N.A. Nekrasov. "Peasant Children" Presentation. Presentation on the topic Peasant children. Nekrasov Presentation on Nekrasov peasant children

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N.A. Nekrasov “Peasant Children” Literature, 5th grade Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov Lesson topic: “Poetry” of peasant childhood based on the poem “Peasant Children” Work algorithm: read the text of the poem; find and underline lines related to the problem under study; prepare for the defense research results; prepare an answer in the form: “We researched... and found...” Attention! Correct answer! In the text of N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “Peasant Children” there is no description of toys, but there is a description of children’s amusements: And he, having tied his shirt under his throat, Mysteriously draws something in the sand; That one huddled in a puddle, and this one with a new one: She wove herself a glorious wreath, - Everything is white, yellow, lavender, and occasionally a red flower. Those sleep in the sun, those dance squatting. Here is a girl catching a horse with a basket: She caught it, jumped up and rode it. Attention! Correct answer! Attention! Correct answer! Means of expressiveness Litotes is an understatement Creative work - cinquain Cinquain is a poem of five lines. Rules for creating a cinquain: 1st line: one noun - the key word in the name of the topic; 2nd line: two adjectives related to the topic; 3rd line: three verbs, revealing the topic; 4 line: a sentence conveying the main idea; 5 line: one noun - a synonym (word close in meaning) to the noun written in the first line. Well done! Thanks for the work!

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Nikolai Alekseevich



Mother - Elena Andreevna, noblewoman.

Elena Andreevna gave all her love and tenderness to her children. She was seriously involved in their upbringing, read to them a lot, played the piano and sang for them. Little Nikolai was passionately attached to his mother; he spent long hours with her. Nekrasov dedicated his first poems to his mother in honor of her name day, when he was 7 years old. Elena Andreevna encouraged him to study literature. She dreamed that her son would become an educated man.

Father Alexey Sergeevich was a poor landowner, a former army officer, a rude man, he treated the peasants cruelly, oppressed his family, and offended his wife. The boy saw his mother crying and was very sorry.

Father often left home, and how easy it was for everyone to breathe then! My father loved hunting, was proud that he had a pack of wonderful dogs in his kennel, and, of course, the last thing he thought about was that during the hunt his dogs and horses trampled peasant fields and left entire families without bread.

Shepherdesses. Vladimir Egorovich Makovsky.

Electronic manual

Fisherwomen. Vladimir Egorovich Makovsky.

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Peasant children (excerpt)

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"Peasant Children"
N.A. Nekrasov

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Born on November 28 (December 10), 1821 in the town of Nemirov, where his father’s regiment was stationed.

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The poet's father, Alexey Sergeevich Nekrasov, belonged to an old but impoverished noble family. Both he and his brothers chose a military career. Alexey Sergeevich took part in Patriotic War 1812, and his brothers died in the Battle of Borodino. Nekrasov’s father is a typical servant of the serf-owning nobles, alien to any interests. Officer's adventures, unbridled revelry and cards filled his life in the hours free from duty.

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Nekrasov’s mother, Elena Andreevna, was an amazingly soft, kind, well-educated woman, she was the complete opposite of her rude and narrow-minded husband. Elena Andreevna was seriously involved in raising children, read to them a lot, played the piano and sang for them.
Favorite place Nekrasov's mother

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At the end of 1824, the family moved to their family estate Greshnevo, twenty miles from Yaroslavl.

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In August 1832, Alexei Sergeevich Nekrasov “presented his two sons, Andrei and Nikolai, for training” at the Yaroslavl gymnasium.

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A stone outbuilding has been preserved from the former Greshnevo estate early XIX V. According to legend, A.S. Nekrasov kept his serf musicians in this house. At the end of the 19th century. a second, wooden floor was built on, and in the former “music room” the roadside tavern “Razdolye” began to rustle. A small corner of the manor park and linden trees planted by the poet’s mother have been preserved...

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Abakumtsevo. Nekrasov family crypt.

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The grave of E.A. Nekrasova, the poet’s mother, is located in the most honorable part of the church cemetery, at the altar.

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Not far from the church there is a two-story wooden house. This is a school for peasant children, built by N.A. Nekrasov at his expense in 1872.

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During one of his visits to Greshnevo in the summer of 1861, Nekrasov created the poem “Peasant Children.” The poem is written in the form of notes from a hunter. The beginning and end of it is a story about a meeting between a hunter and children. The poet shows that communication with nature and work shape resourcefulness, curiosity, and patience in peasant children. The work shows different aspects of the life of peasant children and conveys the poet’s lyrical thoughts about the difficult life of peasants.
Poem "Peasant Children"

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V. Makovsky. Peasant children

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Vocabulary work verses - verses string - a number of identical objects located one after another rushed away - chaff ran away - remnants of ears of grain

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1. The hunter is glad to return to his native village. 2. Village children look at the unfamiliar master. 3. The hunter's memories of childhood, fun with peasant children. 4. Thoughts on child labor. 5. Meeting of the poet with the “peasant” Vlas. 6. Fingal's performance for village spectators. 7. A thunderstorm separates the peasant children.
Poem outline

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What mood is in Part I? How to determine that a hunter is satisfied with his overnight stay? How does he perceive his surroundings?
He rejoices in the rays of the sun, the cooing dove, the cry of the rooks.

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“The Life and Work of Nekrasov” - N. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. G. Nekrasov. Born N. Completed by 6th grade student Alexander Goroshko Teacher I.P. Fuchs. In 1846, Nikolai Nekrasov with I. Life and Creativity. 1821 – 1877 A. A. Nekrasov.

“Nekrasov 10th grade” - Completed by students of the 10th grade of secondary school No. 2 Volkov I. and Grushko E. leader Emelyanova O. B. The dead end in which feelings come. In conclusion, let us return once again to the question of the innovation of Nekrasov’s love lyrics. Goal: And yet why we like it love lyrics Nekrasova? The theme of love is resolved in Nekrasov’s lyrics in a very unique way.

“Nekrasov Lyrics” - What is the peculiarity of poetry and innovation of N.A. Nekrasova? Topic: The originality of N.A. Nekrasov’s lyrics. The theme of the poet and poetry in lyrics. Princess Volkonskaya “No! Admire, but don’t bother us!” "Jack Frost". "On the Volga" “Do you know that you are a poet – and a true poet?” "Russian women". (1821-1878). “...I see a horse slowly ascending the mountain, carrying a cart of brushwood.

“Nekrasov’s Poem” - “Russian Women”. Life is a heroic effort... Polina Gebl (Annenkova). Arrival of Dobrolyubov at the editorial office. 1860 – departure from Sovremennik by I. S. Turgenev. Written based on the history of the Decembrists. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born in Ukraine, not far from Vinnitsa, in the town of Nemirov. The first in the beginning 1827 E. I. Trubetskaya, M. N. Volkonskaya, A. G. Muravyova arrived in the Nerchinsk mines.

“Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich” - In 1838 he began publishing his poems. At the age of 16, Nekrasov, at the insistence of his father, went to St. Petersburg to enroll in the Noble Regiment (officer school). Nekrasov was a deeply national poet. What Nekrasov had to endure! Monuments to N.A. Nekrasov. Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich (1821 – 1877).

“Poems of Nekrasov” - A. N. Ostrovsky. St. Petersburg in the life of N.A. Nekrasov. Poet and citizen. Nekrasov affirms the civic role of the poet. Nekrasov will run the magazine for almost 20 years. I. A. Goncharov. D. V. Grigorovich. A. Ya. Panaeva. I. S. Turgenev. Barge haulers on the Volga. I.E.Repin. Writer. L. N. Tolstoy. 2. The poem is a poetic manifesto of a democratic poet.

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The presentation on the topic “Children in the works of N.A. Nekrasov” can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Literature. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Images of children in the works of N. A. Nekrasov

Made by: Maxim Sobolev, 9 "A"

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Oh, dear rogues! Whoever has seen them often, He, I believe, loves peasant children... N. Nekrasov. Peasant children

N.A. Nekrasov is a great Russian poet-citizen, and his entire difficult but wonderful life is a vivid example of selfless service to the people. In his poems, he creates unforgettable images of peasants with all their joys and sorrows, hopes and disappointments.

“Who lives well in Rus'.”

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Nekrasov has a very special attitude towards children, to whom he dedicated more than one of his works (“Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”, “General Toptygin”, “Uncle Yakov”, etc.). Very touchingly, with warmth and even tenderness, the poet creates images of peasant children (“Peasant Children”): Chu! Some kind of whisper... but here is a line of attentive eyes along the road! All gray, brown, blue eyes - Mixed together like flowers in a field. There is so much peace, freedom and affection in them, There is so much holy kindness in them!

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Children for Nekrasov are happy people. Although they are deprived of parental affection and tenderness, and from an early age they observe the tireless work and eternal problems of adults, There is so much poetry poured into their lives, As God forbid your spoiled children.

Peasant children in the works of N. A. Nekrasov

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Absorbing, like a sponge, old fairy tales or stories about the concerns of their elders, peasant children grow up and are brought up among nature, their amusements include going into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, finding a hedgehog or black grouse, swimming in the river, and being naughty. They know all the forest paths, they know how to ride a horse, but the midges mercilessly eat him, but he is familiar with labor early.

Children grow and are educated in nature

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Indeed, unlike their rich peers, the children of the poor often bear the unbearable burden of earning a living through their labor. In peasant families, children often help adults: they work in the fields, babysit their younger brothers and sisters, clean the house, and cook. The fate of children who work from childhood in factories is terrible (“The Cry of Children”): All day in the factories we turn the wheels, we turn them, we turn them!

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Deprived of rest and sleep, often hungry and strained from overwork, children do not even have the opportunity to breathe fresh air: Where can we, exhausted in captivity, rejoice, frolic and jump! If we were allowed into the field now, we would end up in the grass - to sleep.

Even at home they have little joy - only “care and need.”

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Peasants engaged in hard, exhausting labor have no time for science, in which many of them see only a waste of time and effort. However, there are exceptions: Nekrasov joyfully addresses a boy going to school, knowing that for this sake “the father spent his last penny on his little son” (“Schoolboy”): Bare feet, dirty body And barely covered chest... Not ashamed! What's the matter? This is the path of many glorious ones.

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Comparing the peasant schoolboy with the young Lomonosov, Nekrasov expresses the hope that it is those who come from the people who are able to change the existing order and build a happy and comfortable future. In his opinion, poor people who understand the meaning and benefits of science, who are ready to give their last money for it, who spare no time and effort, can advance much further in their goals than lazy boyar sons: How many kind, noble, strong, loving souls are in the midst stupid, cold and pompous of themselves!

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A true people's poet, Nekrasov clearly understood that the roots of any person are in childhood. From childhood we take away our strengths and weaknesses, our future problems and the desire to change the present. Therefore, the poet’s parting words seem to me not only filled with warmth and love, but also wise: Play, children! Grow in freedom! That's why you were given a red childhood, So that you can forever love this meager field, So that it always seems sweet to you. Keep your centuries-old inheritance, Love your labor bread - And let the charm of childhood poetry Guide you into the depths of your native land!

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