The Great American Eclipse and other astronomical phenomena of August. An asteroid similar to the huge White Knight spaceship in the video entered the solar system

06.10.2021 Thrombosis

Scientists say an asteroid shaped like a cigar has entered our solar system after wandering between the stars for hundreds of millions of years.

Scientists have already given the asteroid a name. His name is Oumuamua, which means “Messenger” in Hawaiian.

It is extremely elongated in shape. The ratio of the length of a rock to its transverse size is approximately 1/10.

It is the first space rock ever observed by astronomers to come from outside the solar system.

The Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) telescope in Hawaii first spotted the asteroid on October 19 this year. It looked like a faint point of light moving across the sky.

After further observations and orbital calculations, scientists reported that there is no doubt that the object came from outside the solar system.

Moving at 95,000 kilometers per hour (59,030 mph), 'Oumuamua flies in a straight line drawn between the Sun and the star Vega, located 25 light-years from Earth. Visually, the asteroid seems to be flying from there.

However, 300,000 years ago, when the asteroid's journey began, Vega was in a completely different place. This leads scientists to assume that the asteroid is an interstellar wanderer that, flying from somewhere unknown, simply accidentally stumbled upon our solar system.

Dr Karen Meech from the Hawaii Institute of Astronomy said:

“Oumuamua may have wandered through the Milky Way for hundreds of millions of years, unattached to any star system, until it accidentally encountered the Sun.

The asteroid is characterized by a change in brightness within very wide limits. This means that the object is highly elongated: about 10 times longer than its width and most likely has a complex, twisted shape.

“We also discovered that Oumuamua has a dark purple color, similar to the color of objects in the outer solar system. It is also completely inert, without the slightest hint of dust around it.”

The asteroid's spectral properties suggest that its surface contains a high content of metals and does not have the appreciable amount of water or ice typical of comets.

The rock's surface has darkened and turned red from exposure to cosmic rays over millions of years.

Astronomers believe that similar interstellar asteroids pass through the inner solar system about once a year, but they are so small that they are indistinguishable in telescopes. Oumuamua is the first discovered object that came from OUTSIDE.

Oumuamua was discovered by the Pan-STARR telescope with a 1.8-meter mirror. The telescope is located in Hawaii and is part of a system designed to track potentially dangerous Near-Earth Objects (NEOs).

We have already written about a strange space object that flew into the Solar System and this event is very important, since it is the first such object to enter our Solar System in the entire history of observations.

Astronomers, fortunately, did not hide information about this event, but were quick to classify this object as an asteroid, but is this really so?

Indeed, according to research data on this object, officially published by scientists and based on information collected using ESO’s Very Large Telescope, this mysterious object that flew into the Solar System from interstellar space has a dark red color, the shape of an elongated cylinder and a metallic structure. Does this look like an ordinary asteroid that supposedly traveled through the Universe for millions of years and then accidentally flew into our system?

The data obtained rather indicate the artificial origin of this object and it is possible that it is an alien spacecraft that flew into our system for research purposes.

This object was first noticed on October 19, 2017 by the Pan-STARRS telescope in Hawaii where it looked like a faintly luminous point, but after calculating the trajectory of the object, it became clear that this object was not from the Solar System, but arrived in it from interstellar space.

The object was first declared a comet, but its characteristics were so inconsistent with this definition that astronomers were forced to declare it an asteroid.

Moreover, this object, having entered our Solar System and approached the shortest distance from the Sun, made a U-turn and headed back to where it came from.

Astronomers assigned the name 1I/2017 U1 (Oumuamua) to this object and continued to study it. The data obtained from the FORS receiver made it possible to obtain images of the object in four different filters and it turned out that the object changes its brightness tenfold, rotating around its axis with a period of 7.3 hours.

The astronomers themselves recognized that this was very unusual for a simple asteroid and that the data showed that the object had a very elongated shape, about ten times longer than wide, with complex, curved outlines. The color of this object is dark red. The object contained no traces of water or ice, and its composition is metallic. The length of this object reaches 400 meters. The object's flight speed reaches 90,000 km/h!

Let astronomers continue to call this object an asteroid, but the most important thing is that now there is hope that this event did not just happen, but that some intelligent civilization sent its spaceship to our solar system to collect data, and perhaps this event is only the beginning of something more meaningful.

Nowadays there is often talk about all kinds of UFOs in the sky. Ufologists and conspiracy theorists claim all sorts of conspiracy theories, about the end of the world involving aliens, and the like. And now the Internet is talking about a rather large-scale object that ufologists found in the solar system. It was discovered by the authors of the “Paranormal Crucible” channel, where they often post videos showing all kinds of anomalous phenomena space. The exact coordinate data regarding the UFO is unknown. It is noted that it was found while studying information sent by the SOHO solar laboratory. The object is a huge disk, the diameter of which reaches 164 thousand km. This is much larger than the size of the Earth. Something else like a hexagon was found on the surface, intended, according to ufologists, for short-distance flights. Ufologists are surprised to wonder why scientists do not study this object.

Skeptics noted that the presence of such a large celestial body there would have been noticed before, especially not only in the photo of the solar laboratory. Judging by the presented parameters, this gigantic object is much larger than even the mythical planet Nibiru. Light radiation from a potential ship and its movement in general could be noticed without the use of all kinds of devices. Consequently, experts have expressed suspicions that the sighting of a huge UFO could be just a fake, which was carried out using a computer graphics editor.

Previously, information had already been received regarding the observation of a strange kind of object during the study of NASA archival documents. Here we are talking about video footage showing the launch of a rocket with the space shuttle Endeavor. The information on the agency’s portal was made public back in 2011, but for some reason it only became of interest to ufologists at the present time.

"White Knight" on video

A YouTube channel called UFO Today speculated that the object captured in the video could be the so-called White Knight, an artificial satellite of alien origin. This is similar to one conspiracy theory about the "Black Knight". The UFO caught our eye when the shuttle lost its boosters. The flickering of an object was noticeable in the frame for several seconds. So, as ufologists say, he was not noticed for a long time. The size of the object must be larger than the accelerator, or the same. So it can't just be a piece of ice or something like that.

Here, as always, skeptical individuals come into play, expressing doubts that the video presented by UFO Today actually depicts a UFO. They noted that the authors of the observation chose very dark music and were trying to make their own wave in every possible way. To some experts, this video, in its presentation, seemed at all similar to an amateur version of the plot for the well-known TV series “The X-Files.” Critics have noted that if NASA were actually engaged in hiding the existence of aliens, as conspiracy theorists claim, they would not have posted such videos themselves. There is also clearly no point in launching a rocket that passes close to alien ship, since a collision between objects is quite likely here. Assuming that the agency knew nothing about the alien satellite, then after some time they should have announced something, but no statement was made, so the strange object seemed not so significant to the agency. Skeptics suggest that there is either a piece of ice, or the same accelerator, or a defect in the filming device. Endeavor was launched 6 years ago. Nowadays, equipment often malfunctions and shows some oddities in the photo, but it’s not worth talking about that time at all, because there were much more defects then.

About the Black Knight conspiracy theory

What is the overall point of the Black Knight conspiracy theory? It says that there is a certain huge black satellite in space that monitors the planet. He has been performing this task at the behest of alien representatives for over ten thousand years. Ufologists make a statement that NASA is actively concealing these facts.

It started almost in 1888. At that time, the great Nikola Tesla was engaged in radio experiments. Then some astronomers stated that they had caught a strange kind of signal of alien origin, reminiscent of the sound of a strange delayed echo. After this, a certain Jorgen Hals from Norway heard something similar back in 1928. What is this noise? Scientists still don't know about it. This is accepted as some kind of anomaly, but most experts do not make a connection between this signal and certain satellites of extraterrestrial origin. Brian Dunning argues that such a signal could be emitted by pulsars, which until 1968 were considered an unidentified phenomenon.

In 1954, ufologist Donald Keyhoe was interviewed in the press that the US Air Force had spotted two satellites orbiting the Earth. But no country at that time yet owned such technologies. Skeptics claim that Keyhoe said this to attract attention, because he was promoting his own book regarding UFOs.

Subsequently, the attention of ufologists was attracted by the British Black Knight missile, used in 1958-1965. for the purpose of testing vehicles. However, in fact, this device had nothing to do with entering the space environment.

In 1960, the press reported that the US Navy spotted a dark object and thought it was a Soviet spy satellite. But later it turned out that these were residual parts of the US apparatus, which had lost its way. In 1963, it is famous for the statement of astronaut Gordon Cooper regarding a UFO allegedly recorded by cameras. No such information was found in any official report, and this statement was simply recognized as a “newspaper canard.” In 1973, Duncan Lunan, a ufologist from Scotland, was the first to suggest that an artificial alien satellite has been orbiting our planet for 13 thousand years. Then the specialist himself took back his words and admitted that his method was unscientific.

What have ufologists come to?

In 1998, the fun part came. At that time, a construction mission called Endeavor STS-88 was underway. The main goal here was to deliver a module manufactured in the USA to the ISS. At that time, an object was seen in one photo, which ufologists considered to be the “Black Knight”. Skeptical individuals argue that it was most likely simply a space blanket that was lost during one of the missions. Ufologists nevertheless began collecting all of the above events and merged them into one theory, believing that they somehow relate to the flight of an artificial alien satellite. But official scientists, according to ufologists, simply always try to hide the truth and select some other explanations for obvious facts.


So, in this article we talked about a giant mysterious object spotted in the sky, which ufologists considered to be a UFO. We also remembered archival photographs from NASA, a video in which one ufologists channel showed a UFO, which was nicknamed the White Knight, and we also remembered one sensational conspiracy theory, the Black Knight. Ufologists, as we said, connect many events and merge them into one theory.

There are many unknown things in the world. Although there are all kinds of skeptical opinions on this matter, people still find materials containing strange images. Moreover, people themselves film unidentified objects with their cameras. The debate about this continues. It is very interesting to study these questions, because there really is something in them, but the whole difficulty is in determining where the truth is and where the lie is. But we will watch for new discoveries by both official scientists and ufologists, conspiracy theorists and other categories of people making sensational statements about the next revelation, historical finds, etc.