Yesenia according to the church how it will be. Yesenia - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope. Compatibility, marriage, family

30.06.2024 General

Meaning of the name

Yesenia is a woman with the same amazing character as her rare and very sweet-sounding name. She is kind, balanced, smart, sensual, sympathetic and talented. At the same time, she is characterized by such traits as perseverance, Spartan calm (even composure), wisdom, reliability and prudence (reason always prevails over Yesenia’s feelings, whose wisdom and diplomacy help her deal with any troubles in life). In general, the owner of this name’s shortcomings are perfectly compensated by her advantages, of which there are many.

Characteristics of the name Yesenia

Winter Yesenia hot-tempered, emotional and impulsive, selfish and self-confident. She always proves her point of view, gladly taking part in heated arguments and debates, no matter whether it concerns everyday issues, personal or professional. But the kindness and responsiveness of winter Yesenia help her win the authority and love of those around her, who are ready to forgive her a lot for their warmth and sincerity, including her contradictory and very difficult character.

Spring Yesenia - purposeful, independent, sincere and friendly nature. She values ​​human relationships above all else, so she does not neglect such concepts as friendship and love. It is not surprising that her biggest disappointment is the betrayal of those whom she trusted endlessly. Because of her easy-going and easy-going nature, the spring Yesenia is always welcome in any company, because she will definitely become a real asset to it. But still, this woman should learn to understand people.

Summer Yesenia - a very fragile, dreamy and vulnerable woman who tries to make the world around her better and more beautiful, both literally and figuratively. She loves to surround herself with beautiful things that emphasize her style and bright personality, while summer Yesenia does this absolutely naturally, without causing negativity and envy among others. Her life is a bright kaleidoscope of events in which there is no place for boredom, envy, lies and hypocrisy.

Autumn Yesenia she is moral and demanding, principled and responsible, therefore she considers lies in any of its manifestations unacceptable. She considers even small feminine tricks to be a manifestation of insincerity, but in vain, because sometimes it is the absence of small feminine tricks that prevents her from building a happy family life. Note that autumnal Yesenia is often overly attached to the past, which she tries with all her might to transfer into the future.

Stone - talisman

Emerald and agate are stones that attract prosperity into Yesenia’s life.


This stone is capable of reflecting everything secret, and with its help you can comprehend the future (in other words, emerald enhances the gift of clairvoyance). But the magical properties of this precious stone do not end there, which:

  • drives away bad dreams;
  • eliminates depression;
  • eliminates insomnia;
  • drives out evil spirits;
  • protects against the evil eye and all kinds of dangers.

Important! Emerald is a pure stone, it does not tolerate lies, hypocrisy and insincerity, therefore it brings failure and illness to people with such qualities.

In Egypt, emerald symbolized strength, fertility, marital well-being and selfless maternal love. In addition, this stone was considered an effective love talisman, with the help of which it was possible to ignite old feelings and awaken passion.

According to Christian legend, it was the emerald that fell from the crown of the defeated Lucifer at the moment of his expulsion from heaven. Later, the Holy Grail was carved from this emerald - a cup into which the blood of the crucified Jesus was subsequently collected.

The Incas and Aztecs asked this stone for cures for illnesses, prosperity, wealth and good luck.

Emerald in many traditions symbolizes wisdom, insight, equanimity and hope.


Since ancient times, agate has been considered a stone that brings health, prosperity and longevity. In addition, this stone protected from adversity and flooding, helped to win in sports, and also had a stimulating effect on the fair sex.

In the Middle Ages, the following properties were attributed to agate:

  • getting rid of insomnia;
  • spiritual enrichment;
  • strengthening oratorical talent;
  • overcoming material difficulties;
  • improved mood;
  • giving strength and nobility;
  • protection from adverse external influences.

Important! Agate should be cleaned regularly under running water, especially after traveling, which will help get rid of the negative energy taken on by the stone.



The number that brings good luck to Yesenia is eight (you can read about the influence of this number in the article).



Animal - symbol

Yesenia's totem animals are the lark and the monkey.


The French considered the lark a bird of good omen. Moreover, in Europe this bird, flying high and landing quickly, has always symbolized the union of earth and sky, joy and ardor.

In Christianity, the lark is a symbol of humility, modesty and faith: the singing of this bird personifies joyful prayer. For this reason, the “God’s” bird was inviolable: thus, it could not be eaten, much less killed.

The Slavs identified the lark with the arrival of spring, because it was this bird that was the first to arrive after a long winter.


In Antiquity, this animal was considered a symbol of anger, cunning and disgusting appearance.

But in Ancient Egypt, monkeys, on the contrary, were held in high regard, because, according to popular belief, they are able not only to understand human speech, but also to assimilate information better than some people.

In ancient India, the monkey was a sacred animal, possessing wisdom, patience, energy, power, devotion and self-sacrifice. This is despite the fact that the peasants in this country suffered from the attacks of these animals.

In China, the monkey was a symbol of longevity, high social status, and material well-being.

In Christianity, the monkey has negative symbolism, denoting vice, vanity, greed, avarice, debauchery, doubt and lack of solid moral principles.



Celery is the plant that patronizes Yesenia.

In Ancient Greece, it symbolized celebration, joy, valor and nobility, so the heads of victorious warriors were decorated with a wreath of its leaves.

In Egypt, on the contrary, celery is the personification of grief, sadness and death.


Iron, which is the metal of Yesenia, is considered a symbol of fortitude, masculinity, strength, courage and the will to win. Although there are nationalities in which iron symbolizes evil and darkness.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Yesenia

Name translation

From Arabic the name Yesenia is translated as “jasmine flower” and “clear sky”, while from Greek it means “foreigner”, “distant”.

History of the name

The origin of the name Yesenia is still hotly debated.

So, according to one version, this name has Spanish roots and comes from the name of the flower of the same name.

In Russia, this name became widespread after 1975, when a Mexican film called “Yesenia” (that was the name of its main character) was released on big screens.

In addition, there is an opinion that Yesenia is the feminine form of the male name Yesenia. In addition, this name was given to girls born in autumn (V. Dal interprets the word “autumn” as “autumn”).

But! Some onomastic scientists identify the name Yesenia with spring and believe that Yesenia was the name given to girls born in spring.

Finally, there is a version that Yesenia is a variant of the male Arabic name Hassan, which translates as “beautiful”, “good”.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The following forms of the name Yesenia are common: Yesenyushka, Yesya, Yasya, Yesyusha, Yesenka, Yasenka, Yasechka, Yesechka, Senya, Senka, Asya, Senechka, Asechka.

The secret of the name Yesenia

Patrons of the name

The name Yesenia is not included in the Orthodox calendar, so the owners of this name consider Saints Xenia and Eusebia to be their patronesses.

Angel's Day (name day)

Famous people

Yesenia Volzhankina - famous Latvian track and field athlete.

Yesenia Butorina - young Russian rhythmic gymnast.

Yesenia - Russian singer.

The meaning of the name Yesenia

For a child

Little Yesenia is growing up as an independent, open, affectionate, friendly and trusting child with an easy-going character and cheerful disposition, which does not exclude the fact that she can be hot-tempered and impulsive. In addition, she is touchy and vulnerable, while she quickly forgives her offenders.

Active and energetic Yasya does not accept meanness and deception, despite her young age, so she cannot be drawn into adventures. This girl will make a wonderful friend who will always come to the rescue and lend a reliable shoulder. I must say that she doesn’t have many friends, but she truly values ​​each of them.

Yesenia is rarely among the best students in the class, which is due to her restlessness and inattention. But she enjoys social and organizational work: by bringing her ambitious ideas to life, she gives vent to her creativity.

This girl can be called a real dreamer who loves to draw incredible stories in her imagination. Therefore, it is not surprising that since childhood she has been more attracted to books than to playing with her peers in the yard. In addition, her love for books instills in her a love for loneliness, which in adulthood Yesenia perceives as another opportunity to understand herself and harmonize her inner world with the outside.

Yesenia, who gives the impression of a weak and defenseless girl, does not succumb to the influence of others, and, if necessary, will be able to stand up for herself.

For a girl

Growing up, Yesenia acquires not only such positive qualities as seriousness and responsibility, but also stubbornness and obstinacy. She is still gullible and naive, so she often becomes a victim of selfish and unscrupulous people.

Smart, stylish and charismatic, Yesenia is a creative person who enjoys taking part in various events and theatrical productions. The sociability and openness of this girl makes her a welcome guest in any company.

Yesenia has many friends, because she lacks such qualities as envy, greed and self-interest. But still, she has only one real friend - she does not part with her throughout life, going through all stages: starting from childhood and ending with old age. And in general: this girl never remains indifferent to the grief of others.

In her youth, as in childhood, Yesenia is very independent, so she rarely accepts help, preferring to independently cope with all the trials that befall her. Despite the fact that she is lucky in life, she never completely relies on fate, rightly believing that the path to success and well-being lies through hard work.

Young Yesenia has a keen sense of justice, determination and independence of judgment, while she knows how to take other people’s opinions into account.

For woman

Adult Yesenia always wants to dominate in everything, and she does this without demonstrating her superiority over others, and therefore without causing envy of herself. She is ready to zealously defend her interests, and obstacles only strengthen her character and make her stronger.

This woman is self-confident, hardworking, freedom-loving and practical. Unexplored paths and new horizons attract Yesenia, who happily plunges into the exciting world of adventures and discoveries. In adulthood, she skillfully controls her emotions and tries not to let people close to her who could cause her pain and disappointment.

Yesenia's main goal is to be independent, so she works hard to gain not only spiritual, but also material freedom. It is not surprising that she will not allow anyone to tell her what to do or in what direction to move. This woman cannot be made to doubt herself, nor can she be turned off her intended path.

Humane and generous Yesenia has many friends and acquaintances who will gladly come to her aid if necessary, because they know that she is always ready to help.

Yesenia has an amazing ability to captivate people, and her actions are always motivated and justified.

Description of the name Yesenia


A system of high moral and moral principles distinguishes Yesenia, who is always fair and honest.


Yesenia takes care of her health: she plays sports, adheres to a certain daily routine and eats right, which helps her maintain excellent physical shape.


Yesenia loves sincerely, deeply, tenderly and reverently, and to the lucky one who can adequately respond to her feelings, she will become a wonderful friend and a wonderful wife, for whom the relationship with her loved one comes first.

But! Yesenia’s desire to dominate her partner, as well as her inability to show the full depth of her feelings, can disrupt the harmony in the relationship. As a result, her partner may perceive her modesty and shyness as coldness and isolation.

Light and non-committal novels do not attract Yesenia, who strives for a serious and stable relationship that can develop into a happy family life. In addition, love for the owner of this name is not associated with material benefits, therefore, when choosing a partner, she does not consider his income. Yesenia believes that the key to a harmonious marriage is exclusively mutual feelings, and not money and social status.


For Yesenia, marriage is a serious step, so she approaches the choice of her future spouse scrupulously and responsibly. This woman will connect her life only with someone she really loves, and the candidate for her husband must be smart, well-mannered, sincere and honest. But passion is not a determining factor for her, since she values ​​the reliability of her man more.

Such selectivity leads to the fact that Yesenia gets married quite late. In addition, her independence and independence do not allow her to completely depend on her husband, and therefore before marriage she works a lot, earning her “dowry”.

But! If Yesenia does not have a good relationship with her parents, there is a high probability that she will get married early, which will not interfere with her family happiness.

Family relationships

Yesenia will never exchange her family for momentary attraction, and the point is not only high morality, but also the fact that she chooses her husband carefully, and, therefore, he is her best.

This woman expects fidelity, care, love, attention, respect and patience from her husband, since she herself will give him the same. Scandals and showdowns are not acceptable in her harmonious, friendly and calm family.

Yesenia raises her children strictly and solely by her own example, instilling in them the same moral standards on which she was raised herself.

Yesenia’s husband must take into account the fact that her freedom cannot be completely limited. On the contrary, by trusting his wife, he will make her feelings stronger and deeper.

Yesenia is a wonderful wife and housewife, as well as a wonderful mother, so it is quite natural that divorce in her family is almost impossible.


Yesenia is an attractive person who attracts with her charm and mystery. Even her coldness becomes the factor that makes her attractive in the eyes of men. However, only a strong and loving man whom Yesenia can trust can reveal her sexual potential and awaken her temperament.

Mind (intelligence)

A clear and analytical mind, prudence and practicality help Yesenia cope with all life’s adversities with dignity.


Since her youth, Yesenia understands the need to obtain a prestigious higher education, so she does everything possible for this. As a result, she enters adult life with a good profession behind her, which opens up bright prospects for her.

Yesenia is slowly but confidently moving towards her goal: her superiors value her for her calmness, responsibility, sociability and hard work, while her colleagues respect her for her non-conflict nature, organization, honesty and fairness.

The talented Yesenia has a huge choice of professions in which she can realize herself fully and achieve great success. She may be a doctor, teacher, architect, journalist, art critic, psychologist, lawyer or athlete. The main thing is that the work gives her true pleasure.


Yesenia feels very harmonious in the role of a businesswoman, as she has excellent organizational and leadership skills. In addition, her communication skills, enterprise and honesty make her a reliable partner who can be trusted to run a business.


Yesenia is a talented person, so all her hobbies have a creative beginning. Handicrafts and design have always interested the owner of this name. She devotes a lot of time to sports, thanks to which she manages to maintain excellent shape.

Character type

Yesenia is choleric by nature (you can read about this type of character in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).


Yesenia knows how to be patient and even condescending towards the shortcomings of others, because she herself is not ideal. This woman can forgive a lot, but never betrayal. A lot of disappointments await her in life, and all for the reason that she does not know how to understand people.

Yesenia’s demands and adherence to principles make her tough. Only love can soften the character of this woman, which will make her soft, tender and sensual.

The wealth of Yesenia’s soul is not revealed immediately, and not to everyone (only people tested by time and circumstances can count on the fact that she will be able to entrust them with the secrets of her heart).


Yesenia has good intuition, which, combined with observation, opens up wide horizons for her.

Horoscope named after Yesenia

Yesenia - Aries

The ambitious and vain Yesenia-Aries sets many goals for herself, but often she lacks the patience and perseverance to bring her plans to the end. In communicating with others, this woman can be quick-tempered and sometimes aggressive, and it does not matter how close to her the person at whom her aggression is directed. Because of her difficult disposition, it is not easy for Yesenia-Aries to build a personal life. She needs a patient, understanding, but at the same time strong-willed man.

Yesenia - Taurus

This is an attractive, open and sociable woman, whose charm and charm are simply impossible to resist. Yesenia-Taurus's sense of humor deserves special praise, thanks to which she is always welcome in any company. Despite her ambition and leadership potential, she does not strive to be “ahead of the rest,” but prefers to communicate as equals. In relationships with men, Yesenia-Taurus also does not show authority, thereby showing real feminine wisdom.

Yesenia - Gemini

This is an erudite and enthusiastic person with a lot of talents. Such versatility of Yesenia-Gemini makes her an interesting interlocutor. This woman has many friends and acquaintances, so she is not in danger of loneliness. The main thing in life for her is her family, for the sake of which she is ready to forget about a promising career. Her ideal man is an intelligent, tactful and courteous man with a strong character, next to whom Yesenia will feel protected.

Yesenia - Cancer

This is a hot-tempered, emotional and temperamental woman whose mood changes quickly, so communicating with her is quite difficult. But behind this character of Yesenia-Cancer hides a sensitive and vulnerable nature that needs support, praise and approval. Yesenia-Cancer expects, first of all, love and care from her beloved man. If he can give her all this, then Yesenia will become an ideal wife who will strive to create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the house.

Yesenia - Leo

Egocentrism and arrogance are inherent in Yesenia-Leo, for whom it is very important to be in the center of everyone's attention, to be recognized and receive compliments. On the path to fame and recognition, this woman will stop at nothing. This behavior leads to the fact that she has few friends, while she has more than enough ill-wishers. The ideal man of Yesenia-Leo is a wealthy, courageous and reliable person who can cope with the difficult character of his chosen one.

Yesenia - Virgo

Distrust, isolation and vulnerability are inherent in Yesenia the Virgo, who lives in her own special, isolated world, where there is only a place for literature, music and painting.

The versatile Yesenia never stops there and always strives for perfection. It is very difficult for Yesenia-Virgo to get along with men, so she experiences failures on the love front for a long time and hard.

Yesenia - Libra

This woman is hardworking and responsible, she strives to win her place “under the sun.” But, unfortunately, she rarely succeeds in this, which is due to lack of self-confidence and lack of independence. It is not surprising that in her personal life, Yesenia-Libra is looking for the man who can protect her from all the hardships of life, protect her from evil and protect her from betrayal. She needs a husband-father who will take care of all Yesenia’s affairs and problems.

Yesenia - Scorpio

Ambitious, driven and determined, Yesenia-Scorpio craves love and respect. But she herself is in no hurry to show these qualities in relation to others. On the contrary, she is vain and arrogant, which is why she is disliked in the team. Even close people sometimes find it difficult to communicate with this impulsive woman. Yesenia-Scorpio can only get along with a flexible and calm man who will agree to give her the palm of leadership.

Yesenia - Sagittarius

This is a woman with a light character and cheerful disposition. She has a wonderful sense of humor and enviable optimism, which helps her look with confidence and hope for the best in the future. People around them love Yesenia-Sagittarius, because she is ready to support in difficult times, and not only in word or joke, but also in deed. This woman is dreamy and amorous, while she tends to idealize those around her, which often leads to severe disappointments.

Yesenia - Capricorn

An analytical mind, ingenuity, prudence and pragmatism distinguish Yesenia-Capricorn from other representatives of the fair sex. This woman with a strong character is attracted to male professions and hobbies, so among her friends there are many men who perceive her as a friend and ally, but not as an attractive woman ready to love. Demanding Yesenia-Capricorn, prone to idealizing men, finds it difficult to find her soul mate.

Yesenia - Aquarius

Purposeful Yesenia-Aquarius is ready to do a lot for the sake of her goal, for example, to give up proper rest and postpone starting a family indefinitely. This attitude can lead to loneliness and even depression. And this is despite the fact that this woman has a great understanding of people, and therefore can most likely build strong and stable family relationships. Only the partner of Yesenia-Aquarius must be patient and persistent.

Yesenia - Pisces

This is a nature that prefers loneliness and silence to noisy companies and fun pastime. Yesenia-Pisces is distrustful, secretive and withdrawn, it is difficult for her to get along with new people, so all her friends are from childhood. The seriousness of this woman scares off the stronger sex, so Yesenia-Pisces should become more relaxed and sociable if she wants to create her own cozy island of warmth and love.

Compatibility of the name Yesenia with male names

Yesenia and Dmitry

Yesenia and Artem

Yesenia and Konstantin

Freedom-loving Yesenia has a difficult time with the owner Konstantin, who takes a conservative approach to issues of creating a family, believing that only a man can be independent. As a result, when the passion passes, the couple breaks up forever, and their separation is often accompanied by a scandal.

Yesenia and Pavel

Yesenia and Pavel are two opposites, they are parallel lines that will never intersect, and if this does happen, then their union will be bright, interesting, but short-term. Neither love nor passion can save this memorable and captivating novel.

Yesenia and Victor

Sensuality and passion are the components that determine the vector of the relationship between Yesenia and Victor. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to build a correct model of family relationships on them. And Yesenia and Victor do not strive for this, realizing in advance that their relationship is doomed.

Rare in Russia, but very beautiful and melodic, soft and melodious, the name Yesenia is common in Spain. In this country, this is what they call an unusually elegant, enchanting flower.

Origin and meaning of the name

The literal translation from the Turkic name Yesenia is jasmine flower, beautiful, from Greek - foreigner, distant. Presumably the origin of the name comes from the Turkic name Isania (unharmed, healthy) or the male name Hasan (handsome).

In Rus', according to the interpretation from Dahl’s dictionary, the meaning of the name Yesenia is consonant with “autumn”, presumably the name Yesenia - autumn, was the name given to girls born during this period of the year. To this day, the mystery of the name Yesenia has not been solved; some philologists claim that the phonetics of the name is also consonant with spring - the time of flowering and renewal of the forces of nature.

Characteristics of the owner and fate

The soft pronunciation of the name Yesenia is completely incompatible with the firm, purposeful character of the owners of this name. A strong will and desire to achieve what is planned are characteristic of these seemingly calm and balanced women.

In order to slightly soften the harsh nature of the energy of this name, it is given to a girl with a soft energetic meaning of the patronymic (Nikolai, Ilya, Alexey).

The female name Yesenia gives its owner great demands on her actions and thoughts, and does not give up on those close to her. It should be noted that a woman with this name is more strict with herself than with others. Therefore, from childhood there is no need to point out to the child his mistakes and mistakes; the girl herself perfectly analyzes events and understands how the situation can be corrected.

Yesenia’s character can be described in one word – Winner. For this woman there are no barriers in her career. Not in love - she always achieves what she wants.

Career and profession

This child knows what profession he will choose even at school, has an intellect developed beyond his years and a seriousness of aspirations unusual for children. The name Yesenia for a girl is a guarantee of success in any profession.

There is practically no specialty in which Yesenia does not become a recognized leader and, over time, a boss. She has excellent analytical skills and can calculate any situation seven moves ahead.

Family and love

Yesenia has the best marriage relationships with men who can recognize her undisputed leadership and authority. Such a woman knows how to love selflessly and selflessly; she never forgives betrayal or betrayal. Yesenia’s family is created late, because they try to find an ideal that corresponds to all ideal ideas about the object of love, they choose men much older than themselves, and are usually happy in marriage, where there are no more than three children.

It is not easy with them, since Yesenia does not like to demonstrate her feelings, it is difficult for her chosen one to understand whether she is sincerely disposed towards him. Girls with the name Yesenia need to be taught to demonstrate emotionality from childhood, since in their personal lives it is precisely because of their closeness that these women can have many problems.

The meaning of the name in Orthodoxy

There is no such name in the Orthodox calendar. Consonant with the name Yesenia is the beautiful and sonorous church name Yesia, a disciple of the martyr Pankratius.

Name day dates in 2018

The name day of Yesiya (Yesenia) is celebrated June 20. But, if you follow the historical meaning of the name, then this gentle, unusual name can be given to girls born in spring and autumn.


The name Yesenia is of Slavic origin according to the main version. It could come from the male name Yesenya (Yeseniy in modern times), which in turn came from the worldly word “Yesen”. The translation sounds like “autumn”. A literal interpretation can mean “born in the fall.”

The female name Yesenia today is one of the rarest Russian names. But this name has very strong energy, promises its bearers a lot of good things, has good compatibility and is considered one of the oldest Russian names of our time...

Popularity: Today the name Yesenia occupies from 65 to 67 positions in the ranking of Russian female names and, according to statistics, accounts for 2-4 girls out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Enya, Yesya, Yesenka

Modern English analogues: Hesenia, Jessenia, Hessenia

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Yesenia promises the bearer many good qualities and an extremely unusual character. According to the main version, the bearer of this name will be a kind and balanced representative of the gentle half of humanity. She will have an amazingly beautiful character, will become a persistent, calm, wise and reliable woman, and will be endowed with a huge number of virtues.

Regardless of which season she belongs to, she will be sociable and therefore will not lack in terms of communication or friends. She will be surrounded by the care of others.

Advantages and positive features: the main advantage of all girls named by the female name Yesenia is their sociability, eloquence, ability to make friends even there, this would seem impossible. Plus, these girls always radiate positivity and warmth...

Yesenia has a bad attitude towards people with high self-esteem, those who use their own strength to dominate the weak, and those people who do not respect other people's opinions.

In fact, there are quite a few versions of the origin of the female name Yesenia. There is even an opinion that this name came to us from Ancient Greece.

Character of the name Yesenia

The nature of the name is one of the most mysterious factors in existence. But the nature of the name Yesenia is completely complex, because as a parameter, it has been studied by too few specialists. However, there are still several points known to everyone, and one of them indicates that Yesenia’s character is always distinguished by tolerance, goodwill, sociability, unprincipledness, lack of conflict, cheerfulness, kindness, optimism, positive attitude and perseverance. The character of the so-named girl allows her not only to be popular, but also to achieve incredible heights in her career. Yes, of course, she can’t be a boss, but she could very well become a leader, at least an unspoken one. However, this is all just a theory...

The nature of the name form itself is a theoretical factor, and in the named variation of Yesenia the girl it completely depends on many different factors, including the zodiac sign, initial upbringing, the influence of various astrological symbols, and even the time of year of birth.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a girl named Yesenia is the very period when parents really have a lot of reasons to be proud. The girl who is protected by the meaning of the name Yesenia has a completely tolerant nature, especially in early childhood - she is kind, friendly, attentive, eloquent, knows how to communicate and win people over, easily makes contact and is happy to diversify her life with various games and ventures .

The only thing that the so-named baby lacks is a sense of responsibility and prudence - often, even at such a young age, she commits rash acts, she does not know how to be responsible, and always does what she shouldn’t. At the same time, it should be noted that all her rash actions inherently do not bring harm to anyone - she is not capable of anything bad. It also endows her with incredible curiosity - she can’t sit still, she needs everything around her, everything is interesting, there’s never a minute. So that another idea does not come into her head.

In general, the meaning plus everything in childhood endows the character of a girl named Yesenia and a bunch of other important advantages, but what is more important is that they all fit perfectly together in her complex nature. Parents will have to constantly be on guard - every new day a new Yesenia will appear before them, and each time in a new guise, she is so unpredictable, fickle...


A teenage girl, whose parents at birth decided to choose the female name Yesenia, has an even more unpredictable and fickle nature. This is a changeable nature, a girl with an excellent sense of humor, optimistic and friendly, cheerful and positive, brave and decisive, but too unplanned. It is almost impossible to guess what her next step will be, because she constantly has a bunch of ideas in her head, and which of them she will once again want to turn into reality is impossible to guess. Efficient, active, energetic, restless, creative, ideological, cheerful - these are the traits for which she will be a respected and desirable person in society, but they will also play a negative role, in particular in her studies. The fact is that all these traits give rise to a complete lack of concentration, which has an extremely negative impact on studies and, as such, relationships with teachers.

But importance can also give her excellent organizational potential - Yesenia is respected in society, desired, and people listen to her opinion, and this will definitely play into her hands. Of course, this will not bring success in your studies, but it will definitely increase the respect of your peers, self-confidence, and determination. True, everything may change in the future, in particular, upon reaching maturity...

Adult woman

If a girl with this name has an excellent, cheerful and optimistic, but very unpredictable character, then in a girl or woman who has reached maturity, he may also be endowed with prudence and responsibility, which was clearly lacking at a young age. The adult Yesenia, over whom the meaning of this name protects, is already a more responsible, executive, obligatory and constant person.

In addition, she can also become the owner of such qualities as kindness, sincerity, ambition, love of freedom, friendliness, goodwill, integrity, self-will, honesty, eloquence and charm - all this together turns the bearer of the name Yesenia into a unique woman in all respects. As for relationships with people, she easily makes contact, is always ready for new acquaintances, and will never reject the attention and care of a person, even if she doesn’t like him or repels her in some way. In other words, she is a sociable and friendly woman, always surrounded by attention and friends. True, there will probably be few like-minded people among them.

Professional activity - everything is much more complicated here. The meaning endows the adult Yesenia with all the data for successful and rapid career growth, but does not endow her with the most important thing - leadership qualities, without which it is almost impossible to rise to the top of Olympus.

The interaction of Yesenia’s character with the seasons

Summer - if the name form Yesenia is used to name a girl born under the influence of the meaning of summer, she will grow up to have a fragile nature. This is a vulnerable woman, reaching for only one thing - the goal of making the world more beautiful in every sense of the word. Envy and negative thinking are unbecoming, not hypocritical, not deceitful, true and kind.

Winter - she will be raised to be hot-tempered and impulsive, self-confident and self-sufficient. With great pleasure she will start making scandals in order to prove the correctness of her own point of view - she will be deprived of communication with friends. He will easily gain the authority and love of others, but will rarely need it.

Spring - the girl will grow up purposeful, cheerful, friendly and independent in soul and mind, valuing the concepts of friendship and love, a fragile and easy personality, the future highlight of any company. She is lucky in everything that concerns human feelings and relationships, and will never offend a person, even if he deserves it.

Autumn - the newborn will be demanding and moral, principled and stern, responsible and honest. Any cunning on the part of a person can be regarded by her as a betrayal, and family life will become the goal towards which she will go all her life - such is her character.

The fate of the name Yesenia

The fate of the name Yesenia in relations with representatives of the opposite sex is as follows. Which implies a later entry into marriage of a woman named in this way. Fate in this case, if you believe the facts provided by the researchers, is such that it will not allow the girl named by this name form to build a personal life early, and there are many reasons for this.

One of the reasons is her desire to initially get on her feet, get a job she loves, provide herself with everything she needs and achieve material well-being, so as not to depend on anyone, especially her husband. Only by becoming a full-fledged person, a successful lady, will she be able to devote herself to relationships, and then only if fate collides with a man who is ready to take the first step and meets all her requirements, of which, by the way, there are also many.

But fate also presupposes that this woman will become a real, true, ideal mother, caring, responsible, attentive. Yes, and such a wife will turn out to be a good one, but only the man who is ready to meet, give in, and show in every possible way how to appreciate Yesenia can appreciate this. Otherwise, Yesenia will quickly break off relations even with that one. Whom he truly loves.

Love and marriage

Yesenia does not waste time on fleeting relationships and feelings; she lives in anticipation of great and bright love. She loves truly, sincerely, reverently, tenderly, to the point of pain in her chest. Having found her soul mate, she will not hesitate to create a happy family with her beloved. However, not every man will be able to receive her love. Yesenia’s chosen one will be a well-mannered, intelligent, reliable, honest and sincere young man with no less strong feelings towards her. Due to the long wait for her ideal, she gets married quite late.

However, a man may be scared off by such features of her character as her desire to be a leader in a relationship or a woman’s inability to correctly show the strength of her feelings. Only the most sensitive man will understand that Yesenia’s modesty is not at all a sign of coldness and indifference. Only with such a man can she build a truly harmonious relationship. For Yesenia, spiritual kinship with her husband is extremely important, but his financial situation and level of income are not important to her. She firmly believes that the main thing in a family is LOVE, and everything else can be achieved together. However, even with a wealthy spouse, she will not want to depend on her husband’s finances; her personal freedom and independence are extremely important to her.

Tender, faithful, caring and loving Yesenia will not only be a wonderful wife, but also an understanding, devoted friend. Loyalty, respect, devotion, attention and patience of her husband are also important and valuable to her. Yesenia is always confident in the correctness of her choice when looking for a husband, so divorce is unlikely.

Yesenia as Mother

A person’s name has a huge influence on his destiny, but his character, life principles and positions depend on a variety of factors. It cannot be guaranteed that people with the same names will behave in the same way at all important points. However, the general character traits of a woman named Yesenia and her responsible approach to life allow us to make the assumption that she definitely will not be a bad or unlucky mother.

There is so much affection and warmth in Yesenia’s soul that children will simply bask in her love. As a good housewife and a clean woman, she will carefully ensure that her children always look well-groomed and neat and eat only home-made and fresh food. Ksyusha keeps the house tidy and clean, but she has a weakness that the children will really like. As a rule, she keeps her own children's toys and dolls, so the children have a chance to play with rare toys and learn more about their mother's childhood.

She easily finds an individual approach to raising her children. But she already has clearly established moral and ethical principles by which she was raised. It is very important for her that children are polite, intelligent, highly moral, kind, honest and responsible people. For educational purposes, she often uses rigor and motivation as the main weapons in the struggle to gain knowledge.

Horoscope named after Yesenia


Born under the influence of the Aries meaning, Yesenia has such properties as vanity and bright ambitions. Rarely will such a thing be completed, she lacks patience, she can flare up for no reason, but then calm down just as quickly. He will bow down to the patient and spiritually strong.


Taurus - born under the influence of this zodiac, the bearer of the name Yesenia is an open and charming lady by nature, who wants to communicate as much as possible. She is the life of the party, because she has a good sense of humor. He prefers to be equal to everyone, although in his heart he wants to become a leader. It contains true feminine wisdom, thanks to which it will create a strong family.


Gemini - compatibility of this zodiac with others is achieved due to increased erudition. She is sociable, interesting, knows how to listen, but is ready at any moment to forget about friends in order to create a couple with an intelligent and tactful gentleman - a good girl.


Cancer - and this bearer of the name Yesenia has a hot-tempered and emotional nature. This is a girl with a capital G, trying to please everyone, but she has one drawback - she is not able to control her emotions, is prone to changeable moods, and has a clearly bad character. Looking for someone who is reliable, caring, and head over heels in love to create a family.

a lion

Lion, lioness. The main traits are arrogance and the desire to be at the center of the universe. She loves flattering people and is ready to do all sorts of things for the sake of a compliment. Not desirable in companies due to its characteristics. He is looking for a wife who is distinguished by masculinity and strict reliability.


Virgo is distrustful and reserved, easily wounded, and has a creative nature. She tries to succeed in all her deeds, tries to become perfect, but does not keep up with her own desires. It’s bad on the love front - it’s hard to find someone with whom he wants to create a couple for the remaining years.


Under the sign of Libra, a hardworking and responsible lady is born, ready to do anything to be at the top of Olympus. Traits such as lack of confidence in actions and a complete lack of impulse towards independence hinder success. Strives to find a defender for himself.


Scorpio will be an ambitious and determined girl, thirsting for love and power. She is impulsive and arrogant, which scares away potential suitors. Guys cannot cope with her - they avoid her immediately after discovering negative qualities. Looking for someone to dominate.


Sagittarius is gentle and cheerful, the soul of society, an optimist and a self-confident person. Such Yesenia usually grows up to be effective - a dreamer and visionary, too amorous, an idealist, afraid of disappointments. Find yourself a reliable defender who can reject all adversity.


The Capricorn girl is a born analyst, calculating and pragmatic, greasy in spirit and character, and may have masculine traits and inclinations. She is demanding, tries to find the ideal “male”, and therefore often refuses even the one with whom she is in love with all her heart.


Aquarius has good compatibility with other signs, and this is a fact. Strong and stable bonds are not a problem, nor is communicating with people. She is looking for a patient and persistent husband. Excellent at analyzing people's personal characteristics, but prone to depression and loneliness.


Pisces - here the nature of the person named Yesenia is prone to fun and a depraved existence. She is closed, and sometimes this pushes people away from her. Always strives to communicate with time-tested people. Created to protect the home, family, spouse and children. He values ​​his loved ones like no one else.

Compatibility with male names

It is believed that the best couple in terms of feelings can be created with Dynasius, Sergei, George, Maximilian, Mikhail.

You can build a strong and happy marriage only with the likes of Timur, Demyan, Danila, Yaroslav, Timofey.

But there is no combination or any connection at all with such people as Luka, Svyatoslav, Denis, Arsen, Mark.

Yesenia is a rare but beautiful name. It has a smooth sound, has a rich history of origin and is gaining popularity again. What are the hidden peculiarities of this beautiful name?

Origin of the name

The origin of the name Yesenia has five versions. According to one of them, Yesenia is a Slavic name, derived from the word “esen” (according to V.I. Dahl’s dictionary, the word “esen” means “autumn”), it was given to girls born in the fall. The second version has the opposite meaning; it says that this name was formed from the Slavic name Vesna. Another option for the origin of the name: it appeared in Russia in honor of the poet Sergei Yesenin.

The name Yesenia has several origins.

There is also an opinion that the name came from Ancient Greece and means “distant stranger.” This name is very similar to the name Ksenia, which also has Greek roots.

Another version of the origin is that the name is derived from the Arabic male name Hassan and translated means “beautiful, good.”

Name forms

Short forms of the name: Yesya, Yesyusha, Enya, Yasya, .

The name Yesenia has many diminutive forms.

The name Yesenia has many diminutive forms: Yasenka, Yasechka, Senya, Senka, Asechka, Yesenyushka, Yesenka.

I know there is a girl somewhere
Her Yesenia! Named from birth.
Spinning in life, this one is like a bee,
Moving further and further from the earth.
She's insanely good, I'll tell you honestly,
And believe me, everyone is going crazy about it.
Look into her eyes and everything will become known,
Blooming in spring, it becomes winter there.

Yuri Zobnev

Related names are considered: Ksenia, Hesenia, Vesna.

There is no ecclesiastical version of the name.

Transliteration of the name: Eseniia.

According to the latest transliteration rules, the name Yesenia is written as Yeseniya

The following patronymics are combined with the name Yesenia: Ivanovna, Robertovna, Vladimirovna, Sergeevna, Aleksandrovna, Andreevna, Arkadyevna, Viktorovna, Dmitrievna.

Table: the name Yesenia in foreign languages

Name day

The name Yesenia is not on the church calendar. Therefore, if you wish, little Yesenia will have to be baptized under a different name. You can choose the name Ksenia, which is consonant with the name, which is patronized by Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg. Then the name day will be celebrated on the sixth of February, twentieth of March, sixth of June, twenty-sixth of August, fifteenth of September or thirty-first of January.

If parents want to baptize little Yesenia, then for this they can choose the consonant name Ksenia

Also, for baptism, you can choose the name of the saint whose memory was revered on the child’s birthday.

The influence of a name on character and destiny

Yesenia is an independent and purposeful person. She has her own opinion on everything, which is very difficult to change. Easily achieves his goals. She is interested in everything new and unknown. Yesenia is able to lead people; her path is always logical and justified. High moral values, honesty and openness characterize Yesenia’s personality. Great strength and resilience are hidden in her, although it is difficult to see behind the mask of a sweet and kind girl.

A girl named Yesenia sets goals for herself and accomplishes them at any cost.

Yesenia has powerful energy that attracts people and the opposite sex, even if the girl is not endowed with outstanding external characteristics.

Yesenia will always come to the aid of those in need, which is often taken advantage of by those around her. Girls usually believe in God, go to church and live according to God's commandments.

Child years

A girl named Yesenia stands out among her peers. She loves to fantasize and never sits still. She is unlike anyone else and has a warmth that will only increase over the years.

Little Yesenia loves to fantasize and think

The girl is wise beyond her years, which shocks even her parents. Everyone around her is drawn to her, due to which she is able to become a leader and favorite in the class. Everything is fine with her studies, in addition, Yesenia will participate in all school events.

Yesenia, Yesenia, you are an autumn girl,
You look at me like a ray of sunshine.
Yesenia, Yesenia, creation of my love,
My dear, blue-eyed baby.

Chernyakov Vladimir

Little Yesenia cannot stand lies; she has an innate sense of justice. However, she is no stranger to small hooligan antics. She is always categorical, which causes quarrels and conflicts with peers and adults.

A categorical rejection of lies and deceit, a desire for justice at any cost, and frightening categoricalness can sometimes cause teenage Yesenia a lot of trouble, but such is her nature

Career and talents

Yesenia is a true careerist. Since childhood, she understands the value of a good education, and in adulthood she always knows her goals and objectives. She is a hardworking and conscientious worker and can become successful in any profession. She occupies the position of manager very early, and her employees value and respect her.

Yesenia is capable of occupying a leadership position at a very young age

Analytical thinking and entrepreneurial spirit allow her to create her own business. She inspires trust among business partners, since honesty and fairness will not allow her to play a “dishonest game.” Yesenia’s financial situation is not the least important, and her ability to work and not conflict will allow her to achieve stability.

Yesenia can make a good doctor, businessman, teacher, architect, event organizer, flight attendant, cook, dancer.

A profession such as an architect would be perfect for a girl named Yesenia

A girl named Yesenia has a penchant for science, art, and maintaining a home; she uses all her talents and constantly improves them.


Yesenia is in good health. The slightest symptoms force her to go to the doctor for advice, which is why she rarely gets seriously ill. Among other things, she leads an active lifestyle: she engages in physical education and dancing. Yesenia is able to maintain a good figure for many years.

An active lifestyle and positive thinking enable Yesenia to maintain a youthful appearance and an attractive figure for many years.

It is worth considering that a girl named Yesenia has a tendency to diabetes, so you need to control your blood sugar.

Love and marriage

Yesenia is not interested in light, short novels. She strives to find happiness for many years. Men like the girl due to her mystery and kindness. But she will only open up to the one she loves. In relationships, she is affectionate and gentle. She needs a partner who can subjugate her, but the girl must definitely trust the person.

Yesenia, dear, dear.
My heart is beating faster and faster.
Yesenia, when you’re near,
It's like a rainbow is laughing in the sky.


She gets married late because she is very selective. But divorce in Yesenia’s history is a rare case. Usually she lives with her chosen one until her death. The girl’s companion will be very lucky, because she will always be faithful to him, even in her thoughts. But she will demand the same from a man. In family life she will give herself completely, all her love is directed towards her husband. But he will have to come to terms with her independence and desire to build a career.

In the family, Yesenia shows herself at her best, giving her loved ones all her spiritual strength and warmth

Yesenia chooses a reliable, promising and purposeful person for herself.

Table: compatibility of the name Yesenia with male names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityNature of the relationship
Sergey90% 60% In the relationship between Yesenia and Sergei, everything is present - from romance to passion. The couple is very harmonious and agrees on many interests. Their passion does not decrease over time, but only increases. They are both leaders, so family life will not be easy for them. If you learn to resolve conflicts, a couple can live a happy life together.
Alexander90% 80% Reciprocity in this couple comes immediately. Alexander is able to protect Yesenia, and she needs this protection. The couple has a great mutual attraction, so the relationship can be very happy.
Eugene100% 100% Yesenia and Evgeniy are an ideal couple. They have common interests, both strive to improve their financial situation, and love to develop. They have a lot in common both psychologically and physically. The family of Yesenia and Evgeniy will be happy and successful. Each of the partners will believe that he has found the “one for life.”
Dmitriy80% 70% Both Yesenia and Dmitry take the choice of a partner responsibly. They value each other, care and look after each other. Able to cope with problems and work on relationships.
Andrey60% 80% The relationship between Yesenia and Andrey will be happy. They have common values, due to which mutual respect, love and friendship appear in the couple. They easily cope with conflicts, which only strengthen their union.
Alexei70% 100% Yesenia and Alexey will agree on a mutual desire to conduct dialogues with each other. They absolutely don’t care what topic they talk about, the main thing is to do it together.
Egor70% 70% Yesenia and Yegor trust each other and this is a very important criterion in a relationship. They do not experience jealousy or suspicion; they simply do not allow themselves to think that one of the partners might cheat on the other. The marriage will be long, filled with tenderness, love and mutual support.
Rinat90% 60% The relationship between Rinat and Yesenia will be long-lasting, but not strong. The girl will be the leader in this couple; she will reproach the man for various little things. If you learn to respect each other, the relationship will be long and pleasant.
Ilya80% 90% This couple has many common interests, but there is no crazy passion here. They see a person for who he really is. But love can still arise, and after marriage, the couple will not face any unpleasant surprises.
Konstantin100% 60% This couple has a very vibrant and passionate relationship. Both are independent and natural leaders. This may not be very good for the marriage, as it may turn into a war for leadership. But, if partners learn to make concessions and value the other’s opinion, then married life will become pleasant and happy.

Table: matches for the name Yesenia

Interpretation of letters in a name

E - the presence of the letter E in the name means the bearer’s need for self-expression and exchange of ideas.

C - characterizes the presence in a person of common sense, the desire to have stability and material well-being. It is very important for the owner of this letter in his name to find his way in life.

N stands for protest. The person is very selective, intelligent, and interested in health.

And - the letter means the presence of spirituality, sensitivity and kindness in a person, although outwardly he may look unapproachable and unemotional, hiding behind a mask of indifference.

I - a person has a sense of self-esteem, he desires respect and love for himself and is able to win them.

According to the interpretation of the letters in the name, Yesenia has a need for self-expression, has common sense, is smart, kind and needs love

Characteristics of a name in accordance with the time of year in which a person was born

The time of year in which Yesenia was born leaves an imprint on her character:

  1. Winter. Yesenia, born in winter, will be quick-tempered, impetuous, sensitive, arrogant and selfish. She will always insist on her own, take part in conflicts and get into arguments. But Yesenia will never discuss her personal issues with anyone. Capable of achieving significant success in her chosen profession. She is sincere, fights for justice, and often does charity work.
  2. Spring. Spring Yesenia is a purposeful, self-sufficient and holistic person. She is open and friendly and has many friends. Already in adolescence, he is looking for one and only partner for life. Betrayal is the worst thing that can happen in the life of spring Yesenia. If this happens, she withdraws into herself and remains lonely for the rest of her life. Parents need to teach Yesenia to understand people, as well as instill a sense of independence and self-sufficiency.
  3. Summer. Yesenia, born in the summer, has an airy, sophisticated, dreamy, vulnerable worldview. She always tries to improve the world around her. Surrounds himself with beauty and goodness, engages in creativity at a professional level. Yesenia, who was born in the summer, lives a carefree life, easily moving towards her dream, not paying attention to obstacles.
  4. Autumn. Autumn Yesenia is moral, demanding, principled and punctual. She does not accept excuses, lies and weakness. Having caught a person lying, she will immediately stop having any business with him. She is insanely attached to the past, loves to explore the world and her roots, and compose the “tree of life” of her ancestors.

The time of year in which Yesenia was born affects her character

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signMottoCharacteristic
AriesI exist!Aries always achieves her goals, she is ambitious and vain, proactive and active. She lacks delicacy, resourcefulness, and patience. Justice in everything is very important to her; she is unable to listen to the opinions of strangers, which provokes quarrels with others. She is simple-minded and spontaneous, as a result of which she is often disappointed in life. She easily copes with “male” professions, likes to do everything herself, and does not ask for help. She is capable of much for the sake of her loved one, but she does not forgive betrayals, she is a terrible owner.
TaurusI can!Yesenia-Taurus is open, sociable, and charming. She has leadership qualities, but it doesn’t matter to her to be the first in everything. She values ​​material stability, but spends money on all sorts of nonsense, loves comfort, but is sometimes sloppy. Yesenia-Taurus has a demanding, stubborn, but flexible and calm character. Does not like new things, lives by established rules. She is reliable and constant. Family is an important part in her existence; she will become a faithful, affectionate and loving wife.
TwinsI do!Yesenia, born under the sign of Gemini, is intellectual and gifted. Loves to learn new things and have fun. At times there are moments of self-doubt. A superficial attitude towards everything has a bad effect on her career. In relationships, she is sincere and needs tenderness and care. Loneliness really scares Yesenia-Gemini, but she does not make a good housewife, she needs to constantly communicate with new people, she does not like to sit at home. If a partner is able to entertain and provide a fun life, then Yesenia will become a good friend and support for him in everything.
CancerI feel it!Yesenia-Cancer is a person with a fine mental organization. Closed character, good insight. There is no place for logic in her life; she has her own laws of life. Attentiveness, diligence, attention to detail, integrity are the traits inherent in Yesenia-Cancer. She needs a strong partner who will raise her self-esteem. The wife will be faithful, caring and calm. Family ranks first on the list of values. A career will work out well only if the girl can overcome her modesty and shyness.
a lionI rule!Yesenia-Leo loves compliments and attention; she is a proud and arrogant woman. She has powerful energy, a temperamental, impetuous, ambitious, but kind and noble character. Due to lack of intuition, he makes many mistakes. Her weak point is self-esteem; flattery and worship will help win her love. Yesenia, born under the sign of Leo, is a generous, wasteful person who loves a luxurious, rich and idle life. She is sincere in absolutely everything, including in relationships. He will never forgive betrayal and will be a leader in family life. If her husband is able to provide her with a decent life, Yesenia-Leo will become a good wife and mother.
VirgoI'm analyzing!Yesenia the Virgo is closed, cautious, vulnerable, and often lives in a fictional world. Kindness, modesty and perfectionism characterize her character. She has problems expressing her own feelings, she loves clarity and precision in everything, she does not perceive supernatural things. He has a clear mind, loves to learn new things and develop. Everything is complicated in love, it’s hard for her to talk about her relationships, however, by getting married, she will make her chosen one a happy person.
ScalesI balance!Due to the lack of responsibility and independence, Yesenia-Libra finds it difficult to reach the top in her career. She has an easy-going, non-conflict character, is smart and friendly. Does not like conflicts, values ​​calm and peace of mind. The most important thing in life is love. It is important for her to know that she is loved and to hear compliments. Jealousy, quarrels and showdowns are not for her.
ScorpionDie but do!Yesenia-Scorpio is vain, arrogant and decisive, she needs love and respect, but she does not show these feelings herself. She doesn’t care much about the opinions of others; she is an honest and decent person. She is able to see through people, it is difficult to deceive her or change her mind. Work is important to her, but it should not be boring and monotonous. In family life, Yesenia-Scorpio becomes a good housewife and a faithful wife. But only a confident and balanced person can become her partner.
SagittariusI see!The character of Yesenia-Sagittarius is light and cheerful. She has a good sense of humor, a dreamy and amorous nature. She likes to idealize people, and then becomes disappointed in them, since they do not correspond to her ideas. Yesenia-Sagittarius is generous and open-minded, independent and passionate, but not frivolous. Always defends his interests, plans his life. To be happy in marriage, she needs a husband who will support her in her desires to travel and not infringe on her freedom.
CapricornI use!Yesenia-Capricorn has an analytical mind, intelligence, prudence and pragmatism. She chooses male professions and hobbies, and is friends mainly with men. Stubbornness, ambition, perseverance characterize this woman. She is able to work well in any field of activity and will be respected by her colleagues. Communication with strangers is made difficult by the isolation of Yesenia-Capricorn. She is vulnerable and sensitive, shy and modest. In marriage, she is demanding, does not forgive insults and betrayal. It is difficult to find a life partner for Yesenia-Capricorn, as she tends to build barriers between herself and her partner.
AquariusI hope!Independence, humanity, dreaminess, sensitivity and curiosity are the main traits inherent in Yesenia-Aquarius. She does not tolerate criticism and is an active person. She loves to work, but she is also no stranger to laziness. Her life will never be boring and monotonous. Yesenia-Aquarius loves to learn new things, is interested in mysticism, easily communicates with new people, and has atypical thinking. Yesenia, born under the sign of Aquarius, knows how to be friends and sympathize. It is very difficult for her to choose a partner, as she is quite picky and scrupulous.
FishI'm cleaning!Loves solitude and silence. He prefers comfort and home life to his career. Yesenia, born under the sign of Pisces, finds it very difficult to get along with people; she is suspicious and secretive. He has a delicate and sentimental nature, and is afraid of accidentally offending a person. It is difficult for her to solve her problems on her own, to fight self-doubt. She needs love like she needs air. The center of her universe is the family. She needs constant confirmation that she is loved.

Famous personalities bearing the name Yesenia

The name Yesenia is borne by a famous singer who performs songs in the chanson style.

The origin of the name Yesenia has several versions. Among the Slavs, it is assumed that it could be formed from the male counterpart Yeseniy. And also its basis cannot be excluded from the word “autumn, autumn.” After playing a little with rearranging the letters, we got such a beautiful feminine name. It was believed that the name Yesenia was given to a girl born in the autumn period. Further, a completely opposite option is considered, where Yesenia is referred to as “spring”.

There is also a variation of the formation of the name Yesenia from the surname of the famous poet Sergei Yesenin. The name also has Greek roots, according to which it is interpreted as “a foreigner who came to stay.” There is also an Arabic version of education, the meaning of the name Yesenia is interpreted as “beautiful, good,” and it is based on a transformation from the male name Hasan. On the territory of the village. In the Soviet space, the name became widespread in 1975, when a film of the same name “Yesenia” was released.

What the name Yesenia means for a little girl is that she stands out sharply from the bulk of children. At the same time, our heroine does not scream, does not play mischief, does not have fun, but simply observes the games of other children from the sidelines. In the process of such contemplation, Yesenia stands detached, and her thoughts are occupied with something completely different.

Little dreamer often dreams, her dreams are quite lofty and practically unrealizable. The growing up of a girl named Yesenia happens quickly and it happens not because of her transformation into a woman, but because our heroine is inquisitive and not childishly sensible and smart.

The wisdom of her judgment sometimes surprises not only parents, but also teachers. The girl knows how to make friends, her peers are drawn to her. Over time, she becomes a leader both in the class and in the company.

Such circumstances in no way affect the academic performance of the bearer of the name Yesenia. But with her knowledge and skills she gives impetus to other friends to study. In addition to school, the girl attends various sections and clubs.

You can rely on Yesenia, she will always come to the rescue. There is also a small minus in the girl’s characterization, this is the quick forgiveness of insults to her offenders. But at the same time, Yesenia does not feel disadvantaged in any way, because she is practical and a little nosy.

Full description of the name

The internal state of the name Yesenia is calm. She will not be hysterical and cry, be it a trifle or a more significant problem. Balance and endurance do not leave our heroine, under any circumstances. You rarely meet people who perceive even negative information so calmly and calmly.

Our heroine has plenty of intelligence and talent, and she not only uses them, but also constantly develops and improves them.

  • In all kinds of situations, Yesenia’s reason prevails over impulse and feelings.
  • Before implementing anything, she will weigh the pros and cons.
  • A girl named Yesenia is reliable and responsible, you can always rely on her.
  • In disputes, she always tries to find a compromise; wisdom and calmness help her in this. Such characteristics accompany Yesenia throughout her life.
  • After the first minutes of meeting our heroine, the interlocutor begins to feel the warmth emanating from Yesenia.
  • She is friendly and kind, smiling even at people who are unpleasant to her. This behavior is not at all the result of our heroine trying to present herself and embellish herself, this is her natural state of mind.

Yesenia can be called a good psychologist. Her powers of observation and intuition allow her to highlight the shortcomings and subtleties of people. Based on them, she draws a conclusion and, based on it, looks for an approach to everyone. There is also uncertainty in Yesenia’s characterization, but this happens extremely rarely.

Our heroine is a selective person in relation to her friends. She has many female acquaintances, the girl gets along well with them, but in her heart she will only allow one.

The long-term choice of her friend is justified; our heroine acquires a sincere person with whom she can share both sorrow and joy.

Professional affiliation and career

Even from her school years, a girl named Yesenia begins to understand the importance of a good education, so she begins to strive to receive it from school. Her desire in life is independence. It is she who pushes our heroine to start earning money while still studying.

By the end of the university, Yesenia completely supports herself, thereby removing the burden from her parents’ shoulders. Our heroine begins to smoothly, step by step, move up the career ladder, experiencing all the pros and cons of workers at different levels.

Yesenia Butorina (young gymnast showing great promise)

  • Our heroine takes a leadership position at a young age. Management begins by freeing their subordinates from unnecessary responsibilities and adding necessary elements to the process itself.
  • The gentleness in the character of the named Yesenia does not at all interfere with managing and organizing, but on the contrary, brings her closer to the team.
  • Restraint and leisurely decision-making leads to the fact that everything produced under the signature of our heroine becomes successful and brings profit.
  • The presence of intelligence, supported by education, will bring a girl named Yesenia success in any professional field.
  • She will make an excellent entrepreneur; all projects started by Yesenia are doomed to success.
  • Medicine and education are also her path. In them she will show her professionalism and leadership qualities.
  • Yesenia also successfully organizes holidays and celebrations. In them she will be able to express herself and introduce new elements into the style.
  • If he has talent, he can become a dancer or choreography teacher.

Love and family relationships

The meaning of the name Yesenia is revealed by the seasons, spring and autumn. This is how our heroine is characterized, warm, but at the same time cold-blooded. Early marriage is unacceptable for her. Only after her financial situation is at its best will Yesenia think about marriage.

Early independence prevents a girl from adapting and getting used to her chosen one. At the same time, she will never sit at home and live at the expense of her husband. Financial independence remains important to him. The name Yesenia suggests order in everything, this also applies to the home. Her apartment is always clean and tidy.

Our heroine is an excellent housewife, wife and mother.

After the adjustment with her husband occurs and the storm subsides, fate will give the woman named Yesenia a happy family life. But she will never give up on her only and faithful friend, and will continue to maintain a close relationship with her.