What is chlorophyll in brief? Why chlorophyll is useful for humans: indications for using the beneficial properties of the substance. Getting rid of arthritis

10.10.2023 Diagnostics

This is chlorophyll. With its help, vegetation acquires the appropriate color. Even at school they teach children that this substance takes important role during the process of photosynthesis. Thus, plants cannot exist without it.

But in Lately it is believed that this pigment can be used for human health. There is information that is sold in pharmacies; purchasing it is not difficult. It is believed that it can help in the treatment of many diseases. But does this substance actually have healing properties?

It has already been said that chlorophyll is the green pigment of a plant, giving it its corresponding color. This is an important element in the life of vegetation, required for photosynthesis. Chlorophyll has a special chemical composition: a magnesium atom is surrounded by atoms of nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon and oxygen.

Almost a hundred years ago, Hans Fischer made an amazing discovery. He noticed that the chemical structures of chlorophyll and hemoglobin were similar. The difference is that instead of magnesium, hemoglobin contains iron. Because of this, the pigment chlorophyll began to be called the blood of plants. Many scientists became interested in this substance and began to study it. Some people wanted to use it in medicine.

Uses of chlorophyll

The green pigment of the plant is today used as a food additive. It is better known as the E-140. With its help, they replace the dyes that are used for chlorophyll. A derivative of chlorophyll is trisodium salt. It is used in industry food products as a dye, it is named E-141.

Scientists could not realize that the structure of hemoglobin is so similar to chlorophyll. Because of this, it is used not only for dietary supplements. Today, green pigment extract is produced. It is called liquid chlorophyll and is used in medicine as a healing agent. But is it really useful?

Promises of manufacturers regarding liquid chlorophyll

Today, liquid chlorophyll is attracting interest. The plant contains a green pigment that is used for this dietary supplement. The product has attracted people who want to improve their health. The manufacturer who produces it believes that the drug has a beneficial effect on the body, since the structure of the pigment is very similar to hemoglobin.

Buyers are told that liquid chlorophyll has the following properties:

  • Removes waste and toxins from the body.
  • Regulates the level of hormones that are in the blood.
  • With it, the acid-base balance will always be normal.
  • The blood is saturated with minerals, nutrients, and vitamins.
  • Tissue regeneration occurs faster.
  • Immunity improves.
  • It can help in some gynecological pathologies.

Experts' opinion

This dietary supplement is presented as an origin that is capable of providing extraordinary healing effects. With its help, you can treat diseases, as well as engage in prevention. But what do experts think about this?

Doctors' opinions were divided:

  1. Opponents suggest that using liquid chlorophyll is pointless due to the fact that the substance is not able to be fully absorbed in the human body. They also refute theories about healing properties.
  2. But there are experts who confirm some medicinal properties drug. They noticed that it really removes toxins and strengthens the immune and cardiovascular systems.

There is no clear opinion. Because of this, each person decides for himself whether he needs this remedy. But, besides this, the green pigment of the plant is needed to purify the air, which is important for human life.


One thing is certain: chlorophyll can help saturate the air with oxygen. Photosynthesis is a complex process that involves plants and solar energy. A chemical reaction occurs through which oxygen appears from carbon dioxide. Only this process of life activity of everything on the planet uses the energy of the sun.

Photoautotrophs capture sunlight. This process occurs in plants, some algae and unicellular organisms. Despite the fact that photosynthesis is carried out by lower life entities, half of the work falls on plants.

Terrestrial representatives of vegetation receive water through their roots, which is necessary for this process. There are small holes on the surface of the leaves through which carbon dioxide enters. In the process of all this, oxygen is released. Without chlorophyll, this process is impossible, since it is this green pigment of the plant that absorbs solar energy.

Although there is also non-chlorophyll photosynthesis. It has been seen in salt-loving bacteria that harbor a light-sensitive violet pigment. The latter is capable of absorbing light. But this is an isolated case. Chlorophyll is mainly involved.

Properties of chlorophyll discovered by science

The green pigment has begun to be closely studied in science. Liquid chlorophyll has been proven to promote cell regeneration. But it was still not possible to make a powerful antibiotic, so tablets were preferred.

But research in dentistry has made great progress. Having become interested in the healing properties of chlorophyll, they studied it and noticed a positive effect on the oral cavity. Robert Nahr invented a program that could help fight tooth decay. Was released toothpaste, which contained chlorophyll. As you know, this green pigment is actively involved in photosynthesis, through which oxygen is produced. And this is a powerful agent that eliminates bacteria, including those that cause caries. Because of this, the paste has earned recognition, as it showed excellent results.

There were also positive studies that revealed that the pigment fights pancreatitis if taken orally.

So, chlorophyll plays an important role in the life of not only plants, but also all people. With its help, photosynthesis occurs and the oxygen needed by humans is released. Also, liquid chlorophyll began to be used in medicine. Many studies have shown good results.

Why is the grass, as well as the leaves on trees and bushes, green? It's all chlorophyll's fault. You can take a strong rope of knowledge and establish a strong acquaintance with him.


Let's take a short excursion into the relatively recent past. Joseph Bieneme Cavantou and Pierre Joseph Pelletier are the ones to shake hands with. Men of science tried to separate the green pigment from the leaves of different plants. The efforts were crowned with success in 1817.

The pigment was called chlorophyll. From Greek chloros - green, and phyllon - leaf. Regardless of the above, at the beginning of the 20th century, Mikhail Tsvet and Richard Willstetter came to the conclusion: it turns out that chlorophyll contains several components.

Rolling up his sleeves, Willstetter got to work. Purification and crystallization revealed two components. They were called simply, alpha and beta (a and b). For his work in the field of research of this substance in 1915, he was solemnly awarded the Nobel Prize.

In 1940, Hans Fischer proposed to the world the final structure of chlorophyll a. The king of synthesis, Robert Burns Woodward, and several scientists from America obtained unnatural chlorophyll in 1960. And so the veil of secrecy was lifted - the appearance of chlorophyll.

Chemical properties

The formula of chlorophyll, determined from experimental indicators, looks like this: C 55 H 72 O 5 N 4 Mg. The design includes organic (chlorophyllin), as well as methyl and phytol alcohols. Chlorophyllin is an organometallic compound that is directly related to magnesium porphyrins and contains nitrogen.

MgN 4 OH 30 C 32

Chlorophyll is listed as an ester due to the fact that the remaining parts of methyl alcohol CH 3 OH and phytol C 20 H 39 OH replaced the hydrogen of carboxyl groups.

Above is the structural formula of chlorophyll alpha. Looking at it carefully, you can see that beta-chlorophyll has one more oxygen atom, but two fewer hydrogen atoms (CHO group instead of CH 3). Hence the molecular weight of alpha chlorophyll is lower than that of beta.

Magnesium has settled in the middle of the particle of the substance we are interested in. It combines with 4 nitrogen atoms of pyrrole formations. A system of elementary and alternating double bonds can be observed in pyrrole bonds.

A chromophore formation that fits well into the composition of chlorophyll is N. It makes it possible to absorb individual rays of the solar spectrum and its color, regardless of what burns like a flame, and in the evening looks like smoldering coals.

Let's move on to the sizes. The porphyrin core is 10 nm in diameter, the phytol fragment turned out to be 2 nm long. In the core, chlorophyll is 0.25 nm, between microparticles of pyrrole nitrogen groups.

I would like to note that the magnesium atom, which is part of chlorophyll, is only 0.24 nm in diameter and almost completely fills the free space between the atoms of the pyrrole nitrogen groups, which helps the core of the molecule to be stronger.

We can come to the conclusion: chlorophyll (a and b) consists of two components, simply called alpha and beta.

Chlorophyll a

Relative - 893.52. Microcrystals of black color with a blue tint are created in a separated state. At a temperature of 117-120 degrees Celsius they melt and turn into liquid.

The same chloroforms dissolve readily in ethanol, in acetone, and also in benzenes. The results take on a blue-green color and have a distinctive feature - rich red fluorescence. Poorly soluble in petroleum ether. They do not bloom at all in water.

Chlorophyll alpha formula: C 55 H 72 O 5 N 4 Mg. Based on its chemical structure, the substance is classified as a chlorine. In the ring, phytol is attached to propionic acid, namely to its residue.

Some plant organisms, instead of chlorophyll a, form its analogue. Here, the ethyl group (-CH 2 -CH 3) in the II pyrrole ring was replaced by a vinyl group (-CH=CH 2). Such a molecule contains the first vinyl group in ring one, the second in ring two.

Chlorophyll b

The formula of chlorophyll beta is as follows: C 55 H 70 O 6 N 4 Mg. The molecular weight of the substance is 903. The carbon atom C 3 in the pyrrole ring has two, a little alcohol is found, devoid of hydrogen -H-C=O, which has a yellow color. This is the difference from chlorophyll a.

We dare to note that in special permanent parts of the cell, plastids-chloroplasts, which are vital for its further existence, there are several types of chlorophylls.

Chlorophylls c and d

Chlorophyll c was found in cryptomonads, dinoflagellates, as well as in bacillariophyceae and brown algae. Classic porphyrin is what makes this pigment different.

Red algae have chlorophyll d. Some doubt its existence. It is believed that it is only a product of the degeneration of chlorophyll a. At this point, we can confidently say that chlorophyll with the letter d is the main dye of some photosynthetic prokaryotes.

Properties of chlorophyll

After lengthy research, evidence emerged that there was a difference in the characteristics of the chlorophyll present in the plant and extracted from it. Chlorophyll in plants is combined with protein. This is evidenced by the following observations:

  1. The absorption spectrum of chlorophyll in the leaf is different if we compare it with the extracted one.
  2. It is impossible to obtain the item described with pure alcohol from dried plants. Extraction proceeds safely with well-moistened leaves, or you should add water to the alcohol. It is she who breaks down the protein associated with chlorophyll.
  3. Material extracted from plant leaves is quickly destroyed under the influence of oxygen, concentrated acid, and light rays.

But chlorophyll in plants is resistant to all of the above.


Plants contain chlorophyll at 1% of dry matter. It can be found in special cell organelles - plastids, which shows its uneven distribution in the plant. Cell plastids that are colored green and contain chlorophyll are called chloroplasts.

The amount of H 2 O in chloroplasts ranges from 58 to 75%, the dry matter content consists of proteins, lipids, chlorophyll and carotenoids.

Functions of chlorophyll

Scientists have discovered amazing similarities in the structure of the molecules of chlorophyll and hemoglobin - the main respiratory component of human blood. The difference is that in the claw-shaped joint in the middle in the pigment plant origin Magnesium is located, and iron is located in hemoglobin.

During photosynthesis, the planet's vegetation absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. Here's another great function of chlorophyll. In terms of activity, it can be compared with hemoglobin, but the amount of impact on the human body is somewhat greater.

Chlorophyll is a plant pigment that is sensitive to light and covered in green. Next comes photosynthesis, in which its microparticles convert the energy of the sun, absorbed by plant cells, into chemical energy.

We can come to the following conclusions that photosynthesis is the process of converting the energy of the sun. If you trust modern information, it has been noted that the synthesis of organic substances from carbon dioxide and water using light energy is divided into three stages.

Stage No. 1

This phase occurs through the process of photochemical decomposition of water, with the assistance of chlorophyll. The release of molecular oxygen is noted.

Stage No. 2

Several redox reactions are observed here. Cytochromes and other electron carriers actively participate in them. The reaction occurs due to light energy transferred by electrons from water to NADPH and forming ATP. Light energy is stored here.

Stage No. 3

The already formed NADPH and ATP are put to use to convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrate. The absorbed light energy participates in reactions of stages 1 and 2. The last, third, reactions occur without the participation of light and are called dark reactions.

Photosynthesis is the only biological process that occurs with an increase in free energy. Directly or indirectly provides accessible chemical enterprise to bipeds, winged, wingless, quadrupeds and other organisms living on earth.

Hemoglobin and chlorophyll

The molecules of hemoglobin and chlorophyll have a complex, but at the same time similar atomic structure. What they have in common in their structure is profin - a ring of small rings. The difference is noticed in the processes attached to profin, and in the atoms located inside: the iron atom (Fe) in hemoglobin, magnesium (Mg) in chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll and hemoglobin are similar in structure, but form different protein structures. Chlorophyll is formed around the magnesium atom, hemoglobin is formed around the iron. If you take a molecule of liquid chlorophyll and disconnect the phytol tail (carbon chain 20) and replace the magnesium atom with iron, the green color of the pigment will turn red. The result is a finished hemoglobin molecule.

Chlorophyll is absorbed easily and quickly, thanks to this similarity. Well supports the body during oxygen starvation. Saturates the blood with the necessary microelements, from here it better transports the most important substances for life to the cells. There is a timely release of waste materials, toxins, and waste resulting from natural metabolism. Has an effect on sleeping leukocytes, awakening them.

The described hero protects without fear or reproach, strengthens cell membranes, and helps connective tissue recover. The merits of chlorophyll include the rapid healing of ulcers, various wounds and erosions. Improves immune function, the ability to stop pathological disorders of DNA molecules is highlighted.

A positive trend in the treatment of infectious and colds. This is not the entire list of good deeds of the substance in question.

It has a number of positive properties. This can be understood from all mammals who, when feeling unwell, immediately go on a green diet. Medicinal properties green plants have been known since ancient times. It is known that they contain a certain substance that plays an important role in the life of plants. Modern scientists call it the green pigment of plants, due to which they capture solar energy and carry out photosynthesis.

A surprising similarity was established between hemoglobin and hemoglobin. The only difference is the chelate complex, which contains a magnesium atom. Hemoglobin also contains. supplies the body with oxygen and accelerates nitrogen exchange, which is very similar to the function of hemoglobin. It also has the ability to strengthen cell membranes and form connective tissues, which is very useful when open wounds, erosions or ulcers appear. In addition to the above, improves immunity, accelerates phagocytosis, removes harmful substances from the body. According to many researchers, it prevents healthy cells from turning into cancer cells.

The composition contains vitamin K, so it can be successfully used to prevent urolithiasis, since it does not allow calcium oxalate crystals to form in the urine. It can be consumed as a mild diuretic. improves the pancreas and thyroid gland, eliminates bad breath, normalizes blood pressure, has a calming effect, successfully helps in the treatment of anemia, and promotes good intestinal function.

People who are especially in need spend little time in the sun. This applies to both office workers and residents of large cities.

Chlorophyll from NSP was obtained from, it is called chlorophyllin. It can be used as an addition to food, used for douching for various diseases, and also rinsed with it in the nasopharynx for ENT diseases.

Main functions of chlorophyll:

  • eliminates bad breath, body odor, menstrual flow, as well as sweat, garlic, cigarettes and stagnant urine;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • relieves inflammation of the gums and caries if used in the form of lotions;
  • used as activated carbon and adsorbs poisons;
  • synthesizes blood cells;
  • helps in the treatment of dysbiosis;
  • fights radiation damage;
  • restores the condition after operations, also used before operations;
  • improves enzyme function;
  • has a positive effect on various diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system;
  • eliminates allergies;
  • due to the production of interferon and increased phagocytosis, it improves immunity;
  • reduces stomach acidity;
  • helps support the body during chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
  • helps to form healthy intestinal flora;
  • used for chronic fatigue, migraines and frequent headaches;
  • fights bacteria in wounds and intestines;
  • used as apohmelin;
  • counteracts toxins, removes excess synthetic drugs and metals, deactivates many carcinogens;
  • helps with colds, gingivitis, stomach ulcers, arthritis, pyorrhea, intestinal ulcers, inflammatory processes, all skin inflammations, pancreatitis;
  • restores tissue;
  • increases the appearance of milk in women during the feeding stage;
  • does not allow DNA to degenerate pathologically;
  • normalizes intestinal motility.

Application in practice:


  1. successfully used for cervical erosion and other female diseases;
  2. improves well-being on critical days;
  3. reduces early toxicosis of pregnant women, because quickly removes harmful substances from the body;
  4. helps increase the amount of milk after childbirth;
  5. used for intrauterine growth retardation or intrauterine fetal hypoxia;
  6. when teething, you can lubricate the gums;
  7. reduces menstrual pain;
  8. increases immunity, which has a good effect on the birth of a child;
  9. relieves heartburn even in the later stages;
  10. helps with premature aging of the placenta.

ENT diseases

  1. For sore throat, it is very useful to use Chlorophyll together with Colloidal Silver. You can gargle with this solution. Tonsils can be treated with insoluble colloidal silver;
  2. For stomatitis, it is recommended to rinse the affected areas with Chlorophyll diluted with warm water;
  3. For herpes, you can apply Chlorophyll applications. You can also use Tei Fu or Lip Balm;
  4. With otitis media, the ears are buried;
  5. For sinusitis, the nose is washed with a solution of Chlorophyll and Colloidal Silver. It is also recommended to include Echinacea.


(from the Greek chloros - green and... phyl), green pigments of plants, with the help of which they capture the energy of sunlight and carry out photosynthesis. The basis of the X. molecule is the Mg-porphyrin complex. In addition, there are various substituents, e.g. phytol, which gives the X molecule the ability to integrate into the lipid layer of biol. membranes In the cell, X. molecules are concentrated in chloroplasts and chromatophores; like hemoglobins, X. are physiologically active only in protein-bound form. There are several types X. (X. a, b, c, d), differing in the system of conjugated bonds and substituents (and, consequently, absorption spectra). Higher plants and algae contain as a base. pigment X. a, as accompanying (additional) - X. b (higher plants, green algae), X. c (brown and diatoms), X. d (red algae). Most X molecules absorb light energy (which is accompanied by excitation of X molecules, i.e., storage of energy inside the molecules) and transfer it to the reaction. photosynthesis centers (energy migration), while a smaller part is included in the reaction. photosynthesis centers and is directly involved in photochemical. reactions. Due to the energy of the absorbed quantum X. reaction. center carries out intermolecular electron transfer - the so-called. elemental oxidation-reduction, act. As a result of the primary processes of photosynthesis, reduced products (NAD-H, NADPH), as well as ATP, are formed. The energy stored in these compounds is then used for biochemical processes. carbon transformations included in the Calvin cycle. Thus, light absorbed by X. is converted into potential chemical. organic energy products of photosynthesis. In phototrophic bacteria, analogues of X. - bacteriochlorophylls - participate in photosynthesis. (see PHOTOSYNTHESIS).

.(Source: “Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary.” Editor-in-chief M. S. Gilyarov; Editorial Board: A. A. Babaev, G. G. Vinberg, G. A. Zavarzin and others - 2nd ed., corrected . - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1986.)


Green plant pigments. By chemical nature, they are complex polycyclic compounds, the molecule of which includes a magnesium atom. Contained in chloroplasts, and in algae and some photosynthetic bacteria - in chromatophores. Associated with proteins and lipids of biological membranes. With the help of chlorophylls, plants capture the energy of sunlight and carry out photosynthesis, during which the energy of absorbed light is converted into the energy of chemical bonds of molecules of organic substances. The amount of chlorophylls in leaves depends on the type of plant and growing conditions.

.(Source: “Biology. Modern illustrated encyclopedia.” Chief editor A. P. Gorkin; M.: Rosman, 2006.)

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    Green pigments of plants and a number of phototrophic microorganisms, with the help of which (together with a complex of carotenoids) they capture the energy of sunlight and carry out photosynthesis. The basis of X. is the magnesium-porphyrin complex and a series of... ... Dictionary of microbiology

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    - (from Greek chloros green and phyllon leaf), adv. macroheterocyclic pigments involved in the process of photosynthesis; belong to metalloporphyrins (see Porphyrins). The green color of plants is due to the presence of X., localized in... ... Chemical encyclopedia

    CHLOROPHYLLS- (from the Greek chloros green and phyllon leaf), green pigments, with the help of which they capture the energy of sunlight and carry out photosynthesis. The basis of the structure of the X molecule is the magnesium porphyrin complex. X. are localized in... ... Agricultural Encyclopedic Dictionary

    CHLOROPHYLLS- green plant pigments; found in chloroplasts. The amount of X. in the leaves ranges from 0.6 to 1.2% of the dry weight of the leaf, depending on the type of plant, the position of the leaf on the plant, mineral nutrition conditions, etc. Biological significance ... Dictionary of botanical terms

    chlorophylls- (from the Greek chlōrós green and phýllon leaf), green pigments of plants, with the help of which they capture the energy of sunlight and carry out photosynthesis. The basis of the structure of the X. molecule is the magnesium porphyrin complex. X.… … Agriculture. Large encyclopedic dictionary- Structure of chlorophyll c1 and c2 Chlorophyll (from the Greek χλωρός, “green” and φύλλον, “leaf”) is a green pigment that causes plants to turn green. With its participation, the process of photosynthesis is carried out. By chemical structure chlorophylls ... ... Wikipedia

From our article you will learn what chlorophyll is. It is this substance that determines the green color of plants and is a necessary condition for the synthesis of carbohydrates, and therefore their nutrition. But chlorophyll plays important and in the life of animals. Which? Let's figure it out together.

What is chlorophyll

Translated from Greek, this biological term means “green leaf.” Chlorophyll - green pigment or It is this that determines the color of leaves, young shoots, unripe fruits and other parts of the plant. The main function of chlorophyll is to carry out the process of photosynthesis. The essence of this process is the synthesis of glucose and inorganic substances. And it occurs in plastids containing chlorophyll molecules.

History of discovery

What chlorophyll is first became known at the end of the 19th century. It was isolated from the leaves by two French chemists - pharmacists Joseph Covent and Pierre Pelletier. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was established that this substance consists of two components. This fact is empirically It was independently proven in 1900 by the Russian botanist Mikhail Tsvet and the German biochemist Richard Willstetter. These particles were called a and b particles. For this discovery, Willstätter was awarded the Nobel Prize.

This award was also received by Hans Fischer, who established the structural structure. Robert Woodward managed to artificially synthesize this substance in 1960.

Being in nature

X Lorophyll is contained by all organisms that are autotrophs. First of all, these are plants of all systematic groups. Thus, all algae feed autotrophically. Therefore, they can only live at a depth to which sunlight penetrates. Do algae, whose thallus is colored red, brown or golden, contain chlorophyll? Undoubtedly. It’s just that, in addition to the green pigment, their cells also contain dyes of other colors. They determine the color of the algae, but it is chlorophyll that performs the function of photosynthesis.

They also contain photoautotrophic bacteria and protozoa. For example, green euglena. This single-celled organism contains one large chloroplast. In the absence of conditions necessary for photosynthesis, euglena switches to a heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

Synthesis mechanism

The formation of chlorophyll in cells is a very complex process. It consists of 15 sequential reactions occurring in 3 stages. They pass first in the dark, and then in the light.

First, protochlorophyllide is formed from the starting substances, which are acetate and glycine. This happens during the dark phase. Then, in the light, this substance adds hydrogen, resulting in the formation of chlorophyllide. The next stage again takes place in the dark. By combining with phytol, chlorophyll is synthesized. A special feature of this substance is its instability to light.

What is chlorophyll from a chemical point of view? This is a derivative of the substance porporphyrin, which has two carbonyl substituents. With a weak acid treatment, magnesium is removed from the chlorophyll molecule, and it turns into capheophytin. dark blue in color with a waxy structure.

What is photosynthesis

It is not for nothing that plants are called intermediaries between the sun and the earth. Only they are capable of converting energy with the release of a vital substance - oxygen. This process is called photosynthesis. During its course, the monosaccharide glucose and oxygen are formed from carbon dioxide and water in the light.

What is the role of chlorophyll in this process? Green pigment absorbs and transmits solar energy. In other words, chlorophyll acts like an antenna. Being part of light-harvesting complexes, it first absorbs solar energy and then transmits it in a resonant way to the reaction centers of photosystems.


Chlorophyll is not only a natural component of plants. For example, it is used as a natural food coloring. This substance has registration number E140. It can often be seen on confectionery packaging. The disadvantage of this substance is its insolubility in water, which limits its scope of application.

What is chlorophyll with number E141? It is a derivative of this substance, which is also used as a food coloring. It is also called chlophylline copper complex or trisodium salt. Its advantages are resistance to acidic environments, good solubility in water and alcohol solutions. Even with prolonged storage, chlophylline retains its emerald green color. The limiting factor for its use is the high content of copper and heavy metals.

Since chlorophyll contains magnesium, this substance is also beneficial for the human body. It can be consumed in both liquid pharmaceutical form and as green leafy vegetables. Spinach, broccoli, alfalfa, wheat and barley sprouts, nettles and parsley are rich in chlorophyll.

Systematic consumption of liquid chlorophyll helps increase the number of red blood cells. The fact is that this substance has a similar structure to hemoglobin. Their only difference is metal. Hemoglobin contains iron, and chlorophyll contains magnesium. Therefore, they help improve the transport of oxygen to tissues and organs.

So, chlorophyll is a green pigment or coloring matter. It is found in green parts of plants, the cells of some bacteria and single-celled animals. The function of chlorophyll is to ensure photosynthesis - the process of synthesizing organic substances from minerals using light energy.