What to do if you are in love with a friend. What to do if you love your friend's boyfriend. How to confess your love to your best friend

  1. I fell hopelessly in love with my best friend...

    Help me please!!! I have been friends with my best friend for a VERY long time (about 9-10 years). Well, naturally, we love each other, trust each other... and blah, blah, blah. In general, this summer we sat alone at her dacha. I don’t even remember how it was... At first we chatted with her, then it got hot - we stripped to the waist, well..., and then off we went... Actually, we didn’t reach the very bottom... Well, then she told me something like: “everyone, we forgot. It’s in the past. We don’t remember anymore.” And after that I fell madly in love with her... Like a woman... I can’t even look at her normally!!! And once we were playing cards, and she owed me a good kiss. I recently reminded her, and she replied: “when my ancestors are not at home...” Yesterday we took the “your orientation” test. In the end, it turned out that she is bi, and so am I... And it seems that she agrees to lesbian sex. But I just can’t seduce her... She lets me hug her, but then she looks somehow incomprehensible and moves away... And immediately starts talking about guys... And I’m suffering! What should I do!!!???

    I'm 18, she's 20

  2. Answer: I fell hopelessly in love with my best friend...

    It seems to me that your erotic intoxication after the dacha has not yet passed, but she has sobered up. Don't ruin your friendship. Don't do this, it will only make things worse for you. In the end, you won’t have a girlfriend, you’ll lose your girlfriend, you’ll be left broke. Take care of what you have.

  3. Hi all!
    I decided to contact you, since my situation can only be understood from the point of view of the topic of this forum. I think I'm far from the only one. I fell in love with my own friend. We have known each other not so long ago - 5 years, but we became friends very quickly, we were ready to tear anyone apart for each other, although I don’t let anyone get close to me, with the exception of childhood friends. This friend outshone everyone for me, we had a lot in common, we were drawn by a magnet. The most interesting thing is that our communication strengthened with trips to nightclubs. It was there that I discovered that I was physically attracted to her. Relatives and friends told me that our friendship was abnormal, that she was breathing unevenly towards me, my friends told me that she looked at me with loving eyes; jealous if I retire with them, so to speak, it changes before our eyes. I don’t know about jealousy, but she directly asked one friend if we had sex. Of course, this flattered me deep down, because I wanted her. But I didn’t show it; for me it was all new and unusual. She sharpened her and my attention to the women's Poe, slapped me, lightly touched me, scratched my palm, pinched me, and so on.. Moreover, she did it unnoticed. And only in nightclubs. Otherwise, no hints or signs. Once I asked her about her relationships with women, she beat her chest that she loved only men. One day it happened... We had too much, kissed all evening in the club, caressed our hands, slow danced. There was a threesome with MCH. But something broke in me, I don’t know what, but I didn’t answer her numerous calls and SMS. She didn't understand what was going on. I was rude and rude to her. It was stupid, of course, but in this way I wanted to show her that I was not going to get attached to her, that I didn’t give a damn. We began to quarrel on any occasion, although both were very calm and far from clarifying the relationship, we perceived every word we said very keenly and emotionally. There was some kind of time out in our communication. I got married. That day she got very drunk and cried. She found herself a permanent man, but is unhappy with him, although she claims that she loves him. Only after a while we began to communicate normally again. Like friends. But she often reminded me of our night, as if as a joke, by chance... Her mood continued to deteriorate. When I found out that I was with another friend at the cinema or somewhere else, although I couldn’t get her out anywhere. One evening we went to a club together, where we got drunk with her and went on the same old thing, kissing and so on, and ended up waking up in the same bed, but there was nothing between us. Later she sent an SMS asking me to come to her alone, I understood why. She said that this is not related to her MCH, this is her proposal. It seemed to me that she was making attempts to flirt (comb her hair, touch her) But nothing happened, something was stopping us. This is the “something” that worries me. She ignores me at one time, but does not let me go. I do not understand what is going on. Why is she acting like this with me?
  4. I understand that you behave the same way as she does: one step forward, three steps back.

    You torture each other. You get married emotionally, have boyfriends, trying to prove something to each other. But you love each other! It seems so to me. Stop this nonsense and love each other, or separate forever, there simply won’t be friendship between you.

    In general, it’s better to calm down. If she remembers and behaves this way, it means she still loves you.

  5. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    She loves You! it is obvious! and most likely drove herself to despair. and therefore he is jealous of everyone. her mistake is that she is rushing you, but this is not about her...
    The situation with you is a little unclear. figure yourself out. what do you feel? and not while intoxicated, but sober. Perhaps psychological barriers are preventing you, because... Have you been told your whole life that you shouldn’t have a girl with a girl? do you want to be with her? How serious? If in doubt, break off the relationship before it’s too late, it will be even more painful. It’s like your first experience with a drug, only the pain will be even worse...
    My first experience situation is very similar to yours. but then wine only gave me the opportunity to taste what female intimacy is. after which I drew conclusions for myself. it is very important to listen to yourself, and not in the morning, after kissing in the club, but after some time. preferably without seeing each other for a while. it’s important to distinguish love from emotional attachment... humanly speaking, I feel sorry for your girlfriend, but now we’re talking about you. decide for yourself, do you need a woman’s love? she is sweet, but the pain brings more than a man's...
    damn, I feel like a witch talking to the little mermaid

  6. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    may Be,

    She now perceives her surroundings very keenly, including my tone, my mood. finds fault with everything, gets angry.. She again complained about her man, that she was uncomfortable with him.. I tell her that she needs another person, she said that she knows this very well, but she herself must approach this consciously in order to leave him . She constantly complains about him.
    I wrote her an SMS that I was always there, that I felt and understood her, so that she would collect her thoughts and rest, that I would not disturb her for now..
    The worst thing is that it seems to me that I need to somehow get her out of depression in a friendly way, but I don’t know how.....

  7. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    may Be said:

    The worst thing is that it seems to me that I need to somehow get her out of depression in a friendly way, but I don’t know how.....

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    well, if in a friendly way, then this is not a question for us...... you asked, we answered, it seems to us that she loves you and you love her.

  8. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    may Be,

    She now has a very difficult situation and period in her life, she wants only one thing, to lie and do nothing, she is tired of everything, can I not go into details? I know for sure that she has no time for our conversations right now... I just wanted to know your opinion from the outside, how she feels about me, whether she is indifferent or not...

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    tell me would you

  9. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    everything is very familiar. no need for details. I understand that you have drawn a conclusion for yourself regarding your orientation? then everything is very serious. unrequited love. very dangerous. I’m very worried about your friend... is there any way to calm her down in a friendly manner? I don’t know... honestly.. and then it will be very difficult for you. if you don’t love her, then your relationship may begin to burden you, and she, feeling this, will suffer even more... there are two options - either be together, or break up, immediately and irrevocably, but in this case your friendship is over.. . but judging by the state of your friend, this will make her situation even worse... tell me honestly, do you love her now?
    tell me would you

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    I haven’t made any conclusions for myself yet..What do you mean unrequited love in our case and what is it fraught with? why did you decide that she is suffering because of me? but for some reason it seems to me that she is indifferent to me... this is explained by her ignoring my calls, finding fault with my tone, it even seems to me sometimes. that she's avoiding me.

  10. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    Hi all!
    I got married. That day she got very drunk and cried. She found herself a permanent man, but is unhappy with him, although she claims that she loves him. Only after a while we began to communicate normally again. Like friends. But she often reminded me of our night, as if as a joke, by chance... Her mood continued to deteriorate. When I found out that I was with another friend at the cinema or somewhere else, although I couldn’t get her out anywhere. One evening we went to a club together, where we got drunk with her and went on the same old thing, kissing and so on, and ended up waking up in the same bed, but there was nothing between us. Later she sent an SMS asking me to come to her alone, I understood why. She said that this is not related to her MCH, this is her proposal. It seemed to me that she was making attempts to flirt (comb her hair, touch her)

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    does this look like indifference?
    about unrequited love... what’s not clear here? You got married, and she understands that nothing can change, that you have no chance of being together. hence her behavior
    what is the risk? I don’t know how deep her feelings are for you (let’s use “you”?), and how strong she is as a person. but I don’t even want to think about what could be. I’m not a psychologist, I don’t have clear answers. I say what my heart feels based on your posts

  11. Hi all! I don’t know what to do.. I don’t know what to do.. I have no one to ask for help.. You are my only saviors! Help me... My best friend and I have known each other for a very long time, we went to school together. We became best friends about 2 years ago. Now we are both 20 years old. And everything was fine with us until I began to notice that I constantly wanted to be with her, look into her beautiful eyes, feel her touch, her smell, her breath.. At every opportunity, my hand stretches out like if by chance I touched her.. She began to drive me crazy.. I can’t think about anyone but her! I think about her constantly! All my thoughts, all my dreams are only about her! Every time I find out that she is now out there somewhere walking with some friend or with another guy, I begin to boil with jealousy! It becomes very painful for me that she is with someone there, she is not with me.. I stop answering not her SMS, but her calls.. And she cannot understand what happened, what I was offended by.. I understood that I love her! But it seemed to me that this was friendly love, nothing more! And today I suddenly realized that I love her! I love you like a girl! I became very scared.. I don’t know what to do, because she likes guys, and I don’t think that my love will be mutual.. She said that she loves me, but most likely only as a friend.. Hide her feelings for her, I can’t, but I also can’t tell her about them.. I don’t know how she will react to all this.. What if she turns away from me... She will avoid me, stop communicating with me... But I’m very afraid of losing her.. I just can’t imagine my life without HER.. What should I do??????

  12. I fell in love with my best friend...

    You know, one day we were sitting in a cafe over a bottle of wine. After drinking quite a lot, she said that once, before we started being friends with her, she went to a nightclub with her classmate. They drank wine, danced.. And when they had already drunk quite a lot, they, dancing, began to kiss in front of everyone.. I don’t know if this can mean something.. But it was after this story stories, I started allow thoughts in my head about my feelings for her.. I have long begun to notice that I like girls more than guys, but how can I find out my friend’s attitude towards girls and towards me in particular, without arousing suspicion?...

  13. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    I have the same problem: I fell in love with my best friend. Naturally, she doesn’t know anything about it, but I can’t hide it from her anymore. I decided to confess, but so far I can’t imagine how she will react to it. I decided so : If she’s a true friend, she’ll understand, but if she turns away from me (I don’t exclude this option), then such a friend is worth nothing. She’ll get sick, and that’s okay. You can’t live in uncertainty.

  14. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    Today I finally confessed...Her reaction “quietly” surprised me. After I told her about my feelings, she simply laughed in response and patted me on the shoulder. She said that people like me simply cannot be lesbians. One thing is good: although she didn’t take it seriously, she didn’t turn away from me.

  15. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    I agree, but I’m sure I’m not confusing anything. At first I also thought it was friendly love, but it’s not so. It’s very difficult when you’re not taken seriously, it even becomes offensive.

  16. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    It was easier for me. my kitten himself was the first to admit it to me)) but it was not a surprise for me. I guessed that we had this mutually... it was interesting to look not at her face, at her torment and know that now they would stop)) it was so sweet. and it was so nice to save her from worries and shame... but to come up first... I don’t know, would you be able to? Of course it's scary. Moreover, you understand everything with your mind, but your legs don’t work...

  17. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    Yeah, I don't envy you. For us heteros, this is much easier. Well, if it doesn’t work out, they’ll say, “You’re not my type,” and that’s it. How difficult it is for you to take the first step. And the reaction can be completely unpredictable.

  18. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    may Be said:

    it was easier for me. my kitten himself was the first to admit it to me)) but it was not a surprise for me. I guessed that we had this mutually... it was interesting to look not at her face, at her torment and know that now they would stop)) it was so sweet. and it was so nice to save her from worries and shame... but to come up first... I don’t know, would you be able to? Of course it's scary. Moreover, you understand everything with your mind, but your legs don’t work...

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    But I am not discouraged), someday all this must end.

  19. I admit that I can, with great fear and anguish, but I can (before and after this I feel as if they were waving a blade in front of my nose, I must say this is hard for me), but only then it’s a complete pipe......... . no luck and that’s it (((it’s not fate
    But I am not discouraged), someday all this must end.

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    A feeling I know... That’s right, you shouldn’t be discouraged, life is like a zebra, a white streak in life will come. The main thing is not to give up and continue to believe, because as you know, our thoughts are material

    Instead of a timid “I love you,” I simply shout about my love. But just yesterday I couldn’t make up my mind, I finally realized: “now or never.” I remember how nervously my voice trembled when I told her about my feelings, and how my heart was beating wildly, I thought that it would break out of my chest and fall straight into her hands, although it had long belonged to her. Now I can breathe calmly, all my worries and doubts are left behind. There is no more fear of being misunderstood, I know that my love is not unrequited:wub2:.

  20. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    I have the same story, but much more tragic. We knew each other for 16 years, and I fell deeply in love with her. At the same time, she was a complete straight girl. And I just cut her off from myself. Well, I can’t just be her friend.

  21. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    Lola BI said:

    But I fell in love with my brother’s wife and I don’t know what to do!

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    First, ask yourself questions about what kind of relationship they have, do they love each other, are they happy?
    Then ask yourself, what is your relationship with your brother? After all, if your brother loves his wife, loves you like a sister, then if his wife leaves him because of you, it will be double-treachery for him. Think again about whether you still love or is this still falling in love?

  22. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    What do you recommend doing if the situation is like this:
    I'm bisexual. She is, as she says, 99% straight. She loves guys, to my questions about being with a girl, she replies that she would never allow this to happen to herself, that she has a normal orientation and all that. The fact is that we are sooooo good friends, and we love each other sooooo much, we have confessed this to each other many times, only on her part “I love you” is FRIENDLY, but on my part it is already something more than friendship. Not long ago I confessed my feelings to her, she was shocked by this, and said that I would get these thoughts out of my head, and said that she wanted everything to be the same as before, so that we would remain the same great friends. But it’s easy for her to say... but not easy for me to do. We have had conversations on lesbian and bi topics many times, she says that this is not acceptable to her, but at the same moment she becomes interested, sometimes finds out some details from me, asks if I have forgotten my stupid thoughts about her. When we walk, she is often the first to touch me, take my hand, hug me. At such moments, I’m simply in seventh heaven... But she won’t even allow herself to be kissed, she said that if I do this, she will behave aloofly with me. And when we talk on the phone at night, it happened that the conversation seemed to be a joke, but as if not, but something like this: What are you wearing now? What color do you prefer underwear? What do you want me to do with you? Are you with me? well, etc.))) like this. It also happens that she talks about her girlfriends in such a way that I would be jealous of her, even in such a tone that there is no doubt left. In general, she says that she will not agree to more than friendship, but at the same time, moments slip through which it seems to me that more is possible, but I’m afraid to go for this more, in case it doesn’t work out, and even I’ll lose my friend.. .in general, tell me, what do you think, what are her real opinions about all this, and what should I do so as not to ruin everything?

  23. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    I will express my subjective opinion. I think everything she does, asks, jokes, tries to evoke some kind of jealousy, is driven only by interest. She always built relationships with guys, knew what to do with them and how things happened, but here the girl liked her. And what and how she doesn’t know. She probably doesn’t even know how she makes you feel with her touches, without actually putting anything into them. Look at the streets: a bunch of straight girls walk holding hands, hugging each other, kissing each other on the lips when they meet. It’s not disgusting to them, on the contrary, it’s pleasant, but nothing more, they don’t put anything into it. She doesn’t want to move away from you, apparently, you really are dear to her, but it won’t be so easy for her to understand that she sometimes torments you.

    anonimka said:

    there are moments that make me feel like more is possible

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    Maybe it really seems like it? If she is truly straight (which is also always a question unknown in advance, because she talks about something that she has not tried) and loves men, then various experiments with girls will be unpleasant for her, simply due to her orientation and, having taken a step towards her, you You will really push her away, and it won’t be about her attitude towards you specifically, but simply about her lack of desire towards girls.

    anonimka said:

    And when we talk on the phone at night, it happened that the conversation seemed to be a joke, but as if not, but something like this: What are you wearing now? What color do you prefer underwear? What do you want me to do with you? Are you with me? and so on.

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    But this can really be a prank, a joke, not uncommon, everyone jokes like that when talking on the phone at night. There is a gigantic ditch between these jokes and the desire to actually do something. While remaining straight, you can joke as you like, joke around, joke, evoke any emotions out of curiosity and interest, but you cannot experience a really strong attraction to a girl while remaining straight.
    Of course, maybe her “absolute naturalness” is only the fruit of prejudice and upbringing, and then somewhere deep down in her soul she may want and itch, but she doesn’t even admit it to herself, but from your words I understand that the situation is the opposite , although it’s hard for me to say sitting here, behind the monitor))

  24. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    Ada Laida, thank you very much for your answer!
    November, I’ve liked girls since school days, I was in love with my teacher, I’ve had this for a long time, so I don’t think that I have a temporary clouding of my mind

  25. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    The confession of your love shocked her a little at first, but after the shock passed, interest remained. it is possible that she even began to imagine how it could be for you, but she is a reasonable girl, and therefore she not only thinks about whether you can have something intimate, but also about what to do AFTER this happens. and she's right. the relationship will take on a different form whether you want it or not, and that’s not what she wants. therefore, all her dreams remain at the level of non-binding flirtation. for her to decide to do more with you, she needs to lose her head just like you...

  26. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    Look what you can do: you fall in love with obviously difficult-to-attain individuals, and girls at that. Teacher, friend.
    If you like my proposal, then I offer it :)
    1. Say goodbye to love plans for your girlfriend for now, even if only for a while.
    2. dig into yourself. Perhaps you are subconsciously afraid of sex or a full-fledged relationship? I understand that this is very easy to say, but not easy to do, but still, maybe you can try?

  27. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    Nevermind. Sympathy for teachers is generally normal, sometimes they are ideals for us and this happens often, but love for a friend is rather a desire for intimacy with a person who is already close and dear, who understands everything and who doesn’t care about you. If you have a close relationship with a girl, spend a lot of time next to each other, and the girl is pretty and good, then the emergence of sympathy in such conditions cannot only be a consequence of the fear of a full-fledged relationship, here everything is somehow more transparent.
    I fell in love with mine myself good friend, and this painful craving rotted me for about three years, I could not open up to her, she would have become wary of me and I would have lost what I had - her friendly love, strong affection for me, her respect and trust. And it wasn’t a matter of fear of sex or relationships, because... I had both sex and relationships during this period. She’s just a very good girl, very sweet, and we were very close in our friendship.

  28. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    Ada, the fundamental difference lies precisely in this - you had sex and relationships, but the girl did not and does not, as far as I could understand.
    I don’t offer the girl anything radically harsh, what in my advice “gnawed” you so much?))
    As for me, the described case is very suggestive of a certain infantilism, and if the girl digs into herself a little, I don’t see anything wrong with it. as well as that she should not take any steps in the direction of her friend.
    Moreover, in “rose dreams” (a kind of double-mixedness) everything, as a rule, is limited to the desire for the first intimacy and the first emotions. But what to do with these relationships later is, as a rule (I emphasize, as a rule), rarely thought about.
    After all, after this you need to find the courage to recognize this relationship not only for yourself, but also be ready to be in “society” (ugh) in the status of a COUPLE. After all, the described case is not just a desire for intimacy, but also a relationship. Again - if I understood correctly.

  29. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    Ada Laida, it turns out it happened to you too.
    I’m not trying to get a person into bed for the sake of interest, just to try, but how is that? No. Initially I had very deep spiritual attachments and feelings for her. She is everything to me. Neither my parents, nor my relatives, nor my other friends, no one can replace her in any way for me, I simply cannot imagine my life without her in it. I love in the highest sense of the word, and not in the dirty lowest.

  30. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    Indeed, I got wound up about something, I apologize.
    It’s not that I was “bitten”, but maybe a little hurt by the assumption that the reason for such attachment could be a subconscious fear of relationships. This option may be possible, but the root cause of such attachment is largely close and tender feelings to a friend, the height of mutual understanding that turned into sincere love. I can agree that the desire for intimacy with a friend can really be aggravated by the fact that there is no experience in relationships with girls, and therefore no idea of ​​“where to actually get them from,” but attachment to a person who is already close - this is an outlet for realizing one’s homosexual component. Moreover, as I understand it, our heroine never purposefully searched for a girl for a relationship, and her feelings for her friend were born on the foundation of the strongest friendship. And indeed, if you don’t mind being with a girl, although you don’t fully know what exactly this means, and at the same time, you have a friend with whom you feel very good, whom you trust, and who believes you, it’s almost a relationship, left add mutual physical attraction, liberate the brain, and there is no need to change or build anything, so you have a relationship in which the main thing has been achieved from the very beginning - mutual respect, mutual trust, and everyone has known each other for an insanely long time. But in reality, everything is not quite like that.

    anonimka said:

    Initially I had very deep spiritual attachments and feelings for her. She is everything to me. Neither my parents, nor my relatives, nor my other friends, no one can replace her in any way for me, I simply cannot imagine my life without her in it. I love in the highest sense of the word, and not in the dirty lowest.

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    And regarding this, I’ll probably share one of my most unpleasant stories. My friend and I have been friends for 12 years. I never had a sincere desire towards her, but my love was completely sincere and friendly, more like towards a sister. We were very close. When she found out that I was lesbian or bi, and certainly not straight, she took it with interest, but she herself always and still assures me that she is straight. Yes, and I think that's true. But she became interested. I didn’t think much about this then and everything for me was at the stage of awareness and experimentation, and at that moment I was not responsible for my actions and decisions with full awareness. This in no way justifies me, and yet what happened next was quite natural. She began gradually and carefully, as part of a joke and a prank, to ask me what it would be like to be with a girl, what it felt like, whether in this or that situation I could kiss her or sleep with her, because we are such close friends. For her, this step was like an additional strengthening of our friendship, like the maximum level that girls who have been such close friends for so many years can reach. And I also jokingly told her “yes, of course, dear, if I were around now, we would find a way to spend time.” She can’t so easily accept the fact that I was with some left-handed girl whom I hardly know, closer than with her, so beautiful, so close, so beautiful, and this fact was itching in her brain and did not let her give her peace. One can only wonder if she would have felt even a shadow of desire for me if I had dated men. Did this thought even arise in her subconscious? I think not. We kissed somehow while drunk. After some time we slept together. She wanted it, I had no idea how or for what reason to refuse her. I didn’t have anyone, she didn’t either, she was beautiful, with a wonderful figure, I didn’t understand why I didn’t rush to tear off her clothes as soon as she made it clear to me that she agreed. We slept together two or three times. After this, some time passed, and I began to realize that I don’t just want sex with girls sometimes, I realized that I want sincere relationships, that I don’t give a damn about men, and sex with a girl for me is not a process of strengthening friendship, but an act of love , an act of tenderness and devotion to a loved one, a beloved woman to whom one wants to be faithful. And I began to understand why I didn’t go crazy with desire for my friend: it’s just not my thing. I treated her like a sister, I DIDN’T WANT her, I couldn’t build a relationship with her, I didn’t get goosebumps when I touched her, there was no spark between us, not even a shadow of passion. At the same time, I continued to love her and participate in all areas of her life. A little later, after long depressions against the backdrop of loneliness, worries from the last breakup, a chaotic life and a series of unnecessary relationships, I found the girl of my dreams. I fell instantly, truly and madly in love with a man I had known for barely a week. And this love was mutual. From the abyss of non-existence, oblivion and misfortune, I instantly became the happiest person on earth. And what do you think was my friend’s reaction? At first she considered this to be something momentary, and then she began to lament that since I started a relationship with a woman, and not with a man, then nothing would happen between us now (and this despite the fact that she loved a man and they constantly stood out) , and my girlfriend will be jealous, but what if she finds out that there was something between us? What if she doesn’t allow me to communicate with her? Is it now possible for her to kiss me when we meet, or will it be better to shake my hand? Complete nonsense. You see, she considered this a betrayal of our friendship. She felt that she had been exchanged. At the same time, I am sure that she would have perceived such an attachment to a man differently, but here she could not be happy for me. The relationship turned into hell: she talked endlessly about how happy she was for me, while endlessly hinting that I was ruining our friendship because we began to communicate less, I probably don’t need her anymore, I call her less, but nothing, she said, I can stand it, I will survive, I’ve lost people all my life and that’s okay. I think there is no need to explain how I felt when I heard this from the person whom I considered closest for 12 years. And I still think so. Although our relationship was put an end to one evening, when we were sitting together, drinking champagne, and she almost openly offered to sleep with me, and I had to openly refuse. In response to the question why, I indicated that I had a girlfriend as the reason. Her face changed and since then we have never spoken the way we spoke for 12 years before, honestly, directly, openly. Why, we didn’t talk at all, she doesn’t call or write anymore, if we talk, she answers dryly, abstractly with a terrible fake smile. She listed me as a top traitor. Precisely because she is straight and cannot understand a relationship with a woman. She couldn’t stand the other girl in my life, unable to understand how I could exchange everything that connects us for a person with whom nothing seems to connect me at all. She was never able to understand that I didn’t change anyone for anyone, that she was my friend, my sister, whom she still remains, and I miss her. But there is no strength or sense in dissuading her. She realized in an instant that despite the fact that I was a lesbian, I did not want her, and she gave up on me.
    anonymous, the main thing is that your friend does not become intimate with you for the sake of strengthening your friendship. In this case, you still won’t build a relationship, and if you meet another girl, they won’t forgive you for it

  31. Answer: I fell in love with my best friend.

    We walked all night... I was drunk, she wasn’t (probably this prevented the matter from ending with some result). Before going out into the street, we stood in her entrance, talked, I came closer, she didn’t mind, then I remember I was already holding her hands in mine, and no longer over the phone or chat I told her what I felt, what I want... We stand close, close, she doesn’t lean back, we stare into each other’s eyes for a long time, then I hug her, we stand hugging for a long time, whispering something to each other. Then we talk about this whole situation, I come very close, she raises her hands between us to create distance, I ask: what are you afraid of? I won't do anything bad to you. she: I know that you won’t, you are not capable of doing anything bad to me, but just don’t cross the line that we have. Then I move further away, and we just talk, and then I either have emotions or despair... my tears just start to fall... one after another... I basically didn’t expect this from myself, I never I cried so openly, in front of her, she naturally didn’t expect it either... I squatted down, she immediately sat down next to me, began wiping my tears with her hand, saying, “Well, what are you doing, no need, why are you doing this.. "I didn’t answer, I just silently looked in front of me, she hugged me, pressed me to her, so we sat for a while, then she asked me if I had calmed down, I said yes. She asked me to walk with me to my house. She agreed. While talking, they reached my entrance, walked in, but either I just didn’t want to go home, or I wanted to do something else, but I firmly declared “I won’t go further”))) she says: go, I won’t leave until I’m convinced that you came home. But I didn't go. So we remained standing in my entrance. Of course, another hug... but warmer, and the words were closer, at some point I felt that she too had relaxed, speaking calmly, in a whisper, tenderly. But the fact that we were very close to each other did not react positively, but not negatively either! If she tried to pull away, turn away, step back, I would understand that she DEFINITELY didn’t want this... but here it’s not... she didn’t resist, but about the kiss she said: “it’s not worth it, there’s nothing good in it will be,” so I didn’t do it. although there were many opportunities then, I don’t strive to try and that’s it, whether things end badly or okay - it won’t matter later... quite the opposite... maybe that’s why I didn’t take action. Then we walked a little more, and hugged already on the street, and it turned out that we were standing so close that the tips of our noses were touching)) but the force of attraction did not work, how much strength it took me to restrain myself then. She did not behave aloofly, I myself did not expect that she would behave like that, in such situations, but now I am tormented by the question... next time I may not resist... and by doing so I may do a lot of stupid things... maybe not nonsense..)) what to do then... what way to make her open up to more... because it’s obvious that she cares about all this...

Our life is so fleeting, you don’t have time to look back - and all the most interesting things have passed by. What to do if you are young and you really want love and adventure? Of course - fall in love! People have fallen in love at all times, and there has always been someone judging the couples: sometimes they are not the right age, sometimes they are too young, sometimes they are too old. And if - before, and even now, many in society consider this a deviation from the norm. I am a girl, and for some time now I have been interested in the question - what is same-sex love?

In society, there are certain attitudes and ideas about what feelings should be and to whom they can be felt. It is considered normal for girls to fall in love with guys, or vice versa. Other deviations from such a system of relations are not approved by every person.

For example, a girl may like another girl very much, and they will feel a certain sympathy for each other. This is far from a simple relationship and, first of all, it is connected with public opinion.

Of course, before admitting your feelings, you need to decide for yourself: is this really sympathy, maybe you just came up with an adventure out of boredom?

If you find yourself in such a situation, then you will definitely have thoughts about what to do if you fall in love with a friend. After all, at the same time, you always feel awkward, embarrassed, and are afraid that your friend will find out about your feelings for her. It seems to you that your friend will not be able to understand you, will laugh at you, or will simply be scared.

This is the first question to which you want to find an answer, immediately after realizing that you have feelings for your friend that are much more than friendly.

  • A friend is one of the closest people with whom you spend a lot of time, dedicate her to many secrets, and share your most intimate things. Such closeness and mutual understanding makes you come to the conclusion that this person understands you better than anyone else and is ready to support you in any, even the most difficult situation.
  • The absence of a worthy young man in life who could become the other half. Constant searches and failures in relationships with a man can lead you to believe that nothing good is working out with them, and you need to look for an alternative, which can be a close friend.
  • One of the motives for a girl’s attraction to her friend is interest and a desire to try something new and unusual in a relationship, especially if before this relationship everything was unsuccessful and monotonous. It’s like an obstacle that you definitely want to overcome.
  • Lack of attention from family and friends can also affect the expression of feelings for your friend, who, unlike everyone else, is immersed in all your life problems, and it is precisely these human qualities that become especially important and valuable to you.

There is a small percentage of girls and women who can only be attracted to girls and enjoy intimate relationships only with them. In this case, serious psychotherapeutic work may be needed to help correct this behavior.

In most cases, when faced with such a situation, the first thing that happens to a girl is denial of everything that is happening, and an unwillingness to admit that she has developed a strong feeling of sympathy for her best friend. Usually, after denial comes a gradual acceptance of the entire current situation, and reflection on one’s future behavior with this person.

If you are completely confident in your feeling and are convinced that it will not just disappear, look for the strength and courage in yourself to tell your friend about what is happening in your heart and soul. This way, you can feel relief and emotional release. If it’s hard for you to meet with your friend, and it’s getting harder and harder to hide your feelings, if you’re unhappy, be sure to talk to your friend about your fears. But the best option is to talk to a psychologist first, if possible. If not, read psychology books on this topic.

  • This should be done in a calm environment in which you will feel not only comfortable, but also confident.
    Be sure to make a mental plan for your conversation.
  • Don’t be shy about talking about your feelings, try to explain to her why you like her, what reaction you expect from her, etc.
  • When talking, try to avoid any tactile contact, hugs, or kisses. This behavior may shock and alienate your friend.
  • There is no need to involve intermediaries in your conversation. Feelings for a friend are something very personal, and only you and she can understand them.
  • Don't drink alcohol before such an important conversation. Your thoughts and speech must be absolutely clear and precise.
  • Don't expect comments and answers to all the questions you asked your friend. She most likely will not be ready to give you answers at the moment when you expect it from her. She may need time to analyze everything she has learned and make some decisions.
  • If you feel that during a personal conversation you cannot cope with excitement or emotions, then tell us everything through a letter. This is much easier to do than alone with a person.

No one can fully explain why sympathy and love arise, even despite many reasonings and theories. Love for a friend is an unusual feeling, and only its owner can decide how to use it.

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  • If she reacts negatively, it doesn't mean she absolutely doesn't like you. Perhaps she just never thought that you could date. She may need time to think about it. Don't say you were joking. She will either understand that you are lying, or consider it a cruel joke.
  • Talk about feelings in person. You should not write about this by email or SMS. Don't confess your feelings to her when there are other people around because it can really confuse her. You shouldn't talk about it when you've been drinking, because it will be extremely awkward in the morning, especially if neither you nor she remembers anything.
  • If you decide to tell her everything, tell her that you will understand if she only wants to be friends and that you can handle your feelings if she doesn't reciprocate your feelings. Tell her you couldn't keep it to yourself any longer, but you can handle her rejection.
  • Do not hurry. This is a special girl because she tells you all her secrets. If your feelings come as a complete surprise to her, she may become embarrassed. She may just like to be friends with you.
  • Feelings are difficult to hide, especially for young people. It is quite possible that she has long understood that you like her, but she simply does not show it.
  • If she gets a boyfriend while you're trying to get her to like you, keep talking to her and always be there for her. Temporarily put aside your plans to get closer to her.
  • Be a gentleman. Open the door for her, and if a friend of yours walks by that she doesn't know, introduce her to him.
  • If you tell her how you feel and she doesn't reciprocate your feelings, move away for a while. This will be very difficult to do, but it will be useful for you. She will notice that she misses you, and your friendship will be restored.
  • Read articles for girls that tell you what to do if they like their best friend. This way you can understand what she needs.
  • Everything can work out. Often girls reciprocate their feelings with their close friends.
  • If you fail to tell her how you feel after many months, you will notice that you have less communication. Don't let this happen. Choose a suitable time and place and talk to her. Start with: “Is it just me or are you really avoiding me?” See how she responds. Is she trying to shorten the conversation or is she inclined to talk?
  • Be confident. Uncertainty turns girls off. But do not go to the other extreme - self-confidence.
  • If you decide to tell her how you feel while she's dating someone, expect the worst. It is unlikely that she will leave her boyfriend for you. In any case, do not try to quarrel between them. If she is not sure of her feelings for her boyfriend, you should not increase her doubts, because this will make you worse. If you try to point out her boyfriend's bad character traits, she will start defending him. Don't forget that this girl is your friend, although with all these emotions it costs nothing to forget about it. Just remember that you may not only lose the girl you love, but also a close friend.
  • Value your friendships. Love her, never make her regret anything and always be there for her. You have been given an opportunity that many would die for.
  • If you are not the most fun and outgoing person, find someone who can help you develop these qualities.
  • If she breaks up with her boyfriend, you shouldn't give her all your time. Stay with her a little more than usual, and then return to your usual role as a friend. If you discuss her broken relationship with her, you will forever be stuck in the friend zone.
  • If you are discussing a relationship with each other and she suddenly asks if you are dating anyone or if you have anyone in mind, answer: “No, no one, just you. I think about how beautiful you are all the time.” ". Then laugh and say you were joking. Jokes like these lighten the mood and will make it easier for you to tell her everything over time. After such a joke, it’s good to say that you have no one, but you are open to new relationships.
  • Buy fashionable and stylish clothes and wear them as often as possible.
  • You may feel sad, but don't let the sadness get the better of you. And make sure your friend doesn't see it! You can even try flirting with other girls - she may feel jealous.

Elizaveta Dostoevskaya

Good afternoon, I'm 22 years old. At the age of 19, I realized that I had fallen in love with my own friend, after several months we broke up and did not communicate for 2 and a half years, until “fate” pushed us together again. I didn’t want to talk to her, I felt disgust and hatred for her, I was ready to curse her for hours because of how she treated me, for leaving me, but for driving me to a suicide attempt. However, my friend advised me to talk to her in order to make peace, because she thought that I was missing her. I allowed such a thought in order to save myself from internal depression, and with grief I began to communicate.
This did not bring me any visible relief; on the contrary, I began to constantly get angry, I was terribly annoyed that everything was fine with her, I wanted her to suffer the same way as I did. It got to the point where I entertained thoughts in my head about beating her if only she would remain silent. But thoughts remained thoughts, because while I was communicating with her, I at least began to feel something, the same anger.
After a week of communication, I suddenly found out that she had a boyfriend. The anger accumulating in me reached the edge. The thought stuck in my head: “you were replaced,” “did you really think that she needed you seriously?”, “sooner or later this would have happened, what did you expect?” Every day it became more and more difficult, 3 days after the “news” and communicating with her, as if nothing had happened, I was faced with such a problem as an obsessive desire to think about her. No matter what I do, how I try to distract myself, she and only she is in my head. Sometimes I start to imagine her kissing that guy or having sex, just showing feelings and care for him. This makes me almost hysterical, but I can’t stop these thoughts.
The fact is that I seemed to become obsessed with blind hatred for her, for the guy. I have no thoughts in my head other than to harm, beat or even kill. If only I wouldn’t see her again, if only I wouldn’t hear her, and I could quickly forget, throw away everything I was holding. Thoughts of murder or the possibility of causing harm frighten me, but I feel the control is gradually slipping away. I absolutely don't know what to do. Even if I stop communicating, the flow of thoughts will increase from the expanded boundaries for fantasy, because I won’t know how her day went, I will sit and think how much fun she has and how well she gets along without me.

Elizaveta Dostoevskaya, hello! You sound desperate, as if you fear that you have lost a lot of control over your own emotions, and your feelings are flooding you. It’s quite difficult to be in this state, as I understand, you are unable to take a break from obsessive thoughts and switch to something else. Do I understand you correctly that you are afraid that your thoughts may lead you to actions whose consequences you are afraid of?

Elizaveta Dostoevskaya

Hello, that's right. I feel like I can harm her physically, and with every conversation my confidence in this grows.


Of course, I am an amateur in psychology. (I'm not a psychologist). But I had a similar situation. I was also angry, very angry, and I was also afraid that if a person appeared in my life, I might kill him. Because of my emotions, experiences, etc. It was very difficult to live like this, experiencing such strong negativity, uncontrollable and uncontrollable, almost 24 hours a day, no matter what you do... I read on the Internet that if a person cannot forgive someone (in other words, he is angry with someone) this means that a person cannot forgive himself. That is, if we take my situation, I let the person get too close and quickly moved closer. And he left. And this caused such strong negativity. That is - according to the theory - I could not forgive myself for trusting him so quickly. I understood this then in my head. Unfortunately, this did not help me cope with negativity and anger. The negativity has decreased over time. And now I understand that this is really so. I was mostly angry with myself. Perhaps it will help you to look at the situation from a different angle... From an angle that you can somehow control...

Elizaveta Dostoevskaya

I get higher education I work part-time and at the same time I do boxing. I don’t have any close people around me, my only friend lives in another city and comes only for the holidays, I communicate with my friends in the section, the only person who is closest to me is my roommate with whom we rent an apartment, I broke off relations with my family, I’ve been living alone for a year and a half. I vaguely imagine the future, before I wanted to build a family, but now the meaning is somehow lost, I find salvation only in boxing and my dog, and in the place of this girl, of course. I can’t go a day without cursing. I once had a crush on a guy in high school, but I realized that this was not what I needed. Then I had a relationship with a girl back in school, but she died. After that, I was afraid to get into a relationship until I met this person who also let me down. Because she became closer to me than the previous girl, the attachment was strong and anger was tantamount to affection.
I would like to meet a person on whom I can rely, but after these failures I am either afraid, or I don’t want to, or I think that I will kill her and I will no longer have time for earthly goods.

AlexandraTru, sometimes it seems to me that I’m angry with myself for making such a mistake and trusting someone I shouldn’t have. I didn’t see all the pitfalls at once. Because, despite all the responsiveness, they easily abandoned me and replaced me.

Elizaveta Dostoevskaya, could you clarify: for what reasons did you break ties with your family? Have you lived in this city all your life? I don’t quite get it: were you in a romantic relationship with the girl for whom you now have such strong feelings? Did she know about your crush on her, or were you friends but did not reveal your feelings to her?

Elizaveta Dostoevskaya

I severed ties with my family because they did not accept me and did not understand me. I moved to another city after a quarrel with my family. The one I hate had romantic feelings that were very strong and mutual, but short-lived. Obviously something didn't suit her.

Elizaveta Dostoevskaya

That's right, I didn't accept it, literally, refused. I don’t have a suitable friend for this position because I have trust issues. I can’t tell anyone about my problems, from now on any person seems like a traitor to me

What is your relationship with the person with whom you rent an apartment? Do you communicate on any topics? Friend from another city, how close are you: do you correspond? How often?
Does your dog give you strength and support?

Elizaveta Dostoevskaya

In general, my situation is extremely complex and incomprehensible, at least for myself. My friend fell in love with me and admitted it to me... Now I have absolutely no idea what to do.
Now I’m 27, she’s 26. We’ve known each other for more than two years. She became for me one of those very people whom I could always rely on. I had the warmest relationship with her. I feel good with her.
There was never any reason to think that she gay. Normal, appropriate behavior. And a good style of clothing, I would even say often provocative. To notice her in the company of a girl, where one could suspect something - especially since there was no such thing. Yes, for all the time that we have known each other, she has not had a man in her life, that’s for sure. But in the end, I thought, you never know what’s in a person’s soul, you never know what reasons. After all, I myself haven’t had any man for four years. In general, things somehow didn’t go well all the time, nothing worthwhile came out of the word at all - I gave up on it all, pushed my personal life away. I decided to take care of myself, my health, and also get serious about my career. Which actually worked out great for me. And then somehow I didn’t want to look for a mate. On the contrary, I liked life better this way, and my soul felt good. The need no longer arose or something. So she seemed to me, in my head, with some kind of similar situation. And I didn’t notice any strange attitude towards me either, although now I don’t know anymore... She was very cheerful and didn’t give any hints that there was something wrong with her, for example. It seemed to me that everything was fine with her.
But about six months ago something strange began. No, it seemed like nothing had happened, but I somehow subconsciously felt that not everything was fine with her. I couldn’t explain it to myself, but at times I had a presentiment of something.
And two years ago we were sitting at my house. Then I immediately noticed extreme tension, which was unusual for her. I don’t know, maybe the situation was right, but she just blurted it all out at once. She confessed everything about herself. Of course, she also said that she fell in love with me and wants to be with me. It was clear that everything had been accumulating in her for more than one day, and that it was unlikely that she could endure any longer. It was then that I was confused and stupefied by so much information. After a while, she sharply moved forward and kissed me on the lips. But I... I didn't push her away. At that very moment, I cannot explain why, I felt a strong sense of relief and pleasure. Yes I liked it very much. Somehow everything was forgotten for a moment. Everything inside me began to stir. And at that moment I wanted to kiss you again, myself. Let it be somehow not fully conscious. I probably would have done so if it weren’t for the small shock that shackled me. She then quickly pulled away, shook awkwardly, muttered a couple of phrases inaudibly (something like an apology) and ran away. And I was left to sit and think.
During these two days, neither of us apparently had the courage to even call. I took sick leave until the end of this week (we work in the same place). But I absolutely don’t know what to do now. Somehow everything is beyond my understanding, very complex and non-standard. But more and more often the thought pops up: maybe I should really at least try myself in such a relationship? It’s stupid to deny, even if I can’t fully admit to myself yet, but I also feel a lot for her. Especially now. I want to be close to her. However, this is all too ambiguous, the whole situation. And few people will be delighted with this, first of all my parents.
I know I need to talk to her first, more calmly. But what can I say? How? What words should I choose? It seems to me that I still cannot find the way, since I myself have not understood myself and my feelings for her. But how can I figure it out? So what should I do?

Hello, Elizaveta.
I am ready to discuss your difficulties and questions with you.
It seems to me that you now have many unexpressed feelings, doubts, fears, questions, both about yourself and about your friend. Could you tell us about them?

I don't know where to start to tell you simply. Maybe you could suggest an important direction? What's the best place to start?
Elizabeth, if you want to find answers to your questions, you can start by answering my question. This will be the beginning of your search for “how to be.”

Well, outsiders’ opinions about such relationships don’t really bother me.
Career, thank God, has absolutely nothing to do with it. If I was worried about the “reputation of a lesbian,” I wouldn’t be in my place in life in general. By that time, I was living and working surrounded by people who were not so much even maximally tolerant in this regard, as they simply did not make a fundamental difference. It’s not customary for us to pry too much into our personal lives, but this doesn’t interfere with work at all. Even without taking into account that this society is already quite “depraved”, I think so. As a result, if anything happens, I won’t be the first. I, too, will have something to tell you, as a last resort.
And then, if you want, this is where you can just not go into too much detail. Fortunately, people have no interest in discussing a person in this way. If there is gossip, thank you, it is not loud, and not from people who are friendly towards me. And in this case, what happens next is of little interest to me. You might think that now someone out there doesn’t consider me a bad person, in many aspects. Of course, only my own perception, and that of close people, is important to me, nothing more. You still can’t please everyone, you’ll just end up stuck chasing all the rabbits.
Parents are of course different here. I'm the only daughter. Sooner or later it will become impossible to hide. There are probably no good options for the development of events. I know firsthand (very familiar with real stories) that these coming outs almost always happen crookedly, not the way we would like. And there is no doubt that everything will open up. A lot of time can indeed pass if desired, but it will still happen. Only the problem of long-term lies will be added. If no other problems arise.
Parents are not the people from whom you can (and even need, perhaps) hide everything perfectly and live in peace. Not strangers, after all. And many people need understanding and acceptance of them.

As for a relationship with a man, taking into account my past, why do I need such a person who lives in some kind of my past? No, not needed.
A full-fledged family is a very vague concept for me, but children, well, modern world You don't have to get married. Although the feeling of becoming a mother never arose in me even one percent.

Why didn’t my relationships with men work out? If only I knew for sure. I don’t argue, most likely it’s my own fault. I’ll be honest, I’m not a very kind person. I am quite despotic, aggressive, demanding. I could say that behaving rudely and unfeminine is a duty of service, but I won’t lie. Work has nothing to do with it, this is my life credo, something that has been established for a long time. A long time ago. My strong character, reasonable, extremely cold behavior, all this was traceable to me almost from adolescence.
I heard this phrase about finally getting married after crowing alone - I heard from “good” advisers. But that's the point. I didn’t see the point of getting married. Because nothing forced me. I’m not alone, and I have no time to be bored. And I have plenty of pleasures and joys in life.
Why should I get married? Just like that, living with a person with whom the relationship cannot be called love in the full sense? More than once I met quite good people, in fact. But I didn’t feel anything for them, I couldn’t. And somehow there was no human care or affection from them. Maybe my problem was that I didn’t want to be a classic wife, for example. I don’t want to be alone with routine life. Home comfort is not my thing at all. I'm not a romantic person, but rather down-to-earth and practical. I constantly think rationally, without daydreaming. When I am faced with the choice of doing what should be done, what is right and what is easy and carefree - I choose the first. Even if it will be detrimental and negative for many. Besides, I am an immoral person. More precisely, I have my own morality, convenient, reasonable. To be honest, it’s probably not easy for men to be with me. Because I’m used to setting rules in life, or at least seriously influencing them. Yes, I often give orders. As it turned out, no one likes my bitchy character.
The material aspect has never bothered me. And now even more so. Do I really need a man who will earn pittance and sit on my neck, to take advantage of me? But rich people don’t need an independent woman with her own will, again. Why else get married then? If there was a need for money, but there is none. I would like entertainment, sex, please, but keeping some kind of gigolo in the house makes no sense.
I always felt that either men were somehow using me, holding me out of convenience, or that I was simply not valuable to them in their souls anyway. I wish I could live on my own without loving, but also without feelings towards me - definitely without a chance.
Somehow I always managed to communicate perfectly with men as friends and colleagues. And it worked out great. But nothing else. And now the puzzle in my head suddenly began to converge, regarding myself.

As for how I feel about her now, I'm not sure that these are not my short-term feelings, that I just haven't gone crazy for a while. For me, it’s like switching to some completely different daily routine. Unexpectedly, and very quickly. I'm afraid of doing something wrong and giving her false hope.
It's about myself.