What do you need to open a shawarma? Interesting ideas for a business plan - opening a kiosk selling shawarma. An approximate calculation of the profitability of a shawarma outlet

20.10.2021 General

Selling shawarma, or shawarma, is popular for small businesses in the catering industry. Its weak link is high competition, but despite this, such a business usually pays off quickly. Launching a shawarma stall does not require large start-up capital, and the demand for shawarma, like pizza, cheeseburgers, hot dogs and other street fast food, always remains high. People can eat these dishes on the go as a quick option for a snack or lunch. Let's see how to open such a business.

Read also about opening a pancake cafe.

  • 1 Shawarma business: cooking technology
  • 2 Business format
  • 3 Shawarma as a business: important points
  • 4 Shawarma business plan
  • 5 Project Summary
  • 6 Production plan. What equipment is needed for shawarma
  • 7 Financial plan. Cost of equipment for shawarma
  • 9 Risk analysis
  • 10 Kiosk staff
  • 11 What you need to open a shawarma: a 10-point checklist
  • 12 How to open a shawarma tent: list of documents
  • 13 Cost of 1 shawarma

Shawarma business: cooking technology

Shawarma is a famous Turkish dish. The classic Middle Eastern version consists of an Arabic flatbread filled with minced meat, chopped vegetables and sauce. In the Russian version, shawarma uses translucent lavash, which is stuffed with grilled meat.

The technology is simple: the meat is cut into thin pieces, fried and skewered on a rotating spit. When the meat is ready, take a sharp knife and cut off pieces, which are then placed in thin pita bread. A salad of vegetables is also placed there: they can be either fresh or pickled.

In addition to meat, pita bread and vegetables, the dish may include cheese or chips. A mixture of finely chopped meat and vegetables is poured with ketchup and/or mayonnaise sauce, wrapped and packaged. Preparation takes only a few minutes. There is a version of shawarma for vegetarians - without meat.

Business format

There are two formats for doing business: a mobile van or a regular stall. In any case, water and gas supplies must be connected there.

The advantage of a trailer or trailer is its mobility and ability to move. This is especially important during folk festivals. Using it, you can quickly find yourself in a place where there is a maximum concentration of people. Such a stall can be bought or rented.

You can buy a stall with all the necessary communications inexpensively, for about 150 thousand rubles. But the location of the tracker must be agreed upon with the city administration, and this is not always easy. Sometimes it is more profitable to buy a stall with an approved location, or sublease the place.

The main fans of fast food are students and young people. They prefer to eat on a budget and quickly, so a good location option would be the proximity of any educational institution or hostel. For the same reason, it is important to decorate your outlet in a modern style. It is important that it is visible, in an area with good pedestrian traffic. You can also locate it near a train station and shopping center, in a business center or near a park.

The stall should have windows through which customers can watch the shawarma preparation process. You need to think about good lighting for the dark. In case of vandalism, it is better to insure the stall and all property inside.

Shawarma as a business: important points

First of all, it is important to remember the location of the point. A big plus for buyers will be the proximity to their places of work and school, because such food is usually purchased during the day and on the go. Affordability is also important. The usual cost of one full meal at a street food outlet is no more than 300 rubles. including drink. You need to prepare food in front of customers: the technology must be debugged.

At the stage of preparation for launching a business, it is important to choose the right location, find personnel and suppliers, determine the pricing policy, and only then start purchasing equipment. To properly plan your project, you need to draw up a business plan.

Shawarma business plan

A shawarma business plan includes several sections. A competent plan will help you assess the prospects of the project and, if necessary, attract investors.

Project Summary

The first section includes a description of your business. There you need to specify which format you will choose (mobile and stationary), where the stall will be located, who your competitors are and what your advantage is. The resume also includes an analysis of the street food market and the target audience for which you will work.

Production plan. What equipment is needed for shawarma

The production plan contains a list of equipment. This list includes a gas or electric grill - a stainless steel cabinet, which also includes reflectors, heating elements, skewers and clamps, as well as a drip tray. Gas grills are economical and do not require an electrical connection. But electric grills can reduce cooking time.

What you need to pay attention to:

  1. Power - from 3 kW. For high speed operation, a power of at least 7 kW is required.
  2. Capacity - from 20 kg of meat.
  3. Number of skewers. This criterion affects the depth of roasting of meat, and also allows you to cook different types of meat.
  4. Is there a drive for rotation? It is better for the skewer to rotate - this helps to fry the meat evenly on all sides.

You will also need:

  • industrial vegetable cutter for quick cutting of vegetables and for it - slicers of different thicknesses for slicing different types vegetables Usually food processors break down quickly, and chopping vegetables by hand takes too long. An industrial vegetable cutter costs from 25 thousand rubles and has a productivity of approximately 300 kg per hour.
  • tabletop or floor-standing fryer if the menu includes French fries. They also come in gas and electric, but it is better to choose electric. Cost - from 3 thousand rubles.
  • refrigerated tables so that vegetables are always at hand and do not spoil. Price - from 50 thousand rubles. In order to save money, you can choose a refrigeration chamber, which will cost 10 - 15 thousand.
  • immersion blender for mixing sauces. This is necessary for a large number of orders: a blender will allow you to make a homogeneous sauce in a few seconds. Its price is from 2 thousand.
  • microwave or contact grill for heating.
  • Often, novice businessmen choose inexpensive equipment from China. Look at performance first. A Russian-made grill is more expensive than a Chinese one, but about one and a half times cheaper than a European one - with the same performance. It must have GOST certificates, be easy to clean and be convenient for the cook.

Financial plan. Shawarma equipment cost

The financial plan includes a list of all expenses: both starting and permanent, as well as an analysis of income. Let's calculate the average costs.

The amount may vary significantly depending on the type of equipment chosen:

  • Grill - 20-30,000 rubles.
  • Vegetable cutter - from 25,000.
  • Deep fryer - from 3,000.
  • Blender - from 2,000.
  • Microwave - from 5,000
  • Washing - 3,000.
  • Refrigerator of products - from 10,000.
  • Refrigerator for cold drinks - from 15,000.
  • Equipment for the workplace - 5,000.

The purchase of equipment will cost 80-90 thousand rubles. Another 30 thousand must be paid for a cash register with a terminal for accepting non-cash payments. About 20-40 thousand will be spent on additional expenses, including registering a business, obtaining the necessary permits, printing advertising leaflets and sewing uniforms for sellers.

The total investment at the start, taking into account rent, purchase of equipment, necessary ingredients and raw materials, will be from 200,000 rubles. If you buy a kiosk, the amount will increase to 300 - 400,000 rubles.

Regular expenses - from 120,000 rubles per month. This amount includes:

  • rent,
  • communal payments,
  • taxes,
  • purchasing products,
  • remuneration of two employees with deductions of contributions to Pension Fund and the social insurance fund.

In a good place, it is possible to sell 100 pieces of shawarma per day. Then the monthly revenue from the sale of shawarma alone, with a serving price of 150 rubles, will reach 450,000 rubles. Add here the income from the sale of drinks, French fries, chips, ice cream and related products - we get a net income of 100,000 rubles. The investment can be repaid in three to six months.

Such a business does not require significant marketing costs. People decide to buy shawarma if it is well located. The owner of the outlet just needs to choose the right place and put up a good sign. At the beginning, you can order the printing of advertising flyers and leaflets and distribute them to passers-by, as well as distribute them in nearby offices or educational institutions.

Risk analysis

The main risks in this project:

  • lack of customers - mainly due to the wrong choice of location;
  • the emergence of competitors near your point;
  • risk of rising prices for raw materials;
  • failure to comply with production technology.

At the stage of starting a business, it is important to have a reserve that will be your “safety cushion”, will help you survive possible difficulties and work for at least 2-3 months in the absence of sufficient profit.

Kiosk staff

One cashier and a cook will be enough to operate one kiosk. As a rule, a shawarma stall does not hire a cleaner: at the end of the shift, the seller himself must clean up the workplace. The cashier function can be taken over by the business owner. To resolve the tax issue, it is enough to hire an accountant who will check and send reports once a month.

What you need to open a shawarma: a 10-point checklist

The checklist for opening a point is as follows:

  1. Writing a business plan.
  2. Finding a place to open a stall.
  3. Registration of IP.
  4. Obtaining permits
  5. Drawing up a lease agreement or purchasing a stall.
  6. Purchase and installation of necessary equipment.
  7. Hiring employees.
  8. Distribution of leaflets, installation of signs.
  9. Purchasing ingredients and products.
  10. Opening point.

How to open a shawarma tent: list of documents

First of all, you need to register an individual entrepreneur at your place of registration. You can apply UTII - single tax for imputed income or other simplified tax regime. When choosing UTII, you can pay a fixed tax of about 6,000 rubles per month.

If you have installed gas equipment, you need registration with the gas technical inspection of the Housing Inspectorate and a conclusion on the technical inspection. For stationary stalls you need a BTI passport. The list of documents may vary slightly in different regions.

Cost of 1 shawarma

For standard shawarma you need a sheet of pita bread, 50 g of meat and about 40 g of vegetables, as well as 10 g of mayonnaise and ketchup. On average, it costs 35 - 40 rubles per serving of shawarma, and its retail price is usually at least 120 rubles.

Although shawarma is not considered a seasonal product, the maximum demand for it is observed in autumn and winter. In the summer, demand drops slightly due to the heat and the holiday season. If you are starting a business not in a resort town, it is better to open a stall in September.

Shawarma business is a profitable business: it develops quickly and pays off, it has its regular customers. To open a shawarma you will need a minimum of documents and investments. When developing a business plan, your starting capital will be indicated in the amount of 247 thousand rubles. The payback period for a business is on average 5 months, but may occur in 3 months.

Selling shawarma is a profitable business for aspiring entrepreneurs who do not have start-up capital, which makes opening much easier. The main product that will be sold is the Turkish dish “shawarma”. The technology for its preparation is simple, food costs are minimal, and demand is high and stable.

In addition to selling shawarma as a main dish, you can also offer related products: stuffed toast, vegetarian shawarma. Many kiosks also offer the option of a hot dog in pita bread. These products do not require the purchase of additional equipment. Another group of products is drinks: tea, coffee, juices and a variety of bottled water.

Instructions on how to open and what you need to do it

How to open a shawarma stall from scratch and what is needed for this? The main points to pay attention to are: documentation, selection and arrangement of premises, equipment and employees. This is a necessary minimum that needs to be carefully considered before opening a shawarma.

Stage 1 – registration and preparation of documents

First, business registration is required, in this case, as an individual entrepreneur (IP). A business project for selling shawarma is suitable for choosing a single tax (recommended form of taxation), more detailed information can be obtained from the tax office.

After registering an individual entrepreneur, the rental of premises is arranged. The stall is being renovated and equipped with equipment. After this, you need to contact the fire department and sanitary and epidemiological station for permits.

List of documents for 2018 required to open a shawarma business:

  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • enterprise passport and details;
  • certificate of tax registration;
  • lease agreement/certificate that you are the owner;
  • permitting certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • workers' medical records;
  • permitting document from the fire service.

To register a shawarma business in Ukraine, the same documents will be required. Additionally, you must obtain permission to locate a retail facility from the Ministry of Trade (district state administration).

Stage 2 – search for premises

First you need to determine the location of the point selling shawarma. When choosing a location, rely on the following indicators:

  • trafficability of the place (the flow of people should be large enough);
  • the target audience;
  • competitors.

With traffic, everything is clear; the more people passing by, the more buyers. The presence of a large number of competitors suggests that the place is profitable, but it will be difficult to “survive” there. You will need to offer people something that others do not have, thereby winning their favor.

Target audience – locate the kiosk in the largest concentration of your potential customers. The following groups of people among the population are frequent clients of shawarma:

  • pupils;
  • students;
  • representatives of blue-collar professions (for example, builders, loaders, etc.);
  • middle managers and other office workers;
  • lovers of fast food and other street food.

Taking into account such factors as large crowds of people and the presence of representatives of the target audience, the best locations for the outlet will be:

  • intersections of large streets;
  • area near the school;
  • area near technical and higher educational institutions;
  • a place near factories, construction sites and other places with workers;
  • next to office buildings;
  • railway and bus stations;
  • markets;
  • any other place with a large crowd of people.

As for the premises itself, it could be a small stall or a mobile kiosk. The advantages of a mobile kiosk are that it is often already equipped with equipment and can be located in different places. The disadvantages include the fact that it is only suitable for the warm season. In cold weather, employees will be forced to work in poor conditions and in the cold.

A stationary stall can be purchased or rented. A small room will do. It will need to be renovated before opening.

Stage 3 – purchase and installation of necessary equipment

Before opening a shawarma, the premises must be equipped with all the necessary equipment. For shawarma, you can purchase both imported and domestic equipment. The second will be no worse in quality, but three times cheaper. Another way to reduce your expenses and save money is to purchase used equipment.

Necessary equipment to open a shawarma:

The total approximate amount for all equipment will be 92 thousand rubles. This is not the total amount. You can find equipment cheaper than the indicated prices or, conversely, purchase more expensive ones.

In the process of work, you can purchase additional equipment. This will improve the quality of prepared food and expand the range. For example, you can purchase an industrial vegetable cutter, a sauce mixing machine, and more.

Stage 4 – selection of employees

To work in a shawarma stall, two employees or one will be enough. With the condition that the owner manages financial and administrative affairs. The number of employees depends on the shawarma’s work schedule.

If the work schedule is shifting, you will need to hire two employees. If the usual five-day week - one. But the first option is more profitable, in this case the stall can work for 10-12 hours and seven days a week. Consequently, there will be more buyers and good profits.

At a shawarma kiosk, the cook also serves as a salesperson. But if the influx of customers is too large, then in the future you can put two people per shift. Then there will be a salesperson who will serve the client and pay for it, as well as a cook.

Stage 5 – promotion and advertising

Promotions can be carried out shortly before the opening of the kiosk and during the first months of operation. There is no need to order advertising on radio and television; it is expensive and unjustified for the scale of such a business. What can you use to attract customers:

  • a bright sign on the stall;
  • a sign located next to the premises, even better with prices indicated;
  • you can hand out leaflets next to the kiosk, or scatter them through the mailboxes of nearby houses;
  • advertising in in social networks;
  • regularly holding promotions for customers, for example, offering a discount on the third shawarma and more.

Financial plan

  1. Registration of an individual entrepreneur and receipt of all certificates – 10 thousand rubles.
  2. Rent of premises - about 30 thousand rubles. (may vary depending on the region of Russia, the quality of the premises and other factors).
  3. Equipment – ​​approximately 92 thousand rubles.
  4. Purchase of the first batch of products – 10 thousand rubles.
  5. Salary to employees (calculation for 2 people, for the first month) – 30 – 40 thousand rubles.
  6. Advertising (signboard, sign, leaflets) – 5 thousand rubles.
  7. Additional expenses– 10 thousand rubles.
  8. The reserve amount in case of unforeseen circumstances is 60 thousand rubles.

In total we get an approximate initial capital at 247 thousand rubles. The number of expenses may end up being either less or more than the specified number.

Possible risks

If you have opened your own shawarma business, you, like other entrepreneurs, are not immune to risks. What factors can cause you to “burn out”:

  • low-quality goods – the main thing is the trust and health of the buyer;
  • bad cook - food should not only be fresh, but also tasty;
  • bad attitude towards the client - a smile never hurts, even in a shawarma;
  • wrong location;
  • lack of competitiveness;
  • inflated prices - shawarma is food for poor people, this point must be taken into account.

Video “How to open a shawarma stall”

This video explains how to open your own shawarma business.

Modern people constantly have to rush somewhere. In the daily routine, it is difficult to find time for a full meal, and therefore fast food comes to the rescue of many.

Shawarma is a famous dish originally from Turkey, consisting of a mixture of vegetables and fried pieces of meat, which are wrapped in thin pita bread. The demand for this dish is extremely high.

Today's shawarma is considered a universal type of dish that has historical roots, but at the same time instantly adapts to the needs of modern times, changing the design and filling ingredients.

At some points, fitness shawarma is sold, which does not contain meat, and the filling consists exclusively of vegetables. In European countries, the product is often served with pork, which generally contradicts all the origins of the dish, but fully satisfies the buyer’s demand. Large chains of fast food restaurants offer so-called rolls stuffed with meat, which are wrapped in a flatbread made from wheat flour.

As you can see, shawarma easily changes ingredients, satisfying market demand and preserving its main advantages - unique taste, rapid satisfaction of hunger, unnecessary cutlery and budget cost.

Consequently, this is an extremely profitable business niche that does not require large investments for a successful start. All that remains is to figure out how to start selling shawarma.

Initially, you need to decide on the location of the stall. This decision is of great importance, since if you make a mistake with your choice, you can be left without profit. To sell shawarma, it is better to choose places where streets cross, at public transport stops, or near educational institutions. In large cities, it would be logical to install a stall near the metro station. A walk-through space for a kiosk is the first step to ensure that the “shawarma” business idea does not burn out.

You will also need to conclude an agreement to rent a place for trading. For a stationary kiosk, the rental amount can be from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. In addition to renting a place, you will need to take care of obtaining permits from the SES and fire inspection authorities. Registration of such a package of documents will cost approximately at 10,000 rubles.

The next step is to purchase the required equipment:

  1. Gas or electric grill - the cost varies between 35−45 thousand rubles.
  2. Grill burner - price equals 5,000 rub.
  3. Refrigeration equipment - the cost is not less than 20 thousand rubles.
  4. Hood - price fluctuates within 5-8 thousand rubles.
  5. Contact type grill (heating of products) - from 3000 rubles.
  6. Dishes - not less than 2,500 rubles.
  7. Washstand - cost is about 2,000 rub.
  8. Industrial Operations Tables - the price is 12-15 thousand rubles per unit.

Important!The above prices are approximate. The cost of the necessary equipment can be significantly reduced when purchasing Chinese products, or significantly increased when purchasing high-quality branded equipment. The price directly depends on the country of origin.

The last step is to decide whether you will sell yourself or hire a qualified salesperson. If you plan to hire an employee, then your salary must be included in the associated costs - not less than 30 thousand rubles. Also, don’t forget about paying for electricity - about 4000 rubles per month.

It turns out that to open your own shawarma business, at the first stage you will need about 130 thousand rubles (seller's salary not included). This amount will be significantly higher if you purchase shawarma products in batches rather than purchasing them daily.

Also, the amount of initial costs will need to include the cost of legalizing the business, that is, opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Here everyone decides for themselves.

It should be noted that the payback of such a business is quite fast - with proper organization of the business all costs will be recouped within 3-5 months.

It’s pretty clear how much it costs to open a shawarma shop! You can roughly calculate the payback period. When the kiosk is operating, for example, 12 hours a day, selling 10 units of shawarma per hour with a price tag of 70 rubles, daily profit will be equal to 8400. Will remain clean 6500−7000 rubles (deduction for products spent). You can earn 195 thousand rubles a month. Of these, you will need to pay taxes, rent a place or premises, a bill for consumed electricity, a salary to the seller, purchase a new batch of products and leave a certain amount at the kiosk cash desk (for unforeseen situations and giving change to customers). The owner will have about 100 thousand rubles left net.

Sum net income may be reduced if the owner rents a stall or takes it on credit.

At the first stage, it is necessary to legalize the business of selling shawarma. For this case, the most suitable option is opening an individual entrepreneur will cost the owner only 800 rubles for paying the state fee.

You can also open an LLC, it will cost a little less, but it will take at least 2 times more time to open it. It is recommended to open an LLC when you are planning a serious expansion of your business, which means attracting third parties - investors to open a whole network of stalls.

Important! For a business selling shawarma, it is recommended to use the UTII taxation system; it is extremely simple and transparent.

After registering the legal form, you need to enter into an agreement to rent a place for trade or premises. At the next stage, permits are obtained from the SES and fire departments.

A shawarma stall can bring in a good income. The business plan shows this. To open such a business in 2017, the following documents are required:

  1. Business license.
  2. Company details.
  3. Certificate of tax registration.
  4. A contract for the rental of a place or premises.
  5. SES permitting documents.
  6. Permitting documentation from fire authorities.
  7. The seller’s medical record (if you don’t have one).

As mentioned above, at first you can open a stall selling shawarma cheap. Subject to the purchase of Chinese or used equipment, without purchasing a new kiosk (used rental) and without hiring employees. In this case, opening a point will cost approximately 130 thousand rubles.

If you hire a seller, this amount will increase for 30-35 thousand rubles., subject to the purchase of a new or restored stall - for 300-350 thousand rubles., and when purchasing high-quality branded equipment, another 100−140 thousand rubles.

Plus, this will need to include the opening of a legal form and payment of taxes for the first month of activity. For a place near an educational institution, shawarma would be an excellent product. You won’t be able to open a business from scratch; there are costs.

The Turkish delicacy “shawarma” has long taken root in Russian market. Meat with herbs and vegetables, wrapped in pita bread and filled with sauce and mayonnaise - this is “shawarma” or “shawarma”. This type of fast food has received widespread in Germany, where there are now more than twenty thousand points of sale of the delicacy.

In our country, shawarma has long been considered an unsafe dish from a sanitary point of view. But if you compare it with whites, pies and French fries, then shawarma does not contain carcinogens. The Turkish delicacy, unlike these dishes, is not fried in oil; moreover, greens are added to it, which contain raw fiber.

A product can only become dangerous if its expiration date expires and the ingredients deteriorate. But this applies to all fast food products.

Now shawarma is in great demand among Russians, it is simple and quick to prepare, it does not require much space, a small kiosk is enough for sale. This is why many businessmen are wondering how to open a shawarma shop. Today we will give you some to open a kiosk and offer a shawarma business plan for consideration. This type of business will not require large investments related to the purchase of expensive equipment and hiring a large number of workers. Running a shawarma kiosk is much cheaper than running a cafe or pizzeria.

To open a shawarma kiosk, you must first open an IP. This will be enough for official activities (paying taxes, concluding contracts, etc.). But if you decide to sell alcoholic beverages in addition to shawarma and tea, then it will be necessary to open an LLC. As a form of taxation, it is better to use a simplified system in which a tax is paid in the amount of six percent of revenue or fifteen percent of profit.

After all the nuances with the tax service have been resolved, you will need to think about purchasing equipment and finding a place for a kiosk.

Due to its taste and satiety, the demand for shawarma remains at a high level. You can have a snack in a cafe for two hundred rubles and not be full, or you can buy shawarma for eighty rubles and be full.

A specialized point of sale will very quickly gain popularity, especially in a small city.

Shawarma is a very nutritious dish, one serving is enough to fill you up

Business equipment

The costs of equipping a shawarma kiosk are low, so you should not skimp on grills and a refrigerator, on which the quality of the products offered will depend.

  • So, to fully operate the kiosk you will need:
  • electric grill;
  • fridge;
  • grill burner;

cash register.

The equipment from German manufacturers is considered the most advanced, but the price of such equipment is much higher than that of Chinese and domestic analogues.

This way you can save your budget almost three times. After the kiosk has paid for itself, you can buy multifunctional equipment with the ability to make hot dogs, chips and pancakes, this will increase the profit of your enterprise. Among domestic devices, experts highlight the “EL-2”, at the moment its cost is thirty thousand rubles, Chinese equipment will cost five to seven thousand less. European devices will cost about seventy thousand rubles. The most advanced technology is considered to be from German grill manufacturers. A refrigerator is needed to store cold drinks such as lemonade, juice and

mineral water

For successful sales, you need to choose the right location. It is best to place or rent a kiosk on the main street of the city, near office premises and educational institutions.

But before you settle on any of the options, visit the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor to ensure that the premises meet all the requirements. According to the rules Your premises must be equipped with a ventilation system, water and a toilet. For a kiosk this is problematic. However, there is a way out; the source of water can be a cooler, and the toilet can be in a neighboring building. Also an important factor is permission from the fire department. Registration of all documents will cost the entrepreneur from ten to fifteen thousand rubles.

Renting a kiosk will cost you fifteen to twenty thousand rubles.

The room must be equipped with ventilation, toilet and water supply


The most important stage in the development of a business is the selection of personnel. The chef must be able to cook shawarma quickly and tasty so that customers are satisfied. If the kiosk sells delicious goods, then the prices and design of the outlet will not be important, the demand for shawarma will be constant.

For future employees, such qualities as hard work and perseverance are important. Despite the fairly simple recipe for preparing the dish, the seller will have to work in difficult conditions: a stuffy environment, a constant queue and stress. Not every person can withstand such work.

Shawarma sellers work in difficult conditions: stress, stuffy atmosphere, constant queue

Income and expenses of a shawarma kiosk

Let's calculate the one-time costs of opening a shawarma kiosk.

First, you need to purchase equipment for preparing and storing food.

  • electric grill – 35,000 rubles;
  • refrigerator – 20,000 rubles;
  • grill burner – 5,000 rubles;
  • cash desk – 5,000 rubles;
  • corporate identity and advertising – 50,000 rubles.

It will cost about 20 thousand rubles to register a business and other issues.

Total one-time costs will amount to 135,000 rubles.

Now let's move on to monthly costs:

  • premises rental – 20,000 rubles;
  • salary, 2 people – 36,000 rubles;
  • purchase of food and drinks – 80,000 rubles;
  • taxes – 2,500 rubles.

Monthly expenses will be 138,500 rubles.

The average bill at a kiosk will be 80-100 rubles, which is the cost of one shawarma. The trade margin in this business is 100 percent. The daily number of customers ranges from fifty to one hundred people. Income per day – from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. Therefore, the monthly income is from 150 to 300 thousand rubles.

In this case, the full payback of the business will occur in 11-12 months.

Every day 50-100 people buy shawarma

Experts advise that after a retail outlet reaches self-sufficiency, think about opening a second kiosk.

For an entrepreneur, this will be easier due to the existing experience of opening the first point. In addition, there is already registration, established contacts with suppliers and quality certificates. And a network of shawarma kiosks will bring in much more money than one point.

Perhaps a stall or a mobile trailer with shawarma can be classified as the most low-cost type of business, but you shouldn’t expect fabulous profits either. This is a fairly stable small business, which, when several similar outlets are opened, moves into the medium category. By setting up several shawarma stalls, you can earn 500,000 rubles or more monthly. At the same time, product suppliers will be common for the entire network, which will have a positive impact on the work of all your points.

You need to start production and sales from one kiosk, especially if this business is new to you. There are 2 options for premises for selling shawarma

: stationary stall and mobile trailer-trailer. First you need to decide which one you will use for the production and trade of shawarma. Both options can generate income, but have their pros and cons.

Next, you need to think about the assortment, since the preparation of documents directly depends on this, which you need to start preparing early, since this process can take up to 3 months. If you plan to sell alcoholic beverages along the way, you need to register your enterprise as an LLC; if there are none, then the most suitable option is an individual entrepreneur. While the papers are moving through the authorities, you will have time to go through all the other preparatory stages before opening the shawarma.

Investment size

The advantage of a business built on shawarma trading, is that the return of funds with profit will go from the very first day. It is not necessary to leave funds “just in case,” although cautious entrepreneurs try to insure themselves in case of equipment breakdown or food spoilage.

Step-by-step instruction

First of all, documents are drawn up and the issue of rent is resolved. The assortment is defined in detail below. Usually, in addition to shawarma itself, such catering establishments sell hot and cold drinks, ice cream, and sometimes other baked goods: sausages in dough, rolls, pancakes, hot dogs, spiral chips, etc. Shawarma should be offered in an assortment. Make different serving sizes. Offer the buyer small and large shawarma. This way you can provide customers with ease of consumption, which is only a plus for your establishment.

Shawarma is a Middle Eastern dish, which under other names is widespread in Europe and beyond the Urals. It is prepared from meat, pita bread, vegetables and sauces. The filling and seasonings may vary.

The meat is grilled, then chopped and wrapped in pita bread along with vegetables. Chicken, turkey, veal, and lamb are used. In non-Muslim countries, shawarma is also prepared with pork. All this variety will expand the range. As the trade progresses, it will become clear which types to cook more, and which ones are better to exclude altogether.

Meat will be delivered daily; it’s easier to purchase it already skewered. Some people prefer grills equipped with skewers on which individual carcasses or pieces of meat are skewered. The cook will have to chop the meat himself after grilling. Now it's time to get your equipment. You will need:

  • Grill (electric or gas).
  • Grill burners.
  • Fridge.
  • Washing.
  • Desk (metal).
  • Hood.
  • Cook's tool.
  • Cash machine.

In order to save money at first, you can do without a freezer and a microwave oven - they are not required for shawarma, but later it is advisable to purchase such equipment for related products. It all depends on the number of buyers, demand and assortment. In the beginning, you can buy equipment for shawarma of simpler modifications, Chinese or used. Subsequently, it is advisable to replace it with reliable and modern units from well-known brands.

It is also necessary to buy uniforms for sellers, napkins, bags, gloves, disposable and professional tableware.

Recruitment consists of an interview. Experience and medical compliance are important. The kindness and correct behavior of salespeople are no less important, so when choosing a candidate for a position, it is worth assessing his resistance to stress and ability to smile. A shawarma kiosk hires 1-2 employees, depending on the outlet’s operating schedule. Cleaners are not required, as shawarma sellers do the cleaning at the end of the working day. At night, as a rule, shawarma is not sold because it is not profitable.

The shawarma kiosk should be located in a public place. There should be a train station, park, metro, shopping center or public transport stop within close proximity. The biggest fans of fast food are students who prefer to eat quickly, tasty and inexpensively, so you can choose a place for a shawarma stall near an educational institution (technical schools, universities, colleges, training centers) or a hostel. The kiosk or trailer must be visible, otherwise you will have to place a lot of bright signs and pillars.

Since mostly young people eat shawarma, it is advisable to decorate the room in a creative, modern style.

The room itself should have large windows- people will see the process of preparing food, which will inspire confidence in its quality and entertain them while waiting for their order. At night, the illuminated stall will be visible from afar, which will attract additional customers. Such outlets have never attracted lawbreakers, because at night there is no money or valuable equipment that can be quickly sold there. Therefore, you should not be afraid of large windows, although there remains a risk of vandalism, but such cases are extremely rare. It is easier to insure the kiosk and equipment.


Opening a shawarma is not difficult, but you will have to collect a lot of documents and permits. First you need to register an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax authority. A single tax on imputed income is usually applied to such establishments, but in Moscow it is the simplified tax system or the OSN (the simplified tax system is more profitable). An individual entrepreneur is registered at the place of registration, and not at the place of activity. You can set up a kiosk anywhere in the Russian Federation, having agreed with local authorities. Next you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • Permission for the production and trade of shawarma (municipal authority).
  • Permission to open a retail outlet in a certain territory (Rospotrebnadzor).
  • Certificate of sanitary and epidemiological status (Rospotrebnadzor).
  • List of manufactured products (Rospotrebnadzor).
  • Agreement with laundry and dry cleaning services for washing uniforms.
  • Quality certificates.
  • Agreement on disinfection, deratization, disinfestation.
  • Ventilation cleaning contract.
  • Agreement for the removal and disposal of fluorescent lamps.
  • Agreement for waste removal (household and organic).
  • Staff medical records.

In addition, it is required to draw up a production control program (PPC), which should reflect points about laboratory research, visual monitoring of compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards, organization of measures to eliminate inconsistencies, etc. Permission from the fire service and SES is required. Medical records must have unexpired notes on examinations by specialists.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

Let's calculate whether it is profitable to open a shawarma. To do this, we will make a list of expenses and income for a month in a rented kiosk without selling alcoholic beverages, subject to an average flow of visitors. Expenses and income for products are very relative, since everything depends on turnover and assortment.


  • Kiosk rental - 20,000 rubles.
  • UND tax - 6,000 rubles.
  • Insurance premiums for employees - 2,000 rubles.
  • Food and drinks - 50,000 rubles.
  • Garbage removal, laundry, utility bills - 5,000 rubles.
  • Disposable tableware, napkins, bags, etc. - 2,000 rubles.
  • Employee salary is 30,000 rubles.

Total: 115,000 rubles.