Product catalog new era. All products New era bamboo health how to take

20.02.2022 Complications

The main raw material for the production of the drug is lophaterum slender (bamboo leaves), from which, using latest technologies flavonoids and coumarin lactones are extracted

Bamboo Health is a 100% natural health product. It does not contain hormones or chemically synthesized pharmaceuticals. Pharmacological tests show that bamboo extract does not have any toxic and side effects, characterized by a high degree of purification, high stability, and strong hydrophilicity, resistant to high temperatures and acids.

In China, bamboo has long been used for food and medicine, to build houses and make utensils. 60% of bamboo grows in China. Bamboo has a unique growth force, strength, bactericidal properties and contains a large number of biologically active and nutrients: flavonoids, lactones, polysaccharides, chlorophylls and amino acids, vitamins and microelements.

It is Flavonoids that help reduce blood lipid levels, the level and quality of cholesterol, neutralize and remove free radicals, i.e. prevent overoxidation of the body and its physiological aging, enhance the activity of SOD (superoxide dismutase). The flavone components of bamboo leaves effectively fight against the “No. 1 killer” of Humanity, low-density lipoproteins (“bad” cholesterol). Coumarin lactones can effectively prevent the formation of blood clots, protect the liver and restore it. They are a kind of “smart collector” that collects, processes and removes “garbage” from vessels.

The functional health benefits of bamboo leaf extract are extensive:

  • Neutralizes and removes free radicals (anti-aging)
  • Protects cardiovascular system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels
  • Regulates the level and quality of cholesterol in the blood
  • Improves microcirculation and cerebral circulation
  • Improves memory and sleep
  • Protects and restores the liver, treats fatty liver
  • Protects against aging through cell rejuvenation and removal of toxins from them
  • Has an antitumor effect, prevents the development of cancer
  • Strengthens and supports immune system
  • Has antibacterial and antiviral effects
  • Liquefies and removes mucus from the lungs, moisturizes cough
  • Relieves all types of inflammation through its cold Yin nature
  • Regulates blood sugar levels
  • Regulates pressure
  • Stimulates urination

Bamboo is a great remedy for vascular health.

Compound: bamboo leaf essence

Package: 108 tablets

Functions: combating fatigue, reducing lipids and cholesterol, preventing atherosclerosis, preventing thrombosis, improving the condition of brain cells, preventing myocardial ischemia.

"Bamboo of Health" - Zhukanning

Regulation of blood lipids.

Chinese name: Zhu Kang Ning

The main raw material for the production of the drug is lofaterum slender (bamboo leaves), from which flavonoids and coumarin lactones are extracted using the latest technologies.

Research has confirmed that bamboo elixir:

  • has the ability to reduce lipids and cholesterol in the blood;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • has antimicrobial and antiviral effects;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • enhances the activity of SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase, superoxide dismutase);
  • cleanses the body of free radicals.

The coumarin group lactone is capable of effectively prevent the formation of blood clots, He protects the liver And improves sleep.

Very good helps resist aging.

The drug is made from natural raw materials, does not contain hormones and has no side effects.

Contraindications: not recommended for children.

Directions for use and dosage: 2-3 tablets twice a day.

Release form: 108 tablets of 0.35 g per package.

State registration certificate No. dated 08/07/2009

Manufacturer: "Yantai New Era Health Industry Co., Ltd" (New Era), 6 Huaihe Road, Yantai Economic and Technological Development Zone (People's Republic of China)

You can PLACE AN ORDER through the contact form on this website (go to the "Contacts" tab in the top menu of the site)
or follow the link: MAKE AN ORDER

Bamboo Health Certification

Certificate of state registration And Expert opinion on compliance with state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations, production, application (use) of biologically active food additives You can see it in our VKontakte group In chapter "Documentation" And " Photo albums ".

Based on referral No. AZ 74 of the Federal State Institution “IMC “Expertiza” of Rospotrebnadzor to the Federal State Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow” and agreement No. B568/23 dated 06.06.07. An expert assessment of documentation and sanitary and hygienic standards was carried out with Bionika LLC. research on dietary supplements for food "Bamboo Health", produced by the Yantai company for the production of health products “New Era”1 (China, Yantai, Huaihe St., 6).

The following documents are submitted for examination:

  • Manufacturer's specification.
  • Recipe.
  • Label design project.
  • Certificate of production compliance with GMP requirements.
  • Certificate of health food products issued by the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China confirming the product's compliance with the sanitary legislation of the People's Republic of China.
  • A power of attorney issued by the Yantai company for the production of health products “New Era” (China, Yantai, Huaihe St., 6) for the right to represent interests in the Russian Federation during the state registration of the company Bionika LLC.
  • Declaration of the absence of narcotic, psychotropic, potent, including toxic and doping substances in the product.
  • Declaration of the absence of components obtained using genetically modified organisms in the product.
  • The act of sampling products.

Expertise and research results

1. Expert assessment of the composition, technological process and effectiveness of dietary supplements.

Dietary supplement for food "Bamboo Health" is a tablet of 0.35 g, the following composition: bamboo leaf extract 96.25 mg, starch 98 mg, xanthon gum 0.91 mg, magnesium stearate 0.14 mg, sucrose 84.7 mg , microcrystalline cellulose 70 mg.

According to the production scheme, dietary supplements for food “Bamboo Health” are obtained by sequentially performing the following stages of the production cycle:

  • preparation of production and equipment;
  • weighing of raw materials;
  • mixing and granulating;
  • tabletting and coating;
  • packaging, packaging and labeling.

Food supplement “Bamboo Health” is produced by the Yantai company for the production of health products “New Era” (China, Yantai, Huaihe St., 6) and is recommended as a dietary supplement to food, a source of flavonoids.

Release form and packaging: tablets of 0.35 g in jars of 108 pcs.

Dosage and method of administration: 3 tablets 2 times a day, with meals.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Before use, consult a doctor.

Storage conditions: Store in a cool dry place.

Best before date: 2 years.

Bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) - leaves and stems contain natural antioxidants, represented mainly by flavone c-glycosides: orientin, homorientin, vitexin and isovitexin. Lignans were found to be represented by dimers: phyllostadimers A and B. It also contains silicic acid and N-glycans. Young bamboo shoots are used as vegetables.

The plant components presented in this dietary supplement are traditional food products and are not included in the list of plants containing potent, narcotic or toxic substances (Appendix 5B to SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products”).

The composition of the dietary supplement under consideration includes biologically active minor food components identical to those contained in food raw materials, but in higher concentrations, ensuring an adequate level of consumption.

Based on the above and in accordance with SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the organization of production and circulation of biologically active food additives”, the dietary supplement “Bamboo Health” can be recommended as a biologically active food additive, a source of flavonoids.

2. Results of the study of the content of the main biologically active components.

The determination of flavonoid content was carried out by SFM in accordance with the “Guide to methods of quality control and safety of biologically active food additives”, R 4.1.1672-03. (Protocol No. 9142 of the Federal State Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow”). The research results are presented in Table 1.

Consumption of flavonoids with this product does not exceed the upper permissible level (100 mg).

Conclusion: the content of indicator components in the presented sample confirms the authenticity of the product and corresponds to what is stated in the specification. The dietary supplement "Bamboo Health" can be considered as a biologically active food supplement and a source of flavonoids.

3. Results of sanitary-chemical and sanitary-microbiological studies.

Sanitary and chemical studies were carried out according to safety indicators provided for by “SanPiN”, M, 2002. Sample preparation was carried out in accordance with GOST 26929-94 “Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation Mineralization for the determination of toxic elements. Interstate standard". Lead and cadmium were determined according to GOST 30178-96 “Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determining toxic elements. Interstate standard". Arsenic was determined according to GOST 26930-86 “Raw materials and food products. Method for determination of arsenic". Mercury was determined according to the “Methodological guidelines for the detection and determination of total mercury in food products by the method of flameless atomic absorption” (No. 5178-90). The content of organochlorine pesticides was determined according to

“Guidelines for the determination of residual quantities of organochlorine pesticides” (No. 1766-77) and official methods of analysis of the AOAC (“Official methods of analysis of the AOAC”, 1984, 14th ed., Chapter 29, pp. 537-538). Sanitary microbiological studies were carried out in accordance with GOST 26668-85, 26188-84, 26671-85, 10444.1-85, 30425-97, 10444.11-89, 10444.12-88 for compliance with the requirements of SanPiN Sanitary-chemical and sanitary-microbiological studies of the Bamboo Health dietary supplement were carried out at the Federal State Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Water and Air Transport". (Protocols of sanitary and hygienic studies of the Federal State Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow: No. 25722, No. F2060/168, No. 2911, No. 9140,). The research results are presented in Table 2.

table 2

As follows from Table 2, in terms of safety indicators, the studied dietary supplement sample complies with the “Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products” (“SanPiN”, index 1.10.5.).


Based on an expert assessment of documentation and analysis of the results of sanitary-chemical and sanitary-microbiological studies and studies of authenticity indicators of dietary supplements for food "Bamboo Health", produced by the Yantai company for the production of health products "New Era" (China, Yantai, Huaihe St., 6) corresponds requirements of “SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products" and "SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the organization and circulation of biologically active food additives" and is recommended for State registration as a dietary supplement for food, a source of flavonoids.

"Bamboo of Health" - Zhukanning

Regulation of blood lipids.

Chinese name: Zhu Kang Ning

The main raw material for the production of the drug is lofaterum slender (bamboo leaves), from which flavonoids and coumarin lactones are extracted using the latest technologies.

Research has confirmed that bamboo elixir:

  • has the ability to reduce lipids and cholesterol in the blood;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • has antimicrobial and antiviral effects;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • enhances the activity of SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase, superoxide dismutase);
  • cleanses the body of free radicals.

The coumarin group lactone is capable of effectively prevent the formation of blood clots, He protects the liver And improves sleep.

Very good helps resist aging.

The drug is made from natural raw materials, does not contain hormones and has no side effects.

Contraindications: not recommended for children.

Directions for use and dosage: 2-3 tablets twice a day.

Release form: 108 tablets of 0.35 g per package.

State registration certificate No. dated 08/07/2009

Manufacturer: "Yantai New Era Health Industry Co., Ltd" (New Era), 6 Huaihe Road, Yantai Economic and Technological Development Zone (People's Republic of China)

You can PLACE AN ORDER through the contact form on this website (go to the "Contacts" tab in the top menu of the site)
or follow the link: MAKE AN ORDER

Bamboo Health Certification

Certificate of state registration And Expert opinion on compliance with state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations, production, application (use) of biologically active food additives You can see it in our VKontakte group In chapter "Documentation" And " Photo albums ".

Based on referral No. AZ 74 of the Federal State Institution “IMC “Expertiza” of Rospotrebnadzor to the Federal State Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow” and agreement No. B568/23 dated 06.06.07. An expert assessment of documentation and sanitary and hygienic standards was carried out with Bionika LLC. research on dietary supplements for food "Bamboo Health", produced by the Yantai company for the production of health products “New Era”1 (China, Yantai, Huaihe St., 6).

The following documents are submitted for examination:

  • Manufacturer's specification.
  • Recipe.
  • Label design project.
  • Certificate of production compliance with GMP requirements.
  • Certificate of health food products issued by the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China confirming the product's compliance with the sanitary legislation of the People's Republic of China.
  • A power of attorney issued by the Yantai company for the production of health products “New Era” (China, Yantai, Huaihe St., 6) for the right to represent interests in the Russian Federation during the state registration of the company Bionika LLC.
  • Declaration of the absence of narcotic, psychotropic, potent, including toxic and doping substances in the product.
  • Declaration of the absence of components obtained using genetically modified organisms in the product.
  • The act of sampling products.

Expertise and research results

1. Expert assessment of the composition, technological process and effectiveness of dietary supplements.

Dietary supplement for food "Bamboo Health" is a tablet of 0.35 g, the following composition: bamboo leaf extract 96.25 mg, starch 98 mg, xanthon gum 0.91 mg, magnesium stearate 0.14 mg, sucrose 84.7 mg , microcrystalline cellulose 70 mg.

According to the production scheme, dietary supplements for food “Bamboo Health” are obtained by sequentially performing the following stages of the production cycle:

  • preparation of production and equipment;
  • weighing of raw materials;
  • mixing and granulating;
  • tabletting and coating;
  • packaging, packaging and labeling.

Food supplement “Bamboo Health” is produced by the Yantai company for the production of health products “New Era” (China, Yantai, Huaihe St., 6) and is recommended as a dietary supplement to food, a source of flavonoids.

Release form and packaging: tablets of 0.35 g in jars of 108 pcs.

Dosage and method of administration: 3 tablets 2 times a day, with meals.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Before use, consult a doctor.

Storage conditions: Store in a cool dry place.

Best before date: 2 years.

Bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) - leaves and stems contain natural antioxidants, represented mainly by flavone c-glycosides: orientin, homorientin, vitexin and isovitexin. Lignans were found to be represented by dimers: phyllostadimers A and B. It also contains silicic acid and N-glycans. Young bamboo shoots are used as vegetables.

The plant components presented in this dietary supplement are traditional food products and are not included in the list of plants containing potent, narcotic or toxic substances (Appendix 5B to SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products”).

The composition of the dietary supplement under consideration includes biologically active minor food components identical to those contained in food raw materials, but in higher concentrations, ensuring an adequate level of consumption.

Based on the above and in accordance with SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the organization of production and circulation of biologically active food additives”, the dietary supplement “Bamboo Health” can be recommended as a biologically active food additive, a source of flavonoids.

2. Results of the study of the content of the main biologically active components.

The determination of flavonoid content was carried out by SFM in accordance with the “Guide to methods of quality control and safety of biologically active food additives”, R 4.1.1672-03. (Protocol No. 9142 of the Federal State Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow”). The research results are presented in Table 1.

Consumption of flavonoids with this product does not exceed the upper permissible level (100 mg).

Conclusion: the content of indicator components in the presented sample confirms the authenticity of the product and corresponds to what is stated in the specification. The dietary supplement "Bamboo Health" can be considered as a biologically active food supplement and a source of flavonoids.

3. Results of sanitary-chemical and sanitary-microbiological studies.

Sanitary and chemical studies were carried out according to safety indicators provided for by “SanPiN”, M, 2002. Sample preparation was carried out in accordance with GOST 26929-94 “Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation Mineralization for the determination of toxic elements. Interstate standard". Lead and cadmium were determined according to GOST 30178-96 “Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determining toxic elements. Interstate standard". Arsenic was determined according to GOST 26930-86 “Raw materials and food products. Method for determination of arsenic". Mercury was determined according to the “Methodological guidelines for the detection and determination of total mercury in food products by the method of flameless atomic absorption” (No. 5178-90). The content of organochlorine pesticides was determined according to

“Guidelines for the determination of residual quantities of organochlorine pesticides” (No. 1766-77) and official methods of analysis of the AOAC (“Official methods of analysis of the AOAC”, 1984, 14th ed., Chapter 29, pp. 537-538). Sanitary microbiological studies were carried out in accordance with GOST 26668-85, 26188-84, 26671-85, 10444.1-85, 30425-97, 10444.11-89, 10444.12-88 for compliance with the requirements of SanPiN Sanitary-chemical and sanitary-microbiological studies of the Bamboo Health dietary supplement were carried out at the Federal State Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Water and Air Transport". (Protocols of sanitary and hygienic studies of the Federal State Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow: No. 25722, No. F2060/168, No. 2911, No. 9140,). The research results are presented in Table 2.

table 2

As follows from Table 2, in terms of safety indicators, the studied dietary supplement sample complies with the “Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products” (“SanPiN”, index 1.10.5.).


Based on an expert assessment of documentation and analysis of the results of sanitary-chemical and sanitary-microbiological studies and studies of authenticity indicators of dietary supplements for food "Bamboo Health", produced by the Yantai company for the production of health products "New Era" (China, Yantai, Huaihe St., 6) corresponds requirements of “SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products" and "SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the organization and circulation of biologically active food additives" and is recommended for State registration as a dietary supplement for food, a source of flavonoids.

Nowadays there are so many food additives that it’s impossible to count. They all promise us a good effect, that they will all cure you right away. You will be beaming with joy.

Today I’ll tell you about how an employee at work got me hooked on them. We have a female team and all the conversations in the kitchen during dinner are always about how to cure this or that disease, how to become better, how to put on makeup, and so on. Anyone who works in a women's team will probably understand me. It’s morally difficult, to be honest.

How did I get acquainted with these dietary supplements??? I fell for what a doctor in an expensive clinic sold me. I went to the doctor because my immune system was weakened. I was constantly sick. As soon as the weather is bad - ARVI, as soon as it changes - terrible headaches. It's just awful. What I didn’t do. And I drank herbs that my grandmother brewed for me and vitamins and everything else, but nothing helped.

In a private clinic, in my opinion, the doctors are much better, since they value their patients, but that was not the case. My story is not very positive.

I told about my problem, to which I received an answer that I needed to undergo a full examination and ultrasound of everything. I understood that it was expensive, but it was probably clear to the doctor that it needed to be done. She spoke to me with her teeth. For a couple of days I went for all the tests and procedures, and spent about 15,000 rubles, since I even donated blood for hormones. But why??? I still don't understand. In response to all the questions, I heard that this is necessary. But it is necessary, it is necessary. As a result, my tests were normal, my hemoglobin was slightly low. But in general, there was nothing serious.

In the end, these were the only pills I was prescribed. you need to drink them every day. She advertised them to me very much and told me that there would be no side effects. OK. I believed it.

I bought this straight from the clinic. Although later, when I came home, I realized that this was somehow wrong. After all, why not a pharmacy, but theirs??? I went to read on the Internet about what I bought, and I just... good feedback surfaced.

The price of Health Bamboo is 2070 rubles. For this money you will get 108 tablets of 0.35 g each. It seems like a lot, but it’s not.

The price of Pine Pollen in the New Era company is 990 rubles. There are 108 tablets of 0.5 g in a jar. To maintain good health, it is enough to drink 3 tablets 2 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. In order to start the rejuvenation mechanism, you need to drink 10 tablets 3 times a day before meals. For painful conditions, start taking it gradually - with 6 tablets per day, constantly monitoring the body's reaction, gradually increasing the number of tablets: 6-9-12-18, etc.

It got to the point where I had to drink almost 30 of them a day. This is almost every hour.

But was there any result from them??? No.

I had to go to another appointment at this clinic. I went and demanded that they give me the tests, but they answered that they did not have the right. How they have no right, after all, these are my tests. I started getting hysterical and all the administrators came running to me. The boss came, and even then they gave me everything. This is tough.

I decided to go to a regular hospital with all this. To which the therapist told me that, in principle, it was not so bad that I drank. They put the body's work in order. But I didn’t need to drink them, just something that boosts immunity and so on. In the end, this doctor’s prescription helped me.

Private clinics are not always good. And you need to drink these dietary supplements constantly. It’s not like you just finished the course and that’s it. They didn't have a bad influence on me at all.

Do not buy anything directly from the doctor in the hospital. You don't have to do that. You can go and consult another specialist. If the opinions coincide, then return to this clinic.

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

Video review


Health Bamboo is made from the leaves of the Lophatherum gracile bamboo using modern biotechnology in the process of purifying the raw materials and extracting the flavone. Bamboo leaf extract is produced from wild bamboo in Zhejiang National Park. It is the world's first high-tech product based on high concentration flavone from bamboo leaves. This is a 100% natural product, beneficial features which is difficult to overestimate. Does not contain hormones or chemically synthesized pharmaceutical additives. Pharmacological tests show that bamboo extract does not have any toxic or side effects. More than 50% of all bamboo grows in China. China can be considered the birthplace of bamboo. For more than 1,500 years, bamboo was consumed as food, used in construction, and made into utensils and weapons. Bamboo has unique growth power, durability, pleasant taste, bactericidal properties and contains a large amount of biologically active and nutrients.

Buy health bamboo

You can buy health babmuk from the New Era company on this website in the form of ready-to-use tablets.

Health Properties of Bamboo

Bioflavonoids extracted from bamboo leaves using patented technology open up vast new uses of bamboo as medicine and food product. The flavone in bamboo leaves is important for health and longevity! The Japanese Academy of Science believes that the flavone structure of bamboo leaves is similar to that of human hemoglobin. Flavone is non-toxic and non-hazardous in any concentration, is easily excreted from the body, and leaves no side effects. The extract can be widely used in medicine, Food Industry, feed products, rejuvenation products and cosmetics.

Applications of bamboo health

The use of health babuka has a healing and restorative effect on the human body. For example:

  • Has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects;
  • Strengthen the immune system;
  • Protects against old age by rejuvenating cells and removing toxins from them;
  • Protects the cardiovascular system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and increases their elasticity, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and normalizing blood pressure;
  • Has a calming effect in cases of depression;
  • Has an antitumor effect, prevents the development of cancer;
  • Regulates the level and quality of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Improves microcirculation and cerebral circulation;
  • Effective for peptic ulcers, digestive disorders and diarrhea;
  • Protects and restores the liver, treats fatty liver;
  • It has antipyretic and expectorant properties. Highly effective in treating diseases respiratory tract together with pine pollen.

Contraindications for bamboo health

Health bamboo has several contraindications: pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding), internal bleeding, blood clotting disorders and diseases leading to it, individual intolerance to the components.

How to take health bamboo

Treatment with bamboo for health should begin with a minimum dosage, gradually increasing it. For adults - this is 1 tablet, for children under 6 years old - 1/4 tablet, from 6 to 14 years old - half a tablet. Depending on the purpose of use (treatment of a disease or general strengthening of the body), the regimen for taking health babmook will vary. The dosage regimen for each case is selected individually. You can receive advice on the dosage regimen during the process of ordering products. There is a standard dosage regimen: for adults, 3 tablets 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals, for children it is selected individually, depending on the age of the child.

Storage conditions for health bamboo

Health bamboo should be stored in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding +25°C.

Documents on Bamboo Health