Cucumbers pickled with mineral water. Lightly salted cucumbers in sparkling mineral water. Step-by-step recipe for quick preparation of cucumbers in mineral water

31.10.2021 Hypertension

Not everyone likes pickled cucumbers, as they have too rich a taste. The disadvantage is the long waiting period. In this case, you have the opportunity to get a quick and savory snack. A common recipe is lightly salted cucumbers prepared in mineral water. The very next day after putting it in the refrigerator, you can taste the finished dish.

If you want to grind cucumbers using purified mineral water with gas, you should learn the advantages of this method of quick preservation:

  1. Cucumber fruits are crispy, elastic, with a rich salty flavor.
  2. The possibility of a quick and less troublesome cooking method makes pickling an excellent option for a snack.
  3. There is no need to use boiling water, since the entire process is carried out using cold mineral water.
  4. The components retain consistency, taste and most useful substances, as opposed to long-term salting.

Preparing Ingredients

To quickly add salt, you will need the following basic ingredients:

  • gherkins;
  • mineral water with increased gas formation;
  • salt, preferably sea salt, with large crystals;
  • garlic bulb cloves;
  • greens - dill and parsley.

You can add spices, herbs, cherry leaves, currants or other ingredients to taste. Preparation should begin with vegetables. It is better to take small cucumbers. If the fruits are large, then they need to be cut. The ends can be left or removed. Wash the cucumbers and remove thorns.

Garlic should be peeled and cut into slices, each clove. The dill umbrellas must be divided into the tops and stems with herbs, and the parsley must be washed.

Step-by-step cooking instructions

Step by step easy recipe for preparing malosol includes the list of ingredients:

  • slightly unripe gherkins of the same size - 1 kilogram;
  • umbrella dill - 5 pieces;
  • garlic cloves - 6 pieces;
  • horseradish root - 1 piece;
  • laurel leaves - 3 pieces;
  • large salt crystals - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 small spoon;
  • carbonated mineral water.

Salting is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Preparation of components - wash the gherkins, cut off the ends; Peel the garlic, rinse the dill.
  2. Place herbs and chopped horseradish root on the bottom of the prepared dish.
  3. Place cucumber fruits on top of the dill in a thick layer, pressing them down slightly.
  4. Sprinkle everything with chopped garlic, dill and chopped horseradish.
  5. Place a second layer of cucumbers and cover it with the remaining elements.
  6. Prepare salt filling - pour salt and fill with carbonated mineral water, add bay leaf and granulated sugar, mix.
  7. Add the brine to the bowl with the cucumbers, cover and put in a cool place for 12 hours or 24 hours.

The resulting pickled cucumbers will pleasantly surprise you with their rich taste and aroma, and mineral water will add crunchiness to them.

What can you add to cucumbers?

If you like to experiment, you can diversify the standard recipe. You can add to the main ingredients:

  • leaves of horseradish, cherry, currant or oak;
  • green apple with a sour taste - cut one small piece into thin slices;
  • Hungarian plum – chop several pitted fruits into four parts each;
  • zucchini - cut into semicircles of medium thickness.

Let's look at recipes for each additional ingredient.

Leaves of oak, currant, horseradish

To prepare delicious lightly salted cucumbers, you can add oak, horseradish or currant leaves. This will give the dish an unusual, bright taste.

Recipe for malosol with the addition of currant leaves:

  1. Rinse small cucumbers of approximately the same length and leave in cold, clean water for several hours.
  2. Trim the ends of the fruits, divide the dill umbrellas into several parts and wash them together with the currant leaves, peel the garlic.
  3. Place some of the greens and a couple of cloves of garlic into the prepared saucepan, add a few grinds of black pepper.
  4. Immerse half of the cucumbers.
  5. Add the remaining herbs, garlic and seasonings.
  6. Add the second part of the cucumber fruits and mix everything.
  7. Preparing the brine - pour salt into mineral water until it dissolves, pour in the contents of the pan.
  8. Cover with a plate and refrigerate.

Already in the morning you will receive crispy, elastic cucumbers with a pleasant taste and aroma.

Hard sour apple

  • for cooking, take dishes made of glass, ceramics or wood, rinse thoroughly;
  • Wash and cut one apple into slices, finely grate the second to release the juice;
  • Place fruit slices, dill umbrellas, chopped garlic, peppercorns and horseradish or cherry leaves (optional) on the bottom of the container;
  • Place gherkins on top of herbs and seasonings, cover everything with grated apples;
  • prepare the liquid for pickling - mix mineral water with gas and salt;
  • Pour the contents of the container, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator.

Lightly salted cucumbers according to this recipe will pleasantly surprise you with a delicate sour-sweet flavor.

Plum Hungarian

Pickling vegetables with plums is an original recipe that not everyone will like:

  • Wash cucumbers of equal sizes, remove seeds from the fruit and cut each fruit into four parts;
  • Clean the jar using soda, rinse well;
  • put half of the plums, cherry leaves, dill umbrellas and chopped garlic cloves on the bottom;
  • add cucumbers and the rest of the ingredients on top;
  • Fill the contents with a mineral water saline solution, cover the jar with gauze, leave in the room for a day and a half, then put it in the refrigerator for several days.

Using Hungarian plums will give the finished dish a sweetish taste. The recipe is suitable for true connoisseurs of unusual combinations.


For salting you will need:

  • fresh gherkins;
  • medium sized zucchini;
  • highly carbonated mineral water;
  • coarse salt;
  • spoon of granulated sugar;
  • cherry and currant leaves;
  • stems and umbrellas of dill;
  • a pair of garlic cloves;
  • allspice peas;
  • a slice of lemon (to taste).
  1. Wash the gherkins, leave in cool water for several hours, trim the ends by 2-3 centimeters.
  2. Rinse the zucchini and cut into circles about 1.5 centimeters thick.
  3. Wash the dishes and scald with boiling water.
  4. Place leaves, dill and garlic on the bottom.
  5. Place vegetables tightly on top, add peppercorns and add a slice of lemon.
  6. Mix mineral water with salt and sugar and pour the mixture over the prepared ingredients.
  7. Cover with a plate or lid and put in a cool place.

Lightly salted cucumbers and zucchini can be stored for several months.


Lightly salted cucumbers can also be eaten on a diet. There are only 12 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

If you cannot consume a lot of salt for health reasons, for example, if you have hypertension, then quick preparation will be an excellent alternative to long-term pickles.

Lightly salted cucumbers are allowed in almost unlimited quantities during pregnancy. They will help cope with nausea and toxicosis.

Ingredients required for pickling cucumbers with mineral water

For salting you will need:

Approximately 500 grams of small cucumbers;

300-350 ml of sparkling mineral water;

3-4 small cloves of garlic;

30 grams of salt;

Umbrella of fresh dill;

Horseradish, cherry or currant leaves, optional.

Preparing cucumbers with mineral water for the winter

1. First you will need to prepare jars for pickling. They need to be washed well with soda and soap and sterilized in the oven for about 10-15 minutes at 130-140 degrees.

2. When the sterilized jars have cooled, place dill, peeled garlic and herb leaves of your choice on the bottom.

3. Wash small cucumbers and trim 1 cm from both ends. Place them tightly in jars.

Important! The cucumbers for this homemade preparation should be small. You should also try to choose vegetables that are the same size. Cucumbers should be smooth, with elastic skin without cracks or scratches.

4. For every 0.5 kg of cucumbers, add a tablespoon of salt. Next, pour freshly opened sparkling mineral water over the cucumbers.

5. Cover the jars with ironed gauze or a towel and leave on the table overnight.

6. In the morning, jars of cucumbers will need to be hermetically sealed with polyethylene lids and stored in the cold.

Lightly salted cucumbers made with mineral water are very tasty, moderately salty, aromatic and very crispy. Preparing these cucumbers will take a minimum of time, and the result will please any housewife. These cucumbers are perfect for serving with boiled new potatoes.

It is better to use small cucumbers for pickling. They need to be washed well under running water, then the tails should be cut off on both sides. Wash the dill. Peel the garlic.

Place some of the dill on the bottom of the pan; I didn’t cut it, but just slightly broke it. Cut the garlic into thin petals. Place some of the garlic flakes on the bottom of the pan.

Then place the prepared cucumbers into the pan. Place the remaining dill and garlic petals on top.

Pour salt into mineral water and mix well. Pour mineral water over the cucumbers.

Place a plate on top of the cucumbers, thereby immersing the cucumbers completely in the mineral water. Cover the pan with a lid and place in the refrigerator for a day.

Serve the finished cucumbers to the table. Store lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water in the refrigerator, in brine.

Bon appetit!

I offer a recipe for quick pickling lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water. Pickling cucumbers with soda makes it possible to preserve not only the aroma of the greens - they do not lose their beautiful greenery and are enriched with substances that fill the mineral water. And, most importantly, they remain deliciously crispy! The method is easier than ever and allows you to enjoy a summer snack very quickly. The only drawback of pickling is that the snack is not suitable for storing for the winter.

Why on mineral water? Salts of minerals beneficial to human health, microelements, and a complex of biologically active supplements are dissolved in natural water. The carbon dioxide that mineral water is saturated with is endowed with the ability, together with salt, to easily penetrate the structure of vegetables, in turn enriching cucumbers.

Thanks to this, the pickling process goes as quickly as possible, the greens retain their fresh color and become crispy. And the snack can rightfully be called healthy.

Secrets of delicious pickling of cucumbers in mineral water

The recipes are simple, but you should know some subtleties of pickling:

  • Cucumbers lightly salted in mineral water do not require pre-soaking, which reduces cooking time.
  • Ideally, cucumbers should be straight from the garden. If it doesn’t work, select strong ones with dark skin.
  • Choose ones that are not too large and thin-skinned - this is a sign of the “youth” of the vegetable. Thick-skinned cucumbers can be used in salads.
  • To ensure that the appetizer is salted quickly and evenly, take cucumbers of equal size.

Lightly salted cucumbers with mineral water - a quick recipe

Cucumbers made according to the recipe with gas will turn out lightly salted and deliciously crispy, beyond all praise. The recipe is quick, you can try it after a day.

Calculate the amount of ingredients as follows: take a liter of water per kilogram of vegetable. If you take more cucumbers, then adjust the volume of mineral water accordingly.


  • Mineral water, highly carbonated – liter.
  • Garlic – 3-5 cloves (I take a head because I like a lot).
  • Salt – 3 large spoons.
  • Dill - a small bunch.
  • Cucumbers – kilogram.

Step-by-step pickling of cucumbers:

  1. Wash the greens and trim them on both sides. Divide the garlic head into cloves and cut into slices. Wash the dill.
  2. Cover the bottom of the pickling dish with half the dill. Pickling can be done in a jar, but I used a tall container, which suits me.
  3. Spread the cucumbers on top, sprinkle with garlic, and cover them with the remaining dill. You can do it in two layers.
  4. For convenience, pour the mineral water from the bottle into a saucepan, dilute the salt and pour over the cucumbers. There is a very important nuance here: our task is to dissolve the salt, but not to allow gas bubbles to escape in large quantities, otherwise the speed of salting will be lost. To do this, I advise you to pour approximately 100 ml. water, add salt and stir. And then pour all the mineral water into a pan and add water and salt.
  5. Be sure to cover the workpiece with a lid so as not to lose gas.
  6. Place the container in the cold and keep it for exactly one day. After the specified time, take it out, start tasting and get ready to listen to compliments.

Recipe for delicious lightly salted cucumbers in sparkling water

Based on the previous recipe, you can create a lot of variations. Look around and determine what is still ripe for you. A creative housewife will always want to break the rules and add something unexpected to the pickling. Apples, tomatoes, young zucchini and squash are suitable, red currants, gooseberries will make the taste of the brine original. This means the taste of cucumbers will change. Try it, then share your impressions in the comments.

Video recipe for quick lightly salted cucumbers with sparkling mineral water. May you always have delicious food!