DIY massage mats. DIY massage mats for kindergarten made from corks from plastic bottles, chestnuts, stones. Rug made of pebbles

26.02.2022 Complications

Do you care about the health and development of your baby? Have you been advised to buy a special footrest? Want to do something like this yourself? You can easily make massage rooms for kindergarten or home use from scrap materials. Read! Look at the photo! Do it!

What does a massage mat look like?

This thing is a relief surface made of some material. Stores most often offer rubberized products with various pimples. They can protrude greatly above the surface or be very slightly prominent. The sensations when walking on it depend on this. In the first case, the massage will be like running on freshly cut grass; in the second, it will be like walking on a soft, silky lawn. Combined options are best.

Cheap, but not very durable, are those on which plastic relief elements are glued or otherwise installed on top of the base. Typically, these models are harsh and do not last long. Pebble rugs are also sold. These are used for stone therapy by heating them.

If you do handicrafts or just want to make this device yourself, it is not very difficult. Do-it-yourself massage mats for kindergarten or home can be made either with a fabric surface under which a relief is created in some way, or have a clearly textured structure, for example, from sewn components. Any option will cost less than purchased.

Why do you need a massage mat?

Even if your baby is in good health, doctors note the good condition of the arch of the foot and the absence of any problems, having this device is useful for preventive purposes. Almost everyone knows that there are many points on the foot, the impact of which has a beneficial effect on the body. on a massage mat provides the following benefits:

  • promotes proper formation of the foot;
  • is ;
  • increases immunity;
  • stimulates the baby’s development (including speech);
  • removes nervous tension, relaxes.

In fact, this is not a new trend in improving the health of the body. Since ancient times, people have walked barefoot on the ground and grass. It improved my health. Nowadays, most people don’t have the opportunity to run through dew, grass clippings or lawns. A good alternative would be home health treatments. And for a child, this can be combined with an exciting game and educational activities.

Do-it-yourself massage mats for kindergarten or home are made very simply from available materials. Their cost is relatively low. The basis will be the time you spend. However, a self-made product will be a unique, original author’s project. The result will please both you and all the kids.

DIY massage: master class

In any creative process, the main thing is to show imagination, however, there are some simple tips that are worth following. If you decide to find out how to make it, then you need to choose one of two manufacturing methods when embossed elements:

  • sewn on top to the base;
  • fall asleep between layers of fabric.

Let's look at the second method first. This product is safer. The child walks on a fabric base, under which the texture of massage particles is felt. The baby will not be tempted to tear off small objects and put them in his mouth.

This thing can have any shape. The easiest way is to make a regular rectangle or square. If you have sewing experience, make curly options in the form of vegetables, fruits, butterflies, ladybug, sun, clouds and any other object. Both the base and the decor can be embossed.

Take the fabric base and sew it into a bag. It would be good if the bottom was taken tighter. Make the upper part on which they will walk from calico. You cannot use material such as gauze that is too thin: the filler will break through it. To make a rectangular rug with filler, you need the following:

  1. You can gradually sprinkle the cereal in strips along the narrow side of the mat and stitch it in after 5-10 cm.
  2. To make squares or rectangles with different alternating internal relief, you should first sew long pockets from the bottom to the top of the “bag”, filling them with cereals, beans, balls and other small elements, stitching the fabric in a perpendicular direction.

The options discussed below are performed using the first method. If the child is big enough and he understands that small parts should not be torn off and put in his mouth, then feel free to sew such a multifunctional masterpiece. If you are unsure of your child, simply do not leave him unattended with this rug until he grows up.

Massage mat - educational aid

To attract your child's attention to a healthy activity, provide him with an exciting game. Sew a product that will not only allow you to walk on it with your feet and have a pleasant experience, but will also give you the opportunity to play with its elements. Use these ideas:

  • you can make parts with Velcro, zippers, buttons that come unfastened;
  • ribbons and laces are threaded or untied;
  • beads or other decor move along threads or ropes. For example, a decorative toy butterfly moves from the center of the flower to the petals;
  • use scraps of different textures. They can be collected in two columns so that you can find the same ones in each;
  • use bright, monochromatic elements (foam sponges for dishes, felt-tip pen tubes), which can be used to teach colors.

In a word, use your imagination to the fullest.

Massage mat - walking game

Another interesting option is to invite the child to move along the path, overcoming obstacles, jumping from bump to bump. Children love to fantasize, so just ask them to run to an imaginary pond, jump along a bridge or path, and the child will be captivated by the process and begin to come up with tasks on his own. Everyone wants to demonstrate dexterity and courage.

DIY massage track for children

Stores most often sell small rugs that you can step on, but you won’t be able to run on them. To do this, you will have to buy several and put them in one line. It is also better to make them yourself.

Do-it-yourself massage mats are made in the same ways as mentioned above. The only difference is the shape of the base. Here a long strip is taken, but its width can be quite narrow, for example, corresponding to the width of the child’s legs placed at shoulder level. The younger the child, the narrower the path can be made. Over time it can be expanded. In any case, it is better to proceed from the materials that are available.

Massage mat in half an hour

Below is the easiest way to make a rug. A small children's massage option can be made from scrap materials very quickly:

  1. Take any rubberized mat as a base.
  2. Collect rounded stones of approximately the same thickness on the river bank. You can also buy them at a pet store. They line the bottom of aquariums.
  3. Glue the pebbles onto the base tightly or at a distance. Based on considerations of convenience, compliance with the size of the child’s feet, pebbles and gaps.

This is what the rug will look like. Its only drawback is that it turns out to be heavy, and you will have to give it a special place in the apartment, since constantly carrying it, rolling it up and rolling it out again, will be problematic.

Do children like these products (review)

A do-it-yourself massage mat is always made carefully and with love, so by creating it yourself or ordering it, you can be sure that your baby will definitely like the product.

Usually, kids first test it for strength, investigate whether something can be disconnected, torn off, and then enjoy the proposed activities: walk, walk, jump over a bridge, a puddle, a stone, etc. The main thing is to interest the child and play out different options skits, then the boring “need” will turn into a pleasant “want”.

So, you have read that DIY massage mats for kindergarten or home are quite simple to make. Any materials that have a different textured surface are used. Choose the idea you like and start creating your own original tool for healing.

Flat feet is an unpleasant diagnosis that is often heard in the office of a pediatric orthopedist. Many people do not attach due importance to it, and yet this disorder is fraught with many health problems. It is necessary to take measures to eliminate flat feet even when the patient is in childhood. For this, a massage is required. You can do it and other exercises at home; there is a simple but effective device for this.

A child who is just starting to walk does not have such deviations as. The foot becomes deformed later in life.

Once such a disease has formed, it is more difficult to correct than to prevent. Therefore, it is the responsibility of parents to take preventive measures. In order for the foot to form correctly, you need to use a massage orthopedic foot mat for children.

Massage or orthopedic mats are a device in the form of a small track on which elements are attached that massage the foot when you step on them. These elements look like sea pebbles, non-sharp thorns, and geometric shapes. They protrude above the surface of the mat and force the foot muscles to work when walking on them. Regular use of such a mat for flat feet helps eliminate muscle tension and form the correct arch of the foot.

Flat feet require regular foot massage.

An orthopedic mat for flat feet is intended for the prevention and treatment of diseases and deformities of the feet. The necessary compensation occurs for violations of the patient’s motor pattern that have arisen due to diseases, deformations or injuries. The product imitates walking along the seashore, which is inaccessible to city residents. Your child will love the bright colors! Turn your treatment procedure into an exciting game.
An orthopedic mat for flat feet is used in the following cases:

  • flat feet;
  • violations of the musculoskeletal functions of the foot - pushing, spring (shock absorption) and balancing;
  • vicious load on the plantar surface of the foot;
  • arrhythmic and asymmetrical walking;
  • increased energy consumption for walking;
  • deformation, progression of existing deformation, and also after treatment.

An orthopedic mat for children against flat feet is useful not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes:

  • helps prevent postural disorders;
  • develops ankle muscles;
  • helps strengthen the immune system;
  • tones the body;
  • calms down nervous system.

Such products are useful not only for children. Foot massage helps improve blood circulation and relieve leg fatigue, and prevent varicose veins in adults.

Important! This thing will be useful for all family members.

An important difference between this device is that it does not require mastering any set of exercises. It is enough for a child to simply walk on it; you can pretend to run in place or jump. For a baby who has just learned to walk, a few minutes is enough; teenagers and adults can practice as much as they want. An alternative is to place it under your feet while preparing homework or watching TV.

Children's stores offer many models of rugs.

For children, such rugs are made in bright colors, with drawings or letters. Nowadays, models in the form of puzzles are popular - by assembling them, the child not only massages the feet, but also develops other useful skills. You can choose any size, depending on the size of the space in which you want to place it. The mats are flexible and easy to roll, disassemble and store.

Buying such a rug is very simple - almost any children's store is ready to offer you a lot of models. Yes, you can also quickly order it online. For the simplest option you need to pay about 700 rubles. They are made from various polymer materials - plastic, PVC and others. But there is an alternative - to make an orthopedic mat for a child with your own hands.

Indications and contraindications

A children's foot massage mat will provide the child with the prevention of flat feet.
  • asymmetrical walking;
  • hallux valgus (a foot defect characterized by a decrease in the height of its arches and an X-shaped curvature of the axis);
  • flat feet.

This mat is used to prevent developmental disorders of the foot, to form strong muscles and correct gait. Regular use will help ensure a physiologically acceptable arch of the foot.

If your child has scratches, cuts, damage, irritation of the skin of the feet or fungal diseases on the legs, then the use of an orthopedic massage mat for a child is not recommended.

Orthopedic mats do not harm your legs. Limitations in use can only be identified by an orthopedist. In specific cases with deviations, the doctor recommends a product with a certain surface (size of pebbles, nature of the material, greater emphasis on convex surfaces or rubber “grass”).

Orthopedic massage products have many advantages:

  • suitable for the treatment and prevention of flat feet, hallux valgus;
  • activate blood circulation, strengthen muscles;
  • after classes, an effect is created, as when walking barefoot on an uneven surface;
  • massage mat is fun, game, good mood for children;
  • positive impact of bright colors on the children's psyche;
  • the product decorates the room;
  • many models can be disassembled into puzzles and take up little space;
  • Caring for rugs is quite simple. This ensures a clean, germ-free surface. Rubber, caoutchouc, PVC surfaces can be easily washed with water; if desired, the surface can be disinfected;
  • Most products have affordable prices.

How to use?

The feet of children under 3 years of age have delicate and sensitive skin, so the rug should be soft and, preferably, made from natural materials. Basically it is rubber.

Interesting to know! For older children, choose products made from silicone. It is best for kids to choose bright products with the maximum combination of colors, and for those older - with a seascape pattern.

When choosing a massage product, emphasis should be placed on the quality of the material (so that it does not emit any harmful substances), on the flexibility of the fabric, ease of cleaning, and on how interested it is in the child due to its shape or coating.

Experts note that uneven surfaces have an excellent effect on the biologically active areas of the foot. Orthopedists advise children to perform a set of exercises at different levels:

  1. Elementary. You need to spend 5 minutes on each exercise. In a calm state, the child should walk with a straight back on the carpet, then do the same on the outer and inner parts of the foot, and then roll from heel to toe. And finally, walking on your toes and heels.
  2. Intensive. This warm-up begins with a calm walk with a straight back, then flows into a march in place. The next exercise will be stretching, pulling your arms up as high as possible, as if trying to reach something very high. Then we do squats and walk along an uneven path. If you stand on one leg, jump and do a light jog, the effect will be much greater.

If the child feels tired, he can exercise while sitting. To do this, you need to check whether the surface is too scratchy and whether it is comfortable for him.

Effective exercises:

  • connection of soles;
  • flexion/extension of toes;
  • circular movements with legs;
  • foot massage by sliding back and forth on the mat.


Before you go shopping, talk to your podiatrist about what products they recommend. A sales consultant or specialist will help you choose the appropriate model.

Important! The massage mat applicator for children can only be used with the permission of an orthopedist.

Puzzle 1+

This rug consists of 8 bright colored fragments. Made from foamed polymer. The base layer is naturally thicker than the standard model, so even an adult can exercise on such a mat. The product is intended for the treatment or prevention of flat feet.

When purchasing it in a store, the kit includes a booklet with different types of exercises. Children as young as one year old can practice on this device. It is better to buy in specialized stores. average price approximately 1200 rub.

The “Seabed” rug is made of environmentally friendly rubber, which is based on rubber. As an exercise, you can use moving along ledges on the mat. This can serve as an analogue of walking on pebbles.

The appearance is quite good. Interesting design. The carpet is made in the form of a circle of dark blue or dark blue. It is approximately 39 cm in diameter. Weighs approximately 740 g. It is moisture resistant and can even be laid out in a bathroom, swimming pool or large basin. Easy to clean - wash or dry. Carpets are produced in Russia, and the price is cheaper - only 1070 rubles.

With rocks

The carpet with stones has a rectangular shape. The designers approached its creation very creatively, so they made it in different color tones. The structure is easy to transport and its properties resemble a carpet covering.

The fabric itself is stitched with a special invisible seam, thanks to which it will not wear out for a long time. It is also good to wash it with a shower stream.

Important! It does not pose any danger to the child, because All parts in this rug are securely sewn and soldered.

According to the parameters, the rug measures 100x40 cm or 150x100 cm, weighs about 1.5 kg, and its thickness reaches 1 cm. The manufacturer is Ukraine, and the cost does not exceed 800 rubles.


Ortho is made of dense rubber. Each puzzle that makes up the carpet is 25x25 cm in size. To create the maximum effect, you can make a rug from different types of puzzles that imitate different types surfaces: soft and hard stones, grass, thorns, etc.

This carpet would be an excellent option for the treatment of asymmetrical walking or as an additional element in the treatment of hallux valgus and varus, and flat feet.

The price fluctuates, so it depends on the number of parts. So, 4 puzzles will cost 900 rubles, 8 pieces. - 1700 rubles, and 16 - 3600 rubles.


Fosta is suitable for quality foot massage. Made from polyethylene foam. The experts chose a pleasant color scheme that will complement the main design of the children's room. Each section of the carpet has a different width and height of relief.

There are imitations of pebbles, paths made of small pebbles, and coarse sand. The product can be easily washed with soapy water, but after cleaning the surface must be wiped. Sold in specialized stores at a price of 1000 rubles.

The Casada reflexmat cs 948 carpet can be used to massage your feet.

Casada mats are designed for effective massage and prevention of foot diseases. Externally, it is a carpet covered with plastic formations that imitate sea pebbles.

Both children and adults can use it. A mat will be especially useful for those who suffer from flat feet. It will also help those who suffer from stress or nervous disorders after overwork.

The dimensions of the rug are 180x35 cm. Weight is 1 kg. But there are also contraindications.

For adults

An environmentally friendly product that allows you to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, restore the functioning of internal organs, calm the nervous system and activate the functioning of nerve endings. With its help, many chronic diseases and male infertility are treated.

The following rugs are in wide demand for such therapy:

  • acupuncture;
  • with needles;
  • electric.

Each product has its own characteristics, which allows therapeutic massage to influence different points of the back.


The mat helps treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Acupressure made possible with a back massage mat, the acupuncture product is similar to a regular rubber flap with hard or soft spikes. Massage allows you to:

  • treat curvature of the spine, flat feet;
  • eliminate joint pathology;
  • improve brain function and blood circulation;
  • tone blood vessels, spinal muscles;
  • give energy and vitality.

Preventive warm-ups with an acupuncture product allow you to straighten your posture and cure chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Rugs with needles

The product warms up, normalizes blood flow, and warms up the back.

Back massage mats with needles allow you to stretch your back area, rub it, warm it up, and normalize blood flow. Needle elements stimulate the functioning of nerve endings, relax, and increase the body's resistance to stress.

Periodic treatment procedures maintain physical health, reducing fatigue, stiffness, and increasing performance. After the procedure it is easier to fall asleep, sleep is more restful.


An excellent replacement for the classic one is an electric mat. Electrodes massage active points in the lumbar region, eliminating muscle tension.

A full course of procedures improves performance immune system, increases the vitality of the body, eliminates pathologies of the spine, treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and calms.

Products must be protected, carefully rolled up after use, ensure that no moisture gets in, and do not store in the cold or near heating devices.

Important! Water, heat, frost have a negative effect on the product.

Each mat has its own purpose; for example, if you use an electric massage device for your back, you won’t be able to massage your legs with this product. If you need a mat for simultaneous massage not only of the back, but also of other parts of the body (shoulders, neck, soles of the feet), then it is better to purchase a universal product or a massage attachment.

We make devices with our own hands

It is very easy to make a children's orthopedic massage mat. Various means that any housewife has in her home are suitable for this. The advantages of a homemade device will be its lower cost and your confidence that the materials of the product are safe for the child. Photos of homemade orthopedic rugs for children are presented in our article.

Using cereals

For such a rug, the contents of the shelves in the kitchen will be used: buckwheat, beans, peas. You can even take dryers (that is, regular bagels) of different sizes. Coarse sea salt is another great option.

First of all, we take fabric: such a density that the grain does not spill out through the weave of the threads, but at the same time the filler can be felt well. We make bags out of fabric, which we fasten together. Pour the contents into it, sew it up - and the massage orthopedic foot mat for children is ready!

sea ​​pebbles

It is very pleasant to walk barefoot on the smooth sea pebbles, so a massage procedure on the mat will be a joy for your child. You can also take river pebbles.

The stones need to be washed, then glued onto a rough cloth using a glue gun or any glue in the order you like: randomly or in rows, in the form of some kind of pattern. Use pebbles of different shapes and sizes, but be sure to be very smooth so as not to scratch your foot.

This version of the massage mat can be used not only in rooms, but also in rooms with high humidity, for example, in a bathroom or sauna. In addition, such a rug looks very beautiful and elegant. The base is a rubber mat, which is usually laid in bathrooms or in front of the threshold. Such rugs are not afraid of moisture and do not get wet.


Making an orthopedic mat for a child with your own hands is very simple.

An orthopedic massage mat for children is as easy as shelling pears to build using buttons of different sizes. It is best to choose buttons without a “leg”, that is, the most common ones - with two or four holes. They are sewn onto thick fabric or a regular rug with thick threads. Bright buttons will attract the child and he will walk on it with pleasure.

You can choose buttons of different sizes and textures - round, square, cylindrical, asymmetrical, smooth or rough, plastic and wooden. Then, due to different surfaces, foot massage will be more effective.

This massage mat will not only give your feet a pleasant feeling, but will also allow you to dispose of leftover fabrics and unnecessary buttons. Another special feature of this rug is that it consists of separate parts attached to each other using Velcro. This allows you to swap parts of the mat and you can also change the size of the mat.

The entire rug is divided into four parts, two of which are sewn from fabric of different textures, another part is filled with various cereals, and the fourth segment is sewn with different buttons. The combination of different fabrics, fillings and buttons of different sizes gives an excellent massage effect for both adults and children.

The fabrics for the first segment can be faux leather, fur, velvet and satin, and the second element will be fleece, flannel, coarse cotton or burlap and corduroy.

For the third element, various fillings are sewn into fabric pockets. It could be beans, peas, buckwheat or pearl barley. You can also use beads or polypropylene balls.

All unnecessary buttons of different sizes, shapes and textures are sewn onto the fourth square. The result is not only a useful and practical, but also a beautiful massage mat.

A rug made of buttons is one of the most durable options; it can be used for more than one year. It is not difficult to sew on a torn button, you just need to select a tighter base.

Bottle caps

To make an orthopedic foot mat for children, caps from ordinary plastic bottles will also work. They need to be secured on thick fabric or a soft mat with the bottom down. You can glue in different orders. It will be interesting to lay out some attractive pattern if you collect lids of different colors.

It is better to choose a base for such a mat that can be treated with a degreasing agent before gluing on the covers. You can glue with a special gun, which you can buy at a hardware store. Glue like Moment will also work.

To make such a rug you will need the lids themselves, an awl and fishing line. Let's show the scheme for assembling the lids using the example of a small stand. The base is a hexagon. If you want to make a stand, then three covers should be placed along the length of one side. And for a rug you need to take about 10 - 12 covers.
As a result, for a stand on the extreme line you need to take 12 caps (3+2+2+2+2+1), and for a rug with a hexagon side length of 10 caps - 54 (10+9+9+9+9 +8). That is, it turns out the number of caps on the side multiplied by 6 (the number of sides) minus 6 repeating caps.

6 holes are pre-pierced in the lids with an awl. Then 12 outer caps are assembled onto one line.

An orthopedic rug can be made from ordinary chestnuts.

Combined mat

For a massage mat, you can also use pieces of fabric of different textures and thicknesses, dish sponges, flat chips from board games, large beads, plastic curlers and everything else that can be found in the house.

You can attach parts to any fabric, material, even a wooden or plastic board. It’s up to you to decide what shape and size of rug you choose. This will depend on the amount of materials you have and the available space in your home.

You can make a long path with different massage elements. Feel free to combine stones and buttons, fabrics and cereals. But even if your creation is not large in size, its effect will not be less. Provided that it is used regularly, of course.

Important! When choosing materials for a rug, you should remember the safety of the child. Do not use elements that may damage your baby's delicate skin.

You will need

  • base mat;
  • textile;
  • sewing supplies;
  • filler for pockets.


  1. For a rug, first of all, you need to choose a durable base if you don’t want it to tear quickly. Take any ordinary rug, preferably small in size. Next, you need to take fabric, maybe printed, from which robes are sewn, but you can use any fabric that you have in your home. You need to make pockets out of fabric. And the larger the pockets, the more varied their filling will become.
  2. Sew the pocket to the base, leaving a small part of one side unsewn in order to fill it.
  3. Next, you need to prepare the filling for your future massage mat. You can use various cereals that any housewife has. You can, for example, use peas, buckwheat, semolina, rice, millet. We also suggest using non-natural products and putting small pebbles, crushed shells, buttons, beads of different sizes, and chestnuts into your pockets. The more fillers you take, the more varied your massage mat will be.
  4. A rug made this way will be heavy, so have someone help you hold it when you sew up the pockets.
  5. The massage mat for your feet will be of very high quality, and you will be able to massage your feet at any time convenient for you, for example, sitting in front of the TV or at breakfast. The mat is ideal for you and your loved ones, because foot massage is useful at any age. Is it possible to make not just a massage mat, but a whole carpet and walk on it? it is also very beneficial for the health of you and your family.

How to make a simple orthopedic mat for children with your own hands is presented in this video:

Making a useful orthopedic massage mat for children with your own hands is very easy and simple - you don’t need any special materials for this. You can use whatever your imagination suggests. In case of abnormalities in the structure of the foot or any diseases, such a product will provide the child with a full massage, which will be carried out in the form of a game.


Foot massage is very important for improving blood circulation and hardening the body, especially in childhood. You can make massage mats for kindergarten with your own hands if you put in a little effort and imagination.

Advantages and benefits of a massage mat for children

An orthopedic mat is a fabric or rubberized base with protrusions of various shapes, sizes and textures.

Walking on such a mat is useful for young children whose musculoskeletal system is in the process of formation.

The main advantages of using an orthopedic mat:

  • stimulation of nerve impulses;
  • improvement of cognitive functions of the brain;
  • formation of correct posture;
  • prevention of flat feet;
  • raising general tone;
  • increasing immunity.

Chinese medicine claims that on the human foot there are a large number of points associated with the functioning of all organs. Acupressure improves metabolic processes and strengthens the body's defenses.

Do-it-yourself massage mats for kindergarten are easy to make using available materials. The advantage of hand-made is accessibility and safety in use. With the help of this simple device, you can change the asymmetrical gait of a child, correct dysfunctions of the foot and establish the correct development of children's joints.

Types of rugs

Orthopedic mats can be completely different in density and texture:

The rug should create the feeling of walking on uneven natural terrain: path, grass, sand, pebbles. It can combine different types of surfaces that stimulate points on the feet.

The rug must be made from environmentally friendly materials. It can be printed or type-set. In a printed product, texture elements are sewn into fabric bags so as not to injure the skin of the feet. In a type-setting rug, the components are sewn or glued to the base.


Do-it-yourself massage mats for kindergarten can have different geometric shapes depending on the imagination of the needlewomen. The most common is a rectangular shape, adapted for walking. There should be enough space to perform basic exercises.


The dimensions of the rug may vary: at least 50 cm in width, 1.5-2 m in length. The product must consist of four or more sections of different structures. Also, the massage mat can be square, each side is 1-1.5 m.

Required materials and tools

Making a massage mat with your own hands is more economical than buying a finished product for kindergarten.

For self-production you may need the following tools:

  1. Sewing machine.
  2. Glue gun.
  3. Big needle.

It will be easier to sew the base of the rug or individual sections using a sewing machine. The necessary elements are manually sewn onto the finished base or glued with a glue gun.

The materials needed for an orthopedic rug can be very diverse depending on the capabilities and imagination of the needlewomen. The base should be sewn from dense natural fabrics (cotton, jeans, flannel). Preferably, fabrics with a rough, non-slip surface are selected so that the child does not accidentally slip.

For such a handmade you may need:

  • thick threads;
  • felt;
  • fishing line;
  • felt;
  • buttons;
  • fruits and seeds of plants;
  • synthetic filler;
  • natural corks;
  • pencils;
  • markers;
  • pebbles;
  • curlers.

Do not sew or glue items onto the rug that can be easily damaged or crushed.

How to make a massage mat with your own hands for kindergarten children. Step by step instructions

The use of an orthopedic mat creates a physiologically correct structure of the feet. The therapeutic effect of a homemade massage mat can be much stronger than the effect of a purchased product. If they have free time, parents can sew a rug for their child themselves.

Rug with buttons

Almost every housewife has a large number of spare buttons in her house. They can be successfully used to make a massage mat. It is advisable to make it double-sided: one side will be sewn from squares of fabric of different textures, and on the other side buttons of different diameters will be sewn.

Touching the fabric provides a light massage and a change of sensations due to the different surface.

For example, here can be used:

  • velveteen;
  • wool;
  • silk;
  • mahra;
  • header;
  • velvet;
  • boucle;

The internal volume of the rug must be filled with a thin layer of artificial filler (sintepon, holofiber).

For the track, it is best to use voluminous plastic buttons with through holes, without sharp elements. When sewing on buttons, large elements should be surrounded by smaller ones.

The buttons do not need to be placed geometrically; a slightly chaotic arrangement will have a better effect on the surface of the foot. It will be more interesting for children to walk around and look at bright and colorful accessories.

Orthopedic rug made of chestnuts

Natural elements are preferable to creating a massage mat than artificial ones. The rug should create the feeling of walking on a natural surface, so a product made from chestnuts will fulfill this function perfectly.

For production you will need:

Initially, you need to sew a rectangular base and fill it with holofiber, which will slightly soften walking on hard chestnuts.
Using a drill, you need to make two holes in the chestnut fruits so that they can be sewn on. Large chestnuts are surrounded by smaller ones to create the feeling of a light wave.

Such a rug will be environmentally friendly and beautiful, but not very durable.

Sand mat

As you know, walking barefoot on the sand is beneficial for children. You can imitate such a surface at home, but without using sand, which can spill out and gather dust. Do-it-yourself massage mats for kindergarten can be made from several sections filled with natural plant seeds.

For stuffing the rug you will need:

  • grape seeds;
  • apple and pear seeds;
  • seeds of any fruit plants;
  • coffee beans;
  • beans.

It is important that the seeds or pits are dried before placing them in fabric bags. By filling sections of the mat with elements of different sizes, you can stimulate the points of the foot in different ways.

It is advisable that at the beginning and end of the rug there are sections with fine-grained elements, and in the middle with coarse-grained ones. A gradual increase and decrease in the stiffness of sections has a beneficial wave effect. The material of the mat should not be very thick, but dense, so that the seeds do not spill out, but can be felt when walking.


It is always more interesting for a child to walk and look at a rug on which something is depicted. Orthopedic mat in the form railway can be made from an old blanket.

You can depict a winding path using foam rollers, and fill the surrounding space with convex applications. From pieces of felt you can make natural landscapes that your baby will be interested in touching and looking at. Walking on such a rug will provide a soft massage effect.

Rug made of pebbles and simple stones

A pebble mat is an excellent alternative to a child walking on a natural rocky surface. To make such a rug, pebbles or rounded stones without sharp edges are useful. The stones will be glued to a base made of padding polyester or foam rubber, which will soften the exercises on the track.

Criteria for choosing stones for an orthopedic simulator:

  • white and gray;
  • plain;
  • smooth;
  • rounded;
  • different sizes.

The pebbles are glued to the base using a glue gun. Large stones should be placed at intervals, in uneven lines. Small stones are laid out around large stones, gradually decreasing in size as they move away from the large ones. The pebbles should be laid tightly, without visible gaps. The advantages of a stone rug include the naturalness of the product and its beautiful appearance.

Massage mat “walking game”

Do-it-yourself massage mats for kindergarten have not only a therapeutic, but also a developmental effect. A large rug can be made in the form of a game. It is necessary to sew overlays in the form of traces onto the base. Such marks may be filled with some kind of seeds or convex elements may be sewn on them.

Thus, the child will learn to regulate the length of his step and the regularity of his gait. To make walking on such a rug not boring, you can also sew on various appliqués in the form of animals, leaves, and flowers.

Cereal rug

Cereals are often used to fill padded massage tracks. In this case, more whole grain cereals that do not gather dust are suitable. For the base, you can choose a thicker fabric for the lower part, and a thin but dense material for the upper part. Such a massage mat should have several sections with cereals of different fractions and sections with synthetic filler.

An example of sewing a rug yourself:

  • 1 section – holofiber;
  • Section 2 – millet;
  • Section 3 – buckwheat;
  • Section 4 – beans;
  • 5 section – pearl barley;
  • Section 6 – holofiber.

There should be a smooth transition from soft to hard filler, and back. Thus, the impact on the active points of the foot gradually increases and decreases without sudden changes. The number of sections of the cereal mat can be any.

Combined massage mat

A combined orthopedic mat combines the capabilities of all types of mats. Making such a handmade product requires more time, imagination and effort, but the result will be more effective. Options for padding sections of the rug:

For sewing and gluing to the base of the rug you will need:

  • chestnuts;
  • buttons;
  • pencils;
  • curlers;
  • pebbles;
  • round chips;
  • bottle caps;
  • cords;
  • ropes.

The rug can be made in the shape of a forest clearing or sea coast to make it more interesting for the child to walk on it. You need to think about the location of the components and carefully secure them so that the baby cannot tear off or crush something. A functional and beautiful rug can become an exclusive element of the interior.

Pencil rug

To prevent disorders of the musculoskeletal system, a massage mat made from pencils is also used. This track can be easily made by sewing pencils using a ribbon onto a base in the form of a piece of rug.

You will need 3-4 dozen pencils; you can use felt-tip pens with thick plastic bodies.
The elements of the rug must be sewn tightly to each other, in one line, in a zigzag or in the form of traces. In addition to walking, the child will be interested in looking at such a rug and remembering the colors.

How often and for how long can you use the mat?

The first workouts on the mat may be unusual for the child, so the duration and intensity of the exercises should be increased gradually.

It is better to start classes with simple positions:

Over time, the exercises can become more difficult:

  1. Walking backwards.
  2. Alternately jumping from foot to foot.
  3. Walking in a half squat.
  4. Jumping with two legs.
  5. Jumping and running in place.

Each exercise takes 2-3 minutes. It is necessary to ensure that tasks are completed correctly and unhurriedly in order to avoid injury to the child.

Activities can be turned into gameplay by asking the child to imitate the gait of animals. Regular exercise develops the musculoskeletal system, and game uniform improves mood and has a beneficial effect on the general psycho-emotional state of the child.

Orthopedic massage mats for kindergarten, made by yourself, help strengthen the body from childhood. The use of such simulators is important for the correct formation of the child’s foot and posture.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about making massage mats for feet

Fun DIY massage mat for a child:


All “advanced” mothers know that the health of a child’s feet needs to be monitored from a very early age. Walking barefoot on sand, pebbles and grass is an ideal way to influence your baby's developing feet. However, the standard living conditions of a modern child are far from natural. Various massage mats are created to imitate natural surfaces. You can not only buy them in the store, but also make them yourself.

The benefits of orthopedic massage mats for children

Stimulating your baby's feet with a massage mat that imitates natural irregularities brings significant benefits to the child's health:

  • helps prevent or treat flat feet;
  • helps the correct formation of the arch of the foot and the entire musculoskeletal system;
  • influencing the reflexogenic zones of the feet, improves blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • activates metabolic processes in the body;
  • develops the vestibular apparatus;
  • promotes the child’s mental development, including speech;
  • according to acupuncture, it affects biologically active points, due to which it has a positive effect on all internal organs and increases immunity;
  • relaxes, relieves psychological stress.

Active influence on the baby’s foot is also supported by the fact that in countries where children traditionally walk barefoot, flat feet are rare, while in Russia this problem is widespread. The world's best footballers and runners often come from those same "barefoot" countries.

How to make a children's foot massage mat with your own hands?

First, decide on the type of massage mat you want to make: it can be round, rectangular, square or any other shape, with a soft or hard base, with sewn or glued elements, or, alternatively, from several bags with different fillings textures. As you can see, making a massage mat with your own hands provides the widest scope for your imagination!

1. Shape

Theoretically, the shape of a massage mat can be any, but most often the mats are made rectangular. They can be made quite large, they fit well into a traditional rectangular room, and kids love to run around in this “obstacle course.”

size 2

It’s easier and faster to make a small rug, but keep in mind that your baby is unlikely to be happy to stomp on a tiny “island” for a long time. Instead of one large one, you can make several small rugs or provide for the possibility of expanding the orthopedic surface in the future.

3. Materials for making the rug

If you plan to make rugs with sewn or glued elements, decide on the type of base. It could be:

  • a piece of fabric - it is better to take a coarse, dense one. You can sew a base from old jeans;
  • an old bedspread, blanket, textile rug or piece of carpet;
  • a rubber mat, a soft puzzle mat (not orthopedic, smooth) or a yoga mat;
  • piece of laminate.

It is better to sew massage elements onto a fabric base - using thread or thin fishing line. The adhesive method of attaching to fabric may not be reliable enough, since kids are happy to pick out such small parts.

What elements can be sewn onto a fabric rug?

  • buttons;
  • beads;
  • pencils;
  • pen and felt-tip pen refills;
  • plastic bottle caps;
  • dish sponges;
  • wooden coasters with holes;
  • bottle caps;
  • thick cords;
  • washcloths;
  • sink grates;
  • napkins for utensils (for example, this napkin from Ikea);
  • curlers;
  • curtain rings.

For adhesive fastening, you can use a construction hot-melt gun with glue sticks. You can glue the following onto a hard or thick (such as a rubber or PVC mat) base:

  • rounded pebbles - such as glass aquarium soil or smooth pebbles;
  • coffee beans;
  • beans;
  • stone chips for the game Go;
  • wooden blocks, pencils;
  • walnut shells.

A popular option for a homemade massage mat is a product made from several rectangular bags, which can either be sewn together or connected to each other using buttons, Velcro or snaps. Various fillings are placed inside the bags: beans, buckwheat, rice, millet, peas, semolina, cherry pits, nut shells, clean sand.

If you plan to use a massage mat not only as an orthopedic surface, but also as a means to expand the baby’s tactile sensations, add zippers, Velcro, and pieces of fabric of different textures to your mat. Also, no one will stop you from making the massage mat educational, for example, by sewing numbers, letters, multi-colored pieces of fabric, and geometric shapes onto the base.



A do-it-yourself orthopedic mat for children allows you to get rid of many problems associated with your child’s legs and back in the present and in the future. Many people underestimate the importance of foot massage, although it contains nerve endings that affect all organs. Depending on the area of ​​influence, the mat will act for the benefit of the body.

Simply using a photo as a basis and making an orthopedic mat like this will not work. We advise you to learn in more detail about the features of manufacturing these stimulants for the health and proper development of the child’s body.

In fact, you can make the most unusual rug for children with your own hands using available materials. Just take into account the fact that adult orthopedic products are not suitable for children. The child’s body is not yet so strong and formed.

Today the following children's carpets are in demand:

  • From pebbles;
  • Bottle caps;
  • Croup;
  • Buttons;
  • Sintepon;
  • Pencils;
  • Combined products, etc.

Let's talk about the features of making them yourself.

From pebbles

One of the easiest orthopedic carpet options to create with your own hands. For it you will need:

  • A piece of carpet with a rubber backing. This way the carpet will not slip on the floor surface and will retain its effectiveness longer;
  • Flat polished stones. You can collect them on the beach or purchase them in specialized stores;
  • Glue. Use liquid nails to ensure high quality adhesion.

To make an orthmat with your own hands, simply wash the pebbles thoroughly, dry them, glue them to the rug and wait until the glue sets. All is ready!

Please note that under no circumstances should you start working on a child’s feet with pebble mats. Try softer orthopedic options first. And when the leg gets stronger and formed, start walking on the pebbles.


Don't rush to throw away plastic bottles. The covers from them may well be useful for making an orthopedic carpet with your own hands. You will need:

  • Set of covers;
  • Dense base;
  • An awl with fishing line or strong glue.

Manufacturing is quite simple. You can glue the lids to the base, or sew them on by making a hole in the bottom of the lids.

As in the case of pebbles, you need to exercise on such mats gradually, literally from a few seconds a day. Over time, the child will be able to walk on it independently.


An excellent option that will also suit early stages classes with a child on orthopedic mats.

  • Use buttons that will be different in size, size, color, thickness. This way they will be able to attract the child’s attention and interest in playing on the mat;
  • Any durable fabric or carpet is suitable for the base;
  • Using threads and needles, you need to sew on all the buttons in any order.

Cereals, padding polyester

Experts advise starting to walk on orthopedic mats with products made from small grains and synthetic padding.

  • They are small enough that they will not put painful pressure on the baby’s feet;
  • The surface can be divided into several sections. Make some simple, flat, and others in the form of tubercles, hills;
  • A simple, flat mat is suitable only if large varieties were used as cereals - peas, beans, acorns;
  • We recommend using bright fabrics for the base to attract your child to play on the homemade orthopedic rug.


A good option for a rug, for the manufacture of which various types of pencils are suitable - small, large, round, ribbed.

Pencils can be sewn or glued. Walking on them is not painful, but it is interesting and fun. For children, the main thing is interest and adventure. Therefore, try not to just sew on these pencils randomly, but to create some kind of plots from them, a map, by walking along the lines of which the child will be able to get to the treasured toy, treasure.


The most difficult version of an orthopedic product for children, which you can do yourself. It will take quite a lot of time, but the result will meet your expectations.

Combined orthopedic mats are usually made large; they include several different sections made of:

  • Pencils;
  • Smooth pebbles;
  • Croup;
  • Bottle caps;
  • Sintepon;
  • Buttons, etc.

How to practice

Making an orthopedic mat for a child with your own hands is half the work. Now you have to deal with the baby. How to do it? Let's give some useful tips.

  1. Turn mat exercise into a game.
  2. Be sure to use bright materials and components to create a carpet.
  3. Come up with a plot transferred to a children's rug. It could be a labyrinth, a winding road, a river.
  4. The first classes should last no more than 5-7 minutes.
  5. Invite your child to take a test, or tell him a fairy tale, during which he needs to complete certain tasks on the mat.
  6. The child should walk calmly, on his toes, heels, rolling, etc.

Homemade mats with orthopedic properties are an excellent exercise machine that can most the best way affect your child's health.