How to cure a cough quickly with folk remedies. Useful tips: how to cure a cough at home. Black radish for cough, recipes

05.11.2021 Diseases

Coughing cleanses the body Airways from mucus, viruses, bacteria, sputum. This reaction is caused by an inflammatory process in the lungs, mucous membrane of the larynx, throat, and bronchi. You have to cough when dust or caustic gases enter your respiratory tract. Reasons: strong excitement, emotional stress. The cough can be dry, wet, barking, hoarse, long, short, and other varieties.

Causes of cough

With the air, dust particles, bacteria and viruses, and soot particles enter the lungs. A healthy body gets rid of them with the help of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium of the trachea and bronchi. Mucus, due to its bactericidal properties, destroys infection. This natural process that keeps the trachea and bronchi clean is called mucociliary clearance.

If physical or Chemical properties mucus changes for various reasons - for example, mucus becomes thicker - mucociliary clearance is disrupted and to maintain proper cleanliness in the trachea and bronchi you need to cough.

The following irritants cause coughing:

  • chemical: polluted air, exhaust gases, tobacco smoke;
  • mechanical: dust, soot;
  • thermal: dry hot or frosty air.
  • Grind 2-3 cloves of garlic, add 1 tbsp. honey, 2 tbsp. vodka, mix well.

Take 1 tsp. morning and evening for two days, take a break on the third day. If recovery does not occur, repeat treatment. Store in a cool place.

  • A mixture of 2 tbsp helps to moisten the cough, relieve spasms and inflammation. licorice, 2 tsp. vinegar, 2 tbsp. honey

Take 1 tsp. 5 times a day.

  • Add 1/3 tsp to a glass of warm milk. ginger powder, 1/2 tsp. honey, turmeric on the tip of a knife.

Drink in small sips.

  • Cabbage juice, decoction of berries, flowers or raspberries

– excellent means for thinning phlegm.

How to cure a child's cough

For better sputum removal:

  • brew 1 tsp. chamomile in a glass of boiling water, let cool.

Give your child a dessert spoon 3 times a day.

  • At night, place a plate with chopped onion near the crib.

This remedy also helps with influenza epidemics.

  • Cut the onion, add water, add 3-4 tbsp. honey, cook in a sealed container for half an hour. Strain and let cool.

Give the child 1 tsp. after each coughing attack. Keep refrigerated.

  • give the child 1/2 tsp. fresh cabbage juice with sugar

This method improves expectoration.

  • Brew 1 tsp. coltsfoot leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain.

Take 1 tsp. several times a day.

  • Brew 1 tsp. blackcurrant leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain.

Take instead of tea.

  • Mix warm sour cream with 5 cloves of grated garlic.

Give to child 4-5 times a day for whooping cough or severe cough.

  • A large iodine mesh in the lung area in front and on the back helps to get rid of children's cough, but without affecting the heart area. The mesh is also applied to the calves and heels.

You can lubricate your toes.

  • Night honey compress for the cervical-collar area

helps cure cough.

  • Boil the potatoes in their skins, get puree, add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2-3 drops of iodine, mix.

Place the puree on a cloth and place it on the baby’s chest up to the throat, wrap it up. When the compress has cooled, remove it and cover the child with a warm blanket.

Folk remedies to cure cough

  • Grind and obtain the juice of the aloe stem, add the same amount of slightly warmed honey.

Take 1 tbsp. three times a day.

  • Take pumpkin decoction for cough.
  • Mix radish or carrot juice with the same amount of milk.

Take 1 tbsp. 5-6 times a day.

  • Thinly slice the radish and sprinkle with sugar.

Take juice 1 tsp. every hour, if there are no heart or liver diseases. The product also helps cure a smoker's cough.

  • Chop 10 onions, one head of garlic, boil in a liter of milk until soft, add a little honey.

Take 1 tbsp. once an hour.

  • Take 1/2 cup of grape juice with honey as an expectorant.

This folk remedy cures in 1-2 days.

  • Crush the rowan berries, add to sour cream, put on low heat for 10 minutes, let cool.

Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.

  • Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. honey, juice of one, two raw chicken eggs, stir, let cool.

Take a sip once an hour.

Modified: 06/26/2019

With the onset of cold weather, many children develop a cough, which they want to get rid of as soon as possible and, if possible, without the use of chemicals. Therefore, the question “How to quickly cure a cough folk remedies"Relevant for most parents.

Cough is often associated with the appearance of a viral infection in the body, hypothermia, prolonged exposure to unventilated areas and insufficient amounts of vitamins, the absence of which significantly reduces immunity. Thus, short coughing attacks can be not only a symptom of a seasonal cold, but also a sign of one of the serious diseases, for example, heart disease, stomach or allergy.

You need to understand that coughing is only a manifestation of the disease. With its help, the body tries to free itself from the accumulation of foreign bodies that are not inherent to it in the respiratory tract.

To quickly overcome a cough, you first need to determine its nature. It can be expressed in the following forms:

  • dry;
  • wet;
  • intermittent;
  • barking;
  • in the form of attacks.

Therefore, only a doctor can figure out what causes the cough. So before starting treatment, you need to consult a therapist. If it is not possible to go to the clinic, then it is not always possible to independently determine the cause of the cough. Therefore, in order not to harm yourself or your child, it is not advisable to start taking antibiotics. It is better to use proven folk methods to combat a cough, which can relieve a sore throat, thin phlegm, and remove mucus from the body.

Read also: How to induce a cough quickly

When there is no reason requiring serious treatment, you can resort to home remedy to get rid of it. But you need to start with providing good conditions in which the patient will feel comfortable.

If the diagnosis is acute respiratory infection, and also a high temperature, you need bed rest, with an environment of 19-22 degrees. The room should be ventilated at least twice a day, and to normalize the humidity, you need to place a small container of water in the patient’s room. The cough begins to get worse when the air in the room is dry or too warm.

During illness, a child requires dietary nutrition consisting of foods high in vitamins. But the first priority is to provide repeated warm drinks. In some cases, for example, when very high temperature, drinking liquid can replace one of the intermediate meals.

Teas made from plants are considered to be the most effective folk remedies. Inhalations, rubbing and warming, and massage can be used as additional procedures. When all these measures are combined, there is a high probability of quickly getting rid of cough without the use of medications.

An effective remedy

Badger fat is a common remedy; it helps to overcome even the most severe cough. It allows you to cure any of the forms in a few days. It is used for rubbing adults and children.

Another popular remedy is marshmallow herb tea. It envelops the bronchi, helps reduce itching in the throat and thins mucus accumulations.

Dry cough

It is quite difficult to get rid of a dry cough, since due to the increased viscosity of sputum, it is difficult to remove from the body. This form, in which the cough is exhausting and hysterical, often leads to vomiting. In such situations, you need to try to quickly change the properties of the sputum to a more liquid one, so that the cough becomes wet. To stop a dry cough, you need to drink half a glass of alkaline mineral water diluted 50x50 with milk throughout the day.

Inhalation is an equally effective remedy that cures the dry form of cough. For these purposes, you can use a nebulizer or simply breathe in the steam from a boiling container with a solution of water and soda. Inhalation over a pan of boiled potatoes helps a lot. The procedure can be carried out at home only in the absence of fever. To get rid of cough using inhalation, decoctions of eucalyptus, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, marshmallow, etc. are used. If there are no medicinal herbs in the house, it is permissible to use Zvezdochka balm.

Treatment of cough in a child

Treating a cough in a one-year-old child is problematic, since inhalations are not allowed until the child is one year old, and the baby will not drink tasteless infusions. But even in this situation, you can try and find a way out of the situation:

  1. Licorice syrup. You need to add any decoction of medicinal plants to it. The child will drink this mixture with pleasure. To treat cough, it is recommended to give 0.5 cups of diluted syrup (1 teaspoon half a glass) 3 times a day.
  2. Milk with honey. If the child is not allergic to the product produced by bees, you can relieve the cough by dissolving 1 tsp. honey in heated milk. This drink will relieve itching and sore throat if the child drinks it before bed.
  3. Fig milk. To prepare the remedy, you need to pour a glass of warm milk over the fig fruit and wait until it cools. Next, the fruits are ground and mixed with milk, after which they can be used as a medicine for a child. This drink will quickly relieve your baby's cough.
  4. Black radish. You need to cut out the core of the fruit, fill it with honey and leave it overnight. The resulting juice can be given to a sick baby in the morning. The daily norm is one teaspoon.

For cough in children who less than a year, you can get rid of it with chamomile decoction. To get a decoction from the plant, you need to pour 2 teaspoons of dry chamomile with a liter of boiling water. Cool the resulting drug, strain and give the baby half a teaspoon every hour.

Folk remedies for cough in adults:

  • Grind a small onion to a pulp and mix with honey until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Take the medicine one teaspoon at a time when a cough appears;
  • Mix the juice from aloe leaves with honey 50×50 and softened butter. The resulting mixture must be taken before meals, a teaspoon;
  • a piece of ginger root is grated and boiled in 0.2 liters of water. After the broth has cooled, add a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice. Drink three times a day;
  • Chop a small head of onion and mix with two spoons of sugar, then leave for 6-8 hours. Use with a dessert spoon before meals if you have a severe cough;
  • squeeze the juice from black radish, carrots and mix all ingredients with milk in equal proportions. Take the drug one tablespoon before meals;
  • In a glass of warm milk you need to dissolve a tablespoon of butter and a teaspoon of soda. To relieve cough, drink before bedtime;
  • Grind a medium-sized lemon in a meat grinder along with the peel, add a glass of honey and 0.2 kg of walnut kernels. Use the product 0.5 tsp. twice a day;
  • Grind two tablespoons of barley in a coffee grinder or blender and pour a glass of warm milk. Recommended for severe coughing attacks;
  • sage in the amount of 2 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 25-30 minutes. Strain the warm infusion and mix with milk and a tablespoon of honey. Drink before bed;
  • You need to pour a glass of viburnum berries into a small thermos, pour a liter of boiling water and let it steam;
  • A tablespoon of finely chopped licorice root should be poured into a liter of boiling water and heated in a water bath. After an hour, add boiling water to the infusion until you get 200 g of liquid. Take one dessert spoon three times a day.

When treating a cough, it is recommended to use compresses and rubbing. The simplest and safest remedy is an iodine mesh, which is applied to the back in the area of ​​the bronchi. Usually this procedure is performed at night, as it has a warming effect, which makes it undesirable to appear in drafts.

For rubbing, in addition to badger, goose or goat fat is good. You need to rub both your back and chest until completely absorbed. Next, you need to wrap the patient in a warm blanket.


During the season when viral diseases and infectious diseases are especially active, it is worth refreshing your knowledge about cough treatment, because this symptom appears before a serious cold. Which drugs are best for therapy? What can you give your child and should you rely on the funds? traditional medicine?

How to treat a cough

The rhythm of modern life is such that people often do not have enough time to remember the basic rule: health comes first, and it is better to entrust it to qualified doctors. Therefore, self-medication becomes a fundamental principle for most. To prevent cough treatment from suddenly becoming the main cause of deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to refresh your memory on how to quickly cure a cough.

In children

The respiratory muscles are responsible for the productivity of coughing in the body: the more developed it is, the easier it is to stop the infection. However, mucociliary clearance in a child under 5 years of age is still too poorly developed, so it is more difficult for children to remove mucus from the bronchi than for an adult, and therefore the risk of complications increases. To correct the situation, treatment of cough in children should take place in three areas:

  • using syrups and tablets that help remove mucus from the respiratory tract;
  • with the help of non-drug measures that act on the disease from the inside;
  • auxiliary means of physiotherapy: warming up, inhalations, warming massage.

In adults

To understand how to treat cough in adults, you need to be able to distinguish between its types. This symptom can be strong, bronchial, obsessive and even whistling, but in medical practice it is usually divided into only two categories:

  • Dry and ineffective. It can be barking, paroxysmal, accompanied by a strong sore throat. Possible diagnosis: laryngitis, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza, allergies, pharyngitis.
  • Moist and productive. They cause simple adenoviral diseases and severe lung diseases: pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and inflammation.

To eliminate a lingering cough, you need to buy mucolytic drugs at the pharmacy. They dilute the accumulation of mucus, promote its removal from the human body, and have an antimicrobial effect. To treat dry cough, choose syrups, tablets and teas that coat the mucous membrane, relieve inflammation, and have antiseptic properties.

How to treat dry cough

A dry, painful cough occurs at the very beginning of the disease. It is exhausting, annoying and often prevents you from sleeping well at night. In this case, the bronchial secretion is either not released enough, that is, complete cleansing of the larynx, bronchi and lungs does not occur, so it is important to begin treating a dry cough immediately after its appearance. To do this, use antitussives that block the reflex at the level of the brain cough center or reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings.

In an adult

Much in the question of how to treat a dry cough in an adult will depend on the course and cause of the symptom:

  • Libexin is a good remedy for bronchitis;
  • if it lasts more than one day, then it is advisable to use medications that suppress the cough reflex: mint candies and tablets, syrups with sage, drugs analogues of Broncholitin;
  • allergic dry cough is treated with antihistamines: Chloropyramine, Tavegil, Zodak, Cetrin and others.

If you cannot determine the cause of the cough on your own, it is better to check with your doctor about what you need to buy at the pharmacy. In addition, you need to urgently contact the clinic if:

  • the symptom lasts more than 4 days;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • a severe runny nose appeared;
  • the temperature rose sharply;
  • severe abdominal pain or other symptoms.

In children

Only a pediatrician can determine how to cure a dry cough in a child under two years of age. It is unacceptable to take any independent measures, especially to give the baby mucoregulatory drugs for adults. However, you can help your baby with anything before seeing a doctor:

  • First you need to bring down the temperature, if any.
  • Then apply distraction therapy: massage the arms and legs, take the child into the bathroom filled with steam.

How to cure cough in older children? In mild cases, therapy can begin at different points:

  • Apply mustard plasters to your back or do inhalation. Remember: the temperature of the water in the nebulizer should not exceed 40°C.
  • Give the child a warm breast massage using honey rubs, medical asterisk or turpentine ointment.
  • A quick way is to warm foot baths with chamomile, thyme, sage or mustard.

Traditional methods

You should not refuse the help of traditional medicine. Take note of a few things:

  • A quick way to relieve an adult’s condition is to drink warm beer with honey. It is better to choose dark beer, but you should not get carried away with such a drink.
  • Mint candy is a folk remedy for dry cough in children. The recipe is simple: dissolve a little powdered sugar in a metal bowl, mix it with milk and mint extract. Children eat this medicinal candy with pleasure.
  • Alcohol infusions of ginger, thyme, pine cones, coltsfoot, simple propolis tincture and turmeric with milk help well.

Treatment of wet cough

The main difference between a wet productive cough and a dry one is that the infection, along with the accumulated mucus, comes out. Doctors are more favorable towards this type of disease and believe that no special treatment is needed. However, there are times when it is still necessary to help your body recover faster. There are several options for treating wet cough in young children, schoolchildren and adults.

In an adult

How to get rid of cough with phlegm? To begin with, you should clearly understand that you cannot take medications whose purpose is to suppress the cough reflex. Due to such drugs, sputum will still be formed, but at the same time it will settle in the respiratory tract, creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of viruses. For treatment, agents are chosen that make mucus thinner and help cough up:

  • syrups: Prospan, Bromhexine, Gerbion;
  • mucolytic tablets: ACC, Mukosol, Doctor Mom;
  • expectorants: Mucaltin, Travisil, Stoptussin.

Before starting to take a particular medicine, you should carefully read the instructions for use or consult with your doctor. It happens that many drugs are not compatible with certain groups of antibiotics that contain codeine. You can take the tablets only with boiled, chilled water, and mineral water It is better to leave Borjomi or Essentuki as an additional drink.

The child has

Quick ways to get rid of the disease in children are alcohol compresses or rubbing the chest. By stimulating blood circulation, they help not only quickly cure a child’s cough, but also accelerate the removal of infection from the body. Here are some effective recipes:

  1. In two st. l. olive oil add 2-3 drops of peppermint or essential oil eucalyptus. Apply the oil mixture with circular movements of your fingers, and then wrap your baby in a warm blanket and tie a scarf around his neck.
  2. In the microwave, lightly heat 1 glass of vodka, 1 tsp. honey Rub your baby thoroughly until the mixture no longer sticks to your hands. After rubbing, wrap your baby well.

With sputum

This question is more complicated and requires preparation. How to treat cough with sputum, besides the above remedies? Time-tested home methods are:

  • provide the patient with constant drinking - it helps to better eliminate mucus from the bronchi;
  • do steam inhalations with a nebulizer filled with water with carbocysteine ​​lysine salt - 2 g of salt per 1 liter of liquid;
  • if there is no fever, visit the steam room or take a bath with eucalyptus at home.

Folk remedies

Thanks to the experience of our ancestors, accumulated over several centuries, folk remedies for sputum discharge are actively used in the treatment of wet cough. Herbs have shown particular effectiveness:

  • liquorice root;
  • oregano;
  • thyme;
  • plantain leaves;
  • marshmallow root;
  • thermopsis.

Try natural antibiotics: onions and garlic. Traditional medicine constantly talks about the miraculous antimicrobial and antiseptic properties of these products. For greater effect, you can pass the onion and garlic through a press, mix the pulp with honey and eat 1 tbsp. l. after meal.

Effective drugs

Based on how a particular medicine affects the human body, effective cough medications are divided into:

  • mucolytic tablets, syrups and powders that thin out mucus - Ambroxol, Fluditek, Mesna, Flavamed, ACC;
  • expectorant medications designed to remove sputum from the bronchi, helping a dry cough to turn into a wet one - Mucaltin, Thermopsol, Codelac Broncho, Bromhexine, elixir Halixol;
  • resorptive drugs that envelop the laryngeal mucosa and prevent irritation of nerve endings - potassium and sodium iodide, sodium bicarbonate;
  • antitussives affect the cough center - Butamirat, Tusuprex, Bithiodine;
  • combination medications – Tussin-plus, Broncholitin, Carbocysteine, Codelac phyto.


If the cough is severe in the chest or throat, doctors often prescribe expectorants or combination medications. If it is dry, then medications that inhibit the cough center come into play. All these syrups, lozenges and tablets are very effective, but sometimes a simple recipe from traditional medicine can save you from illness. To prepare this remedy for severe cough, follow the instructions:

  1. Take lungwort, mullein inflorescences, dried nettle, and marshmallow root in equal parts.
  2. Brew 4 tbsp. l. collection in 1 liter of boiling water, leave to infuse for an hour.
  3. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth and take a quarter cup three times a day, sweetening the drink with honey if necessary.


All you need for a wet cough is to prepare a milk decoction with the addition of oat grains:

  1. A glass of oats is poured into a saucepan with 2 tbsp. milk and boil.
  2. After the grains are boiled, leave the broth and filter, add honey.
  3. Drink the prepared drink with warm honey up to 6 times a day.


If this is a common acute respiratory infection, you need to take a course of antitussives, but antibiotics will not help. In the case when bronchitis or pneumonia is detected, everything will be the other way around - first the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics, and then expectorants. With a bronchial cough, folk remedies will not help; here you need to fight only with the help of drugs:

  • Glaucine;
  • Libexin;
  • Sinecode;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Halixol;
  • Stoptussin.

Strong dry

First you need to determine the source of the problem. If it is an allergic reaction to environment, then the solution will be to find and eliminate the allergen, and antihistamines will help relieve the primary symptoms. When a symptom is an echo of a cold, you need to know that not only pills, but also physical therapy helps with cough. How to treat a severe dry cough if all of the above methods do not help:

  • ultraviolet irradiation helps get rid of swelling and improves sputum discharge;
  • electromagnetic therapy helps with otitis media;
  • EF therapy kills infection cells and bacteria in the bronchi.

How to treat a persistent cough

What else can be done and how to treat a lingering cough? Use the following tips:

  • Buy an air steam purifier. It will not only fight dust, fungal pores and viruses, but also moisturize the microclimate.
  • Treat all pipe joints with antifungal agents. It is advisable to do this procedure 3-4 times a year.
  • Once a day, do wet cleaning, ventilate the room and wipe dust from furniture.
  • At night, regular mineral water will help moisten your throat; during the day, raspberry or currant tea.
  • Don't forget about disease prevention.

It is accompanied by sputum production. A wet cough occurs when the lower respiratory tract is affected. It is important to pay attention to the sputum: nature, inclusions, quantity.

Dry cough

He has no phlegm and is characterized by a hacking, dry cough. Most often, this cough occurs when the upper respiratory tract is affected, at the onset of the disease.

How to treat a cough?

Regardless of the type of cough, you need to contact your therapist, who will prescribe treatment, taking into account your condition and complaints. Medicines prescribed by a doctor can be combined with breathing exercises and folk remedies.

If the cough is obsessive and dry, then warming up will be a good remedy.

1. In a simple way will draw a mesh on the chest using 5% iodine, preferably overnight.

2. Take 1/3 teaspoon of hot pepper and 2 tablespoons of vegetable fat. Rub this mixture onto your chest and back for cough, including your feet.

3. Mix lard and turpentine in a 1:1 ratio. Rub into the chest area until completely dry, this should be done at night.

4 . Mix lard with a few drops of pine oil. Rub this mixture dry overnight.

Compresses help relieve coughs

Rules for applying a compress

The components of the compress are: vegetable fat, a little mustard, alcohol. And also potatoes boiled in their jackets and honey. Mix everything, put it on your back until the mixture is completely dry.

A compress with vegetable fat is applied for 4 hours. When you cough, you need to drink plenty of warm fluids. It would be better to consume fortified berry juice.

The compress should consist of three layers

Inner layer. You need to take 6 or 8 layers of gauze and soak it with a medicinal substance (ointment, alcohol).

The middle layer will be wax paper or plastic wrap.

The outer layer will be a piece of cotton wool 2 or 3 centimeters thick.

A few recipes for coughs:

1. Take 1 glass of milk, beaten egg yolk, ¼ teaspoon of soda, 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix well. This good remedy for bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.

2. Dissolve ½ teaspoon of soda in a glass of hot milk. Add honey to taste.

3. Infusion. Mix elecampane and licorice roots, primrose flowers, and coltsfoot leaves in equal proportions. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture for 1 glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. After meals, take 1/3 cup three times a day.

4. Mix natural lingonberry juice with honey. Take a tablespoon four times a day.

5. Prepare juice from 1 lemon. Mix with 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of glycerin. Take 1 teaspoon several times a day.

6. A wonderful cough remedy is an infusion of marshmallow root. Take 1 teaspoon of marshmallow root per glass of boiling water. We insist and then strain. Take hot 2 times a day.

7. Take a glass of viburnum fruit per liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes and strain. Add 2 or 3 tablespoons of honey. Take half a glass three times a day.

Diet for cough

Your diet should include:

Vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C (rose hips, cranberries, persimmons, citrus fruits, etc.).

Fresh juices are very healthy and rich in vitamins.

Mashed potatoes with milk helps relieve bronchospasm.

Grated radish, which should be seasoned with sour cream.

Hercules porridge, season with vegetable oil.

Grape juice with honey, grapes. It has an expectorant effect and will help get rid of cough.

Folk remedies for cough

1. Take 1 lemon and fill it with water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, when the lemon has cooled, cut it in half and squeeze the juice out of the lemon into a 200 gram glass. Add 2 tablespoons of glycerin (for internal use), pour honey to the edge of the glass and stir. Take 2 teaspoons of the mixture 3 times a day before meals and at night.

2. Mix radish and carrot juice with milk in equal parts, take 1 tablespoon 6 times a day.

3. Mix 1 teaspoon of wheat flour, 2 teaspoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 yolks. We take it many times a day, one teaspoon at a time.

4. Mix walnuts crushed in a mortar with honey in equal parts. Take 1 teaspoon of the resulting mass and dilute it in 100 ml of warm water and drink in small sips.

5. Pour a tablespoon of sage herb into a glass of boiling water, let it brew, and strain. Dilute the resulting decoction with milk in a 1:1 ratio, take half a glass of the mixture warm, and add sugar or honey if desired.

6. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 50 grams of raisins and let it brew for half an hour. Chop the onion and squeeze the juice out of it, salt the water from the raisins and add 3 tablespoons of the squeezed juice to it. It is best to drink at night in small sips at a time.

7. Cut seven radishes into thin slices, sprinkle each slice with sugar and leave for 6 hours, taking 1 tablespoon of juice every hour. According to healers, this remedy can cure a severe cough in short period time.

8. Pour one hundred grams of viburnum berries with 200 grams of honey and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, then cool at room temperature and take 2 tablespoons of the mixture 5 times a day.

9. Pour a tablespoon of red clover into 200 ml of boiling water, cover, let it brew for 3 or 5 minutes, drink in small sips warm, take it as an expectorant.

10. Cook 400 grams of sugar, 50 grams of honey, 500 grams of chopped peeled onion in 1 liter of water over low heat for 3 hours, then cool the liquid, pour it into a bottle and seal it. For severe cough, take 1 tablespoon 5 times a day.

Nine Valuable Cough Remedies

1. For a prolonged chest cough, wipe the chest with a dry cloth, then rub ghee or lard until dry. Or add pine oil. During treatment with this remedy, it is good to drink a decoction of strawberries.

2. Take chicory, barley, oats, rye and 2 grains of peeled bitter almonds, drink it like a regular infusion. Or we drink it with baked hot milk.

3. Boiled turnip juice with honey is good for chest pain, coughs and colds.

4. Finely chop one head of garlic and 10 onions and boil in milk until the garlic and onion are soft. Add a little honey and mint juice. We drink 1 tablespoon per hour throughout the day.

5. On an empty stomach, eggnog is egg yolks beaten with rum and sugar.

6. Mix carrot and radish juice with milk and honey drink - half milk and half juice or honey drink. Use 1 tablespoon 6 times a day.

7 . Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh butter, 2 teaspoons of pure honey, 1 teaspoon of wheat flour, 2 yolks. We use 1 teaspoon many times a day.

8. It is useful to drink birch sap for coughs in spring.

9. In order for the phlegm to separate, you need to drink lingonberry juice syrup with honey. Take 1 tablespoon several times a day.

Against cough

- Eucalyptus inhalations. Brew crushed eucalyptus leaves with boiling water, roll up a funnel from thick paper, cover the bowl with the infusion with the wide end of the funnel, and inhale the steam through the narrow end of the funnel for 10 or 15 minutes. Instead of leaves we use eucalyptus oil.

- Carrot juice with milk. Mix fresh carrot juice with milk in equal proportions. Take for cough 5 or 6 times a day.

- Garlic with milk. Peel 5 cloves of garlic, finely crush them, dilute with a glass of milk and boil. For coughs and diseases of the upper respiratory tract, take 1 teaspoon warm several times a day.

- Radish with honey. Select a black pot-bellied radish with a tail, cut off the top and remove the inner part by one third. Let's put a little honey in this cavity so that there is room for the juice that will stand out. Place the radish in a glass of water, tail down. After 3 or 4 hours, when the juice appears, drink it and add honey again.

- Broth of coltsfoot. For pneumonia, bronchitis, cough, we use a decoction of coltsfoot. Take 1 tablespoon of leaves and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and filter. Take 1 tablespoon 5 or 6 times a day.

- Licorice root decoction. Take 10 grams of licorice root and pour a glass of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 20 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, strain, squeeze and bring the volume to 200 ml. Take a tablespoon 3 or 4 times a day.

- Eucalyptus tincture. We take an alcoholic tincture of eucalyptus, 20 or 30 drops per quarter glass of boiled, cooled water 3 times a day.

- Wormwood tincture. In Siberian villages, for a strong cough, a remedy was used: 20 grams of wormwood herb, infused with ½ liter of vodka, for at least 24 hours, but the longer, the better. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day during the day and before bedtime. This product is not recommended for children.

- Marshmallow infusion. Take a tablespoon of marshmallow leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, then strain. Take 1 teaspoon 3 or 4 times a day.

- Cream, milk. To soothe a sore throat, drink warm milk and cream.

- Milk with barley or oats. Pour 2/3 of the barley or oats into the pan and add milk to it, leaving it 2 fingers short. Close the lid and place in the oven over low heat. Add milk as it boils until the fat is rendered. We drink this liquid when coughing 3 times a day. 2 or 3 tablespoons.

- Butter with yolk. Take 2 yolks, 2 teaspoons of fresh butter, a dessert spoon of starch or flour, 2 dessert spoons of honey. Mix everything well and take before meals 4 or 5 times a day.

- Onions boiled in milk. Take 2 medium onions, chop them finely, boil them in a glass of milk, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon every three hours.

- Onions with sugar. In the evening, take a large onion and chop it finely, sprinkle it with 2 tablespoons of sugar. By morning the medicine is ready. During the day, drink the resulting juice or eat sweet onions. Treat yourself like this for a few days and the cough will go away.

- Onions with honey. 500 grams peeled onions grind, add 400 grams of sugar and cook over low heat for 3 hours in one liter of water. Then let it cool, add 50 grams of honey, pour it into a bottle and seal it. Take 4 or 6 tablespoons after meals.

- Bananas. Take ripe bananas and pass them through a sieve, then put the grated mass in a pan with hot water in the proportion of 2 bananas to one cup of water with sugar. Let's reheat and drink this mixture.

- Wine with pepper. There is an old cough remedy: boil 60 grams of pepper roots with ¼ liter of white wine and strain. We drink the hot mixture 3 times throughout the day, as well as at night.

Using these recipes for treating cough with folk remedies, you can get rid of cough. These recipes are simple and accessible to anyone, and everyone can choose a suitable folk remedy for themselves, and then the cough will not bother you. But in any case, when taking certain traditional medicines, you need to first consult with your doctor before treatment.

Cough can be a symptom of many diseases. Therefore, before starting its treatment, you need to consult a doctor and find out the cause. Most often, a cough becomes a companion to colds. This is especially true in the cold season.

In any pharmacy you will find a wide range of special medications. But it’s much more pleasant to be treated with natural remedies. Everyone can benefit from folk remedies for coughs.

Types of cough and basic treatment methods at home

Experts identify the following types of cough:

  1. Dry. In this case, it is necessary to use means aimed at thinning sputum.
  2. Wet. Treatment should lead to intensive outflow of sputum and prevent its stagnation in the lungs.

If treatment is not started in time, the disease develops into a chronic form. In this situation, treating cough with folk remedies will no longer be so effective.

All folk remedies for cough can be divided into several main groups:

Such remedies will help you get rid of cough at home quickly and effectively. There are many different recipes.

Decoctions and inhalations for dry cough

Dry cough in adults can be cured only under favorable conditions for the formation of sputum. Otherwise, getting rid of bacteria will not be easy. The best way to cope with this task is a folk remedy for cough in the form of decoctions. Among them, the following can be particularly highlighted:

Such folk remedies are used to thin sputum and eliminate cough; the raw materials for them can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently during the season.

Inhalations – effective remedy combating dry cough. They fight viruses and protect mucous membranes from their negative effects. Steam acts exclusively on the source of inflammation and cannot cause harm. They help with the appearance of paroxysmal cough.

All home inhalations are carried out according to the same principle. The water is heated to a boil. All kinds of additives are added to it. The person bends his head over the pan, covering it with a towel, and breathes in the steam until the liquid cools completely.

Some of the most common additives include the following:

If you don't know how to treat a cough, use one of the recipes given. Just remember to take precautions and don’t scald yourself with boiling water.

Compresses and drinks for dry cough

Using a compress can warm up the airways well. Such folk remedies for dry cough are best applied at night. There are several effective recipes:

These simple homemade mucus-thinning compresses show excellent results in fighting the disease.

One of the most delicious methods to treat a dry cough is hot drinking. Prepared drinks not only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also strengthen the immune system.

In this case, the liquefaction of sputum will proceed faster. The body will have more strength to fight the disease. Among the most effective recipes are:

With the help of such drinks, cough treatment at home will be pleasant.

Decoctions and inhalations for coughs with intense sputum outflow

Accumulated mucus seriously complicates the breathing process. Helps get rid of phlegm medicinal herbs. Folk recipes cough from medicinal plants prepared on the basis of water or milk. You can prepare the raw materials yourself or purchase them ready-made at the pharmacy.

If you don't know how to get rid of a cough at home, try one of the following recipes:

Such traditional methods will help ease the outflow of phlegm and eliminate cough.

If you are not sure how to cure a cough correctly with folk remedies, use inhalation recipes. Just a few procedures will allow you to clear your bronchi and relieve painful symptoms. Among the most popular recipes are the following:

Such cough treatment methods will help quickly clear the airways of accumulated mucus.