Quiz game script for Victory Day. Quiz "Victory Day" elementary school Class hour for Victory Day quiz

06.10.2021 Complications

Quiz “The Path to Victory” with answers for grades 5-9

Natalia Nikolaevna Lebedeva, history teacher at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Kesovskaya Oosh”, Krasnokholmsky district, Tver region.
Description: The development is aimed at students in grades 5–9. The game takes place in a solemnly decorated classroom.
Preparatory work: studying the events of the Great Patriotic War through cool hours, lessons dedicated to the days of military glory of Russia.
Target: systematize knowledge on this topic
develop interest in the historical past of our country through studying the events of the Great Patriotic War;
cultivate a sense of patriotism and citizenship;
to cultivate a sense of civic duty and a sense of gratitude towards those who died during the Great Patriotic War and the surviving veterans and people of the older generation.
Equipment: poster “70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War”, drawings of children who won prizes in the school competition “I Remember! I’m proud!”, musical arrangement: music of the song “Victory Day”
Progress: The music of the song “Victory Day” sounds.
Slide 1.

introduction teachers:
Good afternoon
I am glad to welcome all those gathered at this event, which is significant for each of us.
Today we will try to summarize some of the events that took place at our school in preparation for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, and this will happen in the form of a game - a quiz “The Path to Victory!”

Each participant will fill out an answer form during the game.
At the end of all questions, the forms will be handed over to the jury for counting the votes.
Based on the results of the game - quiz “The Path to Victory”, the winners who took 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place will be determined.

Before the quiz starts, I want to give the viewers a task.
Exercise: At the end of the quiz, answer the question: - What is the path to Victory?

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Victory Day, how far it was from us,
Like a coal melting in an extinguished fire.
There were miles, burnt, in dust, -
We brought this day closer as best we could.

It is with these words that I would like to start our quiz.
So, let's begin!

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Station - Start of the journey
1.2 August 1934 Reich President Hindenburg dies, and three hours later it was announced that the positions of president and chancellor would be combined in one person. He declared himself the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the leader (Führer) of the German people and state.
Who is this man?
Answer: 4 /Adolf Hitler/

2.1 July 1940 I.V. Sir Stafford Crippson delivers a letter to Stalin which talks about Germany's plans for Soviet Union.
Who was the author of the letter?
Answer:8 /W.Churchill/
3. After Germany’s attack on the Soviet Union, this man hoped that everything that was happening was not the beginning of a war, but a “provocation” of the German generals. He remained completely silent and did not speak to the Soviet people. The Soviet people learned about the beginning of the war from another person’s address on the radio.
Who is this person?
Answer: 2 /I.V.Stalin/
4.Who, an hour after the start of the invasion, handed a memorandum to Vyacheslav Molotov?
Answer: 5 /German Ambassador to the Soviet Union Count von Schulenburg/
5. At noon, in his radio speech, he said: “Today, at 4 o’clock in the morning, without presenting any claims against the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country.
Who is this?
Answer: 1 /Vyacheslav Molotov/
6. Germany developed it back in 1940. If it was implemented, the war should have ended within 2–3 months.
What is it about?
Answer: 9 /plan "Barbarossa"/
7.Which border city was the first to take the blow, and its defense lasted over a month?
Answer: 3 / Brest/
On June 8, 30, 1941, by decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, an extraordinary supreme government agency The USSR, which concentrated all power in the country. The Chairman was the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) I.V. Stalin, his deputy was the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs V.M. Molotov. The GKO included L. P. Beria, K. E. Voroshilov, G. M. Malenkov, L. M. Kaganovich, and later N. A. Bulganin, N. A. Voznesensky, A. I. Mikoyan were introduced. Each of them was in charge of a certain range of issues.
What was the name of this extraordinary highest state body of the USSR?
Answer: 6 /State Committee Defense/
9.23 June 1941, by resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the Headquarters of the Main Command of the Armed Forces of the USSR was created. It included members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks I. V. Stalin, V. M. Molotov, Marshal of the Soviet Union K. E. Voroshilov, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny, People's Commissar of the Navy Admiral of the Fleet N. G. Kuznetsov and Chief of the General Staff, Army General G. K. Zhukov.
Who led it?
Answer: 7 /People's Commissar of Defense Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko/
Teacher: as the Great is known Patriotic War is divided into three periods.
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Exercise: pay attention to the answer sheet, in the second line you should have two numbers, separate them with a comma
Answer: The first period - from June 22, 1941 to November 18, 1942 - includes the strategic defense of the Red Army, the defeat of Nazi troops near Moscow, and the failure of the blitzkrieg.
The second period - from November 19, 1942 to December 31, 1943 - is characterized by a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War.
The third period - from January 1, 1944 to May 9, 1945 - is the defeat of the fascist bloc and the unconditional surrender of Germany.
/1- 3,2; 2- 1,3; 3 – 2,1/

Station - Chronicle of battles
Teacher: Every war has its own heroes, dates of major battles. And now we will look through the chronicle of military battles. I will read out information on any battle, and you must choose the correct answer and enter the selected number on the answer sheet
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Teacher: The Red Army retreated further and further. Everyone who could hold a weapon in their hands stood up to defend the city. Reinforcements arrived from Siberia and the Far East. Hitler planned to destroy this city and create a huge lake in its place. As a result of a successful counteroffensive, 38 enemy divisions were defeated and dozens of cities and villages were liberated. The enemy was driven back almost 300 kilometers from the city.
What events are we talking about?
Answer: 5 /Moscow Battle/
Teacher: In September 1941, the Nazis surrounded this city. The city was blocked on all sides. Hunger began. Each city resident received a small piece of bread once a day - 250 grams for workers and 125 grams for everyone else. In winter, the Road of Life appeared across the lake. The city was finally liberated only in January 1944.
What events are we talking about?
Answer: 1 /battle for Leningrad/
Teacher: in the summer and autumn of 1941, vast territories of the Soviet Union were captured by the Nazis. There were many citizens left in the occupied territories who could defend our Motherland. The Nazis drove many of them into their camps; some managed to escape and hide in the forest. Their main task was to carry out sabotage behind enemy lines, conduct reconnaissance and transmit to the active army all information about the enemy’s movements. Their contribution to the fight against the invaders was very great. Many of them were awarded military orders and medals.
What events are we talking about?
Answer: 6 /partisan movement/
Teacher: having recovered from serious defeats by the spring-autumn of 1942, the enemy again seized the initiative. In May 1942, the Red Army was defeated near Kharkov, and the Kerch operation ended in failure. The Nazis carried out all these major offensive operations with only one goal - to capture this city, take possession of the oil-bearing regions of the Caucasus, which would allow them to deliver a new blow to Moscow and end the war in 1942. These events began with the battles for Kalach and Don. It was greatest battle. There was a battle for every street, every house - Pavlov’s house, a mill, a department store, a prison, Zabolotny’s house and many others. Some positions changed hands several times - this is Mamayev Kurgan, Train Station. The Nazis' plans were destroyed, and the German onslaught on the East was stopped here. From here, from the banks of the Volga, the expulsion of invaders from the territory of the USSR began. Germany's time of victory is over. A turning point came in the Great Patriotic War.
What events are we talking about?
Answer: 2 / Battle of Stalingrad /
Teacher: This event occupies a special place in the Great Patriotic War. It lasted 50 days and nights. The defeat of the Nazis meant the complete collapse of Hitler's offensive plans. This battle marked a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War.
What events are we talking about?
Answer: 3 / Battle of Kursk /
Teacher: this event was the final strategic offensive operation carried out Soviet troops with the goal of defeating the Nazis and joining forces with the allies.
What events are we talking about?
Answer: 4 / Berlin operation /
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These people made the greatest contribution to the Great Victory.
Exercise: match facts and names
/ 1 -5; 2 –9; 3 – 2; 4 – 1; 5 – 7; 6 – 10; 7 – 6; 8 – 8; 9 – 4; 10 – 3;/
Teacher: remembering the greatest contribution of commanders, front commanders, and military leaders on the path to Victory, one cannot help but recall the heroism and dedication of ordinary people
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Exercise: match names and facts
1) Gastello Nikolay Frantsevich, 2) Alexey Petrovich Maresyev, 3) Matrosov Alexander Matveevich, 4) Kozhedub Ivan Nikitovich, 5) Panfilov Ivan Vasilievich, 6) Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhin, 7) Junior political instructor D. Yakovlev, 8) M.G. Fomichev, 9) Red Army soldier Vasily Vataman, 10) Major Gavrilov
a) made the first night ram, b) one of the defenders of the Brest Fortress, c) led units of the division in battles on the outskirts of Moscow, d) rushed to the bunker and closed the embrasure with his body, e) commanded a tank brigade, which entered the to Prague and took part in its liberation, f) rushed at the tank with grenades. In his locket there was a note: “My oath. I am the son of the party, and the Fatherland is my mother, in battle I will not retreat back. And if I die in a fierce battle, tell the people in words: he honestly and worthily gave his life in battles with the enemy for freedom,” g) killed ten Nazi soldiers with a faulty cartridge, h) an air ram, i) a pilot three times awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, j) prototype of the main character of B. Polevoy’s book “The Tale of a Real Man.”
Answer: /1 –з; 2 –k; 3 – g; 4-i; 5 – in; 6 – a; 7 – e; 8 –d; 9 –f; 10 – b;/
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Teacher: all these events that we remembered today could not have happened without people’s faith in Victory. It was faith in Victory that helped people survive and endure all the hardships of wartime.
You have completed all the quiz tasks.
Please hand over the answer sheets to the jury for summing up the results.
The jury sums up the results.
Teacher: While the jury is summing up the results, I turn to the audience, let’s believe how you coped with the task. What is the path to Victory?
The audience's responses are heard.
The jury announces the winners.

When fireworks thunder over the city,
Those who died for their Motherland rise up.
We don't see them, we don't hear them,
But the fallen are always among the living...
Let us honor the memory of all participants in the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence.
Teacher: and now the song “Victory Day” is being performed (performed by children)
Thanks to everyone present.
See you again!

Congratulatory game dedicated to Victory Day

Purpose of the game: To show what great and world-historical significance Victory Day - May 9, had in the history of the development of our country. The game allows you to make the study of history interesting and exciting in class and outside of class. It makes it possible to broaden the horizons of schoolchildren, develop their erudition, intensify the mental activity of students, helps to comprehend the material more deeply and better consolidate it. The game is played for senior classes, but can also be played for junior classes. It can become a traditional school-wide holiday.

Game objectives: This is the consolidation and deepening of the historical knowledge of students in the course “History of Russia”: the development of skills in independent creative and search work individually and in a team; development of historical thinking; education of patriotic feelings through vivid examples of the heroism of the Russian army, courage and courage of the people.

Equipment: Exhibition of books dedicated to the Great Patriotic War; historical wall map of the Patriotic War of 1941-1945; image of Russian awards and memorial signs; portraits of participants - heroes of the Patriotic War.

Rules of the game:

1. The game involves two teams.

2. The right of first move is played out during the warm-up.

3. The team that has won the right to make the first move receives a task, and if the answer is correct, continues the game, receiving the next task.

4. If a team finds it difficult to answer or gives an incomplete answer, the right to answer passes to another team.

5. The team with the most points wins.

6. The answer is assessed on a scale: complete answer - 5 points, incomplete answer - 3 points, incorrect answer - 0 points.

Progress of the game

1. Team presentation

The teams themselves must come up with a name related to the history of the Great Patriotic War, a motto and an emblem.

2. Warm up

1. On the territory of which country was the last enemy group defeated?

a) Romania;

b) Belgium;

c) Hungary;

d) Czechoslovakia.

2. The day of the liberation of the city - May 9 - became the Day of Victory of the Soviet people over fascism. What city are we talking about?

a) Prague;

b) Berlin;

c) Warsaw.

3. Historical events

1. July 14, 1941 near the city of Orsha, a battery of rocket launchers struck the advancing fascist troops for the first time. What was the affectionate name for the installation of rocket artillery? (Katyusha.)

2. What historical event, broadcast on the radio throughout the country, took place in Moscow in early November 1941, when the enemy was 80 km from the city?

a) Attempt at negotiations;

V) Procession around Moscow.

3. After what battle was the myth of the invincibility of the German army dispelled?

a) The Battle of Moscow;

b) Battle of Stalingrad;

c) The Battle of Kursk.

4. What battle marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War?

a) Battle of Smolensk;

b) Battle of Kursk;

c) Battle of Stalingrad;

d) Battle of the Dnieper.

5. What is the code name for the operation that took place from December 30, 1942 to February 2, 1943, and as a result of which Paulus’s army was cut up and had to capitulate?

a) Plan Barbarossa;

b) Ring;

c) Typhoon;

d) Berlin operation.

6. 2,438 soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the heroism shown in crossing the fortification system, which was, according to the Germans, impregnable (the “eastern rampart”). What battle are we talking about?

a) Crossing of the Dnieper;

b) Crossing the Don;

c) Vistula-Oder operation.

7. After what battle did the strategic initiative pass completely into the hands of the Soviet command?

a) Battle of Smolensk;

b) Battle of Kursk;

c) Battle of Kharkov;

d) The battle near the village of Prokhorovka.

8. When and where did the parade of troops take place to commemorate the victory of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War? (June 24, 1945 in Moscow on Red Square.)

4. Historical places

1. The fortress, built in 1833-38, heroically defended itself in 1941 from June 22 to July 20. Name this fortress.

a) Peter and Paul Fortress;

b) Brest Fortress;

c) Silistria;

d) Ishmael.

2. This city was called “the gates of Moscow.” German here war machine braked for the first time, encountering serious resistance. Name this city.

b) Kaluga;

c) Smolensk;

d) Ryazan.

3. During the Great Patriotic War, 28 fighters I.V. Panfilov repelled several tank attacks by the Nazis. Almost everyone died, but they did not let the enemy through. What city did Panfilov’s heroes defend?

a) Smolensk;

c) Stalingrad;

Moscow city.

b) Sevastopol;

c) Odessa;

d) Voronezh.

5. “The Road of Life” is the only military-strategic transport route that connected besieged Leningrad with the mainland. What lake did she pass through?

a) Lake Peipsi;

b) Lake Onega;

c) White Lake;

d) Lake Ladoga.

6. For 58 days, Sergeant Pavlov and his soldiers fought off attacks by enemy infantry, tanks and aircraft, defending one of the houses in the city. In what city is this “House of Soldier’s Glory”, the famous Pavlov’s house, located?

b) Moscow

c) Bryansk;

d) Volgograd.

7. July 12, 1943 during Battle of Kursk The largest tank battle took place. Near which village did it take place?

a) Vasilyevka;

b) Prokhorovka;

c) Ivanovka.

8. City founded in 1255 Teutonic Order, which has been the residence of Prussian kings since the 18th century, was stormed by Soviet troops on April 9, 1945. By decision of the Potsdam Conference, in 1945 it became part of the USSR. What was the name of this city before 1946 and what is it called now. (Konigsberg, now Kaliningrad.)

5. Commanders of the Great Patriotic War

1. In honor of which outstanding commanders were orders established during the Great Patriotic War? (Alexander Nevsky, Kutuzov, Suvorov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky.)

2. In honor of which famous Russian naval commanders were orders established to reward sailors during the Great Patriotic War?

a) Nakhimov, Ushakov;

b) Zhukov, Rokossovsky;

c) Chichagov, Greiga.

d) Spiridov, Orlov.

3. Marshal of the Soviet Union, commanded the front from June 1942 until the end of the war. Who is this commander?

a) V.M. Molotov;

b) G.K. Zhukov;

c) I.V. Stalin;

d) L.A. Govorov.

6. Literature and art

1. Already on June 24, 1941, the newspapers “Krasnaya Zvezda” and “Izvestia” published a poem by V. Lebedev-Kumach, which immediately became the main song of the Great Patriotic War. Who wrote the music and what is the name of this song?

a) A. V. Alexandrov, “Holy War”,

b) A. Tvardovsky, “Vasily Terkin”;

c) A. Surkov, “Dugout”.

2. During the most difficult days of the siege of Leningrad, the brilliant 7th symphony was created. Her first broadcast from the besieged city was hailed around the world as a display of civic courage. Name its author.

a) S.S. Prokofiev;

b) A.V. Alexandrova;

c) B.A. Makrousova;

d) D. Shostakovich.

3. Red Army soldier I. A. Baiduzhiy wrote to the poet on April 17, 1943: “Your poem... an encyclopedia of a soldier’s front-line life.” What work are we talking about and who is its author?

a) M.A. Sholokhov “The Science of Hate”;

b) B.C. Grossman “The people are immortal”;

c) A.E. Korneychuk “Front”;

d) A. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin”.

7. The feat of a soldier.

1. The pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, on June 26, 1941, sent a downed plane into a concentration of enemy tanks.

a) S.Yu. Witte;

b) P.N. Miliukov;

c) A.M. Gorchakov;

d) N. Gastello.

2. Soviet fighter pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union On April 7, 1941, he was one of the first to carry out a night ram, shooting down an enemy bomber.

a) A. Fedin;

b) M.A. Lazutina;

c) M.A. Sholokhov;

d) V. Talalikhin.


The number of points for both teams is calculated. The team with the most points wins the game.

We offer you quizzes Victory Day for schoolchildren

Quiz of war songs “echoes of the past war”

To answer the quiz questions, you need to remember lines from military songs and sing them. You can use one of the following game options.

The facilitator asks a question and the participants answer on pieces of paper.

The players take cards and answer questions.

Who will sing the right song faster?


1. What will we talk about somewhere, someday?

2. What was awarded to the soldier who drank wine from a copper mug with half-hearted sadness?

3. What do those who were not expecting a soldier from the war not understand?

4. What will a young boy in a naval jacket say to himself if he gets scared?

5. How long did you have to wait for the dashing Cossack, the steppe eagle?

6. Where did the girl who had a boy’s name live?

7. How many guys are left at the nameless height?

8. Which fight is the most difficult?

9. Where did the Muscovites Seryozhka and Vitka, who died beyond the Vistula, live?

10. What does Talyanochka play and talk about?

11. Where does your beloved hide her blue scarf?

12. How many people were in the crew of the combat vehicle?

13. Why don’t we stand behind the price?

14. About whom was the girl singing a song on the high steep bank?

15. Why did the guys have no time to sleep?

16. What did the Moldavian woman collect in the neighboring garden?

17. Where does your beloved secretly wipe away a tear?

18. Who doesn’t sleep until dawn, waiting for greetings from a friend?

19. What warmed the soldier in the cold dugout?


1. “About conflagrations, about friends and comrades.”

2. “And on his chest there shone a medal for the city of Budapest.”

3. “How in the midst of the fire you saved me by waiting.”

4. “You are from Odessa, Mishka, and this means that you are not afraid of either grief or misfortune.”

5. “I’ve been waiting for you throughout the war.”

6. “There is a village among the forests. Once upon a time, a girl named Zhenya lived there.”

7. “There were only three of us left out of eighteen guys.”

8. “The last battle, it’s the hardest.”

9. “Seryozhka with Malaya Bronnaya and Vitka with Mokhovaya.”

10. “About how the black-eyed woman drove you crazy.”

11. “I know: with love you hide a blue scarf at your head.”

12. “Three tankers, three cheerful friends.”

13. “This means that we need one victory, one for all, we will not stand behind the price!”

14. “About the steppe gray eagle, about the one she loved, about the one whose letters she treasured.”

15. “Spring has come to our front.”

16. “There’s a dark-skinned Moldavian woman picking grapes.”

17. “On a dark night, my love, I know you don’t sleep, and by the crib you secretly wipe away a tear.”

18. “You are waiting, Lizaveta, for greetings from a friend.”

19. “I feel warm in the cold dugout from your unquenchable love.”

Quiz "Military-historical dictionary"

Prepare word interpretation cards and word cards (see game cards). Place the first ones with the back side on one table, and the second ones with the front side on the other. The participant takes a card with the interpretation of the word and loudly calls its number. Then he goes to another table and finds the corresponding word card and calls the number of this card.

Other game options are also possible: compile a military dictionary “From A to Z”, intellectual lotto, watercress, “Field of Miracles”, crossword puzzle, etc.

Interpretations of words

1. Special room for parking and routine repairs of aircraft and helicopters.

2. An ancient hand-held throwing weapon in the shape of a bow.

3. A poem of a special form, mainly on a historical, legendary topic.

4. A fortress or field military fortification of a pentagonal shape.

5. B Ancient Rus': head of the army, as well as the region, district.

6. In Tsarist Russia: a student of the senior classes of the naval corps.

7. Elite, best troops.

8. Landing of troops on enemy territory.

9. A small reconnaissance, observation group from a military unit.

10. In the tsarist army: Cossack officer rank, corresponding to captain in the infantry.

11. Simultaneous firing from several guns.

12. A serviceman in charge of supply affairs in the military economy.

13. In the tsarist army: a soldier of one of the regiments of the Guards heavy cavalry.

14. A military unit that guards someone (something), as well as security responsibilities.

15. Large fast ship, large passenger plane.

16. Movement of troops (fleet) in a theater of military operations with the aim of striking the enemy.

17. Marching movement of troops, as well as a piece of music in a clear rhythm.

18. Active movement of troops forward with the aim of attacking the enemy and defeating them.

19. Monument, a structure in the form of a pillar tapering upward.

20. Surrounding a fortified place with troops for the purpose of capture.

21. Horizontal overlap in the hull of a ship.

22. The monumental building is the burial place of prominent figures.

23. Official message, a report from a junior in rank to a senior military commander.

24. Forward military observation post.

25. The territory behind the front, behind the battle line.

26. Swift attack, attack.

27. Military or government courier for especially important assignments.

28. The active army and the area occupied by it, as well as the military formation in ranks.

29. In the old days: military banner.

30. In the old days: an internal city fortress, as well as a stronghold, a support.

31. A boat with a strong, wide hull.

32. Troop control body, as well as persons included in it.

33. An ancient hand weapon used to protect against blows and arrows.

34. Crew of a ship, plane, tank.

35. In Tsarist Russia: student of a military school.

36. A prisoner from whom you can obtain the necessary information.


Cavalry Guard






Literary quiz for May 9 with answers “I remember! I'm proud!" for primary school age.

Author: Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, teacher primary classes MBOU "Zolotukhinsk secondary school" Kursk region
Description of material: This material can be used by primary school teachers and secondary literature teachers in extracurricular reading lessons, extracurricular activities dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.
Target: formation of a sense of patriotism and active civic position, general cultural competence through the perception of fiction.
1. Instill in children a love for their Motherland, for their Fatherland.
2. Foster a sense of pride in the heroic history of our country.
3. Expand children’s understanding of the Great Patriotic War and the courage of the Soviet people.
Preliminary work: reading fiction, watching documentaries, competitive reading of poems about the war, collecting information about fellow countrymen...


1.What anniversary of the Great Patriotic War is our country celebrating this year?
(70th anniversary of the Great Victory)

2. How many years did the Great Patriotic War last? (4 years)
3.What war was the Great Patriotic War part of?
(Part of World War 2)
4.What is the name of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces during the Great Patriotic War?(Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin)

5.What was the name of the border outpost, which was one of the first to take the blow of the fascist hordes? (Brest Fortress - hero fortress)

6. How many days did the defense of the Brest Fortress last? (30 days)
7.“Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat – Moscow is behind us.” Who owns these famous words?(Political instructor V.G. Klochkov)

8. To whom was the monument erected 85 km from Moscow (west direction, Minskoe highway)? (To the Panfilov heroes)

9.What is the name of the sergeant’s house, which Soviet soldiers defended for several months? (Pavlov's House)

10. How many days did it last decisive battle for Stalingrad? (200 days)

11. The largest tank battle of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War took place during: Battle of Kursk.
(A tank battle took place in the area of ​​the village of Prokhorovka, Belgorod Region, on July 12, 1943. Up to 1,200 tanks and self-propelled guns took part on both sides. For the 50th anniversary of the Victory, the Prokhorovskoye Field museum-reserve was opened, by visiting which you can see the Belfry monuments , “Bell of Unity”, Church of Peter and Paul.)

12. Name the battle that ended on August 23, 1943 with the capture of Kharkov by Soviet troops?(Battle of Kursk.)

13. This young Russian woman was destined to become, albeit posthumously, the fourth woman Hero of the Soviet Union and the first in the Great Patriotic War. Say her name.
(Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya - “Tanya”, partisan, intelligence officer.)

14.Which city in Russia during the Great Patriotic War withstood a 900-day siege by German troops? (Leningrad, now St. Petersburg.)

15.On the ice of which lake did the “Road of Life”, laid to supply besieged Leningrad, run? (Ladozhskoe)

16.Which of these domestic tanks became a legend of the Second World War?
(Tank T-34)

17.What were called “Katyushas” during the Great Patriotic War?(Rocket launchers)

18. In which city can you visit Mamayev Kurgan, on which the monument-ensemble “To the Heroes” is located? Battle of Stalingrad»? (Volgograd)

19.What is the name of the heroine of the poem by M. Aliger, who owns the words:
“Citizens, don’t stand, don’t look,
I am alive, my voice is heard.
Kill them, poison them, burn them,
I will die, but the truth will win!”

(Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. Partisan of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, 1942, posthumously. A student of the 201st secondary school in Moscow voluntarily joined a partisan detachment, a scout, executed by the Nazis in the village of Petrishchevo, Moscow region.)
20.Which of the commanders-in-chief of the Great Patriotic War was four times Hero of the Soviet Union? (G.K. Zhukov)

21.What major battle ended the Great Patriotic War?
(Battle of Berlin)

22.When was the Victory Banner hoisted over the Reichstag in Berlin?
(April 30, 1945)
23.What was the name of the parade that took place on Red Square on June 24, 1945?
(Victory parade)

24. Name the major battles of the Great Patriotic War?
(Defense of Brest, Siege of Leningrad, Battle of Moscow, Battle of Stalingrad, Kursk Bulge, battle for Berlin)

25.Name the Hero Cities.(There are 12 of them and the Brest Fortress)

Happy Great Victory!!!

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Target: formation of consciousness of the need to defend the Fatherland, development of high social activity, civic responsibility, spirituality; instilling patriotism, pride and respect for the country.


  • To form a moral attitude towards the historical heroic past, to increase the information and communicative competence of students on this topic;
  • development of interest in the events taking place in the country, development in the child of a system of universal human values, understanding of the role of his nation, ethnic group in the world historical process;
  • to cultivate in students a tolerant attitude towards others and to form feelings of patriotism, love for the Motherland, pride in their country through the example of the heroic deeds of people in war and peacetime. Fostering love for the Motherland and civic duty.

Form of organizing children's activities: quiz based on presentation.

Attributes: chips for correct answers, medals for quiz winners.

Progress of the event

1. Teacher's introduction

Hello dear guys, dear guests. At today's event we will talk about the heroic past of our country, about the exploits, about the glory of our people. We continue to develop a sense of patriotism as a deep feeling of love for the motherland, readiness to serve it, strengthen and protect it, familiarization with the traditions and rich culture of our country. And let's check which of the guys knows history best.

(Music sounds -Appendix 1, 2 students come out and read poems).

1 student:

Get up, people!
Hearing the cry of the Earth,
The soldiers of the Motherland have gone to the front.
Their sons were with their fathers,
And the children walked the roads of war.
Soldiers went into battle across the Dnieper and Volga,
They fought for their native Soviet land,
For every city, every village,
For everything that grew on my land.
For a child's smile, bright class,
For peace, for the happiness of each of us.

2nd student:

"For veterans"

Orders shine in the sun,
Medals ring solemnly,
The whole country is proud of them,
They defended freedom.
There are fewer and fewer of them left,
Gray-haired defenders of the people,
That the moment of happiness was approaching,
It took four years to achieve victory.
They are decorated with gray hair,
New medals are shining,
The whole country is indebted to them,
They didn't feel any warmth.

Teacher: The Motherland sent its best sons and daughters to the front. Thousands of people voluntarily joined the army, partisan detachments, and people's militia. Let's honor their memory with a minute of silence

(Music sounds -appendix 2.)

Our class hour is dedicated to the history of the Great Patriotic War. Today we will hold a quiz where we will find out which of you knows the history of the Victory better. In advance you are divided into two teams

2. Conditions of the “Quiz”

  • In turn, each team member chooses a question number from 1 to 20.
  • A minute is given to think.
  • If a team answers incorrectly, the opposing team can give the answer!
  • For each correct answer they will give a chip.
  • The team that collects the most chips will win.

(All questions are asked based on the presentation -appendix 3).

  1. What anniversary of the Great Patriotic War is our country celebrating this year? - slide 3
    Answer: (72nd anniversary of the Great Victory)
    slide 4
  2. How many years did the Great Patriotic War last? – slide 5
    Answer: (4 years) – slide 6
  3. What war was the Great Patriotic War a part of? – slide 7
    Answer: (Part of World War 2) – slide 8
  4. What is the name of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces during the Great Patriotic War? – slide 9
    Answer: (Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin) – slide 10
  5. What was the name of the border outpost, which was one of the first to take the blow of the fascist hordes? – slide 11
    Answer: (Brest Fortress - hero fortress) - slide 12
  6. How many days did the defense of the Brest Fortress last? - slide 13
    Answer: (30 days) – slide 14
  7. What do the colors of the St. George's ribbon mean? slide 15
    Answer: (smoke and flames) - slide 16
  8. How many days did the decisive battle for Stalingrad last? – slide 17
    Answer: (200 days) - slide 18
  9. The largest tank battle of the Great Patriotic War and World War II took place during: - slide 19
    Answer: (Battle of Kursk) – slide 20
  10. This young Russian woman was destined to become, albeit posthumously, the fourth woman Hero of the Soviet Union and the first in the Great Patriotic War. Say her name - slide 21
    Answer: (Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya - “Tanya”, partisan, intelligence officer.) - slide 22.
  11. Which city in Russia during the Great Patriotic War withstood a 900-day siege by German troops? - slide 23
    Answer: (Leningrad, now St. Petersburg.) - slide 24
  12. On the ice of which lake did the “Road of Life”, laid to supply besieged Leningrad, run? – slide 25
    Answer: (Ladoga) – slide 26
  13. Which of these domestic tanks became a legend of the Second World War? – slide 27
    Answer: (Tank T-34) – 28
  14. What were called “Katyushas” during the Great Patriotic War? – slide 29
    Answer: (Rocket launchers) - slide 30
  15. In which city can you visit Mamayev Kurgan, on which the monument-ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” is located? – slide 31
    Answer: (Volgograd) – slide 32
  16. Which of the commanders-in-chief of the Great Patriotic War was four times Hero of the Soviet Union? – slide 33
    Answer: (G.K. Zhukov) – slide 34
  17. What major battle ended the Great Patriotic War? – slide 35
    Answer: (Battle of Berlin) – slide 36
  18. When was the Victory Banner hoisted over the Reichstag in Berlin? – slide 36
    Answer: (April 30, 1945) - slide 37
  19. What name was given to the parade that took place on Red Square on June 24, 1945? – slide 38
    Answer: (Victory Parade) - slide 39
  20. Name the Hero Cities. There are 12 of them - slide 40
    Answer - slide 41

3. Summing up the quiz. Team awards.

Teacher: Well done boys! You showed good knowledge in the Great Victory of our ancestors. We will remember and honor their exploits always.

Our class hour will end with a song!

(the song “Take care of the memory in your heart” sounds -appendix 4)

Take care of the memory in your heart

Raises the blue sky, a fan of sun rays,
Morning rises over Russia, Over my native land.
Where battles once took place, Fog floats across the fields.
The spring day was disturbed by the pain of long-healed wounds.

And fog and chest pain. The memory stirs the heart.
And fog and chest pain. The memory stirs the heart.

Rus' is a birch tree, a bright soul. The enemy struck with steel fire.
But it is impossible to take away cherished love from the soul.
Here she floats in the fogs. Over the graves of sons,
Earing wildly with grasses. The trill of nightingales flows.

And fog and nightingales. Nightingales weep tenderly.
And fog and nightingales. Nightingales weep tenderly.

Through the fog from the eternal silence. The army is rising behind the army,
Russian sons of all times. They take care of the Motherland.
The lush grasses are untouched. It blows from the earth.
Why are there flowers in tears all around? Why are nightingales crying so much?

Teacher: This concludes our class hour. Goodbye!