language, but in order to use it, one must develop thinking.


Today in class we will continue to develop our thinking abilities and improve our speech. What is speech?

  • This is language in action.


How is the concept of speech related to the concept of “text”?

  • Text is a product of speech activity.


The key concept of today's lesson is the word "text".

  1. Homework checking stage.

Didactic task:establish the degree of knowledge of theoretical material, eliminate identified gaps, while improving knowledge, skills and abilities.

The house was asked:repeat the features of the text, as well as the ways of connecting sentences in the text, using exercise 1, task 1 of the textbook and the supporting note on page 9. Since the lesson is held after a day off, there was no written assignment.


Remember what was assigned for homework.

  • Repeat the characteristics of the text.

On the desk Slide 3: Features of a whole text


Work in groups of 4 people. You have been given cards, write down the names of the group members on them, get ready to hand them in at the end of the lesson to evaluate the work in the lesson. Refer to task 1: a list of text features is given. Determine whether all text features are indicated. If any sign is missing, write it on the card. Time to work 1 min.

7 groups – 7 cards:

1 card

title; [subject] ; idea; divisibility: 1 – beginning, 2 – main part, 3 – end; connectivity; compositional completeness; stylistic unity.

2 card

title; subject; [idea] ; divisibility: 1 – beginning, 2 – main part, 3 – end; connectivity; compositional completeness; stylistic unity.

3 card

[title] ; subject; idea; divisibility: 1 – beginning, 2 – main part, 3 – end; connectivity; compositional completeness; stylistic unity.

4 card

title; subject; idea; divisibility: 1 – beginning, 2 – main part, 3 – end; connectivity; compositional completeness;[style unity].

5 card

title; subject; idea;[divisibility: 1 – beginning, 2 – main part, 3 – end]; connectivity; compositional completeness; stylistic unity.

6 card

title; subject; idea; divisibility: 1 – beginning, 2 – main part, 3 – end; connectivity;[compositional completeness]; stylistic unity.

7 card

title; subject; idea; divisibility: 1 – beginning, 2 – main part, 3 – end;[connectivity] ; compositional completeness; stylistic unity.

* Red color Missed features are noted.

As you check your homework On the desk text features appear in the following order:

  1. subject;
  2. idea;
  3. title;
  4. stylistic unity;
  5. divisibility: 1 – beginning, 2 – main part, 3 – end;
  6. compositional completeness;
  7. coherence.


Your cards contain a thumbnail text(task 2). Read it, prove that it is a text.

Each group must select arguments to prove the presence of “its” characteristic. 1-2 minutes to prepare.

On the desk Slide 4: thumbnail text


(1) I wandered for a long time and saw many signs of autumn. (2) In the mornings, air bubbles could be seen in the puddles under the glass crust of ice. (3) Sometimes in such a bubble lay, as in a hollow crystal ball, a crimson or lemon leaf of aspen or birch. (4) I broke the ice, took out the frozen leaves and brought them home. (According to K. Paustovsky)

Topic: signs of autumn.

Idea: Autumn has many amazing signs.

Title: could be titled “A Leaf in a Crystal Ball.”

Style: artistic (availability of means of artistic expression: comparisonlike in a hollow crystal ball, epithets under a glass crust, crimson or lemon leaf, metaphor with a crust ice; imagery).

Divisibility: beginning – 1 sentence; the main part is 2.3 sentences, the end is 4 sentences.

Compositional completeness:full disclosure of the author's intention (the author shows the amazing things in nature in autumn) and is manifested in the structure of the text: there is a beginning, a main part and an ending.

Connectivity: all elements of the text are interconnected.

On the desk 5 slideshow “Signs of Autumn”

  1. Comprehensive knowledge testing stage

Didactic task:check the volume and quality of assimilation of previously studied material using various methods


Using the given text, solve the tests.

Slide 6 on the board. What ways does the text connect sentences?

A) parallel;

B) chain;

B) parallel and chain.

Answer: B

Slide 7 on the board. What means of connecting sentences is not used in the text?

A) words of one thematic group (key words);

B) verbs of the same type;

C) repetition of the same word;

D) synonyms

Answer: G


What 2 groups can the means of connecting sentences in the text presented in the test be divided into?

After students answer, a diagram appears on the board.

Slide 8 on the board. Means of connecting sentences in the text.


Write down the means of communication from the text in two columns: morphological, lexical.

When checking, the names of the means of communication appear.

  1. The stage of preparing students for active learning of new material.

Didactic task:organize the cognitive activity of students, ensure readiness for learning.


Today in the lesson we will talk about lexical means of connecting sentences in the text. The column “Lexical means of communication” already contains words from one thematic group (key words); repetition of the same word; synonyms. What others are there?

Let's remember, having analyzed the mini-texts (task 3), the data in the cards, we will add the missing ones (float on the board as we work).

Work in groups.

1 card

The forest path led us to break. The river roared under the steep slope.

Answer: synonyms

2 card

At the end of autumn, life freezes in the forest birds . You will no longer see people frolicking above the birch forests. swallows , you won’t hear a whistle along the clearings hazel grouse , the last shoals are flying high in the sky geese

Answer: generic words

3 card

It drizzles day and night all day long rain . From the rain there's nowhere to hide.

Answer: lexical repetition

4 card

Late fall sets you up for long thoughts. Early spring brings joy.

Answer: antonyms

5 card

We are in the pre-winter forest. Trees The colorful decorations have long been discarded. Leaves managed to turn black, grass - wither. Puddles covered with thin ice.

Answer: words from one thematic group.

6 card

Swans They flew in a herd from the cold side to the warm lands. They flew across the seas.

Answer: pronoun; this is not a lexical, but a morphological means of communication.

7 card

Spreading spruce Green beautynot afraid of early frosts.

Answer: phrase? Figure of speech?


This is a descriptive combination (expression, figure of speech). It is used instead of one word or another and contains an element of characteristic or emphasizes some aspect, quality, or attribute of the described object. It's called a descriptive phrase.

Slide 9 on the board. Kenning.

  • Recording the topic in a notebook.
  1. The stage of acquiring new knowledge.

Didactic task:give students an idea of ​​the descriptive phrase, introduce it to its types, and teach them to recognize it in the text; show the practical significance of the topic being studied.


Compare the texts (appear on the board):

Spreading spruce stands cheerfully on the edge of the pre-winter forest.Green beautynot afraid of early frosts.

Spreading spruce stands cheerfully on the edge of the pre-winter forest. Spruce not afraid of early frosts.

Read the theoretical material in paragraph 5 of the textbook, pp. 39, 40 and answer the question: why do you think it is necessary to know the descriptive phrase and learn to use it when creating texts?

  • They not only connect sentences in the text, but also decorate it and help avoid lexical repetitions - the most common speech error. (The output appears On the desk .)


Let's see what kind of descriptive phrases there are. Let's complete exercise No. 47.

Assignment: look at the pictures on the insert. Why do you think there is not one signature under each of them, but two or more?

  • Conclusion: descriptive phrases can have direct and figurative meaning (metaphor). They can be descriptive interpretations of the lexical meaning of a word, or they can be stable combinations. (Write the output in a notebook). Slide 10 on the board: conclusion.
  • PHYSICAL MINUTE ( Slide 11 on the board)
  1. The stage of checking students' understanding of new material.

Didactic task:establish whether students have mastered the content of new concepts or not, and eliminate any gaps found.


Do exercise No. 49: in your notebook, write down only the text where the concatenative phrase has only a figurative meaning.

  • Examination:

They built a highway. Noisy, swift river of lifeconnected the region with the capital.

On the desk 12 slideshow:illustration for the exercise “Highway”.


Come up with your own descriptive phrases to connect the sentences in this text.

  • Options: wide steel belt, multi-kilometer strip, new road, shortest route, modern highway.
  1. The stage of consolidating new material.

Didactic task:consolidate the knowledge and skills that are necessary for independent work on new material.


Often music helps to mentally imagine certain images.

Let's listen to the musical piece "Elephants" from the suiteCamille Saint-Saens "Carnival of the Animals"and present these animals in the circus arena.

On the desk 13 slide screensaver.Elephants in the circus arena.

Music is playing.


Choose descriptive phrases for the word “elephants”.

  • Options: powerful artists, funny circus performers, African guests, cute fat men.

Let's do exercise No. 51 . Assignment: read the beginning

Student's essays. Find descriptive phrases that helped

Him to avoid repeating the word elephants.

  • Huge smart animals. Four-legged artists. Giant beast.

Write the ending of the essay. Use descriptive phrases to

Sentence connections.

Reading and discussing several student works.

  • Option (on the board slide 14):

The second cheerful giant sat down and waved his trunk to the beat of the music. The third African dancer stomps his feet.

It was a funny sight!

  1. The stage of informing students about homework. Comments on its implementation.

Didactic task:inform students about homework, explain how to complete it, and summarize the lesson.


Listen to another piece of music by C. Saint-Saëns from the suite “Carnival of the Animals”. What animals did you imagine?

The play "Royal March of the Lions" is playing. On slide 15.

  • Children try to guess. The teacher calls the play.

There are 16 slide screensavers on the board. Lions.

Try writing an essay at home about what you see in your mind (or what mood you experience) while listening to this play. Use 2-3 descriptive phrases in your essay.

Slide 17 on the board : homework

This is exercise number 52, which will be your homework. All students will receive grades for their essays.

To summarize:

  • For what purpose will you use descriptive phrases?

(To connect sentences in the text.)

  • To which group of means of communication does descriptive speech belong?

(This is a lexical means of communication.)

  • Complete the sentence(slide 18 on the board):

Descriptive language makes our speech more _______________________. (Expressive, colorful, interesting.)

Assessing students' work in class.

The Russian language is considered one of the most beautiful and rich languages ​​in the world. How expressive and beautiful he is. You can easily use a variety of figurative means to create pomp and brightness of phrases. Descriptive language, examples of which are presented in the article, is one of such means.

What is a descriptive phrase?

When talking about any object, phenomenon or person, it is important not to overuse repetition. Descriptive phrases help to avoid them. This is the name given to an oral expression or a written statement used in place of a specific word. In this case, the subject is not named directly. The fact that we are talking about it is made clear by images with characteristics characteristic of this subject, which are given by a descriptive phrase. Examples: the river is a fresh artery, snowflakes are winter midges, spring is the time of awakening.

There are figurative and non-figurative turns of description. If figurative ones carry an aesthetic load, then non-figurative ones only expand the idea of ​​the subject. For example, flowers of life (children), Blue Planet (earth), Third Rome (Moscow) are figurative descriptive phrases; author of "Anna Karenina" (L.N. Tolstoy), city on the Neva (St. Petersburg), fashionable capital of Europe (Paris) - unimaginative phrases.


The expressive possibilities of descriptive phrases have long attracted poets and writers. Such constructions were widely used in the era of classicism, when they were especially careful in the selection of words in works of high style. For example, M.V. Lomonosov used a descriptive phrase in his “Letter on the Benefits of Glass”: “The art for which Apelles was glorified, And with which Rome has now raised its head.” This is what the poet called painting. Literary scholars call such an expression a periphrase. This is a descriptive phrase used in a work of art. Examples from poetic texts: “sad time” (autumn), “Peter’s creation” (St. Petersburg), “free element” (sea). Periphrasis, along with metaphor, epithet, comparison, is defined as a trope, that is, an expression that enhances the figurativeness and expressiveness of language.

Descriptive phrases in riddles

Such constructions broaden horizons, develop erudition and verbal and logical thinking, and therefore are often used in riddles for children. Descriptive sentences (examples from riddles):

  • Sends birds to the south, strips trees;
  • dried up in the summer sun, they will take it out of the pods;
  • chik-chirik - jump to the grains;
  • a cunning and dexterous red-haired cheat.

When guessing riddles, the child’s vocabulary is activated and the ability to identify significant features of objects is strengthened. The significance of riddles, which are sentences with descriptive phrases, in the development of a child is very great. It reflects the essence of phenomena or objects, their special features through simple words that a child can understand, which has important pedagogical significance. Riddles influence the development of children's curiosity and their interest in language.

Sentences with descriptive phrases

Descriptive phrases are necessary to create the greatest imagery, as well as to prevent tautology. Descriptive sentences, examples of which are presented in the table, are sometimes expressive, overly figurative, and business-like in nature.

Descriptive phrase in the text

As noted above, descriptive constructions perform an expressive function in sentences; they are used in riddles and poetic works to create greater imagery. In journalistic texts, descriptive language is widely used as a lexical means of communication.

Within the text, sentences are connected logically, grammatically, structurally and in meaning. When conveying information about any phenomenon, object, or event, it is important not to get carried away by using forms of the same word. It must be replaced with a pronoun or a descriptive phrase. Examples:

  • The painting "Italian Afternoon" is filled with the colors of sunny Rome. It depicts the life of Italians. The masterpiece of world painting was recognized as one of the best works of Karl Bryullov and was presented to the Empress, the wife of Nicholas I.(The painting is a masterpiece)
  • Africa is considered the hottest continent on the planet. About 90% of its soils are unsuitable for agriculture. The arid regions and deserts of the Black Continent occupy more than half of its entire territory.(Africa - her - Dark Continent)
  • Abu Dhabi is rightfully considered the most comfortable place to live in the world. The city in the desert is clean and beautiful. Eighty million palm trees and a little less are planted on its territory(Abu Dhabi - City in the Desert - on it)

Along with pronouns, conjunctions, introductory words and other grammatical means of communication, descriptive phrases are especially often included in journalistic descriptive text. Examples: Sicily attracts tourists with its unique nature, thousand-year history and unique culture. The largest island in the Mediterranean has a centuries-old history: Syracuse is a museum city open to the public, with many architectural monuments. Rodina invites guests to hike to the crater, which is safe as it is under 24-hour surveillance. Surrounded by three seas, this piece of natural beauty and its capital, Palermo, are attractive to tourists for other entertainment: fishing, beaches, shopping, amusement parks.

Descriptive language in final work materials

The examination work in the Russian language is designed for students who have confidently mastered the rules and norms of the language. It also contains tasks for finding a descriptive phrase. These are tasks of increased difficulty, where from the list of visual means you need to select only those that were used in the text.

- (Greek). 1) circularity; a rhetorical figure that replaces a direct expression with another roundabout one, making the syllable heavy and incomprehensible; a descriptive form of expressing something. 2) expressing the same thought in other words. Dictionary of foreign words included in... ...

PERIPHRASE(A) [gr. periphrasis roundabout speech] philol. descriptive, indirect expression of meaning (for example, “Northern Palmyra” v. “St. Petersburg”, “your humble servant” v. “I”). Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. PERIPHRASE see PARAPHRASE.... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

TO WISH, to make a wish, to conceive, to plot; to offer the unknown for solution to oneself, to another, or through fortune-telling or divination. Don’t make a wish in a year, but make a wish in your mouth. Don't think too far ahead. Guess what I wished for? Make a riddle. I wished... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Female, lat. external outline of an object, external outline, appearance, image, become. The figure became octagonal. The figure of the monitors resembles a huge turtle. What kind of figure is this? what a person. | An image, an outline of a thing, a likeness. Sometimes clouds take over... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Problem, charade, rebus. Cm … Synonym dictionary

See the hint bluntly... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. roundabout noun, number of synonyms: 4 riddle... Synonym dictionary


paraphrase- y, w. and periphery/z, a, m., lit. A descriptive expression that replaces a direct name and contains characteristics of an object that is not directly named. Examples of paraphrases: the king of beasts (instead of a lion), the heavenly lamp (instead of the moon), fell asleep (instead of ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

peri-- (gp) περί forms words with the meaning about, near, beside, around, around. perigee the point in the orbit of the Moon or artificial satellite closest to the Earth (opposite apogee) perimeter size of the “circle” of the figure period time of revolution periphery... ... Anatomy of terms. 400 word-forming elements from Latin and Greek

ROUND around, (around) the light, around the west. go around, go around, visit everywhere. I traveled all over Rus'. ?? We drove around for about three miles, drove around, surrounded, and went a little further. To be surrounded by something, to be surrounded, to be fenced off, to be furnished. ?? New wheel or axle... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Natalya Petrovna,” Sidorov asked, “please give me a five on credit.” Today is mom's birthday and she will be very pleased. And then I’ll answer you with an A, but you won’t give me a mark.
But you’ve never received anything above a C from me!
Natalya Petrovna, now you do a good deed, and everyone will feel good: mom will be happy, I’ll sit down to my textbooks, and you will have an excellent student.
The teacher took a chance, and Vova gave his mother an A for her birthday. You were just happy.
Several times Natalya Petrovna wondered when Sidorov would repay her debt?
A month later Vova asked:
Natalya Petrovna, I have not forgotten about my debt and will gradually repay it. I'm just wondering why you stopped asking about him?
But because I gradually calculated it from you. And the teacher showed Sidorov a magazine in which opposite his name there were two twos and one.

Please write 3 examples of participial phrases and 3 participial phrases and underline everything, the sentence must be from fiction URGENTLY NEEDED! 1. Identify the incorrect statement and correct it:

1) there may be lexical and contextual antonyms;

2) there are complete and partial homonyms;

3) historicisms are words that are outdated for a certain era and replaced by modern synonyms.

2. Find phrases in which the underlined words are homonyms.

1) indigenous – indigenous issue;

2) satellite of Mars – satellite on the road;

3) a pack of cigarettes – a ballerina’s pack;

4) cold milk - cold look;

5) boiling water – cool character.

3. Indicate which of the homonymous forms are used in these examples:

1) meadow - onion;

2) already (from “narrow”) – already (adverb);

3) three (numeral) – three (verb).

4. Identify the means of artistic expression in examples:

1) I love the lush wilting of nature...

2) The rich feast on weekdays, but the poor grieve on holidays.

3) We entered our dark, stuffy, boring rooms.

5. Determine in which row both words belong to the vocabulary of limited use:

1) hum, computer;

2) poet, actor;

3) kuren, ancestors (parents);

4) ram (bring), harmful.

6. Determine which of the named words are archaisms:

Chelo, squad, performer, nepman, volost, food tax, finger.

7. Give examples of paronyms (2 pairs of words each).

8. Replace the borrowed words with Russian synonyms:

Bankruptcy, imitation, adequate, image.

9. Replace the words with descriptive phrases (paraphrases):

Sea, morning.

get rid of the uninvited guest soon; but what if the horses don't happen? 2. Being young and hot-tempered, I was indignant at the baseness and cowardice of the caretaker when this latter gave the troika he had prepared for me under the carriage of the official master. 3. The general arrives; the trembling caretaker gives him the last two threes, including the courier one. 4. These much-maligned caretakers are generally peaceful people, naturally helpful, inclined towards community, modest in their claims to honor and not too money-loving. 5.Next, a squandered young man, in rags and a three-cornered hat, tends pigs and shares a meal with them; his face shows deep sadness and remorse. Thank you in advance. Please write down the participial phrases from each sentence in the task under the numbers. Thank you in advance.