Cocker spaniel photos. Description and photo of typical representatives of the spaniel. Origin of the English Cocker

22.03.2022 Thrombosis

The Russian spaniel is a dog that owes its origin to Russian cynologists. This is a good hunter, as well as a loving and devoted pet, well adapted to apartment life. The dog has an attractive appearance, as can be seen in the photo. This, as well as her friendly character (as evidenced by numerous reviews) and excellent hunting qualities make her an indispensable companion for many dog ​​breeders. Videos demonstrating the animal's hunting skills can be found on the Internet. The characteristics of the Russian spaniel, as well as the question of how much it costs, are of interest to many who want to get such a pet.

Historical milestones in the appearance and development of the Russian Spaniel breed

The spaniel is a breed that originated in England. Their ancestors are Spanish pointers with long hair. As for the name itself, it is believed that the word “spaniel” is associated with the country of origin of the breed’s ancestors - Spain.

After existing for some time as a single breed, spaniels were divided into two weight groups: up to 25 and over 25 pounds. Two factory breeds were named: cocker and springer spaniel. At the beginning of the 20th century, various breeds of spaniels began to be widely bred and developed in England. The American cocker appeared in America, and water spaniels were bred in Ireland.

These dogs appeared in Russia in 1884, but until 1945 they were not widely popular. After the end of the war, spaniels of various breeds were brought into the country. They began to mingle with each other. As a result, new producers appeared that met the requirements of Russian hunting. Breeding of a new breed began, called the “Russian Spaniel”. The first description and photo of the breed appeared.

The standard was approved in 1951. The standard was amended twice: in 1959 and 1966. Photos of animals that meet standard characteristics can be found on specialized websites.

Appearance and characteristics of the Russian spaniel

The breed standard suggests that the Russian Spaniel is a dog of small stature but strong build. Her weight is up to 16 kg, and her height is 42 - 44 cm (for females and males, respectively). The head is moderately long, the skull is wide, the forehead is slightly convex. The ears are long and hang close to the head. The eyes are large, dark or light brown. The chest and back are wide and muscular. The belly is tucked, the tail is straight. The standard stipulates that it should be cut in half.

The coat of this breed is thick and long, and can be wavy or straight. It is soft to the touch and shiny in appearance. The color can be one, two or three colors. The Russian Spaniel breed standard provides for the following colors: black, red, golden and brown.

Dogs live on average from 8 to 10 years. Life expectancy directly depends on proper care, nutrition and living conditions of the animal.

Photos and descriptions of animals that look as prescribed by the standard can be found on specialized websites, and reviews of the owners about the dog are also published there; information about pet care and maintenance, video. On nursery websites you can find out how much a purebred hunting spaniel costs and watch videos of hunting or training.

Spaniel character traits

The character of this breed is distinguished by loyalty and friendliness. Dogs quickly adapt, if necessary, to living in an apartment. But they need frequent games in open areas - there is no escape from the hunting spirit. Caring for and maintaining a Russian spaniel will not be difficult.

The Russian hunting spaniel has excellent intuition, so the dog, which is usually friendly towards guests, can recognize suspicious individuals.

The pet's docile nature ensures that it is easy to train; training is quick and easy.

The cocker is attentive and friendly, and also has such qualities necessary for hunting as: endurance, perseverance, energy, and an excellent sense of smell.

Spaniels quickly learn the hunting craft: from an early age they can already be taken hunting, the animals search for and lift the bird onto the wing, and after shooting they bring the prey. The Russian Spaniel can hunt in difficult conditions. Typically, hunters use them to hunt the following animals: quail, sandpiper, jerk, wild goat, hare.

The Cocker has a pleasant appearance (examples in the photo), a friendly disposition and hunting instincts, for which he is highly valued. The Russian Hunting Spaniel is an ideal companion that will never lose sight of its owner.

"Pedigreed" diseases

The Russian Hunting Spaniel is a relatively healthy and hardy breed. Among the most common diseases are the following: food allergies, otitis media and obesity. The latter occurs due to the fact that the dog was provided with improper maintenance and feeding regimen. Regular ear checking and cleaning will help prevent otitis media.

Prevention of any diseases also includes timely administration of the necessary vaccinations and visits to the veterinarian.

Diet features

The spaniel is a fairly active breed that requires high-calorie nutrition. Once every two weeks, the pet needs to have a fasting day, giving 60% of the daily requirement.

Spoiled or failed food should not end up in your dog's bowl. Food should be fresh, warm and soft. Do not give food that is too cold or hot.

Puppies are fed 6 times a day, adults are transferred to two meals a day. An animal cannot be forced to eat. If the pet refuses to eat, it must be taken to the veterinarian.

In addition to meat or prepared food, the animal’s daily diet should include plant and dairy products, minerals and vitamins.

Features of caring for a Russian spaniel

Typically care involves regular brushing and occasional bathing. It is necessary to monitor your pet's ears and eyes. Caring for them must be careful, as the eyes often water and the ears are prone to infectious diseases. Your pet needs to brush its teeth and trim its nails from time to time.

Proper care of a spaniel means providing it with regular walks. Training, games, hunting - what this pet needs.

The pet's haircut deserves special attention. The Russian Hunting Spaniel breed, participating in exhibitions, must be appropriately trimmed, according to the rules. Coat processing and haircuts are acceptable, but they should be practically invisible even in the photo. Haircut can be done either with a clipper or with scissors, but traces of their use should not be visible.

It is prohibited to cut the lower part of the tail and belly, and the back of the legs. It is not advisable to trim the hair around the neck, chest and ears. Haircuts must be done in advance - at least a month before the exhibition.

Mandatory grooming for all dogs:

  • hair on paws, between toes;
  • hygienic haircut.

You can watch the video to see how a Russian spaniel is cut. The main rule is that the haircut of a Russian spaniel should not be noticeable. But this only applies to show pets. Owners can cut pet-class dogs at their own discretion.

How to name a pet

Nicknames for purebred spaniels are given at the club. They are registered in the stud book. Nicknames for this breed should sound clear and contain few syllables. Usually they include the following letters: b, v, d, l, n, r, h.

To quickly accustom a dog to a name, nicknames should be associated with something pleasant - a treat or a walk. When choosing a nickname, you should exclude options that are similar to names. Options for nicknames can be the following: Rada, Master, Roy, Sonya, Cupid, Randy, etc.

Buying a Sraniel puppy

Russian Spaniel puppies are sold in kennels, by advertisement and by hand. Their prices may vary significantly. You can find out how much a pet costs on specialized websites. Usually the price depends on the class (show, breed and pet), the availability of pedigree and documents. Having a hunting scent and skills can be an additional plus to the cost.

In advertisements for sale you can find descriptions of parents and offspring, reviews from owners, photos, and the price is also indicated there. The description may not always correspond to reality; you need to look at both parents of the puppies with your own eyes (photos or videos will not work here). You need to pay attention to the care and maintenance of the offspring, as well as the character of the babies. They must be active and inquisitive.

It is best to make a purchase in specialized nurseries. The price here may be higher. But in this case, you can be sure that the puppies bought here are purebred, they were properly cared for, had all the necessary vaccinations and completed the paperwork.

Features of training a spaniel

From the first days a puppy appears in the house, you need to start training it. Educational training is carried out in clubs. The video can be found on the Internet. You can do this yourself. But you need to take into account that training a cocker spaniel has its own characteristics. The main commands that a pet must master are “Come to me”, “Place”, “Nearby”, “Sit”, “Lie down”. Of course, he must know his nickname, which he should associate with the “Attention” command.

Puppies and adult dogs get special pleasure from practicing the “Look” command. Training is carried out in the form of a game, some object is hidden from the puppy - at first you should use treats that the cocker will find by smell. Reviews from the owners indicate that this game will appeal not only to animals, but also to adults and children.

As for practicing hunting skills, descriptions and videos of such training can be found on the Internet. But it is better to trust professionals in this matter. Before entrusting a specialist with training your pet, you can find out reviews about his work or watch a video, if available.

The Russian Hunting Spaniel is a wonderful friend, an excellent companion and an active hunter. The Russian Spaniel is selflessly devoted to its owner and will be a reliable support for him. Dogs of this breed can be kept in an apartment; they are not picky about their living conditions, caring for them is quite simple - they do not even require regular haircuts. The character of the Russian Spaniel is obedient and calm. The dog is affectionate and will find a common language both with other animals in the house and with children.

Spaniels are beautiful long-haired hunting dogs. They come from Spain. They were later brought to England by Celtic tribes. And from there they have already spread throughout the world. These are cute companions with slightly sad eyes and a mischievous character. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and photos of the main types of spaniel breed.

The English Cocker Spaniel, as the name suggests, comes from England. The goal of the British in the 19th century was to breed the ideal hunting dog.

This is a dog that is tall at the withers 25-36 cm and weighing 6-10 kg. She has a beautiful physique with well-developed muscles. The head is quite large and regular in shape. The eyes are expressive, dark in color. The ears are set low, drooping, covered with long hair, sometimes wavy.

Paws This variety has wide, webbed tails, which allows these spaniels to be excellent swimmers. Cockers have many colors. The most common are black-blue, red, black, black-fawn.

The Cocker is suitable for keeping in a dog house, but only if it is given frequent walks and good physical exercise. They have excellent compatibility with children. Inexperienced owners can get one, but they must take into account the energetic temperament of the pet and the need for careful grooming.

In addition, these spaniels simply cannot stand loneliness - they begin to resort to deviant behavior, and they may experience mental disorders.

The life expectancy of representatives of this breed is 12-15 years. The price for an English Cocker Spaniel ranges from $170 to $350.

Did you know?

Images of cocker spaniels are found on artistic canvases and in texts dating back to the 14th-15th centuries. It is from them that you can learn about the purposes for which these dogs were used in those days - for field and swamp hunting. Most often they were used for falcon hunting. This is one of the most ancient varieties of spaniels. In the 9th century, it was brought to England by the Celts and named after King Charles II. Since then, the popularity of the King Charles has not declined; they are the favorite breed of members of the royal family of England. Over time, basking in royal beds and on the laps of noble ladies, they turned into pure. Therefore, today these dogs, despite their inherent activity,

Suitable for families with children and elderly people

, because they perfectly adapt to the rhythm of life of their owner. It is believed that they can perfectly help people get rid of stress and even lower blood pressure and slow down the pulse. Perhaps the only significant drawback that prevents these spaniels from living carefree in an apartment is severe shedding, which entails daily combing of the coat. Representatives of the Cavaliers King Charles reach the height at the withers 30-33 cm and weight 5-8 kg. These are the owners of a compact, unstretched body of a square format.


flat between the ears, muzzle slightly tapered. The ears are placed high. They are long, lie beautifully along the cheeks, and are covered with wavy hair.

The life expectancy of representatives of this breed is 12-15 years. There are four distinctive colors for the Cavalier King Charles: tricolor (white, black and tan), black and tan, ruby ​​and Blenheim (white with tan spots on the head)..

The dogs have a cheerful disposition, are very sociable, adore their owner, and are not aggressive. They are friendly not only to children, but also to other animals and strangers. With proper care and attention, and the absence of stressful situations, representatives of this breed live for 10-12 years.. His ancestor was the Norflock spaniel, which reached the size of a setter. The breed standard was recognized in 1902. Today, springers are divided into two types: exhibition and working (field).

At the withers, springers can reach height 50 cm. The maximum weight allowed by the standard is 23 kg. The body is strong with a deep, well-developed chest. 30-33 cm and weight 5-8 kg– wide, rectangular muzzle with a clear transition to the forehead. The ears are low set, long and wide.

The coat is straight and of medium length. The color can be any recognized for spaniels. The most popular are white-black, white-brown, white-black-red colors.

Springers have a friendly, cheerful character. This active, energetic dog. At the same time, she is easy, obedient and balanced. Gets along great with children. Can be a good nanny for them. Since regular exercise is important for this dog, and he himself has irrepressible energy, it is not suitable for people who prefer a sedentary lifestyle and are elderly.

Important! Since spaniels of this breed are very social and cannot live without people, they do not tolerate long periods of loneliness. It has a detrimental effect on their character, which can lead to the development of waywardness.

The average lifespan of English springers is 12-14 years.

Puppies can be purchased for 400-600 dollars, in Europe they ask for 600-1000 euros. The King Charles Spaniel is great for apartment living. His height does not exceed 29 cm, and weight – 6.5 kg

. The variety was bred in England. It is often confused with the Cavalier King Charles, but they have many differences in both appearance and character.

In order to understand what this spaniel looks like and what is different about it, just look at the photo. King Charles has a round head and a compact, stocky, strong body with a short and straight back and a strong, well-concave chest. The muzzle is short and wide. The ears are set low. The standard bite is an undershot.

The King Charles coat is long and straight and does not form waves. Its main colors are: black and tan, blenheim, ruby, tri-color. This particular spaniel is perfect for homebody owners. He does not need frequent walks or active physical activity. In family

There is no exact data on when this type of breed was bred. Presumably, this happened at the end of the 19th century in America. Today these are medium-sized dogs, reaching height at the withers 39 cm and weight up to 15 kg

. They have a strong build, a rounded, proportional head, a wide muzzle, a deep chest and a stately back. The brow ridges are clearly visible on the muzzle. The ears are long, drooping, and set wide apart.

The coat can be either smooth or wavy. It is short on the head, longer and very thick throughout the body. Covers limbs, ears, stomach. The most common colors: black, black and tan, red, spotted, fawn.

American Cockers can be excellent companions and family members. Since they are quite active, they will need long walks. They love communication and a lot of attention; they cannot stand loneliness. Children friendly. They are loyal to other animals, including their relatives. They agree easily. They have good intelligence.

This family member will live 12-15 years. Breeders ask for American Cocker puppies from 70 to 800 dollars. The Papillon or Papillon is a member of the Continental Toy Spaniel species. This is a miniature dog, rarely reaching 4 kg and height 28 cm

with beautiful large erect ears in the form of triangles, similar to the wings of a butterfly - hence the name (Papillon is translated from French as butterfly). This breed is ancient, bred over a thousand years ago. However, even today it is considered rare.

Papillons are characterized by strong bones; thin, pointed muzzle, with a well-defined transition to the forehead; high-set, thin, curved neck; long, hare-like legs. The Papillon's coat is long and silky. There are three main colors: black and white, white and sable, tricolor (black, white and sable). By purchasing such a puppy, you thereby acquire a loyal, friendly, very intelligent and trainable pet. Compact dimensions allow you to keep it even in a small apartment. These dogs get along well with children. However

require early socialization and education

The life expectancy of representatives of this breed is 12-15 years. The Papillon took an honorable second place in the development of intelligence among decorative breeds (the poodle is in first place) and eighth place in the overall breed dog rating.

A graceful native of Great Britain, the Welsh Springer Spaniel is believed to have been bred in the 17th century - there is even documentary evidence of the existence of the species at that time in the form of artistic paintings depicting this dog. The general impression that the Welsh Springer leaves when you first meet him is that he is strong, resilient, and noble. Can grow.

up to 48 cm at the withers and weigh up to 20 kg

The build of this type of spaniel is compact and strong. The chest protrudes forward. The head is dome shaped. The muzzle is medium. The ears are long, wide, pear-shaped, and fit tightly to the cheekbones. The body is covered with soft, straight, thick hair, which can protect the dog from exposure to cold, water, and thorns. The characteristic color is red and white with or without spots. Welsh Springers are smart, quick-witted, and friendly. They are easy to train. If raised correctly, they become obedient and flexible.

Without education, hunting habits can become a problem. . They are loyal to children and other animals, including dogs. The lifespan of Welsh Springers is 12-14 years. Cost in dollars – 1200-1400.

We continue our review of spaniel breed varieties with names and descriptions with the characteristics of the Clumber, one of the largest and heaviest representatives. The species was bred in England and takes its name from the name of the estate. Dogs have a height at the withers 42-50 cm, body weight – 25-34 kg

. They are easy to recognize by their sleepy facial expression and waddling gait. The clumber's body is squat and stretched out. The skeleton is massive. The head is large. Ears resemble.

But they show some wariness towards strangers. Suitable for keeping people with a calm type of temperament, older people, since they are much slower than other representatives of spaniels and can be trained without much effort.

The lifespan of clumbers is 10-15 years. On average, puppies are asked for $900-1000.

A native of England, the Field Spaniel is a very beautiful, noble, harmoniously built dog. She was bred to produce a spaniel with a pure black color and excellent hunting qualities. What the British managed to achieve 100%. Let’s make it clear right away that this It's better to keep the dog outside the city

, apartment conditions will be detrimental to her character and temperament, because even the name of the variety is translated from English as field. When kept in an apartment, the dog should be provided with frequent trips to nature. The Field's body is medium in size, muscular, graceful with a pronounced sternum and toned belly . Standard height at withers – 51-58 cm, weight – 16-22 kg


The head is oval with an elongated muzzle. The ears are low set, drooping, medium in length and width, covered with wavy hair. The limbs are very strong and developed. Since the Field is a waterfowl species, there are membranes on its paws.

The coat of these dogs is long and slightly wavy. The standard color is black, but spots and other colors are also allowed.

By nature, Fields are sociable, active, obedient, and friendly. Can only be used for active activities. They need human company and adapt well to their mood. They have excellent guard qualities. The lifespan of Fields is 12-14 years. You can buy puppies of this variety for $500-600. The Irish Water Spaniel is a very large and heavy dog, presumably bred a long time ago in Ireland, but there is no exact data on the place and time of origin of the species today.

The wool is soft, with curls. The standard color is brown with a reddish tint.

This variety should not be owned by people who are inexperienced in keeping dogs. They are active and need regular, experienced trainers. Since they were bred for the purpose of hunting on land and in water, they simply, like air, need long walks in nature and swimming in open bodies of water. In the family, the “Irish” are friendly, quiet and calm. Loyal and strongly attached to their owner

Important! . They are great with children, animals and strangers. However, of course, all this is possible only with proper education. Cowardice and aggression are considered breed defects.

Raising and training a dog should begin from the very first days the puppy appears in your family. If you cannot cope with this task on your own, then you should contact an experienced specialist who will help you find a common language with the animal. If all the conditions necessary for the dog are met, it will live with you side by side for a long 10-12 years. This the breed is considered rare

. Puppies can be purchased for $700-$1,300. The ancient Dutch variety of spaniel Kooikerhondje is a small, square-shaped dog that reaches at the withers. 35-40 cm and weight – 9-11 kg

. These dogs have an elongated body with a protruding chest. The stomach is well tucked. The head is proportional in size to the body. Carried on a high neck. The muzzle is elongated. The ears are medium and drooping. Since initially the main purpose of Kooikerhondje was water hunting, then

her wool is water- and dirt-repellent . It is medium in length and can be straight or wavy. The standard color is white and red..

By temperament, Kooikerhondjes are active, playful, and full of energy. At the same time, they are good-natured, kind, affectionate, and sociable. However, strangers are treated with suspicion. They are indifferent to children. If the child is too persistent in his squeezing, he will prefer to move away or bark loudly, but

will not show aggression in the form of a bite If you provide the animal with space, frequent walks in nature, swimming in a pond, and active physical activity, then it can live 12-14 years. Breeders value puppies at $600-$1000. Since 1985 this spaniel has been

official symbol Wisconsin in the USA, the place where it was developed in the 19th century.. Her body is well developed with a deep sternum and arched lower back, slightly stretched. The head is neat, slightly elongated. The muzzle is wide, with a pronounced transition to the frontal zone. The ears are located above the eye line. They are wide and long.

Like all water spaniels, this species has a thick, dense coat that is long and wavy. The color is most often dark brown or chocolate. American Water Spaniel – the owner of a soft, easygoing character at home and a stormy, irrepressible temperament on the hunt

. Can be both an excellent hunter and an excellent companion.

He is smart, becomes attached to his owner and clearly adapts to his mood. Easy to train. Treats children well. Requires early socialization. If you provide this spaniel with the proper conditions, its life expectancy will be 13-15 years. Puppies of this variety sell for $800-1000. The Sussex Spaniel is a small dog that grows

up to 38 cm

. This variety was bred in England, in the county of Sussex, at the end of the 18th century. He is a descendant of the Clumber Spaniel.

These spaniels have a rectangular body, muscular and massive body. Their head is quite large. The ears are hanging, long, completely covered with long hair.

Sussexes have a beautiful, thick, wavy coat of medium length. Its standard color is one - golden chocolate (liver).

The character of the Sussex, like most spaniels, is soft, flexible, and friendly. They love to become attached to one owner. However, other family members will also be treated with courtesy and kindness. They are easy to train and raise, but they can sometimes be stubborn. On walks they are active, playful, and love to play. Suitable for both active and passive people. Can be used for hunting and for keeping in an apartment. These days they are actively used for police work (involved in drug searches). Sussexes live from 11 to 15 years. Their average cost reaches 500-700 dollars.

The coat is thick, dense, most often wavy, but can also be smooth. Two types of coloring are allowed: brown with white spots and plain; brown speckled with white markings.

Wachtelhund – excellent hunter and wonderful family dog. Does not show aggression towards humans under any circumstances. Friendly, active, cheerful - these are the main characteristics of the four-legged temperament.

However, all of them manifest themselves only with the constant implementation of their main purpose - hunting or long walks in nature. These spaniels have a good attitude towards children. They are easy to train, but they need to gain authority.

The lifespan of Wachtelhunds is 12-14 years. Puppies start at $250.

Whatever type of spaniel you choose, you need to understand that the pet need to constantly engage and educate. Only in this case, even from an irrepressible long-haired beast, can you raise a faithful and obedient friend. Spaniels attract people with their activity, external beauty, curiosity, and intelligence.

They are kind to children but suspicious of strangers. Those who wish to purchase a representative of this breed must prepare for almost continuous grooming and frequent bathing, otherwise the pet will quickly turn into a shaggy, grimy, matted slob with a persistent dog odor.

In addition, this breed requires physical and mental stress, as well as frequent attention and communication. Therefore, it is better for lazy, inactive, too busy people to take a closer look at some other breed; they will not get along comfortably with a spaniel.

The Russian hunting spaniel is the pride of domestic dog handlers. This dog appeared in Russia more than one hundred and thirty years ago. Due to the compactness of the animal and its light weight, it began to be successfully used not only for hunting, but also as a companion.

The Russian hunting spaniel is a breed that reached its peak of popularity in the mid-20th century. Today, the popularity of this dog among fanciers has decreased somewhat. However, these energetic and hardy animals have found a new use - today they have become indispensable assistants to the military and police in the search for weapons, explosives and drugs.

The magnificent breed, recognized by the Russian Cynological Federation, is still not included in the registers of the FCI - the International Cynological Federation. Despite the fact that Russian breeders are planning world recognition, they are not very actively striving for it. In European countries, the breed is developing successfully - working tests and exhibitions are being held, new clubs for fans of the breed and nurseries are being created.

History of the breed

The Russian hunting spaniel appeared on the territory of our country in 1884, at the same time its preliminary selection began. Purebred breeding began only in the middle of the 20th century. The standard for this breed was developed and approved in 1951, but its final edition was developed in 1966 at the All-Union Cynological Forum.

Russian Spaniel Club

In 2001, the Russian Hunting Spaniel Club began its work. Today it is a serious organization, known to all admirers of this breed. The initiator of the creation of the organization was an expert of the first category, K. V. Borisovich, who devoted most of his life to studying and breeding hunting dogs. One of his favorite pets was a Russian hunting spaniel. "Dynamo" - the Moscow City Society took the created section under its auspices.

The club was created largely thanks to enthusiasts who wanted to support the development of this breed and contribute to its popularization in our country. Today the Russian hunting spaniel is experiencing a rebirth. Moscow, thanks to the presence of the club, occupies a leading position in this process.

Irina Andreevna Eremina, an expert of the All-Russian category, provides enormous assistance in organizing the work of the section and in training young experts. The club has several kennels where professional breeders breed dogs. Today, many people come here who want to buy a purebred Russian hunting spaniel dog. A puppy in the club’s kennels costs from 15 to 40 thousand rubles.

Currently, over 400 animals are registered in the section. The most active owners present their pets at exhibitions and field trials. Club members are united by the conviction that there is no better gun dog in Russia for feather hunting.

Russian hunting spaniel: description of the breed

This is a long-haired, squat animal with a strong build. The height at the withers of a male does not exceed 44 cm, that of females is slightly less (42 cm). An adult weighs from 14 to 20 kg. Height exceeding the maximum by 1 cm is a disadvantage, more than 1 cm is a defect.


The Russian Spaniel is proportionally built. The head is not too large, covered tightened skin. The length of the cranium and muzzle is approximately equal, the bridge of the nose is parallel to the continuation line of the forehead. The transition to the muzzle is smooth, but clearly defined. The lips fit tightly to the muzzle and are fully pigmented.


The Russian Hunting Spaniel has a rectangular body with a slightly sloping back line. The sternum is not very deep, elongated, with clearly defined, springy ribs. The back is wide, elastic, the loin is not very long and slightly raised, the croup is muscular and sloping.


The Russian hunting spaniel dog has strong muscular legs. The length of the front legs (to the elbow joint) should be 1/2 of the height at the withers. The front legs have “dry” muscles, are set slightly wider than the line of the chest, and are straight. The shoulders are pronounced, with straight forearms. The pasterns are set at an angle.

The hind legs are set slightly wider than the front legs, the thighs are muscular and elongated, and the hocks are powerful. It is recommended to remove the dewclaws - this is a necessary condition for working dogs. The toes are arched, bent, tightly clenched, with fur growing between them to protect the animal from injury.


Agile and strong. Often, in order to avoid injury during hunting, it is docked at 1/2 of the length, although this is not a necessary condition. The shortened tail does not affect the expert assessment.


Consists of undercoat and guard hair. The undercoat is quite dense and impermeable to water. The guard hair is of medium length, has a characteristic healthy shine, and is straight. Sometimes it has a slight wave. On the front side of the paws and muzzle the hair is very dense and short, on the back side of the neck and body it is of medium length.

Long and soft hair is located on the chest, ears, belly, back of the paws, “pants” and on the tail.


When choosing a puppy, it is sometimes difficult for novice dog breeders to understand the variety of colors of this breed. The breed standard allows the following colors:

  • single color: brown, red, black; tan: brown and black with tan;
  • bicolor: red-piebald, brown-piebald, black-piebald;
  • tricolor: black and piebald and brown and piebald with tan.

All colors that are not listed above are considered faults. It is quite rare to find a Russian Hunting Spaniel that is black or completely brown. These puppies are clearly visible at birth.

Breeders are well aware of the signs by which they can easily determine whether a Russian Hunting Spaniel will be speckled. Puppies of this color have pigmentation on their paw pads and nose from an early age. The puppy will definitely be speckled if he has a dark nose, and the pads of his paws are fully pigmented or covered with dark spots (the more pigmented the pads, the more intense the color will be).

A contrasting puppy will be one whose paw pads and nose are pink at birth. During the first four weeks (sometimes a little later), pigmentation begins in these areas. First, dark “freckles” appear on the nose. Their number gradually increases and they merge with each other, coloring the nose. The paw pads may remain pink, or rare dark spots will appear on them.


If you ask the owners: “What are the main features of the Russian hunting spaniel?” - the majority will name balance, love of life, tenderness and friendliness. The Russian hunting spaniel dog is a devoted and brave pet. Here it should be clarified that the dog recognizes only one owner, to whom he will obey unquestioningly and try to earn his praise. For your four-legged friend, the rest of the family will become full members of the “pack”, who will be awarded respect and tenderness.

In relation to children, the spaniel is reserved and patient. If small penis The “pack” will be too intrusive or unrestrained during the game, the dog will go into a secluded corner. The Russian Spaniel most often ignores other pets. They treat strangers with distrust, but at the same time quite reserved. Unmotivated aggression towards anyone is not typical for this breed.

However, future owners should know that the spaniel's tractable disposition and high intelligence are perfectly combined with his magnificent artistic talent. By begging for a piece of his favorite treat, this dog can persuade a stone statue. The Russian Spaniel is a loyal and reliable friend, who often displays remarkable watchdog qualities.

Raising and training a Russian hunting spaniel

You need to start raising this dog from the first days the pet appears in your home. Even an inexperienced owner can handle it; in any case, there will be no problems with practicing basic commands. Late learning can lead to serious difficulties in the future. Dogs that do not know what is permitted bring additional trouble to their owner. It is better for an inexperienced owner to seek help from a professional dog handler.

The Russian hunting spaniel does not strive to dominate in the master's house. Puppies choose the only person, whom they “appoint” as their master. It is advisable that he is the one who raises the baby, introduces him to the first commands, and family members should adhere to the same line of behavior with the new family member (for example, do not praise him for what the owner forbade him to do).

Puppies quickly learn where their resting and eating areas are. In addition, the baby must understand that his food is in a bowl and not on the master’s table. If you can't resist the adorable tiny creature one day, you can be sure that your starving dog's eyes will be on you during every meal.

After the puppy has mastered the basic skills and concepts of behavior in the house, it is advisable to take him through an OKD training course (general). It will allow the spaniel to better understand the owner, and in addition, it will be useful for the owner, who will be able to control the animal more easily. This course can be taken at specialized schools, or you can master it yourself using literature on cynology.

Training in hunting skills should be carried out under the supervision of an instructor, especially if the owner of the animal is a beginner. Usually, for young dogs, training is carried out in the form of a game - this way your four-legged friend will more easily absorb the acquired knowledge.

The puppy's first appearance in the house

So, you have decided to purchase a Russian Spaniel puppy, found a well-established kennel, and met your future pet and its parents. What to do next?

Before bringing your baby home, you should provide a place for the new family member to rest, prepare toys and equipment for walking (leash, collar, toys) and make an appointment at the veterinary clinic. Having bought a puppy, do not rush to transport it to a new home. It is better to do this early in the morning: the baby will more easily endure the move and separation from his family.

Upon arrival home, allow the puppy to rest for a while, and then pick him up and walk him throughout the apartment. On the bedding for your four-legged friend, place some object familiar to him from his old place of residence: a piece of blanket or a toy. A familiar smell will help your baby quickly settle into his new home.

Caring for a Russian spaniel is no different from caring for other hunting breeds: it mainly comes down to caring for the ears, coat and paws. Of course, regular eye and dental examinations are necessary.

It is officially prohibited to cut an exhibition animal or use other methods of artificially improving its appearance. But pet owners know that today they can turn to groomers who will give the animal the proper appearance, hide flaws and emphasize advantages.

If your pet does not participate in exhibitions, then the animal's fur should be combed and washed regularly. During the long walks that a spaniel needs, its coat gets very dirty, so in addition to constant washing of its paws, ears and belly, full baths are necessary once every two weeks.

It is advisable to use special zoo shampoos. If there are none, you can use a cleanser for dry hair with conditioner. Can temporarily replace special remedy and baby shampoo without strong fragrances or dyes.

Ear care

The most problematic area of ​​this breed is the ears. Special attention should be paid to caring for them. They should be examined regularly and the ears should be cleaned every three days using a cotton swab moistened with water. After bathing, it is necessary to thoroughly dry not only the outer part of the ear, the pinna should also be thoroughly dried.

If your four-legged friend is not just a wonderful companion, but also an excellent hunter, then after each return from nature, a thorough examination of the animal is necessary to identify ticks. This must be done even if the dog has previously been treated with special preparations that protect against insect bites.

A cute little dog whose main purpose is to track and bring game during the hunt - the Cocker Spaniel.

Nowadays, families often own this breed to keep them in apartments as pets.

And many dog ​​handlers actively use these dogs to participate in exhibitions because of their attractive appearance.

This is a cute, loyal dog with a calm character that will become a wonderful friend and faithful companion for its owner.

The Cocker Spaniel is originally from America, bred in the 18th century. Previously, there were two varieties of this breed:

  • cocker (more compact and short);
  • springer (larger with longer limbs).

By the beginning of the 20th century, toy spaniels, Clumbers and Sussexes began to be subdivided because of their distinct patterns.

All of these dogs, except for the “toy” group, had a body weight of 6 kilograms or more, which was necessary for hunting purposes.

The year 1856 marked the beginning of its appearance at exhibitions as an independent group. After some time, the species were mixed again.

In 1893, the actual approval of the Cocker Spaniel breed took place (the decision was made by the London Kennel Club).

In order to carry out basic cocker coat care procedures, you should prepare the following tools:

  • metal comb (with sparse, blunt and frequent teeth);
  • massage brush;
  • scissors;
  • a special device for combing out fluff (slicker);
  • electric animal clipper.

Taking care of your eyesight

Check your pet's eyes regularly. U healthy dog there should be a clean, brilliant look.

In case of cloudiness, you should carry out the rinsing procedure with a cotton pad soaked in weak tea leaves or ordinary boiled water.

Taking care of your ears

Examine your hearing organs periodically, and trim the hair near the ear canal at least once every 3 weeks. This must be done to prevent infection of the ear due to irritation and lack of access to fresh air due to long hair.

Nail care

Every month we trim the overgrown claws with a special nail clipper and file down the sharp ends.

The main emphasis in caring for a spaniel is on the coat. To make it look healthy and shiny, it must be trimmed and cleaned in a timely manner.

Of course, from early childhood you should accustom your dog to hygiene procedures.

At first, it is enough to comb and stroke the dog for 10-15 minutes, and after walking, wipe the paws and face with a damp cloth.

Spaniels are not only beautiful and noble, they are smart and courageous, very loyal to their owner and his family, and are also excellent working dogs. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all “where” exactly the four-legged baby works - in a field, in a swamp or in a ring. What is noteworthy is that today everyone will find a four-legged friend “to their liking”, because currently there are 20 varieties of spaniels!

The history of spaniels

The word “spaniel” refers to a breed group of dogs that has common external characteristics, abilities, temperament and character. Of course appearance These dogs are noticeably different, however, all of these animals have the same ancestor, as well as a number of features.

Now dog experts divide spaniels into three groups:

  1. Large Spaniels (eg English Springer Spaniel or Irish Water Spaniel, etc.).
  2. Medium Spaniels (eg English Cocker Spaniel or Field Spaniel, etc.).
  3. Toy Spaniels (eg King Charles Spaniel or Continental Toy Spaniel, etc.).

All spaniels have long or semi-long luxurious coats and charming floppy ears. It is worth noting that this is exactly the dog that was depicted on the coin of the king of Macedonia in 350 BC. e., which allows us to assert that spaniels are an ancient breed, the ancestors of which already existed in those days. But, despite this, dog experts are still arguing about where the real homeland of these funny dogs is. There are many versions: Spain, Great Britain, Wales, but all of them can easily be disputed. Only one thing is known for sure - in Great Britain in the 8th century they already hunted with small long-haired dogs. And already in the 19th century, spaniels were considered valuable hunters: they were bred only by noble and rich people - for equally influential and wealthy individuals.

MirSovetov will tell you about the most popular, unusual and interesting varieties of spaniels.

English cocker spaniel

  1. The English Cocker Spaniel is the most common variety of all spaniels existing today.
  2. The homeland of these dogs is Great Britain. It was here that local dog handlers decided to improve small, long-haired dogs that were used to hunt birds. Thanks to crossing with small and shaggy dogs, the world got a funny, floppy-eared cocker.
  3. The “Englishman” has a compact body, a well-developed chest, and strong limbs. The low-set tail was previously docked, but today it is left natural. The ears are the main feature of the breed: they are thin and long, set very low, covered with silky hair, which gives the pet a charming appearance.
  4. The English Cocker Spaniel's coat is long, smooth and silky. Solid color - black, red, brown (a white spot on the chest is acceptable); two-color - piebald with spots of the above colors (let's say specks) or black and tan; tricolor – black and white with tan.
  5. The height of these dogs is from 38 to 40.5 cm and weighs 13-14.5 kg.
  6. "Englishman" is an ideal pet. These adventurous dogs are still used as hunters, but many of the representatives of this breed have long turned into decorative pets. Cockers are cheerful and affectionate, they love to play with children, but, nevertheless, they have a rather independent character (hunting genes affect them).
  7. The weak point of the English Cocker Spaniel is its ears.

American Cocker Spaniel

  1. The American Cocker Spaniel is the most popular variety of spaniel that exists today.
  2. American cockers were bred in the USA in the 19th century. Their ancestors are English cocker spaniels, which were brought to America from Europe. The Americans appreciated the funny dogs, but decided to improve the breed a little: they reduced the size, added even more wool and diversified the color.
  3. The “American” has a more compact build than his English counterpart. main feature dogs - an original dome-shaped head with clearly defined brow ridges. The ears are set low and covered with long, thick hair. The tail was previously docked, but is now left natural.
  4. The American Cocker Spaniel's coat is long, silky, straight, with a slight break allowed. Color: plain - red, fawn, black, brown; bicolor - piebald with spots of the colors described above (for example, specks), black and tan, brown and tan; tricolor – black and white with tan.
  5. The dogs' height is from 34 to 39 cm and their weight is 10-13 kg.
  6. The American Cocker Spaniel is the ideal companion. Today, representatives of this breed mainly shine at dog shows, and not in the field, since they are no longer used for hunting. These dogs are active and cheerful, they love long walks and active games in the fresh air. Cockers can be stubborn.
  7. The weak point of the American Cocker Spaniel is its ears. Dogs are prone to obesity.

Russian Spaniel

  1. The Russian Spaniel is not yet recognized by the International Canine Federation, however, today it is one of the most popular domestic hunting dog breeds in our country.
  2. Homeland - USSR, where by crossing different breeds of spaniels in the 1950s. A dog was bred that could work in our climatic conditions.
  3. The Russian Spaniel has a long build, high legs and a light head. The ears are located at eye level, shorter than those of the “English” and “American”.
  4. The coat is of moderate length and density. The color can be very diverse, except for solid white.
  5. Height is from 36 to 44 cm, weight is proportional.
  6. Russian spaniels are very neat and obedient; there are never any problems with them, either at home or on the hunt. Thanks to their intelligent nature, these dogs can be excellent companions.

English Springer Spaniel

  1. The English Springer Spaniel is one of the oldest hunting dog breeds.
  2. Homeland of the breed - British Isles. Here, hunters in the 18th century bred a reliable companion for themselves by crossing bird dogs and the varieties of spaniel ancestors existing at that time.
  3. The Springer Spaniel has a compact build, is tall on its legs and has a very beautiful coat. The ears are long, set at eye level, the tail was previously docked, but now it is left natural.
  4. The coat is straight, not coarse, but dense. Two-tone color: red and white, coffee and white, black and white (speckled for example).
  5. The dogs are 51 cm tall and weigh 22.5 kg.
  6. The English Springer Spaniel is very brave and decisive, an excellent working dog, which, however, with skillful training, can become a companion. Since the dog is independent and hot-tempered, the right approach to education and early socialization is necessary.

Clumber Spaniel

  1. The Clumber Spaniel has a rather unusual appearance for its group.
  2. The homeland of the breed is Great Britain, where these dogs have been bred since the 18th century as pheasant hunters.
  3. The Clumber Spaniel is a very massive dog with short legs, so sometimes it seems that the head belongs to one dog and the body to another. The dog is muscular with a strong neck, loose constitution, wide muzzle, thick, not long ears.
  4. The coat is thick, close-fitting, and silky. Color: pure white with yellow, brown, red and red spots and specks.
  5. The dogs' height is from 46 to 48 cm and their weight is 29.5-34 kilograms.
  6. The Clumber Spaniel, despite its bulkiness and slowness, is an excellent hunter: persistent and patient. This dog can be a good watchdog, as he is not as loving as other spaniels. Needs training and education from a very early age.
  7. Dogs are prone to obesity - it is necessary to monitor their diet.

Irish Water Spaniel

  1. The Irish Water Spaniel is the largest of all existing spaniels and the most... curly.
  2. The birthplace of the breed is Ireland. Cynologists are still arguing about the origin of these dogs; it is believed that their direct relative is the poodle.
  3. The Irish Water Spaniel is a strong dog, with a strong neck and developed chest, and tall on its legs. The peculiarity of the breed is a thin and long tail, as well as curly hair. The ears are long.
  4. The coat of dogs of this breed is rich, thick, and in steep curls. The color is exclusively dark brown.
  5. Height is from 53 to 58 cm with a weight of 22-26 kg.
  6. Irish Water Spaniels are excellent hunters. They are simply amazing swimmers. With proper training, representatives of this breed become wonderful family dogs that adore children and are ready to protect their owner until the last breath.
  7. The Irish Water Spaniel does not shed and its coat does not cause allergies.

King Charles Spaniel

  1. The King Charles Spaniel is one of the oldest dog breeds, which today is experiencing another peak in popularity. The breed is often called "toy spaniel".
  2. The homeland of the breed is England, where the dogs were initially bred as hunting dogs. Soon the snub-nosed babies became so beloved by the royal nobility that they began to be bred as decorative companions.
  3. King Charles Spaniels are small, compact in size, and have a cute flattened face, protruding eyes, floppy ears, and short limbs.
  4. The coat of dogs is of medium length, smooth and silky. There are four colors: tricolor (black spots and tan on a white background), Blenheim (white and red), ruby ​​(bright red) and black and tan.
  5. The height of the dogs is 25-29 cm and their weight is 5-7 kg.
  6. King Charles Spaniels are very intelligent, easy-going, but at the same time playful and independent. It’s as if they were created to please their beloved owner in everything.
  7. Due to the shortened muzzle of dogs of this breed, King Charles Spaniels may have breathing problems.