Say beautiful words to a girl to lift her spirits. The best ways to cheer up a girl How to cheer up the woman you love

11.10.2021 Diagnostics

Every day we are faced with different situations: some charge us with excitement and positive emotions, while others, on the contrary, plunge us into sadness and even despair. In psychology, a person’s attitude towards a certain situation is called mood.

This state changes many times during the day, however, among representatives of the fairer sex, who are more susceptible to mood swings, the emotional background can decrease for a long time.

Therefore, any guy needs to understand and “cure” sadness.

Before you take active steps, trying to cheer up your loved one, take advantage of the recommendations of specialists. After all, the negative emotional background of one partner certainly affects the state of the other lover.

  1. Don't criticize her condition. Your chosen one will be even more upset if you start pointing out to her that you don’t like it when she gets irritated, angry or shows negativity.
  2. Be sure to listen. If a girl is ready to talk about the reason for her bad mood, listen and try to understand her position. Avoid criticism, don’t contradict, even if you disagree with your beloved.
  3. Don't interrogate. When a girl is sad but refuses to reveal the reason for her negative emotions, do not insist on talking. Often young ladies are silent so as not to burst into tears or remember unpleasant moments. Be delicate!
  4. Don't share your problems. There is no need to “support” your beloved by talking about your failures. Some girls may be angry that you interfere with such “trifles”, while others will be even more upset if they take your problems to heart.
  5. Don't mention PMS. Individual representatives strong half of humanity are inclined to explain any female nervous breakdown by physiological characteristics. This can offend her (even if you guessed the reason) and worsen her mood even more.
  6. Notice your bad mood. Let the woman brush off your questions, but if you don’t notice her negative emotions at all, she will begin to consider you an “insensitive blockhead.” In addition, it is extremely important for girls to feel your care and reverent attitude towards her condition.
  7. Hug your lover more often. This is perhaps the most important recommendation. This is where you should begin to find out the reason for your beloved’s bad mood, and end the conversation and support. When you see your girlfriend's tears, take her hand and kiss her. Perhaps only this action of yours will help return her smile.

There are many methods for raising the mood of your chosen one, but everything is deeply individual. Therefore, familiarize yourself with all the options so that you can then choose the most suitable and most effective in a given situation.

So, if you are close, then try the following methods:

  1. Pamper your loved one with a delicious dish. Despite the constant “sitting” of girls on various diets, no representative of the fair sex will refuse delicious chocolate, exotic dishes, or ice cream. In addition, you can prepare a “yummy” treat with your own hands to show your attitude towards your beloved.
  2. Give a compliment. What will instantly dry a woman's tears? Beautiful or in original words you can make any girl happy, even those in the worst mood. – one-on-one, via SMS, VKontakte, or even by ordering a song on the radio. The most important condition is that they must be said from the bottom of their hearts.
  3. Give yourself an adrenaline rush. Extreme sports or recreation are an unusual, but very effective method for raising your spirits. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the girl’s psychotype and her temperament, but still you can choose an extreme sport for every taste and budget.
  4. Call her friends for help. If your beloved has not communicated with her friends for a long time, she is bogged down in routine affairs, do not leave her to sour on. Call the girl’s friends, invite them to your home without telling your missus about it. To enhance the surprise, take them shopping or to an entertainment center.
  5. Get a massage. The ideal “cure” for a bad mood is massage, affection and kisses. Invite your beloved to have an evening of relaxation and bliss, give her a light massage (regular or erotic). It is quite possible that you will move from stroking to closer communication.
  6. Have a romantic evening. Not a single girl (even if she is sad) will refuse gatherings at her favorite restaurant or a trip to the cinema for the last showing. You can book a table in secret from your missus, and if you are not sure of her consent, send an SMS with an offer to meet in a certain place where a surprise awaits your beloved.
  7. Have sex. Scientists have proven that making love promotes the active release of endorphins into the blood - hormones of joy and good mood. As they say, just what the doctor ordered! If the girl doesn't mind, give her true pleasure by fulfilling every whim and every desire. By the way, this is the most accessible method to improve the mood of your beloved (and not only her).
  8. Give a gift. Even if it is an ordinary trinket, the main thing is your care and tenderness. Give your beloved a bouquet of roses or daisies, some decoration or something she has long dreamed of.

It is not always possible to be close to your chosen one, hold her hand and comfort her. If you are now far from your beloved, they will come to your aid high tech in the form of social networks and SMS.

Through short messages you can express your feelings, sympathize and write a few nice words.

You can cheer up a VKontakte girl in several simple ways:

  • visit her page, “like” photos, write amazing comments on photos, video clips and music;
  • If it is not possible to order a real bouquet, give virtual flowers. Believe me, they will give a girl no less pleasure than real roses;
  • send a beautiful or funny poem, any unusual image that suits a specific situation - girls especially love pictures with cats or children.

In addition to the possibilities of social networks, you also have the benefits of SMS at your disposal. You can improve a woman’s mood either in your own words or by finding ready-made cool phrases, beautiful poems or tender declarations of love on the Internet.

Of course, one SMS message is unlikely to significantly improve a bad mood, but your main task is to show that your beloved occupies the main place in your heart and life. It’s easy to write such an SMS, but its effect will be felt for a long time.

You should not expect an immediate response from your chosen one, since it will also take time to change the mood. Therefore, if a girl is silent, don’t worry.

Most likely, she is already smiling, she is just too busy and cannot answer your SMS message.

The desire to please a girl when she is sad is completely natural. However, when choosing a way to improve your mood, you need to take into account the characteristics of a woman’s character, her preferences and temperament.

If your beloved prefers romantic get-togethers and private time, try the following methods:

  • a trip to nature, a picnic, cooking barbecue on an open fire;
  • weekend in a country house;
  • attending a concert of your favorite performer or orchestra;
  • going to the cinema and watching a romantic comedy;
  • water treatments in a water park or city pool.

If your beloved loves active recreation and prefers noisy gatherings to solitude, there are also countless ways to lift her spirits. For example, you might suggest:

  • go out into nature with a large group, where fishing, catamaran riding, various competitions and other events await;
  • organize a party to which she will invite best friends, will select musical accompaniment and menu, come up with competitions;
  • book a table at some night establishment where you can go with a large group;
  • go to an entertainment center or park where swings and ice cream will take you back to childhood;
  • engage in extreme recreation - skydiving, diving.

When thinking about how to cheer up a girl, it is important to understand that every representative of the fair sex needs male attention, warm attitude and support.

Therefore, it does not make much difference which of the above methods you use.

The main thing is to show that she is not alone, you will always come to her aid. In this case, the negative attitude will quickly be replaced by a positive outlook on the world around you.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers deal with any difficulties.

To cheer up a girl, you should try to cheer her up and drive away sadness in every possible way. The success of this event will depend on many factors. For example, if the chosen one is in a bad mood due to the fault of the youngest man, then coping with the task becomes extremely difficult. But if a guy is patient enough and knows how to listen, then he will be able to amuse and delight his beloved in the shortest possible time.

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    Several basic ways

    It is recommended to be close to her if it is real. The girl should feel supported. It is important to be sincerely interested in her well-being. She may want to talk it out, after which she will feel better. But even if she doesn’t want to talk, she will definitely take into account the attention shown to her by the young man. If she expresses a desire to be alone, the guy can tell her that he will not leave until she starts smiling again. The main thing is not to be too annoying and have a sense of moderation in everything.

    If a young man and his chosen one live together, then to cheer up the girl, he can cook a delicious dinner. It is necessary to at least temporarily relieve your loved one from various household chores associated with cooking. This activity is quite labor-intensive, so the chosen one will certainly appreciate the care and attention shown.

    You can also invite the girl to make a plan for weekend activities together, because this will greatly lift your spirits. It is especially good to take into account the favorite activities of the chosen one. If you successfully create a weekend routine, then mentally the girl will already be on vacation, and not in her sad thoughts. The plan may include relaxing on the beach, in a cafe or a trip out of town.

    Another great way to lift your mood is by watching movies. It is worth choosing a comedy or other light film genres. If the picture turns out to be interesting, then the girl will be captivated by the plot while watching it and bad thoughts will go away. You can visit the cinema to unwind a little. But if the chosen one is not in the mood to dress up and visit crowded places, then it is recommended to watch some exciting and positive film at home.

    How to get rid of being in love

    How to please a girl by correspondence

    If a girl is at work and the guy doesn’t have the opportunity to hug her and calm her down, then you can cheer her up by writing. You can distract your loved one from sad thoughts with just the first message. But you need to compose it correctly. The following romantic phrases are suitable to start a correspondence:

    1. 1. “Everyone is cold outside now, but not me. Because thoughts about you warm me. It’s a great happiness to be next to you.”
    2. 2. “I see you even when I sleep. I am very grateful to you for filling my life with endless happiness.”

    Even if the chosen one does not answer, she will certainly rejoice from the heart at the pleasant words, and let the rest remain her secret.

    What to write to a girl to make her smile

    How to cheer up on the Internet

    An effective way to lift your spirits is the Internet. The easiest way is to use social networks. You can please a girl in different ways:

    1. 1. In many in social networks offer paid romantic gifts. You can choose one of them and send it to your loved one.
    2. 2. There are effective free mood lifters. For example, copy a romantic poem and send it to your chosen one via personal message or SMS. You can also upload a postcard with compliments to the girl’s profile wall. It is advisable to find out the preferences of your loved one in advance. If animals make her happy, then you can send her a picture of funny puppies or kittens, if flowers are a beautiful virtual bouquet.

    How to surprise a girl

    How to please your beloved in the morning

    In the morning you can prepare a colorful letter using colored markers. Before she wakes up, you should place the message on the mirror, attach it to the refrigerator or on the wall. Thanks to this sign of attention, the girl will be in a great mood in the morning.

    You can wake her up with a delicious breakfast in bed, a cute plush toy, nice words admiration for her beauty.

    How to please a girl over the phone

    Often a simple conversation on the phone is enough to lift the mood of your loved one. This is an ideal way to please your chosen one if she is far away and there is no way to hug her.

    You need to talk on the phone or Skype with a smile. After all, a girl will be able to catch a joyful mood by intonation.

    If the chosen one is too immersed in her experiences, then it is recommended not to ask her about the details for a while, but to switch the conversation to another topic. To distract her, it is advisable to tell her something interesting. This could be a story about a pet's prank or any other funny story.

    What to do if she cries

    Every representative of the stronger sex should know how to behave with a girl if she cries. To choose the right tactics, you need to adhere to the following plan:

    1. 1. It is necessary to clarify the reason that influenced the mood of the chosen one. If a girl is not in the mood for a conversation, then you can find out the details from her friends and acquaintances. If there is not enough information, it will be difficult to help her.
    2. 2. There is no need to focus on the bad mood of your loved one, so as not to complicate the situation. It is better for a young man to accept the girl’s negative thoughts as a given.
    3. 3. It is recommended to start the conversation with a neutral question that does not concern real problem. You need to be patient and listen to your loved one as carefully as possible. She needs to be supported: you can hug her and hold her close if she doesn’t mind.
    4. 4. You should not tell your chosen one about your problems. You need to do without examples from the lives of other people. Such stories will not support an upset girl, but will cause rejection.
    5. 5. It is necessary to show your beloved your sympathy and understanding. A young man should not impose his own opinion. It's better to just try to understand her train of thought.

    Having found out the essence of the problem, a man can offer his help. He can go to the grocery store, walk the dog, set up the computer, etc. If the girl feels reliable support in the actions and words of the young man, the couple will reach mutual understanding and become even closer.

3 years ago

Everyone has a situation when they are invited to an event - a wedding, anniversary or birthday, but they have absolutely no idea what to give. I would like to please the hero of the occasion with something unusual and original, so that he would like the gift and find it useful in use, and not gather dust idle in the attic or in a closet with unnecessary rubbish. With our gift, we show our attitude towards a person, how well we know his tastes and preferences, how attentive we are to his desires. It’s immediately clear how much effort, time and imagination a person spent choosing it. Did he really try or buy the first thing he came across along the way? If the gift is interesting and successful, then even after spending a small amount of money, you can please and surprise the person for whom it is intended. Below are gift ideas for non-standard congratulations. If you want to leave a great impression and set the bar in your group of friends or family, read on!

Interesting birthday gifts

Choosing such a gift for the birthday boy to surprise him is becoming increasingly difficult. Therefore we need interesting ideas birthday gifts. If you use your imagination and creative thinking, you can find something cool and original that the holiday hero will remember for a long time. The main thing is that you must take into account the interests of the birthday person, because there are no universal gifts that will appeal to absolutely everyone.


One of the most unusual birthday gift ideas. It looks like a beautifully packaged bright gift certificate for services. This could be a parachute jump, horseback riding, flying in a wind tunnel, jumping from a bridge, completing a quest, paragliding or hot-air balloon, going on an excursion, swimming in a pool with dolphins, visiting a spa program, or just a massage. The choice is wide. It all depends on the tastes and preferences of the person for whom the surprise is intended, how extreme and reckless he is, or, on the contrary, a lover of peace and relaxation.

Remember, he probably told you that he wants to do something or visit something, but he can’t decide or won’t find the time for it. Then the surprise-impression will be a kind of impetus to make your dream come true, it will give you a lot of positive, bright emotions and will probably be remembered for a long time.

Event tickets

This gift is good because it can be presented to both a work colleague and a closer person. This could be, for example, a ticket to a concert of your favorite band, to a theater for an interesting production, or to another exciting event taking place in your city.

Attending cultural events is enriching spiritual world introduces a person to beauty, immerses him in an atmosphere of celebration and joy, relieves stress, charges him with energy and positivity, gives pleasant emotions and impressions, new acquaintances and communication with interesting people. The most important thing when choosing such a present for a birthday is to take into account the taste of the birthday person in various areas of art and it is better to give two tickets, so that the recipient does not have to attend the event in splendid isolation.

A subscription to a good sport - a club or a separate group program

If the birthday person already goes to a gym and likes it, then you can buy a certificate to renew the membership. If not, offer your own option, preferably near the work or home of the person for whom it is intended. Remember, maybe the birthday boy told you that he wants to start doing yoga, Pilates or some kind of dance, but he still can’t decide. When you give a subscription, he will have the opportunity to try and understand whether he is interested in continuing in this direction. In any case, impressions are guaranteed.


A great gift idea that many will love. It could be expensive trip to distant countries, or a trip to another city, or just outside the city to interesting and remarkable places. A budget option is excursion tours by bus. The main thing is that any journey, even a small one, gives vivid emotions, broadens one’s horizons and is remembered for a long time.

Romantic dinner on the roof

A very unusual gift idea for a loved one. Just imagine an evening, the metropolis is bustling and noisy below, and you are above this bustle, wonderful music is playing, champagne is poured into glasses and the whole world exists as if only for you two...

To organize such an event, you need to contact a company offering such services, or organize it yourself, which will be more difficult, but cheaper. Ask friends for help. To prepare, you need to find a suitable roof with a stunning view, move a table, tablecloth, candles, chairs, fruit, wine, candy, cheese, a thermos with hot tea or coffee onto it, you can order food in a restaurant, hire a musician. And wonderful emotions are guaranteed.

Professional photo shoot

You can give a photo session on various topics for your birthday. This could be a walk around the city, or a photo in a themed studio in different images and clothes. In any case, when the birthday boy later looks at his quality and beautiful photos, he will remember that it was you who pleased him.

Sweet basket

Sweets are a source of pleasure and satisfaction, due to their special taste, which is a weakness for many people, so they will always be welcome. They have also been scientifically proven to increase levels of the happiness hormone. The main thing is to choose an interesting design and packaging.

Handmade gift

If you want to get creative and make a unique birthday gift yourself, you can consider options such as a beautiful bouquet of sweets, instructions for making it are abundant on the Internet, bake an unusual cake, present fancy-designed money, for example, rolling up banknotes into tubes, tie with ribbons and put in a box made and decorated with your own hands, another option is to put money with glitter in balloon and give it to the birthday person or build a money tree out of banknotes. A great option would be a poster with wishes and joint photos; you can also stick sweets on it. Use an old book to make a creative storage box. To make it, you need to cut out the middle, glue the pages on the sides and decorate it with various decorative elements. It is important to put your soul into such a gift, then the birthday boy will definitely like it!

Presents for men

What to give to your beloved man? I would like to pleasantly surprise a representative of the stronger sex with something special. Below are some interesting gift ideas for men that you might like and that will help you please your sweetheart.

Alcohol gift

This can be a portable minibar or a chest bar, which is especially useful for those who like to relax in nature. Games “alcohol roulette” or “drunken tic-tac-toe” for an interesting and fun time in the company will definitely lift your spirits with a non-standard approach to such a traditional gift as alcohol.

An interesting gift for a man who smokes

For example, a set with a solid pipe, an unusual lighter and high-quality tobacco, packed in a beautiful box, will certainly please the smoker and will diversify his daily smoking of regular cigarettes. An original ashtray or a useful accessory for extracting smoke, a box of cigars or an electronic cigarette will also be suitable.

Custom car accessories

Present a surprise that a man does not expect from you, for example, a good car recorder or satellite navigator. But if you want to give something more interesting, present compact comfortable pillows or a soft blanket, an unusual air freshener or a souvenir for the mirror, a travel set of a spoon, fork and a can opener in the form of a wand.

Music or video recording

This could be a collection of his favorite compositions; by making such a gift, you will show how well you know his tastes and are attentive to him. But a more interesting option would be to record a song performed by you. You need to prepare such a present in a professional recording studio, having previously taken several vocal lessons. As a result, you will definitely be able to surprise your loved one with a surprise in the form of a high-quality recorded and performed song dedicated to him.

There is also an option to make a creative video - birthday greetings with an interesting plot, you can involve friends or relatives. Positive emotions are guaranteed for everyone!

23 Aug 2013,

Nothing brings so much joy into our lives as pleasant little things given for no reason. Let's go to the Gift Ideas store, which not only offers these very ideas, but also easily turns them into reality.

How important it is to remember things to do. A magnetic “Reminder” board will help remind you of them. Place it on the refrigerator so that everyone in the family can record important tasks for the upcoming day.

It’s also nice to go to the refrigerator and see not only the task, but also a magnet with a funny inscription, for example, “Every day I get up...” and further in the text.

It's surprising to find your favorite mug on the refrigerator. Yes, yes, you heard right, it’s a magnetic mug, called nothing less than “Half-Day Charge.” It can be used not only for drinking your favorite invigorating morning drink, but also as an organizer - a holder for pens and pencils.

In a world where everything moves almost at the speed of light, there are more and more car drivers, as well as traffic jams and unexpected situations on the road. To avoid them, give the car owner a car letter “I will grant one wish.” It will bring a smile to those who read it, and at the same time, it will help to quickly resolve any problem related to the machine.

Another cool little thing for car owners is the “Glass” flavor, which bears the inscription “For courage on the road.” Seeing such a “creation”, it will be difficult to hold back a smile, which will become a harbinger of a good mood for the whole day. This is how you can do such a huge good deed with the help of one tiny thing.

Where do we rush most often? Of course, to work. And this is where we spend the most time, therefore, it is necessary to create a pleasant and pleasing atmosphere in the workplace, and various cool accessories will help with this. For example, the “Winner” pen stand, which folds easily, making it easy to transport.

A funny sign with the inscription “There is such a profession...” will certainly amuse your colleagues and visitors, encouraging them to communicate, because humor is the first step to establishing contacts.

The “Talisman of Good Luck and Luck” set is a necessary attribute for everyone who wants to succeed in their work. Since the boss sets us a whole series of tasks and goals that are simply impossible to remember, it is better to have a notepad and pen on hand in order to record everything and carry it out responsibly.

Away with dullness and dullness – get a bright and stylish “Original” document folder. Without words, she will tell others about you as a person with a sense of humor and the ability to think creatively.

Safe book with key " Initial capital"can become a decoration for your office or your room. Moreover, this is a very useful thing that will not only become the highlight of the interior, but will also keep your documentary secrets and savings.

All sorts of situations happen at work. Most often they complain about hassle on the part of superiors and colleagues. Alas, this is inevitable. But under no circumstances should you take your bad mood and aggression home with you. Buy yourself an anti-stress horse “Everything in Chocolate”, and let it return you to a great mood before returning to your family.

Lunch is the favorite time of all workers. To make it fun and help you gain strength for the remaining half of the working day, change your activity, namely, play magnetic office darts. It will help you not only relax, but also get new sensations and become more friendly with your colleagues. This darts is also perfect for playing at corporate events, so take note.

When going home, you definitely need to see what you look like. This is especially true for the fair sex. And it’s for them that the cool mirror “It’s Hard to Be an Angel” was created. Do you want to please a nice lady? Give it as a gift!

And returning home, having dinner delicious dishes, it's time for relaxation. Those who like to relax while exercising their gray cells will be delighted with such a gift as the “Flower” puzzle. The game is reminiscent of the world-famous Tetris, but is made of natural wood, which gives it more value.

If you are interested in history, and are interested specifically in your ancestors, then the best activity for you will be filling out your family tree. A special set “Family Tree in a Folder” will help with this, which provides everything you need to compose the story of your family as accurately and completely as possible.

I would like to add: surprise your loved ones with pleasant surprises more often. Let them be small but frequent, because it is with the help of such gifts that our lives become brighter and more enjoyable!

Date. She's sad. He is nervous. She says everything is fine. He believes. She is offended. He tries to make her laugh. She's not having fun. This is what happens if a man does not know how to cheer up a girl, and his chosen one does not give any hints on how to do this. We have to try the most effective ways, one of them will definitely work.

Men often perceive dissatisfaction on a girl’s face as a reluctance to communicate, and prefer to retreat. Not everyone understands that the phrase: “Nothing happened” with tears in your voice is a call for help, and the best thing a friend can do in such a situation is to be there. Sometimes, to save your chosen one from depression, it is enough to gently hug her or hold her tightly to you. A hug from a loved one has healing powers, a fact proven by many studies.

After the girl understands that her “knight” needs him with all her problems, and not just with a smile on her lips, she relaxes, calms down and is ready to talk. In this moment loving man should turn into ears. There is no need to break down and solve a problem if such a task has not been set (for example, to arrange a showdown with her offending boss, to look for a client who was rude to her). You should also not lecture or give advice; this conversation has completely different goals, therapeutic ones:

  • Firstly, an upset girl, no matter what happens, needs to talk it out. Releasing negative emotions through words helps reduce internal mental stress and improve your mood.
  • Secondly, a calm conversation can help put all problems into perspective and make your own decisions. A friend in this situation should support not with moralizing or formal sympathy. A man who is an active listener will show that he carefully perceives information and tries to understand what is bothering his beloved; sometimes he will summarize everything that was said in the heat of emotion, helping the girl cope with the chaos that reigns in her mind due to excitement.
  • Thirdly, such a conversation is of great motivating value. For example, if a girl is worried that she will not be able to pass some test - pass an exam or give a presentation, it is her companion, a close person, who is able to instill confidence in her by reminding her how much she has done to achieve this goal, what qualities and qualifications she has : “I saw how hard you studied, you will definitely pass.” Such an affirmation for success, verbal positive encoding, significantly improves your emotional state and lifts your spirits.

Even if an intimate conversation has taken place, a man should not expect the girl to immediately begin to smile and flutter like a butterfly. Women are often very fixated on the problem and cannot move it away. To help your beloved throw away gloomy thoughts, you can give her another topic for thought or business; anything that urgently requires female competent advice and participation will do - from choosing a new mobile phone to love twists and turns in the life of a mutual friend.

Not all men are ready to show empathy (listen and talk); it is easier for them to entertain a girl, especially since there are many proven options that can be implemented to dispel a girl’s sadness and improve her mood:

  • Invite the girl to take a walk; talking at this moment is not necessary. Walking and contemplation helps relieve stress; clean air clears the mind of “husks.”
  • Watch a movie together that your loved one might like and have a beneficial effect on her mood.
  • Invite to a restaurant or become a chef for the evening and cook dinner for your chosen one.
  • Go to a disco and dance to your favorite music.
  • Plan a special day filled with romance for your loved one.
  • If a girl’s period of depression has been prolonged, then you can learn some new skill together - for example, learn to dance tango, play the guitar, or cook sushi.

When choosing entertainment, you need to rely, first of all, on the girl’s tastes. If she is an intellectual, then you can play an intricate game together board game. If your chosen one loves computer games, then you can go through a quest together. If your chosen one is a “fish”, then you should go for a swim or a bath together. Anyone who is in love with an extreme girl will have to ride a roller coaster with her. Whatever is chosen, the “knight” must not leave his lady in a bad mood.

Make you laugh, but don't laugh

In almost all situations (coma of real tragedies) humor will help. However, there is one caveat - you cannot joke about what bothers a girl. Such ridicule will not only not lift the mood, but will plunge the poor creature into even deeper depression, because... resentment and misunderstanding will come from a loved one.

Empathy will help lift a girl’s mood; you need to take her place and realize what is important to her in a relationship. To do this, you need to be on the same wavelength, observe what she likes, how she reacts to certain actions. Plus, it wouldn’t hurt to read books about relationships. One such popular work is “The Five Languages ​​of Love” by Gary Chapman.

  1. prefers gifts
  2. languishes without encouraging words,
  3. can't live without touch
  4. respects actions
  5. requires quality time.

This idea is very simple, but it can help. The healing power of words and hugs was mentioned earlier, but other points have no less power.

Almost all women want quality time spent on them, i.e. an hour or two when mobile phone will not ring and the football match will be turned off. To cheer up a girl, her chosen one can do with her and for her what he usually avoids. Something she doesn't expect from him at all. For example, courageously walk with her through all the shops, take pictures of her against the backdrop of all the monuments and trees, or take a walk with the dog. Such a sacrifice will be appreciated.

A specific task and time will also help in the case when a real misfortune has happened in the life of a loved one, there is no time for jokes and entertainment. You just need to be there, provide all possible help and surround with care. For example, free her from housework, put her to bed, make hot tea.

Don't forget and prepare a special surprise

Many men throw up their hands and say that they don’t have money for gifts. However, to cheer a woman up, you don’t have to be a millionaire. Enough to cook little surprise, who will show the girl that her chosen one never forgets about her, knows her tastes and wants to please her. There are many options and they are different for everyone:

  • download for her a book that she has long wanted to read;
  • send an SMS filled with tenderness;
  • always have a chocolate bar with you if the girl has a sweet tooth;
  • Bring a thermos of tea and a hot sandwich to your date if the meeting takes place immediately after class or work.

If all these methods have been tried, and the chosen one continues to be sad, the man should not be sad. The main thing is that she is not sad alone. The paradox is that ideally, a woman should figure out for herself what kind of support she wants to receive from her “knight” if the mood is at zero, and convey this information to him, preferably not with hints, but in direct text or by emphasizing everything whatever suits your taste.

In this case, at the first sign of unhappiness on the face of his beloved, the man will not panic, he will do exactly what she likes - hug her, listen to her, give her tea or take her to dance. The test for a bad mood and the ability to accept each other in both sorrow and joy is one of the key ones.