I found a flying saucer - what should I do? What makes flying saucers fly? Railway station, Dubulti station, Jurmala, Latvia

06.10.2021 Thrombosis

What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase “ Flying saucer"? Aliens, “little green men”, at worst, are secret Nazi developments. Meanwhile, at the dawn of the era of air conquest, humanity did not yet have the usual stereotypes about what kind of devices should conquer space. And some of them could well be called “ flying saucer". And we will tell you about some of them now.

It’s a bit reminiscent of the famous drawing by Leonardo da Vinci (who, by the way, couldn’t fly), isn’t it? Meanwhile, this is a really working model, developing a lifting force of 778 kg. Its author was the Polish engineer Joseph Lipkowski, who, characteristically, worked in St. Petersburg. In 1905, the first test launch took place, which turned out to be very effective. It was only necessary to find a more powerful engine... However, the engineer soon switched to more traditional airplanes, and the project of a vertical take-off device was abandoned.

Yes. This is an airplane with a circular wing. Formally, it’s almost a flying saucer, only with a propeller. This model was created in the USA, around 1911. And it was called, characteristically, “Umbrella Plane”. Materials: wood and fabric. But unlike the previous version, the inventor was unable to demonstrate to the general public the flight ability of his creation. So it is still not known whether this “saucer” flew.

And again a plane with a circular wing. Only this one " Flying saucer"It definitely flew. But not at once. The principle of the circular wing itself was patented by certain Isaac Storey and Willband Zelger. Patented, but not implemented. After some time, a certain John Kitchen tried to build a machine using these patents and lift it into the air. But it didn’t work out for him, so he sold both the patent itself and the rough model to Cedric Lee, who was later joined by engineer Tyman Richards. And only after a long time of polishing the model with a file, they finally managed to lift it into the air. But only to be smashed to hell in 1911. Tellingly, recent wind tunnel studies of a full-size model showed that it was actually quite stable. Even despite the tail roll.

Yes. A full-fledged monoplane, but only with a circular wing. The model, created by students at the University of Miami in 1930, was flown several times, demonstrated decent flight characteristics, but failed to interest either the military or civil aviation. This thing was called “Roundwing” or “Nemeth Parasol”, in honor of Professor Alexander Nemets (the leader of the talented students). Its positive feature was that the circular wing allowed the structure to glide without any fuel consumption. That is, yes, formally, this is the predecessor of all ekranoplanes.

Yeah. Real " Flying saucer"The Third Reich. By the way, it is the only one actually documented, the existence of which is beyond doubt. Simply because she, such a bastard, didn’t fly. Well, more precisely, I flew, but poorly and not for long. They couldn't achieve a normal balance. They started in 1939, but never finished until they were 44. Moreover, the concept was constantly refined, “improved” and redesigned. And the parts were taken from other, quite working aircraft.

It is too " Flying saucer"during the Second World War. Only American. Efficient, balanced, even adapted for takeoff and landing from aircraft carriers. But alas, it’s screw. And the era of jet aircraft was coming, so the “Flying Pancake” ceased to be relevant because it could not adapt. But yes, I flew and flew a lot.

Hell yes. An absolutely complete disc-shaped vertical take-off and landing device. Real " Flying saucer“, which excited the minds of ufologists for many years. Reactive principle, excellent balance, good maneuverability. But... But. It was difficult to control the thrust vector without powerful on-board computers. And the year was 1961. So the maximum speed that this device developed was 50 km/h. And the theoretically possible is almost 450-odd. It also has a lifting force of 2.5 tons. Although it was consuming fuel... In short, the project was closed.

Russian " Flying saucer". But in fact - an ekranoplane with a disk-shaped fuselage and on an air cushion, damn it. 1994 Worker. Effective. Stable. Maneuverable. With awesome carrying capacity and tons of useful space. The areas of application in both military and civil aviation are enormous. In fact, it can take off and land absolutely anywhere. But... There is no money, but you hold on. We looked for investors and even found someone in the USA. However, no significant results were achieved. The fully working project is still at the “advanced development” stage.

Actually, the concept itself “ flying saucers"- is quite interesting and possible both practically and theoretically. In some respects they are even superior to traditional aircraft. Moreover, some physical principles work only for them, theoretically possible, but in practice - so far hardly feasible. Even the same “invisibility to radars” is much easier to implement on disk-shaped devices. And not only her. Therefore, who knows what is currently being developed in the laboratories of the Pentagon and the still operating Russian regime cities.

After completing the story mission, Franklin will meet an eccentric hippie with paranoid tendencies in the Grand Senora desert, who is looking for aliens here with the help of a strange device.

Omega, which is the name of our new acquaintance, claims that he was almost kidnapped by aliens who were going to (well, who would doubt it?) experiment on him, but they spaceship crashed. Now he wants to restore the crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft, for which he needs to collect the wreckage of a UFO. Only bad luck - as a result of the accident, parts of the crashed spaceship were scattered throughout the state of San Andreas, and in order to repair the flying saucer, you need to find them all.

In total, you need to find 50 wrecks, and collecting parts of a crashed starship is mandatory to achieve 100 percent in the game's completion statistics. And if someone thinks that finding them will be easy, you can only wish them good luck. However, the developers took care of the players, making the search a little easier - the UFO fragments have a slight pulsating glow, making them clearly visible in the dark, and emit a quiet rhythmic buzzing sound when the character approaches.

You can also go looking for spaceship parts with Chop - this will make the task even easier. Franklin's dog can search for hidden objects, including UFO debris, on a short distance, notifying the owner of the find with a loud bark. To increase the distance at which Chop can smell these objects, the dog needs to be trained using the iFruit mobile application by installing it on your smartphone or tablet. However, it will take a very long time to look for the wreckage in an “honest” way - it is much easier to use our and the following tips by taking a helicopter and flying around specified places. In this case, the search will take one and a half, maximum two hours.

You can search for spaceship debris using any of the following.

Debris No. 1 - gas company

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The photo is from 1969. Sweden. Here's the reason for all this:

Everyone more or less knows what Finnish houses are. Houses are like houses. Wooden, prefabricated, in general - ordinary. But not all Finnish houses are like this. In the late 1960s, an architect from Finland designed houses in the shape of flying saucers. Space Finnish houses. Wow.

Needless to say, in those years humanity was simply obsessed with space, which its representatives successfully began to conquer.

It seemed that from that moment on the future had arrived - exactly what science fiction writers predicted.

People in a state of euphoria had the feeling that various futuristic innovations were coming into use almost every day. Yesterday we flew into space, today we will put robots to work, and tomorrow we will drive flying cars into garages.

Matti Suuronen looked colorful (photo arcspace.com)

Literally everything had to correspond to the new “cosmic” world. Vehicles, household appliances and much more began to take on the shape of rockets, and people mentally tried on the uniform of space travelers.

It is clear that the dwellings could no longer resemble rectangular boxes. We needed houses in the spirit of the era. And they appeared.

In 1968, Finnish architect Matti Suuronen made his name famous by creating a house in the shape of a “flying saucer.” Elliptical windows, interior lines flowing in intricate waves, all-round visibility and a kitchen reminiscent of a spaceship compartment.

By the way, the door to the dwelling opened like a ladder - it fell down.

Against the backdrop of numerous reports of UFO sightings, many had no doubts about imminent contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.

Suuronen did not try to explain his fantasies with logic. The convenience and rationality of such a house, compared to a traditional home, are debatable. Take furniture, for example. You can’t put an oak wardrobe in a round house.

This means that all the details of the situation had to be reinvented, which, however, was not a problem - there were more than enough “space” design solutions in those years. Even in Finland.

“Futuro” on Dombay during the USSR, height 3 thousand meters (photo phinnweb.com)

By the way, at first the architect did not impose his concept as a new form of housing - he assumed that the structure would be used as a ski lodge or something like that.

Then his plans changed, and the flightless saucer was called the ideal country house where a small family could spend a vacation or weekend.

The project acquired more and more new details and acquired the appropriate name - “Futuro”.

The Finnish dreamer hardly thought about the choice of material - not long before he built a granary dome in Seinajoki with a diameter of eight meters from plastic.

He chose the same polyester with fiberglass now.

Moreover, this material was inexpensive. Matti believed that his creation would be available to all inhabitants of the planet, which means it would change the world.

Moreover, if you could ask any architect of that time, “Will plastic replace banal concrete?”, you would probably hear a positive answer.

By the way, in those same years, automobile designers assured everyone that all cars would soon begin to be made of plastic.

Since then, engineers have built many such cars, including production ones, but the “mainstream” remained steel.

Suuronen's house being transported along the Thames, 1969 (photo phinnweb.com)

A similar fate awaited Suuronen's house, but then he rolled up his sleeves with enthusiasm.

So the “plate” could accommodate 8 people and had a diameter of 8 meters, just like the mentioned dome. The height of the house exceeded 4 meters. The house was manufactured at a factory and, due to its extraordinary lightness, it could be delivered to the installation site by helicopter.

The Finnish inventor even thought about the practice of “mobile living” - a week here, a week there. The streamlined house on support legs, in his opinion, fit perfectly into the virgin landscapes.

Suuronen's bright dreams were drowned in the oil crisis of 1973: plastic prices soared and Futuro production could no longer be profitable.

1968 “Futuro” is assembled at the Polykem plant (photo arcspace.com)

It seems that a total of 20 such houses were built, but if you dig deep into the Internet, you will find that there are still more than two dozen “Futuro” houses all over the world.

And each is attributed to a famous Finnish architect.

Either this is a desire to attract tourists, or proof that the feelings that people experienced 35 years ago have not disappeared.

At least in Finland, the USA and the Netherlands, several examples of unusual Finnish houses have survived.

One of them, registered in San Diego, was even put up for an online auction in 2001: in very good condition and with a starting price of $25 thousand.

Flying saucer layout (illustration by arcspace.com)

His other brother was not so lucky. In the spring of 2003, rumors spread across the state of New Jersey about supposedly found UFO debris.

Later, explanations were added - we are talking, apparently, about some kind of forgotten scenery for a science fiction film.

Only in the summer did a group of enthusiasts manage to establish that this was one of the Futuro houses, which changed owners more than once over the years and moved from place to place throughout the country.

It was in a difficult state - broken glass, dirt and empty bottles inside, peeling paint hanging in rags. Traditional American graffiti completed the picture of desolation.

The Finnish architect hoped that millions of families would follow in the footsteps of these people.

Fortunately for the Finnish architect's creation, a new owner was found for the cute house - Scott Gifford, who decided to turn it into a gift shop.

However, the history of this specimen is rather an exception, reminiscent of the unenviable fate of Suuronen’s plan.

However, before the romantic fantasy of the 1960s gave way to the cold reason of the 1970s, the UFO houses managed to “scatter” far beyond the borders of Suomi.

The round houses served as cafes, motel rooms, and exhibition exhibits.

This is what space age comfort seemed like (photo arcspace.com)

“Futuro” successfully conveyed the airy atmosphere of its time and therefore was not forgotten. In 1998, Mika Taanila made a documentary about Futuro, which was successfully shown at international film festivals.

In addition, an exhibition of photographs of extraordinary houses traveled around the world.

In Europe, Futuro bought several houses for the Air Force to house technical personnel at remote stations. The Soviet government purchased several of these houses for the 1980 Olympics.
But the oil crisis of 1973 caused a jump in plastic prices, at the same time fashion trends changed, and Futuro's market success began to wane. Polykem stopped producing them in 1978.
Then Futuro made a comeback in the early 1990s when European artists began using it in their installations.

Well, then here’s the result:

And here someone else lives:

Well, here’s a little more on the topic of the post:

A nostalgic selection of buildings from the 1960s to the 1980s.

Soviet architecture can be treated differently, but, nevertheless, it retains the unique spirit of the times, monumentality and greatness of the Soviet Union. We present to you a selection of the most fantastic buildings of Soviet architecture.

Hotel "Tarelka", Dombay, Russia

Built in 1969 on the slope of Mount Mussa-Achitara, at an altitude of 2250 meters above sea level. The hotel can be transported: it can be disassembled into parts or transported entirely using a helicopter.

Boarding house "Druzhba", Yalta, Ukraine

A joint project of specialists from the USSR and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. The building was featured in the film Resident Evil: Retribution (2012) as a former Soviet military base in Kamchatka.

Exhibition complex "Belexpo", Minsk, Belarus

Exhibition pavilion by architect Leonard Moskalevich, 1988.

Corps of Engineers of the Ministry of Highways

The building was built in 1975 by the architect Georgiy Chakhava, who ironically held the post of Minister of Highways of Georgia at that time, i.e., in fact, the author of the project was also its customer. Between the buildings there is a sloping park with a swimming pool and a cascade waterfall. Now the former ministry belongs to the Bank of Georgia.

USSR Embassy in Cuba, Havana

The complex was built in 1985 according to the design of V. Pyasetsky. Today the Russian Embassy is located here.

Central Research Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, St. Petersburg, Russia

Built according to the design of S. Savin and B. Artyushin over 14 years (1973–1987), experiments were carried out here with the 16-meter manipulator of the Buran reusable spacecraft.

Summer theater in the park, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

The building was built in 1978 according to the design of the architect O. Petrov in a park pond.

Amalir Sports and Concert Complex, Yerevan, Armenia

Opened in 1983 on Tsitsernakaberd hill. Project by a group of Armenian architects: A. Tarkhanyan, S. Khachikyan, G. Poghosyan and G. Musheghyan. A year and a half after opening, there was a major fire, and the complex was closed for reconstruction until the end of 1987.

Regional Drama Theater in Grodno, Belarus

The building was built in 1977–1984 according to the design of the Moscow Giprotheatr Institute (architect G. Mochulsky).

Regional Drama Theater named after F. M. Dostoevsky, Novgorod, Russia

The building was built in 1987 according to the design of V. Somov. Andrei Makarevich, who worked at the Giprotheatr Institute in those years, took part in the work on the construction.

Crematorium, Kyiv, Ukraine

The crematorium at the Baikovo cemetery was built in 1975 according to the design of the architect A.M. Miletsky.

Building of the Kazan State Circus, Kazan, Russia

Opened on December 9, 1967. The building was built according to the design of the architect G. M. Pichuev, engineers O. I. Berim and E. Yu. Brudny.

Cafe "Pearl", Baku, Azerbaijan

Built according to the idea of ​​the city mayor A.D. Lemberansky in the 1960s. Derives from the architecture of the Manantiales restaurant, built in 1958 in a suburb of Mexico City by Spanish architect Felix Candela.

“House-ring” residential area Matveevskoye, Moscow, Russia

Architect - Evgeny Stamo, 1973. Six years later, the twin brother of this house was built. In the courtyards of these buildings there is a green area with a children's playground.

Historical and Ethnographic Museum on Mount Sulayman-Too, Osh, Kyrgyzstan

Built in 1978 on the slope of the sacred mountain Sulaiman-Too according to the design of the architect Kubanychbek Nazarov. A small concrete arch with panoramic glazing separated by vertical ribs closes the entrance to the cave. It was planned to house a restaurant in the building, but then it was given over to an archaeological exhibition. A futuristic portal into the depths of the mountain hides behind it a two-story cave complex, where the lower floor is expanded manually, and the upper one is left in its natural, “natural” form.

Hotel "Salut", Kyiv, Ukraine

Built in 1984 according to the design of the architect A. Miletsky. The building was designed to have 18 floors, but during the construction process it was “cut down” so that it would not compete in height with the bell tower of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Experts believe that the author was inspired by the metabolic architecture popular in Japan in the 1960s and 70s.

Hotel at the Olympic Sailing Centre, Pirita port, Tallinn, Estonia

Built in 1980, according to the design of Estonian architects, this is a ship in the captain's cabin of which there is a restaurant. The project manager is Henno Sepmann. The current name is Pirita Top Spa Hotell.

Railway station, Dubulti station, Jurmala, Latvia

Built in 1977 for the centenary of the station, according to the design of the architect Igor Georgievich Yavein. The Baltic wave frozen in concrete is both a reference to the Soviet architectural avant-garde of the 1920s and a kind of predecessor of modern “space” architecture.

Pavilion on the territory of VDNH of the Uzbek SSR, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Built in the 1970s. Unfortunately, this building has not survived to this day. The source of inspiration for the architects of the pavilion was obviously the cathedral in Brazil, the architect Oscar Niemeyer, a communist and great friend of all the Soviet people.

Cinema "Russia", Yerevan, Armenia

The building was erected in 1975 in the central part of the Armenian capital under the leadership of a creative group of architects (G. Poghosyan, A. Tarkhanyan, S. Khachikyan).

Khmelnitsky Regional Literary and Memorial Museum of Nikolai Ostrovsky, Shepetivka, Ukraine

The ring, according to the authors of the project M. Gusev and V. Suslov, symbolized a wreath dedicated to the memory of the writer, and the pylons supporting it symbolized the hands of admirers of Ostrovsky’s talent. Scarlet smalt mosaic is a red banner around a memorial wreath. 1979

Building of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Construction began in 1974 and was completed 20 years later; at the time construction began, the project had no analogues in Moscow. The main decorative element is artistic compositions made of metal and glass. People called them “golden brains”; there are many legends about their real purpose, including ideas of “conspiracy theories”.

Ilya Chavchavadze Museum, Kvareli, Georgia

The museum of the Georgian poet and publicist Ilya Chavchavadze was designed by one of the most avant-garde Soviet architects, Viktor Jorvenadze, and commissioned in 1979.

Hotel Olympia, Tallinn, Estonia

In 1980, together with the Olympia Hotel, a variety show was opened on its ground floor. The building was designed by architects Toivo Kallas and Rein Kersten.

Construction of the building began in 1970 and was completed relatively recently. It is located on the site of the former Königsberg castle and for a long time it was the most famous unfinished construction project in the west of Russia. The project of Lev Misozhnikov and Galina Kucher was nicknamed “buried robot” by local residents.

Palace of Ceremonies, Tbilisi, Georgia

Erected in 1985 according to the design of Victor Jorvenadze. During the years of independence, the building was bought by a reputable local businessman, Badri Patarkatsishvili. Here, on the territory of the former wedding palace of the capital of Soviet Georgia, he was buried in 2008.

) we talked about the secret acoustic weapon that the Germans tried to use during the Second World War. The plot of the television series “Death to Spies,” which was recently successfully broadcast on Channel One, is based on myths about him. However, rumors attribute the Nazis to the development of another legendary looking weapons - they say, in the secret laboratories of the Third Reich, scientists built “flying saucers”. Perhaps a movie on this topic will appear soon - we are giving the idea to the screenwriters. In the meantime, let's try to figure out what lies behind this legend.

"German trace"

In 1947, when a wave of mass UFO sightings swept across America, US intelligence agencies began feverishly searching for clues to the “flying saucers.” Of course, first of all, they remembered the achievements of the Germans during the last war. Captain Edward Ruppelt, who led the US Air Force Blue Book UFO project, recalled: “By the end of World War II, the Germans had a number of promising projects for new aircraft and guided missiles. Most of them were at the initial stage of development, but only these machines were close in perfection to those objects observed by witnesses in the United States.”

However, a secret report from the headquarters of the US occupation forces in Berlin dated December 16, 1947 states: “We contacted many people to check whether or not devices of the flying saucer type were being developed and whether information about this existed in the files of any German aviation research institutions. Among those interviewed were aircraft designer Walter Horten, former secretary of Air Force General Udeta von der Greiben, former representative of the research bureau of the Air Force command in Berlin, Gunter Heinrich, and former test pilot Eigen. They all independently insist that such devices never existed or were designed.”

Birth of a legend

The first mention of "discoplanes" was made by Giuseppe Belluzzo in March 1950. The Italian newspaper Il Mattino dell'Italia Centrale published his story that unmanned disc-shaped vehicles had been developed since 1942, first in Italy, then in Germany. According to Belluzzo, it was not possible to fly them into the air during the war, but by 1950 this design improved so much that now an unmanned “discoplane” made of ultra-light materials can carry an atomic bomb on board.

The article became a sensation: the elderly Giuseppe Belluzzo (he was 74 years old at the time) was a famous expert on steam turbines and the author of almost 50 books. From 1925 to 1928 he served as Italy's Minister of Economy, and under Mussolini he was a member of parliament. The military even had to issue an official denial: in an interview, Italian Air Force General Ranzi said that Italy did not engage in such projects either in 1942 or later.

But the interest in UFOs at that time was enormous, and no one was interested in the comments of experts.

And on June 7, 1952, the newspaper France-Soir published an interview with “Dr. Richard Mithe, German aeronautical engineer, retired colonel.” Miethe stated that in 1944, together with six other engineers, he created the “flying saucer” V-7, the engines from which the Russians captured in Breslau.” He did not name his colleagues, but said that three of them were dead, and three others were most likely also captured by the Russians. Miethe argued that the "flying saucers" seen around the world create Soviet Union. The most interesting thing was that the journalists allegedly interviewed Mite in Tel Aviv! What the former Nazi colonel was doing there, unless, of course, the interview was made up, remained completely unclear.

The legend of the Reich's "discoplanes" took final form in the sensational book of Major Rudolf Lusar, a former employee of the German Patent Office. His work “German Weapons and Secret Weapons of the Second World War and Their Further Development” was translated into almost all European languages.

The book says that starting in 1941, German engineers worked on “disc launchers.” When the war ended, all models were destroyed, but the Breslau plant where Miethe worked fell into Russian hands. They took all the equipment and experts to Siberia, where they successfully continued work on “flying saucers.”

The former designer Miethe is now in the USA and, as far as is known, is building “plates” for the USA and Canada at the A.V. Roe factories. Several years ago, the US Air Force issued an order not to shoot at saucers. This is an indication of the existence of American "flying saucers", which should not be endangered..."

Lusar's book, published in 1956, aroused understandable interest among the American military. A report by US Air Force intelligence officer O'Connor, declassified in 1978, states: “The Air Force intelligence file contains no evidence of German development of “flying discs” and any indication of similar developments in the Soviet Union. A check of available personal files did not reveal any information about Mite. We contacted the engineering staff of A.V. Roe and found out that they were not aware of the presence of Mite in their organization."

Was the UFO built by a self-taught inventor?

In Austria, forester Viktor Schauberger (1885 - 1958) lived and worked, an extraordinary man who, without education, tried to comprehend the forces of nature and put them at the service of man. He is responsible for many inventions in the field of hydraulic engineering, including original water turbines. These are the photographs of its round turbines with a dome-shaped top that are now most often passed off as a German “saucer”.

Before the war, Schauberger was arrested by the Gestapo for making disrespectful remarks about the Fuhrer. The experienced hydraulic engineer was released from the concentration camp only because he was recruited to work on the cooling system of the Messerschmitt engines.

Subsequently, the story of how he served in a concentration camp turned into a real legend. The letter, apparently written by Schauberger himself, states: The “flying saucer”, which was flight tested on February 14, 1945 near Prague and which reached an altitude of 15,000 m in three minutes, developing a speed of 2,200 km/h in horizontal flight, was created together with first-class engineers and strength of materials specialists from among the prisoners assigned to me for work. As far as I understand, shortly before the end of the war the car was destroyed..."

However, supporters of the German “discolets” usually keep silent about the fact that Viktor Schauberger had to be treated in a psychiatric clinic after the war. And the stories of people with an official psychiatric diagnosis must be taken very carefully.

The adventure of Ernst Zündel

During Schauberger’s lifetime, for some reason there was no talk that he took part in the work on “disc launchers”. Canadian neo-fascist Ernst Zündel first wrote about this in his book “UFO - a secret German weapon?”

Zündel himself understood perfectly well why he needed the lie about “German UFOs.” In 1998, he admitted in an interview with one of the well-known fascist websites (this article can still be found on the Internet, but we are not providing a link because we are not going to popularize the ideas of Nazism. - Ed.): “Books about UFOs had important political significance, since it was possible to insert into them something that could not be said otherwise. For example, about the program of the National Socialist Party or about Hitler's analysis of the Jewish question... And this allowed me to earn a lot of money! The money raised from books about UFOs was invested in the publication of the brochures “The Lie about Auschwitz”, “The Lie about Six Million Dead Jews” and “An Honest Look at the Third Reich”.

On February 15, 2007, a German court sentenced Zündel to five years in prison for promoting fascism.

Base in Antarctica

Another story is connected with German “flying saucers”. As if their tests were carried out in Antarctica. And to this day there is an untouched secret Nazi base on the sixth continent.

The basis of the legend was laid by Wilhelm Landig (1909 - 1997). During the war he rose to the rank of SS Oberscharführer. Unable to accept defeat, Landig continued to promote the Third Reich in science fiction novels.

In one of them, Idols vs. Thule, published in 1971, the main characters are two Luftwaffe pilots who are sent to the top-secret Point 103 base in Arctic Canada at the end of the Second World War. The pilots traveled in a V-7, a round vertical take-off aircraft with a glass dome and a turbine engine. The pilots were given a task: to prevent the “disco”

The V-7 and its blueprints fell into the hands of the Russians or Americans. Landig's heroes cope with the assigned task, but after many adventures they are nevertheless captured by the British.

The idea to pass off the legend told by Landig as reality came again to Ernst Zündel. Apparently, so that the plagiarism did not seem too obvious, he moved the “colony” to Antarctica, linking its appearance with the German expedition of 1938, which mapped the territory of “New Swabia” (now this area is called Queen Maud Land).

The German Antarctic expedition actually took place in 1938 - 1939. On the ship, captained by Alfred Ritscher, 24 crew members and 33 polar explorers sailed to the South Pole. The ship was equipped with a catapult for launching aircraft. But the purpose of the expedition was not to test flying saucers. Ritscher reported on April 12, 1939: “I completed the mission. For the first time, German planes flew over Antarctica. Every 25 kilometers the planes dropped pennants. We covered an area of ​​approximately 600 thousand square kilometers. Of these, 350 thousand were photographed.”

The point was only about securing a piece of Antarctica for Germany for the future, and not about establishing a permanent base there. And why was a military base in Antarctica needed? Too far from the theater of war. If during the Cold War neither the USSR nor the USA militarized this continent, then Germany in the 40s was completely unable to do so.

Mikhail GERSTEIN, Chairman of the Ufological Commission of the Russian Geographical Society.

The onboard cameras of the International Space Station recorded a strange object. According to ufologists, the orange disk could be an alien spaceship. IN Lately There is growing evidence that aliens may have made contact with Earth. MIR 24 has collected the most striking of them.

Incidents on the ISS

Proponents of the existence of aliens regularly monitor the ISS cameras, which operate around the clock. This time their attention was attracted by an unusual glow not far from the station. The disk, along the edges of which symmetrically arranged bright orange lights are burning, seriously frightened users who decided that a spaceship had approached the ISS. Other space enthusiasts were skeptical of their colleagues’ idea: in their opinion, the video captured the reflection of the light of the ISS itself.

This is not the first time the ISS has allegedly interacted with an alien ship. In June last year, ufologists saw in one of the videos a luminous ball that approaches the ISS body gives off a red glare and disappears. During the shooting, the station was located on the night side of the Earth. When the Sun illuminated it, it became clear that in the place where the bright point disappeared, no repair work was carried out and there were no astronauts. Ufologists concluded that the ship could have docked with the ISS at that moment. There have been no official comments from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on this matter. Prior to this, UFO flights took place in February 2016 and December 2015.

"Plates" in space...

In videos taken from the ISS or using other devices, ufologists often discover mysterious phenomena, which they interpret as evidence in favor of the existence of aliens. Last June they discovered a flying saucer that was from the Sun. Another UFO a couple of months before this ufology team Streetcap 1. He noticed that the space object very sharply, like an alien ship, changes direction of movement. NASA hastened to assure that we are most likely talking about space debris.

and not only.

UFOs are seen in the sky not only by ufologists, but also ordinary people. November eighth 2015, a certain glow similar to an unidentified flying object, residents of California. It soon became clear that the suspicious trail was left by a missile fired during a training exercise in Orange County.

Nine days later, residents of Siberia observed a similar phenomenon in the sky. A bright dot with a white “tail” scared me a lotresidents of Omsk, Tomsk and a number of other cities. Not everyone considered this object to be similar to a UFO: some decided that it was an American missile or a weapon of mass destruction. For Siberians, the phenomenon actually turned out to be a rocket launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

Refutations from authorities and scientists do not stop ufologists. The latter, in turn, are trying to find a scientific basis for their assumptions. At the last conference of ufologists in Primorye, they identified the places in which most often these are deposits minerals, as well as military training grounds.

How it all began: the Roswell incident

Extraterrestrial civilizations have been of interest to humanity since ancient times, but the search for extraterrestrials became truly widespread after the Roswell Incident of 1947. June 24 American businessman Kenneth Arnold noticed nine flying objects,. Soon, the command of the local military base reported the discovery of a “flying disc”, which was taken for research. A few days later, the military issued a denial: according to them, the downed object turned out to be a weather balloon.

The incident was forgotten for almost thirty years. In 1970, an interview was published with Major Jesse Marcel, who stated that the wreckage of the “probe” was decorated with “hieroglyphs.” After this, other eyewitnesses of the Roswell incident appeared. The story began to acquire details: “alien corpses” appeared in it.

“Their heads were round, their eyes were small, they had no hair. Their bodies are quite small by our standards, but their heads are large in relation to their bodies. The clothes seemed to be one-piece, gray in color, without belts or buttons“, - said one of the witnesses of the incident.

In 1994, American authorities conducted an investigation that found that under Roswell crashed off structure from one of the ligaments balloons"Project Mogul". However, they did not believe the report and still continue to believe that a flying saucer fell to Earth in 1947. They found influential supporters - in 2008, the ufological version of the “Roswell Incident” was supported by famous American astronaut .