White coal: instructions for use and what it is needed for, price, reviews, analogues. White coal - instructions, use for weight loss, during pregnancy, price, reviews White coal indications

08.02.2022 Kinds

In any home medicine cabinet it is important to have an effective detoxification agent that can quickly eliminate ailments and relieve poor health. White coal is a modern enterosorbent that fully meets medical requirements. Along with drugs that are proven on the pharmacological market, the new medicine has a higher degree of effectiveness.

What is white coal?

The drug belongs to the group of adsorbent medications of the latest generation. It fully meets modern requirements for detoxification agents, and its high sorption degree is many times higher than that of activated carbon. White coal is high effective means from detoxifying the body and to stop diarrhea.

Composition and beneficial properties

This medication has a different composition from activated carbon. It is based on a substance called silicon dioxide, which gives the drug White color. It removes excess intestinal gases, gastric juice, bacterial and food allergens, chemical and microbial toxins, and protein breakdown products from the body. Silicon dioxide is transported and subsequently excreted into the intestinal tract from the lymph and blood ethanol, salts of heavy metals, glycosides, organophosphorus compounds, serotonin, urea, lipids.

As an additional component, the tablets contain microcrystalline cellulose isolated from plant fiber. It does not dissolve in the intestines, but collects toxins, breakdown products, and free radicals on its surface. This helps improve parietal digestion in the small intestine and helps remove stagnation of the food bolus. Thanks to these components, the drug has a number of advantages:

  • Does not damage the gastrointestinal mucosa and improves its functional state.
  • Provides a quick therapeutic effect.
  • Non-toxic and absolutely safe for use.
  • Affects the reduction of symptoms of allergic reactions.
  • Does not cause constipation, stimulates intestinal motility, promoting rapid elimination of toxins.
  • It has a much lower daily dose than activated carbon, which is 4 grams and is based on the greater sorption capacity of the drug.
  • Does not require grinding, but in the form of a suspension it has a higher degree of efficiency.
  • Does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Does not contain any flavoring additives and has a neutral taste.
  • It is not harmful when used for many months, does not cause hypovitaminosis, due to its selective action.
  • Effective in small doses.
  • It has several forms of release (tablets, powder to create a suspension).


The drug is used as a dietary supplement and is an additional source of enterosorbents that help relieve symptoms of renal and liver failure, food poisoning of various origins (including alcohol and mushrooms), acute intestinal infections, helminthiases, gastric disorders, hepatitis (including . viral hepatitis A and B). Promotes absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and elimination of endo- and exogenous toxic substances, food and bacterial allergens, reduces the manifestation of toxic-allergic reactions.

Directions for use and dosage

Children over 7 years old and adults are prescribed 3-4 tablets of the drug 3-4 times a day, an hour before meals. You need to take the medication with plenty of water. If the drug is in powder form in a bottle, then prepare a suspension from it by adding 250 ml of chilled boiled water and shake thoroughly. One measuring cap contains 1.15 g of the drug. The suspension is allowed to be consumed by children from 1 year old - 0.575 g, from 7 years old and adults - 2.25 g 3-4 times a day between meals.


Gastric and intestinal bleeding, the presence of gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer at the acute stage, erosion of the intestinal mucosa, pregnancy, intestinal obstruction, lactation, as well as individual intolerance to the components are reasons for refusing to use the drug. It is not a drug, therefore it is used in complex therapy. Before taking, you should consult your doctor.

Which activated carbon is better, black or white?

This question arises for everyone who learns about the existence of an analogue of the usual activated carbon, which is the most common drug taken for poisoning. But modern medicine offers a more convenient and effective option. Silicon dioxide contained in white coal has a high adsorption capacity, and its tablets do not require grinding. This provides the additional advantage of convenience and a smaller amount of the drug required for use compared to activated carbon.

In case of food and alcohol poisoning

During intoxication of the body, it is necessary to take a sorbent that will quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of poisoning. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and headache will go away faster after consuming charcoal. Activated - you need to drink in large doses, but it will help strengthen the stool faster in case of food poisoning. White – more effectively detoxifies the body from alcohol, quickly removing headache, and the dosage of this drug is several times less.

For allergies

In case of unpleasant manifestations of allergic reactions (hives, pain in the eyes, swelling, runny nose, sneezing, coughing), you need to drink an adsorbent drug that will instantly cleanse the body of toxic substances. Therapy should be comprehensive in conjunction with antihistamines prescribed by a doctor. Which charcoal is better for allergies, white or activated, is chosen by everyone independently, depending on preferences. White will help solve the problem more effectively and faster, but its cost is a little higher.

For weight loss

Adsorbents will be good helpers for weight loss. They help cleanse the body of waste and toxins. In the evening, take a dose of the drug according to the instructions, and the next day drink a lot of water, herbal teas, and compotes. Such fasting days will help you gradually lose weight. The problem is that the drugs used absorb not only harmful substances, but also useful ones, depriving a person of essential vitamins, minerals, and fats.

By absorbing elements necessary for the body, activated carbon leads to vitamin deficiency, and its modern colleague based on silicon dioxide has a lesser ability to absorb useful material, absorbing most of the toxins. This is an advantage when using the drug for weight loss. When cleansing the body with any adsorbent, it is necessary to additionally take multivitamins to eliminate the likelihood of their deficiency.

During pregnancy

Silicon dioxide-based charcoal should not be used during pregnancy, according to the instructions. It is better to replace it with an activated one, which will help get rid of frequent gas formation, colic, and indigestion. But if expectant mother tendency to constipation, black coal should be taken with caution. Calculate the required dose of the drug based on the proportion: tablet for every 10 kg of weight. Grind them into powder, add water until a suspension forms. This way the drug will act faster and more effectively.

For children

The dose of the adsorbent substance for the child’s body is calculated according to the child’s weight. For infants, sorbents are recommended in the form of a suspension, which is prepared from white or activated carbon. Both drugs are sold in powder form for suspension. But the sorption capacity of white carbon is much higher than that of activated carbon, which will help quickly relieve the baby from painful sensations. Black coal is given to children at the rate of 0.05 g of the drug per kg of body weight; it should be taken 3 times a day, two hours before or after meals.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!


Unfortunately, most people know firsthand about poisoning. Poisoning can happen for a number of different reasons and it does not always end well. Therefore, effective detoxification drugs are always in demand. For complex treatment of poisoning and for removing toxic and harmful substances from the body, for binding and removing allergens, enterosorbents are used, including White coal, which will be discussed. Enterosorbents help relieve excess stress on the liver, intestines and kidneys - these are the organs that are responsible for detoxification and removal of toxins and allergens from the body; They also normalize stools and bind intestinal gases.

White Coal is one of the most modern enterosorbents. It fully meets the entire list of requirements for modern detoxification products. It is absolutely non-toxic, does not damage the gastrointestinal mucosa, is easily removed from the intestines, and has a high sorption capacity. White Coal indirectly affects the reduction of allergic reactions, which allows it to be successfully used in the treatment of allergies of various origins. It is recommended as an active food additive. The supplement is an additional source of healthy dietary fiber, which has absorbent properties and helps improve the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract.


What are the advantages of this enterosorbent over others?
  • Sorption capacity is the most important indicator of the effectiveness of the sorbent. The sorption capacity of White Coal is many times greater than that of other enterosorbents. Its daily dose is a maximum of 4 grams, while regular activated carbon must be taken in much larger quantities.
  • Unlike activated carbon, it does not cause constipation, but on the contrary, stimulates peristalsis in the intestines. Thanks to enhanced peristalsis, the body is cleansed faster.
  • It has a neutral taste and does not contain any flavoring additives.
  • There is no need to crush the tablets before use.
  • It is recommended to use it to prepare for X-ray and endoscopic methods of examining the intestines, as well as before performing an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, because it reduces gas formation in the intestines. Thanks to this, specialists can study the condition of internal organs in more detail.
  • Stimulates the function of the gastrointestinal tract, enhances the breakdown of nutrients, reduces the absorption of bile acids and monomers. Thanks to this, the risk of formation of stones in the gallbladder is reduced.


Active substances of this sorbent – ​​microcrystalline cellulose and highly dispersed silicon dioxide.
Excipients– potato starch, powdered sugar.

Silicon dioxide removes chemical and microbial toxins, bacterial and food allergens, protein breakdown products, excess intestinal gases and gastric juice from the body. It facilitates the movement ( and then taking it out) from lymph and blood into the intestinal tract of such substances as: glycosides, alkaloids, organophosphorus compounds, ethyl alcohol, barbiturates, heavy metal salts, serotonin, prostaglandin, histamine, residual nitrogen, creatinine, urea, lipids.

By reducing the load on the detoxification organs, metabolic processes are corrected and the levels of triglycerides, cholesterol, and total lipids are normalized.

Microcrystalline cellulose is isolated from plant fiber. According to its characteristics, it is almost identical to natural cellulose, which is found in food products. Microcrystalline cellulose does not break down or dissolve in the intestines. It collects on its surface and removes free radicals, breakdown products, and toxins from the body. In the small intestine, thanks to microcrystalline cellulose, parietal digestion is improved, beneficial substances from vegetables and fruits, medicines and vitamins are more fully absorbed and absorbed. Cellulose irritates the intestinal receptors and thereby enhances its contractions, which makes it possible to remove the stagnation of the food bolus.


  • Deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Food poisoning of various origins ( including alcohol and mushroom poisoning).
  • Stomach disorders.
  • Liver and kidney failure.
  • Allergy.
  • Dermatitis of endogenous intoxication.

Features of application

The structure of White Coal is such that it is not necessary to grind the tablets before use, but, nevertheless, grinding will increase the sorption capacity.

Black activated carbon or white?

Black coal has undoubted efficiency, however, compared to white coal, it exhibits lower sorption capacity. It is more difficult to use because its tablets require chewing. One tablet of activated carbon is used per 10 kg of weight - that is, you get quite a lot of tablets for one dose.

For weight loss

White Coal can be used for weight loss. To do this, they arrange fasting days using a sorbent: in the evening you need to take pills, and the next day you need to drink a lot of water, compote, unsweetened tea. During the day you can drink chicken broth. In the evening you are allowed to eat a little low-fat cottage cheese. If you carry out two such fasting days a week, then weight loss will occur gently and smoothly.

In case of poisoning

In case of food poisoning or alcohol poisoning, it is useful to take a sorbent to quickly eliminate toxic substances from the body. White Coal is the remedy of choice for such conditions. White Coal take 3 tablets. 3 times a day, while activated carbon for these purposes has to be used in handfuls.

During pregnancy

A pregnant woman is not recommended to take White Coal. It can use regular black activated carbon as a sorbent. But it is worth remembering that activated carbon can adsorb not only toxins and breakdown products, but also beneficial substances from medications or vitamins that were taken orally shortly before taking it.

For acne

Problematic skin is often caused by intestinal dysfunction. Since White Coal improves the function of the gastrointestinal tract, then, to some extent, it can get rid of acne. Proper nutrition ( reduction in fatty and fried foods in the diet), cleansing the intestines - such measures will lead to cleansing of the skin.

In particular, if acne is on the chin and forehead, then it will disappear faster after a course of White Coal, because problems with intestinal function are projected onto this area of ​​the face.

For children

The instructions for White Coal state that it is not recommended for children to take the tablets. However, if the attending physician considers that the sorbent has more benefits than potential harm, then he can recommend that the mother crush the tablets, add water and let the child drink this suspension. If a child has intestinal obstruction, White Coal should absolutely not be used.


White Coal appeared on the pharmaceutical market relatively recently, just a few years ago, and during this time it has become very popular. Manufacturing company "OmniPharma" the very first in the world to establish the production of silicon dioxide. An increase in demand for sorbent has led to the availability of a drug in pharmacies called "White carbon carbon active", produced by the company "Farmakom". It is an imitation of White Coal and does not meet the stated pharmacological properties.

Clinical studies of effectiveness were carried out only on the basis of the active additive White Coal. In contrast, Carboactive is not a certified product.


Polysorb ( contains silicon dioxide).

Other sorbents that can be used:

  • Activated carbon,
  • Sorbex,


  • Active ingredients - 210 mg of silicon dioxide and microcrystalline cellulose;


  • Active ingredients - 250 mg of silicon dioxide and microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Excipients: potato starch and powdered sugar.

Release form

  • Tablets 0.7 g.
  • Powder for preparing a suspension.


  • Tablets of 0.7 g in a cardboard pack of 1 blister (10 tablets).
  • Bottle with a capacity of 250 ml.


OmniPharma Kyiv LLC (Ukraine).

Distributor in Russia - STADA Marketing (Germany).

pharmachologic effect

Silica removes chemical and microbial toxins, bacterial and food allergens, protein breakdown products, excess intestinal gases and gastric juice from the body. It promotes the movement (and then elimination) from the lymph and blood into the intestinal tract of such substances as: glycosides, alkaloids, organophosphorus compounds, ethyl alcohol, barbiturates, heavy metal salts, serotonin, prostaglandin, histamine, residual nitrogen, creatinine, urea, lipids. By reducing the load on the detoxification organs, metabolic processes are corrected and the levels of triglycerides, cholesterol, and total lipids are normalized.

Microcrystalline cellulose isolated from plant fiber. According to its characteristics, it is almost identical to natural cellulose, which is found in food products. Microcrystalline cellulose does not break down or dissolve in the intestines. It collects on its surface and removes free radicals, breakdown products, and toxins from the body. In the small intestine, thanks to microcrystalline cellulose, parietal digestion is improved, beneficial substances from vegetables and fruits, medicines and vitamins are more fully absorbed and absorbed. Cellulose irritates the intestinal receptors and thereby enhances its contractions, which makes it possible to remove the stagnation of the food bolus.

Directions for use and doses

Adults and children over 7 years old

Tablets: 3-4 tablets 3-4 times a day between meals (no earlier than 1 hour before meals), wash down drinking water. Crushing or chewing the tablets increases the efficiency of sorption, but is not necessary.

Bottles: open the bottle with the powder, add boiled water, cooled to room temperature, to the neck (250 ml) and shake thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is formed. suspensions (one capful of suspension contains 1.15 g of silica). Take 2 measuring caps of suspension (50ml) 3-4 times a day between meals.

Children under 7 years old

* 1 measuring cap of suspension contains 1.2 g of the drug.
** 1 level teaspoon contains 0.3 g of the drug, 1 tablespoon – 0.9 g.

To determine your individual course of consumption, consult your doctor.

Indications for use of White coal

  • food poisoning of various origins (including mushrooms and alcohol);
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • helminthiasis;
  • stomach disorders;
  • hepatitis (including viral hepatitis A and B);
  • renal and liver failure;
  • allergic diseases;
  • dermatitis of endogenous intoxication;
  • dysbacteriosis.

White coal appeared in pharmacies relatively recently. A more well-known drug is black activated carbon. Everyone remembers the black tablets that need to be swallowed by the handful, being careful not to stain everything around them. What is the advantage of white coal over the traditional version?


In traditional medicine white coal used as a remedy to help cope with food poisoning. It acts as a sorbent, absorbing harmful substances and helping to remove them from the body. In addition to its usual indications, white charcoal is also widely used as a weight loss aid.

The main active ingredient in white coal is silicon dioxide. When it enters the body, it binds harmful substances and promotes their rapid elimination. Thus, toxins and allergens located in the gastrointestinal tract do not have a harmful effect on the body, or their effect is minimal.

After taking white coal, the delivery of harmful substances from the blood to the intestines is accelerated. Salts of heavy metals and alkaloids settle in the intestines and are absorbed by cellulose and silicon dioxide. Microcrystalline cellulose fibers bind cholesterol, bile acids, and improve intestinal motility. In addition, cellulose promotes natural cleansing of the intestines mechanically, literally sweeping away all unnecessary deposits.

In the production of white coal, auxiliary components are also used: microcrystalline cellulose and potato starch.

Despite the name, white charcoal does not contain charcoal. Therefore, the name “coal” is purely symbolic.

Difference from black coal

White charcoal is a more effective remedy for food poisoning than black activated charcoal. Studies have shown that it is enough to take just one tablet for the necessary cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract of toxins. If you add gastric lavage to therapy, you can get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of food poisoning in a short period of time.

Another advantage of the new drug is the absence of coloring properties. The tablets do not stain your hands or mouth and are colorless. White coal does not cause bloating or discomfort.

Indications for use

The instructions for the drug describe white coal as a source of natural dietary fiber. The drug helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the excretory system.

As an additional therapy, doctors prescribe the drug to treat certain types of hepatitis and alleviate the condition of acute intestinal infection.

As a rule, the dosage is prescribed by the attending physician depending on the individual characteristics patient. If relief occurs, the number of tablets is adjusted.

On average, to treat poisoning, a person only needs to take 1 tablet before each meal. A special feature of treatment with drugs containing cellulose is the need to drink plenty of fluids.

White coal is a universal remedy for the treatment of poisoning, allergies and dermatitis.

In some cases, charcoal helps prevent flatulence, as it helps remove formed gases from the intestines. The correct dosage of the drug normalizes stool and the general condition of the patient.

The need for long-term treatment using charcoal is determined by the attending physician. It is not recommended to take charcoal without specialist supervision if the treatment period is more than 2 weeks.


Like any medicine, white coal has a number of contraindications:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • Age up to 12 years;
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Allergy to the components of the drug;
  • Intestinal obstruction.

The drug consists of components of natural origin, and therefore does not have toxic properties. It has been proven that white coal does not affect the condition of the gastric mucosa, so the risk of side effects minimal.

If any side effects occur, seek medical attention.

Application for weight loss

Due to its absorbent properties, white coal is actively used for weight loss. When cellulose enters the stomach, it swells, fills space and reduces the feeling of hunger.

At the stage of active weight loss, you should help the body get rid of toxins and breakdown products, then the weight loss process will be more effective.

Nutritionists recommend taking one tablet three times a day before meals. White coal should be washed down with a glass of clean water at room temperature. After 20-30 minutes you can start eating. After this, hunger will no longer be so strong, and the usual portion will significantly decrease in volume.

Thus, you can reduce the total caloric content of your diet and quickly achieve the desired shape.


White coal will help you lose weight if followed proper nutrition and regular physical activity. However, even the most miraculous pills will not give results if:

  1. There is a habit of often drinking tea with sweets;
  2. Eating occurs too often, especially during times of anxiety;
  3. The habit of eating fatty, high-calorie dishes in public catering establishments.

It's no secret that many people try to comfort themselves with delicious food. Usually the eye falls on sweets. This is a bad habit that you should get rid of as soon as possible if you want to lose weight.

When including white charcoal in a weight loss regimen, you should pay attention to the fact that it is not recommended to drink the product for a long time. The adsorbing properties of the drug can affect the body's absorption of vitamins. Therefore, if you take white charcoal for more than two weeks, you should take extra care vitamin complexes And fermented milk products to restore healthy intestinal microflora.

Long-term use of charcoal also threatens digestive disorders. The intestines can get used to constant stimulation by cellulose, which will lead to a deterioration in its normal functioning.


An analogue of white coal can be food bran. They are an excellent sorbent and remove waste and toxins from the body. When it enters the stomach, the product swells, increases in volume and, thereby, dulls the feeling of hunger. Bran is available in the diet food section of any supermarket. They are different types: in powder form or in the form of small crackers.

Bran can be added to kefir, yogurt, juice, porridge. While taking bran, it is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible to ease the digestive tract.

7 reviews


by date

    The feasts and holidays are over, and I must say this year was not without adventure. It was either indigestion or overeating, but at the next feast I felt that things were bad and I managed to catch the poisoning in all its glory. Nausea set in and the holiday was about to go down the drain, but... The feasts and holidays are over, and I must say this year was not without adventures. It was either indigestion or overeating, but at the next feast I felt that things were bad and I managed to catch the poisoning in all its glory. Nausea set in and the holiday was about to go down the drain, at least for me.
    But my friend managed to help me out; she gave me a drug that I had not used before, called “White Coal”. This is a sorbent with a safe composition without taste or smell. By the way, it is quite easy to use: take three tablets with water. After a while it became much easier and, importantly, it worked without side effects: the intestines still worked like clockwork.
    I was very interested in these tablets because they are easy to use and leave no marks on my hands. And you don’t need to take 10 tablets at a time. The next day I bought myself a pack of white coal. The price for 30 tablets is about 200 rubles, I think this is quite adequate for an effective and safe drug, especially since these tablets are enough for 10 uses. Now it will be in the first aid kit, maybe it will come in handy, no one is safe from poisoning.

    I love to have fun, especially when there is a good reason and company. Of course, this entails certain consequences. However, we are all intelligent people, we control ourselves... but my body is already asking for help in the morning. Well, you understand me. I didn’t take any pills before, I thought it was because of a hangover... I love to have fun, especially when there is a good reason and company. Of course, this entails certain consequences. However, we are all intelligent people, we control ourselves... but my body is already asking for help in the morning. Well, you understand me. Previously, I didn’t take any pills, I thought that only time cures hangovers. My views changed as soon as I discovered white coal. I once borrowed it from a colleague after a corporate event, and it worked well. My body quickly cleared of toxins, and I felt great, without headaches or nausea. Of course, after that I read reviews on the Internet, scientific articles on the topic of its safety, and bought myself one too. (Now I take it with me to all parties in my purse). I like that it doesn’t stain my teeth and fingers, like some sorbents, I like that it’s more convenient to take: just swallow a couple of tablets with water and that’s it. Previously, I had to measure Polysorb powder with spoons, stir it... it seemed easy, but at times my condition did not allow me to do even these actions. Now I have forgotten that such problems exist, by the way, I also forgot about hangovers. They say that it also helps you lose weight, I haven’t tested it yet. When the time comes, I’ll write a review and share my opinion. Thanks to all.

    Now there are so many opportunities to get in shape, I finally pulled myself together and did it. I signed up for the gym, went to hour-long workouts twice a week, didn’t restrict myself in foods, just tried not to eat after 8 p.m. I connected white coal to this - these are tablets for... Now there are so many opportunities to get in shape, I finally pulled myself together and did it. I signed up for the gym, went to hour-long workouts twice a week, didn’t restrict myself in foods, just tried not to eat after 8 p.m. I connected white coal to this - these tablets, in my opinion, are an alternative to black coal. Firstly, you need to take it 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day, depending on the situation (and not as with activated). Secondly, it has no taste, color or smell. I also liked that white charcoal is completely safe, regardless of the length of the period of use. I even read articles on this topic on the Internet, I wasn’t too lazy! And of course, it works well. It helps by improving intestinal function, which is why the person taking it begins to lose weight. I took this charcoal for 2 months, did all of the above and got justified results. For the benefit of my body, I lost 5kg in 2 months. Now I no longer take white charcoal, but I continued to go to the gym, and my results remained the same. That is, I said goodbye to the extra pounds and strengthened my health. I feel great.


    From time to time these tablets really help out. Either you eat something in nature that is not right, or your stomach doesn’t like something fatty/oily - in general, for all such cases! Quite quickly relieves discomfort in the stomach, improves the tract and miraculously removes toxins. I recommend keeping it in your first aid kit.


    He used white coal to save his fortune when he got poisoned while fishing. It’s good that you always have a first aid kit with you minimum set medicines. There was no hospital nearby, it was dangerous to drive in this condition, so I decided to try to quickly solve the problem. Over the course of eight hours I took 12 tablets - three every... He used white coal to save his fortune when he got poisoned while fishing. It’s good that you always have a first aid kit with you with a minimum set of medications. There was no hospital nearby, it was dangerous to drive in this condition, so I decided to try to quickly solve the problem. Over the course of eight hours I took 12 tablets - three every two hours - and in the evening I already felt noticeably better. In such an emergency situation, white coal proved effective. I'm not sure that black coal would have helped me then.