Nature corner in kindergarten. Requirements for selecting residents in a kindergarten and caring for them Make a corner with pets in the kindergarten

26.10.2021 Kinds


IN Lately Environmental education of children has become very relevant, the foundation for which must be laid at an early age.

Preschool institutions play a significant role in this, where children are given the first idea of ​​the world around them, of its fragility and diversity.

Of course, you cannot introduce a child to nature only through beautiful photographs or reading books.

Any properly organized preschool institution should have a zoo corner.

First of all, communication with animals will bring a lot of positive emotions to the child. This is joy, surprise, and the thrill of first discoveries. Thanks to the presence of a zoo corner, children from an early age learn to respect the animal world and our little brothers.

They develop a sense of responsibility, a desire to protect weaker creatures and take care of them.

Caring for animals in a zoo disciplines children and allows them to acquire basic work skills.

In addition, constant communication with animals reveals the child’s creative potential, which facilitates the artistic and aesthetic education of the younger generation.

You should take the right approach to selecting animals for a children's living area and arranging the room so that being in it is safe and comfortable for both children and their pets.

Unfortunately, at present there is little literature devoted to organizing a living corner in preschool institutions.

This book will help you competently organize a zoological corner in any preschool institution.

In it you will find information about the most common and interesting pets recommended for keeping in kindergartens.

It will help you correctly place animals in the zoo corner, choose the right diet for them, and provide appropriate care for them.

Separate chapters of the book are devoted to safety measures when caring for animals, the beneficial effects of communication with animals on children, which will be useful to know for every person working in children's groups.

Setting up a living corner in a kindergarten and basic requirements for its facilities

Zoo corners in preschool institutions are organized primarily with the aim of developing children's understanding of the diversity of the animal world. Direct communication with nature gives the child more vivid ideas about the world than looking at illustrations, reading books or telling stories from elders. Of course, these forms of acquaintance with the animal world should not be completely excluded. On the contrary, they will only complement and expand children’s ideas about the animal world, obtained from direct communication with animals. Children will undoubtedly enjoy interacting with animals. In addition, when performing simple work in a zoo corner, children will acquire useful basic animal care skills and will feel responsible for their pets. To set up a zoo corner, it is best to select a bright room with windows facing south or southeast. In this room you can not only accommodate the inhabitants of a living corner, but also conduct classes with children. Objects are placed in such a way that children can freely approach them and observe the animals. There must be a certain number of objects in the zoo corner. This will provide deeper cognition without distraction. When creating a zoo corner, it is very important to correctly select its future inhabitants. In this case, it is necessary to take into account some requirements for the inhabitants of the living area.

1. All animals must have bright colors in order to hold the unstable attention of children and interest them.

2. It is necessary that the living area contains several specimens of the same animal species, which will allow you to see not only the similarities between them, but also individual differences. Such observations will help children develop holistic ideas about the diversity of the animal world.

3. It is important to remember that all animals must be safe for children.

4. Zoo animals should not require complex equipment for their maintenance; caring for them should be relatively simple, consistent with the strength of children and their free time.

5. When placing the inhabitants of a zoo corner, it is necessary to take them into account biological features. So, a terrarium with a turtle should be placed in a sunny place, and an aquarium with amphibians should be placed in a cool and shaded place.

The permanent inhabitants of the living area are aquarium fish (viviparous species - swordtails, guppies, platypecilia; catfish, labeo, zebrafish, barbs, goldfish). Watching them is interesting, and care work is easy for children and is accessible to them (it involves feeding and cleaning the aquarium). You can keep amphibians and reptiles in a living area. In addition to the permanent inhabitants of the zoo corner (clawed frogs, axolotls, turtles), you can bring them for demonstration to children local species animals (green and gray toads, frogs, lizards).

Caring for birds will be of great interest to children. Typical representatives The feathered inhabitants of the living area are canaries and budgies. These birds breed in captivity, and the development of chicks and the care of birds for their offspring is valuable material for observing children.

Mammals are valuable wildlife subjects due to their complex behavior. By watching them, children learn to recognize and distinguish them by external signs. In the zoo corner you can place rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rats.

Features of organizing a zoo corner for children of the younger and older groups

It is best to keep songbirds in a zoo corner for the younger group. They are brightly colored and easily adapt to captivity. Mammals require a lot of attention, so they are kept in the zoo corner of the senior group of the kindergarten, and cages with hamsters, rabbits, and guinea pigs are brought to the younger groups for temporary observation. In zoo aquariums for older children, it is better to keep viviparous and egg-laying fish. Caring for amphibians and reptiles is easy. They can be kept in zoo corners of all age groups. However, most likely these animals will attract the interest of older children, since they do not have bright colors that could attract the attention of younger children.

The youngest children gain knowledge about animals through observation. Brightly colored tropical fish, guinea pigs with an interesting appearance and complex behavior, turtles, and hamsters are well suited for this. Children need to be introduced to animals: say their name, give their children the opportunity to look at them appearance, watch their movements, talk about the nutrition of animals, and perhaps give them food. At this age, when the child is especially willing to make contact, he can be asked to imitate the sounds of an animal, repeat the movements of animals that do not make sounds.

After such classes, children will remember information about the animal well and will perceive it better.

In addition, it is important to interest the child. Classes must take place in game form. The child must learn to recognize coat color, eye color, body shape, and its relief. At the same time, you can teach children a figurative comparison, for example, saying that the fur of an animal is soft like fluff. Children will be very interested in solving riddles about animals, which will then be shown to them. Children can give nicknames to animals.

Then children need to be taught to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Why does a turtle have a shell? Why does a parrot have wings? Why does a rabbit jump and a guinea pig run? Children can be told about wild and domestic animals (demonstrate a rabbit, canary, hamsters). At this stage, children can for the first time be given the opportunity to care for animals under the guidance of a teacher. These can be simple actions: putting food in the feeder, pouring water into the drinking bowl. At this stage, children are already beginning to come up with stories and poems themselves, and draw pictures.

Children in the older group can be given concepts about the diversity of animals, their uniqueness and the need to protect them, demonstrate viviparous fish, give knowledge about the reproduction of animals, and their raising of offspring. Care becomes more complex, new skills are added - replacing bedding, independent feeding, changing water in the drinking bowl, bathing animals, caring for offspring. At the same time, children are shown films about animals and filmstrips.

They are encouraged to make independent observations and make new discoveries in animal behavior.

Inhabitants of a living area and features of caring for them

Aquarium fish

The most suitable fish for keeping in a living corner are viviparous fish - swordtails, guppies and platypecilia. These fish are very easy to keep, unpretentious and easy to breed in captivity.

sword bearer

This fish is native to Guatemala and Southern Mexico. Body length is 6.5-10 cm. Males are greenish in color with a blue tint. The fins are yellowish, the caudal fin has a long bright yellow sword-shaped outgrowth, its border is black. The sword is flexible, males use it to attract a female. The female is greenish with an olive back and a white belly, the caudal fin is rounded, without a sword.

Swordtails are red, black, speckled, and golden. Swordtails can also be hybrids of a male swordtail and a female platie. In this case, the fish inherit the appearance and structure of the caudal fin from the swordtail, and the color of the body from the female.


This is the most common aquarium fish. The birthplace of the species is Center and South America. The body length of females is up to 4.5 cm, and that of males is 2–3 cm. The female is inconspicuous, greenish-gray. Males, on the contrary, are brightly colored. The male's dorsal fin has curved rays. Males have a lot of different color options and spots locations. On the body and dorsal and caudal fins there are black dots surrounded by yellow, purple and red spots.

The golden variety of guppy is especially beautiful.

The female gives birth to up to 50 fry, and can bring up to 6–7 offspring per year. They reach sexual maturity at the 4th year of life.

Pecilia spotted

The homeland of this fish is Mexico and Guatemala. The length of the female is 5–6 cm, the male is 3–3.5 cm. Males and females are colored the same. The body is short, laterally compressed. There are many color options: gray-yellow with a black spot at the tail, black, red, golden, speckled. Black fish with blue and golden sparkles, red individuals with a golden reflection are very beautiful.

Platypecilia has 6–8 litters per year, with 50–60 fry appearing at a time. The female does not need to be removed because, unlike other viviparous fish, she does not eat her fry. Caring for viviparous fish is no different from caring for other fish.

They can live in aquariums of different sizes, which must have a sufficient amount of greenery, because livebearers also feed on plant foods.

The temperature should be between 18–23 °C, without sudden fluctuations. The fry should be fed live dust from the first days.

Barbus the clown

Barbs will be very interesting for children. These fish are very active, brightly colored, and fun to watch. Their gregarious lifestyle attracts attention.

Barbus is common in Asian countries (Singapore, Borneo). The body length of the male is 9 cm, that of the female is 12 cm. Compared to other barbs, the body of the clown barb is not too high, slightly compressed from the sides. The general color is brownish-pink. The scales are edged with a pearlescent strip, so the body of the fish looks like a shiny mesh.

There are 4 oval dark spots on the body of the clown barb, shimmering with a metallic blue sheen. A wide smoky stripe crosses the eye. All fins are bright red. Males are noticeably smaller than females, slimmer, and their coloring is brighter.

Clown barbs are peaceful. In aquariums they stay in the lower layers of water, often digging in the ground. They get along well with other peaceful, active fish.

The main maintenance condition can only be the size of the aquarium (at least 1 m in length). Soft, warm water (28–30 °C) is preferred. Barbus loves dense thickets of aquatic vegetation and moderate lighting.

It is advisable to feed clown barbs with food from the bottom (bloodworms, tubifex).

The clown barb spawns easily with plenty of feeding and reaches maturity late: females at 11–12 months, males at 1.5–2 years.

Fire barb

Found in Asia (Bengal, Assam, and some northern states of India). The fish is of medium size. The usual body length is 8 cm, but individual females can reach a length of 16 cm. The body is high, slightly compressed from the sides. Females and males differ greatly in color.

The male's dorsum is yellow with a slight greenish tint, the sides are bright, orange or carmine. There is a large black spot on the tail. The fins are amber, the dorsal fin is yellowish-smoky.

The coloration of females is more uniform. Their body is yellowish with a slight silvery tint. The fins are also yellowish, the caudal fin is colorless, the dark spot is faint, and there are no whiskers.

A form with veil fins has been developed.

Sexual dimorphism appears after 5–6 months; at an earlier age, males and females are difficult to distinguish.

Barbs are very peaceful fish. They live in separate schools among other fish.

The species is unpretentious; any aquarium with a length of 60 cm or more is suitable for these fish. The fish are undemanding in terms of water quality, but prefer bright lighting; the preferred water temperature is 17–22 °C, but they tolerate lower temperatures well. They are not picky about food. You can feed any live or artificial food.

This species is easier to breed than other barbs. The fish are ready to breed from 9 months of age. The male and female are placed in a spawning area, the length of the spawning area is 30–40 cm, the water level is 10–15 cm, the temperature is 2–3 °C higher than the water in the aquarium. A mesh must be placed at the bottom to protect the eggs.

From an early age, children develop not only the foundations of their personality, but also most of their values, in particular their attitude towards nature. A corner of nature in kindergarten not just a part of the interior, its importance is difficult to overestimate. Close proximity to nature has a positive effect on preschool children, making them kinder, more attentive and gentler. Caring for the inhabitants of the corner develops responsibility, thrift and caring in children. And observing changes in nature that occur at different times of the year develops in children curiosity, the ability to think logically and notice details.

What is important to consider when creating a natural corner in a kindergarten?

A living corner in a kindergarten is designed for each age group, taking into account sanitary standards, the age of the pupils and their capabilities.

SANPIN rules for preschool educational institutions clause 6.11. It has been established that placing animals, aquariums and birds in group rooms (dressing room, group room, bedroom, buffet, toilet) is not allowed.

Therefore, the main inhabitants of the corner will be plants: indoor flowers and a mini garden on the windowsill. The mini garden is made up of garlic, onions, oats and other crops grown in boxes in autumn and winter.

Requirements for the selection of plants

  1. Work in a corner of nature should be accessible to children in terms of time and strength, so plants are selected that are unpretentious in food and care.
  2. Plants should not be harmful to the health of children.
  3. Flowers for a corner of nature in a preschool educational institution should be selected different types for comparison purposes.
  4. When placing plants, you need to take into account their biological needs.
  5. The design of a corner of nature in a preschool educational institution must be done in such a way that preschool children can come up, observe, and do some work.
  6. Plants should have an attractive appearance that can attract and retain the unsteady attention of children.

The best corner of nature

Features of choosing indoor flowers for different groups

A corner of nature in younger group should include no more than 4-5 types of unpretentious indoor flowers. These are plants with distinct flowers, leaves and stems that bloom long and beautifully. Perfect fit primrose, balsam, ficus, geranium.

Corner of nature in the middle group should contain 5-6 types of plants. These are flowers with different sizes and shapes of leaves. In particular, agave, asparagus, chlorophytum.

To a corner of nature senior group place from 6 to 7 types of flowers, 2 or 3 copies each. Plants must have different stems (creeping, climbing) and have bulbs or corms. These include ivy, tradescantia, amaryllis.

For preparatory group the number of plants is 6-7 species, which differ in the method of reproduction (bulbs, viviparous). For example, saxifrage, bryophyllum, cyperus.

When planning the design of a nature corner in a kindergarten, do not forget to provide a place to store work equipment, these could be:

  • spray,
  • watering can,
  • cloths for wiping leaves,
  • stick for loosening the soil,
  • cups for seedlings.

In younger groups, the teacher monitors the cleanliness of the corner and instruments. In senior and preparatory group this can be done with children (appoint a person on duty). The work of preschool children in a corner of nature is carried out in accordance with the curriculum.

Natural corner in kindergarten: DIY decoration

When decorating a corner of nature in a preschool educational institution with your own hands, remember that it should contain a lot of visual material. The most significant of them is the nature calendar.

In a group for kids It will be enough to place a picture depicting the current time of year. And also a doll dressed for the season.

For older guys A manual with pictures of the seasons and weather conditions with a moving arrow in the center is attached to the wall. After the walk, you can discuss the weather with the children and move the arrow to the desired image. Also, in a corner of nature, it is necessary to set aside a place for children’s drawings on the topic of the observations made.

In older groups Children are introduced to symbols to indicate the weather. Every day, preschoolers mark weather fluctuations with conventional signs and at the end of the month they sum up the results: how many days were cloudy, how many sunny, windy, rainy. By the end of the year, the children will have an idea of ​​the climate in their region.

A beautiful corner of nature in kindergarten

Often, a natural and ecological corner in a kindergarten is combined into one and, in addition to the above, the following is placed in it:

  • a set of pictures with birds, insects, domestic and wild animals, plants;
  • dummies of vegetables and fruits;
  • children's crafts made from natural materials;
  • equipment for conducting experiments - molds, containers of different volumes, spatulas, measuring spoons. You can conduct didactic games and experiments with water, sand, stones, shells, and clay to study their properties.

Activities in a corner of nature contribute to the development of work skills in preschool children. Already in the younger group, the teacher involves children in carrying out feasible work assignments. In the senior group, corner duty is introduced.

Working in a corner of nature gives children a lot of pleasant experiences. Preschoolers learn to understand the world around them, to notice both general and individual signs of natural objects, which leads them to an understanding of the uniqueness and diversity of living organisms. Communication with nature stimulates children's thirst for creativity. A properly organized living corner is a powerful educational tool in the aesthetic, psychological and moral development of children.

Babies begin their acquaintance with the world around them immediately after birth, but only at kindergarten age do they approach this process meaningfully. In the nursery and junior group, children begin to understand natural phenomena and learn to respect living beings. A nature corner in a kindergarten will help introduce children to nature, cultivate a love for it, respect for the work of adults, curiosity and observation. It houses houseplants, some pets, teaching material and plant care items.

We’ll talk about how to design a corner of nature so that it brings benefits and aesthetic pleasure.

Decorating a corner of nature in kindergartens

In order for a corner of nature to fulfill the functions assigned to it, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. Of course, sanitary standards, the age of the children, and the educational program are taken into account, but in general, how to design a corner of nature depends on the imagination and skills of the teacher. However, a few recommendations on this issue will not be out of place:

  1. Before you start decorating a corner of nature in a group of preschool educational institutions or children. garden, you need to choose the right location. As a rule, this is the brightest and sunniest part of the room.
  2. The permanent inhabitants of the green corner should include indoor plants. It is best to choose unpretentious specimens, but in any case you will have to take into account the peculiarities of their content. Also, do not forget that plants must be absolutely safe, that is, there can be no talk of any poisonous or prickly representatives of the flora.
  3. As for animals, of course kids will be delighted with a turtle, guinea pig, rabbit, or hamster. In addition, having kindergarten pets is a great opportunity to instill in children a sense of responsibility and help them understand what care and teamwork mean. But unfortunately, not all preschool educational institutions allow the presence of our younger brothers by the rules and regulations. Before settling in a group, representatives of the fauna must be examined by a specialist, and permission must also be obtained from the sanitary and epidemiological authority. Most often, fish become the inhabitants of a corner of nature - they are easy to care for, bright and have a unique ability to relax and calm. You can try to get parrots - they are very bright, beautiful and friendly birds. Moreover, males learn to talk well. Children will surely enjoy caring for these cheerful songbirds.
  4. In addition to animals and plants, nature corners in kindergartens should be equipped with seasonal materials, for example, vegetables and fruits or their dummies, crafts, children's drawings, bouquets. In spring, you can grow seedlings in a living corner.
  5. In order to develop observation skills in children and reinforce material about the seasons and seasonal features of the weather, it is necessary to place a weather calendar in a corner of nature. With its help, children will be able to note the weather every day upon returning from a walk, and after a while draw appropriate conclusions.
  6. In addition to all of the above, the corner should contain didactic material: these are entertaining games that reveal to children the secrets of the world around them, various visual aids, and picture albums.

Decorating a corner of nature with your own hands is painstaking work that requires certain knowledge, diligence, and most importantly, a great desire to instill in children good feelings, responsiveness, attentiveness and a sensitive attitude towards all living things.

By observing animals and plants, preschoolers receive the first basic knowledge about representatives of flora and fauna, about, as well as about natural phenomena.

Wise nature teaches us at any time of the year:

birds teach singing, spiders teach patience,

bees in the field and in the garden teach us how to work.

A living corner is a piece of nature in kindergarten No. 172 in Tyumen. Constant communication with living nature, conducting observations and experiments, caring for animals and growing plants teach children to be independent, increase responsibility, and instill a love of nature.

We organize work and observations in the winter garden throughout the academic year. Systematic work in the winter garden solves many problems of environmental education, and also helps to activate the cognitive, speech, and labor spheres of our students’ activities.

Plants in the winter garden are valuable didactic material when organizing educational activities with children.

Fish live in a large aquarium. Observations of fish are varied, and caring for them is quite accessible to children (feeding, changing water).

Birds are permanent residents of the winter garden. Children take care of the parrots with great interest and love, feed them, and monitor the cleanliness of the cages together with their teachers. Caring for birds develops in children a caring attitude towards them, and also activates their vocabulary.

Children get great joy from interacting with the rabbit, whose name is Chernysh. The children enjoy watching the habits of this funny animal and feeding it.

A guinea pig named Tosha lives in a spacious cage; he is bored without communication. Therefore, the children and I arrange various entertainments for him - we give him a ball, we make mazes out of paper. The kids love to pick him up and feed him from their palm.

Land and water turtles also live in the winter garden. Children understand that proper care of turtles is impossible without maintaining the cleanliness of the habitat (terrariums) and the animal’s personal hygiene. The guys don’t forget to wash the turtle’s water bowl and change the drinking water daily.

Our children react very positively to meeting beautiful things, their faces bloom, their eyes begin to glow when they look at animals. What positive emotions do the children have when they are allowed to pet a turtle or feed the fish? For many children, a living corner remains the only opportunity to communicate closely with animals, become a part of nature itself, understand even more deeply, love it, become more attentive and kinder, and respect environment Native land.

Material prepared by: Poryadkova Oksana Petrovna, teacher of MADOU kindergarten No. 172 in Tyumen.

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"Living corner in kindergarten"

Introducing children to nature in kindergarten requires constant direct communication with it. One of the conditions that ensures this is the organization of nature corners in kindergarten. Permanent inhabitants of the corners of nature in kindergarten are indoor plants. Plants should look like wood, grass; unpretentious, preferably with single-color flowers (primrose, begonia, geranium, balsam, clivia); with wide, dense leaves (aspidistra, ficus). There are 4-5 species in total, 2-3 copies each. Children can water plants under the guidance of a teacher, be able to hold a watering can correctly, pour water carefully and carefully wipe the wide leaves with a damp cloth.

Observations of animals are of great interest to children. The most common one in preschool institutions is an aquarium with fish. An aquarium is a model of a reservoir where almost all biological processes characteristic of natural ponds and lakes occur. Observing the life of fish and plants not only helps to understand and love nature and cultivate artistic taste, but also contributes to the development of children’s skills in observing and caring for living organisms.

It’s good if there are birds in a corner of nature. With proper care, they feel great, sing and even reproduce. Caring for birds arouses great interest in children and fosters a caring and caring attitude towards animals. The corner of nature usually contains canaries and budgies - birds that have become domesticated.

Of the reptiles, you can keep (only) turtles - swamp and steppe. Of the numerous and diverse mammals, the selection requirements are met primarily by representatives of the rodent order - the hamster and guinea pig. Unpretentiousness to food, small size of premises for their maintenance, peaceful disposition and at the same time variety of habits make these animals desirable inhabitants of this corner of nature.

Animals bring life to a corner of nature. By observing them, children learn to recognize and distinguish them by external signs: moving parts of the body, the nature of the movement, the sounds made. Along with animals that live in a corner of nature all year round, temporary inhabitants should also be placed here. Observations of lizards, frogs, bugs and butterflies arouse keen interest among preschoolers and provide rich food to satisfy children's curiosity. They are held from spring to late autumn.

Temporary inhabitants are plants and animals of the local region, whose vital activity is especially interesting and vividly manifested in certain seasons (primroses in the spring, bright flower garden plants blooming in the fall, insects).

When selecting inhabitants of a corner of nature, a number of requirements should be taken into account, which will help to avoid mistakes and ensure the effectiveness of the educational and educational impact of the work and observations of children.

1. Plants and animals must be typical of a particular systematic or ecological group. This makes it possible to introduce children to the basic, typical features, conditions or way of life characteristic of a large group of plants and animals.

2. Plants and animals should be visually bright, attractive, capable of arousing and retaining the not yet very stable attention of preschool children.

3. It is necessary to have several copies of one species of plants and animals. This allows children to see not only general, but also individual characteristics in objects, and leads children to an understanding of the diversity and uniqueness of living organisms.

4. Plants and animals must be absolutely safe for the health of children.

5. A corner of nature is a place for children to work and observe. Care for its inhabitants in terms of quality, nature of work, effort and time expended should be available to preschool children (with the help of a teacher). Therefore, unpretentious plants and animals are selected that do not require complex equipment for their maintenance.

6. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of normal life activity, growth and development of plants and animals in the conditions of a preschool institution with its elevated temperature, dryness, and noise.



Introducing children to nature in kindergarten requires constant direct communication with it. One of the conditions that ensures this is the organization of nature corners in kindergarten. Permanent inhabitants of the corners of nature in kindergarten are indoor plants.Plants should look like wood, grass; unpretentious, preferably with single-color flowers (primrose, begonia, geranium, balsam, clivia); with wide, dense leaves (aspidistra, ficus). There are 4-5 species in total, 2-3 copies each. Children can water plants under the guidance of a teacher, be able to hold a watering can correctly, pour water carefully and carefully wipe wide leaveswith a damp cloth.

Observations of animals are of great interest to children. The most common one in preschool institutions is an aquarium with fish. An aquarium is a model of a reservoir where almost all biological processes characteristic of natural ponds and lakes occur. Observing the life of fish and plants not only helps to understand and love nature and cultivate artistic taste, but also contributes to the development of children’s skills in observing and caring for living organisms.

It’s good if there are birds in a corner of nature. With proper care, they feel great, sing and even reproduce. Caring for birds arouses great interest in children and fosters a caring and caring attitude towards animals. The corner of nature usually contains canaries and budgies - birds that have become domesticated.

Of the reptiles, you can keep (only) turtles - swamp and steppe. Of the numerous and diverse mammals, the selection requirements are met primarily by representatives of the rodent order - the hamster and guinea pig. Unpretentiousness to food, small size of premises for their maintenance, peaceful disposition and at the same time variety of habits make these animals desirable inhabitants of this corner of nature.

Animals bring life to a corner of nature. By observing them, children learn to recognize and distinguish them by external signs: moving parts of the body, the nature of the movement, the sounds made. Along with animals that live in a corner of nature all year round, temporary inhabitants should also be placed here. Observations of lizards, frogs, bugs and butterflies arouse keen interest among preschoolers and provide rich food to satisfy children's curiosity. They are held from spring to late autumn.

Temporary inhabitants are plants and animals of the local region, whose vital activity is especially interesting and vividly manifested in certain seasons (primroses in the spring, bright flower garden plants blooming in the fall, insects).

When selecting inhabitants of a corner of nature, a number of requirements should be taken into account, which will help to avoid mistakes and ensure the effectiveness of the educational and educational impact of the work and observations of children.

1. Plants and animals must be typical of a particular systematic or ecological group. This makes it possible to introduce children to the basic, typical features, conditions or way of life characteristic of a large group of plants and animals.

2. Plants and animals should be visually bright, attractive, capable of arousing and retaining the not yet very stable attention of preschool children.

3. It is necessary to have several copies of one species of plants and animals. This allows children to see not only general, but also individual characteristics in objects, and leads children to an understanding of the diversity and uniqueness of living organisms.

4. Plants and animals must be absolutely safe for the health of children.

5. A corner of nature is a place for children to work and observe. Care for its inhabitants in terms of quality, nature of work, effort and time expended should be available to preschool children (with the help of a teacher). Therefore, unpretentious plants and animals are selected that do not require complex equipment for their maintenance.

6. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of normal life activity, growth and development of plants and animals in the conditions of a preschool institution with its elevated temperature, dryness, and noise.