Main Botanical Garden named after. N.V. Tsitsin RAS - description, history and interesting facts. See what “Tsitsin, Nikolai Vasilyevich” is in other dictionaries Structural and non-structural formations

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The Main Botanical Garden is a museum of living nature, a treasury unique plants. The botanical garden contains a huge collection of plants from all over the world. Here you can see the rarest plants that are no longer found in the wild. GBS is the largest botanical garden in Europe. It covers an area of ​​331.5 hectares.

April 14, 1945 is the date of foundation of the Main Botanical Garden. An outstanding scientist - botanist, geneticist and breeder Nikolai Vasilyevich Tsitsin made a great contribution to the construction, development and formation. He was the director of the garden for 35 years. On December 2, 1991, the Main Botanical Garden was named after N.V. Tsitsin.

In spring and summer the garden blooms. At every step there are flowering bushes and trees.

I started my walk through the garden from the Vladykino metro station. Literally 3 minutes from the metro there is a small gate. I went through it. Since the territory is very large, and it is simply not possible to explore everything in one day, I decided to take a right and go parallel to Botanicheskaya Street (see diagram).

At first it seems that you are in an ordinary forest park. The first feeling is that everything here has grown on its own, but this is only at first glance. Only later do you begin to understand that such naturalness is the result of the painstaking work of the garden’s staff. Conventionally, the garden is divided into six geographical zones: “European part of Russia”, “Caucasus”, “Central Asia”, “Siberia”, “Far East” and “Useful plants of natural flora”.

Not far from the entrance is the Laboratory building.

In front of the Laboratory building there is a large area with well-groomed lawns.

Beautiful glade

On the shore of the pond in front of the Laboratory building there is Observation deck. Here, on their wedding day, newlyweds hang locks for good luck.

They say that it is especially beautiful here in the spring, when the rhododendrons bloom, and in the fall, when the heather blooms.

The road leads through an area of ​​natural forest.

There are a lot of such feeders throughout the botanical garden.

Interesting pine.

On the way I went to the New Stock Greenhouse. This huge building is currently closed to visitors. It is planned to open for the 70th anniversary of the Main Botanical Garden in 2015. Through the glass you can see that many plants have already found their new home here.

The area around the greenhouse is beautifully decorated: nice paths, a fountain, flower beds.

Beautiful bright flowers in flower beds.

The peonies have already faded, and these are the libelias blooming.

And so, it seems, mint is blooming.

Next to the New Greenhouse there is an exhibition of floral and ornamental plants. This is a large fenced area. To enter here, you need to buy a ticket at the box office. The ticket office is next to the entrance to the exhibition.

There is a huge collection of perennials here: peonies, irises, daffodils and many other plants. I'm lucky. I came here during the lily blossom season.

I have never seen so many different shapes, sizes, and colors of lilies. It's amazing!

In addition to lilies, there are a lot of other very beautiful flowers on display.

Sunny bouquet.

Bright and very large rudbeckia.

A plant with an unusual delicate aroma.

It doesn't bloom, but it's also beautiful.

White Astilbe

Some kind of exotic

Cheerful daisies of different colors

Plants for alpine slides

Next to the exhibition of floral and ornamental plants is the Stock Greenhouse. It offers excursions for which you must register in advance.

The rose garden covers an area of ​​2.5 hectares. More than 270 types of roses are collected here. More than 6,000 bushes were planted.

The rose garden is framed by ancient oak trees. They protect delicate flowers from wind and frost in winter.

The magnificent delicate aroma of roses spreads throughout all the alleys of the garden.

Each rose is good in its own way.

Some roses are already fading, while others are just beginning to bloom.

Extraordinary beauty!

The rose garden area is beautifully decorated.

It's good to sit on a bench and enjoy the intoxicating aroma of the Queen of Flowers - the rose.

Here she is - the Queen of Roses.

The century-old oak is beautiful.

A small overgrown pond.

Behind it there is a view of a large pond.

Swimming and fishing in the pond is prohibited. You can only admire the beauty of nature.

Coastal plants are reflected in the water mirror.

The “Garden of Continuous Flowering” begins next to the pond.

I heard a delicate aroma.

Yes, it's jasmine!

Lots of lilacs. It must be very beautiful here in the spring.

There are vacationers under every tree.

There are many holidaymakers on Sunday. As in all Moscow parks, there are many cyclists.

Weeping willow on the shore of a pond.

The Ostankino Tower is very close.

Just beautiful carved leaves.

Finally, I got to the rare multi-stemmed Manchurian walnut. Here he is in the clearing.

The look is exotic.

The nut is already ripe. Reminds me of a walnut.

There is always someone sitting, hanging, crawling on its branches...

I was a little taken in by the “Natural Flora” plant exposition.

In the Garden of Continuous Bloom, something is always blooming.

USSR Academy of Sciences (1939), VASKhNIL (1938; vice-president in 1938-1948). Twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1968, 1978); Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1978) and the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1943).


Born on December 18, 1898 in Saratov. Coming from a poor peasant family, as a teenager he worked at a factory in Saratov.

During the civil war, Nikolai Vasilyevich was a military commissar, defending the Soviet Republic with arms in hand. The Soviet government opened the path to education for young workers. He studied at the workers' faculty, and then at the Saratov Agricultural Institute.

Graduated from the Saratov Institute of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (1927).

After graduating from the institute, he worked at the Saratov Agricultural Experiment Station. Communication with such outstanding breeders as N. G. Meister, A. P. Shekhurdin, P. N. Konstantinov determined the further direction of the young scientist’s work. From the very beginning, he was interested in the problem of creating more productive varieties of the main food crop - wheat - based on distant hybridization. Working as an agronomist at one of the departments of the Gigant grain state farm in the Salsky district of the Rostov region, Tsitsin crossed wheat with wheatgrass and for the first time obtained a wheat-wheatgrass hybrid, which was the beginning of his work in this direction. He widely involved in crossing wild and cultivated plants that had gone through independent evolutionary paths that determined their genetic isolation. Research conducted by scientists in this direction has made it possible to create new plant varieties.

In 1931-1937 he was the head of the laboratory of wheat-wheatgrass hybrids he organized, in 1938-1948 he was the chairman of the State Commission for Variety Testing of Agricultural Crops at the USSR Ministry of Agriculture, in 1940-1957 he was the head of the Laboratory of Remote Hybridization of the USSR Academy of Sciences, from 1945 he was the director of the Main Botanical Garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Chairman of the Board of the Council of Botanical Gardens of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The main works are devoted to distant hybridization of plants. By crossing wheat with wheatgrass, a new type of wheat (Triticum agropynotriticum) was obtained. Author of wheat-wheatgrass hybrid varieties. Honorary member of a number of academies of socialist countries. President (1958-1970) and vice-president (since 1970) of the Soviet-Indian Society for Friendship and Cultural Relations.

Member of the CPSU(b) since 1938. Delegate to the 20th Congress of the CPSU. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 1st, 3rd and 4th convocations.

Scientific works

  • - Chief Editor

Awards and prizes

  • Stalin Prize, second degree (1943).
  • Lenin Prize (1978).
  • Twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1968, 1978).
  • He was awarded five Orders of Lenin (according to other sources - seven orders), the Order of the October Revolution, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, as well as medals.

Perpetuating the memory of N.V. Tsitsina

    Memorial plaque to academician N.V. Tsitsin installed on the House on the Embankment

    Memorial plaque to academician N.V. Tsitsin is installed near the main building of the botanical garden named after. N.V. Tsitsina RAS

Country - named after N.V. Tsitsin is considered the largest in our country and Europe. Last summer he celebrated his 70th birthday.


The historical past of the botanical garden is complex and rich. The date of creation recorded in the documents is 1945. This year, on the lands located on the territory of Ostankino Park, it was decided to organize a new botanical garden.

For 400 years, on the territory of the Ostankino estate there were impenetrable forests in which scattered villages were located. These same places were intended for hunting moose and bears by the royal rangers. Since 1558, this land, which was granted to Satin Alexei by Ivan the Terrible, has had many owners.

Since 1743, Ostankino passed into the hands of the Sheremetyevs through the marriage of Pyotr Borisovich to Princess Varvara Cherkasskaya. After all, the future wife received a lot of land as a dowry, including this estate. After a while, their son Nikolai Sheremetyev will take care of the protection of this unique place. He introduces a ban on grazing livestock, hunting, picking berries and mushrooms, and will require the manager not to allow “revelers” into the oak grove.

The end of the 19th century was marked by deforestation, unregulated grazing, and uncontrolled destruction of wild animals and birds.

After the revolution, laws were passed prohibiting the cutting down of indigenous forest parks, which were strictly observed even in difficult times. war time, which saved the Ostankino estate.

Garden plants

The Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences, especially its central part, is a unique protected area of ​​the forest zone. There is no free access to the oak forest; its oak trees are on average about 160 years old, although there are also unique specimens that are up to 300 years old. There are birches, maples, spruce, aspen, rowan, etc. The tree crowns are hidden by huge bushes: hazel, buckthorn, honeysuckle, euonymus. Under them is a grass carpet of tender anemone, lungwort, fragrant lily of the valley, hairy sedge, chickweed, etc. They grow only in oak groves, which are recognized as the standard of the Central Russian broad-leaved forest.

All collections and displays of the garden are both natural and aesthetically suitable for the oak and birch trees growing here.

Today, the Tsitsin Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences is 331 hectares of unique collection funds. These are more than 18,000 types and varieties of plants from different parts of our planet. In 1991, in a solemn ceremony, the main Russian botanical garden was named after the great academician and famous botanist, breeder and geneticist Nikolai Vasilyevich Tsitsin, who led it for more than 35 years, from the first day of its foundation.

Territorial division

When creating the garden, the main task was to arrange indoor and outdoor exhibitions that could convey this or that natural area as fully as possible. For example, to demonstrate flora USSR departments were made:

European part of the union;

North Caucasus;

Region Siberia;

Middle Asia;

Far East.

At each of these sites were created special conditions, close to reality. Something like: adding special sand and stones, creating ponds or streams to increase humidity, or building special slides. All plants were planted in combinations found in real nature.

The Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences became the site for the creation of an introduction nursery to test new plant species.

The exhibitions that exist today have received different names. They present plant exhibits from the Far East, Siberia, the Caucasus and of Eastern Europe.

On a huge area today you can see tundra plants, coniferous-deciduous, light-coniferous, dark-coniferous forests, deserts, steppes and meadows.

Assembling a garden collection required careful removal of plants from nature. To do this, starting in 1946, expeditions were sent to various natural areas Soviet Union. Participants paid special attention to rare or endangered species.

The floristic diversity of the garden is constantly changing. It was especially diverse in 1990. Today, the RAS Garden is a place of recreation for citizens and guests of the city.

Guests of the city, visiting various attractions of the capital, always come to the Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, presenting main garden country, offers to view various plant exhibitions.

Expositions of the flora of Eastern Europe and vegetation of Central Asia

Almost 6 hectares are occupied by an exposition of the flora of Eastern Europe. There are more than 300 types and species of plants: about 20 species of tree crops, approximately 30 species of shrubs and more than 200 species of herbaceous plants, most of which came from the Carpathians.

The Main Botanical Garden named after Tsitsin RAS has the oldest exhibition of vegetation in Central Asia. It was founded shortly before the war on the Sparrow Hills on the territory of the Moscow Botanical Garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences. After the war, it was carefully transferred to the flora section (located in Ostankino). But it became available to visitors only in 1953. Natural botanical and geographical conditions were recreated here. Areas of mountainous terrain and deserts were created from tertiary clay. This zone contains conifers and alpine and subalpine meadows, steppes and rocky hills, and many species of endangered plants. You can view most of the exhibition from the top of the artificial slide.

Expositions of plants of the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East

An exhibition of plants from the Caucasus occupies an area of ​​almost 2.5 hectares. These are more than 300 species of tree plantations, including 23 rare and endangered species. They are located on artificial mountainous terrain and forest plains.

More than 200 plant species are collected in the exposition of the vegetation of Siberia. Of the exhibits presented here, more than 50 species are considered endangered or rare.

One of the most impressive collections is the exposition of the flora of the Far East. Almost 400 species of plants in this zone are located on an area of ​​8.5 hectares.

Thematic zones of the GBS (Main Botanical Garden)

In 1950, the Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences completed the creation of an exhibition of useful wild plants. All perennial herbs are planted in ridges, in a neighborhood taken from nature. There are several types of shrubs and trees in this exhibition. The organizers, while developing and planting plant ensembles, compiled their classification based on their area of ​​application.

The first part is essential oil, medicinal and insecticidal plants. They have an effect on various functions in the human or animal body and have toxic properties.

The second part is technical plants. These are fibrous, dyeing and tanning. Such plants have been and are now used in industry.

The third part is forage and melliferous. Plants that provide food for domestic animals (hay, silage, pasture).

The fourth part is food plant species. They are designed to maintain the vital functions of the human body. These are vitamin, flavoring, spicy, tea and infusion.


The Botanical Garden named after N.V. Tsitsin RAS preserves about 1,700 tree and shrub species of plants. They were collected on the territory of the arboretum (more than 75 hectares). The Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences is built like a landscape park, that is, the plants are systematized. This area is especially beautiful from early spring to autumn leaf fall. But in winter it is no less interesting to walk among the coniferous beauties covered with snow caps.

"Heather and Japanese Garden"

The arboretum has a special exhibition - “Heather Garden”. Special types of Erica and almost 20 varieties of heather were brought to it from Germany. It is located near the Laboratory building and is surrounded by conifers, barberries, spirea and rhododendrons.

An equally bright and unique exposition of the GBS is the “Japanese Garden”. It was created with the help of the Japanese Embassy in the capital. Rare species of sakura, ornamental tree species and herbs of the region were brought from the islands. They were picturesquely placed around artificial reservoirs with many bridges, pagodas and stone compositions.

A very mesmerizing collection of roses occupies almost 2.5 hectares.

Greenhouse specimens are considered priceless. They were imported from Brazil, Vietnam, Cuba, Madagascar and other countries of the equatorial zone. More than a hundred species of them are listed in the International Red Book.

A unique nursery in the Moscow Botanical Garden

In addition to the main scientific activities, GBS employees are engaged in the selection, breeding and sale of seedlings and seeds of known and new plant species. The nursery offers for sale deciduous trees, vines, shrubs, perennial herbs, clematis and fruit plants. Seedlings in the Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences are very popular. Their prices are very low and the quality planting material very high. Two retail outlets sell seedlings. One (the main one) is located on the street. Botanicheskaya, 31, opposite the main entrance to the GBS.

Special divisions of the RAS

Botanical Garden BIN RAS named after. Komarova V.L., is located in St. Petersburg, on Aptekarsky Island. He is a division Russian Academy Sci. Its history begins in the 18th century with an apothecary garden. It was founded by Peter I. Initially, naturally, it was intended to grow medicinal plants on it.

By the middle of the 19th century, the Apothecary Garden was in great desolation, because there was no financial support at all. Alexander I gave his order to V.P. Kochubey, who presented a plan for rebuilding the garden. Now his main focus has become scientific activity. The allocation for the Apothecary Garden has almost doubled. Scientific expeditions even began to be organized. The garden actively developed until the beginning of the 20th century.

In connection with the celebration of the bicentenary of the Botanical Garden in 1913, it was named after Peter the Great. After the revolution, it became the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Soviet Republic. At the same time, the imperial residences and private greenhouses were transferred to him.

In 1930, the garden was reassigned to the USSR Academy of Sciences. The following year it was merged with the Botanical Museum. As a result, the Botanical Institute was created. During the blockade, despite the efforts of the workers, the garden was badly damaged. Therefore, in the post-war period, extensive restoration work was carried out. Now it is a huge garden-arboretum. He is very loved by residents of St. Petersburg and guests of the city.

Another unique division of the Academy of Sciences is the Botanical Garden of the UC RAS. Located in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The garden has gone through a long and difficult path of development.

Today he has large collection plants, proud of their bright scientific achievements in the field of research wild species flora of the republic and selection of ornamental plants.


Now you know where to go if you love nature, flowers and plants. The Botanical Garden of N. Tsitsin RAS is a truly interesting place to visit.

- (1898 1980) Russian botanist and breeder, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939) and VASKhNIL (1938), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1968, 1978). Proceedings on remote hybridization of agricultural plants. Lenin Prize (1978), State... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- [R. 6(18).12.1898, Saratov], Soviet botanist, geneticist and breeder, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939), VASKhNIL (1938; vice president in 1938-48), Hero of Socialist Labor (1968). Member of the CPSU since 1938. Graduated from the Saratov Institute of Agriculture and... ...

TSTSIN NIKOLAY VASILIEVICH- Years of life: 12/18/1898–07/17/1980 Born in Saratov. Graduated from the Saratov State Institute of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (1927). Doctor s. X. Sciences (1936), Academician of VASKhNIL (1938). An outstanding botanist, breeder and geneticist.... ... Biographical encyclopedia of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Tsitsin, Nikolai Vasilievich- TTSITSIN Nikolai Vasilievich (1898 1980), Russian botanist and breeder. Proceedings on remote hybridization of agricultural plants. He obtained high-yielding wheat-wheatgrass hybrids that were resistant to lodging and diseases, and created a spring variety... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (1898 1980), botanist and breeder, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939) and VASKhNIL (1938), Hero of Socialist Labor (1968, 1978). Works on remote hybridization of agricultural plants. USSR State Prize (1943), Lenin Prize (1978) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- [p.6(18) Dec. 1898] Sov. botanist and breeder, academician. (since 1939) and valid. member VASKHNIL (since 1932). Member CPSU since 1938. Dep. Top. Soviet of the USSR 1st, 3rd and 4th convocations. In 1927 he graduated from the Institute. x VA and land reclamation in Saratov and worked at the All-Union Institute... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

- (1898, Saratov 1980, Moscow), botanist, geneticist and breeder, academician (1939), VASKHNIL (1938; in 193848 vice president), Hero of Socialist Labor (1968, 1978). Graduated from the Institute of Agriculture and Land Reclamation in Saratov (1927).... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

Surname Tsitsin, Konstantin Georgievich (born 1960) Russian statesman Tsitsin, Nikolai Vasilievich (1898 1980) Soviet botanist and breeder, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and VASKhNIL See also Titin Tsitsianov ... Wikipedia

Nikolai Vasilyevich (1898 1980), botanist and breeder, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939) and the All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1938), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1968, 1978). Works on remote hybridization of agricultural plants. Lenin Prize (1978), ... ... Russian history

Nikolai Vasilievich [b. 6 (18).12.1898, Saratov], Soviet botanist, geneticist and breeder, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939), VASKhNIL (1938; in 1938 48 vice president), Hero of Socialist Labor (1968). Member of the CPSU since 1938. Graduated from Saratov... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Tsitsin Nikolai Vasilievich - academician of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after V.I. Lenin, director of the Main Botanical Garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

Born on December 6 (18), 1898 in Saratov in a peasant family. Russian. Graduated primary school. As a teenager he worked at a factory in Saratov.

In the years Civil War was a military commissar, participated in the defense of Tsaritsyn (now Volgograd) and battles on the Southern Front, defended the Soviet Republic.

After the war, he graduated from the workers' faculty at the university in Saratov. In 1923-1927 he studied at the Saratov Institute of Agriculture and Land Reclamation.

After graduating from the institute in 1927-1932, he worked at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Grain Farming of the South-East as a researcher. On the fields of this institute (Saratov Agricultural Experimental Station), being at the same time an agronomist of one of the departments of the grain state farm "Giant" in the Salsky district of the Rostov region, N.V. Tsitsin began to conduct experiments that subsequently led him to brilliant results.

From the very beginning, N.V. Tsitsin was interested in the problem of creating more productive varieties of the main food crop - wheat - based on distant hybridization. He crossed wheat with wheatgrass and became the first wheat-wheatgrass hybrid. He widely involved in crossing wild and cultivated plants that had gone through independent evolutionary paths that determined their genetic isolation. Research conducted by the scientist in this direction has made it possible to create new plant varieties.

Since 1932, N.V. Tsitsin worked as the head of the laboratory of wheat-wheatgrass hybrids at the Omsk Zonal Experimental Station, which was later reorganized into the Siberian Research Institute of Grain Farming (in 1936-1938 - director of the institute). Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (1936). Here the scientist created mid-early (with more short period growing season) varieties of wheat-wheatgrass hybrids, characterized by high productivity and a complex of other economically valuable traits. At the same time, new varieties of wheat were created that had a branched ear structure. Before this, only forms of spring durum wheat existed in nature. The scientist managed to create varieties of winter soft branched wheat, that is, forms that previously did not exist in nature at all. One of Tsitsin's pioneering works was the creation of multigrain forms of wheat with particularly high productivity.

In 1938-1949 and in 1954-1957, N.V. Tsitsin was the director of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (VSKhV) in Moscow; in 1938-1948 - Chairman of the State Commission for Variety Testing of Grains, Oilseeds and Herbs; in 1940-1949 - director of the Research Institute of Grain Farming in the Non-Black Earth Zone of the USSR; in 1940-1957 - head of the laboratory of remote hybridization of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1938-1948 - vice-president of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after V.I. Lenin (VASKhNIL). Member of the CPSU(b)/CPSU since 1938.

In the post-war years, N.V. Tsitsin created intermediate constant (stable in offspring) forms of wheat, which had a high protein content and competed in yield with the best standards of this crop. For the first time in the history of breeding and genetic science, he created a completely new species of wheat plant, which is of great scientific and practical importance - perennial wheat, which he named Triticum agropynotriticum. Tsitsin’s work on the creation of high-yielding lodging-resistant varieties and forms with shortened and filled straw was also of great practical importance.

The scientist and his collaborators successfully used polyploid forms of plants (containing several sets of chromosomes in cells) in breeding. In particular, a tetraploid variety of winter rye “Start” was created, which had high winter hardiness and productivity. Particularly interesting is the work of Tsitsin and his students on the hybridization of wheat, rye and barley with elymus (giant, sandy and soft). Based on 29 combinations of crossing soft and durum wheat with three types of elimus, 7 generations of wheat-elimus hybrids were obtained. In 1968-1969, in the process of hybridization of wheat with soft elymus, highly productive constant 42-chromosome hybrids were isolated for the first time. They were distinguished by their large ears and grains, containing over 20 percent protein and more than 40 percent gluten.

In 1945-1980, N.V. Tsitsin was the director of the Main Botanical Garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences (GBS AS USSR), organized with his participation, chairman of the Council of Botanical Gardens of the USSR (1953-1980), academician-secretary of the Department of Plant Growing and Breeding of the All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1966-1980). 1968), President (1969-1975), Vice-President (1975-1980) of the International Association of Botanical Gardens.

Under the leadership of N.V. Tsitsin, all landscape and construction work for the development of the All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition/VDNKh of the USSR and GBS took place. He was the initiator of organizing expeditions around the country to collect plants for the botanical garden. Since 1947, Tsitsin collected scientific library, in the funds of which already in 1952 there were 55 thousand books, including the rarest copies of the 16th-19th centuries in Russian and foreign languages. Since 1948, Tsitsin began publishing the “Bulletin of the Main Botanical Garden”. Of the 200 bulletins issued from 1 to 120, he was the responsible editor. Under his leadership, an arboretum, one of the largest in Europe, was created on 75 hectares. During its existence, 2,500 species of woody plants were tested there. Of these, 1,800 were selected as completely sustainable, and of these, in turn, about 600 were recommended for landscaping in Moscow.

In 1952, on the initiative of N.V. Tsitsin, a network of botanical gardens of the USSR was created, and the Main Botanical Garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences became a kind of national coordinating and methodological center. The same year the greenhouse opened. By 1953, Tsitsin had completely completed the exhibition of the flora department, and by 1954, on the day of the second birth of VSKhV/VDNKh, the garden of continuous flowering, the garden of coastal plants and the collection rose garden were finally completed. In the village of Snegiri, Istrinsky district, Moscow region, Tsitsin organized an experimental garden farming on almost 1.5 thousand hectares.

On July 28, 1959, the Botanical Garden was opened to visitors. By the 1970s, all the main exhibitions of the garden were finally completed, and collection areas of geographical landscapes were created in the flora department. The garden under the leadership of N.V. Tsitsin became one of the largest in Europe. His collections included more than 20 thousand plant taxa (about 17 thousand were exhibited).

By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 17, 1968 for outstanding services in the development of biological and agricultural sciences and in connection with the seventieth anniversary of his birth Tsitsin Nikolai Vasilievich awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 15, 1978, for outstanding services in the development of Soviet science and in connection with his eightieth birthday, he was awarded the Order of Lenin and the second gold medal “Hammer and Sickle”. Became twice Hero of Socialist Labor.

Delegate to the 20th Congress of the CPSU (1956). Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 1st (1937-1946), 3rd-4th convocations (1950-1958).

Honorary foreign member of 8 foreign academies. He was president, chairman, and member of a number of domestic and foreign scientific organizations. President (1958-1970) and vice-president (since 1970) of the Soviet-Indian Society for Friendship and Cultural Relations. More than 700 scientific works have been published, including 46 books and brochures. Has 8 copyright certificates for inventions. Many works have been published abroad.

Awarded 7 Orders of Lenin (12/30/1935; 06/10/1945; 11/10/1945; 11/19/1953; 12/17/1968; 09/17/1975; 12/15/1978), Orders of the October Revolution (12/18/1973), Labor Red Banner (11/16/1939 ), medals, including “For Military Merit” (10/28/1967), the gold medal named after I.V. Michurin, the French Order “For Merit in the Field of Agriculture” (1959). Laureate of the Lenin (1978) and Stalin 2nd degree (1943) USSR Prizes.

The name of N.V. Tsitsin was given to the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Distant hybridization of plants, M., 1954;
The problem of winter and perennial wheat, M., 1935;
What will cross wheat with wheatgrass yield? M., 1937;
Research in the field of vegetative-sexual hybridization of herbaceous plants with woody plants;
Proceedings of the Zonal Institute of Grain Farming of the Non-Black Earth Zone of the USSR, 1946;
Ways to create new ones cultivated plants, M., 1948;
The role of science and advanced practice in the rise of grain farming, M., 1954;
Perennial wheat, M., 1978;
Theory and practice of remote hybridization, M., 1981.