Is it true that Efim Shifrin is gay? Efim Shifrin became a blue couturier. Rumors about Efim Shifrin's sexuality

24.04.2023 Medicines 

Do you know such a person as Nahim Shifrin? Do you think this is the namesake of the famous comedian? You guessed wrong. This is him. Do you want to get more detailed information? Then we recommend that you read the contents of the article.

Nahim Shifrin: family

He was born in 1955 (March 25) in the city of Nexikan, in the Magadan region. How did his family end up in Siberia? Now we will tell you everything.

Nakhim Shifrin is the real name of the popular comedian Efim Shifrin. Our hero's father, Zalman Shmuilovich, was a political prisoner. In 1948, he was released and sent into exile in the Dalstroy area. The man had to work in difficult climatic conditions. Through correspondence he met Raisa Tsypina (Efim Shifrin's mother).

In October 1950, she came to him in Kolyma. Raya got a job as a teacher in a kindergarten. In December 1951, Raisa and Zalman had their first child, son Samuel. Our hero has always had a good relationship with his older brother. Now he lives in Israel, works as a conductor and music teacher.

In 1955, Zalman Shifrin was rehabilitated. From now on, he did not have to live on the territory of the colony-settlement.

We talked about the family in which Nakhim Shifrin was brought up. His nationality is also of interest to many people. We inform them especially for them: he is a Jew (on his father’s side). And the mother of our hero was a native of the Mogilev province (Belarus).


In 1966, the family moved from the Magadan region to Latvia, namely to the resort town of Jurmala. There our hero graduated from high school. After receiving the certificate, Nahim Shifrin submitted documents to the local state university. His choice fell on the Faculty of Philology.

The cheerful and confident guy won over the members of the selection committee. As a result, he was enrolled in the desired faculty. Nakhim was a diligent student. He constantly took part in amateur competitions. And soon the guy realized that he had made a mistake in choosing a profession. His main calling was the stage. After the second year, Shifrin Jr. took the documents from the university.

Conquest of Russia

In 1974, Nakhim (Efim) came to Moscow. He managed to enter the State School of Circus and Variety Arts the first time. The guy was enrolled in the pop department. His teacher and mentor was Roman Viktyuk.

Theater and television career

In 1978, Shifrin received a university diploma. At that time he already had a job. In 1977, the cheerful and resourceful guy was accepted into the troupe of the Student Theater, opened at Moscow State University. This institution was headed by the same Roman Viktyuk.

Nahim Shifrin (see photo above) often performed on the theater stage. He was involved in various performances (“Duck Hunt”, “Goodbye, boys!” and the like). A year later, the young artist was accepted into the Mosconcert. Shifrin devoted almost 10 years to work in this institution.

At some point, Nakhim Zalmanovich decided to get a second higher education. He submitted documents to GITIS. This time his choice fell on the directing department.

In 1985, Shifrin graduated from GITIS. And then his first solo concert took place. The artist prepared a performance based on the work of a famous satirical writer in our country


In 1986, N. Shifrin appeared in the television program “In Our House”. He brilliantly read the monologue “Mary Magdalene.” Not only the audience, but also directors and screenwriters learned about him as a talented conversational artist.

Nakhim Zalmanovich devoted the entire 1989 to participating in the pop-musical performance “I Play Shostakovich.” The images he created were bright, memorable and believable.

National love came to Efim Shifrin after he became a regular participant in the “Full House” program. The artist told stories (fictional and real) in such a way that the audience literally rolled on the floor laughing. His manner of presenting the material is unique and inimitable. Shifrin conducts a monologue with expression, emphasizing certain phrases. The “Full House” team immediately accepted the cheerful and kind artist into their ranks. He developed excellent relationships with Gena Khazanov, Maxim Galkin and Mikhail Grushevsky. Our hero loves and respects female comedians (Elena Stepanenko, Sveta Rozhkova, Klara Novikova and others).

In 2000, Nakhim Zalmanovich left the “Full House” program. But he did not say goodbye to his career as a comedian. Back in 1990, the artist created his own “Shifrin-Theater”, which still exists. Nakhim Zalmanovich, together with his students, performs musical plays based on the works of M. Minkov, D. Shostakovich and M. Kochetkov. The group performs at various theater venues.


Nakhim (Efim) Shifrin is a comprehensively developed personality. He proved himself not only as a comedian, but also as an actor. Our hero first appeared on screens in 1980. His teacher and mentor R. Viktyuk invited Nakhim to star in his film. The plot is based on the French work “The History of the Chevalier de Grieux and Manon Lescaut.”

In 1981, the second film with the participation of Nahim Shifrin was released. We are talking about the comedy “Bolotnaya Street”. The artist got a small role. He brilliantly played the tenant of the 12th floor.

N. Shifrin's filmography is represented by 21 roles in TV series and big movies. What kind of images did our hero try on himself? He was a doctor, a king, a TV presenter, a fashion designer, and so on.


In 1979, Nakhim Shifrin became a laureate of a pop artist competition held in Moscow. But that is not all. In 1983 he was recognized at the All-Union Artists' Competition, and in 1992 he was awarded the Golden Ostap award.

Our hero’s humorous talent was also appreciated by the organizers of the show “Circus with the Stars” (2007). For his efforts, the artist received the Raikin Cup and the second Nikulin Cup award. Shifrin carefully keeps these awards in his apartment.

The famous humorist also published 3 books, which sold several thousand copies throughout the country. Many fans highly appreciated his writing talent.

N. Shifrin voiced several animated films. The characters from “The Nutcracker”, “The Pilot Brothers”, “The Experiment” and others speak in the voice of the famous comedian.

Sports activities

Nahim Shifrin: personal life

In his youth, the cheerful and handsome guy had no end to fans. The girls dropped anonymous letters with declarations of love into his mailbox. What about Nahim? Study and creativity came first for him.

During his student years, Nahim had affairs with beautiful girls. But before Serious relationships things didn't work out. Perhaps he simply did not see any of them as the future wife and mother of his children.

The number of fans increased sharply when comedian Efim (Nakhim) Shifrin appeared on the stage. Children, wife - all this aroused interest among Russian viewers. However, the artist never liked to dedicate other people to his personal life. Until now, many people do not know that his real name is Nahim Shifrin. Wife, daughter - do they exist? Nothing is known about this either. One thing can be said: any employee of the state security service will envy the comedian’s conspiracy.


Now you know who Nahim Shifrin is. with great talent, creative ambitions and an amazing sense of humor. He faced many challenges, which he overcame with his head held high. We wish our beloved artist good health and more bright concert performances!

Efim Shifrin (real name Nakhim Zalmanovich Shifrin). Born on March 25, 1956 in the village of Nexikan (Susumansky district, Magadan region) - Soviet and Russian actor. Creator and artistic director of the Shifrin Theater.

His father, Zalman Shmuilovich Shifrin, served his sentence in a forced labor camp under a sentence of “espionage.” After serving his sentence, he was to remain in the Far North for life.

The story of the marriage of the artist’s parents, Zalman Shmuilovich and Rashi Ilyinichna Tsipina, is interesting. She learned from her future husband's brother about the tragic fate of Zalman, and a letter written to her in Magadan served as the beginning of a warm correspondence. And in the fall of 1950, Rasha Ilyinichna went to Kolyma, to the village of Adyglakh, where she married Shifrin. In order not to be a burden to her husband, she got a job in kindergarten, created specifically for children of exiles.

On December 20 of the following year, the family's first child, Samuel, was born. Samuel Zalmanovich Shifrin is a conductor and trombonist, teacher, lives in Israel. The artist’s relatives through his aunt Sarah Shmuilna (father’s twin sister) also live in Israel.

In 1956, the case of Zalman Shmuilovich Shifrin was reviewed and he was rehabilitated. However, the family left Kolyma only in 1966, went to Latvia and settled in Jurmala.

Nakhim grew up as a very shy boy. They started calling him Fima at school. Until the end of his life, the father was dissatisfied with this and always called him “Nakhim” in his letters to his son.

As a child, Efim’s problems were caused by glasses, which he was forced to wear. As a result of his complexes, Efim began to clown around, trying to win his place among his peers. And the boy’s position at school changed after he parodied one of the teachers at a holiday concert. From that time on, people turned to him not only to perform at holidays, but also just to watch funny parodies.

In Jurmala, Shifrin graduated from secondary school No. 5.

Already in high school, Efim decided that he would become an artist. After graduating from school in 1973, he went to Moscow to enter the Shchukin School, famous throughout the Union. But he failed the exams and returned back to Latvia, where he became a student at the Faculty of Philology at the University of Latvia.

After studying for only one year, Shifrin dropped out of the university and went back to Moscow, where he entered the State School of Variety and Circus Arts, in the variety department. He was lucky - he got on a course with a famous director Roman Viktyuk. Shifrin not only studied with him, but became a close friend and favorite student of Viktyuk. Rumor has it that not only a friend and student...

Subsequently, Viktyuk promoted Shifrin and helped him make a career as an artist. Shifrin played a lot in his performances.

Even before graduating from college, Efim began playing with Viktyuk in the student theater at Moscow State University. Here he participated in the plays “Duck Hunt”, “Goodbye, Boys!”, “The Night After Graduation”.

In 1978, Efim Shifrin graduated from college, and a year later he was a laureate at the First Moscow Competition of Pop Artists.

In 1980, he became a student at GITIS, department of pop directing. All these years (until 1988) he worked at Mosconcert.

In 1985 he graduated from GITIS and performed his first performance as a soloist - "I would like to say".

The start of Efim Shifrin’s fame came from his filming in the TV show “In Our House,” which was released on silver screens in 1986. In the program, Shifrin read monologue "Mary Magdalene", which instantly made him famous throughout the country. Along with the growth of popularity, the actor began to be actively offered roles in productions and performances.

Efim Shifrin - Mary Magdalene

In 1990 he created the Shifrin Theater, which he still directs.

In 1992 he became the first winner of the Golden Ostap Prize.

The artist’s repertoire includes many vocal works, including romances by Dmitry Shostakovich to the words of Sasha Cherny, songs “Jerusalem” by Mark Minkov, “Music in Me” by Mikhail Kochetkov, “Southern Night” by Alexander Klevitsky and others.

In 1995, he became a laureate of the Arkady Raikin Cup at the international festival “MORE SMEHA” in Riga.

In 2001, he again received the Raikin Cup. He also has the 2nd Prize and the Nikulin Cup for his participation in the Channel One television show “Circus with the Stars.”

Cartoon dubbing:

1987 - The zoo is undergoing renovations! - Giraffe
1988 - Experiment
1988 - KOAP. AB OVO - it means from the egg
1996 - Pilot Brothers
2004 - Nutcracker - Mouse King

Bibliography of Efim Shifrin:

1994 - Theater named after me
1997 - Personal file of Efim Shifrin
2010 - The Lethe River Flows

The artist decided to come to the TV show himself to refute everything. Efim Shifrin decided to reveal the truth about what the media write about the satirist himself, appearing in the “Let Them Talk” studio - with a cane and wearing black glasses, accompanied by a program employee. And then he threw away the “props” and began to talk about why the media wrote about him like that.

Fans and members of the media became worried when they saw a sad message on his blog that he was almost blind and preparing to die. But in the “Let Them Talk” program he said that he goes to the gym four times a week, which is why, at 63 years old, he does not complain at all about his health.

Efim Shifrin is the favorite of the female half of the public. At 63 years old, he looks great. Recently he became a participant in the TV show “Let Them Talk”: the artist came with a cane and wearing black glasses. It turned out that the comedian was joking once again - these were just props.

Efim Shifrin decided to save the nerves of his fans and spoke about the state of his health. Rumors that he was allegedly ill remained just rumors. The artist said that he was sent 4 sheets - the results of tests that he takes every six months. The results obtained from 63-year-old Efim Shifrin, as he himself admitted, are like those of a 17-year-old boy.

Rumors about health problems appeared after he himself reported them on his microblog. But the artist admitted that it was a joke.

About a month ago I learned about myself that I was almost dying. I was given very little. It is clear that a person my age can experience age-related changes, but it seemed to me that I wrote about it humorously.

Every week the artist visits the gym.

Efim Shifrin, data from Wikipedia

Efim Shifrin is the son of a political prisoner: his father, Zalman Shifrin, was accused of espionage in 1938 and sent to a penal colony for 10 years. He served more than half of his sentence at a mine in Adygaly (Magadan region). The artist’s mother is Russia Tsipina. The parents, one might say, were introduced by Gessel, the brother of Zalman Shifrin: it was he who told 35-year-old Rasha about the fate of his brother. The woman wrote a letter to Zamlan in the colony, in which she supported him. After that they began to correspond. After some time, Rasha was already traveling from the other end of the country to Zalman. Father Efim Shifrin was released in 1948, but he had to live in Nexikan for another 8 years, because he was given lifelong exile in the Dalstroy area.

Efim Shifrin was born after his father’s rehabilitation in 1956. He became the second child in the family. A year later, the whole family moved to Jurmala, where the artist graduated from school and became a university student.

You know, the sharks of the pen constantly ask me about Kolyma. And for some reason it seems to everyone that I must tell terrible memories of my misfortunes. But I constantly upset journalists. My place of birth does not speak at all about my difficult childhood. It was happy and cloudless. Misfortunes befell my father and mother, but I did not suffer any grief. I was born the youngest son of a truly happy family, this is firstly, and secondly, the child does not realize the whole tragedy of what is happening. Besides, I was born the year my dad was rehabilitated,” says the artist.

Efim is not Shifrin's real name: in fact, his name is Nakhim. Friends began to call him diminutively - Fima, and soon he took the pseudonym Efim.

1973 - 1974 - Efim Shifrin’s years of study at the University of Latvia, majoring in philology. After classes, he participated in amateur clubs, and over time he realized that the stage was his calling. It is interesting that Zalman Shifrin, an avid theatergoer, did not miss a single performance in the Temple of Melpomene.

After completing the 1st year, Efim Shifrin decided to pick up his documents and move to the capital of Russia, enter the circus school. Rumyantseva. He liked studying here, he performed and played in productions. Then he studied at GITIS. He received popular recognition in 1986, when the program “In Our House” was broadcast. The artist began acting in films, TV series, even “Jumble” in 1992. Now he writes books and maintains a personal blog online.

Efim Shifrin prefers not to talk about his personal life. It is known that he is not legally married and has no children. However, the artist says that he has never been lonely, deprived of female attention.

Based on materials from open sources for

The popular Russian actor Efim Shifrin is incredibly artistic, positive, humorous and talented. His work is of interest to many lovers of Russian humor.

The man is incredibly multifaceted. He writes scripts for his performances and is a popular actor and singer.

If the actor’s artistic activity is well known, then nothing is known about his personal life and children. What is the reason for this? You can answer this question by reading our article.

For several decades now, the comedian has been incredibly popular; his performances cause constant excitement among the large Russian audience, who want to know everything about the popular actor. But very little information about him is widely available. The exception is parametric data. It is officially known what his height, weight, and age are. Admirers of his talent found out how old Efim Shifrin is by recently watching Yulia Menshova’s TV show “Alone with Everyone.”

The artist looks incredibly good for his age. The maximum he can be given is about 55-56 years old, but in fact Shifrin has already crossed the 60-year-old mark, having celebrated his 61st birthday. With a height of 178 cm, he weighs 78 kg.

Efim Shifrin, whose photos in his youth are still rare and popular, has been involved in sports since his youth. He believes this will help him live to be 100 years old.

Biography of Efim Shifrin

A new citizen was born Soviet Union on one fine March day in 1956. The boy was given the name Nakhim, since it was difficult for people to name his diminutive form, the name was transformed into Fima, and then into Efim. The place of birth was a small village with the beautiful name Nexikan, which is located near Magadan. Father - Zalman Shmuilovich Shifrin was a political figure accused of espionage, who was later completely rehabilitated. Mother Larisa Shifrina was able to support her loved one during difficult years for him. She came to her beloved in exile and became his life partner. Fimochka was not the only child in the family. He had an older brother, Samuel, with whom the artist maintained a truly friendly relationship.

At the beginning of 1966, the family was allowed to move to Jurmala (Latvian SSR), where the young man graduated from school and became a university student. Having received the coveted diploma, the talented young man goes to Moscow, where the biography of Efim Shifrin continues. He enters the GUTSEI in the variety department. The course was supervised by the outrageous artist Roman Viktyuk, who invited the talented student to play in student productions. Soon the guy was already performing in several performances. In particular, the audience liked his work in “Goodbye, boys!” and “Nights After Graduation.”

The talent of the aspiring artist was also noted by the competent jury. In those years, he received several awards from the most prestigious show jumping competitions among pop artists. Since the mid-80s of the last century, our today's hero began performing solo performances. Basically, the text of the productions was written by Viktor Koklyushkin.

In parallel with his acting activities, Shifrin is receiving a director's education.

Since the early 90s, he began acting in the humorous television show “Full House.” The most popular comedians of those years became his colleagues: Vladimir Vinokur, Evgeny Petrosyan and others. The television audience loved Efim Shifrin's sparkling jokes. After some time, he was offered to sing a song in one of the episodes. After the release of this show program, the comedian began to be called a singer.

In 1992 he began playing in the Shifrin Theater he created. At the same time, he received the main prize at the Golden Ostap competition.

Although almost 30 years have passed since the first appearance of the talented comedian on the country’s screens, interest in his person has not subsided to this day. Spectators come to his performances. They support their pet, wishing him many years to come. Efim Shifrin, whose monologues are beloved and memorable, actively appears in various humorous television programs. For example, in “You Are Allowed to Laugh”, “Full House” and others. His many fans are eagerly awaiting the appearance of the talented artist on the screen.

The talented actor also starred in films. Shifrin’s roles in the children’s humorous film magazine “Yeralash” are especially well-known and beloved.

Currently, the artist has written 3 books that are bestsellers.

Personal life of Efim Shifrin

Mysterious and hidden from the views of strangers is the personal life of Efim Shifrin. He was never met by idle journalists with a woman whom he would call beloved and desirable. This gave rise to a lot of rumors and gossip. Information often appears in the media that the reason for this behavior of a popular actor is gay.

The artist himself answers all questions about this in a humorous manner. He says it should be no one's business who he is friends with or has an affair with. But this does not calm the pen sharks. Every now and then, newspapers and magazines publish articles with intriguing headlines: “Efim Shifrin is gay.”

Family of Efim Shifrin

Numerous fans of the artistic and humorous talent of the popular actor are interested in the question: “Is there a family for Efim Shifrin?” It is impossible to answer it reliably. The artist himself does not say anything on this issue.

Efim Shifrin calls his parents his family, who supported his son’s aspirations until the last days of his life. They believed that Fimochka would achieve glory. In the 80s, the mother of the popular comedian invariably appeared at all of his concerts.

His family and numerous colleagues who have ever worked with him in various projects, including television.

The question of Efim Shifrin’s children is a secret behind seven seals. There is no information anywhere. The popular comedian himself prefers not to answer such questions. Even in the program “Alone with Everyone,” answering all questions honestly and openly, he avoided the topic of children and wife.

The children of Efim Shifrin have numerous roles in various performances that have been loved for almost 30 years. He equally successfully plays drunks, unfaithful husbands, elderly women, etc. It is very difficult to list all the characters in which Shifrin performed.

Efim Shifrin's wife

Nothing is known about the wife of the popular comedian. Everyone knows that he never officially married and did not lead a joint household with a woman. This is precisely what is strange, according to numerous admirers of Efim Shifrin’s talent.

In the late 90s, some humor lovers believed that Efim Shifrin’s wife was a popular actress performing in the humorous genre, Klara Novikova. They starred together in Regina Dubovitskaya’s “Full House” program. But after a while it turned out that the popular comedy stars were connected by friendship. Klara Novikova had a husband who was Efim Shifrin’s best friend.

Instagram and Wikipedia Efim Shifrin

Instagram and Wikipedia Efim Shifrin provide an opportunity for admirers of the famous comedian’s talent to find out everything that concerns his life and destiny.

On his personal Wikipedia page you can read only the most general information about the popular humorous artist. Here you can read everything about Efim Shifrin’s parents, brother and aunt. The page lists all the works in which the comedian took part.

Shifrin actively maintains her Instagram page. He's showing off to fans here. good shape. On the page you can view some of his best monologues and songs. Fans actively comment on the pictures, wishing the artist to remain in this form for many more years.

The famous master of pop and humor Efim Shifrin created his own “Shifrin-Theater”. Laureate of the 1st Moscow competition (1979), 7th All-Union competition of pop artists (1983), director and writer, popular TV presenter devoted his entire life to art. In one of the interviews, in response to a very tactless remark from a journalist, he replied that “of course, he does not live alone...”. However, Efim Shifrin’s wife has not yet been presented to the general public.

Personal life of Efim Shifrin

Efim Shifrin (born March 25, 1956) does not like to talk about his private or personal life. Moreover, he does not consider it necessary to initiate strangers into it. For this reason, you can sometimes hear various gossip that concerns the orientation of Efim Zalmanovich. However, many of his fans are well aware that this information does not correspond to reality.

At about 38 years old, Efim Shifrin began to engage in bodybuilding and became so interested that he devoted most of his free time to it. “I lift weights to always stay in great athletic shape. At home I have a barbell, weights, an expander, a jump rope... I am sure that any artist performing on stage must be in excellent physical shape. However, this is my opinion and I do not impose it on anyone. Moreover, I won’t say that I myself always followed these instructions,” admits Efim Shifrin.

“It’s just that at a certain age, my appearance began to irritate me. And so that external changes do not affect my inner world, I began to take care of my health.” For achievements in sports, Efim Shifrin received awards from the Committee of Physical Education and Sports of the Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness, as well as from the Moscow Government.

Another hobby of the famous pop master is various TV shows, for example, “Circus with the Stars” or “Without Insurance.” On his individual Instagram page, the artist often posts photos about his family. It should be noted that the photo of Efim Shifrin’s wife, as well as Efim Shifrin’s children, who are probably no less numerous than those of the “famous Lieutenant Schmidt,” are not visible there. But there is a lot of information about the artist’s professional performances, which is regularly viewed by more than one hundred thousand people.

Creative biography of a comedian, TV presenter and writer

Nakhim Shifrin was born and lived for the first 10 years in the village. Nexikan (Magadan region). His father met his future wife, Nakhim’s mother, Raisa Tsipina, by correspondence. Having learned the details of the dramatic fate of the exiled Jew, she wrote him a touching message to provide moral support. Thus began a correspondence that grew into a trusting relationship, and in 1950 Raisa came to the Magadan region, met Zalman, and stayed with him forever.

When Nahim (1956) was born, he already had a brother, Samuel (b. 1951). Zalman Shifrin was rehabilitated in 1955, and in 1966 his family moved from Magadan to the warm Baltic states, where Nakhim decided to devote his life to the stage. After graduating from school, he could not immediately enter the Shchukin School, so he began to study at the philological department of the University of Latvia.

Having completed the 1st year, he again goes to the capital and begins to study under the guidance of the wonderful director Roman Viktyuk. This is how the creative biography of Efim Shifrin began.

After graduating from college, Shifrin began working at the Moscow Philharmonic, where his creative biography began. Then he went back to study, but at GITIS, in the directing department. In 1986, Efim took part in the “In Our House” program, where, after a successful performance (monologue “Mary Magdalene”), the stellar biography of the famous artist began.

Efim Shifrin was a regular participant in popular comedy programs: “Full House”, “Around Laughter”, etc. His name is associated with such wonderful monologues as “Lie Detector”, “Drynolet”, etc. In the nineties, having become popular, he organized a theater called "Shifrin-Theater", which still operates today. Unlike his previous performances, the repertoire of the new theater began to include romances: “Southern Night” by Alexander Klevitsky, “Music in Me” by Mikhail Kochetkov, etc.

From 1993 to 2006, the multiple winner of the Arkady Raikin Cup performed new concerts, at which the audience was introduced to wonderful numbers such as “Hello, Artist!”, staged with the group “Na-Na,” as well as his original performance “Cabaret. Reboot". Photos and videos of his benefit performances are available on the artist’s personal website and on his fan sites, which are created by numerous fans of the wonderful artist.

He played more than twenty significant roles in performances and staged 14 benefit performances. The most popular were his monologues “Cowards of 5 heights”, “Crossword”, “In the department”, etc. For his contribution to contemporary art, Efim Shifrin was awarded the “Golden Ostap” prize (1992). He starred in 25 feature films, including “Gloss” (2007) directed by Andrei Konchalovsky, “Cinderella” (2018) directed by Alexander Igudin, etc. He has narrated 8 films and 15 audio books. Not long ago the first book for children by Efim Shifrin was published. 28 interviews have been published about Efim Shifrin, 25 films and television programs have been shot.