How to use sesame seeds for medicinal purposes. Sesame seed benefits and harm for women. From diseases of the cardiovascular system

26.02.2022 Diagnostics

This plant, also called sesame, came to us from ancient times. Sesame, beneficial features which were known even then, appeared in many traditions and mysterious legends. The value of this folklore was the disclosure to people of all the possibilities of sesame, which are still used by our contemporaries.

Sesame is an annual plant. Its fruits look like small oblong boxes. Inside there are seeds that have different colors, from burning black to snow-white.

Chemical composition

The beneficial properties of sesame are largely determined by the presence of a large amount of oil in it, consisting of organic acids and glycerol esters. In addition, the oil also contains saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid and triglycerides. Many people assign sesame (sesame) oil the status of one of the most useful, as well as

The use of this product will easily replenish the daily requirement of substances beneficial for the body. In addition, sesame seeds are a source of:

  • calcium,
  • zinc,
  • phosphorus,
  • gland,
  • magnesium,
  • vitamins B and E,
  • proteins,
  • vitamins A, E, C, group B,
  • amino acids,
  • minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron).

The presence of phytin, a substance that helps restore the balance of various minerals, and beta-sitosterol, which reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, was also found in the seeds.

The antioxidants contained in sesame oil allow it to be stored for 9 years. It is used for both internal and external use. It is thanks to a powerful antioxidant called sesamin that cholesterol levels in the blood decrease. In addition, these substances help prevent the development of various diseases, including cancer.

To get the maximum benefit from sesame, it is recommended to consume it warmed or soaked.

If you fry the seeds and add them to any dish, you will only get an aromatic seasoning that will be devoid of almost all beneficial properties.

Beneficial features

Sesame is the main source of lime for the human body. As a rule, this substance is in acute deficiency in the body. It is generally accepted that eating at least 10 g of seeds throughout the day can make up for the lack of lime, which is found in minute quantities only in juices (fruit and vegetable). By the way, chewing the seeds can also significantly dull the feeling of hunger.

Sesame improves the condition of hair and nails human, will also have a positive effect on the composition of the blood and stimulate the overall growth of a person, which will be facilitated by the substance riboflavin contained in it.

Thanks to the substance thiamine, sesame will help normalize metabolism and improve the functioning of the nervous system. And vitamin PP, which is part of sesame, will be extremely useful for the functioning of the digestive system.

Due to its large reserves of calcium, it is considered essential for joints and bones, as well as an excellent remedy for the prevention of osteoporosis. Sesame will make your body stronger and help actively build muscle mass.

The phytosterol present in sesame is significantly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, because it helps remove cholesterol from the blood. Using this same beneficial property, you can effectively fight obesity.

Sesame will be especially useful for women whose age is approximately 45 years. This plant contains large amounts of phytoestrogen, which some call a female sex hormone substitute.

Calorie content

As a rule, the seeds of any plant are unusually high in calories, since they contain various fats in large quantities. A striking example is flax or sunflower seeds.

Typically, fats can make up over 50% of a given amount of product. Sesame seeds were no exception.

They have a calorie content comparable to most other plant seeds. They consist of 45 - 55% various oils. If we consider the total calorie content, then 100 grams of sesame contains approximately 560 - 580 kcal.

When calculating calorie content, it should be borne in mind that the figures given are only indicative, reflecting the approximate composition and number of calories and cannot claim absolute accuracy. The fact is that each seed has its own substance content, depending on its size, shape and other factors.

Benefits of sesame oil

Sesame oil is actively used by doctors. Plasters, ointments, and emulsions are made from it, since it can significantly improve blood clotting.

Sesame oil is an excellent laxative. In addition, it is used for hemorrhoidal diathesis.

The use of sesame oil in cosmetology is facilitated by its softening and moisturizing properties. With it you can:

  • relieve irritation
  • normalize the protective properties of the skin,
  • stimulate skin regeneration after damage.

In addition, it can also be used as a massage oil and as a makeup remover.


Sesame is used in different ways. In cooking, it is common to use whole seeds, which are sometimes roasted to enhance the flavor. Chinese cuisine makes extensive use of sesame oil. In Korea, it is customary to cook meat in sesame oil or with seeds, as it is able to remove harmful substances from the human body.

Moreover, in the culinary tradition different countries Sesame seeds are used to sprinkle on bread, cookies and other baked goods, as well as desserts.

Eastern cuisine contains a popular paste made from tahini, as ground sesame seeds are called. This paste has a pleasant, almost imperceptible smell and a sweetish, nutty taste. A dry seasoning made from sesame seeds and salt is called gomasio and is used to sprinkle on rice.

Sesame is used not only in cooking. It is also suitable for medicinal purposes. With its help, many diseases are cured:

  • gastrointestinal problems,
  • obesity,
  • cancerous tumors,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • osteoporosis,
  • diathesis,
  • diseases of the genital organs.

The oil that is prepared from its seeds is especially valued. Despite the fact that sesame has many beneficial properties, it is grown mainly for its medicinal oil, used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

Sesame is also considered an effective anti-aging agent. Women who want to maintain youth are recommended to prepare a rejuvenating mixture. To prepare it, it is recommended to take sesame seeds (1 tbsp), ground ginger (1 tsp) and a similar amount of powdered sugar. Mix everything and take a teaspoon a day.


Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, sesame also has contraindications. Since the seeds of this plant can greatly improve blood clotting, we strongly do not recommend consuming them for people who are characterized by:

  • increased coagulability,
  • thrombosis,
  • thrombosis,
  • urolithiasis disease.

In any case, you should not consume too many seeds. Its use within reasonable limits can bring great benefits to the human body.

The daily intake of sesame seeds that a healthy person can consume is considered to be 2-3 teaspoons.

Selection and storage

The rules for choosing quality seeds are simple and straightforward, but they will help you buy a good product. The seeds should be dry and crumbly. In addition, they should not be bitter. It must be remembered that the beneficial properties of unpeeled sesame are undeniably higher. In addition, it is stored much longer.

Unhulled sesame seeds can be stored in a simple container. It is advisable that the container be airtight. It should be placed in a dark, dry and cool place. The shelf life of peeled seeds is sharply reduced, since in an extremely short time they will become rancid. To avoid this, they must be stored in the refrigerator, or, if possible, in the freezer.

If a non-refrigerated location is chosen, sesame seeds will keep for about three months if they are placed in an airtight container that is located in a dry, dark place. Storing them in a refrigerated place will extend their shelf life to six months. Frozen will help preserve all their qualities for about a year.

Buy chocolate business card bars with plant seeds. The combination of dark chocolate and sesame helps strengthen the immune system and prolong youth.

All the above information applies only to seeds and does not affect sesame oil at all. This oil does not deteriorate quickly and can be stored for years. Conditions for its storage special significance they do not, since even a very hot climate will not harm its quality and will not cancel its beneficial properties.

Sesame is one of the most ancient oilseeds, also known as simsim and sesame. Sesame is widely used to this day, since ordinary people are well aware of the issue of sesame seeds: benefits and harm.

Although sesame has many beneficial properties, it is grown mainly for the production of oil, used both in cooking and for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

South Africa is considered the birthplace of sesame, but it is also grown in the countries of the Far East, Central Asia and India.

It is worth noting that sesame seeds are widely used abroad, while our compatriots use them mainly for gastronomic purposes, for example, to make desserts such as. Sesame is also used as a topping for various baked goods. But it’s worth getting better acquainted with the issue of sesame: benefits and harms, because it is not entirely reasonable to use such a useful product exclusively for culinary delights.

Composition and calorie content

The percentage of oils in sesame seeds is approximately 45-55%.

Sesame also contains a powerful antioxidant, sesamin, which is widely used to prevent many diseases, including cancer, and also to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. The ability to lower cholesterol is also due to the presence of beta-sitosterol in sesame seeds. It is thanks to these substances that sesame has a very long shelf life.

Also, sesame seeds contain many proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins A, B, C, E, it is rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and other useful mineral compounds, dietary fiber and.

Sesame contains phytin, a substance that helps restore and normalize mineral balance in the body. Strengthening immune system Phytosterol helps increase the body's resistance to various infections and reduce the risk of getting the flu. The same element reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and fights the problem of obesity.

Thiamine is responsible for normalizing metabolism in the body, as well as improving the functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin PP is extremely useful for the proper functioning of the digestive system.

The energy value of sesame seeds is approximately 560-580 kcal.

Beneficial features

Sesame seeds, the benefits and harms of which are determined by their chemical composition, have a delicate, pleasant taste.

To get the most out of sesame seeds, they are best consumed soaked or slightly warmed. Roasted seeds added to any dish are simply an aromatic seasoning that lacks most of the beneficial properties.

The benefits of sesame seeds are that they improve the condition of hair and nails, have a positive effect on blood composition, and stimulate body growth due to their riboflavin content.

Since sesame seeds contain calcium in large quantities, it is simply indispensable for joints and bones; it is used to prevent osteoporosis. This spice also promotes active muscle building.

Ancient healers used sesame seeds, the benefits and harms of which were known many centuries ago, to treat colds. The benefit of this spice also lies in the fact that it helps ease the breathing of people with asthma and lung diseases.

Healers were sure that sesame helped maintain the female reproductive system in good condition. Therefore, even in ancient times, they recommended that women chew one spoonful of these seeds daily. Sesame is also recommended for nursing mothers, because it reduces the risk of mastopathy. These seeds are especially useful for women over 45 years of age, as they contain phytoestrogen - a substitute for female sex hormones.

It has been noticed that in combination with poppy and sesame seeds it becomes a strong aphrodisiac, which makes it useful for both women and men.

Benefits and uses of sesame oil

Sesame oil is very actively used in medicine for the production of various ointments, emulsions and patches, since this product is known to improve blood clotting.

Sesame oil also has a laxative effect.

Sesame oil is also used in cosmetology, as it has moisturizing and softening properties. It can relieve irritation, normalize the protective properties of the skin, stimulate its regeneration and smooth out wrinkles. It is known to block ultraviolet rays. Sesame seed oil is also used for massage and as a makeup remover.

Harm of sesame and contraindications for use

Sesame seeds, the benefits and harms of which can border on each other, also have some contraindications.

Since this product improves blood clotting, it should be used with caution by people with increased coagulability and thrombosis. It is also contraindicated for urolithiasis.

Since the gastric mucosa is very sensitive to sesame seeds, it will bring great benefits to the body if consumed in moderation. For a healthy adult, the norm for sesame consumption is 2-3 teaspoons per day. And the harm of sesame will especially affect if you eat it on an empty stomach - this will inevitably cause a feeling of thirst and nausea.

Selection and storage of sesame seeds

When choosing sesame seeds, you need to make sure that the seeds are dry and crumbly. Therefore, it is best to buy sesame seeds in transparent bags or by weight. The seeds should not have a bitter taste.

Unpeeled sesame has much higher beneficial properties, as well as a longer shelf life. Unhulled sesame seeds can be stored in an airtight container in a dry, dark and cool place. In such conditions, sesame is stored for about three months.

The shelf life of peeled seeds is sharply reduced and they go rancid very quickly. To prevent rancidity, it is best to store peeled sesame seeds in the refrigerator or freezer. In a refrigerated place, the shelf life of the seeds is about six months, and in the freezer they retain their beneficial properties for about a year.

It's worth noting that none of this applies to sesame seed oil. This product can be stored for years, absolutely without deterioration in quality, even when stored in a place with high temperature. Sesame oil can retain its beneficial properties for about ten years.

The benefits of sesame seed oil did not immediately become known. Initially, this product was used as a fuel and lubricant. People realized that sesame oil was great for culinary purposes only in the 6th century BC.

The number of sesame seeds on the famous Big Mac is almost always 178.

Since ancient times, people have known about the beneficial properties of sesame seeds. They were mainly used in cooking: added to dishes for flavor, sprinkled on bread before baking. Sesame is also grown to make oil, which is used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Let's take a look at the benefits of sesame seeds and how to take them correctly.

One sesame seed contains a significant amount of oil, almost half of the composition. Sesame also contains a strong antioxidant called sesamin. It is considered a good preventive measure against many diseases and effectively reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

In addition, sesame seeds contain the following substances:

  • tocopherol;
  • retinol;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin PP;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • minerals;
  • phytin;
  • phytosterol;
  • lecithin.

Beneficial properties of sesame seeds

Besides the rich useful composition, sesame seeds also taste good. To preserve the beneficial properties, it is recommended to soak the seeds or slightly heat them.

Regular consumption of seeds helps improve the condition of nails and hair, and has a positive effect on blood composition.

Since sesame seeds contain large amounts of calcium, they are simply irreplaceable for bones, joints and teeth. This spice also helps build muscle mass, so no bodybuilder’s diet is complete without sesame.

Ancient healers knew medicinal properties sesame seeds. They were used in the treatment of various kinds of diseases. We will discuss this in more detail below.

Use of sesame for medicinal purposes

Thanks to its unique composition, sesame has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. As mentioned earlier, the seed contains the necessary antioxidants - sesaminol and sesamin.

Interesting! The chemical composition of sesame seed oil can retain its beneficial properties for 9 years!

Let us now look at the rich medicinal properties of these tiny sesame seeds:

  1. Fighting viral colds. Sesame seed oil can be rubbed on the back and chest of the patient.
  2. Ability to relieve asthma attacks, shortness of breath and dry cough. Magnesium, which is contained in grains, prevents the occurrence of bronchospasms.
  3. Normalization of blood pressure, improving blood clotting and lowering cholesterol.
  4. Normalizing the secretion of gastric juice. Sesame is used to increase acidity.
  5. Maintaining Calcium Levels in organism- This property of sesame seeds is especially useful for women upon the onset of menopause.
  6. This the most powerful aphrodisiac, which affects both men and women equally. For greater effect, it is recommended to add some poppy and flax seeds to sesame seeds.
  7. Improvement of the digestive system, elimination of constipation and diarrhea.
  8. Cleansing the body of toxins. The seeds must be ground in a coffee grinder and taken 3 times a day before meals with a sufficient amount of water.
  9. Elimination of oral diseases. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with water with 1 tablespoon of sesame oil dissolved.
  10. Ability to heal sunburn, wounds and cuts. Many manufacturers produce sesame-based patches.

Important! If you have serious illnesses, the use of sesame should be discussed with your doctor. . Otherwise, serious complications may occur.

How to take sesame

To improve the general condition of your body and prevent colds, it is recommended to eat 1 tablespoon of seeds per day. At the same time, they must be chewed thoroughly and washed down with water. It is recommended to consume the seeds before meals.

Also, sesame seeds can be mixed with flower honey and consumed as is. Honey further enhances the beneficial properties of sesame.

Under no circumstances should you fry sesame seeds. During heat treatment, all healing properties are lost. Therefore, sesame seeds used in baking are more suitable as a decoration for dishes. It will not bring any benefit to the body.

Sesame seed during pregnancy and lactation

While expecting a child, most women experience a lot of discomfort and inconvenience. Sesame seeds help cope with many of the unpleasant symptoms that accompany pregnancy, in particular:

  • help eliminate constipation;
  • increase the immunity of the expectant mother’s body;
  • solve problems with frequent urination;
  • help maintain healthy teeth;
  • have a positive impact on nervous system, relieve anxiety;
  • keep muscles in good condition.

Sesame can also be used for breastfeeding. Eating seeds reduces the risk of inflammation of the mammary gland and the appearance of mastopathy.

Interesting! For mastitis, you can apply gauze to your chest, which is soaked in sesame oil.

Sesame seeds for children

Due to the huge number of beneficial properties, children can also be given sesame seeds. Due to the characteristics of the child’s body, pediatricians recommend introducing sesame into the diet from 3 years. For children, 1 teaspoon per day will be enough. IN pure form kids are unlikely to eat the seeds, so they can be used to decorate porridges and casseroles.

Uses of sesame milk

You can cook porridge, make smoothies and fruit cocktails using sesame milk. The seed cake is used to make muffins and pies.

Let's figure out how to make sesame milk at home. The recipe is very simple.

So, for preparation you will need:

  • 100 g sesame seeds;
  • 1 liter of drinking water;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of honey.

Honey is used as a healthy sweetener. Instead, you can also use Jerusalem artichoke or agave syrup, palm or coconut sugar, and dates. A sweetener is necessary, otherwise the milk will be inedible and taste bitter. But you shouldn’t get carried away, otherwise the drink will become cloyingly sweet.

To begin with, sesame seeds need to be soaked for 5-8 hours. After this, the water must be drained and the seeds washed in clean water. Place the washed sesame seeds in a blender, add water and sweetener. Whip until white milk with fluffy foam forms. Strain the drink through cheesecloth. Sesame milk is ready! It can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Uses of sesame oil

Oil made from sesame seeds is widely used in medicine in the production of various emulsions, ointments and plasters. It has long been proven that it helps blood clot faster. Sesame oil is also used as a laxative; it is able to remove harmful substances from the body.

For cosmetic purposes, sesame seed oil is added to body and face care products. It smoothes out fine wrinkles, keeps the skin youthful, moisturizes and softens it. An even complexion appears.

The oil is also used for massage. It is also added to hair masks, making hair silky and strong.

Harm of sesame seeds

Sesame can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Contraindications include:

  • thrombosis;
  • allergic reaction;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • hypercalcemia.

Also, do not eat sesame on an empty stomach. This may cause thirst and nausea. Those who are on a diet should also avoid seeds. The fats contained there can only add excess weight.

Good afternoon friends. We only recently learned about the benefits of sesame. First of all, it is a record holder in terms of content. This is understandable, sesame grows in southern countries and for its unique beneficial properties has become widely promoted in our culinary industry, and is generally recommended for healthy eating. What kind of wonderful culture is this, what are its health benefits, and is there any harm?

Indian sesame (ordinary, oriental), otherwise sesame, is a type of annual herbaceous plants, genus Sesame (Sesamum). It turns out that this is one of the most ancient oilseed crops in the world, cultivated in China and Southeast Asia, preferably in elevated places, in Japan, Burma, India, Africa and Latin America.

The Arabic name for sesame is “sim-sim” which means “plant made of oil”. In China, it is considered a product that represents a healthy mind and prolongs life.

The ancient Hindus called sesame the food of the gods.

The seeds taste like a nutty, slightly sweetish aroma and are widely used in Food Industry and cooking as additives to products, toppings for buns and cookies, kozinaki and halva are produced from grains, and is widely used in the nutrition of raw foodists.

Composition of sesame

The composition of sesame is unique due to its beneficial substances:

  • Fats and fatty acids - up to 60%, unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 acids
  • Protein - up to 20%
  • Soluble carbohydrates - up to 15%
  • groups B (B1, B2, B6, B9), have a beneficial effect on the skin and intestinal function, are responsible for, affect the psyche, and increase the body’s resistance to viruses and infections. Thiamine (B1) is an important component for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and the proper functioning of the nervous system.
  • Micro and macroelements. Sesame can safely be considered a champion in macro-microelements. So 100 grams of sesame contains 2/3 daily norm, half the norm of zinc, the daily norm of phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, iron and a lot of silicon, which takes part in hematopoiesis and immunobiological processes.
  • Antioxidants in the form of gamma-tocopherols (vitamin E).
  • : A, (retinol is responsible for the regulation of protein synthesis, the formation of new cells, and work).
  • Amino acids: tryptophan, valine, isoleucine, arginine and glycine.
  • Unique, rare phytoextragens are lignans (sesamin, sesamolin), plant analogs of female sex hormones that prevent breast cancer and have the ability to normalize lipid metabolism.
  • Phytosterol, beta-phytosterol, is a useful analogue of animal cholesterol that prevents the formation of plaques in blood vessels.
  • Fiber, pectin and starch.

Sesame seeds, beneficial properties

Due to its composition, sesame has great benefits for the body:

  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems;
  • The amino acid tryptophan in sesame, involved in the production of serotonin, improves mood and eliminates anxiety, promotes deep sweet sleep.
  • It softens the course of a disease such as asthma, it is recommended for dry coughs, as an emollient and moisturizer.
  • A useful technique for strengthening hair and nails;
  • Improves the composition, its coagulability, increasing the number of platelets, normalizes blood pH.
  • Restores strength well after surgery in case of physical exhaustion;
  • Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (cleanses the intestines, improves liver function),
  • Thanks to calcium, it strengthens bone tissue, gums, and improves the condition of tooth enamel.
  • Slows down hair loss and, according to Indian scientists, fights (which is very controversial, but who knows...)
  • As a prevention of osteochondrosis and to improve joint mobility.

Sesame for women's health

  1. The seeds normalize the functioning of the female reproductive system and support the endocrine and nervous systems.
  2. As already mentioned, due to the high dose of calcium, it is recommended as a product for the prevention of osteoporosis for women over 50 years of age.
  3. During menopause, sesame seeds containing phytoestrogens are a good substitute for the body's own estrogen, which ceases to be produced during menopause.
  4. And it is important for pregnant women to consume sesame; it is better than anyone else at this time for preserving the structure of bones, hair, and teeth. The norm for pregnant women is 3 teaspoons.
  5. When breastfeeding, sesame is recommended to prevent the development of mastopathy.
  6. The product is indispensable for women, thanks to the content of the same beauty vitamins A and E, antioxidants. Valued for its light whitening properties, evens out and saturates the complexion, removes pigmentation.

Sesame in men's health

  • Vitamin E in the product is the basis of youth and male strength.
  • Sesame seeds contain quite a lot of zinc, which stimulates the synthesis of sex hormones, has a beneficial effect on the prostate, and reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Sesame contains enough arginine, an amino acid responsible for the secretion of testosterone.
  • In general, it supports the male reproductive system and is recommended as an aphrodisiac to maintain tone.

How to eat sesame

How many sesame seeds can an adult eat? Up to 3 tablespoons per day, the optimal dose is 2-3 teaspoons. If not soaked in water, it is important to chew thoroughly, otherwise the seed is poorly absorbed in the body. Can be ground in a coffee grinder. You can fry it, but this method loses vitamins.

All grains, including sesame seeds, as well as nuts, are not stored for long and begin to become bitter when exposed to light. Therefore, it is better to store in a cool, dark place in a glass container or in a bag made of natural material.

Add to all dishes, porridges, use in cooking, baking - the benefits are incredible!

Black and white sesame: what's the difference?

As already mentioned, there are several types of sesame: not only white and black, but also brown. They differ not only in color, but also in taste and properties.

Black sesame is a natural grain, unpeeled, and we know that it is in the shell that the most beneficial vitamins and substances are stored. And therefore, black sesame is much healthier than its white friend.

But white sesame also contains a lot of usefulness; oils are also made from it and are widely used in cooking.

Sesame seeds: contraindications

Despite all the incredible benefits of sesame, it still has contraindications for a small category of people:

  • For people with deposits of salts and sand in the kidneys, as it contains oxalates.
  • For thrombosis and varicose veins because it increases blood clotting.
  • Sesame is a slightly allergenic product, so from the first dose it is important to be careful how the body reacts.

High-calorie product, calorie content reaches – 597 kcal/100 grams, if you are overweight and have obesity problems, you should limit your consumption.

Sesame oil health benefits

Truly a royal gift from nature - cold-pressed sesame oil. We have listed how useful sesame seeds are, but the oil is many times more useful as a concentrate of that same power.

To the above beneficial properties, let’s add the use of oil in the following cases:

  1. For the treatment of skin diseases: dermatoses, eczema, itching, rashes, irritations, boils; heals wounds, cracks, burns, reduces inflammation.
  2. For inhalation, for runny nose, dry nasal mucosa. Drops with sesame oil can protect against viruses and bacteria during and.
  3. For throat diseases or loss of voice, you can gargle with the addition of drops of oil. For tonsillitis and pharyngitis, it is recommended to take it warm orally, a teaspoon per day.
  4. The oil not only strengthens teeth and gums, protecting against caries, but also kills germs in the mouth, making your breath fresh.
  5. Absorbs toxins well, removes poisons and harmful substances. Can be used as a laxative.
  6. The oil is a UV filter, which is why it is often used in sunscreen cosmetology. Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin after beach treatments, soothing burnt and irritated skin after.

Recipes for treatment with grains and sesame oil

For a cold. and cough sesame oil, slightly heated in a water bath to 37-39, rub the back and chest, and then wrap the patient. It is better to do the procedure at night.

Gastrointestinal diseases. Oil on an empty stomach, 2 teaspoons once a day is good remedy for the treatment of gastritis and ulcerative colitis, and for persistent constipation, you can increase the dose to 2 teaspoons two to three times a day.

Migraine. A mixture of sesame oil with the addition of camphor, cardamom and cinnamon serves as a means of combating migraines; try rubbing the mixture into your temples.

For youth. Mix the mixture at the rate of: 1 tbsp. spoon of sesame seeds, 1 teaspoon of ground ginger and 1 tsp. spoon, mix everything and consume 1 hour at a time. spoons a day are better in the morning.

For diarrhea recipe: Grind 15–20 g of sesame seeds in a coffee grinder, dissolve 5–7 g of honey in a glass and add sesame powder. Drink the honey mixture in small sips throughout the day until your condition improves.

And at the end of the video:

Sesame seeds: benefits and harms, how to take the spice - all these are important issues that should be carefully studied. In this review we will discuss indications and contraindications, talk about the composition and features. But first, let's note what it is.

Sesame or sesame (simsim) is the oldest oilseed crop, first bred in South Africa. Now the spice is grown in Central Asia, India and the Far East. Take a look at the photo - these are small, slightly elongated grains of a delicate wheat or black color.

The benefits and harms of seeds

Small grains are rich in beneficial properties - let's talk about the uses of sesame seeds and what they treat:

Health benefits and harms of sesame seeds - vital information, which is worth taking note. We've already talked about the benefits - it's time to celebrate possible harm. Medicinal plant, like any other, has minor contraindications.
Watch an interesting story about these miracle seeds:


To avoid harm from grains, you need to strictly limit your consumption. The beneficial properties and contraindications of sesame seeds appear depending on the dosage of the spice:

Now you know how to properly consume sesame seeds. If you have any questions, contact your doctor, who will help you choose the dosage and tell you about possible harm.

Who should not take it

In the meantime, let’s note who should not take the spice:

  • In the presence of high blood clotting and diagnosed thrombosis - since spice improves blood clotting;
  • If there are stones and sand in the organs of the urinary system;
  • If you are allergic to spices or are highly prone to allergic reactions.

We noted in detail the medicinal properties and contraindications of sesame seeds - let's follow on? In the next part of our review, we will talk about how to take sesame seeds for medicinal purposes and more.

How to use

You already know how sesame seeds are beneficial for the body - it’s time to figure out where small grains are added. There can be many ways to use it:

  • As a seasoning for salad or hot dishes;
  • As an additive to baked goods;
  • For preparing decoctions and infusions;
  • For squeezing oil - it is used in the food industry and cosmetic purposes.

As you can see, there are many answers to the question of how to use sesame seeds.

Let's give helpful advice, if you want to use the seeds for health, do not fry the sesame, as after heat treatment all available benefits are lost.

Now let's talk about how to use sesame seeds to absorb calcium.

For calcium absorption

Sesame holds the record among other seeds for calcium content. In order to preserve all the beneficial qualities, it is necessary to follow certain rules for taking raw sesame seeds - the absorption of calcium is a very complex process that is influenced by a lot of factors. We recommend following our tips:

The identified beneficial properties and contraindications of sesame seeds are a consequence of the chemical composition of the product. Got it? It's time to move on - let's discuss what benefits and harms sesame seeds contain for women.

Application for women

The question of how sesame seeds are beneficial for women has been discussed since ancient times - several centuries ago the unique positive qualities of the product were identified.

What exactly are the benefits of sesame seeds for women?

  • Positively affects genitourinary system;
  • Prevents the risk of developing mastopathy during breastfeeding, increases milk flow;
  • During pregnancy, it has a positive effect on the formation of fetal bone tissue;
  • During menopause, it helps produce the right amount of hormones that protect against cancer.

Is there any possible harm? Only a doctor can prescribe the correct dosage; before taking grains, it is recommended to consult your gynecologist.

It’s time to understand in detail what exactly is included in sesame, which elements are worth thanking for the enormous benefits of the spice.


To know and understand the benefits and harms of sesame seeds and how to take the spice, it is important to study the composition of the product. This is a unique combination of elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body - let's take a closer look.

The composition of one tablespoon of seeds (GOST 12095-76) includes:

  • 2 grams of proteins;
  • 4 grams of fat;
  • 1 gram of carbohydrates;
  • Calorie content – ​​52 Kcal.

You will be interested to know that the chemical composition retains its benefits throughout nine years old!

Difference between black and white seeds

Let's immediately briefly note that this question worries many inexperienced users. There are several main differences between spice varieties:

  • Black sesame has a strong aroma and does not need to be peeled, it is bitter;
  • White“brother” has a delicate nutty smell and a sweetish taste;
  • Black Simsim is rich in iron, more oily. Contains less protein;
  • White sesame contains more fat and has more moisture.