Calculate road tax in Belarus. Road tax in Belarus. The amount of road tax in Belarus

20.07.2024 Operations

Changes in the “road toll” payment mechanism will be implemented no earlier than January 1, 2019. Deputy Minister of Finance Vladislav Tatarinovich spoke about this during the direct line.

— I agree that now the mechanism for paying state fees is imperfect: we receive such questions on direct lines, in requests, and deputies repeatedly raise this issue. Therefore, now all the involved departments, on behalf of the government, are considering and proposing how the mechanism for paying state fees can be changed,” the deputy minister noted. — I want to say that the changes will be adopted no earlier than January 1, 2019.

Changes in the state duty will affect two points. Firstly, they propose to replace the very concept of state duty with a tax. To this end, appropriate amendments will be made to the legislation.

Secondly, it is proposed to decouple the state fee from the procedure for passing a technical inspection and collect it for the actual use of the road network, as well as allow motorists to pay the fee in installments, like insurance.

— At first they proposed tying the state duty to insurance. But this option was not accepted. But we are considering a payment mechanism in several parts. In addition, there is a proposal to charge fees based on actual use of the road network. So that BelToll frames or speed cameras can read whether the toll has been paid or not. We are currently considering whether this is technically possible. However, I will make a reservation: for now we are talking about the project and proposals. They haven't been accepted yet! As soon as proposals are put forward, we will discuss them with interested departments and put them up for public discussion so that people can express their opinions.

Let us remind you that Belarusians have been paying taxes for three years now. a duty for issuing a permit to allow a vehicle to participate in road traffic. It is calculated based on the weight of the car and does not depend on the year of manufacture or make of the car and is paid in full before passing the technical inspection. In this regard, many motorists began to ignore technical inspection.

Rates vary for individuals and organizations. Ambulances, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and law enforcement agencies are exempt from the tax. Disabled people of group I or II pay half the cost of the state duty. Age pensioners are excluded from the list of beneficiaries.

The purpose of the innovation, as stated, is to finance the construction of new and repair of existing roads. At the same time, 50% of the amount from the state duty goes to the republican budget, 50% to local budgets. Deputies are in favor of making this redistribution more equitable.

According to the Ministry of Finance, in 2016, the income of the Republican Road Fund amounted to 394.0 million rubles. Money received from road taxes occupied the largest part in the structure of road fund income - 70.6%, or 278.1 million rubles. Motorists paid 80.2 million rubles for travel on toll roads. (20.4%). All other revenues amounted to RUB 35.6 million. (9%).

For four years now, car owners have been divided into two camps: those who paid the state duty and passed the technical inspection, and those who, afraid of receiving a fine for failure to undergo maintenance, avoid meetings with State Traffic Inspectorate employees. For one part, indignation gave way to humility, for the other, a sense of injustice grew into sabotage. What do Belarusians want and is it possible to do it?

stumbling block

Transport tax, road tax, road tax, road tax, car tax - this is the popular name for the state duty for issuing a permit to allow a vehicle to participate in road traffic, introduced on January 1, 2014.

The permit for admission is issued by the Beltechosmotr Unitary Enterprise at the place where the technical inspection of the vehicle is carried out. However, you must come to the technical inspection with a receipt for payment of the state duty. This can be done in banks, post offices or through ERIP.

As Eva Zubrey, Deputy Head of the Inspectorate, Head of the Individual Taxation Department of the Ministry of Taxes Inspectorate for the Central District of Gomel, said, the following have a preference for paying state duty (read: cancellation of payment):

  • carriers of passengers by public transport when they are included by the Ministry of Transport in the list of road carriers;
  • vehicles specially equipped for use by disabled people, as well as if they are received through labor, employment and social protection authorities.
  • Ambulances, vehicles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the KGB, the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Defense and the State Border Committee, as well as cars with the inscription “Social Service” intended for social services for disabled citizens and those in difficult life situations are also exempt from duty;
  • Disabled people of group I or II, veterans of the Great Patriotic War with a medical certificate confirming their health status confirming their fitness to drive;
  • vehicles intended for the transport of dangerous goods pay state duty at a reduced rate.

Less and less

Eva Zubrey noted: the amount of payment varies from 2 to 25 basic units and depends on the type of car, its owner (individual, individual entrepreneur or organization), as well as the permitted maximum weight of the vehicle.

For example, for an individual with a maximum vehicle weight of two to three tons, the duty will be 8 basic units, or 196 rubles per year. But the car owner-organization will have to pay 11 basic, or 296 rubles 50 kopecks. Also, motorists whose cars are less than ten years old pay state duty for two years at once. Agree, the amount is not small. After all, in addition to the transport tax, you also need to pay for a technical inspection. Therefore, some motorists gradually ignore maintenance in order to save their money.

Indeed, according to Beltechosmotr, the number of cars that regularly undergo technical inspection is decreasing every year. Accordingly, budget revenues are also reduced. For example, in 2013, when there was no road tax yet, 60% of all cars registered in Belarus consistently passed technical inspection.

Food for thought. There are about 3.5 million cars registered in the country today. If in 2015 1.7 million cars arrived at inspection stations, then in 2016 - just over 1.5 million, or 43% of the total. And last year in Belarus, only about 1.4 million permits were issued to allow a vehicle to participate in road traffic, said Evgeniy Karpovich, head of the OGTO department of the Beltechosmot enterprise.

How are things going in the region? The Gomel branch of the Beltechosmotr unitary enterprise reported: in the region in 2017, about 185 thousand cars passed technical inspection and received permission to participate in road traffic, which is almost 10 thousand cars less than in 2016, and minus 20 thousand compared to 2015.

Of course, “snowdrop” cars that have long since rotted in yards but have not been deregistered are not taken into account. After all, you have to pay for car disposal, so some owners find it easier to wait until the state does it for them.

Where does the money go?

The main purpose of introducing the state duty was the overhaul and expansion of the road network of Belarus. In 2014, half of the amount went to the republican budget, the second part was used to maintain local roads. However, since 2015, the entire amount goes to the country’s budget and is then distributed.

This year, the republican road fund was formed in the amount of 561.9 million rubles. By the way, the state fee for issuing a permit to allow a vehicle to participate in road traffic is the main source of the fund’s formation (319.2 million rubles, or 56.8% of its total income).

This year, funds from the road fund will be used to repair the Minsk ring road, local roads and the construction of the Western bypass of Brest. The relevant information is contained in the law on the republican budget for 2018, published on the National Legal Portal.

More than 140 million rubles have been allocated from the Republican Road Fund to the consolidated budgets of the regions and the budget of Minsk this year, including Brest region - 23.8, Vitebsk - 21.98, Gomel - 22.4, Grodno - 22.1, Minsk - 33.9, Mogilev region – 15.6 and Minsk – 3.7. These funds will be used by regional, city and district Councils of Deputies for the construction, reconstruction, major and current repairs of local roads and the payment of interest on loans received for these purposes, as well as the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of streets that are a continuation of republican and local roads with asphalt - and cement concrete pavement in populated areas, BelTA reports.

Cancel cannot be edited

Due to the fact that the payment of the state duty is tied to the technical inspection, there are a number of problems. Car owners, as a rule, undergo maintenance once a year and pay the duty immediately for the year in advance. What if a person only uses a car in the summer? Or can’t pay the entire amount at once? Or doesn’t he pay at all because the quality of the roads still doesn’t change? Or does he plan to sell the car within a year?

Meanwhile, with the onset of the new year, the last issue was resolved: now the car owner does not need to undergo technical inspection on a newly purchased car if it already had a valid maintenance certificate.

Endless complaints and dissatisfaction from motorists, ignoring technical inspections led to the fact that in April 2017, during the Head of State’s address to the annual Address to the Belarusian people and the National Assembly of Belarus, deputy Valery Kursevich raised the question of collecting state duties. The President instructed the deputies to work on this issue together with the government. Over the summer, deputies of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus, together with colleagues from relevant ministries, drew up a unified plan to change the current state duty payment system. In particular, there was a proposal to include its cost in insurance. But then car owners will stop concluding insurance contracts. The situation will be similar to that of passing a technical inspection.

The option of including state duty in the price of gasoline was considered. It would seem fair: you drive more, you pay more. However, in this case, the cost of fuel will have to increase by at least 10%, the deputies noted. As a result, gasoline in Belarus will become more expensive than in our neighbors. The country will be unattractive for transit cargo carriers.

We discussed the possibility of converting the state duty into a tax. However, if the tax authorities start sending out notices to all those whose cars are registered but are sitting idle in garages, yards and rotting in landfills, it is difficult to imagine what kind of reaction this will cause in society.

As the Chairman of the Standing Commission on Industry, Fuel and Energy Complex, Transport and Communications of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Andrei Rybak said, the most optimal option seems to be the following: decouple the payment of state duty from the inspection procedure and charge a separate payment for the actual use of the road network. If a person uses a car for a specific period of time, for example, in the summer, he will only pay the fee for this period. It is proposed to control the payment using traffic police or speed cameras. Experts say that this is technically possible.

A draft decree has been prepared to change the system of collecting state fees for issuing permission to admit a vehicle to participate in road traffic. However, Andrey Rybak does not undertake to predict whether these changes will be approved and in what time frame.

About the uncertainty in the timing

On a direct telephone line, Deputy Minister of Finance Vladislav Tatarinovich noted in November last year that changes in the toll system will be possible no earlier than 2019 - by this time Belarus will have passed the next peak in payments on its external debt.

In other countries

Road tax is a fairly common phenomenon in many countries.

In Russia, the transport tax is tied to the power of the car.

In Georgia, a car tax was introduced on January 1, 2017, but it affected only individuals whose annual family income is more than 28,711 Belarusian rubles in equivalent.

In the USA, a car owner cannot fail to pay transport tax: it is included in the cost of fuel (approximately 15% of the cost), and is also collected when purchasing a car.

Denmark supports environmentally friendly modes of transport (bicycles and mopeds), so when registering a car, the driver is charged 105% of the cost of the car. At the same time, gasoline is also subject to a high excise tax.

Transport tax in Germany is usually paid at the beginning of the year in a single payment or in installments at the request of the local tax office. This takes engine size and carbon dioxide emissions into account.

In Israel, all cars are conditionally divided into 15 groups according to the level of environmental pollution. Buyers of the most “harmful” cars pay 92% of the cost of the car to the treasury. The minimum tax is paid to the state by owners of electric vehicles.

State duty or fine?

By the way, the amount of liability for such a violation also plays a big role in the fact that it is easier for car owners to pay a fine than to undergo a technical inspection. As the head of the agitation and propaganda department of the traffic police department of the regional executive committee, Irina Blashkevich, said, punishment for driving without a technical inspection is provided for in part 5 of article 18.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. For driving a vehicle that has not passed state inspection, the fine ranges from 1 to 3 basic units. In case of repeated violation within a year - up to 5 basic ones. It turns out that for the first “hit” without technical inspection you need to pay 24.5 rubles. More profitable than paying the state fee and undergoing inspection. If you believe numerous reviews on the Internet, those car owners who are “lucky” came to this conclusion.

I know a person who has been driving without a technical inspection since the fall and has no plans to undergo it in the near future. He agrees to pay the state duty in installments, but is not ready to pay the entire amount at once, so he is waiting for the corresponding changes in the legislation. Just in case, he always carries 25 rubles with him to pay a fine if he gets caught. Other motorists are advocating that the roads be repaired first, and then they will pay for them. Some people consider it necessary to decouple tariffs from the maximum permissible weight of the car and focus on the actual weight.

However, Irina Blashkevich knows firsthand about the other side of the coin: there are drivers who were caught without a technical inspection three times in a month (!). The miser pays twice, and in this case, three times. It is unlikely that after the next meeting with traffic police officers, these motorists will bypass the inspection station. And, for example, in Gomel there are not so many cars that you can always hope for luck. It’s easy to remember violating cars, especially if the drivers are rude and behave provocatively.

A rumor has once again circulated on the Internet that the traffic police and the Beltechosmotr unitary enterprise are planning to create a common database. However, this information was not confirmed by the agitation and propaganda department of the traffic police department of the regional executive committee.

Perhaps in the future, fines for lack of maintenance will be issued automatically, and then “forgetting” documents will become pointless. In the meantime, we can only believe that the roads in the country will become better, the issue of the size and payment of state duty will be resolved, and Belarusians will not need to avoid technical inspection.

Kristina Vorona, “Gomel Prauda”, January 21, 2018
(infographics – “Gomel Prauda”)

For four years now, car owners have been required to pay a state fee to obtain permission for a vehicle to participate in road traffic, which is popularly called “transport tax” or “road toll.” Some drivers, in order to avoid large financial expenses, easily forget about this requirement of Belarusian legislation, but still get behind the wheel. How much do unauthorized trips cost? The BB correspondent was looking for answers to this and other questions.

Number one

This state fee is a priority payment before going to the inspection station. As the press service of the Vitebsk Region Tax and Duty Inspectorate reported, its rate and amount depend on the category of the payer (individual or organization), type, maximum permitted weight, year of manufacture of the vehicle, and the size of the base unit.

The amount of payment for individuals who own a car varies from 3 to 11 basic units.

It turns out that if the permitted maximum weight of a car is up to 1.5 tons, you will have to pay 73.5 rubles, from 1.5 to 2 tons - 147 rubles, from 2 to 3 tons - 196 rubles, more than 3 tons - 269.5 rubles.

According to the legislation of Belarus, certain categories of citizens can pay state duty with a 50% discount from the basic tariff.

These are veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people of group I or II with a medical certificate of health confirming their fitness to drive motor vehicles.

There is also an exemption from payment for vehicles specially equipped for use by people with disabilities, and cars received (purchased) through labor, employment and social protection authorities. The list of beneficiaries among legal entities is more extensive.

Payment documents are processed separately for each vehicle, noted the region’s Tax Inspectorate. The receipt is presented to the employees of the Beltechosmotr Unitary Enterprise.

What are we paying for?

The relevant information is contained in the law on the republican budget for 2018, published on the National Legal Portal. This year, subventions were allocated from the Republican Road Fund to the consolidated budgets of the regions and Minsk, including the Vitebsk region in the amount of 21,980,535 rubles.

The amount is allocated for the construction, reconstruction, major and current repairs of local roads and the payment of interest on loans received for these purposes in accordance with legislative acts.

By the way, many countries around the world pay a similar fee. For example, in the USA it is included in the price of fuel (approximately 15% of the cost). In Russia, the transport tax is tied to the power of the car. In Kazakhstan it is calculated based on engine volume. In Denmark, when registering a car, the driver pays 105% of the cost of the car. But it should be noted that in a number of European countries roads are toll. And this partially solves the issue related to financing the repair of the highway.


One acquaintance has been riding for almost six months without a technical inspection only because he has not paid the state fee.

“I started counting, and the amount turned out to be impressive,” he said. – So, the transport fee for my iron horse will be as much as 539 rubles. This is in two years, since the car is less than ten years old and weighs more than 3 tons. Plus, pay for a technical inspection, for which you need to prepare the car, for example, undergo preventive diagnostics at a service station. And, of course, we must not forget about insurance.

Total: you need to pay about 1,000 rubles. Really, a lot? This amount will make a hole in the family budget. But so far I’ve been lucky, I’ve never caught the eye of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

By the way, there are other citizens who also avoid paying state duty, considering it unfair that they use personal transport seasonally, but pay for the whole year.

The number of cars that undergo regular maintenance is decreasing every year.

According to the branch of UE "Beltekhosmot" in the Vitebsk region, the number of cars that regularly undergo technical control decreases every year.

According to the head of the branch of the Beltechosmotr unitary enterprise in the Vitebsk region Wilhelm Kiszkowski, the peak of those wishing to obtain permission to participate in road traffic was observed on the eve of the introduction of a mandatory transport tax.

So, in 2012, more than 202 thousand car owners acquired it, in 2013 - over 203 thousand. Then their number began to decline. In 2017, 166,529 cars in our region underwent technical inspection, which is almost 16 thousand less than in 2016, and minus almost 35 thousand compared to 2015. This year, 116,357 vehicles received approval over 9 months.

By the way, inspection stations have a uniform standard for vehicle inspection. As Vilhelm Vilhelmovich said, they check the condition of the engine, wheels and tires, the operation of brake systems, steering, external lighting devices, windshield wipers, etc.

If malfunctions are detected, the driver receives a diagnostic card, in which the identified defects are entered, and the car is sent for re-inspection.

For the technical inspection itself, the fee is charged according to the tariffs of the diagnostic station. You will also have to pay an additional 0.3 of the base amount for vehicle identification, registration and permit registration.

Which is more profitable?

Should I pay a fine or state fee? As the head of the department for agitation and propaganda of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the regional executive committee said Alexander Kazyuchits, the punishment for driving without a technical inspection is provided for in Part 5 of Art. 18.12 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

For driving a vehicle that has not passed state inspection, the fine ranges from 1 to 3 basic units.

In case of repeated violation within a year - up to 5 BV. It turns out that for the first “hit” you need to pay 24.5 rubles. This, of course, is more profitable than paying a state fee and undergoing a technical inspection.

But there is another side to the coin: you can receive a fine several times a month. In this case, the motorist will most likely regret that he avoided the inspection station.

By the way, on the website of RUE “Beltekhosmot” there is a database that contains information about all cars that have passed the inspection procedure. Information is updated daily on business days and is valid only at the time the results are received. The description states: the information received is for reference only and cannot be used to confirm any fact of legal significance.

At the beginning of October this year, the Prime Minister of Belarus Sergey Rumas stated: “The duty on maintenance will be waived, but it will not be included in the cost of fuel.”

As previously planned, drivers will pay for the right to access road traffic through the ERIP system for a period of one month. Thus, according to the authorities, justice will be restored to those people who do not use a car all year round.

The new scheme can start operating from July 1, 2019, the Prime Minister said. Comparing the ERIP database with the photo-recording and technical inspection databases will help resolve the issue with duty defaulters.

“And then those who have not paid for admission to the movement will pay double,”– added Sergei Rumas.

Final choice

- I sold my car last year.– said the former car enthusiast. – I had an old Mazda, the engine of which was a little malfunctioning, the body was even rusty in places. In this condition the car would never pass inspection. My wallet did not allow me to make the appropriate repairs, pay the state duty and maintenance. But he didn’t take the risk of driving a “trough” that was unsafe for others and sold it. Today, for me personally, it is more profitable to travel by public transport or walk.

Unfortunately, not all drivers share a similar opinion and continue to drive faulty cars.

As a result, road accidents, sometimes even fatal, stated Alexander Kazyuchits. And the reason for this is not the amount of that same state duty. And the conscience of drivers, each of whom should remember that the cost of leaving a car that has not passed the appropriate technical condition check is equal to human life...

According to the traffic police, Belarusians now have about 3 million passenger cars. And almost a third of them go out on the roads... without a technical inspection! The reason is simple - car owners do not want to pay the so-called “road tax”, without which you will not pass the technical inspection, says Beltechosmotr press secretary Tatyana Stepanova.

Let's see: if the weight of your car (and the majority of them in the country) does not exceed two tons, then the amount of “road tax” for you will be 138 rubles. Add here the fee for passing the technical inspection and you get a sum of approximately 210 rubles. Agree, today not everyone can easily take and pay such an amount. This is more than the average pension!

Current rates can be found at the link State duty for issuing a permit to admit a vehicle to participate in road traffic Text taken from the site

The collection of “road tax” began in 2014. The inadequacy of the amount that must be paid outraged even members of parliament. Finally they were heard.

“There is a proposal to “get rid of” both the technical inspection and everything, and make it a regular fee that the driver pays before going on the road. For example, if some conditional car owner did not drive in the winter and plans to go on the road in April, then he can go and pay this fee for a month, two, three or five and go quietly,”- says Andrei Rybak, Chairman of the Commission on Industry, Fuel and Energy Complex, Transport and Communications of the House of Representatives.

The amount does not depend on which roads you plan to drive on, so there will be no toll roads for Belarusians. But what will technical control over the payment of “road toll” then look like?

“Technical implementation options are still being studied,— the deputy admits. - I think this will be the usual payment. And then control will be either through the traffic police, or through photographic recording, or through both at the same time... Well, it’s like today: you paid for car insurance, and don’t put any special stickers on the windshield - a traffic police officer stopped you and checked you.”

Maybe if they decided to meet people’s demands, then the amount of this fee will be reduced?

Andrey Rybak: “The amounts will remain the same. This money is actually the only source for the road fund. Today we are faced with the task of not reducing costs on republican roads and repairing local roads. The goal is to make this fee more flexible and increase collections.”

If in the 2017 budget it was planned to collect 322 million 750 thousand rubles in “road tax”, then in the 2018 draft budget it was almost 3 million less.

In any case, the fact that you can pay the “road toll” monthly is already a relief. But you can’t expect changes to happen quickly. These are just new taxes being introduced quickly.

“Now, in fact, proposals have already been prepared for consideration by the president. If all goes well, a decree will be prepared to initiate this process. Next, it will be necessary to make certain changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses and to the Procedural and Administrative Code. It will take some time to bring the legislation into compliance,”- says Euroradio’s interlocutor.

Let me remind you that the idea of ​​a “road toll” was generated several years ago by the deputies of the House of Representatives themselves. Another thing is that its size, according to their proposal, should not exceed two basic ones.

The mechanism for collecting road tolls in Belarus was initiated by deputies of the House of Representatives in 2014. True, according to their proposal, the size of the state duty should not exceed two basic ones. However, over the years, the amount charged has changed significantly, still remaining a sore point for many drivers.
In particular, car owners admit that refusal to undergo a timely inspection is directly related to high toll rates. Interestingly, this position is fully supported by Beltechosmotr.

Passenger cars weight

Amount of duty in 2014, in non-denominated rubles.

Duty amount from 2017, BYN

Up to 1.5 tons

3 b.v. (450 thousand)

From 1.5 to 2 tons

5 b.v. (750 thousand)

6 b.v.(138 RUR)

From 2 to 3 tons

7 b.v. (1 million 50 thousand)

8 b.v.(184 RUR)

More than 3 tons

10 b.v. (1 million 500 thousand)

11 b.v.(253 RUR)

Trailer for a car

1 b.v. (150 thousand)

2 b.v.(46 RUR)

more than 0.75 tons

11 b.v.(253 RUR)

trailer, cottage

5 b.v.(115 RUR)

Truck weight

Up to 2.5 tons

8 b.v. (1 million 200 thousand)

Up to 3.5 tons

15 b.v. (2 million 250 thousand)

17 b.v.(391 RUR)

From 3.5 to 12 tons

20 b.v. (3 million)

22 b.v.(506 RUR)

More than 12 tons

25 b.v. (3 million 750 thousand)

Truck trailer

10 b.v. (1 million 500 thousand)

Sparing words are confirmed by solid figures: if in 2015 1 million 705 thousand 640 cars passed technical inspection and received “vehicle approval for participation in road traffic”, then in 2016 - 1 million 542 thousand 422. “The reason is that car owners do not want to pay the so-called “road tax”, without which you will not pass the technical inspection,”— the press secretary of Beltechosmotr noted in a comment to Euroradio Tatiana Stepanova.

By the way, the inadequacy of the amount that needs to be paid today outraged even members of parliament.

— There is a proposal to “get rid of” both the technical inspection and everything, and make it a regular fee that the driver pays before going on the road. For example, if some conditional car owner did not drive in the winter and plans to go on the road in April, then he can go and pay this fee for a month, two, three or five and drive safely, says Chairman of the Commission on Industry, Fuel and Energy Complex, Transport and Communications of the House of Representatives Andrei Rybak.

The amount does not depend on which roads you plan to drive on, so there will be no toll roads for Belarusians. But what will technical control of “road toll” payment then look like?

— Options for technical implementation are still being studied,— the deputy admits. — I think this will be normal payment. And then control will be either through the traffic police, or through photographic recording, or through both at the same time... Well, it’s like today: you paid for car insurance, and don’t put any special stickers on the windshield - a traffic police officer stopped you and checked you.

Maybe if they decided to meet people’s demands, then the amount of this fee will be reduced? Alas, according to the deputy, “the amounts will remain the same.”

— This money is actually the only source for the road fund. Today we are faced with the task of not reducing costs on republican roads and repairing local roads. Task make this fee more flexible and increase fees.

If in the 2017 budget it was planned to collect 322 million 750 thousand rubles in “road tax”, then in the 2018 draft budget it was almost 3 million less.

In any case, the fact that you can pay the “road toll” monthly is already a relief. But you can’t expect changes to happen quickly.

— Now proposals have actually been prepared for consideration by the president. If all goes well, a decree will be prepared to initiate this process. Next, it will be necessary to make certain changes to the Code of Administrative Offences, to the Procedural and Administrative Code. It will take some time to bring the legislation into compliance,” notes the interlocutor.

Meanwhile, in some regions of Belarus, employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate, transport police and the Beltechosmotr Unitary Enterprise are preparing to check drivers’ documents at the time of timely technical inspection. According to the publication "Evening Bobruisk", from November 21 until the end of the month, the autumn ten-day "State Technical Inspection" will be held on the roads of the Mogilev region.

First of all, they will stop cars without a characteristic sticker on the windshield indicating that they have passed a technical inspection. Drivers without a technical inspection will be fined from 23 to 69 rubles. If you are caught doing the same thing for the second time in a year, the punishment will be from 46 to 115 rubles.