Presentation on the topic of 19th century England. Presentation on history "England in the first half of the 19th century." Beginning of the Victorian era

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"The Industrial Revolution in England" - the steamship "Clermont". A revolution in vehicles. Industrial revolution in England. Large industrial industry. mechanical spinning wheel "Jenny". Prerequisites for the industrial revolution. steam locomotive "Rocket". Features of the industrial revolution in other countries. James Watt's steam engine.

“Industrial Society” - What changes have happened to old cities? Industrialization. What points related to the concept of a city in modern times? Morse apparatus. Radio A. S. Popov. New classes and population groups. What caused the emergence of new cities? Industrial society. Urbanization. Radio G. Marconi. The decline of crafts caused an influx of labor Low wage Unemployment Demographic growth.

“Colonies of Britain” - In the non-settler colonies, old forms of exploitation persisted. In the last third of the 19th century, Africa became the main arena for Britain's colonial conquests. In the last quarter of the 18th century, Great Britain experienced a serious crisis - the loss of 13 of its North American colonies. Enormous wealth was exported from the colonies, which contributed to the accelerated development of England.

“Frederick Wilhelm III” - The monument survived the war, but in the 50s it was sent for melting down. Already in her early youth, the princess was distinguished by her beauty and charm. Eldest son: Frederick William IV, King of Prussia from 1840 to 1861. The wedding took place in 1817. Alexander II is the son of Nicholas I and Charlotte of Prussia. In 1793 he married Louise, daughter of Prince Charles II of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.

"The Third Republic in France" - France: The Third Republic. "The Dreyfus Affair". Third Republic. France colonial empire. The Third Republic was proclaimed in France and existed until World War II. 1894 – Indictment 1906 – Complete acquittal. In 1875, pp. 170-171. Results of the war.

"Victorian era" - Exhibition halls. Queen Victoria. Lesson objectives: Develop intellectual skills. What can be said about the position of women in society? How can we explain this attitude towards women? Be able to actively perceive the material being studied. Crystal Palace - Crystal Palace. Lifestyle in the 19th century. Be able to analyze and summarize material.

There are 19 presentations in total

From the speech of the English politician D. Chamberlain (Extracts). “...Look at the results of our connection with the colonies, the consequences of our influence in Egypt and power in India, at the enormous efforts made by our compatriots to develop the as yet unexplored and vast areas of the African continent, and you will be convinced that the future of the working classes is more depends on the success of our foreign enterprises, which have spread throughout the universe, than ... on measures aimed at encouraging production.” What information about British history can be gleaned from this document?

By the end of the 19th century, Great Britain was losing its leadership in economic development among the leading countries of the world: 1. Increasing the export of capital abroad. English entrepreneurs and bankers preferred to invest capital not in domestic industry, but in countries where raw materials and labor were cheaper. The export of capital provided a profit five times higher than income from foreign trade. 2. The ruin of English farmers who could not stand the competition with cheap food from the colonies. 3. Decrease in the competitiveness of British goods compared to German and American ones. 4.Protectionism of younger industrial states, which fenced themselves off from the competition of British goods with high customs duties. England has traditionally adhered to duty-free trade rules.

British foreign policy Britain has no permanent allies. She has only permanent interests Palmerston Prime Minister of England 1. Active participation in the Crimean War, caused by the desire to weaken international authority Russian Empire. 2.Second Opium War against China and imposing unequal trade agreements on it. 3.Support for the slave-owning South during civil war in the USA

England in the XVIII-XIX centuries. led a consistent colonial expansion (expansion of influence) throughout the world Strongholds of colonization The most important colonial possessions Gibraltar control of the exit from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean Suez Canal Exit from the Mediterranean to the Red Aden exit from the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean Cape Town the route around Africa from the Atlantic to Indian Ocean Singapore the route from India to China Hong Kong approaches to China India is a huge territory with a population approximately 10 times the population of Great Britain Australia the so-called. "white" settler colony in pure form, since the local population was almost destroyed. Until 1868 served as a place of exile for convicts. Canada is a large settler colony, since 1867. received dominion rights to New Zealand, Egypt, Cape Colony in South Africa, territories in West Africa, Southern Burma, etc.

Fundamentals of colonial policy 1. Extermination or oppression of the local population 2. The principle of “Divide and conquer” 3. Expansion of British goods and capital 4. Exploitation of the natural resources of the colonies, turning them into a source of raw materials for English industry A British subject in any country in the world can be confident that that the watchful eye and strong hand of England would protect him from injustice and injury. Palmerston Prime Minister of England

Development of British imperialism 1. Concentration of production. Formation of monopolies. 2. Merger of industrial and banking capital. Formation of a financial oligarchy. 3. The predominance of the export of capital over the export of goods. 4.The struggle for the economic and territorial division of the world into spheres of influence. 5. Establishing a close connection between the financial oligarchy and the government. Prove with examples that in Great Britain at the end of the 19th century there were signs of imperialism

Since the 50s XIX century new names of political parties are introduced Thor and Conservatives Benjamin Disraeli () V i g and Liberals William Gladstone () s. – “time of reform” Political transformations

To r and conservatives Benjamin Disraeli () V i g and liberals William Gladstone () s. – “time of reforms” 1867 – second electoral reform. 1. 46 “rotten towns” were liquidated. 2.The property qualification has decreased. 3. The number of voters increased from 1.35 to 2.25 million people. - third electoral reform. 1. More than 100 “rotten towns” were destroyed. 2.The property qualification has decreased. 3.The number of voters increased to 5.5 million people and amounted to 13% of the population. The electoral reform of 1832 in England did not solve all the problems.

In the 1870s. liberals and conservatives carried out reforms through parliament: 1. Trade unions received the right to judicial protection and strikes. 2.The law on secret voting in parliamentary elections, which excluded the opportunity for wealthy deputies to influence voters. 3. School reform - schools were created throughout the country, many of them were free. 4.54-hour law working week. 5. It was prohibited to employ children under 10 years of age. 6. Self-government reform - at the head of each of the 122 districts was a council that had the rights of local authorities. The reforms contributed to the creation of civil society and the rule of law in Great Britain.

E gg. – economic crises Loss of England’s position as the “workshop of the world” Decline in living standards of unskilled workers The emergence of new trade unions uniting dockers, gas plant workers and other unskilled workers. Conducting strikes - the creation of a “Workers' Representation Committee”: an 8-hour working day, pensions from the age of 60, the election of workers' representatives to parliament, etc. - the creation of the Labor Party - the Socialist Party of Great Britain. The rise of the labor movement pushed the government to carry out social reforms.

One of the leaders of the Labor party was James Ramsay MacDonald (). Since 1906 - Chairman of the Labor Party. “Social reform is the path to socialism: it is the process of change in which an ugly caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly. Just as pence makes up a pound sterling, at some stage a given amount of reforms gives rise to a socialist system. Capitalism is developing into socialism."

1906 to 1916 – liberal rule 1. Entrepreneurs were prohibited from demanding from trade unions losses incurred by corporations during strikes. 2. At the expense of entrepreneurs, benefits were introduced for accidents at work and pensions for old people who have reached 70 years of age. 3. Established an 8-hour working day for miners in the city - insurance for illness, disability and unemployment at the expense of the state budget, contributions from entrepreneurs and contributions from the workers themselves. 5.Limited the veto power of the House of Lords. If the lower house passed the bill a third time, it automatically became law. 6. Attempts to resolve the Irish question. Moderate reforms in the name of “class peace.” David Lloyd George (). Leader of the Liberal Party

The death of Queen Victoria brought an end to a reign that lasted 64 years. The Victorian era, the era of the country's greatest prosperity and imperial greatness, has ended. The end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century. - a time when the country was actively undergoing a modernization process that affected politics, economics, and society. Monopoly capitalism developed in England and a system of social reforms was created. The struggle for the preservation and expansion of the colonial empire, for international prestige, brought Great Britain to the threshold of world war.

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Great Britain 19 -20 century. Lesson 17. Great Britain the end of the Victorian era. In the second half of the 19th century. England establishes control over a significant part of Africa, Burma, and introduces a de facto protectorate regime over Egypt in 1882. > Great Britain 19th -20th centuries -

Great Britain at the end XIX– beginning XX century

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By the end 19 century position England as a world leader were lost. 2 slide. (The goal of our lesson- analyze internal And foreign policy Great Britain in the 2nd half. 19 century - beginning 20 century and identify the reasons for the loss of world dominance Great Britain.) >

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History presentation on the topic " Great Britain at the end 19 ..."

Slide description: Great Britain at the end XIX– beginning XX century.Homework: §20 (questions from the plan) compose a story; write in a notebook to learn. Find material for any lesson by indicating your subject (category), class, textbook and topic > History presentation at

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England in the second half XIX- beginning XX century

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XX century. Automation of the sound [S] at the beginning of words with a combination of consonants. 1816-20 were marked by the rise of the democratic movement. For the first time, factory workers took part in it widely. By the middle 19 V. Great Britain completed the conquest of India (in... > Lesson 4. Great Britain in the 19th century

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Late 19th century - development of colonial policy Great Britain to the detriment of the interests of the domestic economy. Download a free presentation on the topic " Great Britain on the edge XIX-XX centuries. From the speech English politician D. Chamberlain... > Presentation on the topic:

Presentation on the topic: Great Britain on the edge XIX-XX centuries

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England in the second half XIX- beginning XX century

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England at the end XIX– beginning XX century- YouTube > England at the end of the 19th - beginning

Presentation on the topic: Great Britain on the edge XIX-XX centuries

Architecture of Russia 18- 19 centuries. Introductory lesson on the history of the Middle centuries.By the end XIX century Great Britain loses leadership in economic development among leading countries England in the XVIII- XIX centuries conducted consistent colonial expansion (expansion of influence) throughout... > Presentation on the topic:

Subject lesson: Great Britain V 19 -beginning 20 centuries

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Abstract of the open lesson on history on the topic " England V XIX..."

Lesson No. 18 Topic: Great Britain V XIX– beginning XX centuries Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the changes that have taken place in England XVIII century, on the example of history England XVIII century We will get acquainted with such a phenomenon as the industrial revolution. Points. 22- 20 . 19 - 16. > Abstract open lesson

Plan lesson

« England at first 19 century» - Modernization process in England. Start XIX century. 1830 – the Whig party came to power.“ Great Britain V 19 century» - England. Domestic policy. Great Britain and its dominions. > Plan lesson

Great Britain at the end 19 - at first 20 century- presentation...

By the end XIX century At the beginning of the twentieth century it became obvious that Great Britain no longer as powerful as before. Germany and the USA produced more steel and were better armed than Great Britain. The reasons for this change lie in the following: other countries had more... > Great Britain at the end of the 19th century

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at the end XIX century. England suffered the most prolonged and severe crisis since 1873. It affected industry, agriculture, trade, and finance. The center of colonialism in. in South Africa there was a Papal colony created by the Dutch in the second half of the 17th century century. > UK at the end

§ 8. Great Britain in the second half XIX– beginning XX century.

But by the end century USA ahead UK for the smelting of iron and steel, and at the beginning XX V. The British were also overtaken by Germany. England began to lag behind in other indicators. Pretty long Britannia held first place in the world in terms of total exports (i.e. exports)... > § 8. Great Britain in

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Subject lesson: « XIX century- century unprecedented prosperity Great Britain» Plan: 1. England 1815-1847 on 3. Describe the path England to greatness and prosperity in the beginning XIX century.IN 19 years old, he went to London and there he became an apprentice in a workshop that made navigation devices...

Xn--i1abbnckbmcl9fb.xn > Lesson of the problematic

England at the end XIX– beginning XX century- YouTube > England at the end of the 19th - beginning

Open lesson "Great Britain"Grade 10 download

integrated lesson. World history and English language. in 10th grade. OBJECTIVES: To study the political and economic situation Great Britain on the edge XIX-XX century.Economic development. Second half of XIX V. V England often called "Victorian".

summary of other presentations

“The Industrial Revolution and its Consequences” - Paths of development of capitalism. Industrial revolution and changes in society. Creation of international monopolistic unions. The appearance of a car. Assembly line. The predominance of capital export. Unions. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences. Signs of imperialism. Prerequisites for production renewal. Questions and tasks for self-control. Consequences of crises. Echelons of modernization. Territorial division of the world.

"The Creation of the British Empire" - Export of capital to the colonies. Tasks. Working with a document. At the end of the 19th century, the government faced a serious question. Conservatives. Party composition of parliament deputies. Reforms in England in the second half of the nineteenth century. In the 1830-1840s, the industrial revolution ends. What are the reasons for the slowdown in industrial development? Dominion. The Liberal Party has set itself the goal of reforms.

"Chartism" - Reform Bill. The Electoral Reform Movement. Tell us about Napoleon's domestic policy. England. Clash of Chartists with troops. 1838 – Chartist program (“People’s Charter”): Universal. Economic development of England. Chartist revolt. The meaning of the position. Chartist procession. Chartism. British foreign policy. Chartists are putting forward petitions. Chartist demonstration.

“England at the beginning of the 19th century” - 1830 - the Whig party came to power. Queen Victoria (1819-1901). Foreign policy. Reasons for the decline of Chartism. England is the “workshop of the world.” Results of the Chartist movement. Reform Bill. Beginning of the 19th century. British Empire. The Chartists are taking the Charter to Parliament. Chartist movement. The process of modernization in England. Victorian era. Chartism is a movement for electoral reform. England in the first half of the 19th century.

“Consequences of the Industrial Revolution in England” - The steam engine began to be used in transport. Capitalist industrialization of France in the 19th century. In the XVI-XVII centuries. the number of literate people is increasing. At the end of the 18th century. Mechanical engineering emerges in England. Creation of a more advanced harness. Technical innovations. US education and features of the industrial revolution. Export of English cotton goods. The formation of capitalism in Western Europe.

"Great Britain in the 19th century" - "Heroes of Manchester". "Victorian era". What contributed to the economic rise and fall of England. Suffrage. Labor aristocracy. England. England is the “workshop of the world.” India. Great Britain and its dominions. Domestic policy. Queen Victoria (1819-1901). England's technical superiority. Economic difficulties in the 19th century. Canada, Australia, New Zealand are dominions of England. Lesson plan.

Lesson 17. Great Britain at the end of the Victorian era

Lesson objectives: consider modification of the political regime in England; characterize the development trends of Great Britain in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries.

New terms: Labourism, Home Rule, Jongoism.

Lesson Plan

    Examination homework.

    Motivation for activity

    The era of reform.


    Irish Home Rule

During the classes

Checking homework

Conversation with students on the following questions:

1.Why the 18th century called the Age of Enlightenment?

2.List the famous philosophers of the Enlightenment.

3.What are the characteristic features of enlightenment?

4. Define the concept of “Enlightenment”

5.What have you learned about the art of this period?

Motivation Working with the text of the poem.

Read the poem expressively.

The most recent empire

And the most extensive praise!

For your profit and mine,

For our loan banks,

I drink to your merchant fleet!

God save the Queen!

R. Kipling

Tell me, what state is this poem talking about?

What lines helped you determine that it was talking about Great Britain?

3. Study a new topic

Today in the lesson we will continue to get acquainted with a country like Great Britain. The topic of the lesson is: “Great Britain: the end of the Victorian era.” Historians call the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries in the development of Great Britain “the end of the Victorian era.” Why do you think?

III. The era of reform.

In the second half of the 19th century. England was in crisis. She was losing her position as the undisputed world leader. In all markets it was squeezed by serious competitors.

Who do you think competed with Great Britain?

(First of all, Germany and the USA.)

What do you think is the reason for the English economy's lagging behind? (The re-equipment of the English economy took place at the beginning of the 19th century, and English entrepreneurs preferred to protect old equipment rather than buy new ones.)

What political parties competed in political life Great Britain?

(Tories (Conservatives) and Whigs (Liberals)).

It was a time of confrontation between two leaders - Benjamin Disraeli (Tory) and William Gladstone (Whig). Both Disraeli and Gladstone were advocates of major social change.

So in 1867, on the initiative of a conservative, a reform of the electoral law was carried out.

When was the last electoral reform carried out in England before 1867? (1832)

What was her goal?

(In the abolition of “rotten towns” and the expansion of suffrage.)

Group work

First group electoral reform of 1867

Using the textbook, find out on your own what the essence of the “Electoral Reform of 1867” is. . (According to the reform of 1867, many “rotten towns” were abolished and the property qualification was reduced. The last “rotten towns” disappeared according to the reform of 1884-1885, which was carried out by liberals led by Gladstone. Also in the second half of the 9th century, secret ballot).

Second group: “Bicameral system”. Make a diagram

However, the English Conservative and Liberal governments did not stop at reforming electoral legislation.

Thanks to their activities, trade unions were legalized, school reform was implemented, which contributed to democratization, a law on a 54-hour work week was passed, child labor was limited, etc.

Third group. “Era of reforms”

1.Name the politicians who carried out reforms.

2.Tell me about the reforms. Conducted by Parliament in the last third of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Draw a conclusion about their influence on the development of society.

(The specificity of conservative politics was the patronage of “Dzhongoism” - a political movement that aimed to expand and strengthen the English empire.

In the second half of the 19th century. England establishes control over a significant part of Africa, Burma, and in 1882 introduces a de facto protectorate regime over Egypt. In 1876, at the initiative of Disraeli, the Queen of England was officially proclaimed Queen of India.)

IV. Labor

The role of trade unions grew steadily. Over time, they become a significant political force. In 1900, at the united congress of trade unions, the “Workers' Representation Committee” was created, which was supposed to coordinate the activities of workers' associations in electing deputies. In 1906, the Committee grew into the Labor (i.e., workers) Party. Its leader was James Ramsay MacDonald.

1906 - formation of the Labor Party.

What did the traditional English political parties need to do to seize the initiative from Labour?

(Adopt a program of broad social reforms.)

In 1906-1916. The Whigs were in power. The actual head of government was David Lloyd George. At his instigation, laws were passed on freedom to strike, on the introduction of an 8-hour working day, on the establishment of pensions for persons over 70 years of age, on health and disability insurance, on limiting the powers of the House of Lords (now the Lords had the right only to suspensive veto).

V. Irish Home Rule

Who finally conquered Ireland?

(O. Cromwell.)

Ireland waged a merciless struggle for the right to self-government. This struggle was waged both locally and in parliament. In 1886, Gladstone attempted to pass the Home Rule Act. However, the Whigs failed in this regard. In 1912, an attempt was made again to pass this law - and again it failed. This time the obstacle was the House of Lords. It was not until 1914 that the Irish Home Rule Bill became law.

Why do you think it was in 1914?

(This was the year the world war began. England wanted to participate in it, being confident in internal stability.)

Consolidation: Students independently compose 4 questions and ask each other in a chain.
