Is it possible to drink tea with raspberries at a fever? Using raspberries to treat a sick child with fever Raspberry tea for high fever

01.09.2023 Complications

I years raspberries are one of the most famous natural remedies, recommended by specialists for fever and nasal congestion.

To reduce the thermometer readings, you can eat raspberries at a fever. But it is worth remembering that it is effective only at temperatures up to 38 degrees. If the fever is higher than these values, therapy should be medicinal, and folk remedies will be ineffective, if not downright dangerous, due to the risk of allergies.

It is important to note that in reducing high temperatures and combating pathogens of viral infections, not only berries, but also leaves, which are no less useful, have shown their high effectiveness. All this is due to the unique chemical composition of the plant.

Raspberries are a real storehouse of essential macro- and microelements for the body, such as:

  • folic and salicylic acid;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron.

In addition, it contains the most important vitamins of group A, B, C, E, PP.

Its leaves are a rich source of the following nutrients: alpha-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, manganese, niacin, borate, calcium, chromium, fiber, iron, magnesium, malic acid, phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin, selenium, silicon, thiamine and zinc.

Medicinal properties

Due to the presence of salicylic acid in its composition, the same one found in aspirin, it fights well against diseases of the early stage their occurrence.

This is why raspberry tea at fever is so beneficial for the patient. In addition, it contains a large number of antioxidants that protect the body in the event of a viral attack.

  • Raspberries and tea made from them help remove poisons and toxins from the body;
  • It is very useful for problems with blood pressure, normal bowel function, and also for people diagnosed with anemia;
  • Decoctions from the leaves are good for stomatitis, as well as for sore throat;
  • The berry is very good for the heart. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents bleeding;
  • The plant contains a lot of Beta-sitosterol, which prevents cholesterol from accumulating on the vascular walls;
  • The phytosterol in its composition prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • Coumarin helps normalize blood clotting;
  • The berries are used to treat various kidney diseases;
  • By using it you can reduce swelling and normalize the condition of the bladder;
  • The berries are used to relieve sore throat and laryngitis;
  • In addition, diabetes, infertility, and gynecological diseases are treated with its help in folk medicine.
  • Leaves are used to treat skin inflammations, acne;
  • Berries are also used in cosmetology. They make excellent face masks that improve skin condition and remove fine wrinkles;
  • Raspberry decoction is useful for hypertension, it helps restore blood pressure;
  • Leaves are very stimulating immune system, allow it to be strengthened;
  • Useful for diseases of the stomach and intestines. Helps get rid of diarrhea, improve appetite, reduce stomach pain;
  • Raspberry tea will help reduce pain during menstruation;
  • Indicated for use by women planning pregnancy, because... contains folic acid.

Thus, it is one of the best natural anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antitoxic and analgesic agents.

However, there is an opinion that raspberries help increase body temperature, and this is true. Doctors explain this effect by the fact that some patients do not drink tea correctly.

Raspberries at temperatures up to 38 degrees can be first aid at home.

To quickly and effectively reduce it, you just need to brew tea from berries or leaves.

To prepare tea you need:

  1. Pour boiling water over two teaspoons of fresh, dried or frozen berries;
  2. Fresh or frozen berries can be crushed first. They can also be added to a glass of black or green tea;
  3. Let sit and cool slightly for 15 minutes. After which you can drink it.

To reduce the temperature, you can use raspberry jam instead of berries. It is rich in vitamins that are not lost as a result of heat treatment. To prepare the drink, simply dilute a spoonful of jam in warm water.

You can also prepare a decoction of dried leaves: for this you need 2 tbsp. Boil spoons of leaves in 500 ml of water. Let the broth brew for one and a half hours, then strain. It should be consumed slightly warmed, half a glass 2-3 times a day.

To reduce the temperature, it is recommended to drink this tea warm, and in no case boiling. It is a warm drink that lowers the temperature, while a boiling drink causes the opposite effect.

In addition, raspberry tea will help soothe a sore throat, relieve flu symptoms, and remove toxins from the body.

It is important to know! Raspberries cause very strong sweating.

To avoid dehydration and not to aggravate the condition, it is necessary: ​​along with tea or jam, take a large amount of other drinks - fruit drinks, compotes.

Raspberries have long been practically a symbol of the treatment of colds with the help of traditional medicine, its anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties are known even to children. A cup of hot tea with raspberries is often pictured in our imagination, along with a thermometer sticking out from under the arm, and handkerchiefs scattered everywhere, when we imagine how we will “rest” on sick leave. But does raspberry tea enjoy deserved fame as an antipyretic? And in general, is it possible to drink tea with raspberries at a temperature, will this not lead to the opposite effect?

Why raspberries are known as an effective remedy for colds

The benefits of raspberries for human health, like many other berries, are undeniable. The bony berry contains a mass useful substances which are necessary for health. Vitamins (A, E, PP, B1, C), microelements, fiber, tannins, organic acids that make up raspberries fill the body with health and strength, and strengthen the immune system. Raspberries are close to lemon in content ascorbic acid, and vitamin C, as you know, is necessary for the prevention of colds; it also helps fight ARVI. The berry contains salicylic acid, from which aspirin is made, used as an antipyretic. Salicylic acid relieves pain, inflammation, and rids the body of germs.

Tea with raspberries has a diaphoretic effect and helps reduce fever. The drink helps fight thirst, which often haunts a person with a fever. At the same time, we must not forget that as the temperature rises, the body becomes dehydrated, so it is extremely important to drink as much fluid as possible. The drink will help get rid of the obsessive feeling of thirst, which prevents you from falling asleep and adds problems to a patient with ARVI. But this doesn't mean you should ignore thirst. Be sure, in addition to the berry drink, you need to drink plain water and other herbal teas.

At what temperature can you drink raspberry tea?

When answering the question whether it is possible to drink raspberry tea at a temperature, it is necessary to clarify what temperature is meant. When getting sick, the body tries to fight viruses on its own; it turns on a protective mechanism, which is an increase in temperature. It is at elevated temperatures that the body begins to produce a virus protector called interferon. Doctors strongly advise against trying to reduce the temperature with antipyretics if it has not reached 38.5 degrees. At a temperature of 37, 37.5, 38 degrees, tea with raspberries can have an antipyretic effect, relieve unpleasant symptoms, and help the body cope with a cold. The drink will have an anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect, which will bring noticeable relief to the patient. But if the mercury column of the thermometer has exceeded 39 degrees, self-medication is not only useless, but also dangerous. If this temperature lasts longer than one day, you should contact a specialist and not experiment with your health. Otherwise, it can cause serious complications, including dangerous inflammation.

How to lower the temperature with raspberries

At high temperatures, traditional medicine experts recommend doing the following. You need to prepare the drink, cool it to a warm temperature, drink in large sips, and lie down under the blanket. This way the body will “sweat” and the temperature will gradually decrease. This method has several caveats. The drink should be warm. Drinking hot raspberry tea at high temperatures is not allowed, as are other drinks. You might be interested. Hot raspberry tea can cause the opposite reaction: the fever will increase.

When should you not drink raspberry tea?

The method is not suitable if the body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees. However, this does not prevent many lovers of self-medication from trying to bring down the temperature with a berry drink, even at a temperature of 39 degrees. This really helps some, but you need to understand that doctors are against such measures, which can only worsen the patient’s condition. In general, it is advisable to take raspberry tea at a fever with the permission of the treating specialist. In addition to its beneficial effects, raspberries can have a negative effect on a particular person.

Children are often given tea with raspberries to drink at a temperature of 38 degrees. The method is used by those who do not want to “stuff” their young body with pills, but try to overcome the problem with natural remedies. Raspberries can be given to children one year old, so many parents welcome this method of treatment.

Features of drinking raspberry tea at temperature

You can use raspberry tea to get rid of high fever only in complex treatment diseases. You should not try to recover just by drinking a flavored antipyretic drink.

You must be sure that the temperature has “risen” due to a viral disease. If the nature of the symptom is unclear (and these may be other, more serious diseases), you should not self-medicate. It is necessary to establish the exact cause of the high temperature.

As we said above, raspberry tea should definitely not be the only drink. It is necessary to drink as much clean water as possible.

How to make raspberry tea depending on temperature

There are several ways to drink raspberry tea. This can be regular black tea, drunk with berry jam. You can stir 2-3 teaspoons of jam or berries, ground with sugar, in a cup of black tea.

It's easy to make a drink from dry or frozen berries. Pour a tablespoon of berries into a glass of boiled water and leave for at least half an hour. For taste and additional benefits, you can add a teaspoon of honey. But you can do without sweeteners. Not only berries, but raspberry branches and leaves have antipyretic properties, and you can also make a drink based on them. But in this case, the tea will taste tart and bitter, which not everyone will like.

Raspberries are valuable because they are useful in any form; even with heat treatment, they retain most of the beneficial substances, which means that tea with berries can be taken in any form.


In this case, you can use alternative medicine methods to improve your well-being. Raspberries are most often used for this purpose. Does such a well-known folk remedy reduce the temperature? Let's figure it out.

Medicinal properties

The effective therapeutic effect of raspberries is due to the high content of salicylic acid. This substance destroys pathogenic microorganisms, eliminates headache, reduces the inflammatory process.

The plant also contains useful microelements (iron, selenium and others), vitamins (A, E, PP, B1 and others), tannins, fiber, carbohydrates. Thanks to such a rich composition, raspberries strengthen the immune system and speed up the healing process.

It is useful to eat raspberries both fresh and to prepare healing infusions and teas from the berries and leaves of the plant. Heat treatment does not deprive raspberries of their medicinal properties.

It is important to know!

There is an opinion that raspberries raise the temperature. A similar effect is indeed possible, but only if raspberry tea is consumed incorrectly.

The healing drink should not be scalding hot; raspberry tea or decoction should be consumed warm. You should know that raspberry tea increases sweating. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure sufficient fluid intake into the body of a sick person. These can be compotes, fruit drinks and other fortified drinks, or just clean water.

It is also necessary to take into account that raspberries are effective at temperatures up to 38 ºС. If the temperature is higher, treatment only with traditional medicine can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous.

In case of high body temperature, it is necessary to use effective medications, before using which you should definitely consult a specialist.

To reduce body temperature, it is useful to brew dry or frozen raspberries - 1 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of boiling water over the berries and leave for half an hour. To enhance the healing properties, you can add 1 tsp to the drink. honey If there are no berries, medicinal tea can be prepared using raspberry jam, for this you need 1 tsp. Dissolve jam in 200 ml of boiling water. Take the resulting product warm.

Fresh berries, ground with sugar, also have an equally effective therapeutic effect. This product keeps well in the refrigerator all winter.

Not only berries have healing properties, raspberry leaves also have a good therapeutic effect. The leaves of this plant are an effective antipyretic, and a useful infusion can be prepared from them.

For this you need 4 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of boiling water over the leaves and leave to steep for 2 hours. Afterwards, strain the resulting product and consume ½ cup warm several times a day.

To reduce the temperature, it is effective to use raspberry leaves along with shoots. You can prepare the raw materials yourself or purchase ready-made ones at the pharmacy. medicinal collection. Healing tea is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. l. raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes.

This drink has a slightly bitter taste; to eliminate the bitterness, you can add 1 tsp to the infusion. raspberry jam. Use the resulting product in small sips for an hour.


If consumed correctly, raspberries reduce fever and have a beneficial effect on the human body. However, in certain cases, the use of this alternative medicine is contraindicated, namely in such conditions as:

  • exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract (during the period of remission, a small amount of berries is allowed);
  • kidney stones, kidney pathologies;
  • individual hypersensitivity to the plant.

Raspberries can be used not only for medicinal, but also for preventive purposes.

Regular consumption of raspberry tea, especially in the cold season, helps strengthen the body's defenses and, as a result, reduces the risk of developing colds and other diseases.

Raspberry based tea – classic version therapy for colds. This is a universal remedy that is popular among both herbalists and adherents of traditional medicine. But even such a seemingly harmless remedy must be used wisely. And then you will get the maximum benefit from this drink.

Medicinal properties of the berry

Raspberries are both tasty and healthy. It contains a lot of important substances that have a beneficial effect on our body:

  • salicylic acid;
  • folic acid;
  • calcium, iron, zinc;
  • copper, manganese, phosphorus;
  • flavonoids;
  • phytoncides;
  • tannins;
  • pectins;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, E.

Raspberry tea is often used for cold infections. It helps lower the temperature, but only if its readings range from 37 to 38°C. This is achieved due to the presence of salicylic acid in the berry. It is on this that some agents that have a hypothermic effect are based. For example, aspirin.

Also, this acid, along with phytoncides, exhibits antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Thanks to the presence of these 2 substances, raspberries are able to resist not only bacteria, but also viruses and fungi.

At elevated temperatures, when the mark on the thermometer reaches 39-40 degrees, raspberry tea becomes ineffective. In this case, you should take antipyretic medications and consult a specialist.

Raspberries are perfect for detoxification therapy. After drinking tea based on these fruits and wrapping yourself up well in bed, you will sweat a fair amount. Together with sweat, all the toxins that have accumulated in the body under the influence of pathogenic flora will be released. At the same time, the liquid will also leave. Therefore, if you decide to use this maneuver, you should drink more fluid in the form of water, compotes and other drinks. This will help replenish water loss.

The berry exhibits an antioxidant effect and improves immunity, which is very important during infectious attacks. Raspberry fruits also have other beneficial properties for the body.

  • They exhibit a diuretic effect, which helps get rid of edema.
  • Anthocyanins, which are part of the berries, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This makes it possible to maintain blood pressure at normal level. The substance coumarin regulates blood clotting.
  • Phytosterol and beta-sitosterol reduce cholesterol levels and prevent atherosclerosis. Raspberry tea normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and helps reduce menstrual pain.
  • Raspberry fruits contain a large amount of copper, which stabilizes the condition nervous system and helps you relax. It will be useful for those who regularly experience stress or nervous tension.
  • But not only the berries of the plant, but also its green part in the form of leaves and shoots have a healing effect. Teas and decoctions are prepared from them. Such herbal solutions are used for stomatitis and laryngitis, as well as to eliminate skin diseases. By the way, the greenery of the bush contains 6 times more vitamin C, so this part of it is the most effective for reducing hyperthermia and treating colds.

Special contingent

Raspberries are a godsend for children and pregnant women. If you have a mild cold or low-grade fever, you don’t want to give your child medicine. Tea with raspberries is a great way out of the situation. A moderately warm solution will pleasantly warm the baby and soothe a sore throat. And if you cook it with the addition of honey, its already pleasant taste will become even more expressive.

In addition, this tea contains many vitamins, which will benefit a growing body. But it should be remembered that it is indicated for children from 2 years of age. The youngest patients are given this drink with a few tablespoons, gradually increasing the dose. Older children can drink a whole cup at once.

During pregnancy, it is worth keeping the use of all medications to a minimum, especially in the 1st trimester. During this period, all organs and systems of the fetus are formed, and chemicals can negatively affect this process. Therefore, pregnant women need to use natural products. Raspberry teas will not only eliminate the first signs of a cold and normalize the temperature. Due to the calcium content in the berry, the drink will enrich the skeletal system of the unborn baby with it and will compensate for its deficiency in the mother’s body.

Iron, which is one of the components of berries, is a good prevention of anemia. And folic acid is simply an indispensable substance for a successful pregnancy.

Harvesting methods

Of course, the best raw material for a raspberry drink is fresh berries. It retains the entire bouquet of useful ingredients unchanged. But fresh raspberries are available only in the summer, and colds await us at any time of the year. How to preserve berries to enjoy them all year round?

There are several ways to prepare it. They involve the influence of thermal factors on it, but they do not affect the composition of the berries, due to which raspberries retain their medicinal properties.

  • Freezing. To do this, whole, dry fresh fruits are placed in a container and placed in the freezer. There is no need to wash them beforehand. You can cover them with sugar or honey. Slightly damaged berries are suitable for this.

  • Most often prepared from raspberries jams and preserves, and also marmalade, pastille, puree and jam.
  • Dried berries. Take slightly unripe fruits. Use an electric dryer. To do this, first set the temperature within 50°. And when the berries dry out slightly, adjust the temperature to 60°.

You can use the oven and fresh air. The finished fruits are stored in a hermetically sealed container.

  • For brewing tea Both fruits and leaves of the plant, as well as young shoots, are suitable. They are used fresh and dried. To dry leaves and branches, they are collected and laid out in 1 layer on any surface. An outdoor location for this is chosen so that it is well ventilated and not exposed to direct sunlight. Thanks to such a variety of methods for preparing raspberries, you will not have any problems preparing medicinal tea in any season.

Precautionary measures

It is very important to use raspberry-based drinks correctly, so that they bring only benefits and do not lead to complications.

  • Raspberries, like any berry, can cause allergies. It manifests itself as skin rashes, hyperemia and itching. Therefore, it is worth taking the berry in doses, without overusing the quantity. An adult should drink no more than 3 cups per day.
  • To reduce the temperature, raspberry tea is consumed warm. A hot solution not only does not lower the temperature, but can also increase it to higher levels.
  • If you decide to undergo treatment with a warm raspberry drink, then after drinking it, you need to go to bed and cover yourself warmly. Thus, profuse sweating and release of toxins are achieved. Therefore, it is better to drink tea at night.
  • There is an opinion that drinking too much tea by pregnant women can cause uterine hypertonicity and cause miscarriage. First of all, this concerns the leaves of the bush.
  • Contraindications to the use of raspberry drink are: gout, allergies, gastrointestinal diseases, as well as urolithiasis, since the berry produces a diuretic effect.
  • If you have diabetes, it is better to eat more whole berries instead of jam and other sweet derivatives.

Healthy recipes

As already mentioned, raspberries are used in any form to make tea. In addition, shoots with leaves are also suitable. Recipes for making this fruit drink are very diverse. There are a great many of them. And since you will drink more than one such cup a day, you can alternate different methods.

  • Fresh, frozen or dried fruits are poured with boiling water or added to tea. Leave for 15 minutes and the drink is ready to drink.
  • Add raspberry jam to a glass of boiling water or tea. The solution can be drunk when it has cooled slightly.
  • Pour a few spoons of berries into 200 ml of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Cool and serve warm.
  • Compotes and fruit drinks based on raspberries reduce temperature well and promote sweating. They are also drunk warm.
  • 2 tbsp. l. Boil the dried leaves in 0.5 liters of water and let it brew. Take half a glass, slightly cooled, 3 times a day.

For cooking fruit decoction Take equal parts of dried raspberries and apples. Add 1 liter of water and boil for 5 minutes. Then leave for 15-20 minutes. You can drink the solution as is or sweeten it slightly.

Raspberries are an excellent alternative to pharmaceuticals for colds in their early stages. It not only eliminates the symptoms of the disease, but also helps restore lost strength in the body. It is important to use the berry correctly and then your treatment will be as effective and tasty as possible.

To find out if raspberry tea is healthy, watch the following video.

Almost every person knows about the beneficial properties of raspberries. Red sweet and sour berries help get rid of colds in the shortest possible time. And yet, very often patients ask the question: “Can I eat raspberries at a fever?” Before answering this question, you should know the composition and properties of this amazing plant.

Chemical composition of berries

This garden crop is extremely popular among gardeners. It’s rare that a personal plot is complete without raspberries. It has a rather pleasant taste and delicate aroma. In addition, ripe berries contain the following beneficial substances:

  • Several types of organic acids, among which salicylic acid is the most valuable, helping to reduce body temperature during colds.
  • Quite a large amount of fiber, thanks to which raspberries stimulate the digestion process and cleanse the intestines.
  • Among the vitamins, the largest amount belongs to vitamin A, which has regenerating and wound-healing properties. It also contains quite a lot of vitamins B and C.
  • In addition, raspberries contain vitamin PP, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and stops bleeding gums.
  • Of the microelements, copper, potassium and iron come first. These microelements play important role in maintaining health of cardio-vascular system. In addition, they participate in the process of hematopoiesis, renewing and improving the composition of the blood.
  • There is quite a lot of calcium, magnesium and zinc in this berry.

Thanks to substances such as prothrombin, the blood is discharged and the capillaries are strengthened. The fruit also contains pectins and tannins.

Beneficial features

Is it possible to have raspberries at a temperature? This berry is valued among doctors and patients due to the presence of salicylic acid in it. Moreover, its quantity is so large that it is not recommended to consume raspberries at the same time as Aspirin unless absolutely necessary. No wonder tea with raspberries is considered the best way from a cold. Due to the presence of acid, raspberries can relieve headaches. It can also be used as a sleeping pill and relaxant.

Raspberries help prolong youth and improve complexion. Regular consumption of fresh berries significantly improves skin elasticity and smoothes out wrinkles. It’s not without reason that raspberry juice is used to make excellent face masks.

Contraindications and side effects

Is it possible to give raspberries to those with allergies or those who are sick? diabetes mellitus? The berries of this shrub can cause allergies in the form of a skin rash. Raspberries become especially dangerous during breastfeeding. If a person has problems with the kidneys or liver, then you should not overuse fresh or boiled raspberries.

Due to the sugar contained in the fruit, it is not recommended to consume raspberries in large quantities for people with diabetes. In addition, with gout, this berry can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Raspberries at temperature

Many people are interested in: is it possible to drink raspberries at high temperatures? Almost every person knows that this berry is extremely useful for any cold. However, many doubt its effectiveness at temperature.

In fact, due to the presence of salicylic acid and a number of vitamins, raspberries have pronounced antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It stimulates sweating and thus removes toxins. This berry works especially well in the form of a hot drink.

Frozen berry tea

To prepare raspberry tea, you can take frozen, fresh or boiled berries. In addition, tea made from the stems and leaves of the bush has proven itself to be excellent. It is recommended to slightly defrost frozen berries, then mash them with a fork and pour boiling water over them. When the drink has cooled a little, add a teaspoon of natural honey to it and mix thoroughly. The patient should drink the resulting mixture in small sips.

Is it possible to drink raspberries at temperatures outside the home? Since sweat immediately appears after drinking this tea, it is not recommended to drink this tea before going outside, at work or school. The patient, as a rule, takes it while lying in bed, after which he often falls asleep. Raspberries have a calming and relaxing effect and are therefore often used as a sleeping pill.

Leaf or jam tea

Raspberry jam is added to green tea or simply to boiling water. All the healing properties of raspberries are preserved even after boiling the berries. Vitamin C is partially destroyed, but all other vitamins remain practically intact. In addition, salicylic acid also does not lose its properties.

The leaves and stems of the bush also contain a huge amount of useful substances. In addition, unlike other herbal infusions, raspberry leaf tea has a rather pleasant taste, reminiscent of green tea. It's quite easy to brew. Dry or fresh leaves are poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 10. Woody stems are boiled in a water bath for thirty or forty minutes. Drink tea three to four times a day in quantities not exceeding one hundred and fifty grams.

How to give to a child

Is it possible to eat raspberries if a child has a fever? Raspberry tea is one of the first medicines that parents usually give to young children. Society has a fairly strong opinion about the safety of these berries. If a child is not allergic to raspberries, he can safely be given berries from a very early age. If there are concerns about allergies, it is recommended to brew the leaves of the bush instead of the fruits. If berries are used, the drink should not be too concentrated. Two or three pieces per half glass of boiling water is enough. It is not advisable to make raspberry jam for children due to the huge amount of sugar.

After the baby drinks the raspberry drink, it is advisable to immediately put him to bed and cover him with a blanket. After the child sweats, parents should change his clothes and let him sleep.

How does it work at temperature?

Raspberry tea affects the patient as follows:

  • In case of a fairly high temperature of thirty-nine degrees, a drink made from berries helps remove accumulated toxins and thereby alleviate the patient’s condition.
  • Raspberries perfectly complement the main treatment, acting as a natural antiseptic and replacing Aspirin for young children.
  • Not every adult can take Aspirin tablets, so raspberries are an excellent alternative to the popular medicine for them. Many people ask whether it is possible to drink raspberries at a temperature of 37 °C? This is the most comfortable temperature for treatment folk remedies.
  • The property of fruits to reduce the intensity of rhinitis and soothe the throat has long been known. Warm raspberry tea helps cope with headaches caused by intoxication of the body during a cold.
  • At high temperatures, the patient's blood vessels suffer. Due to the presence of vitamins PP and C in raspberries, blood vessels and capillaries are reliably protected.

And also an important fact is that raspberry drink perfectly quenches thirst. In a word, the answer to the question: “Can raspberries be eaten at a temperature” is certainly affirmative.

At high temperature

There are some other features of eating berries. For example, if the temperature exceeds 39 degrees, then relying on raspberries alone will be too reckless. In such cases, as a rule, Aspirin or Paracetamol is used. Is it possible to drink raspberries at a temperature of 38? Of course, as soon as the temperature drops to thirty-eight, you can use raspberries. At high temperatures it is better not to take risks. This berry showed a particularly excellent effect at low temperatures.

Is it possible to have raspberries at a temperature of 39? Of course, this berry is also consumed at high temperatures. However, as already mentioned, you cannot rely only on its action. The patient also requires additional medications. In addition, doctors recommend drinking raspberry tea up to six times a day at a temperature of 39 degrees, while at 37 degrees you can drink the drink no more than three times.