Dates in Russian history: chronology. Key dates in Russian history Where in the Unified State Exam World History

The most important dates in Russian history,

things to remember when taking the Unified State Exam

  • VI century n. e., from 530 - Great Migration of the Slavs. The first mention of the Ros/Russians
  • 860 - the first Russian campaign against Constantinople
  • 862 - The year to which the “Tale of Bygone Years” refers to the “calling of the Norman king” Rurik.
  • 911 - The campaign of the Kyiv prince Oleg to Constantinople and the agreement with Byzantium.
  • 941 - Campaign of the Kyiv prince Igor to Constantinople.
  • 944 - Treaty of Igor with Byzantium.
  • 945 - 946 - Submission of the Drevlyans to Kyiv
  • 957 - Princess Olga's trip to Constantinople
  • 964–966 - Svyatoslav’s campaigns against the Kama Bulgarians, Khazars, Yasses and Kasogs
  • 967–971 - War of Prince Svyatoslav with Byzantium
  • 988–990 - The beginning of the baptism of Rus'
  • 1037 - Foundation of the Church of Sophia in Kyiv
  • 1043 - Prince Vladimir's campaign against Byzantium
  • 1045–1050 - Construction of the Temple of Sophia in Novgorod
  • 1054–1073 - Presumably during this period “Pravda Yaroslavichy” appears
  • 1056–1057 - “Ostromir Gospel”
  • 1073 - “Izbornik” of Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich
  • 1097 - First congress of princes in Lyubech
  • 1100 - Second congress of princes in Uvetichi (Vitichev)
  • 1116 - The appearance of “The Tale of Bygone Years” in the edition of Sylvester
  • 1147 - The first chronicle mention of Moscow
  • 1158–1160 - Construction of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir-on-Klyazma
  • 1169 - Capture of Kyiv by the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky and his allies
  • 1170 February 25 - Victory of the Novgorodians over the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky and his allies
  • 1188 - Approximate date of appearance of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”
  • 1202 - Founding of the Order of the Sword (Livonian Order)
  • 1206 - Temujin is proclaimed “Great Khan” of the Mongols and takes the name Genghis Khan
  • 1223 May 31 - Battle of Russian princes and Polovtsians on the river. Kalke
  • 1224 - Capture of Yuriev (Tartu) by the Germans
  • 1237 - Union of the Order of the Sword and Teutonic Order
  • 1237–1238 - Invasion of Khan Batu in North-Eastern Rus'
  • 1238 March 4 - Battle of the river. City
  • 1240 July 15 - Victory of the Novgorod prince Alexander Yaroslavich over the Swedish knights on the river. Neve
  • 1240 December 6 (or November 19) - Capture of Kyiv by the Mongol-Tatars
  • 1242 April 5 - " Battle on the Ice» on Lake Peipus
  • 1243 - Formation of the Golden Horde.
  • 1262 - Uprising against the Mongol-Tatars in Rostov, Vladimir, Suzdal, Yaroslavl
  • 1327 - uprising against the Mongol-Tatars in Tver
  • 1367 - Construction of the stone Kremlin in Moscow
  • 1378 - The first victory of Russian troops over the Tatars on the river. Vozhe
  • 1380 September 8 - Battle of Kulikovo
  • 1382 - Campaign to Moscow by Khan Tokhtamysh
  • 1385 - Krevo Union of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with Poland
  • 1395 - Defeat of the Golden Horde by Timur (Tamerlane)
  • 1410 July 15 - Battle of Grunwald. The raid of German knights by Polish-Lithuanian-Russian troops
  • 1469–1472 - Travel of Afanasy Nikitin to India
  • 1471 - Ivan III's campaign against Novgorod. Battle on the river Sheloni
  • 1480 - “Standing” on the river. Eel. The end of the Tatar-Mongol yoke.
  • 1484–1508 - Construction of the Moscow Kremlin. Construction of cathedrals and the Chamber of Facets
  • 1507–1508, 1512–1522 - Wars of the Moscow State with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Return of Smolensk and Smolensk land
  • 1510 - Pskov annexed to Moscow
  • 1547 January 16 - Crowning of Ivan IV to the throne
  • 1550 - Code of Law of Ivan the Terrible. Creation of the Streltsy army
  • 1550 October 3 - Decree on the placement of the “chosen thousand” in the counties adjacent to Moscow
  • 1551 - February-May - Hundred-Glavy Cathedral of the Russian Church
  • 1552 - Capture of Kazan by Russian troops. Annexation of the Kazan Khanate
  • 1556 - Astrakhan annexed to Russia
  • 1558–1583 - Livonian War
  • 1565–1572 - Oprichnina
  • 1569 - Union of Lublin. Formation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
  • 1582 January 15 - Truce of the Russian state with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in Zapolsky Yam
  • 1589 - Establishment of the patriarchate in Moscow
  • 1590–1593 - War of the Russian state with Sweden
  • 1591 May - Death of Tsarevich Dmitry in Uglich
  • 1595 - Conclusion of the Tyavzin Peace with Sweden
  • 1598 January 7 - Death of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich and the end of the Rurik dynasty
  • 1604 October - Intervention of False Dmitry I into the borders Russian state
  • 1605 June - Overthrow of the Godunov dynasty in Moscow. Accession of False Dmitry I
  • 1606 - Uprising in Moscow and murder of False Dmitry I
  • 1607 - Beginning of the intervention of False Dmitry II
  • 1609–1618 - Open Polish-Swedish intervention
  • 1611 March-April - Creation of a militia against the invaders
  • 1611 September-October - Creation of a militia led by Minin and Pozharsky in Nizhny Novgorod
  • 1612 October 26 - Capture of the Moscow Kremlin by the militia of Minin and Pozharsky
  • 1613 - February 7–21 - Election of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the kingdom by the Zemsky Sobor
  • 1633 - Death of Patriarch Filaret, father of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich
  • 1648 - Uprising in Moscow - “Salt Riot”
  • 1649 - “Conciliar Code” of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich
  • 1649–1652 - Erofei Khabarov’s campaigns to the Daurian land along the Amur
  • 1652 - Nikon’s consecration as patriarch
  • 1653 - Zemsky Sobor in Moscow and the decision to reunite Ukraine with Russia
  • 1654 January 8–9 - Pereyaslav Rada. Reunification of Ukraine with Russia
  • 1654–1667 - Russia's war with Poland over Ukraine
  • 1667 January 30 - Truce of Andrusovo
  • 1670–1671 - Peasant war led by S. Razin
  • 1676–1681 - Russia’s war with Turkey and Crimea for Right Bank Ukraine
  • 1681 January 3 - Truce of Bakhchisarai
  • 1682 - Abolition of localism
  • 1682 May - Streltsy uprising in Moscow
  • 1686 - "Eternal Peace" with Poland
  • 1687–1689 - Crimean campaigns, book. V.V. Golitsyna
  • 1689 August 27 - Treaty of Nerchinsk with China
  • 1689 September - Overthrow of Princess Sophia
  • 1695–1696 - Azov campaigns of Peter I
  • 1696 January 29 - death of Ivan V. Establishment of autocracy of Peter I
  • 1697–1698 - “Great Embassy” of Peter I in Western Europe
  • 1698 April-June - Streltsy riot
  • 1699 December 20 - Decree on the introduction of a new calendar from January 1, 1700.
  • 1700 July 13 - Truce of Constantinople with Turkey
  • 1700–1721 - Northern War between Russia and Sweden
  • 1700 - Death of Patriarch Adrian. Appointment of Stefan Yavorsky as locum tenens of the patriarchal throne
  • 1700 November 19 - defeat of Russian troops near Narva
  • 1703 - The first stock exchange in Russia (merchant meeting) in St. Petersburg
  • 1703 - Publication of the textbook “Arithmetic” by Magnitsky
  • 1707–1708 - Uprising on the Don by K. Bulavin
  • 1709 June 27 - Defeat of Swedish troops at Poltava
  • 1711 - Prut campaign of Peter I
  • 1712 - Decree on the establishment of commercial and industrial companies
  • 1714 March 23 - Decree on unified inheritance
  • 1714 July 27 - Victory of the Russian fleet over the Swedish at Gangut
  • 1721 August 30 - Peace of Nystad between Russia and Sweden
  • 1721 October 22 - Acceptance of the imperial title by Peter I
  • 1722 January 24 - Table of Ranks
  • 1722–1723 - Persian campaign of Peter I
  • 1724 January 28 - Decree on the establishment Russian Academy sciences
  • 1725 January 28 - Death of Peter I
  • 1726 February 8 - Establishment of the Supreme Privy Council
  • 1727 May 6 - death of Catherine I
  • 1730 January 19 - Death of Peter II
  • 1731 - Cancellation of the decree on unified inheritance
  • 1732 January 21 - Treaty of Rasht with Persia
  • 1734 - “Treatise on Friendship and Commerce” between Russia and England
  • 1735–1739 - Russian-Turkish War
  • 1736 - Decree on the “eternal assignment” of artisans to manufactories
  • 1740 from November 8 to 9 - Palace coup, overthrow of regent Biron. Announcement of Regent Anna Leopoldovna
  • 1741–1743 - The war between Russia and Sweden
  • 1741 November 25 - Palace coup, installation of Elizabeth Petrovna on the throne by the guards
  • 1743 June 16 - Peace of Abo with Sweden
  • 1755 January 12 - Decree on the founding of Moscow University
  • 1756 August 30 - Decree on the establishment of the Russian theater in St. Petersburg (F. Volkov’s troupe)
  • 1759 August 1 (12) - Victory of Russian troops at Kunnersdorf
  • 1760 September 28 - Capture of Berlin by Russian troops
  • 1762 February 18 - Manifesto “On the Liberty of the Nobility”
  • 1762 July 6 - Assassination of Peter III and accession to the throne of Catherine II
  • 1764 - Establishment of the Smolny Institute in St. Petersburg
  • 1764 from July 4 to 5 - Attempted coup by V.Ya. Mirovich. The murder of Ivan Antonovich in the Shlisselburg fortress
  • 1766 - Annexation of the Aleutian Islands to Russia
  • 1769 - First external loan in Amsterdam
  • 1770 June 24–26 - Defeat Turkish fleet in Chesme Bay
  • 1773–1775 - First section of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
  • 1773–1775 - Peasant war led by E.I. Pugacheva
  • 1774 July 10 - Peace of Kuchuk-Kainarzhi with Turkey
  • 1783 - Annexation of Crimea to Russia 1785 April 21 - Charters granted to the nobility and cities
  • 1787–1791 - Russian-Turkish War
  • 1788–1790 - Russian-Swedish War 1791 December 29 - Peace of Iasi with Turkey
  • 1793 - Second partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
  • 1794 - Polish uprising led by T. Kosciuszko and its suppression
  • 1795 - Third partition of Poland
  • 1796 - Formation of the Little Russian province 1796–1797. - War with Persia
  • 1797 - April 5 - “Institution of the Imperial Family”
  • 1799 - Italian and Swiss campaigns by A.V. Suvorov
  • 1799 - Formation of the United Russian-American Company
  • 1801 January 18 - Manifesto on the accession of Georgia to Russia
  • 1801 from March 11 to 12 - Palace coup. Assassination of Paul I. Accession to the throne of Alexander I
  • 1804–1813 - Russian-Iranian war
  • 1805 November 20 - Battle of Austerlitz
  • 1806–1812 - Russia's war with Turkey
  • 1807 June 25 - Peace of Tilsit
  • 1808–1809 - Russian-Swedish war
  • 1810 January 1 - Establishment State Council
  • 1812 - Invasion of Napoleon's Grand Army into Russia. Patriotic War
  • 1812 August 26 - Battle of Borodino
  • 1813 January 1 - Beginning of the Foreign Campaign of the Russian Army
  • 1813 October 16–19 - "Battle of the Nations" at Leipzig
  • 1814 March 19 - Allied forces enter Paris
  • 1814 September 19 -1815 May 28 - Congress of Vienna
  • 1825 December 14 - Decembrist uprising in St. Petersburg
  • 1826–1828 - Russian-Iranian war
  • 1827 October 20 - Battle of Navarino Bay
  • 1828 February 10 - Turkmanchay peace treaty with Iran
  • 1828–1829 - Russian-Turkish War
  • 1829 September 2 - Treaty of Adrianople with Turkey
  • 1835 July 26 - University Charter
  • 1837 October 30 - Opening of the St. Petersburg-Tsarskoe Selo railway
  • 1839–1843 - Monetary reform of Count E. f. Kankrina
  • 1853 - Opening of the “Free Russian Printing House” by A.I. Herzen in London
  • 1853 - Kokaid campaign by general. V.A. Perovsky
  • 1853–1856 - Crimean War
  • 1854 September - 1855 August - Defense of Sevastopol
  • 1856 March 18 - Treaty of Paris
  • 1860 May 31 - Establishment State Bank
  • 1861 February 19 - Abolition of serfdom
  • 1861 - Establishment of the Council of Ministers
  • 1863 June 18 - University Charter
  • 1864 November 20 - Decree on judicial reform. "New judicial statutes"
  • 1865 - Military judicial reform
  • 1874 January 1 - “Charter on military service”
  • 1874 spring - The first mass “going to the people” of revolutionary populists
  • 1875 April 25 - St. Petersburg Treaty between Russia and Japan (on South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands)
  • 1876–1879 - Second “Land and Freedom”
  • 1877–1878 - Russian-Turkish War
  • 1879 August - Split of “Land and Freedom” into “Black Redistribution” and “People’s Will”
  • 1881 March 1 - Assassination of Alexander II by revolutionary populists
  • 1885 January 7–18 - Morozov strike
  • 1892 - Russian-French secret military convention
  • 1896 - Invention of the radiotelegraph by A.S. Popov
  • 1896 May 18 - Khodynka tragedy in Moscow during the coronation of Nicholas II
  • 1898 March 1–2 - First Congress of the RSDLP
  • 1899 May-July - I Hague Peace Conference
  • 1902 - Formation of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (SRs)
  • 1904–1905 - Russo-Japanese War
  • 1905 January 9 - “Bloody Sunday”. The beginning of the first Russian revolution
  • April 1905 - Formation of the Russian Monarchist Party and the “Union of the Russian People”.
  • 1905 May 12-June 1 - General strike in Ivanovo-Voskresensk. Formation of the first Council of Workers' Deputies
  • 1905 May 14–15 - Battle of Tsushima
  • 1905 June 9–11 - Lodz Uprising
  • 1905 June 14–24 - Mutiny on the battleship Potemkin
  • 1905 August 23 - Treaty of Portsmouth with Japan
  • 1905 October 7 - Beginning of the All-Russian political strike
  • 1905 October 12–18 - Founding Congress of the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets)
  • 1905 October 13 - Creation of the St. Petersburg Council of Workers' Deputies
  • 1905 October 17 - Manifesto of Nicholas II
  • 1905 November - The emergence of the “Union of October 17” (Octobrists)
  • 1905 December 9–19 - Moscow armed uprising
  • 1906 April 27-July 8 - I State Duma
  • 1906 November 9 - Beginning of the agrarian reform of P.A. Stolypin
  • 1907 February 20-June 2 - II State Duma
  • 1907 November 1 - 1912 July 9 - III State Duma
  • 1908 - Formation of the reactionary “Union of Michael the Archangel”
  • 1912 November 15 - 1917 February 25 - IV State Duma
  • 1914 July 19 (August 1) - Germany declares war on Russia. Beginning of the First World War
  • 1916 May 22-July 31 - Brusilovsky breakthrough
  • 1916 December 17 - Murder of Rasputin
  • 1917 February 26 - Beginning of the transition of troops to the side of the revolution
  • 1917 February 27 - February Revolution. Overthrow of the autocracy in Russia
  • 1917, March 3 - Abdication of the leader. book Mikhail Alexandrovich. Declaration of the Provisional Government
  • 1917 June 9–24 - I All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies
  • 1917 August 12–15 - State meeting in Moscow
  • 1917 August 25-September 1 - Kornilov rebellion
  • 1917 September 14–22 - All-Russian Democratic Conference in Petrograd
  • 1917 October 24–25 - Armed Bolshevik coup. Overthrow of the Provisional Government
  • 1917 October 25 - Opening of the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets
  • 1917 October 26 - Soviet decrees on peace, on land. "Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia"
  • 1917 November 12 - Elections to the Constituent Assembly
  • 1917 December 7 - Decision of the Council of People's Commissars to create the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for the Fight against Counter-Revolution (VChK)
  • 1917 December 14 - Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the nationalization of banks
  • 1917 December 18 - Independence of Finland
  • 1918–1922 - Civil War on the territory of the former Russian Empire
  • 1918 January 6 - Dispersal of the Constituent Assembly
  • 1918 January 26 - Decree on the transition to a new calendar style from February 1 (14)
  • 1918 - March 3 - Conclusion of the Brest-Litovsk Peace
  • 1918 May 25 - Beginning of the uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps
  • 1918 July 10 - Adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR
  • 1920 January 16 - Lifting of the blockade of Soviet Russia by the Entente
  • 1920 - Soviet-Polish War
  • 1921 February 28-March 18 - Kronstadt uprising
  • 1921 March 8–16 - X Congress of the RCP(b). The decision on the "new economic policy"
  • 1921 March 18 - Riga Peace Treaty of the RSFSR with Poland
  • 1922 April 10-May 19 - Genoa Conference
  • 1922 April 16 - Rappal separate treaty of the RSFSR with Germany
  • 1922 December 27 - Formation of the USSR
  • 1922 December 30 - I Congress of Soviets of the USSR
  • 1924 January 31 - Approval of the Constitution of the USSR
  • 1928 October - 1932 December - First Five-Year Plan. The beginning of industrialization in the USSR
  • 1930 - Beginning of complete collectivization
  • 1933–1937 - Second Five Year Plan
  • 1934 December 1 - Murder of S.M. Kirov. The deployment of mass terror in the USSR
  • 1936 December 5 - Adoption of the Constitution of the USSR
  • 1939 August 23 - Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact
  • 1939 September 1 - German attack on Poland. Beginning of World War II
  • 1939 September 17 - Entry of Soviet troops into Poland
  • 1939 September 28 - Soviet-German Treaty of Friendship and Borders
  • 1939 November 30 - 1940 March 12 - Soviet-Finnish War
  • 1940 June 28 - Entry of Soviet troops into Bessarabia
  • 1940 June-July - Soviet occupation Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
  • 1941 April 13 - Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Treaty
  • 1941 June 22 - Attack of Nazi Germany and its allies on the USSR. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War
  • 1945 May 8 - Act of unconditional surrender of Germany. Victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War
  • 1945 September 2 - Act of Unconditional Surrender of Japan
  • 1945 November 20 - 1946 October 1 - Nuremberg trials
  • 1946–1950 - Fourth Five-Year Plan. Restoration of the destroyed national economy
  • 1948 August - Session of VASKHNIL. Launch of a campaign to combat “Morganism” and “cosmopolitanism”
  • 1949 January 5–8 - Creation of CMEA
  • 1949 August 29 - First test of an atomic bomb in the USSR
  • 1954 June 27 - Launch of the world's first nuclear power plant in Obninsk
  • 1955 14m; 1st - Creation of the Warsaw Pact Organization (WTO)
  • 1955 July 18–23 - Meeting of the heads of government of the USSR, Great Britain, USA and France in Geneva
  • 1956 February 14–25 - XX Congress of the CPSU
  • 1956 June 30 - Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union “Overcoming the cult of personality and its consequences”
  • 1957 July 28-August 11 - VI World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow
  • 1957 October 4 - Launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite in the USSR
  • 1961 April 12 - Flight of Yu.A. Gagarin on spaceship"East"
  • 1965 March 18 - Launch of pilot-cosmonaut A.A. Leonov into outer space
  • 1965 - Reform of the economic mechanism of economic management in the USSR
  • 1966 June 6 - Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On the public conscription of youth for the most important construction projects of the five-year plan”
  • 1968 August 21 - Intervention of the ATS countries in Czechoslovakia
  • 1968 - Open letter from Academician A.D. Sakharov to the Soviet leadership
  • 1971, March 30-April 9 - XXIV Congress of the CPSU
  • 1972 May 26 - Signing in Moscow of the “Fundamentals of Relations between the USSR and the USA.” The beginning of the policy of "détente"
  • 1974 February - Expulsion from the USSR A.I. Solzhenitsyn
  • 1975 July 15–21 - Joint Soviet-American experiment under the Soyuz-Apollo program
  • 1975 July 30-August 1 - Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki). Signing of the Final Act by 33 European countries, the USA and Canada
  • 1977 October 7 - Adoption of the Constitution of “developed socialism” of the USSR
  • 1979 December 24 - Beginning of the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan
  • 1980 January - Link A.D. Sakharov to Gorky
  • 1980 July 19-August 3 - Olympic Games in Moscow
  • 1982 May 24 - Adoption of the Food Program
  • 1985 November 19–21 - Meeting of M.S. Gorbachev and US President R. Reagan in Geneva. Restoration of Soviet-American political dialogue
  • 1986 April 26 - Accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
  • 1987 June-July - Beginning of the policy of “perestroika” in the USSR
  • 1988 June 28-July 1 - XIX Conference of the CPSU. The beginning of political reform in the USSR
  • 1989 May 25-June 9. - I Congress people's deputies USSR, elected on the basis of changes to the Constitution of the USSR
  • 1990 March 11 - Adoption of the act of independence of Lithuania.
  • 1990 March 12–15 - III Extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR
  • 1990 May 1-June 12 - Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR. Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia
  • 1991 March 17 - Referendum on preserving the USSR and introducing the post of President of the RSFSR
  • 1991 June 12 - Russian presidential elections
  • 1991 July 1 - Dissolution of the Warsaw Pact Organization in Prague
  • 1991 August 19–21 - Attempted coup in the USSR (Case of the State Emergency Committee)
  • September 1991 - Troops entered Vilnius. Attempted coup in Lithuania
  • 1991 December 8 - Signing in Minsk by the leaders of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus of the agreement on the “Commonwealth of Independent States” and the dissolution of the USSR
  • 1992 January 2 - Liberalization of prices in Russia
  • 1992 February 1 - Declaration of Russia and the United States on the end of the Cold War
  • 1992 March 13 - Initialing of the Federal Treaty of Republics within the Russian Federation
  • 1993 March - VIII and IX Congresses of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation
  • 1993 April 25 - All-Russian referendum on confidence in the policies of the President of Russia
  • June 1993 - Work of the constitutional meeting to prepare the draft Constitution of Russia
  • 1993 September 21 - Decree of B.N. Yeltsin “On stage-by-stage constitutional reform” and the dissolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation
  • 1993 October 3–4 - Demonstrations and armed actions of the pro-communist opposition in Moscow. Storming of the Supreme Council building by troops loyal to the President
  • 1993 December 12 - Elections to the State Duma and Federation Council. Referendum on the draft new Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • 1994 January 11 - Start of work of the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Russian Federation in Moscow

It must necessarily include memorizing several of the most important dates in Russian history. We offer a list to remember the most important of them:

Brief chronology of Russian History.

  • VI century n. e., from 530 - Great Migration of the Slavs. The first mention of the Ros/Russians
  • 860 - the first Russian campaign against Constantinople
  • 862 - The year to which the “Tale of Bygone Years” refers to the “calling of the Norman king” Rurik.
  • 911 - The campaign of the Kyiv prince Oleg to Constantinople and the agreement with Byzantium.
  • 941 - Campaign of the Kyiv prince Igor to Constantinople.
  • 944 - Treaty of Igor with Byzantium.
  • 945 - 946 - Submission of the Drevlyans to Kyiv
  • 957 - Princess Olga's trip to Constantinople
  • 964–966 - Svyatoslav’s campaigns against the Kama Bulgarians, Khazars, Yasses and Kasogs
  • 967–971 - War of Prince Svyatoslav with Byzantium
  • 988–990 - The beginning of the baptism of Rus'
  • 1037 - Foundation of the Church of Sophia in Kyiv
  • 1043 - Prince Vladimir's campaign against Byzantium
  • 1045–1050 - Construction of the Temple of Sophia in Novgorod
  • 1073 - “Izbornik” of Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich
  • 1100 - Second congress of princes in Uvetichi (Vitichev)
  • 1147 - The first chronicle mention of Moscow
  • 1158–1160 - Construction of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir-on-Klyazma
  • 1169 - Capture of Kyiv by the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky and his allies
  • 1170 February 25 - Victory of the Novgorodians over the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky and his allies
  • 1188 - Approximate date of appearance of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”
  • 1202 - Founding of the Order of the Sword (Livonian Order)
  • 1206 - Temujin is proclaimed “Great Khan” of the Mongols and takes the name Genghis Khan
  • 1223 May 31 - Battle of Russian princes and Polovtsians on the river. Kalke
  • 1224 - Capture of Yuriev (Tartu) by the Germans
  • 1237 - Union of the Order of the Sword and the Teutonic Order
  • 1237–1238 - Invasion of Khan Batu in North-Eastern Rus'
  • 1238 March 4 - Battle of the river. City
  • 1240 July 15 - Victory of the Novgorod prince Alexander Yaroslavich over the Swedish knights on the river. Neve
  • 1240 December 6 (or November 19) - Capture of Kyiv by the Mongol-Tatars
  • 1242 April 5 - “Battle of the Ice” on Lake Peipsi
  • 1243 - Formation of the Golden Horde.
  • 1378 - The first victory of Russian troops over the Tatars on the river. Vozhe
  • 1380 September 8 - Battle of Kulikovo
  • 1382 - Campaign to Moscow by Khan Tokhtamysh
  • 1395 - Defeat of the Golden Horde by Timur (Tamerlane)
  • 1410 July 15 - Battle of Grunwald. The raid of German knights by Polish-Lithuanian-Russian troops
  • 1469–1472 - Travel of Afanasy Nikitin to India
  • 1471 - Ivan III's campaign against Novgorod. Battle on the river Sheloni
  • 1480 - “Standing” on the river. Eel. The end of the Tatar-Mongol yoke.
  • 1484–1508 - Construction of the Moscow Kremlin. Construction of cathedrals and the Chamber of Facets
  • 1507–1508, 1512–1522 - Wars of the Moscow State with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Return of Smolensk and Smolensk land
  • 1510 - Pskov annexed to Moscow
  • 1547 January 16 - Crowning of Ivan IV to the throne
  • 1550 - Code of Law of Ivan the Terrible. Creation of the Streltsy army
  • 1550 October 3 - Decree on the placement of the “chosen thousand” in the counties adjacent to Moscow
  • 1552 - Capture of Kazan by Russian troops. Annexation of the Kazan Khanate
  • 1556 - Astrakhan annexed to Russia
  • 1558–1583 - Livonian War
  • 1565–1572 - Oprichnina
  • 1569 - Union of Lublin. Formation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
  • 1582 January 15 - Truce of the Russian state with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in Zapolsky Yam
  • 1589 - Establishment of the patriarchate in Moscow
  • 1590–1593 - War of the Russian state with Sweden
  • 1591 May - Death of Tsarevich Dmitry in Uglich
  • 1595 - Conclusion of the Tyavzin Peace with Sweden
  • 1598 January 7 - Death of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich and the end of the Rurik dynasty
  • October 1604 - Intervention of False Dmitry I into the Russian state
  • 1605 June - Overthrow of the Godunov dynasty in Moscow. Accession of False Dmitry I
  • 1606 - Uprising in Moscow and murder of False Dmitry I
  • 1607 - Beginning of the intervention of False Dmitry II
  • 1609–1618 - Open Polish-Swedish intervention
  • 1611 March-April - Creation of a militia against the invaders
  • 1611 September-October - Creation of a militia led by Minin and Pozharsky in Nizhny Novgorod
  • 1612 October 26 - Capture of the Moscow Kremlin by the militia of Minin and Pozharsky
  • 1613 - February 7–21 - Election of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the kingdom by the Zemsky Sobor
  • 1633 - Death of Patriarch Filaret, father of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich
  • 1648 - Uprising in Moscow - “Salt Riot”
  • 1649 - “Conciliar Code” of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich
  • 1649–1652 - Erofei Khabarov’s campaigns to the Daurian land along the Amur
  • 1652 - Nikon’s consecration as patriarch
  • 1653 - Zemsky Sobor in Moscow and the decision to reunite Ukraine with Russia
  • 1654 January 8–9 - Pereyaslav Rada. Reunification of Ukraine with Russia
  • 1654–1667 - Russia's war with Poland over Ukraine
  • 1667 January 30 - Truce of Andrusovo
  • 1670–1671 - Peasant war led by S. Razin
  • 1676–1681 - Russia’s war with Turkey and Crimea for Right Bank Ukraine
  • 1681 January 3 - Truce of Bakhchisarai
  • 1682 - Abolition of localism
  • 1682 May - Streltsy uprising in Moscow
  • 1686 - "Eternal Peace" with Poland
  • 1687–1689 - Crimean campaigns, book. V.V. Golitsyna
  • 1689 August 27 - Treaty of Nerchinsk with China
  • 1689 September - Overthrow of Princess Sophia
  • 1695–1696 - Azov campaigns of Peter I
  • 1696 January 29 - death of Ivan V. Establishment of autocracy of Peter I
  • 1697–1698 - “Great Embassy” of Peter I to Western Europe
  • 1698 April-June - Streltsy riot
  • 1699 December 20 - Decree on the introduction of a new calendar from January 1, 1700.
  • 1700 July 13 - Truce of Constantinople with Turkey
  • 1700–1721 - Northern War between Russia and Sweden
  • 1700 - Death of Patriarch Adrian. Appointment of Stefan Yavorsky as locum tenens of the patriarchal throne
  • 1700 November 19 - defeat of Russian troops near Narva
  • 1703 - The first stock exchange in Russia (merchant meeting) in St. Petersburg
  • 1707–1708 - Uprising on the Don by K. Bulavin
  • 1709 June 27 - Defeat of Swedish troops at Poltava
  • 1711 - Prut campaign of Peter I
  • 1712 - Decree on the establishment of commercial and industrial companies
  • 1714 March 23 - Decree on unified inheritance
  • 1714 July 27 - Victory of the Russian fleet over the Swedish at Gangut
  • 1721 August 30 - Peace of Nystad between Russia and Sweden
  • 1721 October 22 - Acceptance of the imperial title by Peter I
  • 1722 January 24 - Table of Ranks
  • 1722–1723 - Persian campaign of Peter I
  • 1724 January 28 - Decree on the establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 1725 January 28 - Death of Peter I
  • 1726 February 8 - Establishment of the Supreme Privy Council
  • 1727 May 6 - death of Catherine I
  • 1730 January 19 - Death of Peter II
  • 1731 - Cancellation of the decree on unified inheritance
  • 1735–1739 - Russian-Turkish War
  • 1740 from November 8 to 9 - Palace coup, overthrow of regent Biron. Announcement of Regent Anna Leopoldovna
  • 1741–1743 - The war between Russia and Sweden
  • 1741 November 25 - Palace coup, installation of Elizabeth Petrovna on the throne by the guards
  • 1743 June 16 - Peace of Abo with Sweden
  • 1755 January 12 - Decree on the founding of Moscow University
  • 1756 August 30 - Decree on the establishment of the Russian theater in St. Petersburg (F. Volkov’s troupe)
  • 1759 August 1 (12) - Victory of Russian troops at Kunnersdorf
  • 1760 September 28 - Capture of Berlin by Russian troops
  • 1762 February 18 - Manifesto “On the Liberty of the Nobility”
  • 1762 July 6 - Assassination of Peter III and accession to the throne of Catherine II
  • 1764 - Establishment of the Smolny Institute in St. Petersburg
  • 1764 from July 4 to 5 - Attempted coup by V.Ya. Mirovich. The murder of Ivan Antonovich in the Shlisselburg fortress
  • 1770 June 24–26 - Defeat of the Turkish fleet in Chesme Bay
  • 1773–1775 - First section of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
  • 1773–1775 - Peasant war led by E.I. Pugacheva
  • 1774 July 10 - Peace of Kuchuk-Kainarzhi with Turkey
  • 1783 - Annexation of Crimea to Russia 1785 April 21 - Charters granted to the nobility and cities
  • 1787–1791 - Russian-Turkish War
  • 1788–1790 - Russian-Swedish War 1791 December 29 - Peace of Iasi with Turkey
  • 1793 - Second partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
  • 1794 - Polish uprising led by T. Kosciuszko and its suppression
  • 1795 - Third partition of Poland
  • 1796 - Formation of the Little Russian province 1796–1797. - War with Persia
  • 1799 - Italian and Swiss campaigns by A.V. Suvorov
  • 1801 January 18 - Manifesto on the accession of Georgia to Russia
  • 1801 from March 11 to 12 - Palace coup. Assassination of Paul I. Accession to the throne of Alexander I
  • 1804–1813 - Russian-Iranian war
  • 1805 November 20 - Battle of Austerlitz
  • 1806–1812 - Russia's war with Turkey
  • 1807 June 25 - Peace of Tilsit
  • 1808–1809 - Russian-Swedish war
  • 1810 January 1 - Establishment of the State Council
  • 1812 - Invasion of Napoleon's Grand Army into Russia. Patriotic War
  • 1812 August 26 - Battle of Borodino
  • 1813 January 1 - Beginning of the Foreign Campaign of the Russian Army
  • 1813 October 16–19 - "Battle of the Nations" at Leipzig
  • 1814 March 19 - Allied forces enter Paris
  • 1814 September 19 -1815 May 28 - Congress of Vienna
  • 1825 December 14 - Decembrist uprising in St. Petersburg
  • 1826–1828 - Russian-Iranian war
  • 1827 October 20 - Battle of Navarino Bay
  • 1828 February 10 - Turkmanchay peace treaty with Iran
  • 1828–1829 - Russian-Turkish War
  • 1829 September 2 - Treaty of Adrianople with Turkey
  • 1839–1843 - Monetary reform of Count E. f. Kankrina
  • 1853–1856 - Crimean War
  • 1854 September - 1855 August - Defense of Sevastopol
  • 1856 March 18 - Treaty of Paris
  • 1860 May 31 - Establishment of the State Bank
  • 1861 February 19 - Abolition of serfdom
  • 1861 - Establishment of the Council of Ministers
  • 1863 June 18 - University Charter
  • 1864 November 20 - Decree on judicial reform. "New judicial statutes"
  • 1865 - Military judicial reform
  • 1875 April 25 - St. Petersburg Treaty between Russia and Japan (on South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands)
  • 1877–1878 - Russian-Turkish War
  • 1879 August - Split of “Land and Freedom” into “Black Redistribution” and “People’s Will”
  • 1881 March 1 - Assassination of Alexander II by revolutionary populists
  • 1885 January 7–18 - Morozov strike
  • 1892 - Russian-French secret military convention
  • 1896 - Invention of the radiotelegraph by A.S. Popov
  • 1896 May 18 - Khodynka tragedy in Moscow during the coronation of Nicholas II
  • 1898 March 1–2 - First Congress of the RSDLP
  • 1902 - Formation of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (SRs)
  • 1904–1905 - Russo-Japanese War
  • 1905 January 9 - “Bloody Sunday”. The beginning of the first Russian revolution
  • April 1905 - Formation of the Russian Monarchist Party and the “Union of the Russian People”.
  • 1905 May 12-June 1 - General strike in Ivanovo-Voskresensk. Formation of the first Council of Workers' Deputies
  • 1905 May 14–15 - Battle of Tsushima
  • 1905 June 9–11 - Lodz Uprising
  • 1905 June 14–24 - Mutiny on the battleship Potemkin
  • 1905 August 23 - Treaty of Portsmouth with Japan
  • 1905 October 12–18 - Founding Congress of the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets)
  • 1905 October 13 - Creation of the St. Petersburg Council of Workers' Deputies
  • 1905 October 17 - Manifesto of Nicholas II
  • 1905 November - The emergence of the “Union of October 17” (Octobrists)
  • 1905 December 9–19 - Moscow armed uprising
  • 1906 April 27-July 8 - I State Duma
  • 1906 November 9 - Beginning of the agrarian reform of P.A. Stolypin
  • 1914 July 19 (August 1) - Germany declares war on Russia. Beginning of the First World War
  • 1916 May 22-July 31 - Brusilovsky breakthrough
  • 1916 December 17 - Murder of Rasputin
  • 1917 February 26 - Beginning of the transition of troops to the side of the revolution
  • 1917 February 27 - February Revolution. Overthrow of the autocracy in Russia
  • 1917, March 3 - Abdication of the leader. book Mikhail Alexandrovich. Declaration of the Provisional Government
  • 1917 June 9–24 - I All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies
  • 1917 August 25-September 1 - Kornilov rebellion
  • 1917 October 24–25 - Armed Bolshevik coup. Overthrow of the Provisional Government
  • 1917 October 25 - Opening of the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets
  • 1917 October 26 - Soviet decrees on peace, on land. "Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia"
  • 1917 November 12 - Elections to the Constituent Assembly
  • 1917 December 7 - Decision of the Council of People's Commissars to create the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for the Fight against Counter-Revolution (VChK)
  • 1917 December 14 - Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the nationalization of banks
  • 1917 December 18 - Independence of Finland
  • 1918–1922 - Civil war on the territory of the former Russian Empire
  • 1918 January 6 - Dispersal of the Constituent Assembly
  • 1918 January 26 - Decree on the transition to a new calendar style from February 1 (14)
  • 1918 - March 3 - Conclusion of the Brest-Litovsk Peace
  • 1918 July 10 - Adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR
  • 1920 January 16 - Lifting of the blockade of Soviet Russia by the Entente
  • 1920 - Soviet-Polish War
  • 1921 February 28-March 18 - Kronstadt uprising
  • 1921 March 8–16 - X Congress of the RCP(b). The decision on the "new economic policy"
  • 1921 March 18 - Riga Peace Treaty of the RSFSR with Poland
  • 1922 April 10-May 19 - Genoa Conference
  • 1922 April 16 - Rappal separate treaty of the RSFSR with Germany
  • 1922 December 27 - Formation of the USSR
  • 1922 December 30 - I Congress of Soviets of the USSR
  • 1924 January 31 - Approval of the Constitution of the USSR
  • 1928 October - 1932 December - First Five-Year Plan. The beginning of industrialization in the USSR
  • 1930 - Beginning of complete collectivization
  • 1933–1937 - Second Five Year Plan
  • 1934 December 1 - Murder of S.M. Kirov. The deployment of mass terror in the USSR
  • 1936 December 5 - Adoption of the Constitution of the USSR
  • 1939 August 23 - Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact
  • 1939 September 1 - German attack on Poland. Beginning of World War II
  • 1939 September 17 - Entry of Soviet troops into Poland
  • 1939 September 28 - Soviet-German Treaty of Friendship and Borders
  • 1939 November 30 - 1940 March 12 - Soviet-Finnish War
  • 1940 June 28 - Entry of Soviet troops into Bessarabia
  • 1940 June-July - Soviet occupation of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
  • 1941 April 13 - Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Treaty
  • 1941 June 22 - Attack of Nazi Germany and its allies on the USSR. Beginning of the Great Patriotic War
  • 1945 May 8 - Act of unconditional surrender of Germany. Victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War
  • 1945 September 2 - Act of Unconditional Surrender of Japan
  • 1945 November 20 - 1946 October 1 - Nuremberg trials
  • 1946–1950 - Fourth Five-Year Plan. Restoration of the destroyed national economy
  • 1949 January 5–8 - Creation of CMEA
  • 1949 August 29 - First test of an atomic bomb in the USSR
  • 1954 June 27 - Launch of the world's first nuclear power plant in Obninsk
  • 1955 14m; 1st - Creation of the Warsaw Pact Organization (WTO)
  • 1955 July 18–23 - Meeting of the heads of government of the USSR, Great Britain, USA and France in Geneva
  • 1956 February 14–25 - XX Congress of the CPSU
  • 1956 June 30 - Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union “Overcoming the cult of personality and its consequences”
  • 1957 October 4 - Launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite in the USSR
  • 1961 April 12 - Flight of Yu.A. Gagarin on the Vostok spacecraft
  • 1965 - Reform of the economic mechanism of economic management in the USSR
  • 1968 August 21 - Intervention of the ATS countries in Czechoslovakia
  • 1971, March 30-April 9 - XXIV Congress of the CPSU
  • 1972 May 26 - Signing in Moscow of the “Fundamentals of Relations between the USSR and the USA.” The beginning of the policy of "détente"
  • 1977 October 7 - Adoption of the Constitution of “developed socialism” of the USSR
  • 1979 December 24 - Beginning of the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan
  • 1986 April 26 - Accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
  • 1987 June-July - Beginning of the policy of “perestroika” in the USSR
  • 1988 June 28-July 1 - XIX Conference of the CPSU. The beginning of political reform in the USSR
  • 1989 May 25-June 9. - I Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, elected on the basis of changes to the Constitution of the USSR
  • 1990 March 11 - Adoption of the act of independence of Lithuania.
  • 1990 March 12–15 - III Extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR
  • 1990 May 1-June 12 - Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR. Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia
  • 1991 March 17 - Referendum on preserving the USSR and introducing the post of President of the RSFSR
  • 1991 June 12 - Russian presidential elections
  • 1991 July 1 - Dissolution of the Warsaw Pact Organization in Prague
  • 1991 August 19–21 - Attempted coup in the USSR (Case of the State Emergency Committee)
  • 1991 December 8 - Signing in Minsk by the leaders of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus of the agreement on the “Commonwealth of Independent States” and the dissolution of the USSR
  • 1993 March - VIII and IX Congresses of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation
  • 1993 April 25 - All-Russian referendum on confidence in the policies of the President of Russia
  • 1993 September 21 - Decree of B.N. Yeltsin “On stage-by-stage constitutional reform” and the dissolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation
  • 1993 October 3–4 - Demonstrations and armed actions of the pro-communist opposition in Moscow. Storming of the Supreme Council building by troops loyal to the President
  • 1993 December 12 - Elections to the State Duma and Federation Council. Referendum on the draft new Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • 1994 January 11 - Start of work of the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Russian Federation in Moscow

History is impossible without dates, right? The specificity of the Unified State Examination is such that you can come across absolutely any date and event. You also need to know formulas in order to have a foundation on which facts will be built later. Despite the fact that the exam is much earlier this year than last year, there is still time! We look at and study all the history dates required for the exam in blocks.

Russia from antiquity to the end of the 16th century. (beginning of the 17th century)

9th century - Education Old Russian state.
862 - “Calling of the Varangians” to Rus'.
862–879 - The reign of Rurik in Novgorod.
879–912 – The reign of Oleg in Kyiv.
882 – Unification of Novgorod and Kyiv into a single state under Prince Oleg.
907, 911 – Oleg’s campaigns to Constantinople. Treaties with the Greeks.
912–945 – The reign of Igor in Kyiv.
945 – Revolt of the Drevlyans.
945–962 - The reign of Princess Olga during the early childhood of her son Prince Svyatoslav.
957 – Baptism of Princess Olga in Constantinople.
962–972 - The reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich.
964–972 – Military campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav.
980–1015 – The reign of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Holy.
988 – Adoption of Christianity in Rus'.
1019–1054 - The reign of Yaroslav the Wise.
1037 – Beginning of construction of the Church of St. Sophia in Kyiv.
1045 – Beginning of construction of the Church of St. Sophia in Novgorod the Great.
OK. 1072 – Final design of the “Russian Truth” (“The Truth of the Yaroslavichs”).
1097 – Congress of princes in Lyubech. Consolidation of the fragmentation of the Old Russian state.
1113–1125 – The Great Reign of Vladimir Monomakh.
1125–1157 – Reign of Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky in Vladimir.
1136 – Establishment of a republic in Novgorod.
1147 – The first mention of Moscow in the chronicle.
1157–1174 – The reign of Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky.
1165 – Construction of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.
1185 – Campaign of Prince Igor Novgorod Seversky against the Polovtsians. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign."
1199 – Unification of the Volyn and Galician principalities.
1202 – Formation of the Order of the Sword.
1223, May 31st. - Battle of the Kalka River.
1237–1240 – Invasion of the Mongol Tatars led by Khan Batu into Rus'.
1237 – The unification of the Teutonic Order with the Order of the Sword. Formation of the Livonian Order.
1238, March 4. – Battle of the City River.
1240, July 15. - Battle of the Neva. The defeat of the Swedish knights on the Neva River by Prince Alexander Yaroslavich. Nicknamed Nevsky.
1240 – Defeat of Kyiv by the Mongol-Tatars.
1242, April 5. - Battle on the Ice. The defeat of the crusaders on Lake Peipus by Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky.
1243 – Formation of the Golden Horde state.
1252–1263 - The reign of Alexander Nevsky on the Grand Duke's throne of Vladimir.
1264 - Collapse of the Galician-Volyn principality under the blows of the Horde.
1276 – Formation of an independent Moscow principality.
1325–1340 – The reign of Prince Ivan Kalita in Moscow.
1326 – Transfer of the residence of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church- metropolitan - from Vladimir to Moscow, the transformation of Moscow into an all-Russian religious center.
1327 – Uprising in Tver against the Golden Horde.
1359–1389 – The reign of Prince (from 1362 – Grand Duke) Dmitry Ivanovich (after 1380 – Donskoy) in Moscow.
OK. 1360–1430 – Life and work of Andrei Rublev.
1378 – Battle of the Vozha River.
1380, September 8. – Battle of Kulikovo.
1382 – Defeat of Moscow by Tokhtamysh.
1389–1425 – The reign of Vasily I Dmitrievich.
1410, July 15. - Battle of Grunwald. Defeat of the Teutonic Order.
1425–1453 – Dynastic war between the sons and grandsons of Dmitry Donskoy.
1439 – Florentine Church Union about the unification of the Catholic and Orthodox churches under the leadership of the Pope. The act of union was signed by the Russian Metropolitan Isidore, for which he was deposed.
1448 – Election of Bishop Jonah of Ryazan as Metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church and All Rus'. Establishment of autocephaly (independence) of the Russian Orthodox Church from Byzantium.
1453 – Fall Byzantine Empire.
1462–1505 – The reign of Ivan III.
1463 – Yaroslavl annexed to Moscow.
1469–1472 – Travel of Afanasy Nikitin to India.
1471 – Battle of the Moscow and Novgorod troops on the Sheloni River.
1478 – Annexation of Novgorod the Great to Moscow.
1480 - “Standing on the Ugra River.” Elimination of the Horde yoke.
1484–1508 – Construction of the current Moscow Kremlin. Construction of cathedrals and the Chamber of Facets, brick walls.
1485 – Tver annexed to Moscow.
1497 – Compilation of the Code of Laws of Ivan III. Establishment of uniform standards criminal liability and judicial procedural norms for the entire country, restriction of the right of peasant transition from one feudal lord to another - a week before and a week after November 26 (St. George's day in autumn).
End of the 15th – beginning of the 16th centuries. – Completion of the process of formation of the Russian centralized state.
1503 - Controversy between Nil Sorsky (the leader of the non-acquisitive people, who preached the refusal of the church from all property) and Abbot Joseph of Volotsky (the leader of the acquisitive people, a supporter of the preservation of church land ownership). Condemnation of the views of non-possessors at the Church Council.
1503 – Southwestern Russian lands were annexed to Moscow.
1505–1533 – Reign of Vasily III.
1510 – Pskov joins Moscow.
1514 – Smolensk joins Moscow.
1521 – Ryazan annexed to Moscow.
1533–1584 – The reign of Grand Duke Ivan IV the Terrible.
1547 – Crowning of Ivan IV the Terrible to the throne.
1549 – Beginning of the convening of Zemsky Sobors.
1550 – Adoption of the Code of Laws of Ivan IV the Terrible.
1551 - “Stoglavy Cathedral” of the Russian Orthodox Church.
1552 – Kazan annexed to Moscow.
1555–1560 – Construction of the Intercession Cathedral in Moscow (St. Basil's Cathedral).
1556 – Astrakhan annexed to Moscow.
1556 – Adoption of the “Code of Service”.
1558–1583 - Livonian War.
1561 – Defeat of the Livonian Order.
1564 – Book printing begins in Rus'. Publication by Ivan Fedorov of “The Apostle” - the first printed book with a set date.
1565–1572 – Oprichnina of Ivan IV the Terrible.
1569 - Conclusion of the Union of Lublin on the unification of Poland with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania into one state - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
1581 – First mention of “ reserved summers».
1581 – Ermak’s campaign to Siberia.
1582 – Signing of Yam Zapolsky truce between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
1583 – Conclusion of the Truce of Plus with Sweden.
1584–1598 - The reign of Fyodor Ioannovich.
1589 – Establishment of the patriarchate in Rus'. Patriarch Job.
1597 - Decree on “pre-school years” (a five-year period for searching for runaway peasants).
1598–1605 - Board of Boris Godunov.
1603 – Revolt of peasants and serfs led by Cotton.
1605–1606 – Reign of False Dmitry I.
1606–1607 – Peasant uprising led by Ivan Bolotnikov.
1606–1610 – The reign of Tsar Vasily Shuisky.
1607–1610 – Attempt of False Dmitry II to seize power in Russia. The existence of the “Tushino camp”.
1609–1611 - Defense of Smolensk.
1610–1613 - “Seven Boyars”.
1611, March–June. – The first militia against Polish troops led by P. Lyapunov.
1612 – The second militia under the leadership of D. Pozharsky and K. Minin.
1612, October 26. – Liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders by the Second Militia.
1613 – Election of Mikhail Romanov to the throne by the Zemsky Sobor. The beginning of the Romanov dynasty. 1613–1645 – The reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.
1617 – Conclusion of the Stolbovo “eternal peace” with Sweden.
1618 – Deulino truce with Poland.
1632–1634 – Smolensk War between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Russia in the XVII–XVIII centuries.

1645–1676 - The reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.
1648 – Expedition of Semyon Dezhnev along the Kolyma River and the Arctic Ocean.
1648 – Beginning of the uprising of Bohdan Khmelnytsky in Ukraine.
1648 – “Salt riot” in Moscow.
1648–1650 – Uprisings in various cities of Russia.
1649 – The Zemsky Sobor adopted a new set of laws - the “Cathedral Code” of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The final enslavement of the peasants.
OK. 1653–1656 – Reform of Patriarch Nikon. The beginning of the church schism.
1654, January 8. - Pereyaslavskaya Rada. Reunification of Ukraine with Russia.
1654–1667 – Russia’s war with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for Ukraine.
1662 - “Copper Riot” in Moscow.
1667 – Conclusion of the Truce of Andrusovo between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
1667 – Introduction of the New Trade Charter.
1667–1671 – Peasant war led by Stepan Razin.
1672, May 30. – Birth of Peter I.
1676–1682 – Board of Fedor Alekseevich.
1682 – Abolition of localism.
1682, 1698 – Streltsy uprisings in Moscow.
1682–1725 – The reign of Peter I (1682–1689 – under the regency of Sophia, until 1696 – together with Ivan V).
1686 - “Eternal Peace” with Poland.
1687 – Opening of the Slavic Greek Latin Academy.
1695, 1696 – Campaigns of Peter I to Azov.
1697–1698 - “Great Embassy”.
1700–1721 - North War.
1703, May 16. – Founding of St. Petersburg.
1707–1708 – Peasant uprising led by K. Bulavin.
1708, September 28. – Battle of the village of Lesnoy.
1709, June 27. – Battle of Poltava.
1710–1711 - Prut campaign.
1711 – Establishment of the Senate.
1711–1765 – Life and work of M. V. Lomonosov.
1714 – Decree on single inheritance (repealed in 1731).
1714, July 27. – Battle of Cape Gangut.
1718–1721 – Establishment of boards.
1720 – Battle of Grenham Island.
1721 – Peace of Nystadt with Sweden.
1721 – Proclamation of Peter I as emperor. Russia became an empire.
1722 – Adoption of the “Table of Ranks”.
1722 – Signing of the decree on the succession to the throne.
1722–1723 - Caspian campaign.
1725 – Opening of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.
1725–1727 – The reign of Catherine I.
1727–1730 – The reign of Peter II.
1730–1740 - The reign of Anna Ioannovna. "Bironovschina."
1741–1761 - The reign of Elizaveta Petrovna.
1755, January 25. – Opening of Moscow University.
1756–1763 - Seven Years' War.
1757 – Foundation of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.
1761–1762 – The reign of Peter III.
1762 - “Manifesto on the freedom of the nobility.”
1762–1796 – The reign of Catherine II.
1768–1774 – Russian-Turkish war.
1770 – Victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish in the Battle of Chesma and the Russian ground forces over the Turkish army in the battles of the Larga and Cahul rivers.
1774 – Conclusion of the Kaynardzhi Peace Treaty by Kyuchuk following the results of the Russian-Turkish War. The Crimean Khanate came under Russian protectorate. Russia received the territory of the Black Sea region between the Dnieper and the Southern Bug, the fortresses of Azov, Kerch, Kinburn, and the right of free passage of Russian merchant ships through the Black Sea straits.
1772, 1793, 1795 – Partitions of Poland between Prussia, Austria and Russia. The territories of Right Bank Ukraine, Belarus, part of the Baltic states and Poland were transferred to Russia.
1772–1839 – Life and work of M. M. Speransky.
1773–1775 – Peasant war led by Emelyan Pugachev.
1775 – Implementation of provincial reform in the Russian Empire.
1782 – Opening of the monument to Peter I “The Bronze Horseman” (E. Falconet).
1783 – Crimea joins the Russian Empire. Georgievsky Treaty. Transition of Eastern Georgia under Russian protectorate.
1785 – Publication of letters of grant to the nobility and cities.
1787–1791 – Russian-Turkish War.
1789 – Victories of Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov at Focsani and Rymnik.
1790 – Victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish in the battle of Cape Kaliakria.
1790 – Publication of A. N. Radishchev’s book “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow.”
1790 – Capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail on the Danube by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov.
1791 – Conclusion of the Treaty of Jassy following the Russian-Turkish War. The annexation of Crimea and Kuban, the territory of the Black Sea region between the Southern Bug and the Dniester, was confirmed to Russia.
1794 – Uprising in Poland led by Tadeusz Kosciuszko.
1796–1801 – Reign of Paul I.
1797 – Cancellation of the order of succession to the throne established by Peter I. Restoring the order of succession to the throne by primogeniture in the male line.
1797 – Paul I publishes a manifesto on the three-day corvee.
1799 – Italian and Swiss campaigns of A.V. Suvorov.

Russia in the 19th century

1801–1825 – Reign of Alexander I.
1802 - Establishment of ministries instead of colleges.
1803 – Decree on “free cultivators”.
1803 – Adoption of a charter introducing the autonomy of universities.
1803–1804 – The first Russian round-the-world expedition led by I. F. Krusenstern and Yu. F. Lisyansky.
1804–1813 – Russian-Iranian war. Ended with the Peace of Gulistan.
1805–1807 – Russia’s participation in the III and IV anti-Napoleonic coalitions.
1805, December. – Defeat of Russian and Austrian troops in the Battle of Austerlitz.
1806–1812 – Russian-Turkish War.
1807 – Defeat of the Russian army near Friedland.
1807 – Conclusion of the Peace of Tilsit between Alexander I and Napoleon Bonaparte (Russia’s accession to the continental blockade of England, Russia’s consent to the creation of the Duchy of Warsaw as a vassal of France).
1808–1809 – Russian-Swedish war. Annexation of Finland to the Russian Empire.
1810 – Creation of the State Council on the initiative of M. M. Speransky.
1812, June–December. – Patriotic War with Napoleon.
1812 – Conclusion of the Peace of Bucharest following the results of the Russian-Turkish War.
1812, August 26. - Battle of Borodino.
1813–1814 – Foreign campaigns of the Russian army.
1813 - “Battle of the Nations” at Leipzig.
1813 – Conclusion of the Treaty of Gulistan following the Russian-Iranian War.
1814–1815 – Vienna Congress of European States. Solving the problems of the structure of Europe after the Napoleonic wars. Annexation of the Duchy of Warsaw (Kingdom of Poland) to Russia.
1815 - Creation of the “Holy Alliance”.
1815 – Granting of the Constitution to the Kingdom of Poland by Alexander I.
1816 – The beginning of the mass creation of military settlements on the initiative of A. A. Arakcheev.
1816–1817 – Activities of the “Union of Salvation”.
1817–1864 - Caucasian War.
1818–1821 – Activities of the “Union of Welfare”.
1820 – Discovery of Antarctica by Russian navigators under the command of F. F. Bellingshausen and M. P. Lazarev. 1821–1822 – Formation of the Northern and Southern Decembrist societies.
1821–1881 – Life and work of F. M. Dostoevsky.
1825, December 14. – Decembrist uprising on Senate Square in St. Petersburg.
1825, December 29 – 1826, January 3. – Uprising of the Chernigov regiment.
1825–1855 – The reign of Nicholas I.
1826–1828 – Russian-Iranian war.
1828 – Conclusion of the Turkmanchay Peace following the Russian-Iranian War. Death of A. S. Griboyedov.
1828–1829 – Russian-Turkish war.
1829 – Conclusion of the Peace of Adrianople following the Russian-Turkish War.
1831–1839 – Activities of N.V. Stankevich’s circle.
1837 - Opening of the first railway St. Petersburg - Tsarskoe Selo.
1837–1841 – P.D. Kiselev’s implementation of reforms in the management of state peasants.
1840–1850s – Disputes between Slavophiles and Westerners.
1839–1843 – Monetary reform by E. F. Kankrin.
1840–1893 – Life and work of P. I. Tchaikovsky.
1844–1849 – Activities of the circle of M. V. Butashevich-Petrashevsky.
1851 – Opening of the Moscow – St. Petersburg railway.
1853–1856 - Crimean War.
1853, November. - Battle of Sinope.
1855–1881 – The reign of Alexander II.
1856 – Paris Congress.
1856 – P. M. Tretyakov founded a collection of Russian art in Moscow.
1858, 1860 – Aigun and Beijing treaties with China.
1861, February 19. – Abolition of serfdom in Russia.
1861–1864 – Activities of the organization “Land and Freedom”.
1862 – Formation of the “Mighty Handful” - an association of composers (M. A. Balakirev, T. A. Cui, M. P. Mussorgsky, N. A. Rimsky Korsakov, A. P. Borodin).
1864 – Zemstvo, judicial and school reforms.
1864–1885 – Annexation of Central Asia to the Russian Empire.
1867 – Sale of Alaska to the United States.
1869 – Discovery of the Periodic Law by D. I. Mendeleev chemical elements.
1870 – Reform of city government.
1870–1923 – Activities of the “Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions”.
1873 – Creation of the “Union of Three Emperors”.
1874 - Carrying out military reform - the introduction of universal military service.
1874, 1876 – The Narodniks’ “walking among the people.”
1876–1879 – Activities of the new organization “Land and Freedom”.
1877–1878 – Russian-Turkish war.
1878 – Treaty of San Stefano.
1878 – Berlin Congress.
1879 – Split of the “Land and Freedom” organization. The emergence of the organizations “People's Will” and “Black Redistribution”.
1879–1881 – Activities of the organization “People's Will”.
1879–1882 - Formation of the Triple Alliance.
1881, March 1st. – Murder of Alexander II by Narodnaya Volya.
1881–1894 - Governing body Alexandra III.
1882 – Abolition of the temporarily obliged position of peasants. Transfer of peasants to compulsory redemption.
1883–1903 – Activities of the “Liberation of Labor” group.
1885 – Strike at the Nikolskaya manufactory of T. S. Morozov in Orekhovo Zuevo (Morozov strike).
1887 – Adoption of the circular “on cook’s children.”
1889 – Adoption of the “Regulations on Zemstvo Chiefs”.
1891–1893 - Formation of the Franco-Russian Union.
1891–1905 – Construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway.
1892 – P. M. Tretyakov donated his collection of Russian art to the city of Moscow.
1894–1917 – The reign of Nicholas II.
1895 – Invention of radio communications by A. S. Popov.
1895 – Creation of the “Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class.”
1897 – The first general census of the population of Russia.
1897 – Monetary reform by S. Yu. Witte.
1898 – 1st Congress of the RSDLP.
1899 – The Hague Peace Conference of 26 powers on disarmament issues, convened at the initiative of Russia.

Russia in the 20th century

1901–1902 – Creation of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (SRs) as a result of the unification of neo-populist circles.
1903 – II Congress of the RSDLP. Creation of a party.
1903 – Creation of the “Union of Zemstvo Constitutionalists”.
1904–1905 – Russian-Japanese War.
1904, August. - Battle of Liaoyang City.
1904, September. – Battle on the Shahe River.
1905, January 9. - “Bloody Sunday.” The beginning of the first Russian revolution.
1905–1907 – The first Russian revolution.
1905, February. – Defeat of the Russian army near the city of Mukden.
1905, May. – The death of the Russian fleet near the island of Tsushima.
1905, June. – Uprising on the battleship “Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky”.
1905, August. – Conclusion of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty following the Russian-Japanese War. Russia ceded to Japan the southern part of Sakhalin, lease rights to the Liaodong Peninsula and South Manchuria railway.
1905, October 17. – Publication of the Manifesto “On the Improvement of State Order.”
1905, November. – Creation of the “Union of the Russian People”.
1905, December. – Armed uprising in Moscow and a number of other cities.
1906, April–July. – Activities of the First State Duma.
1906, November 9. - Decree on the withdrawal of peasants from the community. The beginning of the Stolypin agrarian reform.
1907, February – June. – Activities of the Second State Duma.
1907, June 3. – Dissolution of the Second State Duma. Adoption of a new electoral law (June 3rd coup).
1907–1912 – Activities of the III State Duma.
1907, August - Russian-English agreement on the delimitation of zones of influence in Iran, Afghanistan and Tibet. The final formation of the Entente alliance.
1912 – Lena execution.
1912–1917 – Activities of the IV State Duma.
1914, August 1 – 1918, November 9. – First World War.
1915, August. – Creation of a Progressive block.
1916, May. - “Brusilovsky breakthrough.”
1917, February. – February bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia.
1917, March 2. – Nicholas II's abdication of the throne. Formation of the Provisional Government.
1917, May. – Formation of the 1st coalition Provisional Government.
1917, June. – Activities of the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies.
1917, July. – Formation of the 2nd coalition Provisional Government.
1917, August. - Kornilov rebellion.
1917, September 1. – Proclamation of Russia as a republic.
1917, October 24–26. – Armed uprising in Petrograd. Overthrow of the Provisional Government. II All-Russian Congress of Soviets (Proclamation of Russia as a Republic of Soviets.). Adoption of decrees on peace and land. 1918, January. – Convocation and dissolution of the Constituent Assembly.
1918, March 3. – Conclusion of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty between Soviet Russia and Germany. Russia lost Poland, Lithuania, part of Latvia, Finland, Ukraine, part of Belarus, Kars, Ardagan and Batum. The treaty was annulled in November 1918 after the revolution in Germany.
1918–1920 – Civil war in Russia.
1918 – Adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR.
1918–1921, March. – The Soviet government’s implementation of the policy of “war communism.”
1918, July - Execution of the royal family in Yekaterinburg.
1920–1921 – Anti-Bolshevik peasant uprisings in Tambov and Voronezh regions(“Antonovschina”), Ukraine, Volga region, Western Siberia.
1921, March - Conclusion of the Riga Peace Treaty of the RSFSR with Poland. The territories of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus went to Poland.
1921, February – March. – Uprising of sailors and soldiers in Kronstadt against the policy of “war communism.”
1921, March. – X Congress of the RCP(b). Transition to NEP.
1922 – Genoa Conference.
1922, December 30. – Education of the USSR.
1924 – Adoption of the USSR Constitution.
1925, December – XIV Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). Proclamation of a course towards industrialization of the country. The defeat of the “Trotskyist-Zinoviev opposition.”
1927, December – XV Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). Proclamation of the course towards collectivization of agriculture.
1928–1932 – The first five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR.
1929 – Beginning of complete collectivization.
1930 – Completion of construction of Turksib.
1933–1937 – The second five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR.
1934 – Admission of the USSR to the League of Nations.
1934, December 1. – Murder of S. M. Kirov. The beginning of mass repressions.
1936 – Adoption of the Constitution of the USSR (“victorious socialism”).
1939, August 23. – Signing of a non-aggression pact with Germany.
1939, September 1 – 1945, September 2. - The Second World War.
1939, November - 1940, March. – Soviet-Finnish War.
1941, June 22 – 1945, May 9. - The Great Patriotic War.
1941, July–September. - Battle of Smolensk.
1941, December 5–6 – Counter-offensive of the Red Army near Moscow.
1942, November 19 – 1943, February 2. – Counter-offensive of the Red Army at Stalingrad. The beginning of a radical change during the Great Patriotic War.
1943, July–August. – Battle of Kursk.
1943, September – December. – Battle of the Dnieper. Liberation of Kyiv. Completion of a radical change during the Great Patriotic War.
1943, November 28 – December 1. – Tehran Conference of Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.
1944, January. – Final liquidation of the siege of Leningrad.
1944, January – February. – Korsun Shevchenko operation.
1944, June – August – Operation for the liberation of Belarus (“Bagration”).
1944, July – August – Lvov-Sandomierz operation.
1944, August – Iasi-Kishinev operation.
1945, January - February - Vistula-Oder operation.
1945, February 4–11 – Crimean (Yalta) Conference of the Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.
1945, April - May - Berlin operation.
1945, April 25 – Meeting on the river. Elbe near Torgau advanced Soviet and American troops.
1945, May 8 – Surrender of Germany.
1945, July 17 – August 2 – Berlin (Potsdam) Conference of the Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.
1945, August - September - Defeat of Japan. Signing of the act of unconditional surrender of the Japanese armed forces. The end of World War II.
1946 – The Cold War begins.
1948 – Severance of diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia.
1949 – Start of a campaign to combat “cosmopolitanism.”
1949 – Creation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA).
1949 – Creation in the USSR nuclear weapons.
1953, March 5. – Death of I.S. Stalin.
1953, August. – Report on testing in the USSR hydrogen bomb.
1953, September – 1964, October. – Election of N. S. Khrushchev as First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Removed from his posts in October 1964.
1954 – Obninsk NPP was put into operation.
1955 – Formation of the Organization Warsaw Pact(OVD).
1956, February. – XX Congress of the CPSU. Report by N. S. Khrushchev “On the cult of personality and its consequences.”
1956, October–November. – Uprising in Hungary; depressed Soviet troops.
1957, October 4. – Launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite in the USSR.
1961, April 12. – Yu. A. Gagarin’s flight into space.
1961, October. – XXII Congress of the CPSU. Adoption of a new Party Program - the program for building communism. 1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis.
1962, June. – Strike at the Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant; shooting of a workers' demonstration.
1963, August. – Signing in Moscow of an agreement between the USSR, the USA and England banning nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, under water and outer space.
1965 – The beginning of the economic reform of A.N. Kosygina.
1968 – The entry of troops of the Warsaw Pact countries into Czechoslovakia.
1972, May. – Signing of the Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (SALT 1) between the USSR and the USA.
1975 – Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki).
1979 – Signing of the Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (SALT 2) between the USSR and the USA.
1979–1989 – “Undeclared war” in Afghanistan.
1980, July–August. – Olympic Games in Moscow.
1985, March. – Election of M. S. Gorbachev as General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.
1986, April 26. - The Chernobyl accident.
1987 – Conclusion of an agreement between the USSR and the USA on the elimination of intermediate- and shorter-range missiles.
1988 – XIX Party Conference. Proclamation of a course for reform of the political system.
1989, May–June. – First Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR.
1990, March. – Election of M. S. Gorbachev as President of the USSR at the Third Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR. Exception from the Constitution of Article 6.
1990, June 12 - The Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR was adopted.
1991 June 12. – Election of B. N. Yeltsin as President of the RSFSR.
1991, July. – Signing of the Treaty between the USSR and the USA on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (START 1).
1991, August 19–21. – Attempted coup d'etat (GKChP).
1991, December 8. – Bialowieza Agreement on the dissolution of the USSR and the creation of the CIS.
1991, December 25. – M. S. Gorbachev resigns from the powers of the President of the USSR.
1992 - The beginning of the radical economic reform of E. T. Gaidar.
1993, January. – Signing of the Treaty between Russia and the United States on the Reduction of Strategic Offensive Arms (START 2).
1993, October 3–4. – Armed clashes between supporters of the Supreme Council and government troops in Moscow.
1993, December 12. – Elections to the Federal Assembly – the State Duma and the Federation Council and a referendum on the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation.
1994 – Russia joins the NATO Partnership for Peace program.
1994, December. – The beginning of large-scale actions against Chechen separatists.
1996 – Russia’s accession to the Council of Europe.
1996, July. – Election of B. N. Yeltsin as President of the Russian Federation (for a second term).
1997 – Creation of the state TV channel “Culture” on the initiative of D. S. Likhachev.
1998, August. – Financial crisis in Russia (default).
1999, September. – Beginning of the anti-terrorist operation in Chechnya.
2000, March. – Election of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation.
2000 – Award of the Nobel Prize in Physics to Zh. I. Alferov for fundamental research in the field of information and telecommunication technologies.
2002 – Agreement between Russia and the United States on the mutual reduction of nuclear warheads.
2003 – Award of the Nobel Prize in Physics to A. A. Abrikosov and V. L. Ginzburg for work in the field of quantum physics, in particular for research into superconductivity and superfluidity.
2004, March. – Election of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation (for a second term).
2005 – Creation of the Public Chamber.
2006 – Launch of a program of national projects in the fields of agriculture, housing, health and education.
2008, March - Election of D. A. Medvedev as President of the Russian Federation.
2008, August - Invasion of Georgian troops into South Ossetia. Carrying out Russian army operations to force Georgia to peace. Russian recognition of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
2008, November - Adoption of a law on increasing the term of office of the State Duma and the President of the Russian Federation (5 and 6 years, respectively).

A lot, right? Don't despair: follow simple advice for better memorization.

1. Create vivid images.
If you can associate vivid images with dates, you will remember them much easier. The weirder, stupider and more ridiculous image you come up with, the better!

Imagine a man dressed as George Washington tossing a stack of dollar bills (exactly 1,732 pieces), each of which, of course, has a portrait of George Washington on it.

2. Use your body's memory. When memorizing data, you can create very strong associations using your body. Rhythmic steps as you memorize, gestures, and even singing dates to familiar tunes can all improve your memory. For example, here's what you can do:

When remembering the date 44 BC. Raise your hand like an ancient Roman orator - this year the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar was killed. Or sing your favorite song, inserting dates instead of the original words.

3. Systematize information.
If you can somehow categorize all the dates you need to remember, you'll have a much better chance of learning everything. It is very difficult to remember unstructured data. Don't spend day after day trying to remember random dates, instead try breaking them down into groups with common features. For example:

If you are memorizing the dates of important historical events, first put them in order. This will help you organize dates and find logical connections between them. The more you contextualize dates, the more meaningful they become. And you remember them better and better.

4 . You can also associate each number in dates with a letter. Associating letters with numbers can improve your memory. For example, you might remember the dates "1066" (Battle of Hastings), "1215" (creation of the Magna Carta), or "1776" (signing of the Declaration of Independence) as sequences of the letters "TOBB", "TGT" and "THOB", in according to the following diagram:

  • 0 = O, because the letter "O" and the number "0" are very similar
  • 1 = T because both the number 1 and the letter T have a vertical bar
  • 2 = G because the letter "G" written in italics (g) resembles the number "2"
  • 3 = Z, because the letter “Z” and the number “3” are written almost identically
  • 4 = H, because the number 4 is similar to the letter “H”, and the word “four” begins with this letter
  • 5 = b, because if we add to the letter “b” a horizontal dash left over from the letter “T”, which we associated with “1”, we get the letter “yat”, which no longer exists in our alphabet.
  • 6 = b, because the letter "B" and the number "6" are very similar
  • 7 = E, because “E” is the seventh letter of the alphabet
  • 8 = B because the letter "B" and the number "8" are very similar
  • 9 = D, because in writing the lowercase letter “d” (with a squiggle at the bottom) resembles a nine

5. Make detailed associations.
Dates will come to mind on their own if you can come up with detailed and memorable associations for them. One way is to use the previous method to expand the resulting associations into funny and memorable phrases, for example:

Preparing for study 5 successful tips
  • Preparing for Unified State Exam physics Expert
  • And I know all the dates history of the Unified State Exam 2018. Today I will tell you how easy it is to learn general history to pass the Unified State Exam.

    Features of general history

    Sometimes, when preparing for a history exam on this subject, we simply forget, but in vain! You can, of course, focus all your attention on Russian History and hope to pass, but General History makes up 10 percent of the entire exam anyway. You should not be content with the passing grades at the nearest university; you need to score the maximum in order to independently choose any educational institution.

    Without learning General History, you can lose up to 20 secondary points, therefore, you can forget about 100 points. That is why it is necessary to learn, especially since it is not as scary as it seems, and for me personally, studying the “world” turned out to be much more interesting and entertaining than studying Russian history. It just seems that it is impossible to remember a huge number of events and persons, but the main thing is to systematize the information. Well, based on personal experience I can say that it is not necessary to memorize General History, like Russian history, not counting the dates on the history of the Unified State Exam 2016, it is important to know them thoroughly.

    How to systematize your studies?

    It is best to tie dates to specific individuals and processes. Thus, the entire large volume will be divided into several blocks. In fact, there are already similar periods and you can use a ready-made classification.

    So, General History consists of several parts:

    • Antiquity (…-476 AD)
    • Early Middle Ages (V-IX centuries)
    • Developed Middle Ages (XII-XV centuries)
    • Late Middle Ages (XVI-mid-XVII century)
    • Previously Modern times (Mid XVII-XVIII centuries)
    • Late Modern era (XVIII-1914)
    • Modern times(1914-1991)

    This is really important to remember and understand, because such periodization will greatly facilitate your work with the world. It is also worth saying that the period of Antiquity is not included in the Unified State Exam, but it is also important to study it in order to understand where history begins, because if you start studying right away from the Early Middle Ages, then sooner or later you will have questions.

    Table for dates

    Having dealt with periodization, you should pay attention to the dates of the Unified State Examination in history and historical processes. To do this, I advise you to draw a table, which you divide into three columns, in the first, write the required date, in the second, describe the historical process in general terms (preferably in your own words), and in the third, the personalities who took part in this historical process. Of course, there are ready-made tables and diagrams, but compiling them yourself will help you remember the data better. Information presented in your own words is easier to comprehend, and during recording, mechanical memory is triggered.

    In order to better remember, you can connect the dates of foreign history with the dates of domestic history, this also helps a lot. Well, for general concept processes, you should watch the video (see below) and read, so don’t be lazy, go to the library, take the most ordinary school textbook on General History (everything is good, clear and detailed in it).

    Where is World History in the Unified State Exam?

    Well, finally, it’s worth saying that the world is found in tasks: 1, 6, 11, 23 and 24, so feel free to take any USE book or go to the “Solve the USE” website and practice. These simple and straightforward actions will be enough for you to learn this ominous Universal History and not lose precious points. And if you want to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history in 2018, apply to study at the Ivan Nekrasov School. This is a rational approach. You can gain knowledge that will help you easily pass the exam with maximum points. Modern techniques and useful tips will help even those who are poorly versed in the subject. Everything is in your hands, good luck!

    Read the blog to find out even more interesting features about preparation and decide how to learn dates in Russian history quickly!

    • Russia from antiquity to the end of the 16th century. (beginning of the 17th century)
    • Russia in the XVII–XVIII centuries.
    • Russia in the 19th century
    • Russia in the 20th century

    Russia from antiquity to the end of the 16th century. (beginning of the 17th century)

    • IX century. – Formation of the Old Russian state.
    • 862- “The Calling of the Varangians” to Rus'.
    • 862–879- The reign of Rurik in Novgorod.
    • 879–912– The reign of Oleg in Kyiv.
    • 882– The unification of Novgorod and Kyiv into a single state under Prince Oleg.
    • 907, 911– Oleg’s campaigns to Constantinople. Treaties with the Greeks.
    • 912–945– The reign of Igor in Kyiv.
    • 945- Revolt of the Drevlyans.
    • 945–962- The reign of Princess Olga during the early childhood of her son Prince Svyatoslav.
    • 957– Baptism of Princess Olga in Constantinople.
    • 962–972- The reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich.
    • 964–972. – Military campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav.
    • 980–1015– The reign of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Holy.
    • 988– Adoption of Christianity in Rus'.
    • 1019–1054- The reign of Yaroslav the Wise.
    • 1037– Beginning of construction of the Church of St. Sophia in Kyiv.
    • 1045– Beginning of construction of the Church of St. Sophia in Novgorod the Great.
    • OK. 1072– Final design of “Russian Truth” (“Pravda Yaroslavich”).
    • 1097 g. - Congress of princes in Lyubech. Consolidation of the fragmentation of the Old Russian state.
    • 1113–1125. – The Great Reign of Vladimir Monomakh.
    • 1125–1157 g. – The reign of Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky in Vladimir.
    • 1136– Establishment of a republic in Novgorod.
    • 1147– The first mention of Moscow in the chronicle.
    • 1157–1174– The reign of Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky.
    • 1165– Construction of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.
    • 1185– The campaign of Prince Igor Novgorod Seversky against the Polovtsians. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign."
    • 1199– Unification of the Volyn and Galician principalities.
    • 1202– Formation of the Order of the Sword.
    • 1223, May 31st.- Battle of the Kalka River.
    • 1237–1240. – Invasion of the Mongol Tatars led by Khan Batu into Rus'.
    • 1237– Unification of the Teutonic Order with the Order of the Sword. Formation of the Livonian Order.
    • 1238, March 4. – Battle of the City River.
    • 1240, July 15. - Battle of the Neva. The defeat of the Swedish knights on the Neva River by Prince Alexander Yaroslavich. Nicknamed Nevsky.
    • 1240– The defeat of Kyiv by the Mongol-Tatars.
    • 1242, 5th of April. - Battle on the Ice. The defeat of the crusaders on Lake Peipus by Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky.
    • 1243 g. – Formation of the Golden Horde state.
    • 1252–1263. - The reign of Alexander Nevsky on the Grand Duke's throne of Vladimir.
    • 1264– Collapse of the Galician-Volyn principality under the blows of the Horde.
    • 1276– Formation of an independent Moscow principality.
    • 1325–1340– The reign of Prince Ivan Kalita in Moscow.
    • 1326– Transfer of the residence of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church - the Metropolitan - from Vladimir to Moscow, turning Moscow into an all-Russian religious center.
    • 1327– Uprising in Tver against the Golden Horde.
    • 1359–1389– The reign of Prince (from 1362 – Grand Duke) Dmitry Ivanovich (after 1380 – Donskoy) in Moscow.
    • OK. 1360–1430. – Life and work of Andrei Rublev.
    • 1378 g. – Battle of the Vozha River.
    • 1380 8 September– Battle of Kulikovo.
    • 1382 g. – The defeat of Moscow by Tokhtamysh.
    • 1389–1425. – The reign of Vasily I Dmitrievich.
    • 1410 g., July 15- Battle of Grunwald. Defeat of the Teutonic Order.
    • 1425–1453. – Dynastic war between the sons and grandsons of Dmitry Donskoy.
    • 1439 g. – Florentine Church Union about the unification of the Catholic and Orthodox churches under the leadership of the Pope. The act of union was signed by the Russian Metropolitan Isidore, for which he was deposed.
    • 1448– Election of Bishop Jonah of Ryazan as Metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church and All Rus'. Establishment of autocephaly (independence) of the Russian Orthodox Church from Byzantium.
    • 1453– Fall of the Byzantine Empire.
    • 1462–1505– The reign of Ivan III.
    • 1463– Annexation of Yaroslavl to Moscow.
    • 1469–1472– Travel of Afanasy Nikitin to India.
    • 1471– Battle on the Sheloni River between Moscow and Novgorod troops.
    • 1478– Annexation of Novgorod the Great to Moscow.
    • 1480 g. - “Standing on the Ugra River.” Elimination of the Horde yoke.
    • 1484–1508– Construction of the current Moscow Kremlin. Construction of cathedrals and the Chamber of Facets, brick walls.
    • 1485– Annexation of Tver to Moscow.
    • 1497– Compilation of the Code of Laws of Ivan III. Establishment of uniform norms of criminal liability and judicial procedural norms for the entire country, restriction of the right of peasant transition from one feudal lord to another - a week before and a week after November 26 (St. George's Day in autumn).
    • End of the 15th – beginning of the 16th centuries.– Completion of the process of formation of the Russian centralized state.
    • 1503– Controversy between Nil Sorsky (the leader of the non-acquisitive people, who preached the refusal of the church from all property) and Abbot Joseph Volotsky (the leader of the acquisitive people, a supporter of the preservation of church land ownership). Condemnation of the views of non-possessors at the Church Council.
    • 1503– Annexation of the Southwestern Russian lands to Moscow.
    • 1505–1533– Reign of Vasily III.
    • 1510– Annexation of Pskov to Moscow.
    • 1514– Annexation of Smolensk to Moscow.
    • 1521– Annexation of Ryazan to Moscow.
    • 1533–1584– The reign of Grand Duke Ivan IV the Terrible.
    • 1547– The crowning of Ivan IV the Terrible.
    • 1549- The beginning of the convening of Zemsky Sobors.
    • 1550– Adoption of the Code of Laws of Ivan IV the Terrible.
    • 1551– “The Hundred-Glavy Cathedral” of the Russian Orthodox Church.
    • 1552– Annexation of Kazan to Moscow.
    • 1555–1560– Construction of the Intercession Cathedral in Moscow (St. Basil's Cathedral).
    • 1556 g. – Annexation of Astrakhan to Moscow.
    • 1556– Adoption of the “Code of Service”.
    • 1558–1583- Livonian War.
    • 1561- Defeat of the Livonian Order.
    • 1564- The beginning of book printing in Rus'. Publication by Ivan Fedorov of “The Apostle” - the first printed book with a set date.
    • 1565–1572– Oprichnina of Ivan IV the Terrible.
    • 1569– Conclusion of the Union of Lublin on the unification of Poland with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania into one state – the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
    • 1581– The first mention of “reserved years.”
    • 1581– Ermak’s campaign to Siberia.
    • 1582– Signing of Yam Zapolsky truce between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
    • 1583– Conclusion of the Truce of Plus with Sweden.
    • 1584–1598- The reign of Fyodor Ioannovich.
    • 1589- Establishment of the Patriarchate in Rus'. Patriarch Job.
    • 1597 g. - Decree on “pre-scheduled years” (a five-year period for searching for runaway peasants).
    • 1598–1605- Board of Boris Godunov.
    • 1603– Uprising of peasants and serfs under the leadership of Khlopok.
    • 1605–1606– Reign of False Dmitry I.
    • 1606–1607– Peasant uprising led by Ivan Bolotnikov.
    • 1606–1610– The reign of Tsar Vasily Shuisky.
    • 1607–1610– Attempt of False Dmitry II to seize power in Russia. The existence of the “Tushino camp”.
    • 1609–1611. - Defense of Smolensk.
    • 1610–1613. - “Seven Boyars”.
    • 1611, March – June. – The first militia against Polish troops led by P. Lyapunov.
    • 1612– The second militia under the leadership of D. Pozharsky and K. Minin.
    • 1612, October 26. – Liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders by the Second Militia.
    • 1613– Election of Mikhail Romanov to the throne by the Zemsky Sobor. The beginning of the Romanov dynasty. 1613–1645 – The reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.
    • 1617– Conclusion of the Stolbovsky “eternal peace” with Sweden.
    • 1618– Deulino truce with Poland.
    • 1632–1634– Smolensk War between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
    • Russia in the XVII–XVIII centuries.

      • 1645–1676- The reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.
      • 1648– Semyon Dezhnev’s expedition along the Kolyma River and the Arctic Ocean.
      • 1648– The beginning of the uprising of Bogdan Khmelnitsky in Ukraine.
      • 1648– “Salt riot” in Moscow.
      • 1648–1650– Uprisings in various cities of Russia.
      • 1649- Adoption by the Zemsky Sobor of a new set of laws - the “Cathedral Code” of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The final enslavement of the peasants.
      • OK. 1653–1656– Reform of Patriarch Nikon. The beginning of the church schism.
      • 1654, January 8. - Pereyaslavskaya Rada. Reunification of Ukraine with Russia.
      • 1654–1667– Russia’s war with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for Ukraine.
      • 1662– “Copper riot” in Moscow.
      • 1667– Conclusion of the Andrusovo truce between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
      • 1667– Introduction of the New Trade Charter.
      • 1667–1671– Peasant war led by Stepan Razin.
      • 1672, May 30.– Birth of Peter I.
      • 1676–1682– Board of Fedor Alekseevich.
      • 1682 g. – Abolition of localism.
      • 1682, 1698– Streltsy uprisings in Moscow.
      • 1682–1725– The reign of Peter I (1682–1689 – under the regency of Sophia, until 1696 – together with Ivan V).
      • 1686– “Eternal Peace” with Poland.
      • 1687 g. – Opening of the Slavic Greek Latin Academy.
      • 1695, 1696– Campaigns of Peter I to Azov.
      • 1697–1698. - “Great Embassy”.
      • 1700–1721- North War.
      • 1703, May 16.– Founding of St. Petersburg.
      • 1707–1708– Peasant uprising led by K. Bulavin.
      • 1708, September 28.– Battle of the village of Lesnoy.
      • 1709, June 27.- Battle of Poltava.
      • 1710–1711- Prut campaign.
      • 1711- Establishment of the Senate.
      • 1711–1765– Life and work of M.V. Lomonosov.
      • 1714– Decree on single inheritance (cancelled in 1731).
      • 1714, July 27.– Battle of Cape Gangut.
      • 1718–1721– Establishment of boards.
      • 1720- Battle of Grengam Island.
      • 1721– Peace of Nystadt with Sweden.
      • 1721– Proclamation of Peter I as emperor. Russia became an empire.
      • 1722– Adoption of the “Table of Ranks”.
      • 1722– Signing of the decree on the succession to the throne.
      • 1722–1723- Caspian campaign.
      • 1725 g. – Opening of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.
      • 1725–1727– The reign of Catherine I.
      • 1727–1730– The reign of Peter II.
      • 1730–1740- The reign of Anna Ioannovna. "Bironovschina."
      • 1741–1761. - The reign of Elizaveta Petrovna.
      • 1755, January 25.– Opening of Moscow University.
      • 1756–1763- Seven Years' War.
      • 1757– Foundation of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.
      • 1761–1762– The reign of Peter III.
      • 1762- “Manifesto on the freedom of the nobility.”
      • 1762–1796– The reign of Catherine II.
      • 1768–1774– Russian-Turkish war.
      • 1770– Victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish in the Battle of Chesma and the Russian ground forces over the Turkish army in the battles of the Larga and Cahul rivers.
      • 1774– Conclusion of the Kyuchuk Kaynardzhi Peace following the Russian-Turkish War. The Crimean Khanate came under Russian protectorate. Russia received the territory of the Black Sea region between the Dnieper and the Southern Bug, the fortresses of Azov, Kerch, Kinburn, and the right of free passage of Russian merchant ships through the Black Sea straits.
      • 1772, 1793, 1795– Partitions of Poland between Prussia, Austria and Russia. The territories of Right Bank Ukraine, Belarus, part of the Baltic states and Poland were transferred to Russia.
      • 1772–1839. – Life and work of M.M. Speransky.
      • 1773–1775– Peasant war led by Emelyan Pugachev.
      • 1775 g. – Carrying out provincial reform in the Russian Empire.
      • 1782 g. – Opening of the monument to Peter I “The Bronze Horseman” (E. Falconet).
      • 1783. – The entry of Crimea into the Russian Empire. Georgievsky Treaty. Transition of Eastern Georgia under Russian protectorate.
      • 1785 g. – Publication of letters of grant to the nobility and cities.
      • 1787–1791– Russian-Turkish war.
      • 1789– Victories of Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov at Focsani and Rymnik.
      • 1790– Victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish in the battle of Cape Kaliakria.
      • 1790– Publication of the book by A.N. Radishchev "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow."
      • 1790– Capture by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov of the Turkish fortress Izmail on the Danube.
      • 1791– Conclusion of the Peace of Jassy following the Russian-Turkish War. The annexation of Crimea and Kuban, the territory of the Black Sea region between the Southern Bug and the Dniester, was confirmed to Russia.
      • 1794– Uprising in Poland led by Tadeusz Kosciuszko.
      • 1796–1801– Reign of Paul I.
      • 1797. – Cancellation of the order of succession to the throne established by Peter I. Restoring the order of succession to the throne by primogeniture in the male line.
      • 1797– Publication by Paul I of the manifesto on the three-day corvee.
      • 1799– Italian and Swiss campaigns of A.V. Suvorov.

      Russia in the 19th century

      • 1801–1825– The reign of Alexander I.
      • 1802– Establishment of ministries instead of boards.
      • 1803- Decree on “free cultivators”.
      • 1803– Adoption of a charter introducing university autonomy.
      • 1803–1804– The first Russian round-the-world expedition led by I.F. Krusenstern and Yu. F. Lisyansky.
      • 1804–1813– Russian-Iranian war. Ended with the Peace of Gulistan.
      • 1805–1807– Russia’s participation in the III and IV anti-Napoleonic coalitions.
      • 1805, December.– Defeat of Russian and Austrian troops in the Battle of Austerlitz.
      • 1806–1812– Russian-Turkish war.
      • 1807– Defeat of the Russian army near Friedland.
      • 1807– Conclusion of the Peace of Tilsit between Alexander I and Napoleon Bonaparte (Russia’s accession to the continental blockade of England, Russia’s consent to the creation of the Duchy of Warsaw as a vassal of France).
      • 1808–1809– Russian-Swedish war. Annexation of Finland to the Russian Empire.
      • 1810– Creation of the State Council on the initiative of M.M. Speransky.
      • 1812, June – December. – Patriotic War with Napoleon.
      • 1812– Conclusion of the Bucharest Peace following the Russian-Turkish War.
      • 1812, August, 26th- Battle of Borodino.
      • 1813–1814– Foreign campaigns of the Russian army.
      • 1813- “Battle of the Nations” at Leipzig.
      • 1813– Conclusion of the Treaty of Gulistan following the Russian-Iranian War.
      • 1814–1815– Vienna Congress of European States. Solving the problems of the structure of Europe after the Napoleonic wars. Annexation of the Duchy of Warsaw (Kingdom of Poland) to Russia.
      • 1815– Creation of the “Holy Alliance”.
      • 1815– Granting of the Constitution to the Kingdom of Poland by Alexander I.
      • 1816. – The beginning of the mass creation of military settlements on the initiative of A.A. Arakcheeva.
      • 1816–1817– Activities of the “Union of Salvation”.
      • 1817–1864- Caucasian War.
      • 1818–1821– Activities of the “Union of Welfare”.
      • 1820– Discovery of Antarctica by Russian navigators under the command of F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev. 1821–1822 – Formation of the Northern and Southern Decembrist societies.
      • 1821–1881– Life and work of F.M. Dostoevsky.
      • 1825, December 14.– Decembrist uprising on Senate Square in St. Petersburg.
      • 1825, December 29 – 1826, January 3.– Uprising of the Chernigov regiment.
      • 1825–1855– The reign of Nicholas I.
      • 1826–1828– Russian-Iranian war.
      • 1828– Conclusion of the Turkmanchay Peace following the Russian-Iranian War. Death of A.S. Griboedova.
      • 1828–1829– Russian-Turkish war.
      • 1829– Conclusion of the Peace of Adrianople following the Russian-Turkish War.
      • 1831–1839– Activities of the circle N.V. Stankevich.
      • 1837. – Opening of the first railway St. Petersburg – Tsarskoe Selo.
      • 1837–1841– Conducting P.D. Kiselev reforms in the management of state peasants.
      • 1840–1850s– Disputes between Slavophiles and Westerners.
      • 1839–1843– Monetary reform E.F. Kankrina.
      • 1840–1893. – Life and work of P.I. Tchaikovsky.
      • 1844–1849. – Activities of the circle M.V. Butashevich-Petrashevsky.
      • 1851– Opening of the Moscow – St. Petersburg railway.
      • 1853–1856- Crimean War.
      • 1853, November.- Battle of Sinope.
      • 1855–1881– The reign of Alexander II.
      • 1856- Paris Congress.
      • 1856– Founding of P.M. Tretyakov collection of Russian art in Moscow.
      • 1858, 1860– Aigun and Beijing treaties with China.
      • 1861, February 19.– Abolition of serfdom in Russia.
      • 1861–1864– Activities of the organization “Land and Freedom”.
      • 1862– Formation of the “Mighty Handful” - an association of composers (M.A. Balakirev, Ts.A. Cui, M.P. Mussorgsky, N.A. Rimsky Korsakov, A.P. Borodin).
      • 1864– Zemstvo, judicial and school reforms.
      • 1864–1885– Annexation of Central Asia to the Russian Empire.
      • 1867– Sale of Alaska to the USA.
      • 1869– Discovery by D.I. Mendeleev of the Periodic Law of Chemical Elements.
      • 1870– Reform of city government.
      • 1870–1923– Activities of the “Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions”.
      • 1873– Creation of the “Union of Three Emperors”.
      • 1874– Carrying out military reform – introducing universal conscription.
      • 1874, 1876– The Narodniks’ “walking among the people.”
      • 1876–1879– Activities of the new organization “Land and Freedom”.
      • 1877–1878– Russian-Turkish war.
      • 1878– Treaty of San Stefano.
      • 1878- Berlin Congress.
      • 1879. – Split of the organization “Land and Freedom”. The emergence of the organizations “People's Will” and “Black Redistribution”.
      • 1879–1881– Activities of the organization “People's Will”.
      • 1879–1882- Formation of the Triple Alliance.
      • 1881, March 1st.– Murder of Alexander II by Narodnaya Volya.
      • 1881–1894– Reign of Alexander III.
      • 1882– Abolition of the temporarily obliged position of peasants. Transfer of peasants to compulsory redemption.
      • 1883–1903– Activities of the “Liberation of Labor” group.
      • 1885– Strike at the Nikolskaya manufactory T.S. Morozov in Orekhovo Zuevo (Morozov strike).
      • 1887– Adoption of a circular “on cook’s children.”
      • 1889– Adoption of the “Regulations on Zemstvo Chiefs”.
      • 1891–1893- Formation of the Franco-Russian Union.
      • 1891–1905– Construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway.
      • 1892– Transfer P.M. Tretyakov donated his collection of Russian art to the city of Moscow.
      • 1894–1917– The reign of Nicholas II.
      • 1895– Invention by A.S. Popov radio communications.
      • 1895– Creation of the “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class.”
      • 1897– The first general census of Russia.
      • 1897– Monetary reform S.Yu. Witte.
      • 1898– 1st Congress of the RSDLP.
      • 1899– The Hague Peace Conference of 26 powers on disarmament issues, convened at the initiative of Russia.

      Russia in the 20th century

      • 1901–1902– Creation of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (SRs) as a result of the unification of neo-populist circles.
      • 1903– II Congress of the RSDLP. Creation of a party.
      • 1903– Creation of the “Union of Zemstvo Constitutionalists”.
      • 1904–1905– Russian-Japanese War.
      • 1904, August- Battle of Liaoyang City.
      • 1904, September– Battle on the Shahe River.
      • 1905, January 9- “Bloody Sunday.” The beginning of the first Russian revolution.
      • 1905–1907– The first Russian revolution.
      • 1905, February– Defeat of the Russian army near the city of Mukden.
      • 1905, May– The death of the Russian fleet near the island of Tsushima.
      • 1905, June– Uprising on the battleship “Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky”.
      • 1905, August– Conclusion of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty following the Russian-Japanese War. Russia ceded to Japan the southern part of Sakhalin, lease rights to the Liaodong Peninsula and the South Manchurian Railway.
      • 1905, October 17– Publication of the Manifesto “On the Improvement of State Order.”
      • 1905, November– Creation of the “Union of the Russian People”.
      • 1905, December– Armed uprising in Moscow and a number of other cities.
      • 1906, April–July– Activities of the First State Duma.
      • 1906, November 9- Decree on the withdrawal of peasants from the community. The beginning of the Stolypin agrarian reform.
      • 1907, February–June– Activities of the Second State Duma.
      • 1907, June 3– Dissolution of the Second State Duma. Adoption of a new electoral law (June 3rd coup).
      • 1907–1912. – Activities of the III State Duma.
      • 1907, August– Russian-English agreement on the delimitation of zones of influence in Iran, Afghanistan and Tibet. The final formation of the Entente alliance.
      • 1912- Lena execution.
      • 1912–1917– Activities of the IV State Duma.
      • 1914, August 1 – 1918, November 9- World War I.
      • 1915, August. – Creation of a Progressive block.
      • 1916, May- “Brusilovsky breakthrough.”
      • 1917, February– February bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia.
      • 1917, March 2– Nicholas II's abdication of the throne. Formation of the Provisional Government.
      • 1917, May– Formation of the 1st coalition Provisional Government.
      • 1917, June– Activities of the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies.
      • 1917, July– Formation of the 2nd coalition Provisional Government.
      • 1917, August- Kornilov rebellion.
      • 1917, September 1– Proclamation of Russia as a republic.
      • 1917, October 24–26– Armed uprising in Petrograd. Overthrow of the Provisional Government. II All-Russian Congress of Soviets (Proclamation of Russia as a Republic of Soviets.). Adoption of decrees on peace and land. 1918, January. – Convocation and dissolution of the Constituent Assembly.
      • 1918, March 3.– Conclusion of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty between Soviet Russia and Germany. Russia lost Poland, Lithuania, part of Latvia, Finland, Ukraine, part of Belarus, Kars, Ardagan and Batum. The treaty was annulled in November 1918 after the revolution in Germany.
      • 1918–1920– Civil war in Russia.
      • 1918– Adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR.
      • 1918–1921, March– The Soviet government’s implementation of the policy of “war communism.”
      • 1918, July– Execution of the royal family in Yekaterinburg.
      • 1920–1921– Anti-Bolshevik peasant uprisings in the Tambov and Voronezh regions (“Antonovschina”), Ukraine, the Volga region, Western Siberia.
      • 1921, March– Conclusion of the Riga Peace Treaty of the RSFSR with Poland. The territories of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus went to Poland.
      • 1921, February–March– Uprising of sailors and soldiers in Kronstadt against the policy of “war communism.”
      • 1921, March.– X Congress of the RCP(b). Transition to NEP.
      • 1922– Genoa Conference.
      • 1922, December 30– Education of the USSR.
      • 1924– Adoption of the USSR Constitution.
      • 1925, December– XIV Congress of the CPSU(b). Proclamation of a course towards industrialization of the country. The defeat of the “Trotskyist-Zinoviev opposition.”
      • 1927, December– XV Congress of the CPSU(b). Proclamation of the course towards collectivization of agriculture.
      • 1928–1932– The first five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR.
      • 1929. - The beginning of complete collectivization.
      • 1930– Completion of construction of Turksib.
      • 1933–1937. – The second five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR.
      • 1934– Admission of the USSR to the League of Nations.
      • 1934, December 1– Murder of S. M. Kirov. The beginning of mass repressions.
      • 1936– Adoption of the Constitution of the USSR (“victorious socialism”).
      • 1939, August 23– Signing of a non-aggression pact with Germany.
      • 1939, September 1 – 1945, September 2- The Second World War.
      • 1939, November - 1940, March– Soviet-Finnish War.
      • 1941, June 22 – 1945, May 9- The Great Patriotic War.
      • 1941, July–September- Battle of Smolensk.
      • 1941, December 5–6– Counter-offensive of the Red Army near Moscow.
      • 1942, November 19 – 1943, February 2– Counter-offensive of the Red Army at Stalingrad. The beginning of a radical change during the Great Patriotic War.
      • 1943, July–August- Battle of Kursk.
      • 1943, September–December– Battle of the Dnieper. Liberation of Kyiv. Completion of a radical change during the Great Patriotic War.
      • 1943, November 28 – December 1– Tehran Conference of Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.
      • 1944, January– Final liquidation of the siege of Leningrad.
      • 1944, January–February– Korsun Shevchenko operation.
      • 1944, June–August– Operation for the liberation of Belarus (“Bagration”).
      • 1944, July–August– Lvov-Sandomierz operation.
      • 1944, August– Yassko-Kishinev operation.
      • 1945, January–February– Vistula Oder operation.
      • 1945, February 4–11– Crimean (Yalta) conference of heads of government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.
      • 1945, April–May- Berlin operation.
      • 1945, April 25- Meeting on the river. Elbe near Torgau advanced Soviet and American troops.
      • 1945, May 8- Surrender of Germany.
      • 1945, July 17– August 2 – Berlin (Potsdam) conference of heads of government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.
      • 1945, August – September- Defeat of Japan. Signing of the act of unconditional surrender of the Japanese armed forces. The end of World War II.
      • 1946- The beginning of the Cold War.
      • 1948– Severance of diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia.
      • 1949. – Start of a campaign to combat “cosmopolitanism.”
      • 1949– Creation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA).
      • 1949. – Creation of nuclear weapons in the USSR.
      • 1953, March 5– Death of I.S. Stalin.
      • 1953, August– Report on the testing of a hydrogen bomb in the USSR.
      • 1953, September – 1964, October– Election of N. S. Khrushchev as First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Removed from his posts in October 1964.
      • 1954– Obninsk NPP was put into operation.
      • 1955. – Formation of the Warsaw Pact Organization (WTO).
      • 1956., February– XX Congress of the CPSU. Report by N. S. Khrushchev “On the cult of personality and its consequences.”
      • 1956., October November– Uprising in Hungary; suppressed by Soviet troops.
      • 1957., The 4th of October– Launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite in the USSR.
      • 1961 G., 12th of April– Yu. A. Gagarin’s flight into space.
      • 1961, October– XXII Congress of the CPSU. Adoption of a new Party Program - the program for building communism. 1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis.
      • 1962, June– Strike at the Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant; shooting of a workers' demonstration.
      • 1963, August– Signing in Moscow of an agreement between the USSR, the USA and England banning nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, under water and outer space.
      • 1965– The beginning of the economic reform of A.N. Kosygina.
      • 1968– The entry of troops of the Warsaw Pact countries into Czechoslovakia.
      • 1972 May– Signing of the Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (SALT 1) between the USSR and the USA.
      • 1975– Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki).
      • 1979– Signing of the Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (SALT 2) between the USSR and the USA.
      • 1979–1989– “Undeclared war” in Afghanistan.
      • 1980, July August– Olympic Games in Moscow.
      • 1985., March– Election of M.S. Gorbachev General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.
      • 1986., 26 April- The Chernobyl accident.
      • 1987– Conclusion between the USSR and the USA of an agreement on the elimination of intermediate- and shorter-range missiles.
      • 1988. – XIX Party Conference. Proclamation of a course for reform of the political system.
      • 1989, May- June. – First Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR.
      • 1990., March– Election at the Third Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR M.S. Gorbachev as President of the USSR. Exception from the Constitution of Article 6.
      • 1990., 12 June– The Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the RSFSR was adopted.
      • 1991. 12 June– Election of B.N. Yeltsin, President of the RSFSR.
      • 1991., July– Signing of the Treaty between the USSR and the USA on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (START 1).
      • 1991., August 19–21– Attempted coup d'etat (GKChP).
      • 1991 G., December 8– Belovezhskaya agreement on the dissolution of the USSR and the creation of the CIS.
      • 1991 December 25– Addition M.S. Gorbachev powers of the President of the USSR.
      • 1992. – The beginning of radical economic reform E.T. Gaidar.
      • 1993., January– Signing of the Treaty between Russia and the United States on the Reduction of Strategic Offensive Arms (START 2).
      • 1993, October 3–4– Armed clashes between supporters of the Supreme Council and government troops in Moscow.
      • 1993., 12 December– Elections to the Federal Assembly – the State Duma and the Federation Council and a referendum on the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation.
      • 1994. – Russia’s accession to the NATO “Partnership for Peace” program.
      • 1994., December– The beginning of large-scale actions against Chechen separatists.
      • 1996. – Russia’s accession to the Council of Europe.
      • 1996, July– Election of B.N. Yeltsin as President of the Russian Federation (for a second term).
      • 1997– Creation on the initiative of D.S. Likhachev state TV channel "Culture".
      • 1998, August– Financial crisis in Russia (default).
      • 1999., September– Beginning of the anti-terrorist operation in Chechnya.
      • 2000, March– Election of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation.
      • 2000– Award of the Nobel Prize in Physics to Zh.I. Alferov for fundamental research in the field of information and telecommunication technologies.
      • 2002– Agreement between Russia and the United States on the mutual reduction of nuclear warheads.
      • 2003. – Award of the Nobel Prize in Physics to A.A. Abrikosov and V.L. Ginzburg for his work in the field of quantum physics, in particular for his studies of superconductivity and superfluidity.
      • 2004., March– Election of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation (for a second term).
      • 2005– Creation of the Public Chamber.
      • 2006. – Launch of a program of national projects in the fields of agriculture, housing, health and education.
      • 2008, March– Election of D.A. Medvedev as President of the Russian Federation.
      • 2008., August– Invasion of Georgian troops into South Ossetia. Conducting an operation by the Russian army to force Georgia to peace. Russian recognition of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
      • November 2008– Adoption of a law on increasing the term of office of the State Duma and the President of the Russian Federation (5 and 6 years, respectively).