Types of OOPTs and their purpose. See what “OOPT” is in other dictionaries Reserved natural land: description

  • Guidelines for the development of draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal
  • 4 Question: Types of environmental impact assessment. State environmental examination. Functions, purpose, objectives, procedure and procedure for conducting state environmental impact assessment.
  • Chapter I. General provisions
  • Chapter III. State Environmental Expertise
  • Question 5: General procedure for the development and approval of projects in the field of regulation and environmental protection (for example, VAT and SPL).
  • Question 6 (34): Engineering and geological surveys. Requirements for the content of the report, stages of implementation, examination.
  • Question 14
  • I. Requirements for the structure of project documentation for the development of solid mineral deposits
  • IV. Procedure and timing for review and approval of project documentation
  • Question 16
  • Question 32: Russian legislation on environmental assessment and design of facilities.
  • 29.Calculation of damage and compensation for damage caused to objects of the animal world. Payment procedure, approval.
  • 30. Hydrometeorological surveys. Requirements for the content of the report, stages of implementation, examination.
  • Question 31. Development of a sanitary gap project. Requirements for the content of the project; design stages, project approval.
  • Question 33. Development of a draft environmental impact assessment. Requirements for the content of the project; design stages, project approval.
  • Question 37: Application of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation in the development of design documentation.
  • Chapter 6. Architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects
  • Question 47: Development of a hazardous waste passport. Calculation of hazard class.
  • Question 22: Hygienic regulation of soil pollution. Examination of land management and use of land resources projects, composition of the project section “Protection of Land and Soils”.
  • Question 7: Development of design and working documentation for capital construction projects, for linear objects.
  • Section 1 "Explanatory Note" must contain in the text part:
  • Section 2 "Right of Way Design" must contain:
  • Section 3 "Technological and design solutions for a linear facility. Artificial structures" should contain:
  • Section 4 "Buildings, structures and structures included in the infrastructure of a linear facility" must contain:
  • Section 5 "Construction Organization Project" must contain:
  • Section 6 "Project for organizing work on the demolition (dismantling) of a linear object", included in the design documentation if it is necessary to demolish (dismantle) a linear object.
  • Section 7 "Environmental Protection Measures" must contain:
  • Section 8 "Fire Safety Measures" must contain:
  • Question 8: Types of environmental impact assessment. Public environmental assessment. Functions, purpose, objectives, procedure and procedure for conducting public environmental impact assessment.
  • Chapter I. General provisions
  • 7 Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys
  • 8 Engineering and environmental surveys
  • Question 39: Specially protected natural areas, architectural monuments, cultural heritage sites and their consideration when developing construction projects.
  • Question 41 assessment of environmental damage in business projects
  • Question 29: Calculation of damage and compensation for damage caused to objects of the animal world. Payment procedure, approval.
  • Question 44: State examination bodies, procedure for conducting it, summary conclusion of the State Examination.
  • Question 21: Take 2: Wildlife protection in construction projects. Protection of flora in construction projects.
  • Question 32: Russian legislation on environmental assessment and design of facilities.
  • Question 37: Application of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation in the development of design documentation.
  • Chapter 6. Architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects
  • Question 39: Specially protected natural areas, architectural monuments, cultural heritage sites and their consideration when developing construction projects.
  • Question 41: Assessment of environmental damage in economic activity projects.
  • Question 46 Reclamation project. Composition, stages, approval.
  • 5. Lands disturbed by:
  • The project for reclamation of disturbed lands is subject to approval by Rosreestr. (Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography)
  • Question 44: State examination bodies, procedure for conducting it, summary conclusion of the State Examination.
  • 4. The general part of the forest development project consists of the following sections: general information;
  • 5. The "General Information" section contains:
  • 6. In the section “Information about the forest plot” the following information is provided: a list of those provided for lease, for permanent (indefinite use)
  • 7. Section "Creation of forest infrastructure" contains the following information: characteristics of existing and planned forest facilities
  • 9. Section “Measures for the protection, protection and reproduction of forests” contains: characteristics of the forest area by fire hazard classes
  • 10. The section “Measures for the protection of fauna and water bodies” contains the following data:
  • Question 39: Specially protected natural areas, architectural monuments, cultural heritage sites and their consideration when developing construction projects.

    Federal Law on cultural heritage sites

    Article 34. Cultural heritage protection zones

    1. In order to ensure the safety of a cultural heritage object in its historical environment, protection zones for the cultural heritage object are established on the territory adjacent to it: a security zone, a zone regulating development and economic activity, a zone of protected natural landscape.

    The required composition of protection zones for a cultural heritage site is determined by the design of the protection zones for a cultural heritage site.

    In order to simultaneously ensure the safety of several cultural heritage objects in their historical environment, it is allowed to establish for these cultural heritage objects a single protection zone, a single zone for regulating development and economic activities and a single zone of protected natural landscape (hereinafter referred to as the joint zone for the protection of cultural heritage objects).

    The composition of the joint zone for the protection of cultural heritage objects is determined by the project of the joint zone for the protection of cultural heritage objects.

    The requirement to establish protection zones for a cultural heritage object is not imposed on the identified cultural heritage object.

    2. Protected zone - a territory within which, in order to ensure the safety of a cultural heritage site in its historical landscape environment, a special land use regime is established, limiting economic activity and prohibiting construction, with the exception of the use of special measures aimed at preserving and regenerating historical and urban planning or natural environment of a cultural heritage site. The minimum width of the protection zone of a state nature reserve or national park is one kilometer.

    According to (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 19, 2015 N 138"On approval of the Rules for the creation of protective zones of certain categories of specially protected natural areas, establishment of their boundaries, determination of the regime for the protection and use of land plots and water bodies within the boundaries of such zones")

    The zone of regulation of development and economic activity is the territory within which a land use regime is established that limits construction and economic activity, and requirements for the reconstruction of existing buildings and structures are determined.

    Protected natural landscape zone - a territory within which a land use regime is established that prohibits or limits economic activity, construction and reconstruction of existing buildings and structures in order to preserve (regenerate) the natural landscape, including river valleys, reservoirs, forests and open spaces, connected compositionally with cultural heritage sites.

    According to the Federal Law on Specially Protected Areas

    State nature reserves are classified as specially protected natural areas of federal significance. Within the boundaries of state natural reserves, the natural environment is preserved in its natural state and economic and other activities are completely prohibited, except for the cases provided for by this Federal Law.

    Article 9. Regime of special protection of territories of state natural reserves

      On the territory of a state natural reserve, any activity that contradicts the objectives of the state natural reserve and the regime of special protection of its territory established in the regulations on this state natural reserve is prohibited.

    2. In the territories of national parks, any activity that can cause damage to natural complexes and objects of flora and fauna, cultural and historical sites and that contradicts the goals and objectives of the national park is prohibited, including:

    a) exploration and development of mineral resources;

    b) activities that entail disturbance of soil cover and geological outcrops;

    c) activities that entail changes in the hydrological regime;

    d) provision of gardening and summer cottage plots in the territories of national parks;

    e) construction of main roads, pipelines, power lines and other communications, as well as construction and operation of economic and residential facilities, with the exception of facilities whose placement is provided for in paragraph 1 of this article, facilities related to the functioning of national parks and ensuring the functioning of those located in them boundaries of populated areas;


    Specially protected natural areas (SPNA) are areas of land or water surface that, due to their environmental and other significance, are completely or partially withdrawn from economic use and for which a special protection regime has been established.

    The Law on Protected Natural Areas was adopted by the State Duma on February 15, 1995. According to it, protected natural areas are intended to maintain ecological balance, preserve the genetic diversity of natural resources, most fully reflect the biogeocenotic diversity of the country's biomes, study the evolution of ecosystems and the influence of anthropogenic factors on them, as well as to solve various economic and social tasks.

    According to this law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories”, the following main categories of these territories are distinguished:

    a) state natural reserves, including biosphere reserves;

    b) national parks;

    c) natural parks;

    d) state nature reserves;

    e) natural monuments;

    f) dendrological parks and botanical gardens.

    Having briefly described each category of territory, I will give a full description of the first.

    And so, national parks are relatively large natural territories and water areas, where three main goals are ensured: environmental (maintaining ecological balance and preserving natural ecosystems), recreational (regulated tourism and recreation of people) and scientific (development and implementation of methods for preserving the natural complex under conditions of mass admission of visitors). The most famous national parks are “Losiny Ostrov” (district of St. Petersburg), “Sochi”, “Elbrus”, “Valdai”, “Russian North”.

    Natural parks are areas of particular ecological and aesthetic value, with a relatively mild protection regime and used primarily for organized recreation of the population. The most famous are “Russian Forest” in the Moscow region; "Turgoyak" in the Chelyabinsk region, on the shore of Lake Turgoyak. It was to this lake that my friends and I went on vacation last summer and visited the natural park. Tent tourism, bicycle tourism, and excursions to the island of St. Helena are developed there. There are pine forests all around, clean air. I really liked it.

    The next category - state natural reserves - are territories created for a certain period (in some cases permanently) to preserve or restore natural complexes or their components and maintain ecological balance. Preserve and restore the population density of one or more species of animals or plants, as well as natural landscapes, water bodies, etc. Example: the Vienna Forest nature reserve in the Tikhvin district of the Leningrad region.

    Natural monuments are unique, non-reproducible natural objects that have scientific, environmental, cultural and aesthetic value (caves, small tracts, ancient trees, rocks, waterfalls, etc.). An example is: the Kivach waterfall on the river. Sune (Karelia); rock "Brothers" (Altai Mountains); dark bark birch (in Lebyazhyevsky district); Rocky outcrops (Northern Urals).

    Dendrological parks and botanical gardens are environmental institutions whose task is to create a collection of trees and shrubs in order to preserve biodiversity and enrich flora, as well as for scientific, educational and cultural-educational purposes.

    And finally, State Nature Reserves are areas of territory that are completely withdrawn from normal economic use in order to preserve the natural complex in its natural state.

    The basis of nature conservation work is based on the following basic principles:

    Creation in reserves of conditions necessary for the conservation and development of all species of animals and plants;

    Maintaining the ecological balance of landscapes by protecting natural ecosystems;

    The opportunity to study the evolution of natural ecosystems, both regionally and in broader biogeographical terms; solve many autecological and synecological issues (i.e., individual individuals and communities of organisms);

    Inclusion in the scope of activities of nature reserves of socio-economic issues related to meeting the recreational, local history and other needs of the population.

    The foundations of conservation in Russia were laid by such scientists as I. P. Borodin, G. A. Kozhevnikov, A. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, D. K. Solovyov.

    The reserves have become the basis for the conservation, reproduction and elimination of the threat of extinction of many rare species of plants and animals such as beaver, wild ass, bison, sika deer, tiger, leopard, sable, common eider, flamingo, etc.

    Zoological and botanical research is carried out in the reserves; For operational analysis of air, water, and soil, mini-laboratories are being created, weather stations and weather posts are functioning.

    In 2006, there were about 100 state nature reserves in Russia with a total area of ​​33.7 million hectares, which is less than 2% of the entire territory of Russia.

    To smooth out the influence of adjacent territories, especially in areas with well-developed infrastructure, protected zones are created around nature reserves where economic activity is limited.

    Among Russian nature reserves, a special place is occupied by biosphere reserves, which are part of the global network of UNESCO biosphere reserves. Six of them have integrated background monitoring stations that provide data on chemical pollution of reference protected ecosystems. A number of reserves have nurseries in which the most valuable gene pool is preserved, rare species of animals are studied and bred.

    The largest reserves are Taimyrsky and Ust-Lensky, the area of ​​each of them exceeds 1.5 million hectares. The Teberda, Altai, Kronotsky (Kamchatka), Voronezh reserves, as well as the Ilmensky reserve are unique in the diversity of flora and fauna.

    More than 1,100 species of higher plants grow in the Teberda Nature Reserve, including 186 species endemic to the Caucasus. There are 137 species of vertebrate animals.

    The Altai Nature Reserve is home to 1,500 species of vascular plants, 73 species of mammals, 310 species of birds, 10 species of amphibians and reptiles. In the alpine belt there are snow leopards - snow leopards (listed in the Red Book), Siberian mountain goats, and argali.

    In the Kronotsky Nature Reserve there are 30 species of mammals and more than 130 species of birds. The most valuable inhabitant is the Kamchatka sable.

    In the Voronezh Nature Reserve, river beaver stocks are being restored. Also protected are European deer, elk, roe deer, martens, etc.

    The Ilmensky Nature Reserve in the Southern Urals is unique. Ilmeny is a natural geological museum. More than 250 minerals have been discovered here, from common to rare ones. A wide variety of flora and fauna. This is not all that I was able to give as an example. In addition to these, there are many more reserves.


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    Chapter 5
    Urban lands as an object of special protection

    5.1. Protection of lands of specially protected natural areas

    One of the important areas of using land condition assessment and monitoring data is their application in the development of land protection measures. Measures to protect urban lands from negative processes, carried out on lands of various purposes and classifications, are considered in detail (Sizov A.P., 2009). Below we will give a description of land conservation measures carried out on the territory of lands subject to special protection. Such lands, which are ecological and historical-cultural framework urban areas, in accordance with land and town planning legislation, can be allocated as territorial zones of specially protected territories (Zemelny..., 2001; Town-planning..., 2004). IN specially protected areas includes land plots on which natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, historical and cultural, aesthetic, recreational, health and other particularly valuable significance. These areas are withdrawn by decisions of state authorities, in whole or in part, from economic use, and a special protection regime is established for them.

    The most important components of lands belonging to specially protected areas are lands of specially protected natural areas12
    Next - protected areas.

    AND lands of cultural heritage sites13
    Next - OKN.

    5.1.1. general characteristics specially protected natural areas

    As cities grow, residents' need for natural environments increases; This need becomes more acute the more rapid urbanization occurs. An increasing number of people consider the natural environment to be a critical basis for their quality of life. The formation of protected areas, the composition of objects related to them, and the content of environmental protection measures are regulated by environmental legislation (On Special., 1995).

    Specially protected natural areas – areas of land, water surface and airspace where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance and for which a special protection regime has been established._

    Taking into account the peculiarities of the territory protection regime and the status of objects, the following have been established: categories of protected areas:

    1. State nature reserves, including biosphere reserves (not typical for the territory of populated areas);

    2. National parks;

    3. Natural parks;

    4. State nature reserves;

    5. Natural monuments;

    6. Dendrological parks and botanical gardens;

    7. Medical and recreational areas and resorts.

    State nature reserves are environmental, research and environmental educational institutions aimed at preserving and studying the natural course of natural processes and phenomena, the genetic fund of flora and fauna, individual species and communities of plants and animals, typical and unique ecological systems. On the territory of state natural reserves, specially protected natural complexes and objects (land, water, subsoil, plant and animal world), having environmental, scientific, environmental and educational significance as examples of the natural environment, typical or rare landscapes, places for preserving the genetic fund of flora and fauna. State nature reserves are federal property.

    Status state natural biosphere reserves have state natural reserves that are included in international system biosphere reserves carrying out global environmental monitoring.

    State nature reserves, including biosphere reserves, are not typical for the territory of populated areas.

    National parks are environmental, environmental education and research institutions, territories (water areas 14
    Water area (from Latin aqua - water) is a body of water within natural, artificial or conditional boundaries.

    ) which include natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value, and are intended for use for environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes and for regulated tourism. National parks are exclusively federal property.

    Natural parks are environmental recreational institutions under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of significant environmental and aesthetic value, and are intended for use for environmental, educational and recreational purposes.

    State nature reserves are territories (water areas) that have special meaning to preserve or restore natural complexes or their components and maintain ecological balance. May be of federal or regional significance.

    Natural monuments– unique, irreplaceable, ecologically, scientifically, culturally and aesthetically valuable natural complexes, as well as objects of natural and artificial origin. May be of federal or regional significance.

    Dendrological parks And botanical gardens are environmental institutions whose tasks include creating special collections of plants in order to preserve the diversity and enrichment of the flora, as well as carrying out scientific, educational and educational activities. May be of federal or regional significance.

    Territories (water areas) suitable for organizing treatment and prevention of diseases, as well as recreation for the population and possessing natural healing resources ( mineral water, therapeutic mud, brine of estuaries and lakes, therapeutic climate, beaches, parts of water areas and inland seas, other natural objects and conditions), can be classified as medical and recreational areas. Territories used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, which have natural healing resources, and also have the buildings and structures necessary for their operation, including infrastructure facilities, are resorts. Medical and recreational areas and resorts may have federal, regional or local significance.

    State authorities of the Russian Federation, its constituent entities or local governments may also establish other categories of protected areas (territories containing monuments of landscape gardening art, protected coastlines, protected river systems, protected natural landscapes, biological stations, micro-reserves, etc.). To protect protected areas from adverse anthropogenic impacts, areas of land and water adjacent to them can be created security zones or regulated business districts.

    5.1.2. Regimes of special protection of specially protected natural areas

    Protection of protected areas in urban areas includes the following activities:

    ♦ restriction of economic activity;

    ♦ monitoring the state of protected areas;

    ♦ implementation of measures to maintain protected areas in a condition consistent with their purpose;

    ♦ implementation of comprehensive programs aimed at protecting protected areas;

    ♦ economic incentives for activities to protect protected areas, including the establishment of tax benefits;

    ♦ bringing to responsibility for non-compliance with the regime of protection and use of protected areas and other measures.

    Economic activities in protected areas sharply limited. If it is possible to conduct it, 3 groups of areas are distinguished:

    ♦ areas where economic activity is not allowed;

    ♦ areas where limited economic activity is allowed;

    ♦ areas where economic activity for environmental purposes is permitted.

    On the territory of all 3 groups of protected areas, actions that cause harm to natural objects are not allowed, including:

    ♦ distortion of the historically developed protected landscape;

    ♦ construction of capital construction projects not related to environmental purposes;

    ♦ carrying out work leading to disruption of the hydrogeological regime of the area, soil cover, the emergence and development of erosion and landslide processes;

    ♦ use of salts as deicing agents;

    ♦ disturbance of the habitats of plant and animal species included in the Red Book or that are rare in a particular protected area;

    ♦ making fires, burning dry leaves and grass, including spring fires;

    ♦ procurement and collection of all types of plants and their parts (with the exception of regulated haymaking in order to prevent meadows from becoming overgrown with woody vegetation);

    ♦ use of land for gardening and vegetable farming;

    ♦ damage or unauthorized cutting of trees and bushes;

    ♦ unauthorized planting of trees and shrubs, as well as other unauthorized actions of citizens aimed at developing certain areas of protected areas;

    ♦ deliberately disturbing, catching and destroying, destroying nests and burrows of wild animals;

    ♦ presence of visitors with various types of tools for shooting or catching animals;

    ♦ holding mass sports, entertainment and other events outside places specially designated for these purposes;

    ♦ change in functionality land plot or parts thereof, if it may lead to an increase in anthropogenic loads on the natural complex;

    ♦ unauthorized placement of non-stationary objects of a small retail network;

    ♦ walking dogs within the boundaries of protected areas of protected areas;

    ♦ entry and movement of a vehicle in violation of the established procedure.

    For differentiation purposes regimes of protection and use carried out zoning of protected areas based on the planning project in accordance with the established category of protected areas. To the main zones and areas of protected areas in urban conditions include the following (On especially..., 2001):

    protected areas, intended for the conservation (restoration) of natural communities of particular value, rare and endangered species of plants or animals, and other objects of living and inanimate nature;

    zones for the protection of historical and cultural objects, intended for the preservation and restoration of historical and cultural heritage sites;

    educational and excursion zones, intended for use for environmental education and education of the population;

    recreational centers, intended for mass recreation of the population;

    sports and recreation areas, intended for individual and group physical education classes;

    walking areas;

    administrative and economic areas, intended for the placement and operation of facilities serving protected areas;

    plots of third-party land users(provided by legal entities and citizens whose activities are not related to the protection and use of protected areas and do not contradict the established regime);

    protected landscape zones.

    Within zones and areas, in accordance with the protection regime of protected areas and their intended purpose, differentiated regimes of protection, economic and other use are established.

    5.2. Protection of lands of cultural heritage sites
    5.2.1. General characteristics of cultural heritage sites

    The composition of cultural heritage objects and the content of protective measures on the lands occupied by these objects are regulated by urban planning and special legislation (On objects..., 2002).

    Objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of peoples Russian Federation – objects of real estate with associated works of painting, sculpture, decorative and applied art, objects of science and technology and other objects of material culture that arose as a result of historical events and are valuable from the point of view of history, archeology, architecture, urban planning, art, science and technology, aesthetics, ethnology or anthropology, social culture and are evidence of eras and civilizations, genuine sources of information about the origin and development of culture.

    There are three main OKN type.

    Monuments– individual buildings, buildings and structures with historically established territories (including religious monuments: churches, bell towers, chapels, cathedrals, churches, mosques, Buddhist temples, pagodas, synagogues, houses of worship and other objects intended for worship); memorial apartments; mausoleums, separate burials; works of monumental art; objects of science and technology, including military ones; objects of archaeological heritage (traces of human existence partially or completely hidden in the ground or under water).

    Ensembles– clearly localized groups of monuments, buildings and structures for various purposes in historically established territories, including fragments of historical layouts and developments of settlements that can be classified as urban planning ensembles; works of landscape architecture and landscape art (gardens, parks, squares, boulevards), necropolises.

    Places of interest– creations created by man, or joint creations of man and nature, including places where folk arts and crafts exist; centers of historical settlements or fragments of urban planning and development; memorable places, cultural and natural landscapes associated with the history of the formation of peoples and other ethnic communities, historical (including military) events, the lives of outstanding historical figures; cultural layers, remains of buildings of ancient cities, settlements, settlements, sites; places of religious ceremonies. Places of interest that represent an outstanding integral historical, cultural and natural complex that requires a special regime of maintenance can be classified as historical and cultural reserves.

    OKN are registered in the unified state register of cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, which is a state information system containing relevant information about OKN. OKN, like protected areas, according to their historical and cultural significance are divided into objects federal, regional And local (municipal) meanings. The Government of the Russian Federation may decide to recognize OKN of federal significance especially valuable object of cultural heritage peoples of the Russian Federation. OKNs representing outstanding universal historical, archaeological, architectural, artistic, scientific, aesthetic, ethnological or anthropological value may be classified as World cultural and natural heritage sites in accordance with the procedure established by the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Such cultural heritage sites are included in the World Heritage List, supervised by the World Heritage Committee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

    OKN are subject to state protection, and land plots within the boundaries of OKN territories acquire a special legal regime in accordance with urban planning and land legislation.

    5.2.2. Protection of lands of cultural heritage sites

    In order to ensure the safety of OKN in its historical environment, on the territory adjacent to it, cultural heritage protection zones: a security zone, a zone regulating development and economic activity, a zone of protected natural landscape.

    Secured territory- a territory within which, in order to ensure the safety of the cultural heritage site in its historical landscape environment, a special land use regime is established, limiting economic activity and prohibiting construction, with the exception of the use of special measures aimed at preservation and regeneration 15
    Regeneration (from Latin regeneratio - renewal, rebirth) - restoration, return to the original state.

    Historical, urban planning or natural environment OKN.

    Zone of regulation of development and economic activity– the territory within which a land use regime is established that limits construction and economic activity, and requirements for the reconstruction of existing buildings and structures are determined.

    Protected natural landscape area- a territory within which a land use regime is established that prohibits or limits economic activity, construction and reconstruction of existing buildings and structures in order to preserve (regenerate) the natural landscape, including river valleys, reservoirs, forests and open spaces, compositionally associated with OKN.

    The required composition of OKN protection zones is determined project of OKN protection zones. The procedure for developing such projects, requirements for the regime of land use and urban planning regulations within the boundaries of these zones are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Borders of OKN protection zones, land use regimes And town planning regulations within the boundaries of these zones are approved on the basis of the project in relation to OKN of federal significance - by the state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in agreement with the federal body for the protection of OKN, and in relation to OKN of regional and local (municipal) significance - in the manner established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Design and execution land management, earthworks, construction, reclamation, economic and other works in connection with the presence of OKN or the potential possibility of such presence have their own characteristics (About objects..., 2002).

    The design and implementation of such work is carried out in the absence of OKN in a given territory, and if there is one, provided that the customer of the work ensures the requirements for the safety of OKN located in this territory. Design and implementation of such work on the territory monument or ensemble prohibited, with the exception of work to preserve a given monument or ensemble and its territories, as well as economic activities that do not violate the integrity of the monument or ensemble and do not create a threat of damage, destruction or destruction.

    Nature of use of the territory place of interest, restrictions on the use of this territory and requirements for economic activity, design and construction on the territory of a place of interest are included in the development rules and zoning schemes developed in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

    Excavation, construction, reclamation, economic and other work must be carried out immediately suspended contractor in case of detection on the developed territory of an object with signs of OKN. At the same time, sections on land management, excavation, construction, reclamation, economic and other work must be included in projects ensuring the safety of detected objects until the latter are included in the register of OKN, and the validity of the provisions of land management, town planning and design documentation, town planning regulations in a given territory is suspended until appropriate changes are made. The work contractor is obliged to inform the executive authority authorized in the field of protection of OKN about the discovered object.

    The condition of the lands is controlled by the relevant bodies for the protection of OKN, which are obliged to conduct once every five years a survey of the condition and photographic recording of OKN included in the register, in order to develop annual and long-term programs for their conservation.

    5.2.3. Protection of lands of historical settlements

    A high concentration of valuable OKNs in populated areas may serve as a basis for establishing their special status. Historical settlement in the Russian Federation, a settlement of an urban or rural type is recognized, within the boundaries of which there are various cultural objects (monuments, ensembles, places of interest), as well as other cultural values ​​created in the past, representing archaeological, historical, architectural, urban planning, aesthetic, scientific or socio-cultural value, having important to preserve the identity of the peoples of the Russian Federation, their contribution to world civilization.

    In historical settlements, all historically valuable city-forming objects are subject to state protection (layout, development, composition, natural landscape, archaeological layer, relationship between various urban spaces, volumetric-spatial structure, fragmentary and ruined urban heritage, shape and appearance of buildings and structures, their relationship with the natural and man-made environment, various functions of the historical settlement acquired in the process of development, as well as other valuable objects). Town-planning, economic and other activities in historical settlements are subject to special regulation and should be carried out only if the safety of all OKNs and the above-mentioned historically valuable town-forming objects is ensured.

    Protection of lands of historical settlements provided with special regulation of urban planning activities in them, carried out by carrying out, under the control of the relevant security bodies of OKN and executive authorities in the field of regulation of urban planning activities, a set of the following measures:

    compilation based on historical-architectural, historical-urban planning, archival and archaeological research historical and cultural background plan within the boundaries of a historical settlement with the designation of all urban planning elements and structures on land plots of historical and cultural value, both preserved and lost, characterizing the stages of development of this settlement;

    development of urban planning regulations, relating to the size and proportions of buildings and structures, the use of individual building materials, color schemes, prohibition or restriction of the placement of parking lots, advertising and signs, and other restrictions necessary to ensure the safety of OKN and all historically valuable city-forming objects of a given settlement.

    Nature, both living and inanimate, is a huge value on our planet. We are in excellent living conditions. If you look at the planets closest to us, there is a big difference appearance The Earth and other planets are impressive. A huge volume of clean fresh and salt water of the oceans, a life-giving atmosphere, fertile soils. The richness of the plant world that surrounds almost our entire planet, as well as the animal diversity, is surprising: it is impossible to study all types of living beings in a person’s lifetime.

    However, it is precisely such diversity and such environmental conditions that are necessary for the harmonious state of the entire planet, for the balance of substances on it.

    Harmony of nature

    People, through their activities, transform nature more than any other type of organism. Moreover, other organisms have so merged with the natural environment that they even help maintain the original balance on the planet. For example, a lion hunting an antelope is likely to catch the weakest individual, thereby maintaining the survival of the herbivore population. An earthworm, making numerous holes in the soil, does not spoil the fertile surface layer. It loosens the soil so that the air can better reach the roots of the plants.

    Economic activity of Homo sapiens

    A person has a developed brain. The development of human economic activity is proceeding at a faster pace than the evolutionary processes of nature. She does not have time to adapt to the changes caused by people.

    Many years ago, the population of Australia overgrazed livestock on the small continent. According to this hypothesis, numerous deserts of the continent were formed precisely because of human activity.

    Since ancient times, trees have been intensively cut down for the construction of houses. Nowadays, forests are shrinking just as quickly: we still use wood for various purposes.

    The planet's population is huge and, according to scientists, will grow at an even faster rate. If people populate or use the entire area of ​​the planet for farming, then nature, of course, will not withstand such a load.

    History of protected natural areas

    Already in ancient times, people kept untouched certain areas of the territory in which they lived. People's faith in gods made them tremble before sacred places. There was no need to even protect such areas; the people themselves treated these sacred territories with care, believing in something mysterious.

    In the era of feudalism, the lands of the nobility came first in terms of inviolability. The possessions were guarded. In such territories, hunting was prohibited, or even simply visiting other people's forests or other biotope was prohibited.

    In the nineteenth century, the Industrial Revolution made people think seriously about preserving natural resources for future generations. Protected areas are being created in Europe. The first of the specially protected natural areas were natural monuments. Ancient beech forests and some attractions, such as unusual geological objects, were preserved.

    In Russia, the first protected areas were organized at the end of the 19th century. They were not yet state owned.

    What is a protected area

    These are areas of land or water where human economic activity is partially or completely prohibited. How does the abbreviation stand for? As "specially protected natural areas".

    Types of protected areas according to IUCN

    Nowadays there are about 105,000 specially protected natural areas on the planet. For such a number of objects, classification is necessary. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has identified the following types of protected areas:

    1. Strict nature reserve. The security of such a territory is especially strict; all economic activity is prohibited. Visit only with a document permitting you to be on the site. The nature of this territory is the most holistic.
    2. National Park. It is divided into areas with strict security and areas where tourist routes are laid.
    3. Natural monument. An unusual, well-known natural site is being protected.
    4. Managed nature reserve. The state takes care of the conservation of species of living organisms and biotopes for their habitat. A person introduces activities to help in fairly rapid reproduction and maintenance of offspring.
    5. Protected marine and territorial landscapes. Recreational facilities are preserved.
    6. Protected areas with monitoring of resource consumption. It is possible to use natural resources if the activity does not cause major changes to the site.

    Types of protected areas according to the law of the Russian Federation

    In the Russian Federation, a simpler classification is used. Types of protected areas in Russia:

    1. State nature reserve. The strictest security regime is maintained. Visit only for the purpose of conservation work or education in the area.
    2. National Park. It is divided into ecological zones based on the possibility of using natural resources. Ecotourism has been developed in some areas. There are work areas for national park staff. There may be areas for recreation for the population, as well as for overnight stays for visitors passing the tourist route.
    3. Natural Park. It is created to preserve ecosystems in conditions of mass recreation of the population. New methods of nature conservation are being developed.
    4. State nature reserve. Natural resources are not only preserved, but also restored. The reserve is actively working to restore the former natural wealth of the area. Ecotourism possible.
    5. Natural monument. Significant natural or man-made natural complex. Unique education.
    6. Dendrological parks and botanical gardens. Collections of plant species are created in the territories in order to preserve the species diversity of the planet and replenish lost species of land.

    Wrangel Island

    The UNESCO World Heritage Sites include 8 sites located on the territory of the Russian Federation. One of these protected areas is the Wrangel Island Nature Reserve.

    The protected area is located in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. This is the northernmost of all protected natural areas in Russia. The protected area consists of two islands (Wrangel and Herald) and the adjacent water area. The area of ​​protected areas is more than two million hectares.

    The reserve was organized in 1976 to preserve typical and unique flora and fauna. Nature, due to the location of the islands far from the mainland and due to the harsh climate, is preserved almost untouched. Scientists come to the site to study local ecosystems. Thanks to the creation of the reserve, rare animals such as the polar bear and walrus are protected. A huge number of endemic species live in this area.

    The islands are home to local people. It has the right to use natural resources, but to a strictly limited extent.

    Lake Baikal

    The most valuable lake in the world is also a World Natural Heritage Site. The PA data system is the largest reservoir of clean fresh water.

    The huge number of endemic species surprises scientists. More than half of the animals and plants growing here are found only on Lake Baikal. There are about a thousand endemic species in total. Of these, 27 species of fish. The Baikal omul and golomyanka are well known. All nematodes living in the lake are endemic. The water in Baikal is purified by the crustacean epishura, which also lives only in this lake.

    It makes up 80% of the biomass of plankton of animal origin.

    Baikal was included in the World Natural Heritage List in 1996. The Baikal Nature Reserve itself was founded in 1969.

    An object World Heritage UNESCO “Lake Baikal” is 8 protected areas located directly next to the famous lake. Many scientists are confident that Baikal is expanding every year, increasing its water area due to the drift of lithospheric plates.

    Kronotsky Reserve

    Another example of a protected area is the Kronotsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Volcanoes of Kamchatka.

    Moreover, this protected area is a biosphere reserve. UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Program identifies protected areas around the world that are almost untouched by human activity. The state is obliged to preserve a self-regulating natural system if the object is located on its territory.

    The Kronotsky Nature Reserve is one of the earliest in Russia. In 1882, the Sable Nature Reserve was located on this territory. Kronotsky state reserve was created in 1934. In addition to the territory with numerous volcanoes, hot springs and geysers, the Kronotsky Nature Reserve includes a significant area of ​​water.

    Currently, tourism is actively developing in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. Visiting him was not allowed at all times.

    Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve

    Another example of a protected area in Russia is the Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve. This is the first nature reserve in the Far East. He is also one of the oldest in Russia. The Far Eastern leopard lives here, a rare subspecies of leopards whose numbers have declined in the past. Now it is in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, has the status of “endangered”.

    The reserve itself was created for the conservation and research of liana coniferous-deciduous forests. The massifs are not disturbed by anthropogenic influence. There are many endemic species here.

    Losiny Ostrov National Park

    One of the very first in Russia. Founded in 1983 on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region.

    Includes 5 zones: reserved (access is closed), specially protected (visit with permission), protection of historical and cultural monuments (visits are allowed), recreational (occupies more than half the area, free visit) and economic (ensures the operation of the park).

    Legislation of the Russian Federation

    The Federal Law on Protected Natural Areas (1995) states that protected areas must have federal, regional or local significance. Nature reserves and national parks always have federal significance.

    Any reserve, national park, natural park and natural monument must have a protection zone. It additionally protects the object from destructive anthropogenic influence. The boundaries of protected areas, as well as the boundaries of the protective zone, are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Anyone can visit the territory of the protected zone. However, she is also under guard.

    The lands of protected areas are a national property. It is prohibited to build houses, roads, or cultivate land on federal sites.

    To create protected areas, the government reserves new lands. Further, such lands are declared protected areas. In this case, the law prohibits future cultivation of the land in this area.

    Protected areas are an important component of our planet. Such territories preserve priceless wealth for subsequent generations. The balance of the biosphere is maintained and the gene pool of living organisms is protected. The inanimate nature of such territories is also preserved: valuable water resources, geological formations.

    Specially protected natural areas have not only environmental significance, but also scientific, as well as environmental and educational significance. It is at such sites that the most educational tourism for nature lovers is organized.

    The world's population is growing at an ever faster pace. Humanity needs to think more actively about maintaining nature and take a more responsible approach to preserving natural resources. Every person should think about this and contribute to maintaining the health of the planet.

    1. Specially protected natural areas in the city of Moscow include specially protected natural areas of federal and regional significance, the boundaries, categories and types of which are established in accordance with the legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas.

    2. Natural territories in the city of Moscow include territories with environmental, natural-recreational, environmental protection and other natural qualities that are not classified in the established order as specially protected natural territories, the boundaries, categories and types of which are established in accordance with the legislation in the field of protection and use natural and green areas.

    3. Green areas, the boundaries, categories and types of which are established in accordance with the legislation in the field of protection and use of natural and green areas, include:

    1) green areas for public use, including squares, boulevards, gardens, parks, and other areas;

    2) green areas of limited use;

    3) green areas for special purposes.

    4. The composition of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas may include land plots that are reserved in accordance with the established procedure for state needs in order to recreate lost, restore degraded specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas or for the purpose of creating new green areas.

    5. The composition of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas may include territories of cultural heritage sites, including monuments of landscape, garden and park architecture, estate architecture, the boundaries, regimes of protection and use of which are established in accordance with the legislation on the protection of cultural heritage sites .

    6. Within the boundaries of the territories of cultural heritage sites, areas of the territory of valuable natural objects may be allocated, the boundaries and protection regimes of which are established in accordance with the legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas, in the field of protection and use of natural and green areas.

    7. Within the boundaries of green areas, areas of the territory of valuable natural objects may be allocated, the boundaries and protection regimes of which are established in accordance with the legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas, in the field of protection and use of natural and green areas.

    Article 52. Planning the development and placement of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas

    1. Planning for the development and placement of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas in the city of Moscow is carried out in accordance with the legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas, in the field of protection and use of natural and green areas, this Code.

    2. Planning for the development and location of specially protected natural areas in the city of Moscow is carried out on the basis of the General Plan of the city of Moscow by developing and approving in accordance with the procedure established by the Law of the city of Moscow of September 26, 2001 N 48 “On specially protected natural areas in the city of Moscow” the procedure for development and placement of specially protected natural areas in the city of Moscow. Planning for the development and placement of natural and green areas in the city of Moscow is carried out on the basis of the General Plan of the City of Moscow and the scheme for the development and placement of specially protected natural areas in the city of Moscow as part of territorial and sectoral schemes.

    3. Draft documents specified in part 1 of this article, containing provisions on the development and location of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas, on the establishment or change of their categories, boundaries, on the use of such territories, on the reservation of lands for state needs for the purposes of development of such territories, on the construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects in such territories, are subject to mandatory agreement with the executive authority of the city of Moscow exercising public administration in the field of protection environment, which establishes the compliance or non-compliance of the project submitted for approval with the requirements of legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas, in the field of protection and use of natural and green areas.

    Article 53. Establishing and changing the boundaries of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas

    1. The boundaries of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas are established and changed in accordance with the legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas, protection and use of natural and green areas, environmental protection, environmental assessment, taking into account the documents specified in part 2 Article 52 of this Code, as well as taking into account the territory planning projects.

    2. Establishing and changing the boundaries of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas is carried out by the Moscow Government in the presence of a positive conclusion from the executive authority of the city of Moscow, which carries out public administration in the field of environmental protection.

    Article 54. Ensuring a balance in the development of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas and other types of areas in the city of Moscow

    1. For the purpose of sustainable development of the city of Moscow, protection of human rights to a favorable living environment, creation of conditions for the conservation and development of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas by the General Plan of the city of Moscow, the scheme for the development and placement of specially protected natural areas in the city of Moscow, territorial schemes and industry schemes, documentation on territory planning establish indicators for the balance of areas of specially protected natural territories, natural and green areas, on the one hand, and areas of other types of territories, on the other hand. The specified balance sheet indicators are established in relation to:

    1) to the entire territory of the city of Moscow;

    2) to the territories of administrative districts of the city of Moscow, districts of the city of Moscow;

    3) to the territories of functional planning formations.

    2. Changing the boundaries of specially protected natural areas, the boundaries of natural and green areas is allowed only under the conditions of compliance with the established indicators of the balance of these territories and other types of territories or increasing the share of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas in the balance of territories specified in paragraphs 1-3 Part 1 of this article.

    Article 55. Features of regulation of urban planning activities in specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas

    1. Regulation of urban planning activities in specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas is carried out in accordance with the categories, types, protection regimes, modes of use and zoning of these territories, established in accordance with the legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas, in the field of protection and use of natural and green areas.

    2. In accordance with the legislation specified in part 1 of this article, regimes for regulating urban planning activities are established in specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas, which determine:

    1) functional purpose of the territory;

    2) requirements and restrictions regarding territory improvement;

    3) requirements and restrictions regarding construction, reconstruction, use of capital construction facilities, including facilities:

    a) necessary to ensure the protection and maintenance of the territory;

    b) necessary for serving visitors;

    c) other objects that do not contradict the regimes for the protection of specially protected natural areas, the regimes for the protection and use of natural, green areas;

    4) other requirements and restrictions on urban planning activities.

    3. Regimes for regulating urban planning activities can be established in relation to the entire specially protected natural territory, natural and green areas or parts of the specified territory.

    4. Parts of specially protected natural areas within which the placement of capital construction projects is allowed must be highlighted in the rules of land use and development as separate territorial zones for which town planning regulations are established.

    5. In relation to zones, sections of the territory of specially protected natural areas, natural areas intended for recreational use, placement of objects specified in paragraph 3 of part 2 of this article, in relation to green areas for public use, regimes for regulating urban planning activities are established in accordance with the legislation specified in part 1 of this article, and in accordance with regional regulations.

    6. In relation to green areas of limited use, green areas for special purposes, regimes for regulating urban planning activities are established in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of protection and use of natural and green areas, technical regulations, requirements for the use of territories in areas with special conditions use of territories, as well as in accordance with regional standards.

    7. Regimes for regulating urban planning activities in specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas are established as part of territorial, sectoral schemes, and territory planning projects.

    Article 56. Features of the planning of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas

    1. Drawings as part of planning projects for specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas must display the boundaries of zones, areas of territory with protection regimes established in accordance with legislation, regimes for the use of these territories, regimes for regulating urban planning activities.

    2. Planning projects for specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas, planning projects for other territories containing provisions on changing the boundaries, categories, use of natural and green areas are subject to mandatory approval by the executive authority of the city of Moscow, which carries out public administration in the field of environmental protection environment, which establishes the compliance or non-compliance of the project submitted for approval with the requirements of legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas, protection and use of natural and green areas.

    3. Lost power.

    4. Development of an urban planning plan for an existing land plot, planned in a specially protected natural area, natural territory, green area of ​​a capital construction project is carried out only on the condition that protection regimes, use regimes, and regulation regimes for urban planning activities are established for this entire territory. The urban planning plan of the specified land plot must define restrictions on the use of the land plot, capital construction facility, necessary to comply with the established regimes for the protection and use of a specially protected natural area, natural, green area.

    Article 57. Features of architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects in specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas

    1. Development of design documentation for capital construction projects in specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas is carried out in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas, protection and use of natural and green areas, protection of green spaces. The construction organization project section as part of the design documentation for capital construction projects must contain provisions and measures that ensure that during preparatory work, construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of a capital construction project, compliance with the established regime for the protection of a specially protected natural area, natural, green area. Conducting a state examination of the above design documentation is mandatory.

    2. State examination of design documentation and state environmental examination of design documentation of objects, construction, reconstruction, major repairs of which are supposed to be carried out in specially protected natural areas, are carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of November 23, 1995 N 174-FZ “On Environmental Expertise” and Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. Conducting a state examination of the design documentation of objects, construction, reconstruction, major repairs of which are supposed to be carried out in natural, green areas is mandatory.

    3. During construction, reconstruction, major renovation capital construction projects:

    1) the executive authority of the city of Moscow, authorized to carry out state construction supervision, checks the compliance of the work performed during the construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of capital construction projects with the requirements of technical regulations, including in terms of environmental protection requirements, specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas, as well as compliance of the specified works with project documentation, including the provisions of the construction organization project specified in part 1 of this article;

    2) the executive authority of the city of Moscow, which carries out state management in the field of environmental protection, ensures state control over the condition of specially protected natural areas, natural, green areas in order to prevent violation of the protection regimes of these areas during construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of capital construction projects.

      • Chapter 1. (Articles 1-10)
        • Article 1.
        • Article 2.
        • Article 3.
        • Article 4.
        • Article 5.
        • Article 6.
        • Article 7.
        • Article 8.
        • Article 9.
        • Article 10.
      • Chapter 2. (Articles 11-18)
        • Article 11.
        • Article 12.
        • Article 13.
        • Article 14.
        • Article 15.
        • Article 16.
        • Article 17.
        • Article 18.
      • Chapter 3. (Articles 19-22)
        • Article 19.
        • Article 20.
        • Article 21.
        • Article 22.
      • Chapter 4. (Articles 23-27)
        • Article 23.
        • Article 24.
        • Article 25.
        • Article 26.
        • Article 27.
      • Chapter 5. (Articles 28-30)
        • Article 28.
        • Article 29.
        • Article 30.
      • Chapter 6. (Articles 31-33)
        • Article 31.
        • Article 32.
        • Article 33.
      • Chapter 7. (Articles 34-37)
        • Article 34.
        • Article 35.
        • Article 36.
        • Article 37. Repealed
      • Chapter 8. (Articles 38-44)
        • Article 38.
        • Article 39.
        • Article 40.
        • Article 41.
        • Article 42.
        • Article 43.
        • Article 44.
      • Chapter 9. (Articles 45-50)
        • Article 45.
        • Article 46.
        • Article 47.
        • Article 48.
        • Article 49.
        • Article 50.
      • Chapter 10. (Articles 51-57)
        • Article 51.
        • Article 52.
        • Article 53.
        • Article 54.
        • Article 55.
        • Article 56.
        • Article 57.
      • Chapter 11. (Articles 58-65)
        • Article 58
        • Article 59.
        • Article 60.
        • Article 61.
        • Article 62.
        • Article 63.
        • Article 64.
        • Article 65.
      • Chapter 12. (Articles 66-70)
        • Article 66.
        • Article 67.
        • Article 68.
        • Article 69.
        • Article 70.
      • Chapter 13. (Articles 71-74)
        • Article 71.
        • Article 72.
        • Article 77.
        • Article 78