Teachers' salaries in Russia. How to calculate the salary of a primary school teacher Increase in salaries for teachers from February 1

26.10.2021 Operations

The current economic situation cannot be called prosperous and capable of providing significant financial injections into the educational system, which is why every 2nd teacher complains about their level of income, which does not always allow them to purchase the most necessary goods and services.

The state as a whole, as well as in individual departments, are very concerned about finding possible options to correct the situation.

Today's salary situation

A schoolteacher could never boast of a high level of official income; at all times, only private practice - paid tutoring - saved him. When determining the status and prestige of a profession, the material part plays an important role, therefore, All less people strive to become teachers.

Statistical data is unshakable and suggests that a citizen practicing teaching in a school institution of general education earns approximately 20 thousand rubles monthly. In connection with such deplorable values, the government of the country decided that an increase in scientific workload should have a positive effect on the level of stable income.

In 2012, a decree was signed in which the President approved the so-called “road map”, according to which by 2019 the level of monthly official income of citizens teaching the younger generation at school should increase by at least 1.5 times.

Based on the document just signed and instructions from the country’s leadership, it was decided to index wages teachers, for which the federal budget allocated a fairly large sum of money. True, times of crisis followed, and the speed of implementation of the above measures decreased significantly, and in some regions it stopped altogether.

The indexation percentage for the current year is equal to 4% , which in itself is not bad, since the inflation rate should not exceed 6% Accordingly, such a revision of monthly income will almost completely cover the increase in prices for necessary goods and services.

In attempts to find a way to increase teachers' salaries, the government leadership came to the conclusion that we need to start using “effective contracts”. A significant difference from an ordinary contract regulating the relationship between a manager and a subordinate lies in the introduction of criteria that evaluate the quality and efficiency of work activity.

That is, only a citizen who very seriously and scrupulously approaches the performance of his duties enshrined in the job description, and does everything possible for regular self-improvement, can count on a high level of official income.

In essence, the changes adopted at the state level boil down to the fact that in order to increase the amount of monthly income, a teacher must constantly improve his qualifications: work on dissertations, actively participate in scientific work, etc. Such activities can significantly improve the status of the school and have a positive impact on the quality of services provided..

educational services

  • The authorities ensure that the teaching staff is highly qualified, that is, the teacher must be able to:
  • competently transfer existing knowledge;
  • grade fairly;
  • promote the formation of the right interests among schoolchildren;


The above responsibilities are not subject to all specialists, because it is not for nothing that they say that you need to be born a teacher. It should be remembered that a teacher, like any other citizen, is interested in a decent level of pay. The quality of the educational services provided directly depends on the income received: teaching will be a joy only if the teacher does not have a headache about where to find an additional source of income.

  1. The bills are aimed at achieving the following goals:
  2. Increasing monthly income by increasing professional workload.
  3. Reducing the corruption component through the introduction of a new salary system.

Reducing the volume of private practice. With the free time, the specialist will be able to prepare for the lesson more thoroughly.

Currently, a teacher’s salary directly depends on the average indicators in the region. Each subject of power is tasked with increasing the official level of teacher income in accessible and legal ways.

Election campaign of V.V. Putin in 2012 was based on guaranteeing an increase in the income of specialists who devoted the working period of their lives to work in the public sector. Immediately after taking office, the President signed 11 decrees related to increasing the wages of citizens working in the public or budgetary sector. It was planned to increase the monthly income of teaching and medical personnel in stages in 2018, in the following order:

  • by 200% compared to the average salary recorded in the region, if we are talking about university teachers and doctors;
  • by 150% compared to the value in 2012 in relation to teachers working within the walls of secondary schools;
  • at the level of average values, if middle and junior medical workers, as well as social sector specialists are taken into account.

According to official statistics, the following averages currently apply in the country:

  • a teacher at a university receives approximately 35,000 rubles;
  • a teacher working for the benefit of a general education institution can count on an average of 27,000 rubles;
  • a master practicing industrial teaching receives no more than 23,000 rubles.

Revision of salaries of public sector workers, including teachers, produced regularly. The size of the planned increase usually depends on the amount of core inflation. There is no need to expect significant growth in the regions, since in Lately There is a negative trend - funding for the education sector is regularly reduced.

Almost all citizens have noticed the difficult economic situation of the country, so many are interested not so much in increasing income as in maintaining the current situation. The reason is simple: The growth of teachers' salaries is directly related to the average income in the region.

In 2017, the country’s leadership changed the approach to determining this indicator: the calculation now involves not only employees of institutions, but also citizens who are employed. The implementation of the changes described above has led to the fact that, despite the planned increase in budget funds for wages, real teacher wages are falling.

Will teachers expect a salary increase?

The work of teachers is very important, because these are the people who share their knowledge and experience with the younger generation. Their influence significantly affects not only the intellectual, but also the spiritual development of schoolchildren.

It has always been believed that a teacher is a representative of the intelligentsia. They tried to master this profession, as it was very prestigious. Only over the past decades have educational institutions experienced a shortage of qualified personnel, and pedagogical faculties suffer from a lack of applicants.

Stubborn statistical figures show that the average income of a Russian teacher is 30,000 rubles. It seems like a good value, many will think. But everything becomes much sadder after a closer look at individual regions:

  • The Far East guarantees approximately 75,000 rubles. to the teacher;
  • the capital of Russia can please you with 65,000 rubles;
  • and in the North Caucasus District and Kalmykia they cannot offer more than 20,000 rubles.

As mentioned above, the President signed a Decree in 2012, according to which wages school teachers should have increased by 1.5 times by 2018. But the crisis situation in 2014 significantly slowed down the process and forced the country’s leadership to begin searching for additional sources of funding for the program.

When calculating the average, the final salary figures began to be used not only for teachers working in the public sector, but also for those teaching in private schools. Monthly income, of course, increased, but only formally.

Next year the Government plans introduce a new professional standard for teachers, according to which the teacher must have the skills to work with disabled children, gifted students or those who do not speak Russian.

Will there be an indexation of salaries for specialists in the educational sector in 2017? The latest news suggests that You can increase a teacher’s monthly income through the following ways:

  • closure of small schools;
  • staffing reduction.

Will there be teacher layoffs?

Increasing the salaries of teaching staff is part of the presidential roadmap approved in 2012, on the basis of which the Government developed a special program stating that teacher salaries should be increased annually by the inflation rate.

Will there be staff reductions in educational institutions? Such information is regularly voiced in the media, but there is no official confirmation. Even if such events are planned, the upcoming presidential elections will most likely delay unpleasant events.

This video contains detailed information O new system accrual of salaries for teachers from January 1, 2017.

The current crisis has hit the country's financial reserves hard. Taking this fact into account, the government is today calculating how much it will cost to increase the salaries of public sector employees. Let's find out whether teachers' salaries will be increased.

It is clear that the country has a budget deficit, so one cannot count on a significant increase. At the same time, the government is aware of its responsibility and therefore refuses to increase social security. does not plan standards.

Teachers will not succeed without an increase in salaries

It is worth noting that school teachers in modern Russia never could boast of high earnings. With the onset of the crisis, their position became even more unenviable. This has led to a decrease in the prestige of the teaching profession, and this is a serious problem. After all, without new young teachers it is unlikely that we can talk about the rise of the country.

Everyone knows that it is the teacher who stands at the origins of the emergence of personality. With its help, any person begins his journey into the world of knowledge. Thanks to the patience, skill and talent of our teachers, new specialists in their field grow.

On the other hand, it is not clear how all this can be achieved given the current state of education and teachers’ salaries. As you know, you have to be born a teacher, so you can’t waste your most valuable personnel. It is necessary to correct the situation and improve the financial situation of teachers as quickly as possible.

Today, according to Rosstat, teachers' salaries are 18-25 thousand rubles, in small towns and villages it is even less. It is impossible to live on such a salary and, moreover, to instill optimism and confidence in the future.

How will earnings change in 2017?

The country's leadership understands the complexity of the situation and therefore decided to increase teachers' salaries by 150 percent by 2018. V. Putin mentioned this back in 2012. It is clear that no one guessed then that:

  1. a crisis will come;
  2. energy prices will fall;
  3. There are sanctions against Russia.

However, this year there was a small ray of hope. The galloping rise in prices for everything has been stopped. There was confidence that everything would soon return to normal. It is not for nothing that the budget for the next three years again includes salary indexation. Let’s hope that already in 2017 the “ice will break” and the situation of teachers will improve. For now, we can say with confidence that in 2017-19, teachers’ salaries will increase by about five percent, that is, by the amount of inflation. A complete economic recovery is just around the corner, and perhaps by 2018 teachers’ salaries will rise significantly.

Teachers' salaries in Moscow

In the capital, the situation with teacher salaries is the best. Here, teachers receive up to 70 thousand rubles for their work. In most schools, there are many factors that stimulate salary growth. This includes additional hours in the subject, electives and preparation of students for the Olympics. Thanks to per capita funding, the situation in Moscow schools has improved significantly. Out of nearly 2,000 schools, about 700 school complexes were created. For example, one such school conglomerate may include several schools, a number of preschool institutions, and its number may reach several thousand. Hence the incentives, high salaries and good equipment. All this attracts talented personnel from the regions of the country. The results of such success were not long in coming. IN last years The number of school graduates entering prestigious universities has sharply increased.

Position by region

As you know, salaries in Russia vary greatly by region. The same applies to teacher salaries. In some places it has caught up with the average for the subject, but in others it is significantly behind.

Teachers' salaries increase annually by about 6-7 percent per year. According to data from the ministry responsible for education and science, the average teacher salary in the country has reached 33 thousand rubles. The spread of income is very wide: from 80 thousand rubles in the capital to 20 in the regions. Just a few years ago such a salary would have been unthinkable. Basically, most teachers received 11-12 thousand rubles.

Here's what teacher salaries look like in Russian cities:

City Average salary in the region in rubles Average teacher salary in rubles
Moscow 58760 57780
Saint Petersburg 38935 41725
Saratov 21280 21525
Kirov 20265 22045
Ivanovo 19750 23040
Bryansk 20240 23445
Pskov 20343 24430
Tver 23825 25690
Voronezh 22930 25930
Tula 24665 26060
Vladimir 21875 26795
Kaluga 26950 27600
Lipetsk 22315 27877
Kaliningrad 26010 28110
Krasnodar 25440 31435

Here's how teachers' salaries differ by region:

  • Dagestan - 17,449 rubles;
  • Altai Territory - 20,140 rubles;
  • Chechnya – 22,080 rubles;
  • Mordovia – 19,940 rubles;
  • Udmurtia – 24,434 rubles;
  • Ingushetia – 25,080 rubles;
  • Chuvashia – 26,390 rubles;
  • Tatarstan – 33,670 rubles;
  • Primorsky Territory - 41,694 rubles;
  • Komi – 54,200 rubles;
  • Kamchatka - 69,480 rubles;
  • Chukotka – 76,715 rubles;
  • Yamalo-Nenets District – 83,175 rubles.

The question arises: “What is the reason for such a difference in teachers’ salaries in different regions of Russia?” According to the findings of experts from High school economy, the reason is that not all schools in the regions have switched to the normative per capita method of financing, not all subjects of the Russian Federation have yet created the corresponding legislative acts. Hence the underfunding of the educational sector.

The modern model for evaluating a teacher’s work provides for the dependence of a teacher’s income on his costs. In recent years, the procedure for calculating salaries has changed. Previously, the bare salary was taken into account in accordance with the tariff schedule. At the moment, it is possible to take into account the individual abilities of the teacher. It’s a shame that not all regions understand this, much less apply it. It turns out that in order to earn extra money, teachers “run” from school to school in the hope of getting additional hours of work.

99 people receive 15,000 rubles each, a total of 1,485,000 rubles.

1 person (Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation) 1,730,000 rubles each, total 1,730,000 rubles.

SUM = 3185000


Note: No one is lying about the average salary!!!
And there are even some who receive 1,730,000 rubles a day. Then 40,000 rubles. real number!

NEW PROMISES: Increase in salaries for public sector employees 2020 - 2021

How will salaries increase in 2019?

The salaries of public sector employees will be indexed by 4.3% from October 1, 2019, said the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin.

“No one has canceled the requirements for the ratio of salaries of public sector employees from the “May” decrees - doctors, teachers, social and scientific workers- to the average for the economy in the region. And we strictly monitor the maintenance of the ratio. At the same time, in 2019, the regions will receive an additional 100 billion rubles from the federal budget to maintain this balance. To the extent that the average salary in the region grows, the regional authorities will have to increase the salaries of these categories of workers,” Rossiyskaya Gazeta quotes Topilin as saying.

State employees' salaries will be indexed from October 1, 2019

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a government order on indexing the salaries of public sector employees from October 1, 2019 to 4,3% .

The increase will affect employees of federal government, budgetary and autonomous institutions.

Salaries of federal workers will be indexed government agencies, as well as civilian personnel of military units, institutions and divisions of federal executive authorities, in which the law provides for military and equivalent service, whose remuneration is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2008 No. 583 “On the introduction of new systems remuneration of employees of federal budgetary, autonomous and government institutions and federal government bodies, as well as civilian personnel of military units, institutions and divisions of federal executive authorities, in which the law provides for military and equivalent service, whose remuneration is carried out on the basis of the Unified Tariff Schedule on remuneration of employees of federal government institutions."

How much will wages increase after increasing the minimum wage?

Increasing the minimum wage (minimum wage) to 11,280 rubles from January 1, 2019 will allow raising wages for low-paid categories of workers, which, in particular, include people working in budgetary structures. That is, all those people who receive a salary exactly at the level of the minimum wage. These are, for example, nannies, orderlies, watchmen, canteen staff, and so on.

Note: A fairy tale for the gullible: they increase the salary, but reduce the allowances and bonuses, harmful, because no money left. You'll be lucky if your final salary remains no less than it was.

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What does the president promise?

The President of the Russian Federation plans to increase wages for public sector employees. According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated 05/07/2012 No. 597 “On measures to implement state social policy” by 2018 their salaries should be increased by one and a half times.

Also for the same period, it was planned to increase the wages of cultural workers, vocational training masters and technical colleges. And the incomes of doctors, researchers, and teachers of higher educational institutions by 2018 should exceed the average salary in the region by at least 1.5 times.

The salaries of nursing and junior medical personnel, as well as social workers, should be equal to the regional average for the presidential elections (to be held in 2018). But medical personnel with higher education can count on wages twice as high as the regional average.

In order to increase wages for the period from 2014 to 2018, the Russian government developed regulations, which will regulate these actions. To achieve the set goals, reforms will be carried out to increase labor productivity and efficiency. Budget spending will become more controlled, and managers will have to provide reports on their income and property.

Vladimir Putin increased salaries for public sector employees and officials by 4% in 2018

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed decree No. 594 dated 12/12/2017 on increasing the salaries of diplomatic workers, civil servants and justice sector employees. From January 1, “the monthly salaries of diplomatic employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation, territorial bodies - representative offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation will increase by 4% in accordance with the diplomatic ranks assigned to them; monthly salaries of federal civil servants; the amounts of monthly salaries of federal civil servants in accordance with the class ranks of justice assigned to them,” according to a document on the legal information portal.

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The Ministry of Finance will take into account the indexation of salaries of public sector employees in the 2018 budget

President Vladimir Putin proposed indexing salaries for public sector employees who are not included in the categories noted in the May decrees. According to estimates by the Ministry of Labor, this is 5.8 million people.

The Ministry of Finance has already calculated the amount of funds required for indexation by public sector employees; they will be included in the 2018 budget. And in accordance with the president’s instructions, the corresponding amount will be taken into account when preparing the budget for next year.”

The amount of indexation will depend on various factors. There is no final decision yet on how much to index, when the government decides on specific parameters, because now the president has said that it is necessary to take into account both inflation and the state of the budget. It is necessary to take into account these two main factors, which the president noted, decide what specific indexation will be at the government level, and then calculate everything.

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Stages of salary increases for public sector employees

A consistent increase in wages for employees of public sector sectors is planned to be carried out in two stages. The first covers the period from 2012 to 2014, and the second from 2015 to 2018.

At first glance, it may seem that this entire procedure is overly extended, after all, it takes 6 years. But these, so to speak, “leisurely” actions can be explained by the scale of the project, since the program covers as much as a fifth of the workers. At the beginning of 2012 it was counted 14.4 million state employees, including healthcare workers - 3.93 million people, education workers - 5.23 million people.

Over the period from 2014 to 2015, about 200 billion rubles will be allocated from the budget to increase wages for public sector employees, and more than 900 billion rubles from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

As you know, wage indexation is carried out annually. Decisions on salary increases are made by various executive authorities. This factor directly depends on the level of government institution.

Thus, if a citizen works in a federal structure, then the solution to this issue (relating to an increase in salary and deadlines for completing this task) is subject to the Government of the Russian Federation. If the employee works in a municipal government structure, then the above conditions are regulated by local authorities.

It is worth noting that in addition to planned indexation, certain categories of public sector workers will be able to count on a wage increase. This applies to teachers of higher educational institutions and schools, employees of preschool institutions, as well as citizens working in art schools and sports schools.

All these actions are justified by the goal of increasing the prestige of working in the public sector. Increasing wages should motivate citizens to improve the quality of work, as well as help attract young qualified personnel.

The amount of wages will increase annually, however, the requirements for public sector employees will increase significantly. Namely, quantitative and qualitative improvements in the services they provide are expected.

It is also planned to obtain additional funds through the reorganization of budgetary organizations whose activities have been recognized as ineffective.

The legislation established the relationship between the salary level of the manager and other employees, which makes it possible to monitor whether the salary of management is increased excessively.

Deputy Head of the FSGS ( Federal service state statistics) K. Laikam announced the following data, regarding wages of public sector workers in 2013:

  1. The average salary of scientific employees is 37 thousand rubles.
  2. The average salary of employees of cultural institutions is 19 thousand rubles per month.
  3. The average salary of social workers is 14 thousand rubles.
  4. The average salary of doctors with higher education is 39.5 thousand rubles.
  5. The average salary of paramedical personnel is 22.7 thousand rubles per month.
  6. The average salary of junior medical staff is only 13.2 thousand rubles.
  7. The average salary of teachers and social workers is about 30 thousand rubles. During this period it increased by 10%.

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Golodets: In 2018, doctors’ salaries will be 200% of the national average

From 2018, doctors’ salaries will be 200 percent of the Russian average, said Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets. According to her, the money is included in the budget. “This is a strict position that no one can revise, and which we will strictly follow,” she said

In the second half of 2017, it is planned to increase wages for public sector employees. This was stated by the head of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova at the “Business Breakfast” in “RG”

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Increase in salaries for public sector employees in 2020 - 2021

Increase in salaries for teachers 2020 - 2021

However, we note that the level of wages for education workers is not uniform. Thus, teachers of higher educational institutions earn a monthly salary of about 35.8 thousand rubles, school teachers receive a salary of approximately 27.5 thousand rubles, teachers working in the field of additional education have a salary of about 19.8 thousand rubles, teachers in kindergartens earn about 21.8 thousand rubles, and industrial training masters earn about 23.6 thousand rubles.

In the second half of 2014, Rosstat published data that the average salary of teachers for the first half of this year was 33,924 rubles. And compared to 2013, it increased by 4,886 rubles.

It is known that in municipal educational institutions teachers receive the lowest salaries compared to teachers in federal and regional schools. For comparison:
A teacher in a regional school earns 44,880 rubles a month, in a federal school - 54,855 rubles, and in a municipal school only 31,462 rubles.

The indicators by region are also not the same. For example, teachers in the Far East can boast the highest salaries. They receive 51,855 rubles monthly. Teachers in the North Caucasus receive the lowest wages, only 20,938 rubles. But nevertheless, their level of remuneration exceeds the average salary in the region. In the Far East this difference is 12,386 rubles, in the Southern Federal District it is 4,588 rubles, and in the Urals it is 5,735 rubles.

The teachers themselves say that the increase in their pay depends mainly on an increase in the teaching load, and not just from increased funding and higher wages for public sector employees.

It should be noted that compared to 2011, the average salary of teachers increased by 76%, and this amounts to more than 12 thousand rubles.

More clearly it looks like this:

At the beginning of 2011, teachers' salaries were 15.9 thousand rubles, which was 70% of the average salary in Russia. In 2013, the salary of general education teachers was already more than 28 thousand rubles and was already equal to 95% of the average salary in Russia.

The amount of pay for teachers in Moscow has increased noticeably. At the moment it is approximately 69 thousand rubles. Whereas in 2011 their salary was equal to 42.7 thousand rubles. In 2013 alone, the salaries of general education teachers increased by more than 20%.

In St. Petersburg, the salary of this category of workers is approximately 37.6 thousand rubles. But medical workers are forced to be content with amounts of about 23 thousand rubles.

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Increase in salaries for civil servants and federal public sector employees 2020 - 2021

In 2014, the federal budget provides subsidies in the amount of 20 billion rubles to increase the level of wages of public sector civil servants, the purpose of which is to increase wages for public sector employees. According to the statement of the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, the amount of budget lending is planned to increase by 100 billion rubles.

It is also planned to increase the salaries of officials by 2018. The Ministry of Finance published the Draft “Main Directions of Budget Policy”, according to which the salaries of officials will be increased by no less than 2 times (an amount of 460 billion rubles is budgeted for this).

According to Rosstat, at the end of March 2014 in the central offices of departments 39,200 federal civil servants were counted, whose average salary was at least 75 thousand rubles. At the specified moment in regional divisions of federal departments There were 505,200 civil servants with an average salary of more than 26,000 rubles.

For the period from 2015 to 2017, a gradual increase in wages is planned for such categories of employees as senators, judges, ministers, auditors, prosecutors general, and deputies. For this purpose, the ministry decided to allocate 81.5 billion rubles. To be more precise, in 2015 - 12.7 billion rubles, in 2016 - 21.3 billion rubles, and in 2017 - 47.5 billion rubles. So every month senior officials will receive an additional payment of 40.7 thousand rubles. The only exception would be governors, since they do not receive salaries from the federal budget.

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Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 597 “On measures for the implementation of state social policy”
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In order to further improve state social policy, I decide:

1. To the Government of the Russian Federation:

a) provide:

an increase in real wages by 1.4-1.5 times by 2018; bringing the average salary in 2012 teaching staff educational institutions of general education up to the average salary in the relevant region; bringing the average salary of teaching staff in preschool educational institutions to the average salary in the field of general education in the corresponding region by 2013; bringing by 2018 the average salary of teachers and masters of industrial training in primary and secondary educational institutions vocational education, employees of cultural institutions up to the average salary in the relevant region; increasing by 2018 the average salary of doctors, teachers of educational institutions of higher professional education and researchers to 200 percent of the average salary in the corresponding region; increasing the number of highly qualified workers by 2020 so that it constitutes at least a third of the number of qualified workers; creation annually from 2013 to 2015 up to 14.2 thousand special jobs for people with disabilities;

b) prepare and submit, before September 1, 2012, to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law on introducing amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation concerning the development, approval and application of professional standards;

d) develop and approve at least 800 professional standards by 2015;

e) in order to develop uniform principles for assessing the professional training of workers:

prepare and, before August 1, 2014, submit to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law on introducing changes to the legislation of the Russian Federation concerning the procedure for accreditation of organizations carrying out activities to improve the professional level of workers; create, in accordance with the established procedure, before December 1, 2015, a basic center for professional training, retraining and advanced training of workers;

f) in order to preserve personnel potential, increase the prestige and attractiveness of professions in the public sector of the economy, by December 1, 2012, adopt a program for the gradual improvement of the system of remuneration for workers in the public sector of the economy, conditioning the increase in wages on the achievement of specific indicators of the quality and quantity of services provided and providing for:

increasing by 2018 the average salary of social workers, including social workers of medical organizations, junior medical personnel (personnel providing conditions for the provision of medical services), nursing (pharmaceutical) personnel (personnel providing conditions for the provision of medical services) - up to 100 percent from the average salary in the corresponding region, employees of medical organizations with higher medical (pharmaceutical) or other higher education, providing medical services (ensuring the provision of medical services) - up to 200 percent of the average salary in the corresponding region; establishing basic salaries for professional qualification groups; increasing the wages of workers in the public sector of the economy with the possible attraction for these purposes of at least a third of the funds received through the reorganization of ineffective organizations;

g) create a transparent mechanism for remuneration of heads of organizations financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget, establishing the ratio of the average wages of managers and employees of these organizations and providing for the presentation by the heads of these organizations of information on income, property and property-related obligations;

h) in order to expand the participation of employees in the management of organizations:

prepare, by December 1, 2012, proposals for introducing amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the creation of production councils in organizations, as well as the definition of their powers; develop a set of measures for the development of self-government institutions and the adoption of codes of professional ethics;

i) submit, by March 1, 2013, proposals on the use of the regulatory per capita financing mechanism in certain sectors of the budgetary sector of the economy;

j) together with public organizations, before April 1, 2013, ensure the formation of an independent system for assessing the quality of work of organizations providing social services, including defining criteria for the performance of such organizations and introducing public ratings of their activities;

k) to introduce, starting from 2013, measures aimed at increasing support for socially oriented non-profit organizations;

l) develop, by October 1, 2012, a draft Strategy for the long-term development of the pension system, providing in it a mechanism for increasing the size of pensions for citizens who have expressed their intention to continue working upon reaching retirement age and have decided to delay the assignment of a pension, as well as defining measures to guarantee the safety of pension savings and providing profitability from their investment;

m) for the purpose of further preservation and development of Russian culture:

create at least five cultural development centers in small towns by 2015; include annually in the National Electronic Library at least 10 percent of book titles published in the Russian Federation; provide support for the creation of public electronic libraries, websites of museums and theaters on the information and telecommunications network Internet, as well as the placement of films and performances of outstanding film and theater directors on the Internet; to ensure an increase until October 1, 2012 in federal budget allocations for the payment of scholarships for cultural and artistic workers, creative youth, as well as for the provision of grants to support creative projects of national importance in the field of culture and art; ensure the creation, by March 1, 2013, of a mobile collection of leading Russian museums for exhibiting works of art in museums and galleries of small and medium-sized cities, and also create 27 virtual museums by 2018;

double the number of exhibition projects carried out in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by 2018; increase by 2015 to 4 thousand the number of state scholarships for outstanding cultural and artistic figures and young talented authors; to increase by 2018, in order to identify and support young talents, the number of children involved in participation in creative activities to 8 percent of the total number of children.

2. To the Government of the Russian Federation together with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

a) ensure, by August 1, 2012, the development of regulatory legal acts providing for the implementation of measures to gradually increase the wages of cultural workers;

b) develop, by November 1, 2012, a set of measures to expand the practice of exchanging exhibitions between museums of the Russian Federation, for the work of museums in the evening and at night, and ensure their implementation;

c) develop, by November 1, 2012, a set of measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of measures to promote the employment of people with disabilities, to ensure accessibility of vocational education, including improving methods of vocational guidance for children with disabilities and people with disabilities, to prepare specialized vocational training programs disabled people, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development and individual capabilities, as well as individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people, to create conditions for increasing the level of employment of disabled people, including in workplaces equipped for them.

3. The Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, when forming, respectively, the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 2013 and for the planning period of 2014 and 2015, budget allocations for the implementation of the measures provided for by this Decree.

4. This Decree comes into force on the date of its official publication.

Russian President V. Putin

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Salaries of certain categories of workers in the social sphere and science according to Rosstat

Federal State Statistics Service

In Russia, real wages and incomes have continued to decline for 4 years in a row.

40% of Russians are unable to survive the crisis without losses

They lack the resources to adapt to the crisis, a survey of 3,000 people conducted in 2017 by INSAP RANEPA analysts showed. They are still at risk, says a research laboratory employee social development INSAP RANEPA Dmitry Loginov: if the situation in the economy does not improve, their well-being will continue to deteriorate, poverty will expand. These are, first of all, elderly people, residents of villages and small towns, people without higher education, workers of various qualifications, ordinary workers in trade and consumer services, as well as the unemployed.

Real disposable cash income of the Russian population in January 2018 decreased by 7% in annual terms

This takes into account the one-time payment to pensioners in the amount of 5 thousand rubles, which was made in January 2017, follows from the materials of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat).

A one-time payment to a pension in the amount of 5 thousand rubles in January 2017 added 0.4 percentage points to the dynamics of income of the population of the Russian Federation over the past year.

Over the past year, the figure fell by 1.7%, after falling by 5.8% in 2016. Thus, the real incomes of Russians have been declining for the fourth year in a row - in 2015 they decreased by 3.2%, and a year earlier - by 0.7%.

The new law on teachers' salaries in 2017 is an innovation that, for one reason or another, is already in force. That is why each of us knows enough about this law and must unquestioningly comply with each point. As is known, the average salary of an employee should be an amount that is not below the subsistence level. If this condition is not complied with, this will be considered a gross violation of the above law and the employer will be held responsible for this. We will look at the details in this article.

What changes await us

Why did the government decide that the new wage law in 2017 is so necessary for the citizens of the country? Most likely, this happened due to the fact that there are statistics through which you can find out the approximate salary arrears. So, if we turn to statistical data, we can name an almost exact figure - three and a half billion rubles. And this is far from the limit, because it is also known that every month this figure increases by 240 million rubles. If this continues, then we can assume that already at the beginning of next year, this amount will increase to four billion rubles, which will have a disastrous effect on the country’s budget. That is why this law came into force in 2016, and will continue to function successfully in the seventeenth.

What actions will be taken to prevent this amount from increasing? Let's figure it out:

  1. The list of employers' responsibilities will be increased, which will give employees more rights and opportunities. This point suggests that workers’ salaries will no longer go missing, as happened previously for some “unknown” reasons;
  2. From now on, workers will have a number of guarantees, which will significantly affect the observance of their rights. That is, there is now much less chance that the rights of employees of any company will be infringed - also a very good plus for the average citizen;
  3. In addition, the responsibility of each employer to employees will be tightened. This is done solely so that employers understand what penalties they may receive if they do not comply with the law. Nobody wants responsibility, so it will be respected!

Now we should move on to the rights that will be received by employees immediately after the entry into force of the new Teacher Salary Law 2017. So, this number of rights is quite large and every employee should know them:

  • Salaries must be paid every half month. If this point is not fulfilled, the employer will be held liable and will have to pay a fine. But, if this situation repeats several times, then this person may even lose his position;
  • The deadline for an employee to go to court over a violation of any clause of the rules of an employment contract has been changed. With the onset of 2017, every employee will have every right to go to court within a year to resolve the issue with their boss once and for all;
  • Increasing the list of powers of inspectors working in this area;
  • Fines will be significantly increased for violation of any of the specified points contained in the employment contract and, of course, in this law;
  • If the employer for some reason does not pay the employee’s salary, then the fine for such a violation will be at least one hundred thousand rubles.

And these are not all the conditions that must be met by the employer. In addition, do not forget that employees must also unquestioningly follow every point of the rules specified in the contract. Otherwise, responsibility may await them too!

In Russia financial systems Education is not at a very high level, so educators and teachers often complain about extremely low salaries, which are unrealistic to live on. The government has long begun to discuss the possibility of increasing teachers’ salaries in the Russian Federation.

It is also often mentioned last news from the press about this, but Russians still don’t have much reason to rejoice. Russia has not yet emerged from the crisis in which it has been stuck since late 2014. So public sector workers feel it more and more.

Who are the teachers

Nowadays, a teacher is one of the most popular professions in the country, which initially arose as an educational method of training generations for their successful entry into social life. As Confucius, the famous philosopher, said, the task of every teacher is to open new horizons for the thinking of his students.

In other words, such a person must teach the student something, and also give him an impetus so that he strives to obtain knowledge on his own. Of course, not every person can master such a profession. After all, it's quite difficult. If you look at one popular media, a teacher should have the following qualities:

  • be able to communicate in different styles;
  • have the ability to empathize;
  • have creative thinking;
  • be confident and also radiate cheerfulness;
  • have the ability to reflect.

And, if you look at this entire list of qualities, you can draw conclusions that being a teacher is not as easy as it seems at first glance. So this work should be paid accordingly.

The statistics are not encouraging

As the Minister of Education said, there are more than 200 thousand surplus specialists working in the country’s schools. Only, this is not entirely true. In many Russian educational institutions one can see a shortage of workers. And it is very difficult to form a teaching staff. The saddest situation can be called the one where in schools there are 20-30 students per teacher.

It is also difficult to find the person who would want to teach rural children, because no one wants to work for 8-10 thousand rubles. If we talk about the salary of school employees located in large cities, then the salary here is much higher - 20, 40. In some schools in Yakutia, the salary consists of 50 thousand rubles. Only in such cities life is more expensive.

Should we expect a salary increase in 2017?

In 2017, teachers’ incomes will still increase, because this planned event was fixed by federal presidential decree back in 2012. This text of the bill on salaries suggests that they should increase by 1.5-2 times compared to the level of the 12th year. so that every year there must be an increase.

For this purpose, a special income indexing program was created. According to the system, workers' salaries are multiplied each year by an inflation factor. Such an event was already canceled last year because there were quite a few funds in the state budget. But in 2017, the indexation of teachers’ salaries will still be as planned – on April 1. In this area, some changes can also be observed, because now the salary is not multiplied by the coefficient that corresponds to inflation, by 12 percent, but only by 5.5 percent.

Teachers' salaries will thus become higher, but the recalculation will not particularly cover the difference between the average statistical income of each person and the high cost of services and goods. However, indexation can make teachers' salaries very high, especially if they work in the outback.