Presentation on the topic “Tea, the history of tea. Extracurricular event “Tea presentation Presentation on the topic of characteristics of tea

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HISTORY OF TEA Where and when did tea come to us? What beneficial properties does it have? Extracurricular activity in the 6th grade of MOU "Secondary school No. 27 with in-depth study individual items» the city of Balakovo, Saratov region

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One day, 5 thousand years ago, the Chinese emperor, while relaxing in the forest, ordered water to be warmed for drinking. Suddenly the wind rose and several tea leaves fell into the cup. The Emperor drank the drink and felt more cheerful.

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Tea is a Chinese word. It appeared where Russian people traded with the Chinese of the northern provinces; they call tea cha-e, hence our word tea

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One Englishman managed not only to steal tea seeds, but also to learn the secret of its complex processing. Thanks to this, Europeans were able to grow tea in their colonies

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In Russia, the first tea party took place in 1638. The Tsar's steward V. Tyumenets, being an ambassador to Mongolia, first tried a drink at a feast, which he liked, and Altynkhan sent the Russian Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich several pounds of tea. In Russia, tea has become widespread, especially in the northern and eastern regions of Siberia and Central Asia.

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The tsar and his boyars initially used the drink as a medicine for illness and bodily fatigue. After all, doctors attributed to him the ability to “refresh and cleanse the blood” and the ability to keep people from sleeping during church service. They liked the tea so much that they became addicted to drinking it at royal court and in the boyar mansions every day.

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Soon Russia took second place after England in tea consumption. Specialized shops selling tea were opened in large cities of the country. True, for a long time this drink was considered rare and belonged to the nobility. Tea drinking in Russia has become so popular over 300 years that it has become one of the national customs. One of the foreign travelers noticed that the Russians had practiced making tea so much that they unexpectedly invented a samovar. They appeared in Russia in 1679.

Class hour for students in grades 7-8 of secondary school. Conducted in the form of an oral journal. Introduces schoolchildren to the history of the discovery of tea and the establishment of tea production. The tea ceremony in various countries of the world is not left aside. The material is accompanied by a presentation. The following methods and forms of conduct were used: a story from the class teacher, student messages, conversation, group work. During the lesson, tea tasting will be organized. Practical work is included - the development of a mini-project for a class tea party.

The material contains a script and presentation for the class hour "Tea, how pleasant, strong, tasty, aromatic it is." The class hour is conducted in the form of an oral journal. Students get acquainted with the history of tea and tea drinking traditions.

The material contains a script and presentation for the Tea Ceremony class hour. The event takes place in an elementary school. The purpose of the class is to familiarize students with the structure and purpose of tea, types and varieties of tea; introduce the rules of receiving guests; introduce the tea drinking traditions of different countries; talk about the features of table setting for tea; explain the rules of communication and refreshments during tea drinking.

The material contains a script and presentation for the class hour “Visiting the Samovar”. The event is held in 3rd grade. The purpose of the class hour is to develop ideas about the traditions of Russian tea drinking; introduce children to the history of tea, traditions of Russian tea drinking and hospitality; develop students' cognitive activity; cultivate love for the native people and respect for their customs and traditions.

The presentation will tell the most interesting story of the appearance of tea in Rus'. Perhaps these facts will make them have a different attitude towards the divine drink, which is so valued in many countries. The development can be downloaded for cool hours with children of primary and secondary school (5th - 6th grade). The manual can also be shown at a technology lesson, where girls will learn to brew this Chinese or English drink.

The story begins with an interesting legend about a Chinese emperor who was once relaxing in the forest and became thirsty. He asked for water. They boiled it and several leaves fell there, as they were carried by the wind. And what happened next, read for yourself. And at the same time, find out how tea came to Europe, what traditions tea drinking acquired here, how this drink is useful and how to brew it so that all the vitamins are preserved.

The presentation talks about International Tea Day. This holiday is celebrated all over the world on December 15th. It is celebrated in different ways, but tea drinking on this day is a must. Do you want to give schoolchildren another wonderful tradition? We invite you to download this resource for free and spend an interesting class hour, which will definitely include a samovar, tea and all sorts of goodies.

17 slides offer material that will be interesting for both students primary school, and for boys and girls in grades 5-6. Children are encouraged to learn:

  • history of the holiday;
  • rules for brewing tea;
  • everything about teapots (porcelain, earthenware, clay, glass, metal).

The presentation talks about what they drank in Rus' before tea. The author of the work is the student. This is her project. The topic is covered in 10 slides. In addition to small texts, the girl placed works and pictures on the slides, so the manual will be viewed with interest by children, both in class and at scientific and practical conferences.

Until they became acquainted with the tea drink in Rus', jelly, sbiten, compote, fruit drink and kvass were served on the table. These were truly Russian drinks. They were prepared according to special recipes. Some of them are given in the manual, so after the conversation the children will be able to prepare something from the proposed recipe at home with their parents.

The presentation is filled with information about how tea grows. This is a small encyclopedia that will enlighten children who love this divine drink. The demonstration can be organized during a labor lesson or during a class hour.

The journey begins to a tea valley called a plantation. It is here that bushes with leaves are grown, which will later be used to brew the drink. In the meantime, we need to collect them. It is better to do this manually so that the sheet does not wrinkle or deteriorate or lose value. Then withering, rolling, fermentation, drying, and sorting occurs. All processes are described in detail in the manual. Each stage of the work is illustrated.

The presentation talks about the traditions and art of the tea ceremony in Japan. As you know, Japanese families not only observe customs. They are sacredly kept in families and passed on from generation to generation. This country has its own tea culture, which is based on four principles: harmony, respect, silence and purity. Once upon a time, tea tournaments were even held in this country, and now there are morning, night, evening, and special ceremonies at sunrise. Children should definitely be told about all this, so we suggest downloading the manual to show during class or to cover the topic in a technology lesson.

The presentation interestingly tells about the distinctive features of the tea ceremony in China. Children will learn how Chinese tea drinking differs from ordinary Russian and Japanese, but to do this they need to download a ready-made manual and show the slides at a technology lesson or during a class hour in 4th - 5th grade.

The Chinese tea ceremony follows its own rules. Not only does it have its own dishes, but it also creates a special mood. If one of the guests ignores the tea party, it spoils the overall atmosphere of the event. You can learn how to achieve your goal and enjoy yourself by reading the secrets of preparing a drink in Chinese.

The presentation will tell you about English tea drinking traditions or even help organize an English tea ceremony. The manual very interestingly describes the rules by which this event is held in the UK. Imagine that you are in London. In front of you is a table on which there will definitely be a tea set. The event usually takes place in the afternoon. 10 - 15 people are invited to attend. The duration of the tea party is at least two hours. What other traditions are observed at this feast are described in the manual, which can be downloaded for technology lessons or class hours. Even in class foreign language, schoolchildren will be interested in learning about the customs of the country whose language they are studying.

The presentation discusses the traditions of Russian tea drinking. It is known that in Rus' this drink has been loved by the people for a very long time. Many customs are observed to this day, and over time, new ones appear in Russia. The manual, which consists of 20 slides, contains a lot of interesting things. During class or an extracurricular event, schoolchildren will be able to learn about how tea came to Russia, how it acquired its traditions here and became desirable in every home. It is not for nothing that our families keep the best service, a samovar, in a place of honor, from which they treat guests and friends with a fragrant drink. The development also talks about several types of tea: white, black, green, yellow, red. Each of them has its admirers. You can end the lesson with a quiz, the questions of which will test how children have learned the rules of tea etiquette in Rus'.

The presentation offers us an introduction to Tula samovars. Some people think that you can only see this luxurious item in a museum, but no, no. Until now, many Russian families have them and always stand in the most honorable place to treat guests and owners of the house with delicious tea every day. The manual tells the story of the appearance of this pot-bellied “teapot” and its operating principle. During the class hour, for which we invite the teacher to download the manual, it will be interesting to tell the children about how the samovar came to Russia, where it is now produced, and why it is called Tula. To celebrate the event, it is proposed to read poems on the topic written by Marshak and Kharms, and also, if possible, sit with a cup of tea.

The presentation invites all viewers to visit the Russian samovar, who will treat us to tea and tell us a lot interesting stories about how the tea ceremony is held in Russia and other countries. The manual can be downloaded for gatherings, class hours, technology lessons. The topic is so interesting that both primary schoolchildren and students in grades 5-6 will be interested in discovering a lot of interesting things.

The manual contains 27 slides. They cover the following questions:

  • what is a samovar;
  • history of appearance in Rus';
  • Tula is the homeland;
  • and this is him too: teapot, coffee pot, vase, etc.;
  • proverbs;
  • how to draw a samovar samovarovich?

The material contains the script for the class lesson "Tea Party Culture". The event is held in primary and secondary schools. The purpose of the class hour is to familiarize students with the culture of tea drinking, the features of the tea ceremony in Russia, Japan, and England; improving communication skills, building relationships based on mutual understanding; nurturing a culture of pastime.

The material contains the script for the class hour “We don’t miss tea.” The event is held in 5th grade. The class hour is held with the aim of showing students that in the 21st century you can have a pleasant conversation over a cup of tea; show the healing properties of tea; teach the children to greet guests.

VISITING THE LIBRARY: China is considered the birthplace of the tea tree. In the 8th century, a “treatise on tea” was created by Lu Yu. The sages believed that tea helps to penetrate deeper into a person’s inner world. The Chinese say: “by tasting the taste of real tea, you are tasting the taste of life itself.” The taste and aroma of tea depends on how ripe the leaves are and where the bush grows. One hundred kilograms of fresh leaves yields 24 kilograms of dry product. There are 500 different types of tea.

BENEFITS OF TEA: Starting our day with a cup of strong, tonic tea grown on the high mountain plantations of Ceylon or India, where the air is filled with the fragrance of herbs and flowers, we feel the fresh taste and subtle aroma of this tea. Tea gives energy, makes consciousness and vision clear, and gives a good mood.

PROHIBITIONS FOR DRINKING TEA: You cannot drink tea on an empty stomach. Do not drink too hot scalding tea. Don't drink iced tea. Do not take medications with tea. Do not drink stale tea. Repeated brewing will only cause one harm. Don't overuse the quantity.

Necessary conditions for good tea: 1. Good tea and quality water. 2. Convenient dishes that do not contain foreign odors. 3. White key water. 4. Warmed up teapot. 5. Correct water temperature. 6. It is important not to over-bake the tea.

To get true pleasure and maximum benefit from tea, you need to store, prepare and drink it correctly. When storing tea for a long time essential oils evaporate and it loses its aroma. Tea easily absorbs moisture and is susceptible to various odors. Therefore, it should be stored in porcelain, earthenware or glass containers with a tightly closed lid.

Brew tea only in a porcelain or earthenware teapot, after pouring boiling water over it. After pouring in the tea leaves, pour boiling water and cover the kettle with a towel or napkin so that the lid and spout of the kettle are closed to preserve the aroma. You can’t cover it with a hot-water bottle doll: the tea must simmer, otherwise it will smell like a broom. Some people pour boiling water to 1/3, ?, 2/3, others immediately to the top, leaving 1-1.5 cm unfilled to the lid (a place for foam to form).

Infuse black tea for 5 minutes and green tea for 8 minutes. For brewing, the water must be clean and soft. The ideal source of water for tea are springs, streams, and mountain rivers.

Work performed by: Nastya Pavlova senior group No. 2 “Berries” 5 years

Educator: Dragunova Galina Ivanovna

Chuvash Republic

Shemurshinsky district 429170

Shemursha village

Karl Marx street, 28

MBDOU kindergarten"Chamomile"


Every morning my mother makes tea. She has many different boxes of tea. When she brews tea, it always turns out different. I became very interested in why this is so and how such delicious, aromatic tea is obtained from dry leaves.

Target : Studying beneficial properties tea.


1. Study the types of tea and methods of consumption.

2. Consider the research process.

3. Find out what benefits and harms tea brings to people.

  • Large leaf
  • Granular
  • Porshkovy
  • Pressed

By color :

  • yellow green

Red (hibiscus).

  • Fatigue goes away
  • Strength is added
  • There is a tea that heals people

  • May increase blood pressure
  • Don't drink too much tea at night
  • You cannot brew 1 sachet several times.

Experience 1 . Prove that tea leaves have different effects on the growth of beans . .

Description: we brewed black and green tea, infused it and conducted the following experiments. We took 3 glasses. 1 stack black tea, 2 cups. green tea, 3 cups. pure water. They took 3 plates and put a napkin with 4 beans on it. The first napkin was moistened with black tea, the second with green tea, and the third with water. The saucers were placed in a semi-dark, warm place.

  • The next day I looked and saw that the beans were swollen everywhere.
  • After 3 days, we saw that the beans, soaked in black tea, had all sprouted; beans soaked in water sprouted, but less; and the beans in green tea only swelled.
  • Conclusion : Each tea has a different effect on bean growth.
  • January 27

Experience 2 : Prove that tea can dye fabric.

Description : I took black and green tea, took 3 identical scarves. I soaked 1 handkerchief in black tea, 2 in green tea, and 3 left dry. All handkerchiefs were left in the glass for 30 minutes.

After half an hour, we dried the scarves and saw the difference in color.

Conclusion: tea leaves are a safe dye.

Experience 3 . Prove that tea heals .

After playing for a long time, my eyes were red and very tired.

Description : I took cotton pads, soaked them in tea and put them on my eyes

20 minutes when I removed the discs. The redness in the eyes has disappeared

Conclusion: tea also heals.