White activated carbon - benefits, composition, application. White coal - method of use White coal tablets: benefits

08.02.2022 Symptoms

Many people, unfortunately, know firsthand about intoxications, which happen for a number of reasons, and can end not very positively. This is why highly effective detoxification medications are always in such demand.

For the purpose of removing harmful and toxic substances from the body, as well as complex therapy of intoxication, relief and binding of allergens, entero-sorbents and charcoal (dietary supplements), which will also be written about in this article, are used.

Such drugs are able to relieve excessive stress on the intestines, liver and kidneys, because the above-mentioned organs are responsible for removing allergens with toxins from the body, as well as detoxification, and are able to normalize stools by eliminating intestinal gases.

White Coal is considered one of the best enteric sorbents of our time, which is able to meet a completely wide range of requirements that apply to modern anti-intoxication substances.

It is completely non-toxic, and therefore will not harm the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract; it is easily removed from the intestines, where it can exhibit a high sorption capacity. It is able to influence indirectly on reducing the manifestations of allergic reactions, which allows its successful use in allergic therapy, which has a different genesis.

It is recommended as an active food additive, which is considered a storehouse of all kinds of beneficial food fibers that may have absorption properties and contribute to the progress of the condition of the gastrointestinal tract itself.

Not so long ago, a modern sorbent appeared on the medicinal market under the name given to it by the manufacturer White Coal, which is intended to effectively eliminate the intoxication consequences, and is applicable for the removal and binding of poisons, all kinds of waste and toxins in the body.

It differs in composition from its competitor - black activated charcoal, and therefore can eliminate much more toxic substances, while having the same contraindications as the above drug.

This medication has a fairly mild effect on intoxication and can help reduce the productive signs of allergic-toxic reactions.

According to experts, the active elements of this sorbent include Si dioxide of the highly dispersed type and cellulose of the microcrystalline type, and additional ones include powdered sugar and potato starch.

Si dioxide is capable of expelling microbial and chemical toxins from the body, allergens to food and bacteria, protein waste products, excess gastric juice and intestinal gases.

It is capable of facilitating the transportation and removal from the blood and lymph directly into the gastrointestinal tract of various alcoholic substances, ethyl alcohols, heavy metal salts, prostaglandin, residual nitrogen, ureas, glycosides, organic phosphorus-type compounds, barbiturates, seratonin, gestamine, creatinines with lipids.

By reducing the load on disinfection organs and systems, we adjust metabolism and normalize cholesterol levels, triglycerides and total fats.

Microcrystalline cellulose is produced from plant cellulose, which in terms of its characteristics is almost the same as the natural one contained in food products. It is insoluble and insoluble in the intestines, but it can accumulate on its own surface, removing free radicals from the body, as well as toxins and decay-type products.

In the small intestine, due to this substance, parietal digestion is improved, beneficial substances are digestible and absorbed more fully, coming from fruits, vitamins, vegetables and medicines. Cellulose can irritate intestinal receptors, thereby enhancing its contractions, making it possible to remove a lump of stagnant food.


Black coal does a good job of cleaning the intestines, but on its surface it absorbs not only harmful and unnecessary components, but also beneficial ones.

White's effect is more selective: it expels and collects only poisonous compounds, without attracting water.

In order to get the desired result, you need to use a lot of tablets, despite the fact that white concentrates the beneficial properties in a much smaller quantity. That is why its operation is simpler and more profitable, since it is perfectly soluble in water. The medication has the following indications:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • helminthiases;
  • disorders in the functionality of the ventricle;
  • allergic processes;
  • intoxication endogenous dermatitis;
  • deterioration of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • food intoxications, which have different genesis, from fungi and alcohols as well;
  • hepatitis;
  • improper renal and liver functionality;
  • dysbacteriosis.

If we compare the medicine with black coal, white coal can cleanse the body more thoroughly, is more widely applicable and is used for the treatment of many diseases, but it has gained the greatest popularity in the treatment of alcohol and food intoxication. This is due to the fact that it is the strongest absorbent; its only tablet can replace a whole pack of black coal.

Reception for poisoning

The peculiarity of the operation is that therapy must begin as early as possible, as soon as the initial intoxication symptoms appear:

  • urge to vomit;
  • headache;
  • increased weakness;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • muscle aches;
  • temperature.

If not all the signs appear, but at least a couple of them, this already means that you need to act.

White coal can help restore the desired state of health and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, since this is the strongest sorbent, capable of removing all toxic substances from the body during food and alcohol intoxication.

If a person is poisoned by food, it is much easier and faster to cleanse his body than from alcohol.

Features of use and dosage

To use the required dose of the drug, you should carefully study the instructions on how to drink white coal in case of poisoning. During intoxication, it is necessary to take no more than 3 times a day, 3-4 tablets. Practice has shown that at the initial (most acute stages of the disease) it is better to make a suspension: dilute the required amount of powder (in grams) in water.

Then it is taken three times during the day, three tablets an hour before meals (meals should be light). The medicine is washed down with a significant amount of liquid.

How to drink white coal if poisoned? In a crushed state, the drug acts faster, its adsorption capacity (the ability to “collect” harmful substances) increases. Therefore, a dissolved tablet or diluted powder is preferable.

The dosages are the same for both eating disorders and alcohol poisoning.

The question of how much to drink white coal in case of poisoning is clear - for 3 days. When the symptoms of poisoning subside, the patient continues to take white coal. And it is important to drink plenty of fluids. This will speed up the removal of toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract. If the condition improves slowly, you should consult a specialist. If there is an improvement, you should continue taking the medicine so that your health condition stabilizes.

The tablets must be washed down with plenty of clean boiled water. You should eat food only an hour after taking the product.

Maximum permissible daily norm an adult should not exceed 12 tablets. Doctors do not recommend using this drug for children under 14 years of age.

These tablets are not medicines. Therefore, before resorting to their use, you should consult your doctor. The instructions describe some areas of their application.

White coal, pills. It is allowed to prescribe to children from 3 years of age, depending on age and body weight:

  • 3–4 years (weighing 14–16 kg) – 2 tablets. 2–3 times/day (maximum daily therapeutic dose (MSTD) is 6 tablets);
  • 5–6 years (weighing 18–20 kg) – 3 tablets. 2–3 times/day (MSTD is 9 tablets).
  • Children over 7 years of age are recommended to prescribe this drug (as for adult patients) 3-4 tablets 3-4 times a day.

White coal, powder for the preparation of oral suspension. Prepare a suspension by adding boiled water at room temperature to the bottle with powder up to the neck (which corresponds to 250 ml) and further vigorous shaking. The box with the drug contains a measuring cap (MC); when dosing the suspension, the silicon dioxide content in 1 measuring cap corresponds to 1.15 g.

It is used in the treatment of children from 1 year of age according to the prescribed scheme below (taking into account the child’s weight):

  • 1–2 years (with a weight of 9–12 kg) – 1⁄2 MK of the finished suspension 3–4 times a day;
  • 3–4 years (weighing 14–16 kg) – 1 MK of the finished suspension 3–4 times a day;
  • 5–6 years (weighing 18–20 kg) – 2 MK of the prepared suspension 3–4 times a day;
  • children over 7 years of age and adults: 2 MK suspension (corresponding to 50 ml) 3-4 times a day.

It is recommended to take White Charcoal suspension for oral use min 1 hour before meals (in order to prevent a decrease in the therapeutic effect).

The symptoms that plague a person during a hangover are also called hangover syndrome. The syndrome appears as a result of intoxication of the body with alcohol processing products, from which acetaldehyde is formed - a dangerous poison. Acetaldehyde has a strong effect at the cellular level of the body, preventing the complete digestion and absorption of nutrients.

As a result, unprocessed food residues accumulate, causing additional intoxication of the body.

White charcoal is designed to combat hangover symptoms. That is why it is important to take the drug before drinking alcohol, so that the sorbent can absorb and successfully remove toxins that have not yet penetrated the blood. As a result of timely intake, harmful elements of alcohol are easily removed from the human body, without causing pain or unpleasant consequences of the feast.

You can take white coal to prevent a hangover or to eliminate the already occurring consequences of drinking alcohol.

To prevent the occurrence of hangover syndrome, in the case when you know about the upcoming feast, you need to drink 3-4 tablets of white coal with a glass of warm water at night and in the morning an hour before eating on the eve of the holiday.

Thus, the body will have a sufficient level of sorbent that can cope with the upcoming attack of alcohol breakdown products.

When the first symptoms of alcohol poisoning occur, often in the morning, you should immediately drink 3-4 tablets of white coal. For a faster effect of the active components of the drug, it is recommended to use the powder in the amount of 2 tablespoons, which are diluted in a glass of water. If there is no powder, then you can crush the tablets, and also dilute the powder obtained with your own hands in water.

An important addition is that after taking sorbents it is necessary to empty the intestines within 2 hours. This is due to the fact that after this period of time, toxins will begin to be released back from the sorbent into the intestines, and in greater quantities than the coal had previously taken on.

As a rule, the desire to void appears on its own, but if this does not happen, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema - 200 ml will be enough to trigger the reflex. If a person suffering from a hangover chooses white coal, then he should not take any other drugs without waiting for a quick effect from the sorbent.

Taking additional anti-hangover medications will be in vain, since charcoal perfectly absorbs not only toxins, but also the components of other drugs.

After waking up, you should empty your stomach.

Take white charcoal on an empty stomach.

After 20 minutes, but no more than 2 hours, empty your intestines.

Take other remedies for hangover symptoms if relief does not occur 2 hours after taking the sorbent.

In addition to preventing or eliminating hangover syndrome in the morning, white coal, according to reviews from people who have experienced it, is taken even while drinking alcohol. When a person’s excessive intoxication causes concern among people around him, then you can give him 3 tablets of coal to drink, but no more.

This will ease the consequences of poisoning the body and prevent further deterioration of the drinker’s condition.

White coal can be taken during poisoning and after it, so that the body works “like a clock.” Application must be correct, and the dosage must comply with the instructions. Key points to note:

White coal is drunk an hour before meals.

The tablets need to be crushed to increase the effect of their action.

The water for preparing the solution should not be hot.

You need to take the pills for at least 3 days, but watch your diet and its balanced composition.

Elderly people, children, allergy sufferers, and pregnant women should definitely consult with their doctor before continuing to take the drug.

Sick diabetes mellitus It must be remembered that the tablet contains 0.26 g of sucrose.


What are the advantages of this enterosorbent over others?

Sorption capacity is the most important indicator of the effectiveness of the sorbent. The sorption capacity of White Coal is many times greater than that of other enterosorbents. Its daily dose is a maximum of 4 grams, while regular activated carbon must be taken in much larger quantities.

Unlike activated carbon, it does not cause constipation, but on the contrary, stimulates peristalsis in the intestines.

Thanks to enhanced peristalsis, the body cleanses itself faster. It has a neutral taste and does not contain any flavoring additives. There is no need to crush the tablets before use. It is recommended to use it to prepare for X-ray and endoscopic methods of examining the intestines, as well as before performing an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, because it reduces gas formation in the intestines.

Thanks to this, specialists can study the condition of internal organs in more detail. Stimulates the function of the gastrointestinal tract, enhances the breakdown of nutrients, reduces the absorption of bile acids and monomers. Thanks to this, the risk of formation of stones in the gallbladder is reduced.

Various ailments are possible with excessive use of the drug over a long period.

Possible side effects include: drowsiness, lethargy, weakness in the body, as well as laziness and severe apathy towards everything that happens around.

This is explained by the fact that with a prolonged overdose, the body is not able to absorb the bulk of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fiber, as a result of which an acute lack of vitamins begins to appear.

There is no need to use the drug simultaneously with other medications, this significantly reduces the effect of its action. It is especially not recommended to combine white coal with other substances in case of poisoning. Allegorically speaking: one drug interferes with the action of another.


Like any other medicine, white coal has contraindications. And in this case it is not prescribed. But their list is quite small:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • internal bleeding;
  • childhood;
  • intolerance to coal components;
  • lactation period and pregnancy.

The action of white coal is much more effective and faster, the number of contraindications is small. In terms of its chemical composition, it is harmless.

The help of white coal in case of poisoning gives us the opportunity to understand that this is one of the the best means. So why not put it in your first aid kit?

What is the difference between white activated carbon and black?

We have already written about cleansing with activated carbon and the main properties of this drug. It is usually used for food and alcohol poisoning, flatulence and dyspepsia, poisoning with salts of heavy metals. It is also able to quickly remove heavy metal salts and various toxic components, from gases to chemical compounds, from the body.

True, traditional activated carbon has two significant drawbacks. Firstly, along with harmful substances, it removes all useful substances from the body, including vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Secondly, it usually has to be absorbed in fairly large quantities - in some situations, several packages of the drug may be required for a single dose.

The action of white coal is characterized by selectivity: it absorbs toxins and pushes out waste, but at the same time the nutrients necessary for the body remain in the cells. In addition, it is a more “concentrated” sorbent: instead of a handful of black coal, you can drink only 1-2 tablets of white.

In case of food and alcohol poisoning.

During intoxication of the body, it is necessary to take a sorbent that will quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of poisoning. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and headache will go away faster after consuming charcoal.

Activated - you need to drink in large doses, but it will help strengthen the stool faster in case of food poisoning. White – more effectively detoxifies the body from alcohol, quickly removing headache, and the dosage of this drug is several times less.

For allergies

In case of unpleasant manifestations of allergic reactions (hives, pain in the eyes, swelling, runny nose, sneezing, coughing), you need to drink an adsorbent drug that will instantly cleanse the body of toxic substances. Therapy should be comprehensive in conjunction with antihistamines prescribed by a doctor. Which charcoal is better for allergies, white or activated, is chosen by everyone independently, depending on preferences.

White will help solve the problem more effectively and faster, but its cost is a little higher.

Taking white charcoal during pregnancy

Taking the drug for pregnant women is not recommended and even contraindicated. It's all about active absorbent properties: white coal is able to remove not only toxins and other harmful elements from the body, but also necessary substances from medications or vitamins that a woman has recently taken.

At the same time, there is a different opinion about the reasons for banning the drug for pregnant women - this is that white coal is not a medicine, but only a food additive. Therefore, state control over the production and quality of this drug is somewhat lower than over the release of official medicines.

Also, the use of white coal is prohibited for children under one year of age, women during lactation, persons suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers, persons with ulcers and erosions of the intestinal lining, with intestinal bleeding and obstruction.

For children

The dose of the adsorbent substance for the child’s body is calculated according to the child’s weight. For infants, sorbents are recommended in the form of a suspension, which is prepared from white or activated carbon. Both drugs are sold in powder form for suspension.

But the sorption capacity of white carbon is much higher than that of activated carbon, which will help quickly relieve the baby from painful sensations.

Black coal is given to children at the rate of 0.05 g of the drug per kg of body weight; it should be taken 3 times a day, two hours before or after meals.

Analogues of white coal

An analogue of the product is Polysorb MP. This drug can be classified as a powerful sorbent, which contains natural silicon. It is indicated for use in the following diseases:

  1. For acute and chronic intoxications that have different origins (can be used for both adults and children);
  2. For acute intestinal infections of any origin, which are expressed by food toxic infections, diarrhea syndrome and dysbacteriosis;
  3. For purulent-septic diseases;
  4. In case of acute poisoning with poisons, drugs, alcoholic beverages, salts of heavy metals, etc.;
  5. For food and drug allergies;
  6. For viral hepatitis A and B;
  7. For chronic renal failure;
  8. White coal is also indicated for those people who live and work in unfavorable places.
  9. Other analogues include: Black activated carbon (analogue), Sorbex (analogue) and Enterosgel (analogue). These drugs have almost the same indications.


So, as we found out, taking white coal is allowed both during immediate intoxication and as a preventive measure after it (several days). Nevertheless, its use must be competent; an overdose of it, although not extreme, is still undesirable and must comply with the instructions.

In addition, let us once again pay attention to some points that need to be remembered:

  • the drug should be drunk approximately 1 hour before meals;
  • to increase the effectiveness of the action, the tablets can be crushed to a powder;
  • if you want to dissolve the medicine in water, it should be slightly warm, but not hot;
  • You need to drink white coal for at least 3 days after the onset of poisoning, and you must monitor the correct dietary intake;
  • Pregnant women, children (especially under 2 years), allergy sufferers and very elderly people should be consulted by a specialist and only after his approval should therapy begin;
  • Patients with diabetes should not forget that white coal contains microcrystalline cellulose (sucrose).

It is especially popular among patients. And this is not surprising, because the mentioned products have a high sorption capacity.

Typically, such preparations are porous substances obtained from carbon-containing materials that are of organic origin (they may also be of synthetic origin).

What other properties do black and white coal have? Comparisons, reviews and features of these products are presented below.

General information

White coal - what is it? This is a drug that promotes the adsorption from the gastrointestinal tract and the removal from the human body of endo- and exogenous toxic substances (for example, waste products of microbes, bacterial allergens, etc.).

It should also be noted that this remedy indirectly reduces the manifestations of toxic-allergic reactions, reduces the metabolic load on the detoxification organs (liver and kidneys), corrects metabolic processes and processes of the immune status, and also eliminates the imbalance of biologically active substances and enhances intestinal motility.

Basic properties and composition

Now you know what it is (what it is was described above).

The main component of such tablets is ultra-fine silicon dioxide, that is, a mineral that is widespread in Europe. In addition to it, white coal contains microcrystalline cellulose fibers and auxiliary ingredients such as potato starch and powdered sugar.

Binds and removes food allergens and bacteria, as well as toxins from the body. In addition, it promotes the transport of toxic products from the lymph and blood, including alkaloids, glycosides and heavy metal salts.

Features of black coal

White coal and black coal, the differences of which will be described below, have the same properties. They are both adsorbents.

It is no secret that black coal has high activity (surface) and high sorption properties. It reduces the absorption of heavy metal salts, toxic substances, glycosides and alkaloids, as well as medicinal ingredients from the gastrointestinal tract, facilitating their elimination from the body. In addition, it adsorbs gases on its surface.

Indications for use

In what cases are white charcoal and black charcoal prescribed? The difference in the indications of these drugs is not significant. They are used as a dietary supplement to food.

Such products represent an additional source of enterosorbents, which are used to prevent and alleviate symptoms of:


When should you not use white charcoal and black charcoal? The difference in contraindications for these drugs is insignificant. They cannot be used for ulcerative lesions and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, such drugs are not prescribed for individual intolerance to their components, during lactation, intestinal obstruction and pregnancy.

White coal and black coal: the difference

The difference between the mentioned tools lies in the following parameters:

  • In the sorption properties and concentration of the drug. To ensure the required effect, 10-16 tablets of black coal and only 1-2 white coal are required.
  • In selectivity of action. As is known, black coal removes both harmful and useful substances. As for white, it helps eliminate only waste and toxins,
  • In solubility in water. White coal dissolves in liquid much faster and better.

  • In side effects. Unlike black coal, white coal almost never causes constipation and other dyspeptic disorders.
  • Ease of use. Before taking black coal, it is advisable to crush or chew it. White just needs to be washed down with water.

Cost of medicine

How much does white and black coal cost? The difference in the price of these funds is significant. If you can buy 10 coal for 15-18 rubles, then for white coal you will have to pay about 80-100 rubles.

By the way, these drugs also differ in their origin. Black activated carbon is a form of carbon that was obtained by processing natural raw materials without adding any impurities. The new enterosorbent is completely synthetic drug. Therefore, despite the high effectiveness of the second, most people give their preference to a proven natural drug.

White coal recommended as a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of dietary fiber - enterosorbents to improve the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract.
Promotes adsorption from the gastrointestinal tract and removal from the body of exo- and endogenous toxic substances of various origins (including waste products of pathogenic microorganisms, food and bacterial allergens).
Indirectly helps to reduce the manifestations of toxic-allergic reactions, reduce the metabolic load on the detoxification organs (primarily the liver and kidneys), correct metabolic processes and immune status, eliminate the imbalance of biologically active substances in the body; enhances intestinal motility.

Indications for use:
Preparation White coal recommended as a dietary supplement to the diet as an additional source of enterosorbents for the purpose of prevention and alleviation of symptoms in:
food poisoning of various origins (including mushrooms and alcohol);
acute intestinal infections;
stomach disorders;
hepatitis (including viral hepatitis A and B);
renal and liver failure;
allergic diseases;
dermatitis of endogenous intoxication;

Directions for use:
Adults and children over 14 years old: 3-4 tablets 3-4 times a day between meals, 1 hour before meals, with drinking water.
Consume no earlier than 1 hour before meals.
Caution for consumption by certain categories of the population (children, pregnant women, elderly people, athletes and people with allergies)
Before use, consult a doctor. Note for people with diabetes: 1 tablet contains 0.26 g of sucrose (equivalent to 0.026 bread units).

Side effects:
Not found.

White coal contraindicated in case of individual immunity to the components, pregnancy and lactation, gastric and duodenal ulcers in the acute stage, ulcers and erosion of the intestinal mucosa, gastric and intestinal bleeding, intestinal obstruction.
Not a medicine.

Storage conditions:
Preparation White coal store in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children, at a temperature from 0°C to 25°C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. Store the prepared suspension in a tightly closed bottle at a temperature of (4±2)°C for no more than 32 hours.

Release form:
Tablets No. 10. Bottles of 12±0.5 powder for preparing a suspension.

1 tablet contains - main substances: silicon dioxide (210 mg), microcrystalline cellulose; excipients: powdered sugar, potato starch.
Bottles: silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose in a 250 ml bottle.

White coal contains silicon dioxide, a small amount of sucrose, and microcrystalline cellulose, which have antidisuric and adsorbing properties. Prescribed for detoxification of the body in case of acute food poisoning, as well as for diagnosing intestinal infections. White coal helps cure dysbiosis and dermatitis. The drug is capable of using adsorption to bind and remove various toxins from the body, which can either come from the outside or be produced in the body itself. If there is excessive formation of acid or gastric juice in the stomach, white coal normalizes and stabilizes the process of secretion production.

1. Pharmacological action

A dietary supplement that reduces the symptoms of poisoning and promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body. Not a medicine.

2. indications for use

  • Food poisoning of any origin;
  • Helminth infections;
  • Inflammation of the liver;
  • Various allergic diseases;
  • Intestinal dysbiosis;
  • Intestinal infectious diseases in acute form;
  • Disorders of digestive processes;
  • Functional failure of the kidneys;
  • Various dermatitis;
  • Functional failure of the liver.

3. Method of application

White coal in tablet form:

  • for children starting from 3 years of age: one or two tablets of the drug four times a day;
  • for children over seven years of age and adult patients: three to four tablets of the drug four times a day.
White coal in suspension form:
  • for children aged one to two years: 0.5 ml of the drug four times a day;
  • for children aged three to four years: 1 ml of the drug four times a day;
  • for children aged five to six years: 1.5 ml of the drug four times a day;
  • for patients over 7 years of age: 2 ml of the drug four times a day.
Number of spoons for preparing White Coal suspension:
  • Patients aged one to two years: two teaspoons of the drug;
  • Patients three to four years old: one heaped tablespoon;
  • Patients age five to six years: two tablespoons;
  • Patients over seven years of age: two heaped tablespoons.
Features of application:
  • Before use, you should consult your doctor;
  • It should be remembered that White Coal is not a medicine and cannot be used to treat serious diseases;
  • The medicine should be taken no earlier than one hour before meals.

4. Side effects

Hypersensitivity reactions to White Coal may occur.

5. Contraindications

  • Peptic ulcers;
  • Hypersensitivity to White Coal or its components;
  • Use of White Coal at any stage of pregnancy;
  • Peptic ulcer;
  • The presence of intestinal obstruction of any origin;
  • Individual intolerance to White coal or its components;
  • Use of White Coal during breastfeeding;
  • Duodenal ulcer;
  • Erosive bowel diseases;
  • Presence of bleeding from the digestive system.

6. During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy or breastfeeding, the use of White Coal is prohibited.

7. Interaction with other drugs

The simultaneous use of White Coal with any other medications leads to a decrease in their effectiveness.

8. Overdose

No cases of overdose have been observed with the use of the drug White Coal.

9. Release form

Tablets, 700 mg - 10 pcs.

10. Storage conditions

11. Composition

One tablet of White Coal:

  • 210 mg silica and microcrystalline cellulose;
One bottle of White Coal:
  • 250 mg silicon dioxide and microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Excipients: potato starch and powdered sugar.

12. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available without a prescription.

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* Instructions for medical use of the drug White Coal are published in free translation. THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. BEFORE USE, YOU MUST CONSULT WITH A SPECIALIST

White coal can be considered as a new generation adsorbent. The composition is not a drug, but is classified as a dietary supplement to the daily diet. The composition is an essential source of dietary fiber and helps reduce intestinal motility. The product ensures the removal of toxic breakdown products from the body. The drug is effective for intoxications of various etiologies and allows you to quickly eliminate the symptoms characteristic of poisoning.

Dosage form

White coal is produced in the form of tablets intended for oral administration.

Description and composition

The drug White Coal is produced in the form of tablets. The tablets have a round shape; a dividing chamfer is applied on one side of the element.

Active ingredient medicinal product is microcrystalline cellulose and silicon dioxide. Powdered sugar and potato starch are used as additional means to ensure the achievement of the required dosage form.

Pharmacological group


Indications for use

White coal is used as an additional source of dietary fiber, used to reduce the symptoms of poisoning. The product can be used for intoxications of various origins. The composition allows you to improve the patient's condition after alcohol poisoning. The drug is also used to eliminate acute intestinal disorders that occur against the background of renal and liver failure. The composition can be used as a means of symptomatic therapy in the treatment of hepatitis A and B.

for adults

The product can be used by patients of this age group if there are indications for use. The composition is used in unchanged doses, regardless of the presence or absence of disturbances in the liver and kidneys. For elderly people, the composition is also prescribed in constant dosages.

for children

If there are indications for use, the composition is used in pediatric practice.

The medicine can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding after consultation with a specialist. In most cases, the composition is well tolerated by patients and does not provoke manifestations side effects.


The list of contraindications to taking the drug can be presented as follows:

  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the intestinal mucosa;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • stomach bleeding;
  • intolerance to the components of the product.

Applications and dosages

The medicine is intended exclusively for oral administration. The tablet is taken orally 1 hour after a meal. To achieve the best effect, the drug should be taken with a sufficient amount of water. Before you start using the medicinal composition, you need to get a full consultation with your doctor. In some cases, the use of white coal can cause harm to the patient's body.

for adults

White coal is often used by patients in this age category. The maximum dose of the composition is 6 tablets per day. Take 2 tablets once. If the effectiveness of such a dose is not enough, the dose is repeated after an hour. No dosage adjustment is required for the elderly and patients with impaired liver and kidney function. The composition is well tolerated, side effects are extremely rare.

for children

White charcoal can be used if indicated for use in patients over 3 years of age. The exact dosages are determined privately, after identifying the causes of the disorder. The maximum permissible dose for children over 3 years of age is 3 tablets per day. This volume should be divided into 3 doses.

for pregnant women and during lactation

White coal can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding if there are indications for use. Before you start taking the drug, you should consult a doctor. The product is often used to eliminate diarrhea; its manifestation during pregnancy is quite dangerous. It is important to establish the cause of the violation. Dosages are selected privately after identifying the reasons provoking the change.

Side effects

Side effects during the use of the drug appear extremely rarely. In very rare cases, intestinal obstruction may develop. This complication while taking the drug appears if the patient takes white charcoal for a long time or does not control the dosage regimen.

Interaction with other drugs

Taking White Coal does not exclude the possibility of using other medications. The patient must remember to follow basic precautions - a time interval of at least 2 hours must be maintained between doses of medication. Otherwise, the sorbent may absorb the drug, and the effectiveness of the drug will be reduced or lost.

Special instructions

White coal should be taken by patients with increased precautions. Such restrictions are due to the fact that the product contains sucrose.

It is important to note that white coal is not a medicine.


The likelihood of an overdose is not high. The product does not provoke the appearance adverse reactions even when taken in doses exceeding the regulated ones. In rare cases, with prolonged use, patients experience. Treatment for this condition consists of discontinuing the drug. If the digestion process does not normalize, you should seek help from a specialist.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. The maximum shelf life is 3 years from the production date indicated on the packaging. It is not recommended to use the medicinal composition after the expiration date


White coal has a sufficient number of analogues in terms of the active substance and the mechanism of influence on the human body. The listed drugs are well tolerated and are often used in pediatric practice. The products can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Before replacing a prescribed product with an analogue, you should consult a specialist. In some cases, replacement is not justified.

– a new generation sorbent produced by pharmacological companies in the form of a gel. The active ingredient of the medicinal composition is silicon dioxide. The composition gently removes accumulated toxins from the body and can be used over a long course because it is not addictive. can be used in pediatric practice, the drug is prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Active ingredient medicine Apsorbin is a silicate of aluminum and magnesium. The drug is sold from a network of pharmacies in sachet form. A separate sachet contains a dose determined for a single dose. The composition can be used in pediatric practice; the drug is prescribed to children from 2 months of age. Apsorbin is well tolerated by the patient and does not cause allergic reactions or side effects. In rare cases, when the recommended doses are exceeded, patients experience. The drug can be used by pregnant and lactating women.


The cost of White coal is on average 154 rubles. Prices range from 130 to 178 rubles.