Apartments at Pulkovo Heights. LCD “Pulkovo Heights. Infrastructure and environment

14.02.2022 Complications

In the portal’s previous opinion, we spoke in great detail about the advantages and disadvantages of the future residential complex "Pulkovo Heights". The project itself is one of the major ones. It was announced loudly. However, more than four years have passed, and things are still there. The site designated for construction is surrounded by a blue fence, behind which nothing has been done in all these years.

Company Amtel Properties quite successful in hotel activities and in the construction of various types of business facilities. However, she still won’t approach her first housing project in St. Petersburg. The reasons were voiced two years ago by a company representative in an interview with Vedomosti. The fact is that Amtel Properties expects the authorities of St. Petersburg to provide the project with infrastructure, without which the development of this territory is impossible. We must assume that we are talking about engineering communications, since the city will not build the social facilities planned as part of the residential complex for the developer. Apparently, since then there has been no increase in certainty on this issue. Moreover, the city leadership has changed, which also affects decision-making. The company is currently not commenting on the project. We only know that Amtel Properties does not plan to abandon it. The Pulkovo Heights residential complex is present on the official website of the company. But the implementation period for this project is now called very distant: 2024-25. Perhaps the company expects that other projects will be implemented nearby over the next five years, and this will make their residential complex more relevant. In the meantime, there is no talk about the start of construction and sales.

It is clear that against this background, the residential complex is now of little interest to those who are looking for housing in this area. Specifically on Pulkovskoye Highway, the choice is generally extremely narrow. A similar large-scale project, which was announced, is not yet in the active phase. The only one here who is building this (“A+”) is implementing the project. Those looking for accommodation in the southern suburbs can also choose from low-rise complexes in a location on the Tsarskoye Selo Hills: from Akvilon-Invest (grade “A” in), and from “Red Arrow”, or projects (rating “A”) - residential complex, etc.

Opinion, February 2017 February 11, 2017

Company "Amtel Properties" New to the St. Petersburg construction market, not yet present in the expert market. It is better known in Moscow, where it is engaged in the hotel business and construction of non-residential properties. One of the priority areas for the Amtel Group was previously the production of tires - the Amtel brand is well known among motorists. However, since 2007, the tire factories have been sold, and after that the company focused mainly on the development business. It is still difficult to predict how successful the company’s first experience in St. Petersburg will be. Too little information on the project "Pulkovo Heights".

The official website of the developer provides general information and preliminary design renderings. The St. Petersburg representative office of the company also could not tell us anything specific. As of February 2017, the Pulkovo Heights project has not yet been agreed upon, a construction permit has not been received, and development of the project continues. It is currently not specified when it is planned to enter the construction site and open sales in the new residential complex. Regarding the deadlines for the implementation of the Pulkovo Heights project (2018-2019) indicated on the official website of Amtel Properties, our interlocutor at the company explained that this is preliminary information. He did not rule out that the construction of the residential complex could be postponed to a later date. Thus, there is not much to discuss about the project right now. Let's wait for more accurate information.

On online real estate forums, the location chosen for the construction of Pulkovo Heights raises questions, mainly due to its proximity to the Southern Cemetery and PTO-1 (Southern Landfill on Volkhonskoe Highway). However, at present it is hardly worth overestimating both of these factors. New buildings near cemeteries are not such a rare phenomenon; anyone who does not want to live in such a place does not buy housing here. As for the Southern landfill, it is officially closed. A year or two ago there were reports on the Internet that there was unauthorized waste collection, but in Lately We did not find any information about this. Apparently, the landfill is indeed closed not only de jure, but also de facto. It is unknown whether plans to build a ski resort there will come true. If so, it will be a plus for new residents of Pulkovo Heights; if not, the proximity of the former landfill will not cause inconvenience in any case.

The delay in bringing this residential complex to the market is unlikely to greatly upset people who are interested in housing on Pulkovskoye Highway. The fact is that nearby, somewhat closer to the city, the implementation of the project is gaining momentum

Residential complex "Pulkovskie Heights" is being built on the underdeveloped territory of St. Petersburg. The quarter will receive its own infrastructure - kindergarten, shopping and entertainment complex, business center, fitness club and hotel. The ecological situation of the location is mediocre, transport accessibility normal.

Briefly about the residential complex

The construction of the Pulkovo Heights residential complex is being carried out by Amtel Properties, an experienced player in the Russian real estate market. The reputation is positive; the number of commissioned objects includes residential buildings, apart-hotels, and commercial buildings. An area of ​​30 hectares is allocated for the creation of nine five-story buildings with closed courtyards. The developer uses reliable brick-monolithic technology. The apartment layouts are standard, with an average area and standard design solutions. The developer promises prices corresponding to the comfort class.

Infrastructure and environment

Business St. Petersburg with its offices, educational institutions and prestigious jobs is located far away. But the necessary infrastructure will be located on the territory of the complex. The project includes a spacious kindergarten and an international school with intensive study foreign languages. Residents will also have access to a business center and a shopping and entertainment complex with shops, various establishments, and recreational facilities for adults and children.

The fitness club plans to create the largest squash center in St. Petersburg with state-of-the-art equipment. The complex will also include a high-class hotel operated by an international company. The ecological situation of the area is moderate - there is a gradually shrinking industrial zone, large transport routes, and gas stations. The green surroundings of the complex under construction are thoroughly spoiled by the nearby cemetery - it is not easy to find a place for a pleasant walk.

Transport accessibility

It’s easy to get there by car from any area of ​​St. Petersburg - just get on the Pulkovskoye Highway and drive until it intersects with the Volkhonskoye Highway. Public transport is represented by minibuses No. T100, K18, K18A, K449, K403 and buses No. 150, 90, 155, 431, 301, departing from the Moskovskaya metro station. It’s worth getting to the “Flower Nursery” stop and moving towards Volkhonskoe Highway 600 meters.

Pulkovo Heights itself is a unique location for St. Petersburg, which is as smooth as a saucer. And, of course, the same applies to the new buildings located here, raised by nature 60 meters above the level of the Gulf of Finland.

Only this uniqueness, we note, is not limited to. Due to the fact that the area is located on a hill, Smolny limited the height of the objects being built here to the maximum possible 18 meters. This is due in particular to the fact that the Pulkovo Observatory and the airport are nearby, for which good visibility is extremely important. Accordingly, only low- and mid-rise buildings are being built here - no higher than five floors. There is no such homogeneous development even in Kolomyaga, where there are also high-rise buildings.

The first swallows

Of course, the Expoforum exhibition center that opened last year gave new impetus to this area.

However, the first new buildings on Pulkovo Heights appeared a couple of years before - the pioneers were Leader Group with the Tsarsky Dvor residential complex and Petrotrest with the Trio residential complex. Unfortunately, the second facility is frozen due to the bankruptcy of the developer; the construction permit expired in the summer. Leader Group's business was also moving with difficulty - the low- and mid-rise format is completely atypical for this developer, however, both phases should be put into operation by the end of the year.

But all the developers who came after them implemented their projects quite successfully. The Patriot-Neva company especially distinguished itself by building its Pushgorod residential complex in just a year and a half.

I dealt with the residential complex “Exemplary Quarter” and “Terminal-Resource” quite quickly. It is these new buildings that are now inhabited, although the number of inhabitants today is unlikely to exceed 400-500 people.

Due to such sparse population, there are currently no shops or consumer service enterprises operating in the microdistrict where new buildings are concentrated.

However, they are there - albeit in small numbers - near the Expoforum, where the old part of Pulkovsky is located - several panel houses built in the 70s.

A plot of land between the “Exemplary Quarter” and “ Royal court» intended for the construction of a school. True, the timing of the start of its construction is difficult to predict and it is unlikely to happen in the near future.

New buildings in Pulkovo Heights (7 photos)

However, at the beginning of next year the population of the “new” Pulkovsky will probably exceed a thousand people, and by the end of 2018 about 3 thousand residents will live here.

In 2019, the Planetograd residential complex will begin to be populated - a large-scale million-dollar project, which is also located on the Pulkovo Heights, although legally it is not part of the Pulkovskoye microdistrict.

Next year, Terminal-Resource plans to begin construction of the Exemplary Quarter-3 residential complex. Note that this developer is part of the Development Center developer, which owns 316 hectares of land on the Pulkovo Heights.

The large-scale project for their development is called “On the Tsarskoye Selo Hills.” In the future, about 2.5 million square meters should appear here. m of various real estate - both residential and public and business, and by several developers at once.

So, it is planned to build shopping malls, business centers (the first, by the way, has already opened), a fitness club and even a new railway station, from which you can get to the Baltic station in 20 minutes. In addition, another exit from the block will be built - to Volkhonskoye Highway.

But how quickly all these plans will be implemented depends on how quickly the Development Center will be able to sell the land it owns, since it will take several decades to develop them independently.

In the meantime, the development of this territory is hampered by poor transport accessibility, especially public transport, as well as the lack of infrastructure. Among the advantages: excellent ecology, top-down views of St. Petersburg and, of course, the comfortable environment of low- and mid-rise neighborhoods.

Residential complexes under construction and commissioned in Pulkovsky

Pulkovo Heights itself is a unique location for St. Petersburg, which is as smooth as a saucer. And, of course, the same applies to the new buildings located here, raised by nature 60 meters above the level of the Gulf of Finland.

Only this uniqueness, we note, is not limited to. Due to the fact that the area is located on a hill, Smolny limited the height of the objects being built here to the maximum possible 18 meters. This is due in particular to the fact that the Pulkovo Observatory and the airport are nearby, for which good visibility is extremely important. Accordingly, only low- and mid-rise buildings are being built here - no higher than five floors. There is no such homogeneous development even in Kolomyaga, where there are also high-rise buildings.

The first swallows

Of course, the Expoforum exhibition center that opened last year gave new impetus to this area.

However, the first new buildings on Pulkovo Heights appeared a couple of years before - the pioneers were Leader Group with the Tsarsky Dvor residential complex and Petrotrest with the Trio residential complex. Unfortunately, the second facility is frozen due to the bankruptcy of the developer; the construction permit expired in the summer. Leader Group's business was also moving with difficulty - the low- and mid-rise format is completely atypical for this developer, however, both phases should be put into operation by the end of the year.

But all the developers who came after them implemented their projects quite successfully. The Patriot-Neva company especially distinguished itself by building its Pushgorod residential complex in just a year and a half.

I dealt with the residential complex “Exemplary Quarter” and “Terminal-Resource” quite quickly. It is these new buildings that are now inhabited, although the number of inhabitants today is unlikely to exceed 400-500 people.

Due to such sparse population, there are currently no shops or consumer service enterprises operating in the microdistrict where new buildings are concentrated.

However, they are there - albeit in small numbers - near the Expoforum, where the old part of Pulkovsky is located - several panel houses built in the 70s.

The plot of land between the “Exemplary Quarter” and the “Tsar’s Courtyard” is intended for the construction of a school. True, the timing of the start of its construction is difficult to predict and it is unlikely to happen in the near future.

New buildings in Pulkovo Heights (7 photos)

However, at the beginning of next year the population of the “new” Pulkovsky will probably exceed a thousand people, and by the end of 2018 about 3 thousand residents will live here.

In 2019, the Planetograd residential complex will begin to be populated - a large-scale million-dollar project, which is also located on the Pulkovo Heights, although legally it is not part of the Pulkovskoye microdistrict.

Next year, Terminal-Resource plans to begin construction of the Exemplary Quarter-3 residential complex. Note that this developer is part of the Development Center developer, which owns 316 hectares of land on the Pulkovo Heights.

The large-scale project for their development is called “On the Tsarskoye Selo Hills.” In the future, about 2.5 million square meters should appear here. m of various real estate - both residential and public and business, and by several developers at once.

Thus, it is planned to build shopping malls, business centers (the first, by the way, has already opened), a fitness club and even a new railway station, from which it will be possible to get to the Baltic Station in 20 minutes. In addition, another exit from the block will be built - onto Volkhonskoye Highway.

But how quickly all these plans will be implemented depends on how quickly the Development Center will be able to sell the land it owns, since it will take several decades to develop them independently.

In the meantime, the development of this territory is hampered by poor transport accessibility, especially public transport, as well as the lack of infrastructure. Among the advantages: excellent ecology, top-down views of St. Petersburg and, of course, the comfortable environment of low- and mid-rise neighborhoods.

Residential complexes under construction and commissioned in Pulkovsky