The best quotes from Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs: quotes about life Steve jobs quotes about business

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Steve Jobs lived an amazing life. He not only managed an incredible company in the era of formation, and subsequently the widespread dominance of information technology, but he was also remembered for his statements. Sometimes rude, sometimes not entirely understandable, but often hitting exactly the target, and if not at the moment of utterance, then certainly a few years later. had his own opinion about everything. To confirm this statement, let's look at the thirteen statements by the Apple founder, prepared by Business Insider, that had the greatest effect and impression on people.

Creativity simply brings things together. When you ask creative person about how he managed to do anything, he feels a little guilty because they didn't actually do anything on purpose, they just saw it. This seems obvious to them.

Always remember that you are mortal - this is best way avoiding the fear of losing something that I know. You have nothing anymore. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

It is necessary to be a standard of quality. Some people are not used to being in an environment where perfection is taken for granted.

You can't connect the dots looking forward. You can only do this by looking back. So you just have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future. You need to believe in something. Into your character, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down and has made my life what it is.

Your work should be a significant part of your life, and the only way to be completely satisfied is to do what you consider to be great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found such a job yet, keep looking. Don't give up. You will feel it when you find it. Like any relationship in our lives, this one only gets better as the years pass. So keep searching until you find it. Don't give up.

Being the richest man in the cemetery means nothing to me. But going to bed knowing that we did something wonderful is important.

I'm just as proud of the many things we didn't do as I am of the ones we did. Innovation has said no to thousands of things.

I think if you do something and it turns out to be something good, then you need to go do something else. You can't stay in one place for too long, you need to focus on what comes next.

Getting fired from Apple was the best thing that ever happened to me. The heaviness of success was replaced by the lightness of a new beginning. This situation helped me enter one of the most productive periods of my life.

Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles.

When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like this: “If you live every day as if it were your last, someday you will probably be right.” She left an impression on me, and even now, 33 years later, every day I look in the mirror and ask myself: “If today was my last day, would I do what I set out to do?” And if the answer was no for several days in a row, I knew it was time to change something.

I am convinced that half of what separates a successful businessman from an unsuccessful one is called perseverance.

I want to leave a mark on the Universe.

The best thing life could come up with was death. She brings change. Lets the new pass forward, destroying everything that has become obsolete.

My job is not to make people's lives easier. My job is to make them better.

If you are a woodworker creating a beautiful chest of drawers, you will not make the back wall out of a sheet of plywood, even though it faces the wall and no one will ever see it. You know it just is, so you make it out of beautiful wood.

I have had many different women, but my own wives have always been the best.

I can fire someone and then call them to discuss a project or rehire them. The past doesn't bother me, only the present matters.

It's not my job to be soft with people. My job is to make them better. My job is to pull from different parts of the company, clear paths and gather resources for key projects. Taking these great people we have and pushing them and making them even better, giving them a bolder vision of what the future should be.

Do you want to dedicate your life to selling sweet water or do you want to come with me and truly change the world?

It is generally believed that watching TV relaxes the brain, and sitting down at the computer makes us smarter.

When you are young and see what is shown on TV, it seems to you that the television companies are in cahoots and want to make humanity stupid. But then, having matured, an understanding of the truth comes: people themselves want this. Conspiracy is not so terrible. You can always shoot the bastards and start a revolution! But in reality, there is no collusion; TV companies are simply meeting demand. It's a shame, but it's true.

I would give all the technologies and achievements without hesitation for a meeting with Socrates.

Design is not how a product looks and feels. Design is how it works.

This is not a one-man show. Two things are inhaled new life to this company. Firstly, there are a lot of truly talented people in this company who have been told by the whole world for a couple of years that they are losers - and some of them were almost ready to believe it themselves. But they are not failures. What they lacked was a good coaching team, a good plan. Good senior management. But now they have it.

Remembering that I will die soon is the most important tool that helps me make difficult decisions in my life. Because everything else - other people's opinions, all this pride, all this fear of embarrassment or failure - all these things fall in the face of death, leaving only what is really important. Remembering death is the best way to avoid thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked. You no longer have any reason not to follow your heart.

Satisfaction with life and its meaning only comes from having a goal. It is what helps improve health, longevity, and also inspires you in difficult times.

I think if you've done something and it turned out pretty well - you should go and do something else without stopping there for too long. Just decide what's next.

There is no point in hiring smart people and then telling them what to do. We hire people to tell us what to do.

stay Hungry Stay Foolish

If you look at the history of those events, I can say that getting fired from Apple was the best event that happened in my life. I regained the ease and doubts of a beginner and let go of the label of a successful person. This gave me freedom and ushered in the beginning of my new creative period.

I'm confident that Apple's brightest days and innovative inventions are yet to come.

Remember that you will die is a great tool with which I have been able to make all the fateful decisions in life. The thought of imminent death is the best way to lose all illusions that you have something to lose. You are already naked, there is no reason for you not to follow your heart. Death is the best invention of life.

Your time is limited, don't waste it living another life. Don't get caught up in a creed that exists on other people's thinking. Don't let the views of others drown out your own inner voice. And it is very important to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you really want to do. Everything else is secondary.

For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself, “If today was the last day of my life, would I do what I planned for today?”

Good artists create, great artists steal, and real artists deliver on time.

Value higher education undeniable. But, I want to say that it will not help in gaining experience.

Death is the best invention of life. She is the cause of change. She clears away the old to make way for the new.

There is no such thing as a successful person who has never stumbled or made a mistake. There are only successful people who made mistakes and then changed their plans based on those same mistakes. I'm just one of those guys.

The saying that guides me in everything is “You will never know what you were looking for until you find it.”

I tried marijuana and took LSD, I'm not trying to hide it at all.

People often come up to me on the street. They beg or just want to pat me on the shoulder and tell me how much they like Apple products. If I'm tired, I usually just stare into their eyes without blinking. They hesitate a little, and then quickly move to the other side of the street.

You need a problem to solve, a bug to fix.

It is impossible to connect the dots when you look to the future - they can only be connected by looking back at the past.

My favorite things can't be bought. And it is absolutely obvious that the most valuable resource of all in our lives is time.

We all tend to reduce reality to symbols, but there are no Supermen. Everything significant and fateful is created with the team.

I would trade all my technology in one day with Socrates.

If in their work environment They are expected to excel and will achieve high results through self-motivation. I'm talking about a work environment where excellence is noticed, respected and considered an integral part of the work culture.

And it is very important to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you really want to do. Everything else is secondary.

Your work will fill most of your life, and the only way to be completely satisfied is to do what you think is great work. And the only way to do great things is to love what you do.

Do what you enjoy. Otherwise, you will never have enough strength and patience to finish the job to the end.

Steve Jobs Quotes

The only person who understood the feeling of losing a quarter of a billion dollars in one year. It strengthens the personality very well.

There are no successful people who have never stumbled or made a mistake in their lives. There are only successful people who made mistakes but then changed their plans based on past failures. I'm just one of those guys.

I can fire someone and then call them to discuss a project or rehire them. The past doesn't bother me, only the present matters.

TV is dull and kills a lot of time. Turn it off and you save some gray matter. But be careful - you can also become dumb using an Apple computer.

I don't trust a computer I can't lift.

How does a person know what he wants if he has never seen the product.

You have to work not 12 hours, but with your head.

I wish Bill Gates all the best, I really do. I just think he and Microsoft are too narrow-minded. His views would have been much broader if he had taken acid in his youth or lived with hermits in India.

Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. When you go to bed, telling yourself that you did something wonderful is what is really important.

There was a time when I slept on the floor of friends' rooms and traded bottles to buy a veggie burger. Now, after receiving several billion dollars worth of shares and property, my everyday life has changed somewhat, but I swear, not me.

We wear clothes that other people have made. We speak languages ​​that were invented by other people. We eat food that other people have learned to grow. Now the time has come for us to become useful to humanity.

The only problem with Microsoft is they have no taste. They have absolutely no taste. I don't mean absence original ideas, what I'm saying is that they don't infuse culture into their products.

I don't want to be the richest man in the cemetery.

If you haven't found your business yet, look for it. Don't stop. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know it when you find it. And like any good relationship, it gets better and better over the years. So search until you find it. Don't stop.

You know that we eat food that other people grow. We wear clothes that other people have made. We speak languages ​​that were invented by other people. We use mathematics, but other people developed it too... I think we all say this all the time. This is a great reason to create something that could be useful to humanity.

I wish Bill Gates all the best, I really do. I just think he and Microsoft are too narrow-minded. His views would have been much broader if he had taken acid in his youth or lived with hermits in India.

I have an idea to save Apple. Clearly thought-out tactics and modernized products. It’s a pity no one is interested in my opinion there.

Innovation distinguishes the leader from the catcher.

Modern Apple products suck. They are not sexy.

The main reason people would buy a computer for their home is the ability to be connected to a national communications network. Now everything is just beginning, but this will be a real breakthrough. Almost like a telephone.

Only a goal can make life meaningful. It can support us in difficult times and become the reason for health and longevity.

In my experience, people enjoy doing something as well as they can rather than doing something just right.

Be the standard of quality. Some people were not in an environment where innovation was a major asset.

Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling soda or do you want to change the world?

If I were now given the choice of whether to keep Apple or Pixar, I would probably want to arrange things so that I could own both, without having to make that choice.

Focus and simplicity is my mantra. It's harder to achieve simplicity than complexity: you have to work as hard as you can to start thinking clearly and do some simple thing.

It was like they punched me in the gut and knocked the soul out of me. I'm still young, only 30, and I want to continue creating great things. I know I can create at least one more great invention. But Apple won't give me that chance.

You need to find what you love. And this is as true for work as it is for relationships.

All the objects around you were created by people just like you, neither smarter nor stupider than you. You can change the world around you, create products that others will use.

There is only one way to do great work - to love it. If you haven't come to this, wait. Don't rush into action. As with everything else, your own heart will help you suggest something interesting.

Picasso said: “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” And we've never been shy about stealing great ideas.

There are many different things you can do. But once we have chosen something specific, it is worth making it great.

Steve Jobs is an engineer, scientist and entrepreneur, one of the creators of the first personal computer. He founded the mega-successful company Apple, which today is considered the leader in the mobile gadgets market. Steve was a very unusual person: he did poorly in school, dropped out of college, had size 48 shoes, changed cars every six months, was a vegan and was interested in Buddhism. After a scandal with the board of directors in 1985, Jobs was removed from Apple management. A year later, he bought out the computer graphics studio Lucasfilm, which he later renamed Pixar.

If you want to follow a new path, you must pave it yourself.

It makes no sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people to tell us what to do.

According to the teachings of Buddhists, the opinion of a beginner is very valuable - keeping it unchanged is almost impossible and almost unattainable. Although miracles happen.

If you look at the history of those events, I can say that getting fired from Apple was the best event that happened in my life. I regained the ease and doubts of a beginner and let go of the label of a successful person. This gave me freedom and ushered in the beginning of my new creative period.

I would trade all my technology in one day with Socrates.

There were times when I didn’t have my own room. I slept on friends’ floors, and in order to buy food I handed over Coca-Cola bottles. Every Sunday I walked 10 kilometers in order to have a normal meal once a week at a charity dinner in the Hare Krishna temple. And guess what? It was a great time!

We are here to make a contribution to this world. Otherwise why are we here?

If you chop wood yourself, you warm yourself with it twice.

It seems to me that all religions are just different doors to the same house. Sometimes I believe this house exists, sometimes I don't. This is a great mystery.

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you really want to become.

Praise be to the madmen! Rebels, troublemakers, losers; those who are always inappropriate and out of place. For those who see the world differently. They don't follow the rules. They laugh at the foundations. You can quote them, argue with them, glorify or curse them. But it’s just impossible to ignore them. After all, they bring change. Pushing humanity forward. And let someone say: madmen, we say: geniuses. After all, only a madman believes that he can change the world, and therefore only changes it.

Of course, there are people for whom money comes first. These are usually people who will never become rich. Only those who are talented, lucky, and do not constantly think about money achieve wealth.

TV is dull and kills a lot of time. Turn it off and you'll save a few brain cells. However, be careful - you can also become dumb using an Apple computer.

The most important decisions are not what you do, but what you choose not to do.

When you're young and watch TV, you think that the TV companies are in cahoots and want to make people stupid. But then you grow up and the understanding comes: people themselves want it.

The way a thing looks is not a design. Design is the principle of its work.

Nobody wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die for it. Moreover, death is our common destiny. No one escaped her. And this is right, because Death is the only and best invention of Life. In this way, Life changes its carriers. She clears away the old to make way for the new. Now the new is you, but gradually you are getting old and have to give up your place.

If you haven't found what you're looking for yet, keep looking. Don't stop. Because it goes to the heart of things, you won't miss the moment when you actually find it.

There is no such thing as a successful person who has never stumbled or made a mistake. There are only successful people who made mistakes and then changed their plans based on those same mistakes. I'm just one of those guys.

Steve Jobs died on October 5 after a long illness at the age of 56. His parting words were:

“I have reached the pinnacle of business success. In the eyes of others, my life was a symbol of success. However, apart from work, I had little joy in life. Finally, my wealth is nothing more than a fact to which I have become accustomed. At the moment, lying in bed in the hospital and remembering my whole life, I realize that all the praise and wealth that I was so proud of have become something insignificant in the impending death.

In the dark, when I look at the green light on the artificial respiration equipment and hear all the sounds of the mechanics, I feel the breath of death. Only now do I realize, after I have enough money for the rest of my life, that we must pursue other goals that do not involve wealth. There must be something more important: For example, love stories, art, dreams from my childhood. The constant race for profit turns a person into a puppet. This happened to me too.

God gave us feelings so that we can tell our loved ones about our love. The wealth that I have acquired in my life, I cannot take with me. All that I will take with me are only memories associated with love. This is real wealth that should follow you, accompany you, give you strength to move on. Love can overcome great distances. Life has no limits. Reach the heights you want to reach. Go where your heart calls you. It's all in your hands.

Having money, you can hire a bunch of people who will drive you around and do things around the house or work. But no one will take on your illnesses. The material things that we miss can still be found, earned, found. But there is one thing that you will never find if you lose it. This is life. It doesn't matter how old you are now or what you've achieved. There will come a day for all of us when the curtain comes down... Your treasure is the love of your family, lovers, loved ones, friends... Take care of yourself. Take care of others."

I collect the most best quotes Steve Jobs in Russian and English, spoken by him at different times.

About the meaning of life

We are here to make a contribution to this world. Otherwise why are we here?

We eat food that other people grow. We wear clothes that other people have made. We speak languages ​​that were invented by other people. I think the time has come for us to become useful to humanity.

Only having a goal brings meaning and satisfaction to life. This not only promotes better health and longevity, but also gives you a little optimism during a difficult time.

Remembering that I will die soon is the most important tool that helps me make difficult decisions in my life. Because everything else - other people's opinions, all this pride, all this fear of embarrassment or failure - all these things fall in the face of death, leaving only what is really important. Remembering death is the best way to avoid thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked. You no longer have any reason not to follow your heart.

Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. When you go to bed, telling yourself that you did something wonderful is what is really important.

About your place at Apple

This is not a one-man show. Two things breathe new life into this company. Firstly, there are a lot of truly talented people in this company who have been told by the whole world for a couple of years that they are losers - and some of them were almost ready to believe it themselves. But they are not failures. What they lacked was a good coaching team, a good plan. Good senior management. But now they have it.

About the role of the leader

It's not my job to be soft with people. My job is to make them better. My job is to pull from different parts of the company, clear paths and gather resources for key projects. Taking these great people we have and pushing them and making them even better, giving them a bolder vision of what the future should be.

I can fire someone and then call them to discuss a project or rehire them. The past doesn't bother me, only the present matters.

About moving forward

I think if you've done something and it turned out pretty well - you should go and do something else without stopping there for too long. Just decide what's next.

About errors

There is no such thing as a successful person who has never stumbled or made a mistake. There are only successful people who made mistakes and then changed their plans based on those same mistakes. I'm just one of those guys.

About work

There is only one way to do great work - to love it. If you haven't come to this, wait. Don't bother. Let your heart tell you it first.

Good artists create, great artists steal, and real artists deliver on time.

About competitors

The only problem with Microsoft is they have no taste. They have absolutely no taste. I'm not talking about a lack of original ideas, I'm talking about the fact that they don't bring culture into their products.

Microsoft has spent many millions of dollars on the development and development of their own products, but for some reason they all look like copies of Apple products. When I want to cheer myself up, I immediately remember this fact.

About me

I'm one of the few people who knows what it's like to lose a quarter of a billion dollars in a year. It shapes the personality very well.

There was a time when I slept on the floor of friends' rooms and traded bottles to buy a veggie burger. Now, after receiving several billion dollars worth of shares and property, my everyday life has changed somewhat, but I swear, not me.

I don't trust a computer I can't lift.

Death is the best invention of life. She is the cause of change. She clears away the old to make way for the new.

About higher education

The value of higher education is undeniable. But, I want to say that it will not help in gaining experience.

About risk

Any greatest figure, whether Newton or Picasso were willing to take risks and could often fail.

About someone else's opinion

How does a person know what he wants if he has never seen the product.

About confidence

All the objects around you were created by people just like you, neither smarter nor stupider than you. You can change the world around you, create products that others will use.

About the future

I would rather be unsure about the future development of the product than do something that is not original.

About details

We make the smallest details of our products unforgettable.

About geniuses

Dedicated to the marginalized, rebels and hooligans. To all those who are ready to change the world around them, who have their own view of familiar things... Even if someone considers them crazy, we see geniuses in them.

About problems

You need a problem to solve, a bug to fix.

About passion

Do what you enjoy. Otherwise, you will never have enough strength and patience to finish the job to the end.

About the choice

There are many different things you can do. But once we have chosen something specific, it is worth making it great.

The best quotes from Steve Jobs, most often quoted both during the life of the Apple leader and after his death.

Innovation distinguishes the leader from the catcher.

Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your inner voice. And most importantly: have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you really want to become.

Don't get upset and give up on life. But if life has left you, you should be upset.

TV is dull and kills a lot of time. Turn it off and you'll save a few brain cells. However, be careful - you can also become dumb using an Apple computer.

Stay hungry. Stay reckless.

Steve Jobs is an unshaven Buddhist in worn jeans, a rebel who always went against the grain.

If you need powerful motivation or you decide to touch the life and thoughts of a great man, a genius who changed time, then you have come to exactly the right place!

Foto-Elf magazine has collected for you the best quotes from Steve Jobs, one of the founders of Apple Corporation and the Pixar film studio. An American entrepreneur, engineer, inventor and industrial designer, a pioneer of the IT era, he touched our hearts with his genius and unmatched sense of humor.

Brilliant quotes from Steve Jobs

● We are given life to make our contribution to it. Otherwise, why are we in this world?

● The best invention in life is death. Death is the cause of change. Death removes the old and thereby opens the way for the new.

● If you have a goal, then you know the meaning of life, which means you are satisfied with it. Believe me, it is the goal that helps us in difficult times, makes us stronger and inspires us for a long life.

● Personally, I don’t care about the past, I only think about the present, it is the present that has any meaning.

● If you want to follow a new path, you must pave it yourself.

● Stay hungry. Stay reckless.

● Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you really want to become.

● Being the richest man in the cemetery is not the main thing... Going to bed and telling yourself that you really did something wonderful is what is important.

● When you are young and watch TV, you think that the television companies are in cahoots and want to dumb down people. But then you grow up and the understanding comes: people themselves want it. And that's a much more frightening thought. Conspiracy is not scary! You can shoot whoever you want! Start a revolution! But TV companies are simply meeting demand. And it's true.

● The most important decisions are not what you do, but what you choose not to do.

● Don't let the views of others drown out your own inner voice.

● If you haven't found what you're looking for yet, keep looking. Don't stop. Because it goes to the heart of things, you won't miss the moment when you actually find it.

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California. He died at the age of 56 on October 5, 2011. He made himself. He built a corporation from scratch, brick by brick, with the extraordinary character of a leader, purpose and will to win. Some people don’t like him, while others idolize him, but one cannot help but admit that this man is a genius of our time. Each of his quotes is a call to action, motivation to reach heights. We at Foto-elf also encourage you to visit our section more often to recharge yourself with positivity and new “food for thought.”
