Why aren't carrots bright orange? Why are carrots tasteless? Composition and beneficial properties

26.10.2021 Thrombosis

Orange carrots (c) rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin A - 222.2%, beta-carotene - 240%, vitamin K - 11%, silicon - 83.3%, cobalt - 20%, manganese - 20%, molybdenum - 28, 6%

What are the benefits of orange carrots?

  • Vitamin A responsible for normal development reproductive function, skin and eye health, maintaining immunity.
  • B-carotene is provitamin A and has antioxidant properties. 6 mcg of beta carotene is equivalent to 1 mcg of vitamin A.
  • Vitamin K regulates blood clotting. A lack of vitamin K leads to an increase in blood clotting time and a decreased level of prothrombin in the blood.
  • Silicon is included as a structural component in glycosaminoglycans and stimulates collagen synthesis.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates metabolic enzymes fatty acids and folate metabolism.
  • Manganese participates in the formation of bone and connective tissue, is part of enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol and nucleotides. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by slower growth, disturbances in the reproductive system, increased fragility of bone tissue, and disturbances in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Molybdenum is a cofactor for many enzymes that ensure the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
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You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

The history of the appearance of this now popular orange vegetable is shrouded in mystery, so scientists cannot say when people first began to cultivate carrots.

Yellow carrots: varieties and their characteristics

Moreover, never-ending archaeological excavations have not helped to discover her homeland.

It is believed that carrots were first grown in Central Asia thousands of years ago, but the ancient Romans and Greeks also knew about their existence. By the way, even then people began to guess about its healing properties, as evidenced by the drawings that were discovered in Egyptian tombs. Carrots were used as a remedy that had a positive effect on the body as a whole, as a laxative, and were also eaten to improve digestion. Interesting fact- initially, it was not the root vegetable that was consumed as food, but its tops.

There are two types of carrots - wild and domestic. As scientists assure, the second, despite all its similarities, did not originate from the first. Yes, they have a similar shape and taste, but in fact they are not even representatives of the same species.

Evidence of domesticated carrots was recently discovered in Afghanistan. Archaeologists reported that the age of the find is almost 5,000 years. But the most interesting feature of the carrots found is their color. It was black, white, purple, yellow and red - anything but orange! Historians believe that the root vegetable of our usual color appeared only in the 16th and 17th centuries, as evidenced by numerous canvases painted by ancient Dutch artists. It was probably bred by local gardeners in honor of Orange Prince William, although scientists refute this fact, believing that the prince had nothing to do with it.

By the way, a century later the Dutch became the main European suppliers of this healthy orange vegetable. Participate in the popular rating interesting stories and facts. If you liked the article, click on the button. This is interesting53

White carrots: varieties, taste, beneficial properties. Why are carrots white and not orange? Purple carrots

For a long time, carrots have been a necessary addition to the preparation of an incredible number of dishes. Now the most common type is orange. But few people know that initially the root vegetable was yellow, white, red and even black, but not orange.

Only in the 16th century did this vegetable acquire its familiar orange color. And carrots became so widespread due to their sweeter taste.

But other varieties of carrots are also important, because thanks to their diversity of taste and the content of many different vitamins, they can easily be used in various culinary recipes.

Why are carrots white?

The yellow color of the vegetable is given by lutein, and the purple, blue, red and black colors are obtained due to the anthocyanin content.

Why are carrots light in color?

The deep red color comes from lycopene, while carrots get their burgundy color due to the presence of betaine in the root vegetable.

White carrots lack the pigment responsible for color. This is why carrots are white and not orange. But the trace elements it contains, which have a beneficial effect on the human body, make it quite popular.


People who prefer a healthy type of diet know that in addition to the coloring of fruits, plant pigments also perform other functions:

  • Beneficial effect on the immune system.
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  • Improved vision.
  • UV protection.
  • Acting as antioxidants that can suppress various viruses.

Accordingly, the more varied and richer the color palette of vegetables on the table, the tastier and healthier the prepared food.


Nowadays, there are a great many varieties of orange carrots, but previously white carrots were more popular. When choosing varieties, they should be distinguished by yield, disease resistance, shape and storage period. There is also a division into aft and dining rooms.

The most widespread forage varieties are “Berlin Giant”, “White Weibul”, “Vosges White”, “Giant White”, “Championship”, “White Greenhead”. As a rule, the length of the root crop reaches 50 cm and has a cylindrical, perfectly even shape.

The best table varieties include “White Satin F1”, “Lunard White”, “Belgian White”. They have a very smooth texture and juicy flesh.

The incredible number of varieties and types that white carrots have indicates a great variety of taste. But the main and main difference between them is the presence or absence of a bitter aftertaste.

Today, only forage varieties have it, so this species began to be grown exclusively to add to the diet of cattle and small domestic animals.

Recently, Latvia has revived the cultivation of white and yellow varieties of carrots, which have an incredibly sweet taste, which has earned them particular popularity in cooking.

White carrots.

Medicinal properties

For many centuries people have been using medicinal properties white carrots. To preserve their healing properties, carrots are often mixed with honey.

Carrot juice is excellent at fighting excess cholesterol, and carrot broth is often used as a diuretic.

Seeds and roots are also widely used not only in cooking as an additional ingredient in canned food, marinades, liqueurs and liqueurs, but also in folk medicine in the treatment of kidney stones.

Essential oils are also extracted from the seeds and used in cosmetic products.

Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, carrots can cause some harm to health. The use of this product in food is contraindicated if its use causes allergic reactions.

Overeating can also harm the body. It is characterized by an excess of carotene, but this option is only possible when eating orange carrots. And since white does not contain it, there are no obvious contraindications for this variety.

Purple carrots

Great Britain became the birthplace of purple carrots many years ago. But it has not received such widespread use due to one significant drawback: in its peeled form, carrots stain everything it comes into contact with.

Although in some culinary preparations this property can perfectly help make the dish especially attractive by adding a soft pink tint to the products.

Beneficial features

The root vegetable owes its color to the presence of alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and anthocyanin. In the body, they are converted into the necessary vitamin A, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, improves vision and relieves visual fatigue.

In cooking, purple carrots serve as a very unpretentious and versatile ingredient. It can be stewed, fried, baked, and is also great for making freshly squeezed juices and even jam.

The most common variety is "dragon". This option refers to early ripening varieties. It has a conical shape and grows from 15 cm to 17 cm in length. This variety of purple carrot grows well in slightly acidic soils and likes fairly frequent watering. Considered extremely frost resistant. Ideal for long-term storage.

If you compare the taste of the familiar orange carrots with the purple ones, the second one has a sweeter taste. But you should know that in its raw form this variety has a faint smell of rosemary, which disappears completely after heat treatment.

Cooking methods

  1. Juice. When preparing juice, all nutrients are completely preserved. Before squeezing, select undamaged fruits, rinse and peel them thoroughly. It is not recommended to add sugar and salt to juice. And daily consumption of freshly squeezed juice half an hour before lunch helps normalize digestion.
  2. Grilled vegetables. The method of cooking carrots in combination with other grilled vegetables allows you to retain all the nutritional and healing properties, while the taste becomes more pronounced.
  3. Puree. Making carrot puree soups with the addition of some equally healthy vegetables is ideal even for very young children. And by resorting to imagination and adding purple carrots to the usual orange ones, you can get original dish amazing color that will appeal not only to its taste, but also to its appearance.
  4. Bouillon. Making broth with the addition of different varieties of carrots, be it white, orange or purple, will turn out incredibly attractive and low in calories. Despite the fact that when high temperature the percentage of vitamin content drops, the portion necessary for the body remains in the prepared dish, which makes the culinary masterpiece not only beautiful, but also healthy.
  5. Drying. Carrots are great for drying for future use. Before harvesting, carrots must be thoroughly washed and peeled, then either chopped or grated. An electric dryer helps speed up the drying process, thanks to which the cooking time will be reduced several times, while all the vitamins contained in carrots will be preserved as much as possible.
  6. Dessert. The purple variety of carrots is so sweet that it can be used in the preparation of various desserts. For many years, Europeans have preferred to make carrot jam, which has an amazing taste.
  7. Table decoration. Even having mastered the carving technique a little, you can decorate your dining table and make it incredibly beautiful and unique. Using a thin knife, a vegetable dish can be turned into an exquisite culinary masterpiece, the appearance of which on the table will attract the attention of not only children, but also adults. The unique combination of white, orange and purple carrots, as well as the creation of compositions from them, will surprise every guest present, and the culinary recipes prepared from carrots will not leave anyone indifferent.

You shouldn't be afraid to experiment. Then an ordinary lunch will turn into a real meal.

Carrots were one of the first root vegetables that people began to cultivate. Now work on the selection of this vegetable continues. People use varieties of different colors and shades. One of the most consumed species in the world is the yellow carrot.

Composition of yellow carrots

Composition of yellow carrots

The color range of the root crop depends on its chemical composition. Yellow carrots, together with reddish-orange representatives of the varieties, are characterized by a predominance of carotene in their composition. Purple and light pink varieties are prone to accumulation of substances such as anthocyanins. White carrots have these components in small quantities, but are famous for their large amounts of glucose and dietary fiber.

Yellow carrots, along with representatives of white varieties, first grew in Central and Central Asia, while orange and red types of root vegetables consider the Mediterranean countries to be their homeland.

The yellow vegetable has both a pale shade and a rich canary shade. Yellow carrots are consumed more often in the world than the traditional orange carrot in Russia. It grows small: up to 4 cm in diameter and up to 25 cm in length.

Features that give carrots their yellow color:

  • Presence of xanthophyll. This substance is similar in composition and characteristics to carotene. Its high amount gives root vegetables a yellow tint and a sweet taste. This substance is capable of limiting and stopping the growth of pathogenic cancer cells, for which it is revered by scientists around the world.
  • The concentration of lutein in carrots also makes the vegetable bright and sunny. Lutein acts on the human body as a preventative against cardiovascular diseases. It also has a positive effect on the retina, protecting against the harmful effects of bright sunlight.

Yellow carrot varieties contain many vitamins, micro- and macroelements, including vitamins A, B, E, K, PP, H, C, as well as potassium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, zinc, fluorine and magnesium.

Vegetable water inside the root crop is of great value. Its amount depends on the region: the hotter the climate, the drier the vegetable tastes. The sugar content of yellow carrots is average - up to 7% of the total mass, but it contains a lot of fiber and carotene compounds - up to 70%.

Useful properties of varieties

Yellow carrot varieties are extremely healthy to eat. IN modern world They grow feed species intended for livestock. They are characterized by a higher content of starch and green matter.

For food consumption, there are cultural hybrids: Mellow Yellow F1, Yellowstone, Mirzoi 304, Solar Yellow. They have less juice and glucose in their composition than representatives of brighter varieties. They are also lower in calories - up to 33 kcal per 100 g of product. This allows the vegetable to be used in dietary nutrition.

Yellow carrots have many beneficial properties:

  • Regular consumption of yellow carrot juice allows you to get rid of worms, and is especially effective on children's bodies. The juice also has the maximum amount of carotene and xanthophyll, which counteract cancer and improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Carrot juice replenishes the supply useful substances during periods of vitamin deficiency in the body.
  • The components of yellow carrots have a positive effect on the metabolic systems of the human body. They have a choleretic and diuretic effect, and therefore are included in medications taken for urolithiasis and problems with the bile ducts. The yellow variety is also used to improve heart function and vascular contractile functions. Root seeds have a large amount essential oils.
  • Carotene is used as an additive in cosmetical tools, improving skin color and increasing the brightness of hair color. It is even included in special food for red breeds of cats and dogs, the consumption of which allows the animals to maintain good condition of the coat and gastrointestinal tract, and not to lose color characteristics. The crunchy properties of the root vegetable also depend on carotene, and regular consumption of raw vegetables by children helps them develop a healthy bite and strong enamel.

Negative effects of yellow carrots

Carrots are contraindicated for gastrointestinal diseases

Contraindications are related to the large number of carotene compounds in the root vegetable. If a person consumes a large amount of the product in a short time, his skin will acquire a noticeable yellowish tint, especially in the face and palms.

These external signs manifest the disease carotenemia - oversaturation of the human body with beta-carotene. To get rid of this scourge, you should exclude yellow carrots from your diet for 2-3 weeks and monitor the further dose of its consumption.

Carrots can be harmful to people who have certain health problems:

  • smoke a large number of cigarettes per day;
  • predisposed to allergies to root vegetables;
  • have a stomach ulcer or thyroid problems;
  • are sick diabetes mellitus insulin-dependent type.

Products grown in large fields are at risk. For ease of processing and preserving the harvest, insecticides and growth accelerators are often used. Residues of these chemical compounds accumulate in root vegetables and negatively affect the person who eats them. It is better to choose environmentally friendly products grown using organic fertilizers and pest control products.


Yellow carrots are popular in Asia and Europe. It is a component for preparing first and second courses, salads, side dishes and even desserts.

Some cooking rules help complement everyday and holiday menus:

  • The meat is often served with a side dish of small carrots fried in a large amount of oil until golden brown;
  • fish dishes are successfully complemented by boiled or half-cooked carrots, cut lengthwise or crosswise into slices;
  • borscht and soups will be complemented by a dressing of finely grated vegetables, lightly fried in oil;
  • real Uzbek pilaf is prepared using equal amounts of orange and yellow carrots, which is why the latter is often called Uzbek;
  • small root vegetables are added to rolls and pickles, sometimes with green forelocks to enhance the taste and aroma;
  • raw grated carrots with any fat will be a pleasant addition to a vitamin salad;
  • Finely grated carrots with cream, sour cream or butter, lightly sautéed and with added sugar, are used in baked goods, pies, fruit desserts, even in jam.

It’s one thing when carrots grow horned and gnarled - it’s our fault, we didn’t feed them or water them. But when in the fall you see that the root crop has grown not orange, but yellow or white, you can with a clear conscience blame the producer or the wild carrot with which your cultivated one “mated.”

So, why are carrots yellow (white) and not orange?

Producer's wine. In the pursuit of reducing costs, many producers begin to “hack”: they do not regularly update mother plants, but grow vegetables for seeds using old, degenerating varieties. From such seeds you will get carrot white - not juicy and not tasty, no matter how diligently you carry out agricultural practices.

Low-quality seeds produce carrots that look like wild ones. You can distinguish it from a good one by its tops. Degenerate carrots have leaves with fluff, a richer green color than cultivated ones, and the rosette of leaves is almost horizontal. Such root vegetables should be discarded immediately - they will be woody, unsweetened, pale, and, moreover, they can cross-pollinate varietal carrots.

On the left – seed carrots, on the right – wild carrots

Collecting seeds from F1 hybrids . If you collect seeds from carrots (and any other vegetable), the packaging of which says F1, that is, a first-generation hybrid, they will grow into second-generation hybrids - F2. Such carrots lose their varietal, or rather hybrid, qualities, and become more similar to their wild sisters. And wild carrots are white, bitter and not juicy.

Cross-pollination with wild carrots. Daucus carota, or common carrot, grows everywhere in the southern regions of the European part of Russia, as well as in Ukraine and Belarus. Its fruits have a hot, spicy taste and appear yellow or white. Carrots growing in our gardens are a subspecies of wild carrots. That is, they are close relatives, and are easily pollinated by insects at a distance of 0.8-2 km, depending on the area. This is another answer to the question why carrots are white and not orange. When growing carrots for seeds, make sure that the same carrot plant is not growing nearby, or get ready for the seeds to be a surprise. Also, you should not plant several varieties at once, otherwise they will cross-pollinate with each other.

However, such root vegetables can also be used - as a spice in marinades, canned food, and also in medicine - as a diuretic, anthelmintic, in the treatment of kidney stones.

Feeding. If not all carrots are pale, but only with carrot core is white and tough Most likely, we are dealing with a “skew” in mineral substances. In particular, with an excess of nitrogen and a lack of potassium and phosphorus. Typically, such root vegetables have lush greens, and the flesh is dry and bitter. To correct the situation, you need to exclude nitrogen and organic fertilizers (urea, mullein, bird droppings, manure) and fertilize with ash or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Thus, if the carrots grow yellow or white, this is a reason to think about the quality of the seeds. Do not spare money on seeds from a reliable company and be careful when preparing carrot seeds. Have a good harvest!

The history of carrots (lat. daucus carota) is not entirely clear, it is shrouded in doubts and mysteries, and it is difficult to understand when they actually began to be cultivated. Unfortunately, archaeological excavations have not yet discovered the homeland of domestic carrots, therefore, due to the lack of documentary evidence, it is impossible to establish exactly where and when carrot cultivation began.

It is a very common myth that domestic carrots evolved from wild carrots. Although they have a similar smell and taste, it has been established that wild carrots and domestic carrots are not members of the same species. Until today, botanists have not been able to develop an edible plant from a wild root crop. Edible carrots correspond to a completely different, distinct species.

It is assumed that the birthplace of carrots is Central Asia, but thousands of years before our era, carrots were found in other places, since it was established that the ancient Egyptians, ancient Greeks and Romans knew carrots. From the drawings in Egyptian tombs it can be judged that carrots were used for healing. Without knowing anything about vitamins, people noticed that carrots help the sick and weakened to recover, improve digestion, benefit vision, and act as a laxative. They say that the wars hidden in the Trojan horse ate a lot of carrots the day before to cleanse the intestines and at the crucial moment there would be no problems. But this, of course, is just a legend. The first to pave the way to the table were carrot tops, which were used like other greens. Some of the carrot's relatives are still grown for these purposes, such as parsley, fennel, dill and caraway, and the seeds are more often used medicinally.

Wild carrots are small, hard, light, or rather bitter, with a white root. Homemade carrots are juicy, have a sweet root, and are usually orange in color. Evidence of modern carrots has been found in Afghanistan, dating back about 5,000 years. What's interesting is that history shows that carrots used to be red, black, yellow, white and purple, but not orange! Our modern orange carrots appeared thanks to the efforts of Dutch gardeners in the 16th and 17th centuries, as evidenced by the works of art of that time. At that time, carrots were depicted on their canvases by such ancient Dutch masters as Joachim Bekelaar, Joachim Wtewal, Pieter Arsten and many others. There is one unconfirmed story that the color of carrots - orange - was bred in honor of Prince William of Orange. Although orange carrots in Holland date back to the 16th century, historians say it is unlikely that Orange William had anything to do with it. Some astute historians have created a myth that this mutation of the vegetable was bred as a sign of gratitude and homage to King William I for leading the Dutch rebellion against Spain, which led to the country's independence.

Here is another version: in Holland, where carrots were brought from Iran by merchants of the East India Company, orange carrots were bred by crossing red and yellow carrots in the 17th century. The fact is that the orange color of carrots corresponds to the traditional color of the Dutch Royal House of Orange-Nassau. Dutch artists of the Golden Age often depicted this “royal” carrot in their paintings. In Europe of the 18th century, it was also considered a delicacy. Peter the Great brought orange carrots to Russia along with potatoes, radishes, artichokes and other strange European vegetables.

Nowadays, carrots are the second most popular fruit after potatoes. However, having studied its composition more closely, it is worth recognizing that this plant should have become vegetable No. 1. Carrots contain many vitamins and minerals. It contains a lot of carotene - 9-10 mg per 100 g of product, but it contains little vitamin C - up to 5 mg per 100 g of product, carrots contain vitamins of group B in small quantities. They contain a lot of carbohydrates (mainly glucose) - 6 %, about 1% minerals– potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, etc., and 1-1.2% proteins. The energy value of carrots is 29-31 kilocalories per 100 g of product.

Another carrot nutrient that is unfairly rarely mentioned is vitamin E, the so-called muscle vitamin. It promotes the efficient use of oxygen by all muscles.

  1. The ancient Greeks called carrots philtron, or "magic of love." They believed that carrots helped people fall in love faster.
  2. Some peoples have a tradition of giving carrots to the bride so that she can manage the kitchen well.
  3. Carrots contain 87% water.
  4. If you eat too many carrots, your skin will turn yellowish-orange, especially your elbows and heels. This phenomenon is called Carotenemia. Fortunately, this disappears when a person begins to eat less carrots.
  5. By eating two medium-sized carrots a day, a person can lower blood cholesterol levels by 20%.
  6. 9 carrots contain as much calcium as a glass of milk.
  7. Three medium-sized carrots provide the energy needed to walk 5 km.
  8. The longest carrot in the world is 5.839 meters. She was raised in the UK in 1996. In turn, the largest vegetable was grown in Alaska (USA) in 1998; carrots weighed 8.6 kilograms.
  9. Recently, one of the awards of the International Fair of Horticultural Products “Fruit Logistica” was awarded to a light snack originally from Italy, Carrot Fetuccini - tasty and crispy carrots cut into ribbons.
  10. Carrots are the first vegetable to be canned for wholesale.
  11. Holtville, California calls itself the "Carrot Capital of the World" and hosts a carrot festival every year.
  12. Breeders develop different varieties for different uses. For example, the varieties grown by Vilmorin, Bolero F1 and Maestro F1, are ideally suited for making juices - from these varieties you can get a particularly large amount of juice with good taste. Most varieties are bred so that the root vegetables are easy to wash; they have a particularly smooth surface. Even a special variety for cooking pilaf has been developed - “Kazan F1” (kazan in some Asian countries is called a cauldron for cooking pilaf) - the shavings of this carrot do not change the traditional color of the dish.


The ancestor of modern carrots was purple. And it remained this way until the 16th century. Growing this unusual carrot is no different from cultivating the usual orange one. In addition, modern varieties and hybrids are highly resistant to various diseases.

General characteristics of purple carrots

Purple carrots belong to the Apiaceae family, subspecies Daucus carota ubsp. sativus. This is a biennial herbaceous plant. In the first year there is an increase in green mass.

The vegetable is characterized by low yield, good germination, resistance to diseases and pests. Since the century before last, purple carrots have been considered an excellent cure for a number of diseases.

Appearance of the bush and fruits

In appearance, the plants do not differ from classic orange carrots. The plant has a similar appearance and with other representatives of the Umbrella family.

The purple vegetable has a strong root and feathery leaves. The color of the fruit varies in purple hue depending on the species. Their length is 20-30 cm.

Short fruits ripen faster than long ones. The development of root crops is also affected by the depth of the soil.


The composition of the vegetable is rich in minerals. 100 g contains:

  • magnesium – 38 mg;
  • chlorine – 63 mg;
  • calcium – 27 mg;
  • sodium – 21 mg;
  • sulfur – 6 mg;
  • potassium – 200 mg;
  • phosphorus – 55 mg;
  • vanadium – 99 mcg;
  • molybdenum – 20 mcg;
  • nickel – 6 mcg;
  • copper – 80 mcg;
  • fluorine – 55 mcg;
  • lithium – 6 mcg.


Recent studies have shown that the chemical composition unusual vegetable much richer than the usual carrots, as it has an ideal balance of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this, purple carrots, with their constant consumption, strengthen the immune system, as well as the cardiovascular system. In addition, it is beneficial for the eyes due to its high concentration of anthocyanins.

The root vegetable contains calcium and other substances beneficial for hair, nails and skin in an easily digestible form, so it is best to combine the consumption of purple carrots in food and use in home cosmetic procedures.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages purple carrots:

  • Easy to grow.
  • Long shelf life.
  • Demand and benefits of the vegetable.


  • When it is cleaned, it turns purple into everything it comes into contact with - hands, clothes, dishes, and other vegetables.
  • When cooked, it gives off color to the water and becomes brown and unattractive. Therefore, it is consumed mainly in its raw form.

Popular varieties of purple carrots

There are several popular varieties of carrots:

  • The root crops of the variety can be easily distinguished from all others by their characteristic purple-violet color on the outside. Inside, purple carrots have a yellowish-orange core. Like most representatives of the species, this purple carrot is extremely rich in vitamins and minerals.

  • This variety has a bright purple color on the outside and an orange core. The vegetable tastes sweet and contains a large amount of vitamin A and beta-carotene.

  • Inside, the root vegetable is completely orange. The raspberry-violet color is present only in small quantities on the outside. The taste of carrots is rich and sweet. The fruits reach a length of 20 cm.

  • The hybrid has a dark purple color. The inside of the root vegetable is orange. The variety belongs to the category of early ripening - technical maturity occurs 70 days after planting in the ground. Root crops grow up to 30 cm long. Purple haze is resistant to many types of diseases.

  • The variety is recognized as exquisite. It has a pleasant sweet taste with spicy notes. The outer part of the root crop has a purple-red hue, the inner part is orange-yellow. The length of carrots reaches 25 cm.

  • This species belongs to the category of colored carrots. Its fruits can range in color from orange to deep purple. Root vegetables are distinguished by their cylindrical shape. Length reaches 18 cm.

How to Grow Purple Carrots?

To get a good harvest, it is important to pay attention to planting, caring for and treating carrots from diseases and pests.

Preparing for landing

To make the seeds germinate faster, you can resort to the following methods:

  • Soak. Take fabric bags, pour seeds into them and put them in warm water for a day, which needs to be changed regularly. You can also soak it in water mixed with wood ash. Sometimes, in parallel with soaking, the incandescent method is used.
  • Heat treatment. Take the bags, pour in the seeds and alternately dip them in hot water for 20 minutes, then in cold water for 2 minutes.
  • Bubbling. The essence of the method is that the seeds need to be soaked in water saturated with oxygen or air. This should be done in a container made of non-oxidizing material.
  • Burying seeds. Bury the seeds in bags at a shallow depth for 10-12 days. This method ensures seed germination already 4-5 days after sowing.

You can also mix the seeds with wet peat and hide them in a warm place for 7 days - there they begin to germinate, after which they can be used for sowing. Sow seeds in open ground in early spring, immediately after the snow melts.

Landing Features

If the soil on the site is light, then the seeds should be buried into it by 20-30 mm, but if the soil is heavy, the planting depth should be reduced to 15-20 mm. The row spacing is about 20 centimeters. Between seeds in a row, a distance of 30 to 40 mm should be maintained.

To prevent the crops from becoming dense, gardeners often resort to the following trick: cut the toilet paper into thin strips, apply drops of paste (made from flour or starch) on them at intervals of 30-40 mm, and then spread the seeds in them. After the paste has dried, the paper must be bent in half along its entire length and rolled into a roll.

During sowing, the paper with seeds is unfolded and placed in the grooves, which must first be well moistened. When the seeds are embedded in the soil, the surface of the bed should be covered with a three-centimeter layer of mulch. This will prevent the appearance of a crust on it, which makes it difficult for seedlings to germinate.

There is another method of sowing this crop. To do this, cut toilet paper or a paper napkin into small squares, and drop a drop of paste onto each one. 1 or 2 seeds and 1 granule of complex mineral fertilizer are placed on them. The squares must be folded to form balls. When they dry, they are stored until sowing. During sowing, these balls are placed in the furrow maintaining a distance of 30-40 mm.

Rules of care

The essence of caring for purple carrots is to loosen the soil, apply fertilizers, and thin out the seedlings.

The first thinning is carried out when 1-2 leaves appear on the bush. Large plants are left at a distance of 2 cm from each other. When two pairs of leaves appear, the procedure is repeated, doubling the distance between neighboring plants.

In the summer, the seedlings are watered, the crust is loosened, and the densely growing specimens are thinned out. If necessary, apply mineral fertilizers. To ensure carrots grow sweet and beautiful, you should regularly cultivate the soil. The first weeding may be required before the seeds germinate.

The proximity of weeds has a detrimental effect on the development of carrots, so they must be eliminated immediately after their appearance.

For 3-4 months after planting, the crop is watered 3-4 times a week (4 liters of water per square meter). Then the one-time volume of liquid is increased, and the number of waterings is reduced. Now it is enough to carry out the procedure once every 7 days.

Gardeners recommend not to overuse fertilizers. It is enough to carry out only 2 feedings (Kristalon, Mortar, Ammophos have shown themselves to be quite good in practice). Liquid fertilizers made from nettles, manure or compost can be applied monthly.

Most varieties of purple carrots require frequent loosening of the soil, starting with the appearance of the first shoots. It is better to do this immediately after rain and with great caution. This event can be combined with regular weeding, which is necessary for this vegetable (especially in the first months). Weeding is carried out manually so as not to accidentally damage cultivated plants.

When the carrots grow 10-15 cm, you can start mulching. It is more convenient to do this after weeding and thinning, using finely chopped grass as mulch. After 2-3 weeks, repeat mulching.

Mulching is not a necessary measure, but it can significantly reduce weed problems and improve the quality of root crops.

Ripe carrots should be harvested as quickly as possible. This will have a beneficial effect on the development of root crops remaining in the garden.

Diseases and pests

The following diseases pose the greatest danger to this crop:

  • Bacteriosis. Its distribution occurs along with plant residues and seed material.
  • Fomoz damages the stems of the testes, as well as their inflorescences. Brown spots appear at the top of the root crop, and over time the entire root crop is damaged. Before sowing, the seed should be treated with Tigam solution.
  • Septoria. Small chlorotic spots appear on the foliage of a diseased bush. As the disease progresses, they turn brown. For prevention purposes, the seed is heated in hot water and then immediately cooled.
  • Black rot. Rotten areas of coal-black color appear on the affected area of ​​the root crop. Treat with Tigam solution.
  • Red rot. First, purple or brown spots appear on the root crops, and then they disappear, and in their place black fungal sclerotia form. The cause of the development of this disease is the introduction of manure into the soil.
  • Gray rot. Its symptoms appear on almost all vegetable crops. This happens during storage of vegetables.

The following can also harm purple carrots:

  • Slugs. They can be collected by hand, but it is better to control pests with the help of traps.
  • Winter cutworms injure the above-ground parts of the bush. They also damage shoots and roots by gnawing them.
  • Carrot flies. Active at night. As soon as the carrots have a few young leaves, they immediately lay eggs.
  • Wireworms– larvae of the dark click beetle. These are beetles that lay eggs on crops.

Possible errors and difficulties

Mistakes and problems when growing:

  • poorly leveled and cleaned surface for planting;
  • inaccurate watering leads to rot and fungal diseases;
  • lack of area for nutrition (too dense planting);
  • lack of regular hilling - as a result, carrots become bitter, quickly fade in the sun and acquire a green tint;
  • applying fertilizers before planting leads to the appearance of small, twisted root crops (it is better to plant carrots in place of cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions, which were well fertilized last year);
  • abuse of nitrogen fertilizers.

The difficulty lies in the fact that you cannot buy purple carrot seeds in stores or on the market - they can only be found and ordered on the Internet. In addition, purple carrots love comfort and proper care, strict adherence to the rules of collection and storage.

Harvest and storage

Harvesting purple carrots consists of several stages. In July, early ripening varieties of this plant are harvested. Root crops of mid-season varieties are dug up in August. And harvesting of late-ripening varieties, which can be stored for a long time, is carried out in the second half of September.

Harvesting is done on a sunny, dry and warm day. The fruits are dug up, dried, and cleaned of lumps of earth.

The harvest can be stored in storage. A cellar or basement is ideal for storing such vegetables. Carrots are placed in boxes made of plastic or wood, and they should be sprinkled with dry sand so that the root crops do not touch each other. Sand can be replaced with moss if desired.

There is another method of storing carrots, which is to glaze the carrots with clay. The clay is mixed with water to a creamy consistency, after which the root vegetables are immersed one by one in this “mash” and laid out on a wire rack to dry. Dry vegetables are placed on. Until the next season, purple carrots do not lose their unique properties.

Use in cooking

Purple carrots can be used in cooking, just like their orange version, that is, the vegetable can be stewed, fried, boiled, as well as baked and steamed. They also make marinades from it.

Dishes made from purple carrots are not only tasty and healthy, they are easy to digest. Carrots go well with almost all foods, especially cereals, other vegetables and meat. It is also useful to eat carrots raw, without heat treatment.

Due to its unusual color, this root vegetable is often used to decorate various dishes.

Purple carrots for weight loss

It contains few calories. You can eat it raw or steamed. Carrots are very filling and contain a lot of fiber. This vegetable aids digestion. It not only lowers blood sugar levels, but also helps the body absorb nutrients better.

Including purple carrots in your diet reduces the amount of bad cholesterol and improves metabolic processes, which promotes weight loss.

Video footage of purple carrots

This video explains what purple carrots are, how to plant, harvest, etc.:

Carrots are one of the most important root vegetables for humans, grown in temperate climates. The vegetable cultivated today was derived from wild varieties whose roots were anything but orange. As scientists' research shows, carrots were originally purple or yellow.

It is difficult to judge the origin and evolutionary paths of the existing 80 species of cultivated carrots today. But archaeologists discover carrot seeds during excavations along the entire Mediterranean coast, in North Africa, in the Asian region and European countries with a temperate climate.

Wild species, most likely, were initially a source of greenery rather than juicy root vegetables for humans. Perhaps carrots were also used as...

At the same time, in Iran and Europe, cultural layers where evidence of the growth of carrots is found are about 5 thousand years old. Fossil pollen from plants of the Apiaceae family, dating back to the Eocene period, is between 55 and 34 million years old, which indicates the antiquity of the genus.

Ancestors of modern carrot varieties

Today, the existence of two original types of cultivated carrots has been confirmed. Eastern or Asian carrots historically have a purple color due to the anthocyanin pigment. And in some, the color is so intense that they began to talk about black carrots.

The pinnate leaves of the eastern type have a silvery tint and are noticeably pubescent. Most widespread Such carrots were obtained in Afghanistan, in the Himalayas and Hindu Kush mountains, and in Iran, India and some regions of Russia. In these same areas, yellow carrots are also found, which in the wild are tougher than dark-colored ones and have a pronounced pungent taste.

The beginning of cultural cultivation of purple carrots probably occurred in the 10th century. Three centuries later, purple root vegetables appeared in the Mediterranean, and a little later they began to be grown in China and Japan. Eastern yellow and purple carrots are still grown in Asia today, used to make strong alcoholic drinks, but in popularity and distribution they are inferior to Western varieties with orange roots.

Modern Western carrots are colored by carotene, so the roots can be red, orange, yellow or almost white.

Most likely, such varieties were the result of hybridization and crossing of oriental-type plants with wild subspecies of Mediterranean yellow carrots. The root vegetables consumed by Europeans until the 17th century were thin, highly branched and not at all juicy.

History of carrots in ancient times

Archaeologically verified evidence of the consumption of wild carrots has been found at early human sites in Switzerland.

Temple paintings in Luxor, Egypt, dating back to the second millennium BC, depict purple root vegetables. And papyri found in one of the pharaoh’s burials speak of treatment with carrot seeds or a plant similar to it. But neither archaeologists nor paleobotanists have yet been able to confirm Egyptologists’ assumptions about the distribution of purple carrots in the Nile Valley. The ancient Egyptians may have been familiar with other members of the Apiaceae family, such as anise or coriander.

Fossilized carrot seeds, at least five thousand years old, have been discovered in the highlands of Iran and Afghanistan.

Many varieties in a variety of colors have been found in Asia, and there is evidence of the use of wild carrots during the Hellenic period in Greece. Carrot seeds and their rhizomes were mainly used in medicinal purposes. For example, in the Ardennes during the times of Ancient Rome, carrots served as an aphrodisiac, and the Pontic king Mithridates VI believed that carrots could neutralize poisons.

Dioscorides, who served as a doctor in the Roman army, described and sketched more than 600 species during his campaigns in his work De Materia Medica medicinal plants. The Byzantine edition of the work, dating back to 512, shows the reader the appearance of an orange carrot.

Documented history of carrots and their introduction into culture

The White Carrot Mystery and Classification Issues

IN Ancient Rome and Greece, carrots were called differently, leading to conflicting interpretations. In particular, the name Pastinaca could hide almost white carrots and light root vegetables of the extremely popular parsnip at that time.

Galen suggested giving the carrot the name Daucus, separating it from related species. This happened in the second century new era. In those same years, the Roman scientist Athenaeus proposed the name Carota, and the root vegetable is also named in the cookbook of Apicius Czclius, dating back to 230.

However, with the fall of Rome, mentions of carrots completely disappear from European written sources. And confusion in identifying plants that were close in species and relatedness continued until the Middle Ages, until purple and yellow root crops were again brought to Europe from Asia.

Charlemagne issued a decree on the full reverence of carrots and recognition of them as the most valuable plant, and thanks to their openwork leaves and umbrella inflorescences, carrots became known in history as “Queen Anne’s lace.”

Today, the names of all varieties, from white root vegetables to black carrots, are subject to the classification Linnaeus developed in 1753.

Beginning of carrot breeding

Purposeful selection of the species began relatively recently. The description of the first cultivated variety dates back to 1721 and was written by Dutch botanists. It turned out to be easy to force carrots to produce sweeter and larger rhizomes. In order for the root crop to become noticeably straighter, sweeter and juicier, the plant only needed good care and cultivation of several generations in favorable conditions.

Historians were surprised that less than three centuries passed from the appearance of yellow and red carrots in the Netherlands to their spread as a vegetable species, as if the plant itself wanted to be cultivated.

The most famous varieties, Nantes and Chantanay, mankind owes to the ascetic French gardener Louis de Vilmorin, who in the 19th century laid the foundations of modern plant growing and in 1856 published a description of the varieties that are still in demand today.

Formation of carrot color

Oriental yellow varieties became the basis for obtaining both orange and white carrots. This conclusion, after analyzing the gene pool of plants, was made by geneticists quite recently, but both yellow and red carrots continue to be cultivated in the world. And a variety of purple carrots with a particularly intense dark color is called black. So what is the reason for such a variety of colors?

The color of the carrot root is the result of the action of various pigments related to carotenoids.

During the selection process, carrots became larger and juicier. It has lost some essential oils, but has acquired other health benefits, depending on both the color and its intensity.

A tricky way to produce carrots - video