Low-rise residential complex “Tsarsky Dvor. Reviews of the residential complex Pulkovsky Posad Radar, uranium shales, trash heap

Summary for July 10:
Building 5: 17 floors – 100%. Elevators -99%, roofing -100%,
plumber and electr. work – 99%, glazing of balconies – 99%,
finishing work -99% Completion rate 97.4%.
Building 6: 17 floors - 100%. Brickwork 1-17 floors. -100%,
roofing - 95%, elevators - 72%, plumbing and electrical work -70%,
glazing - 55%, MOP finishing - 50%. Completion rate - 81.5%.
Building 7: 17 floors – 100%. Plumbing and electrical work – 34%,
elevators - 10%, roofing -10% Percentage of completion - 65.3%.
Building 8: Concreting of the 1st floor siennas - 45%. Completion rate – 10.9%.
Building 9: Pile driving -15%. Completion rate – 2.0%.
Building 10: Pile driving - 100%. Completion rate - 2.5%.
Building 11: Pile driving - 100%, pit excavation - 90%.
Completion rate -3.4%.
External networks: Cables 0.4 kW 13-5 housing -100%, cables 10 kW external -100%,
internal – 20%, domestic sewerage 13-8 building -95%, storm sewer 13-4 building -100%,
water supply 1-14 building -100%, heating main 13-4 building -100%, heating main 5-7 building -80%, telephone sewerage 1,2,3,4,13,14 building 100%
Improvement: 3 building - 100%, 4 building - 100%, 5 building -75%, 6 building -40%

5th building - We went today and signed an additional agreement, regarding the move-in they said: “The commission has already passed, the documents are being processed, the company plans to receive them by the end of August, and begin move-in in mid-September if there is no force majeure.”
An error made in the documentation falls under force majeure; accordingly, the entire package will be prepared again. The keys will be handed over, first of all, to those who have already paid for everything. and who does not have unresolved deficiencies in apartments. Payment for utilities will not be for approximately 9 months, as stated in the contract, but for approximately 6.
After signing the acceptance certificate for the transfer of the apartment, until the actual possibility of check-in from 3 days to 2 weeks.
But this, of course, is all said NOT officially, so as not to give hope ahead of time.
We are sitting. We wait.

I hope that we have already moved you in) We also bought an apartment in the fifth building, at the moment they are already selling all the resales) We have only been living in our two-room apartment for a month, at the moment everything is fine. Those who live are given information about heating in winter, and I asked those who say that they don’t freeze.
I get to work on my own, there are no special problems, I only need to walk a little. I’m looking closely at the social infrastructure, right under my nose, of course. There are no facilities, but you can get there without problems, for example, the school is relatively close. Therefore, I don’t see anything critical in this matter from my side.

Yes, the apartments here were sold out a long time ago and quickly - even though it’s on the outskirts, it’s in the Moskovsky district and at first with a very attractive price. At the same time, the metro can be reached on foot. And what they say is true, we have an end apartment and still don’t freeze in winter. The first winter, at the beginning, it was cool because of the street wall, we wrote to the management company, the radiators became warmer. There were no problems with water or elevators.
But we already have schools and kindergartens. Of course she can to say, within walking distance, but the classes are very large, and if they start construction, then they won’t be able to do without a school - this, in principle, is the only problem in the future.

I really liked the complex, but it main feature this is the proximity of Pulkovo. You can get used to the noise of airplanes after some time, which is what usually happens to residents of numerous houses in the neighborhood, but not right away. It will be difficult at first if you previously lived in silence. We moved from the Urals to St. Petersburg, where we lived in our city near the airport, so in general we are ready here too. But for now we are looking at other options, but the city area itself We are very happy with it. The cost, by the way, is normal. Not the lowest we've seen, but let's say it's probably average. Corresponds to the declared characteristics.

In previous opinions of the portal, we examined in great detail the positive and negative aspects of the Tsarsky Dvor residential complex. There is nothing to add to what has been said at this time: those interested are directed to more early texts. The difficult fate of the Tsarsky Dvor residential complex was also the subject of our attention. The Leader Group company delayed the delivery of the residential complex, but there is no need to say that this came as a surprise. This developer has previously violated deadlines in some of his other projects. It is not for nothing that in the rating of developers of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, real estate market experts gave the company a score below average - B-. At present, we can summarize that the history of the project has finally come to an end. In May 2017, the residential complex was put into operation. Since then, everyone who wanted it got the keys, made repairs and moved in.

Houses that are purely externally built leave a pleasant impression. But, alas, it cannot be done without difficulties. If we analyze the messages on the forums, we can note that there were complaints about the quality of the houses built. Serious complaints included roof leaks and dirty tap water. Due to its low quality, it is problematic to use for cooking; there are difficulties with washing and operating washing machines etc. The service company KommunalServisSPb released information that to solve the water problem, the developer replaced the internal pipeline in both buildings of the Tsarsky Dvor residential complex. This was accompanied by periodic water cuts, which made permanent residence in new houses difficult. Over time the problem was solved.

Opinion, January 2017 January 31, 2017

Residential complex "Imperial Courtyard" has long been among the long-term construction projects. There is nothing surprising about this. Company "Group Leader" not the first year on the market, and everyone knows that meeting deadlines has never been strong point this developer. The company’s construction scale is large, it completes projects, for which it received a “B+” rating from experts. However, regular failure to meet deadlines does not allow the company’s assessment to be increased to the maximum. Even now, among Leader Group’s current projects there are several long-term construction projects. In addition to the “Royal Court”, this is also, etc.

Returning to the “Tsar’s Court”, we note that the situation with it in January 2017 seems more or less clear. Commissioning of both buildings is scheduled for March. The overall readiness of the first is estimated at 98, and the second - at 95 percent (by the way, a year ago it was 75 and 35%). The pace of work, of course, leaves much to be desired, but in principle, nothing prevents the developer from meeting the deadline and finally completing this long-term construction project that has lasted for years. The company is currently confirming information about March: communications are being connected, finishing work is underway in the houses, and landscaping of the local area is underway. They promise to hand over the keys to the apartments to buyers in May-June of this year. If everything finally works out, it will be nice, but buyers cannot count on compensation for the delay in delivery of the Tsarskoye Dvor. Apartments here are sold under housing cooperative agreements, and shareholders, as you know, have nothing to sue. Of course, it is possible that Leader Group partially compensates for moral damages from the delay, for example, by free glazing of balconies, etc. But while such proposals come from angry shareholders on the forums, the company does not comment on them.

Be that as it may, at present, buying an apartment in the Tsarskoe Dvor seems to be a completely normal investment. Even if the deadlines are postponed again, we can hardly expect another long delay, since the houses are already at a high stage of readiness. If there are no problems with connecting communications, there are no other reasons that could prevent the completion of the project. Apartments in residential complexes are suitable for all categories of buyers, but the choice of options is currently limited. About 40 of the 250 apartments remain for sale.

It must be said that in the location on the Tsarskoye Selo Hills, the Tsarsky Dvor is not the only unfinished construction project. It is matched by Petrotrest (score “C-” in). However, the choice among low-rise residential complexes here is very wide, and there are options that do not carry risks. For example, built by the Patriot-Development North-West company (rating “A”). Also included in the category of reliable are two residential complexes from: “Exemplary Quarter” (it has already been commissioned) and. Both of them are included in . Residential complexes from (rating “B”) and (object, rating “B+”) are also of interest.

Opinion, December 2015 December 22, 2015

It turns out that the company "Group Leader", although it completes all its projects, it periodically fails its clients with the deadlines for the delivery of houses. "Imperial Courtyard", unfortunately, was no exception. Having started quite dynamically, the project stalled and now the deadline for the completion of the first building has been pushed back by a year, and the second by a year and a half. It’s not very pleasant, but in fact, those who bought apartments in this residential complex could have foreseen a similar situation, taking into account the experience of the company’s previous construction projects. The fact is that "Group Leader" actively uses the housing cooperative scheme in its work. So in this case, a housing construction cooperative was created to implement the project. Therefore, apartment buyers are not shareholders who have entered into share participation agreements, but shareholders of a housing construction cooperative. If shareholders, having a DDU in their hands, can immediately go to court under 214-FZ, demanding a penalty from the developer for rescheduling, then shareholders have less leverage on the developer. Therefore, it is easier for the developer to arrange a postponement of construction under the housing cooperative scheme. Which, in fact, is the case with this residential complex.

At the same time, judging by the photo report posted on the company’s official website, the specified delivery dates for the buildings seem quite realistic. The first building looks actually built, except that not all the balconies are glazed yet. According to official information, the total volume of work performed in it, as of December 2015, is 75%. It remains to complete the work related to connecting to utilities. As for the second building, the volume of work completed is estimated at only 35%. The monolithic frame is done, the external filling of the walls is underway, but otherwise there is still a lot of work.

Competition in the integrated development zone is growing every year, and the number of new buildings is increasing. Now next to "The Royal Court" such low-rise projects as Low-Rise Residential Complex on Kokkolevskaya Street, “Exemplary Quarter”, and "On the Tsarskoye Selo Hills". In terms of price and level of comfort, all of these objects are comparable.

06 November 2014

It is clear that the name of the residential complex refers to the historical name of Pushkin - Tsarskoe Selo, and yet it sounds very pretentious - "Imperial Courtyard". Meanwhile, to say that a truly royal life awaits the future residents of the house would be an exaggeration.

Let's start with the positives, however. These include a well-thought-out project concept. Firstly, he inspires sympathy appearance residential complex, in keeping with the traditions of the city of Pushkin. Secondly, it is positive that the residential complex will have an extensive courtyard area, which is planned to be landscaped. The monolithic technology chosen for construction is also a plus of the project. It is disappointing, however, that not brick, but aerated concrete was chosen as the wall filler, which is then lined along the façade.

There's not much to say about the layout. They are quite standard, the apartments are spacious with large kitchens, which is a definite plus. The disadvantage of the layouts, in our opinion, is that the hallways in two- and three-room apartments are quite narrow and have an elongated shape (this is especially noticeable in “three rubles”), while not all have the opportunity to use the available space rationally - for example, not everywhere storage space is provided.

Considering the proposed plan for landscaping the yard, parking for personal vehicles raises questions. Despite the provided underground parking and surface parking, there is a possibility that there will not be enough places for everyone.

Transport accessibility of a residential complex can be assessed in two ways. On the one hand, it is located not far from the Ring Road. In addition, the location allows you to choose two options for getting to St. Petersburg: along Pulkovskoye Highway or Vitebsky Prospekt. On the other hand, we must admit the presence of traffic jams during rush hours (especially on the Pulkovo highway), as well as the inability to use electric trains, since there is no railway platform nearby. metro station "Yuzhnaya" in Shushary, the situation will not improve dramatically, since there is no convenient route to it from "The Royal Court" No.

The environmental situation in the area of ​​the new building is not critical, but it is not ideal either. "Imperial Courtyard" it is being built in fields, there are no forests nearby, except for a narrow roadside forest belt along the Petersburg highway. In addition, complaints from local residents are caused by an unpleasant odor, which is sometimes carried by the wind from the solid waste landfill on Volkhonskoye Highway.

But the most difficult situation is with social infrastructure. There is practically no place within walking distance. Of course, Pushkin is nearby, it’s not difficult to get to it, but it takes time. Of course, the situation will improve in the future. "Imperial Courtyard" is one of the stages in the implementation of the project for the integrated development of the territory, called “On the Tsarskoye Selo Hills”. Over time, almost an entire city with its own full-fledged infrastructure will grow here. But we must understand that all this is not a matter of one year or even one decade.

The area of ​​the Petersburg highway, where comprehensive development of the territory is planned, in last years is popular with developers. "Group Leader" is not the first company to choose this territory for the construction of its residential complex. Projects such as the Green Quarter are also being implemented here. In addition, the implementation of such major projects, How "On the Tsarskoye Selo Hills" And .

Developer "The Royal Court", company "Group Leader", has been working in the regional construction market for a long time. Unfortunately, its reputation is not impeccable: violations of deadlines for the delivery of objects, complaints about the quality of construction, difficulties with connecting communications - all this occurs. Similar factors for apartment buyers in "The Royal Court" definitely needs to be taken into account. Although, let’s hope that the company will be able to complete the construction of the low-rise residential complex on time. Moreover, the construction work is progressing dynamically, and quite a lot has already been built.

Who dreams of spending hours in traffic jams on the way from work to home? Transport accessibility remains one of the main factors when choosing future housing. And the project for the integrated development of the territory “On the Tsarskoye Selo Hills” fully meets these needs

provided by LLC "Terminal-Resource"

Pushkinsky district is traditionally famous for its palaces and magnificent parks. However, new points of attraction for city residents also arise in it. First of all, this is the largest convention and exhibition center in the North-West, Expoforum. It hosts numerous exhibitions, forums and fairs. In addition, in the vicinity of Pushkin, excellent conditions have been created for active recreation: horse riding, cycling, and a health path.

How to quickly get to Pushkin

Pushkin is distinguished by good transport accessibility. By car you can quickly get to Pushkin via Pulkovskoye Highway or Vitebsky Prospekt. It’s easy to get there by train from Vitebsky Station.

It runs from the nearest metro stations and public transport - buses and minibuses K-286, K-287, K-347a, K-545a. They run from “Kupchino” and “Moskovskaya” every 10-15 minutes and pass along the ancient Tsarskoye Selo road. A large-scale project “On the Tsarskoye Selo Hills” is being implemented next to it.

Residential Quarter "Exemplary Quarter", Residential Quarter "Exemplary Quarter 2", Residential Quarter "Exemplary Quarter 3", Residential Quarter "Exemplary Quarter 4" - Developer LLC "Terminal-Resource", project declarations on the website

Residential complex "Tsarsky Dvor" built by the developer Leader Group in the village of Shushary, in the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg. Construction was completed in the 2nd quarter of 2017. Initially it was planned to commission the facility at the end of 2014. Long-term construction.

The Tsarsky Dvor residential complex unites 5 five-story residential buildings. All premises of the complex are divided into one, two and three-room apartments, the main emphasis is on one-room properties - there are the most of them. The developer does not provide turnkey finishing, but you can buy an apartment ready for a complete renovation. Prices for apartments in Tsarskoe Dvor depend on the area, layout and other features of the premises.

This developer has already expanded beyond St. Petersburg and today operates in other regions of Russia. The company has existed since 2002. Distinctive feature companies - speed of construction while maintaining quality. Specializes in the construction of both comfort and economy class houses.

The transport network in the Pulkovskoye microdistrict, where the facility is being built, is mediocrely developed: St. Petersburg can be reached by car in 20 minutes, but you will have to travel along the Pulkovskoye Highway, which is often congested. It's almost 13 km to the metro station, you can get there either by car or by minibus. The closest city to the construction is Pushkin - it is located only two kilometers from the site.

The Tsarsky Dvor residential complex is being built on the Petersburg highway, in the Pulkovskoye microdistrict, territorially belonging to the village of Shushary. The nearest metro station “Zvezdnaya” is 12.7 km from the complex. The Petersburg Highway passes near the property - you can take it to the Ring Road (the distance of the Ring Road is 7 km), Pulkovo Airport is 5.5 km away.

The Leningrad region, thanks to the active development of the territory bordering St. Petersburg, acquired several new microdistricts. So, over the past few years, “small cities” have appeared and, as well as,. The number of these once small villages and towns now exceeds 100 thousand inhabitants. The constructed metro stations make it possible to partially solve the transport issue, and people, purchasing apartments on the outskirts, travel by metro to anywhere in the city. With the development of St. Petersburg, the situation is different. A serious war broke out here for every free meter of land suitable for development.

In 2030, the map will already show St. Petersburg itself, in the Moskovsky district on Pulkovo Heights a microdistrict should grow from a large developer - a company. The project involves 8 residential blocks built according to the principle solar system: in the center there will be a square of the Sun, around which there will be quarters-planets with the names “Saturn”, “Mars”, “Earth”, “Venus”, “Mercury”, “Neptune”, “Uranus”. The first stage will be commissioned in the fourth quarter of 2018. The deadline for handing over the keys is June 30, 2019.

Even at the foundation pit stage, this construction caused outrage among activists and workers of the Pulkovo Observatory. The scandal erupted due to the fact that the director of the observatory signed documents for the construction of a residential quarter in a protected area. The working group had to look into the issue Russian Academy Sci. In March 2017, a conclusion was issued according to which it was recognized that “the futility of astronomical observations in the optical range on the territory of the Pulkovo Observatory” (https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/3243012).

The photo shows the central entrance to the territory of the Pulkovo Observatory.

Radar, uranium shale, trash heap

This is how you can determine the main arguments against construction. Some even say that litigation is currently underway and, perhaps, the construction site will be closed and the houses built will be demolished. According to some Internet users, the Utes-T radar is located near the new microdistrict and the new microdistrict falls under its influence zone.

But very close to Planetograd is the ExpoForum, where thousands of people come to various events; Residential buildings have been built where people also live. They are all affected by the radar, but still seem to be alive and well.

The proximity of the airport is both a plus and a minus (by the way, planes do not fly over this territory, since this is a special zone around the Pulkovo Observatory).

The facility, according to activists, is being built on the site of uranium shale deposits, which means that the houses may become uninhabitable and, moreover, dangerous. However, the construction of a new microdistrict was agreed upon by all authorities, and soil examinations showed the safety of development in this area. Therefore, statements on the Internet regarding uranium shale should not be particularly trusted. The same cannot be said about a huge landfill the height of a seven-story building, which is located just 3 kilometers from. At the moment it is already closed, but, nevertheless, the fact of the existence of a large-scale garbage dump nearby cannot be denied.

It can be seen even from Pulkovskoye Highway:

The windows of the buildings of the first stage of "Planetograd" will overlook the Pulkovskoe highway and the gas station:

Arguments for"

I began my acquaintance with Planetograd by carefully studying information on the Internet. We discussed the issues that arose with the manager of St. Petersburg Real Estate (this agency sells most of the apartments). Therefore, after talking about the disadvantages, I will move on to the advantages of the new microdistrict.

  • Firstly, the facility is being built in a prestigious location, although at some distance from the city. This means that the residents of Planetograd will have city registration. And compared to Kudrovo and Murino, there will be no problems with hospitals and clinics. In addition, the developer himself, according to the project, provided his own clinic on the territory of the microdistrict.
  • The uniqueness of the construction of the houses is that the number of floors here is the same for all houses: 4 plus an attic floor and 2 floors of underground parking. The courtyard of each house is separate and closed from cars. There will be front gardens, benches and a pleasant neighborly atmosphere. At least that's how the developer sees it.
  • A huge underground two-story parking lot will allow you to leave your cars warm and protected. Those who will not buy a parking space can park their car on the street, along the perimeter of the block. The developer also took care of them: the exit from the entrances will be through - into the courtyard and onto the street.
  • The airport, located 10 minutes away by car, can be considered a plus, because on the way to it you don’t have to push through traffic jams, making your way through the entire city.
  • Its own shopping and entertainment center with a large adjacent area where events will be held will be located in the very heart of the microdistrict.
  • An interesting, original concept for the design of houses and the neighborhood itself. Although it is worth noting that in Kudrovo " Setl City“also planned an interesting conceptual construction called “Seven Capitals”, where it was planned to build neighborhoods according to the principle and characteristics of the seven European capitals. In fact, the developer implemented only two: and. The land where the other five were to be built was sold to other developers, who began stacking houses on top of each other. As a result, now it is an absolutely motley territory with a lack of normal trips and all the benefits of civilization. All that remains from the previous idea is European Avenue and the names of the residential complexes. Of course, time will tell how far the grandiose idea of ​​“Planetograd” will come true.
  • Turnkey finishing of apartments from . Over the course of 23 years of its existence, the developer stands out among other St. Petersburg developers with its scale and high quality of apartment finishing. The materials for the new quarter will be all environmentally friendly and high quality. But do not forget that several years ago a scandal broke out over the materials used in the construction of the block, when specialists discovered an unacceptable level of ammonia when accepting apartments. The subsequent litigation from residents of the residential complex was also heard.
  • The developer promises to create a separate park for residents of the new microdistrict.

View of the construction site from Pulkovskoye Highway.

Sales office. Apartments with a twist

We communicated with the manager of St. Petersburg Real Estate first by phone, then in the agency’s office, but I went on an excursion to the showroom and to inspect the property itself, having previously booked the time of my trip.

Buses to the construction site run from the nearest metro stations "Moskovskaya" and. The landmark here is the Pulkovo Observatory. Since I went by car, I got to the place quite quickly. I specifically recorded the time of movement from to the object. The travel time on this section was almost 20 minutes.

The sales office became visible from Pulkovskoye Highway.

At the entrance I was greeted by a friendly administrator who took me to the second floor of a spacious, comfortable building, to the show room. There I was able to look at (and touch) the presented design options for apartments with light and dark finishes.

Light decoration is presented in the studio apartment. All design solutions and ideas are embodied here, creating a feeling of a cozy and large space.

The showroom presents furnishings and equipment from the First Furniture Factory and IKEA. The one-room apartment is decorated in a dark color.

In a large apartment, it is likely that a dark finish will look more harmonious than a light one.

This is what a toilet looks like in an apartment with a dark finish option.

Class 32 laminate flooring is installed on the floors in all apartments. The photo shows a variant of dark laminate in a one-room apartment.

In my opinion, the light version called “Vanilla” looks dull compared to the “Chocolate” option. However, as one likes.

Prices for apartments here are reasonable compared to other residential complexes under construction. Although, as the manager explained, this price is only for the first stage. After all, residents of finished houses will have to live under construction conditions for a long time (until 2030) and initially without proper infrastructure at all.

The second phase is planned for sale early next year. And the price tag here will be significantly higher. Apartment areas here start from 24.6 m2 and end at 107.8 m2. On the fifth floor there will be attic apartments and planetarium apartments. If everything is clear with the attic, then the highlight of the planetariums will be the kitchen-living room with a panoramic dome. Of course, all the windows will have warm glazing and, as the booklet says, these will be apartments “with mesmerizing views of the stars.” The cost per square meter will not change here, despite the additional bonuses.

Apartment prices, characteristics of the microdistrict

  • The cost of a studio apartment will be from 2.2 million rubles.
  • Price studio apartment– from 2.9 million rubles.
  • The price of a “kopeck piece” will be from 4.6 million rubles.
  • The cost of a three-ruble note will be from 7.3 million rubles.
  • A four-room apartment will cost more than 9.6 million rubles.

In addition to the apartment with a fine finish, the developer offers to furnish your apartment for an affordable price. Equipment and furniture for a one-room apartment will cost 240 thousand rubles, for a two-room apartment - 315 thousand rubles. There is no mention of three-room and four-room apartments in the special booklet. Probably, the cost here is negotiated individually.

Public transport stops, metro The metro and Moskovskaya stations are located at the same distance from the residential area - about 15 minutes. From them to the Pulkovo Observatory there are buses No. 90, 150, 155, 431, minibuses No. K18, K18a, K290, K403, K449, T100. Most likely, after the construction of the quarter, a public transport stop will appear opposite the new Planetograd.
Nearest pharmacies Pharmacies operating around the clock are located near the metro or in Pushkin.
Nearest schools According to the project, 8 schools will be built in the Planetograd microdistrict. Until this moment, children will go to school No. 353 of the Moskovsky district, located nearby (on Pulkovskoe highway, 88). However, it is worth considering that there are 156 people studying in this educational institution, and there are 120 vacant places.
Kindergartens nearby The developer promises to commission the kindergarten in the second phase. According to the project, there will be 8 kindergartens in the residential complex: for each quarter there is a planet. Until the preschool building is built, kindergartens will have to be used. The closest to the new microdistrict will be kindergarten No. 1 on Pulkovskoe highway, 91 k2.
Availability of large shopping centers, places for cultural and entertainment leisure, clubs, bars The ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center is literally a 5-minute drive away. 10 minutes drive to the large shopping center "Leto", close to the Outlet Village Pulkovo, on Pulkovskoye Highway, to the large hypermarkets "Metro", "Okey", and the hardware store "Obi".
Prospects for the microdistrict As part of the construction of a new microdistrict, the developer planned 8 schools, 8 kindergartens, and a clinic. Among the neighbors of “Planetograd” are the residential complex “1, 2 and 3” from JSC.
Availability of banks The offices of large banks Sberbank, VTB, St. Petersburg are located near the Zvezdnaya metro station and.
Availability of clinics According to the project, it is planned to build a clinic on the territory of the microdistrict. Until it is built, you can use the general practitioner’s office in the Pulkovo Meridian municipal district from adult clinic No. 21. Children’s city clinic No. 35 is located on the street. Shturmanskaya, 16 k1.
Squares, parks, green spaces The closest, Fermsky Park, is in Pushkin, 19 minutes away by car. The journey to Pavlovsk will take about 25 minutes. The developer promises to build a theme park “Garden Park” at the intersection of Pulkovskoye and Petersburg highways for the residents of “Planetograd”. Plants from all over the world will appear in the green zone.
Ecological situation Not favorable enough, given the proximity of a huge “seven-story” landfill, uranium shales at depth, and a radar nearby.
Purpose of non-residential premises in residential complexes Commercial areas, kindergartens, schools, underground parking.
Parking issue Underground parking will be located under the entire microdistrict. It has already been put on sale. You can buy a place for your car now for 500 thousand rubles. If there are two cars in a family, then you can buy 2 parking spaces for 700 thousand rubles. The second car will be located on a special lift above the first car from above.
Security measures Video surveillance around the perimeter of the residential complex, in the halls, on the floors and in elevators, security.
Transport highways and traffic jams The main transport route is Pulkovskoye Highway, which always goes towards the holiday villages on Friday, and back on Sunday. Also, this highway is constantly blocked when top government officials visit the city. The ring road is 10 minutes away by car.
What do front doors look like? The front doors will be decorated with views of the cosmic sky and planets of the solar system. Silent high-speed elevators "Kone".
Heating and communications Radiant heating distribution. Communications from the city.
In what form are apartments rented? Fully finished. There are 2 finishing options available: light and dark.
The residential quarter is being built using brick-monolithic technology with a ventilated facade. The first two floors will be covered with high quality ceramic tiles.

Shopping center "Leto", wholesale club "Ryady" 10 minutes drive from the new microdistrict:

Let's draw the line

If we sum up the results of studying the microdistrict, then we can say with confidence that it is possible to live here. When assessing the “quarters of happy people”, we will give ratings on a five-point scale:

  • Developer's integrity - five. All projects are distinguished by timely completion of construction and high quality of construction. True, the price of finished housing is significantly inflated.
  • The quality of construction is top five. Monolithic house, walls and all main structures are made of brick. The outer wall will be lined with double brick. The latest completed properties of this developer have optimal living conditions: they are cool in summer and hot in winter.
  • Transport accessibility is a four with a minus. If you don't have a car, then problems with transport are guaranteed. Somehow you will have to constantly get to the metro stations. There are not so many buses and they do not travel as often as we would like. Perhaps with the advent of such a densely populated microdistrict, the city will add buses along the route. If you have your own car, then the prospect is also not very bright. How residents in their cars will make their way to Pulkovskoe Highway through a small single exit is a mystery. It is not entirely clear whether the transport highway will withstand such a load, and it seems that there were no plans to build additional roads here.
  • The internal infrastructure of the complex is an A minus. Previously, there was an active discussion on the Internet about the construction of educational and preschool institutions. There was an acute issue with the clinic. But at this stage, as far as I understand from the manager’s words, the situation has been settled and the developer has included the optimal number of social infrastructure facilities in the project plan.