Tibetan immune gymnastics. Improving cerebral circulation and normalizing blood pressure. But there are still some contraindications

06.07.2023 Diseases

Many people want to improve their health, but there is less and less free time for sports. Years pass in worries and bustle. And various diseases begin to appear, now we are worried about our condition.

But don’t be upset, today you will learn about what Tibetan gymnastics is for health improvement and longevity. Video tutorials will be presented below. Monks have been perfecting it for centuries, choosing the most necessary, useful daily exercises that can suit everyone without exception.

You can start the first 6 exercises right in bed. Spending only 5-10 minutes a day on gymnastics, very soon you will feel relief and a surge of strength. Study it and may it benefit your health.

How exercise affects the body

For centuries, monks practiced their science of chakras, being long-livers, they were always vigorous and healthy. They argued that a person has seven energy centers (chakras), the work of which determines the production of hormones. The entire yoga system is built on the development of these chakras.

Tibetan gymnastics will help maintain youth, vitality and health

Exercises, stimulating energy centers, set in motion energy, which, passing through the channels from top to bottom, from the crown of the head to the tailbone, affects all glands endocrine system. They return to normal, and our youth, vitality and health depend on this.

Force yourself to do gymnastics in the morning, it will give you youth, flexibility, health and longevity

Surprisingly, even two thousand years ago, monks argued that hormones influence aging. And only modern medical research has proven this. Health depends on the hormonal balance in the body. And Tibetan gymnastics will help support him for health improvement and longevity, the video will help even beginners do the exercises correctly.

Force yourself to do gymnastics in the morning, it will give you youth, flexibility, health and longevity. Start spending at least 5 minutes a day on it. It is not for nothing that it has become widespread and famous. Tibetan gymnastics for health and longevity.

Gymnastics in the morning will give you youth, flexibility, health, longevity

The video will come to your aid and demonstrate how easy and simple it is to do.

Why do we feel better after gymnastics?

Tibetan gymnastics for health and longevity has long been shrouded in mystery; it is presented in the video. Working on the chakras will gradually restore all systems of the body, giving strength and flexibility.

Regular, daily exercise improves breathing, relieves stress, strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases sexual energy, and increases resistance to disease. You will always feel good.

Exercise also helps:

  • preservation of bone mass;
  • elimination of double chin;
  • strengthening the abs and reducing abdominal volume;
  • improving oxygen supply to the body;
  • increasing flexibility;
  • restoration of vision;
  • life extension by 25-30 years;
  • improving the functioning of all body systems, namely: endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory and digestive.

We know that the lymphatic system removes toxins from the body; exercise and good muscle tone help it do this by serving as a pump. This cleansing can lead to dizziness and nausea, don't worry, it will pass soon and you will feel great.

Tibetan gymnastics improves flexibility and longevity

Tibetan gymnastics for health improvement and longevity, as you can see in the training videos, stimulates the brain and balances the functions of the hemispheres. A person becomes more intelligent, rational, logical, and his thoughts are focused.

Tibetan gymnastics was created for health and longevity, regular performance of which will restore hormonal balance, give strength and preserve youth, but the first time you do it, do not forget to watch a video that will help you do it correctly.

It is advisable to use the morning time for classes, it is the best. It takes only 5-7 minutes. All movements are repeated 30 times, or one per second. We must remember that in absolutely all exercises where there is laying on of hands, the left hand of women is always located on top, and vice versa for men.

Description of the most useful exercises

When familiarizing yourself with Tibetan gymnastics for health improvement and longevity, do not forget to watch the video, it will help you perform them correctly. Only in this case will you get the expected effect from this gymnastics.

Now let’s start doing the basic exercises that will give you slimness and prolong your youth for 20-25 years. They help improve hormonal balance in the body. Watch the video, only then start doing it.

Exercise helps improve hormonal balance in the body

At the very beginning of classes, you need to learn how to do them correctly, this will help you avoid mistakes in the future.

Rub one palm against the other for a few seconds until we feel the warmth. Let's spread our hands a little and listen to our feelings. Now move them further apart, then closer, you feel it, this is the energy.

Let's analyze your biofield. Palms are dry and hot, everything is normal, warm - reduced energy, wet and not warm - no vitality, take care of yourself urgently.

Having improved your health, you will feel not only warmth between your palms, but also a powerful charge of healing energy.

You can rub your palms before each exercise where there is laying on of hands, or smoothing out the biofield at a distance. Now you can share this energy to help, for example, a child.

For eyes

Place warmed palms on your eyes, apply pressure on them every second, and warm up for the same amount of time. To improve vision, extend the last procedure.

For the ears

The palms squeeze the ears, placing the fingers on the back of the head. We apply pressure every second. When we feel pain, we reduce the effort. They can also be slightly rubbed or wrinkled.


Let's clench our fists. The phalanges of the bent fingers are on the chin, and the large straight one is under it. While pressing, we pull our hands towards our ears until our thumbs are behind them. Repeat 30 times.

This will tighten the oval of the face, rejuvenate and improve lymph flow.

Forehead massage

Place your palms on your forehead. We perform contact or non-contact massage from temple to temple. This smoothing activates the pituitary gland and rejuvenates.

Non-contact massage of the parietal area

We place our palms above our heads, raising them 3-4 cm. We stop for a few minutes in the crown area. We direct our movements from the back of the head to the forehead. We continue performing non-contact massage, but now in a different direction from ear to ear.

Exercises for arms and legs

Raise your arms and legs up. Rotate your feet and wrists clockwise. Let's shake them lightly. Let's continue, but now we do it counterclockwise. The health of the joints is maintained and venous stagnation of blood is eliminated.

Rubbing the feet and leg joints

We reach for the feet and begin to massage them, both at the same time. If pain points are detected, we pay attention to them, additionally massaging each of them. If it is more convenient, you can rub it with the phalanges of bent fingers. Pay attention to the center of the foot, the most important biologically active points are located there.

If the skin on your feet is too dry, you can use olive oil. We move on to rubbing the legs, knees, and thighs. Don't forget to massage the lymph nodes, which are located in the folds and in the groin area.

After completing the actions, lie down a little, listening to your body, feel the flow of energy. About what kind of vitamin complexes adults can boost immunity read.

Exercises for weight loss

You need to breathe correctly, to do this, relax, draw in air through your nose, filling your stomach, hold your breath a little, then take an additional short breath and exhale calmly.

Losing weight in the stomach:

  1. Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides at shoulder level. Rotate your body around its axis from left to right until you feel slightly dizzy.
  2. Lie down with your fingers together above your head, chin down. Raise your legs, inhale, lower them, exhale.
  3. Standing on your knees, place your hips at the width of your pelvis. Leaning on them with our hands, we bend our back, inhaling. We exhale, taking IP.
  4. "Bridge". We sit on the floor, rest our hands on the sides of the body, legs straight, head lowered forward. Slowly move your head back, inhaling, bend your back and rise to your feet so that you look like a table.
  5. Take a cobra pose. Lying position, emphasis on the hands, bend back, moving into the “dog” pose with a deep breath. Exhaling, we return to IP.
  6. Lie down with your legs bent. Place your hands behind your head. Raise your back, straining your muscles, rotate your body, describing a full circle. Repeat 5 times in one direction and the other.

Exercises for the spine

Do the following exercises:

  1. We hang on the crossbar. As much as you can, starting from 1 minute, work your way up to 3.
  2. By tensing the muscles of the neck, we pull our head up, but do not lift it up and stand straight.
  3. Lying on your back, raise your legs and put them behind your head, trying to touch the floor. This exercise is called “plough”. It works the spine very well along its entire length.
  4. Birch tree pose. This is a stand on the shoulder blades, or head. Start doing it from one minute, gradually increasing the time to 10. There are no restrictions, but after it you need a relaxing rest of the same length. These exercises slow down the aging process, have a positive effect on the spine, and also prevent cancer.
  5. Lying on your stomach, lift yourself up on your arms, arching your back, throwing your head back. Repeat several times.

Backbend - exercise for the spine

There are almost no contraindications for performing such gymnastics. You can start with easier exercises. The only exceptions are postoperative conditions or other serious illnesses. In this case, you should consult a doctor.

Contraindications - post-operative conditions, or other serious illnesses

As we have seen, therapeutic Tibetan gymnastics will help diversify your life and put your body in order for your health and longevity. Video tutorials should help you perform the exercises with maximum benefit.

In this video, healer Orlova O.L. will tell you how to perform Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for rejuvenation and longevity:

Simple exercises for weight loss from Tibetan gymnastics. If you practice regularly, you will notice significant positive changes:

Exercises for the spine (Tibetan gymnastics) see here:

Tibetan monks, doing light exercises for just a few minutes a day, had good health, strong spiritual world and lived to be 120 years old.

Thanks to 5-10 minutes a day, gymnastics exercises will help not only get rid of chronic diseases, rejuvenate the body, but also increase your life by 20-25 years. Scientists have also proven the effectiveness of hormonal charging. Moreover, some exercises from Tibetan gymnastics are officially supported by modern classical medicine.

History of Tibetan gymnastics in the CIS

For the first time in Russia and the CIS countries, we heard about the famous gymnastics more than 30-40 years ago. The first to learn about it and share his knowledge with others was an ordinary electrician, who became friends with the monks when he connected electricity to their settlement. In gratitude, they gave him much more than just money; they told him the secret of their health and longevity.

The Soviet electrician, having returned home, began doing exercises every day, then he was 58 years old. In those years, he was already completely gray and had many chronic diseases. But after just a few months of training, the man felt much better, the beautiful and rich color returned to his hair, the diseases disappeared, and he himself was filled with vitality and subsequently led an active, full life.

It was only when he was 84 years old and in excellent health that people began to notice this and become interested in the recipe for his longevity.

The benefits of gymnastics for the body

T has many positive aspects. Moreover, its effectiveness has not only been tested in practice, but also proven by doctors. The exercises included in gymnastics (as in the video) help restore hormonal balance, which has a beneficial effect on human physiology.

Positive properties of hormonal charging:

  • Detoxification of the whole body (cleansing of toxins).

  • Reducing excess weight and building muscle.

  • Oxygen nutrition.

  • Preservation of bone mass.

  • Increase and improve flexibility and correct posture.

  • Elimination of ophthalmological diseases.

  • Renewal of the human biofield.

In addition, many chronic diseases are cured with surprisingly effective exercise. Health improves nervous system, blood pressure normalizes. Moreover, the results will be visible in just a couple of months, and chronic diseases will completely disappear within 1.5 years.

Exercises (Video)

A favorable time for classes is considered to be the time until 6 am, while it is better for a person to get up at 5 o’clock. Classes can be carried out while lying in bed, but only when the mattress is hard and will not bend under the person’s body. The time spent on the exercise is pleasantly surprising; you only need a few minutes for the entire lesson.

Tibetan gymnastics:

  • Eyes.

This exercise is recommended even by ophthalmologists, which proves its effectiveness. Actively rub your palms together, 10 seconds is enough for this. If during this time the palms become hot or warm, the person’s biofield is strong, but if they remain cold or begin to sweat, then the biofield is weak. After this, you need to touch your closed eyes with your palms and apply light pressure.

  • Ears.

Cover your ears with your palms, also gently press on them and, without lifting your hands, release them.

  • Forehead.

This exercise helps with a runny nose or sinusitis and clears the sinuses. You need to touch your forehead with your palm, and place the second palm on the first. Make movements along the forehead.

  • Top of the head.

Exercise helps normalize blood pressure. Place your hands, one on top of the other, and raise them a little higher, move them in a straight line towards the crown, then back to the forehead.

There is another similar exercise; to perform it, you need to move your hands to the sides of your ears (right, left), when the position of your hands is above the top of your head.

  • Thyroid gland.

Touch the thyroid gland with both palms, and then make direct movements towards the abdomen.

  • Stomach.

Place one palm on top of the other and touch your stomach. Repeat circular movements with your palms, gently touching the body. Circles should only be made clockwise.

  • Legs and arms.

It is necessary to bend and straighten them at the joints and make circular movements. The completion of the gymnastics is a gentle swaying of the legs and arms in the air above the body.

Some of the movements in the video are very familiar to mothers and grandmothers, because when the child was born, any of them gave him a massage every morning. Every pediatrician will be able to justify the usefulness of this massage from a medical point of view, so why TIbetan gymnastics for health improvement and longevity Haven’t settled into the adult world and daily routine yet?

The great popularity of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is explained by its high efficiency and accessibility - many exercises can be performed right in bed. It does not require special training or excessive effort, while having a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

The definition of “hormonal” in the name is due to the fact that many Tibetan gymnastics exercises, often performed in bed, are based on massage movements that stimulate active points, thereby activating the production of adrenaline.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is performed daily in the morning in bed. It is suitable for everyone, regardless of gender and age of the student.

As a result of this, the hormonal system begins to work more intensively, tissues and organs are toned, the body is saturated with energy, and a comprehensive rejuvenating effect occurs.

What effect does Tibetan gymnastics have?

It is believed that Tibetan monks owe their longevity and good health to special hormonal gymnastics performed right in bed, which must be done every day to achieve maximum effect. This gymnastics has a comprehensive effect on the human body.

The following positive effects can be identified:

  • The functioning of the hormonal system is stabilized, the functioning of the endocrine glands and the production of hormones are normalized.
  • Condition improves of cardio-vascular system, the walls of blood vessels become stronger.
  • Vision becomes clearer and hearing is restored.
  • Fat deposits are reduced and cellulite is eliminated.
  • Mood and tone improve, energy appears.
  • The body rejuvenates, various diseases go away faster, and life expectancy increases.

How to perform Tibetan gymnastics correctly

Despite the fact that Tibetan hormonal gymnastics can be performed right in bed, there are certain rules that must be followed. If you do the exercises haphazardly, then you should not expect any quick visible effect.

The following rules must be observed:


Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, performed in bed, is suitable for almost all people, regardless of their age and physical condition.

But there are still some contraindications:

  • hypertension;
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • spine pathologies;
  • postoperative period;
  • any mental illness;
  • children up to 16 years of age.

The presence of any of the listed signs does not mean a strict ban on performing gymnastics by Tibetan monks, but implies mandatory consultation with a specialist and an individual approach that takes into account the specific characteristics of the body.

A set of exercises in bed for health improvement and longevity

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed includes basic set of exercises, the implementation of which will provide a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day.


  1. Palm massage. Lying on the bed, you need to start rubbing your palms against each other so that they warm up. Monks use this exercise to scan their own biofield: hot palms indicate that the biofield is in order, if the palms do not heat up, the biofield is reduced, and if the hands are wet, some kind of malfunction has occurred or even a disease is observed in the body.
  2. Palming. After completing the first exercise, warmed palms are applied to the closed eyes and begin to press on the eyeballs - 1 press per second and so on 30 times. After applying pressure, it is recommended to leave your palms on your eyes for a while - optimally up to 2 minutes. This exercise helps nourish the eyeball and improves the functioning of nerve endings, which, in turn, leads to normal vision and a reduction in gray hair.
  3. Effect on the ears. The clasped fingers are placed under the back of the head, pressing the palms to the ears. Then you need to start pressing on your ears at a frequency of one press per second. If painful sensations appear, the pressure should be relieved. In this way, 30 repetitions are performed. Such an effect helps improve hearing, and also, thanks to the effect on many nerve endings located in the auricles, the functioning of various organs and overall well-being improves.
  4. Facelift. The fist is placed against the lower part of the face so that the thumbs are behind the ears. Having positioned the hands in this way, perform massaging movements with the fists from the center of the chin of the kusham. This action helps to tighten the oval of the face, promotes the disappearance of the double chin, improves blood supply to tissues, and increases skin tone.
  5. Forehead massage. You must first place the palm of your right hand on your forehead, and the palm of your left hand on top. Massaging movements are performed in a circle from one edge of the forehead to the other. This effect has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pituitary gland and helps cleanse the sinuses.
  6. Crown massage. With palms folded as in the previous exercise, stroking movements are made from one ear to the other through the parietal region. This exercise has a beneficial effect on joint function and stabilizes blood pressure.
  7. Thyroid massage. The right hand is placed on the place where the thyroid gland is located, and the left hand makes massage movements towards the center of the abdomen. At the final 30th action, both palms are placed on the navel. This exercise stimulates the thyroid gland and helps develop your own immunity.
  8. Abdominal massage. Placing your left palm on top of your right, you need to slowly massage your stomach in a circle, in a clockwise direction (moving in the opposite direction may cause problems with the intestines). This effect improves digestion and helps the normal functioning of the intestines.
  9. Shaking arms and legs. In a lying position, you need to raise your arms and legs perpendicular to the surface and shake them for half a minute. Then you need to make circular movements with your hands and feet. This exercise improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and increases joint mobility.

Complex "Eye of Revival": energy - for weight loss

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics includes not only sets of exercises for performing in bed. The “Eye of Revival” or “5 Tibetan Pearls” technique is another set of exercises developed by Tibetan monks, which became widely known thanks to the works of P. Kelder.

Based on the statements of the monks themselves, the human body has a certain number of energy centers (“vortexes”) that supply the body with energy. In case of health problems, the speed of these vortices decreases, which prevents energy from reaching the organs in the required quantities. These exercises help launch energy flows and normalize their speed.

As a result, the body rejuvenates, diseases recede, and metabolic processes are activated. Another result that has brought the technique wide popularity is getting rid of excess weight.

The exercises included in this gymnastic complex are recommended to be performed 1-2 times a day. The most favorable time for exercise is the morning, as gymnastics gives the body a great boost of energy and vigor. An important condition is the daily repetition of the exercises, since breaks can lead to a deterioration in well-being.

At the initial stage of training, experts advise performing each exercise no more than 5 times and gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 21. If performing more repetitions causes discomfort and unpleasant sensations, then it is recommended to slightly reduce their number. Below are the exercises of the “Eye of Rebirth” technique

Exercise 1

You need to take the starting position - stand up straight and extend your arms to your sides at a right angle. Then they begin circular movements of the body clockwise around their own axis. Minimal amount rotations – 3, maximum – 21. If you feel dizzy, you should stop and stop performing.

Exercise 2

You need to lie on your back on a flat surface, stretch out your upper limbs and place your palms with tightly clenched fingers on the floor. After this, you should raise your head and lean the lower part of your face firmly against your chest. Then you need to raise your legs at right angles to the surface, while trying not to raise your pelvis.

When everything works out as it should, you can gradually move your legs further towards your chest without bending them at the knees. As soon as the pelvis begins to lift off the floor, it is necessary to slowly return the legs to the starting position. The main thing is to watch your breathing: at the beginning of the exercise, exhale, when raising the head and limbs, take a deep breath, and when lowering, exhale again.

Exercise 3

To perform this exercise, you need to kneel, keeping your body upright, and place your hands on the back of your thighs below your buttocks. In this case, the face should be tilted forward and the chin resting on the chest. Next, you need to throw your head back, arching your back and resting your hands on your hips. Then the head moves to its original position.

As in the previous exercise, at the very beginning you should exhale, when bending, take a deep breath, and when returning to the starting position, exhale again.

Exercise 4

Starting position: sitting on the floor with your legs extended forward a short distance from each other, the back is straight, and the palms rest on the floor on the sides of the body, the lower part of the face is pressed to the chest. You need to throw your head back and lift your body up parallel to the floor, leaning on your arms and shins, which remain in a vertical position.

Having taken this position, you should tense all your muscles for a few seconds, and then move to the starting position. Breathing tips: in the starting position, exhale, when starting the action, inhale, at the moment of tension, you should hold your breath, and returning to the starting position, exhale again.

Exercise 5

To begin with, you should take a lying position, resting on your palms and toes and arching your back. Then the head begins to tilt back. Next, the buttocks rise up until an acute angle is formed, and the chin is pressed to the chest. Limbs should remain straight. After holding this position for a few seconds, you should slowly return to the starting position.

Carefully ensure that the beginning and end of the exercise correspond to exhalation, and the movement - inhalation.

Principles of proper breathing for weight loss

Proper breathing plays a huge role when performing these exercises. Tibetan monks advise, before starting to perform gymnastics, to practice breathing. Inhale through the nose and then exhale through the mouth, making the sound “he”. As you exhale, you need to mentally release all negative emotions and accumulated irritation.

Breathing is divided into 3 stages of movement:

  1. Lower diaphragmatic– while inhaling, you need to direct the diaphragm down, push your stomach forward so that the lungs fill with air, and draw in the perineal area.
  2. Middle chest– you need to raise your stomach as much as possible so that the intercostal muscles expand the chest.
  3. Superior clavicular– straighten your shoulders without lifting up, allowing the neck muscles to lift the upper ribs without straining the chest. Exhalation is carried out in similar stages when moving parts of the body in the reverse order. If you inhale and exhale correctly, the body will be in additional tone during exercise, which increases their effectiveness.

Exercises for the spine “9 threads”

“9 threads” is a type of gymnastics aimed at preventing and eliminating various spinal problems. It is recommended to perform these exercises 2 times a day. According to Tibetan practice, developing back flexibility is considered a very important factor for longevity. An obstacle to this can be the curvature of various parts of the spine: kyphosis, lordosis or scoliosis.

The “9 threads” set of exercises aims to straighten the spine and develop intervertebral discs.

The first 3 threads have the general designation “3 twists”:

If, when performing these exercises, a slight crunching sensation appears in the spine, then you should not be afraid of this - this is a common manifestation. You just need to avoid too sudden movements.

Principles of Tibetan gymnastics for the eyes

Special Tibetan eye gymnastics has a complex effect, having a positive effect on vision, appearance eye.

To achieve maximum effect, the following conditions must be observed:

  1. It is believed that green color has the most beneficial effect on vision, so when decorating your workplace, you should use green elements that give your eyes the opportunity to rest.
  2. During the day, you need to massage your eyelids with light finger movements from time to time.
  3. Washing with cold water has a beneficial effect on eye health.
  4. Smile in front of the mirror and good mood fill the eyes with positive energy.

Eye exercises

There is a basic set of eye exercises to keep them healthy.

To perform the exercises consistently you need:

Each exercise should be repeated several times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 10. The set of exercises should be completed by lightly massaging the eyelids.

Gymnastics by Olga Orlova: video

Everyone who tried Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, including those that can be done in bed, was satisfied with the result. Sets of exercises based on the methods of Tibetan monks have gained great popularity due to their high efficiency and ease of implementation.

Daily exercises help rejuvenate the body, help cope with various diseases and increase life expectancy.

Video about Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed

What is Tibetan hormonal gymnastics: exercises:

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed to improve the health of the body:

How to awaken inner strength for recovery, longevity and get rid of diseases without drugs? Tibetan hormonal gymnastics will answer this question!

The human body has the ability to self-heal, inherent in nature itself. Natural forces lie dormant within us, which we have long forgotten. The modern rhythm of life leaves no time for communicating with oneself, for accessing one’s resources. We solve any health problems in the usual way - we use the services of a doctor, take medications.

It cannot even occur to us that salvation is within ourselves, that nature has given us the strength to maintain health. How to awaken these inner forces and get rid of diseases without drugs?

Gymnastics that came from time immemorial

We will talk about the gymnastics of the monks of a Tibetan monastery, which has become popular these days. This gymnastics gives health and longevity due to the energetic impact on the endocrine glands, or endocrine glands. The products of the endocrine glands are hormones - biologically active substances that affect many functions and long-term processes in the body:

  • metabolism, stable indicators of the internal environment (homeostasis);
  • mental, physical and sexual development;
  • condition of tissues and organs;
  • resistance to stress, adaptability to changes in the external environment.

Tibetan gymnastics is called hormonal precisely because it affects the endocrine glands. How is the impact carried out? Hands are a wonderful instrument with special energy, and it is with the hands that all movements in gymnastics are performed.

In addition to influencing the endocrine system, gymnastics activates the internal energy flows of the body, because affects the chakras. The lymphatic system is also energetically recharged.

Simple exercises

The gymnastics of Tibetan monks is simple and accessible to everyone. It is performed in the morning, immediately after waking up, right in bed. The whole complex takes no more than 15 minutes. The main condition that needs to be met is to wake up before 6 am; early morning vibrations are best suited for performing practices to improve health and awaken the body’s energy. It is advisable to lie on a hard surface when performing exercises.

Exercise No. 1

Lying on your back, raise your arms in front of you, place your palms together and rub them together firmly for a few seconds. Your palms will warm up; dry and hot palms indicate that your biofield is in good shape. If the palms are only slightly warmer, the energy is reduced. If from rubbing your palms do not warm up at all or become moist, you should pay attention to your health and restore your bioenergy.

You should continue the gymnastics in any case, regardless of how hot your palms are.

Exercise No. 2

Now we press our warm palms tightly to our closed eyes and, without lifting our hands, make 30 pressures at a speed of 1 pressure per second. After this, leave your palms pressed to your eyes for a couple of minutes. As a result of this massage, the eye tissues are recharged with energy and vision improves.

Exercise No. 3

We move our hands to our ears and perform similar simultaneous pressure on the ears - 30 times. Regular exercise improves hearing.

Exercise No. 4

Thumb on the back of the earlobe, fingers folded into a fist - this is the starting position for the next exercise. In this position, the hand moves down to the chin and back to the ear - and so on 30 times with both hands at the same time. Moreover, the upward movement towards the ear should be performed with force, which ensures tightening of the facial tissues.

This exercise provides energy to the area of ​​the lymphatic pharyngeal ring, middle and outer ear. In general, the last three exercises can cause an exacerbation of sluggish inflammatory diseases of the ears and tonsils, which can result in pain. In this case, you should continue to do daily gymnastics, because... With your own hands you will cure these inflammations and they will go away.

Exercise No. 5

Place your right palm on your forehead, fingers pointing upward. The left hand on top is in the same position. Now the hands perform movements from temple to temple, 30 times in 30 seconds, one movement is from one temple to another and back. You can perform this exercise without contact, but if you want to remove wrinkles, you need to press your hands to your forehead.

Here, an energetic effect is exerted on the pituitary gland, while the frontal sinuses are healed at the same time.

Exercise No. 6

In this exercise, movements are performed back and forth from the forehead to the back of the head and back with the hands folded above the head at a height of 5 centimeters, the left one above the right. Before you start the exercise, roll up the pillow and make a cushion out of it under your head so that the back of your head is accessible.

After performing movements from the forehead to the back of the head 30 times, without changing the position of the hands, we perform movements from ear to ear, also without contact.

In the process of performing this exercise, you achieve:

  • energetic effect on the endocrine glands, pituitary gland, pineal gland;
  • normalization of blood pressure, both high and low;
  • optimal load on the shoulder joints, expressed in smooth movements of a small range;
  • the muscles and skin of the inner surfaces of the forearms are tightened.

Exercise No. 7

Wrap your right hand around your neck in the area of ​​the thyroid gland and place your left hand on top. After this, 30 movements are performed with the left hand from the neck to the navel and back at a height of 5 centimeters above the body.

Exercise No. 8

After the previous exercise, the hands remain on the neck, the left hand above the right. Now, without releasing your hands, move them to your stomach and massage your stomach clockwise – 30 times.

During the last two exercises, a beneficial energetic effect is exerted on the thyroid, pancreas, and adrenal glands. This manifests itself as a harmonious state of the body, excellent health.

Elimination of chronic constipation, bloating, normalization of intestinal motility - this is the effect of the exercise that lies on the surface.

Exercise No. 9

Lying on your back, we raise our legs and arms up and rotate our hands and feet in one direction, then the other, with our feet slightly pulled. After this, we perform small vibrating movements with our arms and legs raised up. This exercise takes 30 seconds.

This is a very important exercise that normalizes capillary blood circulation in the limbs.

Exercise No. 10

The final exercise is performed while sitting. Rub and massage your feet for 30 seconds; for better glide, apply a little olive oil to your feet. During the process, you yourself will feel where there is discomfort in your feet and where you want to hold your hands longer and press harder.

After this, straighten your legs in front of you in a sitting position and perform stroking movements along the side surfaces of your legs in the direction from bottom to top, this improves the flow of lymph. Next, rub the knee joints with light movements, massage the lateral surfaces of the thighs.

Health and active longevity

Let us summarize what was said above about the health benefits of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics:

  • normalization of the endocrine system (endocrine glands), cardiovascular system (normalization of blood pressure), lymphatic, digestive systems
  • improved vision and hearing;
  • rejuvenation of the body, restoration of vital energy, getting rid of diseases.
  • 9 votes

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for health improvement and longevity was invented by monks decades ago. The exercises are simple, and anyone can do them if they want. There are different complexes that have a beneficial effect on the body.

What is Tibetan gymnastics?

The monks believe that the correct functioning of energy centers is important for external attractiveness, longevity and good health. Tibetan gymnastics, which includes simple exercises that do not require special preparation, is suitable for stimulating them. It was kept secret for a long time, but recently the exercises are available to everyone. Tibetan gymnastics for health improvement and longevity activates the process of producing hormones important for the proper functioning of the body.

What does Tibetan hormonal gymnastics give?

ABOUT beneficial properties, which the ancient practice can boast of, we can talk for a long time, so the main results include the following:

  1. Stops the aging process and has a rejuvenating effect.
  2. After completing the complex, you feel a surge of strength and energy. The benefits of Tibetan gymnastics are due to its ability to improve mood, invigorate and tone.
  3. Helps normalize the functioning of all systems and internal organs. The main effect is to stabilize the activity of the endocrine glands and hormonal levels.
  4. It is recommended to use it to cure many diseases.
  5. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for health improvement and longevity helps to lose excess weight.

Morning exercises of Tibetan lamas after waking up

To improve your health, you can do simple exercises while in bed:

Tibetan gymnastics – 5 exercises

There are simple exercises that have a number of beneficial effects on the body.

  1. Stand up, spread your arms out to the sides at shoulder level. Rotate your body in different directions until you feel dizzy (maximum 21 times). It is important to move clockwise. After this, rest until the dizziness passes.
  2. Hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks includes the following exercise: lie on your back, raise your head, touch your chin to your chest and raise your straight legs while inhaling. Exhaling, lower them into IP.
  3. Get on your knees and hold your palms under your buttocks, pressing your chin to your chest. Tilt your head forward and up, stretching your chest and arching your spine as you exhale, and then return to IP as you inhale.
  4. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs. First tilt your head forward and then back as you exhale, raising your body until it becomes parallel to the floor. Stay and return to the IP.
  5. Lie on the floor and bend at the waist, leaning on your straight arms and throwing your head back. It is important that your knees and pelvis are supported. Rise up so that your body forms an acute angle. Having fixed the position, return to the IP.

Tibetan gymnastics for weight loss

The exercises discussed above have a complex effect on the body. It has been proven that with regular practice, you can start the process of losing weight, increase muscle tone, increase body flexibility, cleanse the lymphatic system, cleanse the body and saturate it with oxygen. For the gymnastics of Tibetan monks to help you lose weight, it is important to take into account a number of rules.

  1. You need to exercise regularly.
  2. The best time to exercise is after waking up before breakfast.
  3. Start with 1-3 repetitions and gradually increase the number.
  4. Don't do it if you don't want to, because there won't be any results.
  5. Training duration is at least 15 minutes.

Tibetan breathing exercises

There are special breathing exercises that help with chronic diseases, improve appearance, strengthen the immune system, tone and restore hormonal balance. Exercise morning and evening. Energy gymnastics of Tibetan monks begins with the right mood in the right way, so it is necessary to relax as much as possible and stabilize breathing.

  1. Standing with your back straight, breathe through your nose. Inhale for four heart beats, and then hold your breath for two beats. Exhale for four heartbeats. Do 1-7 reps
  2. Sit on the edge of a chair, exhale and hold as in the first exercise, and then, without exhaling, inhale as much as possible. At the end, exhale vigorously with the sound “pa.” Do 2-5 reps.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics - contraindications

Even simple exercises proposed by monks have their prohibitions, which are important to consider.

  1. Tibetan gymnastics for the spine is contraindicated in the presence of injuries and back diseases.
  2. Problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland and its enlargement.
  3. You should not perform exercises if you have problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  4. It is forbidden to exercise after surgery, during exacerbation of chronic diseases and for pregnant women.
  5. It is recommended to consult your doctor first.