How to find a company by okpo code. How to find out your okpo. With the help of specialized law firms

20.10.2021 Kinds

In the course of daily activities, enterprises and entrepreneurs use the OKPO code in contracts, documents, and agreements. At the same time, many have no idea what it is and what this code is actually needed for. And, by the way, it makes it possible to monitor the activities of entrepreneurs and organizations.

What is OKPO?

The time has come to discuss such an identifier as OKPO. When registering, any organization is assigned a lot of specific numbers and codes. And OKPO is just one of the most significant. It is on its basis that other encodings are assigned. Until the enterprise is assigned this, it cannot operate. In fact, it is in an illegal position.

Entrepreneurs are well aware that this code is required when filling out many important documents. However, for many people, the mechanism for generating the OKPO code and the decoding of this concept remains a secret behind seven locks. Although in fact there are no secrets in this matter. We will provide you with the maximum amount of information on this issue, you will easily navigate this issue.

How to decipher the abbreviation?

OKPO (the decoding is quite simple) is an all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations. What is the organization code itself? It must be said that it is assigned once and does not change throughout the entire functioning of the organization. Even during reorganization or the appearance of branches, this parameter remains unchanged. This is, so to speak, a constant value. Change is possible only if the sphere of activity changes.

What is the difference in OKPO for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities?

The OKPO code is a number consisting of ten or eight digits. The first nine or seven digits correspond to the enterprise number (serial), the last number is always a control indicator.

For legal entities, OKPO according to TIN is always an eight-digit number. It is assigned during the initial registration of the enterprise, depending on the chosen area of ​​activity. OKPO is immediately reflected in the primary extract of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and then it is entered into the information database Federal service state statistics.

OKPO according to TIN for individual entrepreneurs is a ten-digit number.

The unified register in Russia was created more than twenty years ago. It includes three groups of entities carrying out activities:

  1. Individual entrepreneurs (IP).
  2. Legal entities.
  3. Enterprises and organizations that do not have status legal entity, but at the same time carrying out business activities.

Why is it necessary for an organization to have OKPO?

We have already found out what OKPO is. But what is it needed for? First of all, it is needed to indicate the industry in which the enterprise operates. In other words, this is the most important official classifier that unites business entities according to their specialization.

The main purpose is to organize statistical data about enterprises and ensure the identification of absolutely all entrepreneurs and legal entities. But that's not all, there are other goals:

  1. Combining government databases with other information resources that have information about enterprises.
  2. Simplified data exchange between different departments.
  3. To forecast the social and economic development of the country, as well as analyze statistical information.
  4. Creation of a unified information space of the Russian Federation.
  5. Introduction of automated data processing in departments.

In general terms, we can say that OKPO is used for statistical exchange of information between various government agencies. Since OKPO has no relation to the tax authorities, it therefore does not carry any information about the taxation of the enterprise. So what is OKPO? This is the most important of the statistical registration codes. An enterprise cannot operate legally until it has been assigned this code. Moreover, if it does not correspond to the company’s field of activity, then inspection structures may impose penalties.

OKPO: deciphering the code

The classifier is divided into two parts. The first is intended for legal entities, their representative offices, divisions and branches, as well as for those enterprises that do not have the appropriate legal status. And the second is intended for individual entrepreneurs.

Both parts have subsections that are devoted to:

  1. The name of the object.
  2. Individual characteristics of the enterprise.
  3. Classification criteria.

Let's look at each section in more detail. The first indicates the name of the company. If the conversation is about an organization that does not have legal status, then this block indicates not only its full name, but also its abbreviated name in Russian. If the organization also has an English name, then this data is already indicated in a special line for additional information.

When registering an individual entrepreneur, in the “name” section, enter the last name, first name and patronymic of the entrepreneur (in the form of the nominative case).

The second section contains the OKPO code itself. As we have already said, for individual entrepreneurs it is ten numbers, and for organizations it is eight. So, the first two numbers determine the scope of activity:

  1. Labor and natural resources.
  2. Goods created in the process of production and labor activities.
  3. National economy.
  4. Documents, management.

All other digits of the code are simply a serial number given during registration. The very last digit is the control digit. It is calculated using a special method.

The third section contains code values ​​of other classifiers:

  1. OKATO - classifies objects by territorial and administrative affiliation. With its help, it is easy to determine the possible location of the organization.
  2. OKFS – information about the form of ownership of an organization or legal entity.
  3. OKVED – indicates the type of economic activity (what the enterprise does).
  4. OKOGU - with its help you can find out which department the enterprise belongs to.
  5. OKTMO - provides information about the municipal territory on which the facility is located.

We would like to note that there are no identical codes. Sometimes it happens that when an enterprise is liquidated after five years, its code may be assigned to another organization.

How to find out your OKPO?

How to find out OKPO? Such information is found in registration documents. If for some reason you cannot view them there, then you can send a request to the Federal State Statistics Service to provide the required code. To find out OKPO, you will need a person’s passport, tax identification number, and constituent documents of the enterprise. The answer will be given in five days by mail or by hand.

But there is an easier way to find an OKPO company. You can use the Internet. With its help, you can find several resources that advise on this issue. Among government websites, this is the resource of the Tax Service, where you can find out OKPO using company details.

And there is also a specialized OKPO portal, which gives direct access to databases of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

Looking for OKPO via the Internet

The Russian Tax Service has developed a specialized online service for searching OKPO by TIN. It is located on their website. It provides the ability to find the location of the business, but not the code itself. To find out the code itself, you need to contact the administration.

If you know OKPO, you will have access to all statistical data. This will help you draw conclusions about the reliability of your partner or counterparty.

The OKPO classifier allows the state to maintain a unified database of all business entities. Thanks to this, a unified register of statistical data and a common information field have been created. The classifier is constantly changing. There is simply no point in publishing it. Firstly, it would turn out to be huge, and secondly, it would have to be republished every week.

In general, speaking about what OKPO is, it should be noted that the code is important, first of all, for government agencies. From it they receive complete information about the business entity. In addition, the code facilitates interdepartmental information exchange.

Is it possible to find out OKPO by TIN?

To find out OKPO by TIN, you can simply contact the Federal Tax Service or Rosstat. An extract is issued within five minutes from the information base of the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for enterprises.

The document can also be obtained from the Federal Tax Service in your region. But to obtain OKPO by TIN, you will have to fill out a specialized form.

Is OKPO necessary for individual entrepreneurs?

Practice shows that most entrepreneurs have no idea about their OKPO, because when filling out any documents they are allowed to put a dash in this line. The code is not required when conducting business or when submitting reports to the tax office.

It should be noted that OKPO is more required in statistics and in tax structures. But for individual entrepreneurs it can be useful only in rare cases.

For individual entrepreneurs, this code began to be assigned only in 1999, so if you started your activity earlier, you may not know your number. Then you should request it from Rosstat.

Instead of an afterword

In our article we talked about what OKPO is, its meaning and where you can find it. We hope that our information was useful to budding entrepreneurs. Because knowing the code makes it possible to collect some information about the counterparty or future partner, and this is important. After all, if you are informed, it means you are armed. And there is never too much information. We wish you good luck.

It is not difficult to manage multi-level information about the activities of business entities in the country if you classify them using OKPO.

Many entrepreneurs just starting their journey are faced with questions about what OKPO is and whether it is possible to obtain information about the classifier using.

OKPO concept

The abbreviation OKPO means “All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations.” The service handles this information. The code of such a classifier is received by all registered legal entities, their special divisions or persons.

Typically, this data does not change throughout the entire period of operation of the enterprise.

Adjustments can only be made in cases where there has been a change in the scope of activity. That is why the tax authorities every day report information about registered persons to the services that are in charge of such statistics.

Important: OKPO is information that is not classified as confidential (not required). However, this information cannot be found in a printed form accessible to everyone. That is why the question of where you can find out OKPO by TIN is of interest to many Russians.

To understand what a classifier is, it is enough to have an idea of ​​its structural features. This classifier consists of two sections:

Any of these sections contains information on each subject, presented in 3 blocks:

  1. Personal data of the entrepreneur (full name), name of the organization (full and short form). If there is a name on English language, then it must also be specified.
  2. The OKPO code itself. It is represented by a set of numbers, for legal entities - eight digits, for individual entrepreneurs - ten digits.
  3. Contains information about other classifiers (meaning OKATO, OKFS, OKTMO, OKOPF and others).

The classifier is needed in order to:

  • determine the sectors of activity of specific enterprises;
  • identify business entities;
  • create a unified information field;
  • optimize the information processing process;
  • lead to the streamlining of the database, which will subsequently be used to predict economic changes in our country.

We recognize OKPO organizations by TIN

When registering as a legal entity, any enterprise receives its own All-Russian Classifier code.

It is possible to obtain information about the OKPO of an organization using the TIN and other information of the legal entity in different ways.

  • You can send a written request to government agencies. statistics. Such a request is accompanied by a document, which can be obtained from the tax authorities for a fee.
  • Get information on the website Kodyrosstat.rf. Proceeding according to this scheme: first, the region where the organization is located is selected from the list and the TIN or OGRN is noted in a special form. Using this method, you will be able to obtain the necessary data in just a few minutes and absolutely free. Information on the site is updated twice a month.
  • Knowing the name of the organization, its TIN or OGRN, you can get to the bottom of the necessary information using special services:

As well as other services.

Important: the vast majority of these services provide paid services.

  • You can also obtain the necessary information about the classifier by analyzing some tax documentation or, which often contains information about the code.
  • If you need to find OKPO of a large organization, you can use an Internet search engine. As a rule, such enterprises have their own website with posted information, which may include the number of interest.

It is possible to find out OKPO much easier, just look at the registration documents. The code can be seen on enterprise licenses, permits or certificates.

Finding OKPO for individual entrepreneurs

Many individual entrepreneurs do not even realize that they have an OKPO code. Due to the lack of constituent documents, the IP classifier is a 10-digit set of numbers that carries the necessary information about the subject.

If necessary, an individual entrepreneur can obtain information about the classifier number by visiting the branch.

It is enough to fill out an application with a request to provide an information letter with the appropriate content. The applicant must have passport details, a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs and a TIN number.

Important: Depending on where the plant is located, the expected data can be received in approximately 5 days.

The central representative office of the Federal tax authorities also has the ability to provide samples from a single state. register of legal entities.

Ways to determine OKPO by TIN for free

You can find out OKPO by TIN completely free of charge. There are several known methods:

  • The most correct way is to find out the information of interest from Rosstat (). By contacting a specialist at the regional representative office of this organization, you will need to fill out a special form, after which the applicant will be sent an information letter indicating the OKPO code of the company of interest. When contacting Rosstat, you will need to provide your passport details (if the document is expired, you will have to pay

In legal and commercial practice one cannot do without the use of various codes, classifiers and forms. And if, relating to document forms, is usually known by default, then in order to find the OGRN, TIN or OKPD of an organization, you often have to make an effort. Not all companies provide the counterparty with the necessary information, and the time spent sending a request and waiting for a response cannot be returned.

Moreover, even having received (a business partner), an inexperienced businessman may be confused by the abundance of information. What does the OKPO code mean, for example, what is its decoding, why is it so important and where can I get it? Our material is devoted to the answers to this question.

What does OKPO mean?

The abbreviation OKPO clearly stands for “All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations.” This classifier is a large collection of codes assigned for each specific enterprise (company with limited liability or a joint stock company), as well as for an individual entrepreneur in accordance with the main type of activity.

Important: the OKPO code is decisive for an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. Without it, it is impossible, and even simple, to conduct commercial activities within the framework of domestic legislation. This is why it is so important to inquire about the presence of an OKPO code among new business partners: if there is a code, this at least means that the company has successfully passed the state registration procedure.

Why is OKPO needed?

The OKPO code, like any other used in Russian document flow, is needed to uniquely identify an organization or individual entrepreneur, as well as to be able to assign them other statistical codes that characterize the main and additional types of activities, products manufactured, services provided, the procedure for using resources and etc. In business practice, the OKPO code is indicated as an additional detail and serves as evidence of the “authenticity” of the counterparty, but has no practical use.

The corresponding codes assigned to legal entities consist of eight digits; individual entrepreneurs - out of ten.

Important: in accordance with the law and elementary logic, the identification code of an object according to OKPO must be unique, that is, not coincide with other current codes in the same system. The key word is “current”: if an organization or individual entrepreneur was liquidated more than five years ago, the OKPO code is automatically considered released and can be assigned to a completely different legal entity.

The classifier code consists of three consecutive blocks:

  1. The first two digits indicate the type of activity of the enterprise or company. There are four main areas:
    • extraction of natural resources or creation of labor;
    • production of products and consumer goods;
    • management of the national economy;
    • work with paper and electronic documentation and management activities.
  2. The remaining numbers, except the last one, are an individual code generated by the system during the registration process. It is this combination (without taking into account the first two and final digits) that must be unique.
  3. The last digit is a control digit, calculated using an open algorithm and necessary for further verification of the authenticity of the assigned code.

Important: it is the ability to independently check whether the numbers of the first and second blocks correspond to the control one that allows the counterparty to verify the reliability of the business partner.

Where can I get OKPO for an organization?

Unfortunately, it will not be possible on the Federal Tax Service website. But you can find it:

  1. On the Goskomstat website or in a letter received upon request from that structure.
  2. In the constituent documents of the counterparty company.
  3. On the imprint of the seal of an organization or individual entrepreneur.
  4. When contacting the tax office in person.

Important: in most cases to find necessary information, you need to know the TIN, OGRN, or at least the full name of the company.

Let's sum it up

The OKPO code is necessary to uniquely identify an individual entrepreneur or organization, as well as to assign other statistical codes. It consists of three blocks; a unique sequence of digits is contained in the average. Without an assigned code, a company has no right to engage in commercial activities.

You won’t be able to view the company’s OKPO code on the tax website. You will have to use the search form on the Goskomstat portal, find out information from the counterparty or pay a visit to the Federal Tax Service office. To search via the Internet, you need to know the TIN, OGRN or company name.

The Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006. No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (hereinafter referred to as FZ-152). This Policy defines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data in the service (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) in order to protect the rights and freedoms of humans and citizens when processing their personal data, including the protection of rights to privacy , personal and family secrets. In accordance with the law, the service is for informational purposes and does not oblige the visitor to make payments or other actions without his consent. The collection of data is necessary solely to communicate with the visitor at his request and inform him about the services of the service.

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You can find OKPO using the organization's tax identification number for free and in paid programs without looking up from the monitor. The most well-known way is to use the official resource of Rosstat. But other services also provide search options, some of them fast and free. Use one of these programs. And if you already use the services of our partners, detailed instructions for finding the necessary details will not be superfluous.

OKPO is an all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations. This statistical code is needed to determine the industry of activity and is assigned when registering a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.
The code does not characterize the organization’s activities specifically - it is more general compared to OKVED. When deciphered, it gives an idea of ​​the direction of activity of the company or individual entrepreneur. There are four such directions:
1) natural and labor resources;
2) products of labor and production activities;
3) subjects of the national economy;
4) management and documentation.
Based on the first two numbers, the general scope of the organization’s activities is clear. The value of the code changes only when the main activity changes - then the numbers are adjusted. The number is unique and is assigned to each branch or representative office of the organization if it has separate divisions.

OKPO is an all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations. This statistical code is needed to determine the industry of activity and is assigned when registering a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The code does not characterize the organization’s activities specifically - it is more general compared to OKVED. When deciphered, it gives an idea of ​​the direction of activity of the company or individual entrepreneur. There are four such areas: 1) natural and labor resources; 2) products of labor and production activities; 3) subjects of the national economy; 4) management and documentation. Based on the first two numbers, the general scope of the organization’s activities is clear. The value of the code changes only when the main activity changes - then the numbers are adjusted. The number is unique and is assigned to each branch or representative office of the organization if it has separate divisions.

You can find out the OKPO code using the services:

How to find out OKPO code by TIN - detailed instructions

You can find out OKPO by TIN online for free or using paid services. Below we will tell you in more detail about how to find out the OKPO code using the organization’s TIN.

Using the Contour Focus service

1. Log in to your account or request short access to the demo version for free, then enter your individual tax number in the search bar and click the search button. It is important to remember that each department has its own OKPO code from the classifier. Therefore, when searching for the details of a large and extensive organization, determine what data you need: the head office or a separate division. Using the available number, all branches of the company can be found.

2. The information you are looking for will immediately appear in the list of details. We found out the OKPO code of the parent company Sberbank.

Using the My Business Bureau service

1. In your account or in the free demo version, which can be accessed in a minute, enter the details you know in the search bar.

2. The search will not take much time: the value is visible immediately on the page that opens.

Do not forget that if you need branch details large company, it will be different: the head office and representative offices have different codes from the OKPO classifier, although the taxpayer number is the same.

Using the Fira Pro service

1. Log in to your account or, without registering, enter your taxpayer identification number (TIN) in the search bar.

2. The service will find the required legal or individual, and a complete certificate can be purchased for 250 rubles. However, the number according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations can be viewed for free by clicking on the company name.

3. Details are visible immediately - in business card organization presented on the site.

Using the SKRIN@ASTRAL service

1. Demo access to the program is not provided, so this method is available only to users of the paid version. But in it you can carry out a convenient search for OKPO by TIN. Once logged into your account, click on the “Legal Entities” tab. To find out the details of an individual entrepreneur, click on the next tab.

Enter the TIN in the search bar and click the “Find” button. The entire list of legal entities registered under this number will appear, and you will find the required division at the address. Do not forget: the details of a separate division will differ from the data about the legal entity itself. We are looking for information about Sberbank PJSC, and information about the parent company will be first on the list.

2. There is no need to download the statement or even open full information about the company - the required number is immediately visible on the page that opens.

Using the IGK Group service

1. By clicking on the “Start working” button on the website, you will immediately be taken to the express help order window. A complete certificate about the company is issued for money, but basic details can be seen for free. Enter the TIN you know in the line to search for information.

2. When you need to find the details of a large company with many branches, it is better to use additional clarifications. Select to search only by head offices, or clarify the company’s status: search only for active ones, ignoring liquidated ones. For example, let’s find data on the parent company PJSC Sberbank by specifying the parameter.

3. The necessary information will be visible immediately. You don’t even have to go to the IGK Group website: the search form is made on our portal, and basic information can be viewed for free.

Using the Unirate24 service

1. The service is paid: to use it, register or order demo access for a short period. Information is available when ordering a full certificate of verification of a legal entity. To do this, first top up your balance using bank card or current account, then check the “Business reference” box and click “Next”.

2. By entering the TIN, you will receive a full certificate containing registration data, including the required code according to the all-Russian OKPO classifier.

OKPO by TIN find out online: Rosstat (Moscow)

1. You can find the information you need for free on the official Rosstat resource, but this method is the longest and most confusing if you don’t immediately know where to look.

Go to the website and select the territorial statistics office of the region in which the company you are looking for is located. For example, let’s select Moscow, which is marked on the map with an asterisk, and find the details of Sberbank PJSC. The address of the Moscow Region Statistics website will appear below - follow the link.

2. On the main page of the capital's Rosstat, look for the link highlighted in red. Follow it to get to the form for creating notifications.

Each regional official resource of the Statistics Service is different from the other, and not everywhere the service for searching for codes using the OKPO classifier is as clearly highlighted as on the Moscow site. Therefore, it is better to immediately remember the link - - the page for generating notifications, and when searching for a code from the OKPO classifier, go directly to it, bypassing the main page of the Rosstat website.

3. Enter your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in the required line, check the “I’m not a robot” box and click “Search”.

4. You will see information about all branches and representative offices of Sberbank. The parent company is first on the list.

On the tax website

Tax Service services allow you to obtain a full extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs for a company. To search for a legal entity, you must enter the INN (or OGRN).

When downloading, you will receive a document on several sheets, but since OKPO is not a tax detail, it will not contain information from the OKPO classifier; How can I find out the necessary data using the TIN in this case? You can obtain an OKPO code using such a certificate from the statistics service and the city administration.