What is studio housing? The difference between a studio and an apartment. How to turn a studio into a one-room apartment

The rapidly growing population forces architects to look for new solutions in the field of urban planning and residential planning. One of these solutions, rarely seen in Russia a couple of decades ago, was the construction of studios. What is a studio apartment? In short, this is a kind of layout of a one-room apartment that does not have main walls and with a minimum of partitions.

Studio apartment: description and characteristics

New trends that forced us to be critical of cramped “Khrushchev” apartments came from the Japanese, who more than a hundred years ago experienced urban overpopulation and were forced to come up with small, but modern and comfortable housing for those with an average budget.

History of appearance

A breakthrough in architecture took place thanks to the engineering and technical idea of ​​“stringing” the floors of the floors onto the core of the house, using load-bearing walls only along the perimeter of the building. This made it possible to break away from standard design, opening up enormous opportunities in the field of individual planning of individual residential premises.

The Americans immediately picked up the attractive idea, improved it and offered options for “dwellings without partitions” not only for middle-income families, but also luxury large-area apartments. Studio apartments for people of low income have become the best way to solve the housing problem by planning the living space according to their preferences, using sliding screens, furniture or decorative barriers instead of walls. At the same time, for golden youth and bohemians, studio-type premises have become an excellent option for arranging their workshops, places for receiving guests, and family vacations.

Following the Japanese and Americans, Europeans became acquainted with the concept of “studio apartment”.

In Western countries, the word “studio” usually means a cheap apartment without a kitchen, intended mainly for students.

In Russia, studio apartments are predominantly elite, individually designed residential premises.

This type of design is extremely popular due to its undeniable advantage of maximizing the use of the entire area of ​​the apartment.

Especially in Lately There is a boom in designing the first floors of country houses in the style of “studio apartments.” The owners of the mansions organize, at their discretion, a significant part of the area for a creative studio, which is used for receiving guests, and the upper floors have the usual isolation of rooms.


Initially, the word “studio” was associated with small apartments with an area of ​​18-30 square meters, colloquially referred to as “small-sized apartments”. Now the same area, but without partitions, conveniently planned for the functional use of the entire living space, becomes a comfortable “studio apartment”.

Currently, due to their attractiveness, such architectural embodiments are available not only in “small-sized” apartments, but also in studio apartments with an area of ​​100 square meters or more.


Broad prospects in terms of planning a studio apartment give the owners the opportunity to get away from boring standards and equip their home in accordance with their individual wishes, creating a unique style.

It is important not to overdo it in this case, getting carried away by the creation of a new innovative space, since there is a great risk of missing out on important elements of comfort and coziness in the pursuit of external gloss. You should not refuse consultations from professional designers who will give advice on proper zoning, which allows you to visually expand the space of your apartment.

Important to achieve this effect are:

  • play of light;
  • ratio of floor and ceiling levels;
  • furniture arrangement;
  • contrasting relief and color schemes of surfaces.

Podiums that separate zones from each other visually create the effect of increasing space and transform it. The use of light sources of different intensity allows you to highlight the main and auxiliary zones.

Furniture pieces can also be excellent zoning tools. Decorative screens, shelves, cabinets or aquariums, successfully installed, can expand the space, giving it a unique coziness.

It is especially important for proper zoning to choose the optimal color scheme.

Layout and interior

Studio apartments have gained popularity due to the opportunity for owners to organize the layout and arrangement of furniture to their liking. With their advent, the need to divide premises into clearly designated rooms has become a thing of the past. All of them, including the kitchen, bedroom, living room and office, have now become a single space, without walls or interior doors.

Sliding, creatively designed screens, furniture, and various partitions successfully replaced the main walls. Only the bathroom and showers remained, as before, isolated from the living space of the room.

The layout of a studio apartment is characterized by freedom of style, the absence of any boundaries and the presence of space. There is freedom here to realize your wildest fantasies. However, there are a number of general mandatory points.

For a comfortable life in an apartment, it is necessary to highlight:

  • eating area;
  • its preparation zone;
  • work area;
  • resting-place.

Variations are in the geometry of these zones. It can be either rectangular or square. Furniture can be placed in the middle or in any other place.

The main principles of creating an interior are guided by considerations of minimalism, which calls for achieving a feeling of greater spaciousness in the room by reducing furniture and decorative items. This approach is especially relevant for small apartments.

An excellent solution for saving space can be White color walls or furniture surfaces. Bulky wardrobes or beds will not fit organically into the style of the studio, while transformable furniture will come in handy.

Properly selected materials in color and texture, such as textiles, lamps, wall panels, will allow you to designate certain areas in a studio-type room, bringing the necessary comfort and harmony.

Studio apartment layout.

Pros and cons of living in a studio apartment

Studio-type living space is ideally suited for carefree pastime of large youth groups. Young people will find a lot of advantages in such apartments:

  • ease of interior equipment for current needs. The use of screens and partitions makes it possible to almost instantly separate and combine parts of the apartment;
  • impression of spaciousness, excellent access of light to the entire living space;
  • maximum use of available space due to the lack of interior corridors and halls;
  • combination of functions separate zones due to the lack of a clear distinction between them. The kitchen can be part of the dining room, living room or even dance hall;
  • lack of strict restrictions when planning design and choosing style.

Nowadays it is considered fashionable to expand the space of an apartment, tear down walls, turning small apartments consisting of several rooms into one large, spacious and bright studio apartment. But it should be taken into account that such redevelopment of the home has both obvious and hidden disadvantages:

  • designing the interior of a studio apartment with the involvement of a professional in this field is not cheap;
  • The lack of individual space can become a problem for a family with children. Both parents and children need a place of privacy. A studio apartment cannot provide this for them;
  • redevelopment of an ordinary apartment into a studio is possible only if the demolition of partitions does not affect the strength of the entire building;
  • the redevelopment project must be agreed upon with local governments and all resource supply organizations. This will require moral, time, and monetary costs;
  • To save space in a studio apartment, the bathtub will most likely have to be replaced with a shower;
  • due to the lack of walls, odors from the kitchen will penetrate into all adjacent areas. A high-quality hood will partially solve this problem, but the sound insulation inside the studio apartment is zero, which you will have to put up with.

Who is buying the studios?

Many people have already found the answer to the question: what is a studio apartment? When choosing housing, they give preference to studio type apartments, taking into account all their advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages for life that a studio apartment provides are most often used:

  • singles and families without children;
  • families with small children who require constant supervision, which is convenient to do in the limited space of the studio;
  • visitors from other regions who want to “stay a foothold” in the city, but are limited in funds;
  • young people starting an independent life;
  • people who rent out housing in tourist areas for visitors who do not spend much time there;
  • creative people - artists, sculptors, fashion designers, musicians, who combine their lives with studies in the workshop and organize meetings or exhibitions there.

Modern studio apartment design.

The main advantage of a studio apartment is undoubtedly its price. Such housing is usually purchased by parents for their student children and young families. But with the advent of children and the growth of the family, it becomes increasingly difficult to allocate individual space in the layout of such an apartment for each of its members.

A studio apartment differs from a one-room apartment in its unique layout. This is the same separate housing, only it does not have divisions into a bedroom, kitchen and living room. The entire area is an open space with only an isolated bathroom. The advantage of such real estate is the absence of corridors.

The studio is considered a good “start-up” for young people or newly married couples who do not yet plan to have children. The only drawback of such housing is the impossibility of privacy for one of the family members. But for this, redevelopment is possible, which will be discussed further. And the main advantage of purchasing a studio apartment is its price, which is 30% lower than that of a one-room apartment.

Studios are built in open-plan monolithic-frame houses. Our development company sells apartments in the Vertical housing complex, built from large-format ceramic blocks using modern construction technology.

This gives apartment owners the benefits of excellent noise absorption and thermal insulation, which creates a favorable temperature microclimate in the room and neighbors do not disturb each other with extraneous sounds. One-room apartments can still be built in panel-type houses, which are an outdated type of construction.

Types of studio apartment layouts

A stereotype has been created about studio apartments as very small and inconvenient housing for several people. This is absolutely not true. Studios can be not only large and spacious, but also two-level. The layout type provides for various shapes: apartments can be rectangular, square, trapezoidal and even round.

A rectangular layout with one window implies creating the effect of visually expanding the space, which is achieved by choosing the right color scheme in the interior design. To do this, the kitchen is visually zoned with different shades in the color of natural wood, and the rest of the room, intended for the bedroom, is finished in a white shade. To enhance the effect, ceiling lighting is used with spotlights.

If you still like a non-visual division into zones of the kitchen, living room and bedroom, then you can use the installation of decorative partitions or the installation of cabinets. To separate the kitchen in studios, a bar counter is often used, which also serves as a table for preparing and eating food.

What is the difference between a studio and a 1-room apartment?

The bedroom area can be highlighted by installing shelving that also has a functional meaning. The most modern option for dividing into zones is the installation of sliding partitions made of frosted glass.

When arranging furniture, you should not use the traditional perimeter arrangement; your apartment will look uncomfortable. A large number of trinkets and figurines will create the impression of clutter, so it is better to decorate the walls with decorative plates or paintings. In general, a studio apartment is a modern type of housing that is accessible to a large number of people.

A traveler, having arrived at a holiday destination, will first of all be concerned with finding accommodation - unless, of course, he books it in advance. But in both cases, he will probably choose between different formats of living quarters. So, many tourism lovers have to decide whether to stay in an apartment or a hotel. What are the features of each of the respective residential properties?

What are the apartments like?

In the context of the hotel business under apartments It is generally accepted to understand, strictly speaking, an ordinary apartment rented by a traveler for the period of stay in the city in which he arrived. Of course, this property may be significantly different from a simple urban building. Apartments for tourists in resort towns are often located in the most prestigious areas; if it is a seaside resort, then it is close to the coast or directly on it.

The apartments, like most typical city apartments, usually include:

  1. Living spaces;
  2. kitchen;
  3. bathroom;
  4. corridor, utility rooms, balcony.

In an apartment, a person thus organizes his own life, cooks his own food, and does the cleaning. Of course, a traveler can order the appropriate services from a specialized company, but, as a rule, these costs are not included in the cost of renting an apartment. But if the apartment is rented in a hotel or tourist area, then the necessary services may be included in the rental price.

The owner of the apartment can be either an organization or a private person. By concluding a lease agreement with the owner of a property, a traveler, as a rule, receives the right to freely dispose of the premises: bring guests there, come and go at any time.

Let us note that subletting apartments - if we consider typical tourist real estate as such - as a rule, the owners do not allow the owners to sublet them. In turn, in the regular rental housing market this phenomenon is very common.

Apartments can be very well equipped, but they, as well as in the area of ​​the city in which they are located, may lack popular services - laundries, business centers, beauty salons. Sometimes there are problems with the Internet, despite its widespread use. Again, we note that such a situation is rare for typical tourist apartments. They are located in areas where the necessary infrastructure is sufficiently developed.

Apartments, one way or another, in most cases are equipped with all types of household appliances - refrigerator, washing machine, TV, air conditioning. Therefore, a person who has rented an apartment may not have any special need to turn to specialized services, since he is capable of organizing his life himself.

What is the hotel?

Under hotel means a property that is used for the sole purpose of organizing temporary accommodation for visitors to the locality in which the corresponding property is located.

The hotel consists of rooms that can be presented in a wide range of classes - “standard”, “economy”, “luxury”, etc. The structure of the room is determined by its category. Thus, “economy” and “standard” class rooms do not typically have a separate kitchen; they also usually do not have washing machine(you can wash your clothes using additional hotel services).

The “suites” may well have a kitchen. Often it is complemented by an enlarged bathroom - perhaps with a jacuzzi, swimming pool, or large terrace. "Suites" may have a particularly beautiful view from the window.

All hotel rooms are cleaned and included in the rent. Meals for tourists staying in hotels, as a rule, take place in an organized manner at nearby catering points.

Visiting a hotel may be strictly regulated by its rules. In many cases, the person who rented the room is prohibited from taking guests or arriving later than a certain time (but this is rare in modern resorts). As a rule, the guest must provide unhindered access to the room for hotel staff - for cleaning purposes or, for example, repairing equipment.

Modern hotels usually provide popular services - laundry, dry cleaning, ironing, and various salon services. As a rule, most rooms have Internet access - mostly wireless, and there is a TV.


There is, of course, more than one difference between an apartment and a hotel.

✓ What is a “STUDIO” and how does it differ from an apartment?

These are two very different formats of real estate, although similar in purpose.

An apartment is a separate apartment. It may be adjacent to residential premises, which, in principle, are not rented out to tourists or anyone else (but, as a rule, targeting tourists is the main criterion for distinguishing the concepts of “apartment” and “apartment”).

A hotel is a specialized residential complex that provides temporary accommodation for travelers and provides services in demand by tourists.

Hence the difference between the real estate formats under consideration, which can be traced in many aspects. Such as, for example:

  1. structure of premises, equipment;
  2. visiting rules;
  3. location;
  4. catering;
  5. availability of popular services.

It is worth noting that in the hotel business there are often apart-hotels that include residential premises that combine the features of both types of tourist real estate under consideration. In this case, the term “apartment” will correspond to those premises that are similar in structure to individual apartments, but nevertheless adjacent to “classic” hotel rooms.

There are, of course, apart-hotels that are almost entirely represented by “apartments” - apartment-type premises, but at the same time, guests have the opportunity to use available services typical of any hotels.

Having determined what the fundamental difference between an apartment and a hotel is, we will reflect the conclusions in the table.


Apartments Hotel
What do they have in common?
In the tourism market there are apart-hotels that combine the features of both types of real estate under consideration.
What is the difference between them?
In many cases, they represent a separate apartment in a residential building (other residential properties in the same building may not be rented out) It is a specialized tourist residential complex with a number of rooms
Transferred for free use to the tenant (but, as a rule, without the right to re-let to other persons) The hotel room, as a rule, is transferred to the guest for limited use
Can be located anywhere in the city As a rule, they are located in places of the city that are most often visited by tourists
Includes living quarters, kitchen, bathroom, corridor, balcony, auxiliary premises “Economy” and “standard” rooms, most often demanded by tourists, mainly include only living quarters and a bathroom, in many cases a balcony
They assume that the tenant can independently organize his or her daily life (for this he may be provided with the necessary equipment) The guest is expected to use popular household services at the hotel, which are included in the rent
Living in an apartment usually requires the tenant to prepare their own meals Accommodation at a hotel usually involves organized meals at nearby catering establishments

We all want to see our apartment convenient, comfortable and beautiful. Moreover, it is desirable that such housing have an acceptable cost. Therefore, today you can increasingly find offers to purchase a studio apartment. Let's find out the difference between a studio and an apartment.

How is a studio different from a one-room apartment?

The main difference between a studio and a one-room apartment is that its space does not have clear boundaries between residential and non-residential areas. Only the bathroom is located separately, although sometimes there are layout projects in which even the shower stall is placed in the common space. If in an apartment the kitchen is combined with the living room, then this is also considered a studio. A studio apartment could be designed initially, or it could be created as a result of redevelopment of an ordinary apartment.

In a one-room apartment, all rooms are separate, and their area is clearly divided into non-residential and residential areas. The living room from the bedroom, the nursery from the office, the kitchen from the hall must be separated by walls.

Differences between an apartment and a studio

In addition, there are other differences between a studio and an apartment. In the studio, the number of walls is always minimal. If the area of ​​the room is large, then it is possible to allocate a bedroom in the studio.

Most often, a studio is significantly smaller in size compared to a regular apartment. After all, such an apartment is intended to accommodate one, maximum two people. As a rule, studios are bought by people seeking privacy or engaged in some kind of creative activity.

In an ordinary apartment, several people can live, and the personal space of all of them is limited to different rooms.

An ordinary apartment can have several owners, which also differs from a studio apartment, which can only be owned by one person.

Housing without interior walls was borrowed from the West, where it has long been popular, although, first of all, it was designed for young people living in metropolitan areas. People in our country began to learn what a studio is relatively recently, in the last 10-15 years, when we began to build houses with a new layout. Many have already appreciated the benefits of such housing. How is it different? Description of housing.

What it is?

The main feature of the studio is the absence of interior walls and even partitions, and therefore the rooms and doors themselves. Of course, the bathroom is separated from the common space, but there are no boundaries between the hallway, kitchen, living room and bedroom. The fashion for this type of apartment also determines the fashion for their design.

Since a studio is still a rather original housing option, the owners try to approach the design of the premises responsibly, inviting a specialist. He develops a unique and recognizable style, which reflects the individuality of the owner and other family members.

Topic: “Studio apartment: what is it?” very extensive, it is quite difficult to fully cover the questions on it in one article, but we tried to collect the most popular ones.

Space zoning

When starting to decorate the interior of such an apartment, you first need to study the topic of how to properly zone the room. Every home has two most basic spaces: one for living, the other for preparing and eating food. This does not mean that we have forgotten about the bathroom and toilet; we will deliberately not talk about them as self-evident things that are in every apartment. If this is possible, then in the living space, instead of ordinary rooms, you need to allocate different zones: for receiving guests, a work area and a place for sleeping. And in the kitchen it would be appropriate to organize a dining area.

Zones in the absence of interior partitions must be divided visually. This is done by using different floor coverings, wall colors, multi-level ceilings, built-in furniture, designing wall niches or projections and using other techniques. For example, put ceramic tiles on the floor in the kitchen area, laminate in the reception area and carpet for the sitting area. Or paint the walls where the room should be one color, and another, contrasting color where the kitchen is planned. If this is implemented, then the studio is zoned correctly and the space looks harmonious.

In studios with a thoughtful interior, walls can meet. This means that they do not perform an interior function; rather, they are decorative. Most often, this role is played by skillfully designed screens, racks, columns, and furniture arranged in a special way.

How to organize lighting?

You may already know that one of the most advantageous approaches to zoning such housing is the use of different light sources.

Several large, noticeable chandeliers would be completely out of place here: when there are no rooms or interior walls, they will look strange. And if you are absolutely unable to refuse the main lamp in the ceiling, then it should be one and located in the very heart of the house. There may be several spotlights in the kitchen area, and in the sleeping area, where peace and comfort should reign, it is better to install a floor lamp or hang a sconce to get soft, subdued light.

In general, interior zoning with light is one of the most best ideas. Therefore, if you are renovating from scratch, take care of the wiring, sockets and switches in the right places first.

  • Where this is implemented, the studio apartment acquires its unique “face”.
  • Reception area - One large lamp, large ceiling chandelier
  • Recreation area - Floor lamp, sconces, spotlights
  • Entrance group - Spotlights

Kitchen - Local lighting of work areas and a bright lamp in the eating area

  • Differences between a studio and a one-room studio
  • Energy consumption for studio lighting is much less. Due to the absence of rooms, light spreads throughout the free space. This means you need to buy fewer light bulbs;
  • A traditional apartment has different acoustics. If you like to listen to music in surround sound, then it will be perceived better in the studio, as it will cover more space and will not encounter obstacles in the form of walls. The same applies to TV watchers;
  • The useful area in the studio is larger due to the absence of interior walls and the use of a corridor;

The studio space is more versatile and comfortable. When receiving guests, you can easily rearrange the furniture, and you will end up with a completely different apartment.

  • Advantages
  • This type of housing undoubtedly gives a feeling of space and freedom. This is especially suitable for people who do not like small rooms and enclosed spaces;
  • Do you like to gather large groups of friends? Not every house divided into rooms can do this, but a studio apartment can do this.

    What is the difference between a studio and an apartment?

    Much more people can fit in than in an apartment with an abundance of interior partitions. And, of course, it’s more convenient to serve food to the table in the studio;

  • With windows facing the sunny side, your home will always have a lot of natural light;
  • It is easier to make changes and update the interior of such an apartment. It is enough to change the wallpaper on one of the walls, and the whole room will sparkle with new colors;
  • In modern new buildings, a studio apartment costs less than other apartments, even cheaper than a traditional one with interior partitions.

Disadvantages of such housing

  • Obviously, it is impossible to be alone in such a space. If you do not live alone, and especially with children, this may cause problems;
  • Odors from the kitchen easily spread throughout the house. It will be necessary to take care of high-quality ventilation;
  • Drafts occur here much more often than in an ordinary apartment;
  • A studio is harder to sell if you're thinking about moving.

Is it possible to make a studio out of an ordinary apartment?

The answer to this question can be either positive or negative. It all depends on how many rooms and load-bearing walls there are inside the apartment. As you know, they cannot be demolished, otherwise the load on the other walls of the house will be disrupted, and it can easily collapse. Only partitions can be demolished. A specialist will help you distinguish between solid walls and partitions.

So, if you were wondering “studio apartment: what does it mean?”, we hope you got the answer. This is a very interesting way to organize your living space. But it is not suitable for every family. Taking into account all the pros and cons, you can choose the most optimal housing option for yourself.

It may seem that the status of residential premises and apartments is no different from each other, but from the point of view of legal status this is not the case. Each of these objects has a clear legal status established by law. Thus, Article 16 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which describes the types of residential premises, regulates the concept of an apartment. It is understood as a properly structurally separate room located in an apartment building, in which there is direct access to common areas. It may consist of one or more rooms, as well as other premises for auxiliary use, which are intended for the residents of the apartment to satisfy their daily household needs associated with living in such a structurally separate room.

In turn, Article 15 of the code explains which objects should be recognized as residential premises. To do this, it must be:

  • isolated;
  • had the status of a real estate object;
  • was suitable for permanent residence there.

In order for a premises to be considered suitable for habitation, it must meet numerous legal requirements to ensure the safety of the occupants. The concept of “residential premises” should be interpreted more broadly than the concept of “apartment”, since the latter is included in the former.

How does a studio differ from a one-room apartment?

Not every residential space is an apartment, but every apartment is a residential space. Among residential premises there are also “part of the house”, “house”, “part of the room” or “room”.

The transfer of ownership of an apartment also involves receiving a corresponding extract from the Unified State Register, which will officially reflect the type of ownership - “apartment”, but will not indicate the purpose of the land plot. There is no need for this because the apartment can only be located in an apartment building. This object, in turn, is located on land with the legal status of “Land of populated areas - multi-apartment residential building”. If the premises have the status of “apartment”, this already implies that all the permits necessary for communications, engineering systems and the like have already been obtained legally. Apartments can be alienated in accordance with the law, including to foreign citizens.

The “residential premises” status of a real estate property requires receiving two extracts from the Unified State Register. In the first, in the “type of ownership” section, the status of the object will be reflected - “residential premises”. The second extract includes data on all shares of co-owners land plot, on which the apartment building is located. The status of this land will be different in this case and will be called “Land of populated areas - for individual residential construction.” If a property is assigned this status, then foreign citizens will not be able to purchase it - this is prohibited by the current legislation of Russia. In this context, questions may arise:

  1. Were the technical conditions for connecting communications to the house met?
  2. In what year was the house officially put into operation and when was the construction work carried out?

Why are these questions important? Starting from September 1, 2015, regulations came into force establishing a ban on the construction of an apartment building on an individual residential construction site, as well as its transfer to the status of residential premises. Previously, development companies or individuals they often built apartment buildings on individual housing construction plots - this was beneficial for them, since the legislation allowed these possibilities. Properties built on individual housing construction allowed only three floors. The developer received permission to build a three-story house, after which, based on the reconstruction, he received permission for the entire facility - de-iure, it turned out to be legal. Accordingly, the developer became the legal owner of all premises and the building as a whole.

Technical supervision services were given the opportunity to carry out an inspection only before the building was put into operation. It would be reasonable to ask the question: how are those technical conditions for the behavior of communications, which are designed exclusively for an individual residential building, actually applied during construction? apartment building. After all, sewerage, gas supply, and water must be supplied to dozens of apartments. It’s simple - responsible development companies in the city of Adler receive real technical conditions corresponding to the actual number of apartments. Thus, there is no reason for those living in the apartments to worry about any issues.

So, if the houses were put into operation before the changes came into force on September 1, 2015, developers should not be afraid of hypothetical claims from the city administration. Premises that have been assigned the status of “residential” can be purchased without fear. However, there will be no reason for concern only if the correct technical conditions have been obtained for the object - this is the main thing.

With regard to other factors, there is no difference between “residential premises” and “apartment”. Real estate objects can equally be transferred into ownership, people can be registered in them, they can participate in the mortgage. The only drawback of “residential premises” is the prohibition on its alienation to foreign citizens.

It is popular about what are called studio apartments, what prevents the owner of such an apartment from remodeling, and how premises that are not very suitable for living are sold under the guise of affordable housing.

What is a studio apartment?

A studio apartment is a one-room apartment in which the living area is not divided by main walls into two or more rooms, but its area allows the owner, observing the rules and regulations, to carry out such a redevelopment by constructing interior partitions.

Studio apartment: what is it?

In other words, a studio apartment is an open-plan apartment in which the living area has two or more windows and the living area of ​​which is at least 24 square meters.

Today, both in the Russian and foreign real estate markets, offers for the sale of small-sized studio apartments or, as they are also called, economy-class studio apartments, also prevail. They have a combined bathroom, a balcony or loggia, a kitchen-living room and a corridor, most often not separated by a wall. The area of ​​such apartments often does not exceed 25 square meters, due to which they have a lower cost compared to one-room apartments.

There are often options for two-room studio apartments on sale. Although the sellers themselves interpret this definition as “two-room apartments with a kitchen-studio”, in fact these are one-room apartments with a kitchen-living room. In fact, this is just an advertising gimmick that helps sell non-residential space under the guise of an additional room. The area of ​​any type of kitchen is not included in the living area of ​​the apartment and is not taken into account when defining a “studio”. The same applies to “studio apartments” with three or more rooms.

According to the rules and regulations

In building codes and regulations Russian Federation The definition of a studio apartment is not fixed. Due to this construction companies they build “at their own discretion,” and buyers of studio apartments have many questions and problems. For example, regarding what minimum area a studio apartment should have and in what cases redevelopment can be done in it.

According to building codes and regulations (SNiP), the area of ​​a room in a one-room apartment must be at least 14 square meters, and the kitchen, according to the most “soft” rules, must be 5 square meters. According to sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN), it is not allowed to create an entrance to a room equipped with a toilet from the kitchen and living room. Therefore, a one-room apartment must have at least a living room, a kitchen, a corridor and a combined bathroom. All these rooms must be separated from each other by walls.

SNiP also states that living rooms and the kitchen must have at least one source of natural light (window), that the common room (living room) in a two- or more-room apartment must be at least 16 square meters, and the area of ​​the remaining rooms and kitchens - 8 or more square meters. So, in a two-room apartment, in addition to the kitchen, corridor, bathroom and rooms, there must be at least three windows - one window each for the rooms and the kitchen.

Thus, it is absurd to talk about a studio as an open-plan apartment if it has only one source of natural light or its total area is less than 25 square meters. It is simply impossible to make any redevelopment in such a room. Actually, the use of the term “studio apartment” in relation to such “free-use premises” is inappropriate, since studio apartments are characterized by an open layout.

For comparison

In the vast majority of studios, the only partitions in the apartment are the walls separating the bathroom from the rest of the apartment. In this case, the room, kitchen and corridor form a single space from which the entrance to the bathroom is arranged. Not only do you have to live in cramped conditions, but you also have to put up with dirt from the hallway, noise coming through the front door, smells wafting throughout the apartment when cooking, and disregard for generally accepted sanitary standards.

If we compare the cost per square meter in one-room apartments and the cost per square meter in studio apartments, then prices in Berdsk for the latter will be much higher. Thus, as of February 15, 2015, the average cost per square meter in studio apartments is slightly higher than 62,000 rubles, while the cost per square meter in one-room apartments is slightly lower than 54,500 rubles.

Obviously, a studio apartment has a lower cost compared to a one-room apartment only due to its small area and, with equal areas, is more likely to cost the buyer an order of magnitude more.

A studio apartment in the modern sense is no longer a type of living space with cramped conditions due to its small area and lack of partitions. Modern studio apartments have sufficient area for the comfortable organization of space free from obstacles.

This applies to newly designed apartments in new buildings, but there are also studios that are not particularly spacious in size, which, with skillful selection of design techniques for space zoning, can visually expand and become more functional. The layout of a one-room studio apartment must meet all the comfort and safety requirements for residential premises.

This is a living space with a separate entrance, in which only the bathroom space is isolated, and all other functional areas are located in one room - this is called an open plan.

Such housing is considered most comfortable for one or two people, and, as a temporary option, for a young couple with a child. Moreover, as the baby grows up, it is possible to remodel the apartment into a two-room one (see).

Once upon a time, such a layout was completely unclaimed; it was considered prestigious when each family member had his own room, and the studios were inhabited by people of creative specialties who needed spacious premises for work.

Small-family studio apartments were the same size as a dorm room, but already had the status of an apartment. One or two people could live in it.

Now the studio apartment has been elevated to the rank of prestigious housing, and its owners are considered progressive people who keep up with the times. Designers have unlimited possibilities for transforming and planning space.

Many traditional and ultra-modern styles feel comfortable in an open space, which is limited only by the outer walls of the room, everything else is limitless.

The price for such housing has a wide range - these can be large apartments in new buildings. They can be located on the top floors and occupy the entire area above the apartments below.

On the secondary market you can find options when studios are obtained by combining several small apartments or by remodeling an existing apartment consisting of several rooms.

You can often find an option when a studio apartment is created by demolishing the partition between the kitchen and the room in a one-room apartment and getting a more spacious living space.

How the idea originated

The studio housing format, although it did not come to us right away, was very much loved by many. Accordingly, such real estate is sold today with a bang. The reason is simple - the spacious dwelling is in no way reminiscent of the cubicle rooms everyone got in Soviet-built houses.

To better understand: a studio apartment - what it is, and where this idea came from, we suggest you familiarize yourself with some historical facts:

  • As usual, all creativity comes to us either from Europe or America. In this case, these continents were represented by the same person - the German architect Ludwig Mies Rohe, who left Nazi Germany in 1938 and moved to the United States, settling in Chicago.
  • Back in 1927, he designed a residential building with 3 floors, which differed from traditional houses in its free internal space, inside of which it was possible to create rooms or apartments of different sizes.
  • It contained fixed rooms only for bathrooms and kitchens, and the rest of the space was delimited only by mobile partitions. Mies Rohe continued to develop the idea of ​​an open plan when he found himself overseas.
  • He began to vigorously promote the idea of ​​​​designing universal buildings - simple in shape, and with maximally glazed walls. At the same time, he neglected the requirements of basic housing functionality, apparently without thinking about how to live in a studio apartment if it had not only transparent partitions, but also external walls.
  • Of course, all-glass houses have not come into widespread use, but the idea of ​​free space appealed to pragmatic Americans. Due to the absence of internal walls, housing was cheaper, therefore, when making a choice: a studio or an apartment - which is better, they preferred the first option.
  • At first, studios were budget housing, and a low price is always and everywhere a powerful sales incentive. However, today, if you ask any American what a studio apartment is, they will tell you that it is a premium apartment on two levels.

Usually in such apartments the ground floor space is zoned into a dining room with a kitchen and a living room. There are no internal walls here, and the delimitation of zones is carried out exclusively visually - using the colors and textures of finishing materials. On the second floor there are bedrooms, which are no longer simply zoned, but separated by blank partitions.

The difference between studios and remodeled apartments

It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised that in our country the studios turned out to be much smaller in area than in the West. According to their standards, a studio space that does not have an internal layout must have an area of ​​at least 40 m2 - that is, the bathroom and kitchen do not belong to it! The maximum area of ​​studio rooms usually does not exceed 110-120 m2.

  • Let's face it, for the majority of our compatriots, even those who are not poor, such dwellings are still something extraordinary today. What can we say about the era of communal apartments, small families and hotel-type hostels, which, by the way, still exist today. Apparently these are what people have in mind who, judging by queries on the Internet, are interested, for example, in the layout of a studio apartment from 15 m2.
  • Apparently, against the backdrop of apartments in Khrushchev’s houses, in which the designers managed to place a combined bathroom, kitchen, and even two rooms on just 36 square meters, such small areas do not raise any questions for anyone. But there are also options where the kitchen is combined with the hallway. What's it like?
  • Therefore, today the owners of such “apartments”, in order to somehow improve the functionality of their housing, are trying to do the opposite - to rid the inconvenient small-sized housing of partitions, getting one, more spacious room. At the same time, not knowing exactly which apartment can be converted into a studio, they sometimes only get themselves into trouble.
  • They are connected with the fact that not every partition can be demolished. If it is a load-bearing wall, no one will issue a permit. Well, apartment owners who did not apply for it at all will, at a minimum, never be able to sell their apartment. Otherwise, they will also pay a fine, plus they will be obliged to restore the structure.
  • However, through the efforts of domestic designers, who also need to earn their daily bread, studios are being created en masse on the basis of old small-sized apartments. You can see what a one-room studio apartment looks like in the Russian version, created, for example, from a so-called “lorry” in the photos presented above.
  • The name “one and a half”, in Soviet times, apartments with two rooms were purchased, the total area of ​​which barely exceeded the norm of 18 m2 per person established in those days. That is, the lorry did not reach the parameters of a two-room apartment, which, in theory, should have had at least 36 m2 of living space.
  • The rooms in them were a little larger than a six-meter kitchen - for example: one was 9 m2, and the other was 11 m2. These houses have not gone away, and people still live in them, many of whom are eager to turn them into something like a studio. However, this does not always give the desired effect.
  • In addition to the small area, the problem of such apartments is often low ceilings. A large room with a low ceiling looks disproportionate. In this case, it is impossible, for example, to install a suspended ceiling with built-in lamps, with the help of which it is so convenient to perform visual zoning.
  • When buying a home, how do you understand: is this a studio apartment in front of you, or a converted Khrushchev-era building? In principle, it is enough to look at the year the house was built. If this is the period from the 50s to the end of the 80s of the last century, then these are redesigned small-sized “one-room cars” and “one and a half trucks”.

Advice! Before choosing a studio apartment converted from a small family, you should study the documents very carefully: not only study the permission for redevelopment, but also check the compliance of the actual layout with the BTI drawings. At the same time, pay attention to whether anything from the list above has been done in the apartment.

What is redevelopment and why does it need to be approved?

Redevelopment of a residential premises involves the dismantling of existing wall structures or the construction of new partitions, which will entail changes in the configuration of the residential premises, which is reflected on the plan in the technical passport of the apartment (see).

When purchasing a studio apartment on the secondary market, which was previously an ordinary multi-room apartment, you need to make sure that it has gone through the redevelopment approval procedure, and based on this, changes have been made to the technical passport.

Documents confirming the legality of the work carried out are permission for redevelopment from the interdepartmental commission signed by its chairman and an act of acceptance of the work performed. Changes in the technical passport must correspond to the redevelopment project and the actual work performed.

If you own an apartment and want to turn it into a studio, you need to follow several steps:

  • Assess the possibility of redevelopment. To do this, you need to use the services of an architectural bureau, whose specialists will give an opinion on whether redevelopment is possible in a particular situation;
  • If redevelopment is possible, then you can order a redevelopment project from the same bureau, which will contain plans of the apartment “before” the redevelopment and “after”. This will be enough for the acceptance committee.
  • All other drawings - with the arrangement of furniture, with the distribution of functional areas and lighting - can be ordered upon request;

Important! Before ordering a project, it is recommended to find out the chances of approval of the redevelopment. Unscrupulous architectural firms can “draw” any project, but that’s where the matter ends, because it will not be possible to go through further authorities, although this was known from the beginning. Therefore, it is recommended to contact only highly qualified specialists.

  • Many companies offer turnkey redevelopment, which includes project development, approval, repair work and changes to the technical passport. It’s not cheap, but it will save a lot of time and nerves;
  • If you decide to go through all the authorities yourself, then after you have a redevelopment project in hand, it, along with the rest of the package of documents and an application for permission to redevelop, is submitted to the interdepartmental commission for consideration.
  • The result of this review will be approval or non-approval of the redevelopment according to the presented project;
  • If permission for redevelopment has been received, then repair work can begin. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly observe the current legislation regulating the time of noisy repair work on weekdays and weekends;
  • The next step will be to receive a certificate of completion of work and make changes to the technical passport of the apartment.

Having certain professional skills, you can independently complete a redevelopment project and submit it to the commission.

Important! Illegal redevelopment is fraught with negative technical and legal consequences.

If you do not comply with the current legislation regulating the procedure for approving and carrying out work on housing redevelopment, you may encounter the following negative consequences:

  • When demolishing load-bearing walls, which are prohibited from being touched, can damage the structure of the building as a whole, which can lead to tragic consequences, including the destruction of the structure;
  • Without permission for redevelopment, it will be impossible to make changes to the technical passport and sell the existing apartment;
  • The fact of detection of illegal redevelopment entails administrative punishment in the form of a large monetary fine and a commitment to rebuilding what has been destroyed. In case of damage to someone else's property or harm to health (in case of collapse of structures), the punishment may be criminal.

Therefore, all redevelopment work should be carried out only after its approval.

Important! In panel houses, demolition of walls is prohibited under current legislation, as this affects the load-bearing capacity of all wall structures of the building. Redevelopment will not be approved in dilapidated and old houses due to their poor technical condition.

Advantages of a studio apartment

Even at the stage of purchasing a studio apartment or making a decision to redevelop an existing multi-room apartment, it is worth weighing the pros and cons. It is also important to take into account the habits and preferences of all family members - whether they will be comfortable living in an open-plan environment.

The advantages of a studio apartment include the following:

  • If you plan to redevelop a small one-room apartment, then the option of combining space will increase the living space and make it more functional through proper zoning and the use of multifunctional furniture (see);
  • A studio apartment is ideal housing for young people who love meeting with friends and noisy parties;
  • For a person of a creative profession, there is the opportunity to organize a workspace right at home;
  • If there is a small child in the family, then an open plan will be a salvation for young parents - you can do housework or cook food, and at the same time look after the child;
  • The space of the apartment can be designed in a single style - the flight of imagination is limitless;

The comfort of moving around the apartment will significantly increase, even if it does not have a large area. The absence of partitions will give a feeling of freedom and light. The absence of doors will provide more free space.

The layout options for a studio apartment are shown in the photo below:

Disadvantages of a studio apartment

A studio apartment also has disadvantages, so you should evaluate your capabilities in this regard:

  • A studio apartment is not intended to accommodate more than two people. In this case, it risks turning from a comfortable modern living space into a banal communal apartment. Examples of studio apartment layouts are given below;
  • Redevelopment work entails significant financial costs, so you should be prepared for this and assess your capabilities in advance;
  • Not every person can live in an open space. This can be a problem even for two people living in a studio apartment. The lack of privacy and silence when a second family member wants to watch a football match will contribute to the accumulation of irritation, and will not lead to anything good.
  • In this case, there are sliding partitions that can keep the space open and provide the necessary level of privacy and silence when necessary. Below are shown the layout options for a studio-type apartment with the most open space, which not everyone will like;
  • Another significant drawback of a studio apartment lies in its advantage - it is combined with a living space and a kitchen. It should be noted that the kitchen in the studio does not involve daily cooking, since even the most powerful hood will not save you from food odors.
  • The noise from operating household appliances that a modern kitchen is equipped with can cause some discomfort, even if modern “silent” equipment is used;

The solution may be sliding partitions that will protect you from noise and smell.

  • Another nuance is that if the kitchen is maximally integrated into the living space, then it must be perfectly clean, otherwise the space will appear cluttered.
  • This problem concerns not only the kitchen, but the entire apartment as a whole. Therefore, in the living space it is necessary to use multifunctional furniture with transformation elements and built-in storage spaces.

Features of the layout of a studio apartment

The main rule when planning space is to leave as much free space as possible. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach the furnishings of the apartment. Furniture should be functional and necessary in each specific profile area (see).

It is competent functional zoning that will make the studio comfortable:

  • When arranging furniture, it is important to take into account the main routes of movement around the apartment and not block them;
  • If furniture with a transformation function is used, then it is necessary to provide free space that it will occupy when “disassembled”;
  • It is important to properly organize the lighting of the space - an individual lighting source should be provided for each zone;
  • When dividing functional areas by using different color schemes, it is important to maintain the overall style of the space.

Since the concept of a studio apartment is to combine all the main functional areas (sleep, rest, cooking and eating, receiving guests, workplace) in one space, their correct location relative to each other is necessary. There are several methods for zoning space, and each of them should be considered separately.

Cooking and eating area - kitchen

A podium with built-in storage areas for linen and things can be used as a sleeping place.

Relaxation and reception area

This area is located close to the kitchen and eating areas, and is represented by upholstered furniture in the form of a sofa and armchairs.

Depending on the area, the sofa can have a different shape - be semicircular, straight or angular. It is recommended to purchase a sofa with the function of transforming into a sleeping place, on which one of the family members or a guest can sleep.

A sofa in a studio apartment can divide the space into certain functional areas.

In the reception area, a mandatory piece of furniture is a coffee table with shelves for storing small items.

You can complement the reception area with bean bag chairs. This is a modern piece of furniture that has a number of advantages over standard options that take up a lot of space.

There are foam balls inside the chair. When sitting, the chair takes on the shape of the human body, thanks to their free movement inside the bag, so you will be comfortable sitting in any position. This chair is lightweight, which allows you to move it effortlessly to any place.

Another advantage of such furniture is that the bag chair consists of two covers - internal and external. The inner cover contains filling, and the outer cover is decorative, which can be removed for washing or changed depending on the wishes and requirements of the interior.

The recreation area can be highlighted by a suspended ceiling structure into which various light sources are mounted. The main lighting can be represented by a ceiling lamp in the center of the structure, and additional lighting can be in the form of built-in spotlights or LED lighting.

Important! The recreation area should be equipped with lighting of varying degrees of intensity.

The seating area can also be located on the podium.


A workplace in a studio apartment can be built into a niche or cabinet structure.

It can be located on a podium, under which there is a retractable berth.

It can also be installed under a loft bed.

Important! The location of the workplace is chosen as close as possible to the source of natural light - the window.

If a studio apartment has a balcony, then its space is most often used to create a work area:

  • The balcony space does not have a large area, but it is enough to accommodate a workplace;
  • The balcony has a lot of natural light;
  • This space has the necessary degree of privacy, when a person can work in silence or, conversely, staying up late and will not interfere with the rest of others.

Important! When combining living space and a balcony, you can increase the level of illumination in the room by installing a panoramic window system.


The hallway in a studio apartment should have a fence, even if it is conditional. This can be a translucent partition or a low structure with a table top. Dirt and dust enter the house from the street, so the materials in the hallway area must be resistant to dirt and frequent wet cleaning.

In the hallway area, you cannot do without a place to store seasonal clothes, so you can separate this area using a cabinet with a mirrored door, which will expand the resulting area. The flooring in the hallway may differ from that in the main living space.

Important! The hallway area should have an independent source of lighting in the form of a wall or ceiling lamp.

How to turn a studio into a one-room apartment

Sometimes a situation arises when it is necessary to redevelop a studio into a one-room apartment, or, if space allows, into a two-room apartment.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • The number of residents in a studio apartment may increase. If it is convenient to live in an open-plan apartment with a small child, then as he grows up he will need his own individual space;
  • You may want to allocate a separate space for the bedroom. In this case, you can leave the kitchen combined with the living room or also divide them into two separate rooms;
  • Redevelopment of a studio into a one-room apartment will forever solve the problem of noise and smell penetrating into the living space from the kitchen. Examples of studio apartment layouts after the construction of partitions are presented in the photo below;
  • By combining a loggia and living space, you can increase the usable area of ​​a one-room apartment;
  • Using the complex configuration of a studio apartment, you can create an interesting solution for the layout of a one-room apartment.

According to the configuration in terms of studio apartments, there are:

  • Narrow. They are elongated in plan and have one window.
  • Square. Such apartments may have two windows, which will allow redevelopment to form two living rooms.
  • Non-standard. This layout allows you to implement the most unexpected planning solutions.

A large studio apartment can be converted into a two- or three-room apartment.

Redevelopment of the studio during the construction of partitions will also require approval, since it will be necessary to make changes to the technical plan of the apartment. In this case, the norms of square meters per person must be taken into account.

If the partitions are temporary, then such redevelopment does not need to be approved. The work can be done with your own hands.

If desired, you can use sliding partitions, which do not require approval.

Coordination of work on the construction of partitions occurs in the same sequence as for their dismantling. Instructions are given above. The video in this article will tell you how to plan a studio apartment and make your dream come true.

A studio apartment is a new principle for arranging an apartment, most often a one-room apartment, which is quickly becoming in demand all over the world. Usually this is a small, cozy and self-sufficient apartment.

We can say that studios are apartments without extra walls, since their layout does not provide for limited spaces. Such apartments are chosen by newlyweds, bachelors or students, as their lifestyle fits perfectly into such a layout.


What it is?

A classic studio apartment differs from a 1-room apartment in that it is simultaneously a bedroom, living room, and kitchen area. The only room that is separated by a door in such a one-room apartment is the bathroom, which usually contains quite a lot of cabinets.

Some studios have a partition separating the sleeping area. In this case, the goal is to maintain some confidentiality for the owners in the event of guests.

For those apartments that do not have such a wall, it is possible to add sliding partitions separating different zones. Thus, a one-room apartment becomes a multi-purpose room, transforming to suit the needs and convenience of its residents.


Studio apartments have a very important difference - they charge lower utility bills than standard apartments, and accordingly, the cost of renting such apartments is lower. This is due to the fact that studio apartments are small in size and, therefore, their maintenance is more efficient. But the small size and limited space of such an apartment can also be called its main disadvantage.

In such an apartment there may be a problem with storing things, which can be solved by renting a small storage space in another location. Also, to store property, you need to choose the most spacious furniture, arrange things compactly and neatly, otherwise the space will look cluttered.


Types of layout

Today, the studio apartment is proof of the effectiveness of modern discoveries in interior design. It has become an experiment for those who want to make the most of minimal space through ingenuity, unique design and attention to detail.

A studio apartment differs from other types of apartments in that it is small in size; in fact, it consists of one main hall, which provides many functions for owners and guests. This makes it different from more spacious apartments that have separate rooms for sleeping, working or relaxing.


How to approach the studio layout depends on the owner and his lifestyle. Designers offer several geometric options:

  1. One of the layout options for a studio apartment is a large open space inside one square or rectangular room. This plan often involves placing the kitchen area opposite the front door. The kitchen area sometimes occupies the entire wall or only part of the area.
  2. Another layout option is to allocate space for the kitchen area in a separate recess, formed by installing an additional partition. This is a scheme with a smaller kitchen area, or a mini kitchen, sometimes with a smaller countertop or without some kitchen appliances.
  3. In some cases, there may not be a separate kitchen space at all; it is replaced by the presence of a bar counter and a microwave;


Numerous lamps, including floor lamps, help to ensure that a room divided into sections is light and spacious; as well as the presence of dim lighting zones.

Inside the studio apartment there are no clear boundaries of the residential areas; they smoothly flow into one another. There are usually four zoning directions (excluding the bathroom hidden behind the doors):

  1. Workplace;
  2. Kitchen area;
  3. Dining room - living area;
  4. Rest zone.

Modern new buildings are often designed taking into account the design of an apartment - studio. They provide beautiful studio apartments with a bay window and even something as exotic as a two-level studio apartment.

A similar two-tier apartment with high ceilings often has two bedrooms, a prominent window, a significant area of ​​the kitchen and living room, and a pronounced separation of other zones.

Small studio apartments in most cases are the result of reconstruction of ordinary housing, often rooms in a communal apartment. They are created by removing walls and partitions, as well as a complete redesign of a typical apartment.


An inexpensive studio apartment is usually a converted one-room or sometimes two-room apartment of a small area. Despite the fact that such apartments are becoming increasingly popular, in the Russian Federation there are no formal construction standards for planning studio apartments. It is only necessary to coordinate with the BTI authorities, the department of architecture and the Ministry of Emergency Situations and obtain permission for redevelopment.


In cases where two-bedroom apartments are converted into studios, it is important to keep a few aspects in mind. The alteration should not concern:

  1. Demolition of a load-bearing wall in order to create a one-room apartment;
  2. Reducing the area of ​​residential premises by more than 25% in order to increase the area of ​​the bathroom or kitchen;
  3. Relocation of the bathroom, in which it will be located above the living room of the neighbors below;
  4. Relocating risers or ventilation;
  5. Combining a sleeping area and a room with a gas stove;
  6. Increasing the area of ​​the loggia due to the area of ​​living rooms;
  7. Heating of the loggia due to general heating.


Advantages and disadvantages

The idea of ​​arranging a studio apartment arose initially among creative representatives of bohemia.

Despite the fact that these cozy apartments give their residents a lot of space and light, housing with such a layout was only suitable for newlyweds or bachelors. However, in last years housing of this format is often purchased by people engaged in careers and business, leading an active lifestyle, and therefore are at home minimal amount time. People of creative professions use such housing as a residence or workshop.

Young people associate the unlimited space of an apartment or studio with a feeling of freedom, while the older generation still prefers the classic division into rooms.


Many owners of such apartments are people of refined taste; they remodel their homes based not only on the requirements of fashion and functionality, but also in order to show their individuality by settling in a stylish and sophisticated home environment. Having visited such an apartment, you can better understand the character and tastes of its inhabitant.

A nuance of a studio apartment that can be considered a disadvantage is the lack of an entrance hall. For this reason, street dust and dirt easily enter the house, and the owners have to maintain cleanliness with special care. The solution to this problem can be to allocate a special place for the hallway, which will avoid this inconvenience.

Another feature that many consider to be an advantage of this layout: the kitchen and living room are combined within one living area. This is convenient during parties, when everything you need is “at hand,” but it is not always comfortable due to the kitchen smells that accompany preparing home-cooked food. In order to resolve this issue, you need to install good system ventilation. You can visually separate the kitchen space by raising the floor in this place, thereby the kitchen will appear as if on a podium.

The opposite option is also possible, when the floor in the kitchen area is slightly lowered, thereby emphasizing the primary importance of the living room.

The downside is that the bedroom in the studio apartment is on public display. In order to protect this area from prying eyes, you can use beautiful screens or furniture partitions. But thanks to the absence of corridors and extra walls, the usable area of ​​the home increases.


A plus is the openness of the room to sound waves, which can be used to create the unique acoustic atmosphere required by musicians. In addition, open space provides an opportunity to show off the most striking design solutions.

When creating the interior of a studio apartment, it is worth considering that all its elements must be in harmony, otherwise the room may look sloppy. Typically, this purpose requires the development of an individual design in each specific case.

Converting an ordinary apartment into a studio often involves demolishing walls with huge costs for dismantling and subsequent restoration work. The wiring and flooring need to be completely replaced. It is also necessary to redesign the lighting, adjust the water supply and redesign the sewerage system. Therefore, before starting work, you need to objectively assess your financial capabilities in relation to construction plans and renovation work.

If the goal of remodeling the premises in a studio apartment is to save living space, then it is better to think through all the costs in advance. Very often they exceed the difference between the cost of one-room and two-room apartments.

There are also obvious disadvantages of a studio apartment, although they are less pronounced. Such apartments are characterized by a lack of privacy, that is, a place where you can retire, which is inconvenient for married couples with children. The presence of a large dog is also undesirable. In such an apartment, all kinds of sounds and smells spread unhindered. In addition, if there is a balcony in such an apartment, drafts will interfere.

How to apply

The first step when decorating an apartment - studio is recommended to determine the location of the sleeping area and decide on the location of the bed. Then think about how to separate the sleeping area from the rest of the area.

The best option would be to enclose it with half a wall, and, if this is not possible, then use something like a Chinese screen made of reed or bamboo. You can create a decor from a heavy curtain across the entire width of the room to create a kind of sliding wall. To store things, it is advisable to use linen drawers built into the bed and install a cabinet.


Once the sleeping area has been defined, the next thing to do is create the living space. If you have a fireplace or large window, it is advisable to make it the focal point of the living room by grouping furniture around it.

Of course, first of all we are talking about a good quality sofa in light colors, for example, white or beige. Bright scattered pillows will give this sofa a cozy homey look.

This sofa would be paired perfectly with either a low table with storage drawers or a coffee table with a long metal table lamp that will add a warm glow to the room.


Floor-length mirrors installed on one of the walls of the living area will help to visually make the space more airy. You can group a series of abstract colorful paintings on the wall. To give the studio an avant-garde and chic look. Thanks to this design, the studio apartment will look more spacious.

If the apartment has a balcony, you can create a cozy corner on it with a table, a couple of chairs, flower pots and decorate it with a paper lantern.

As for the kitchen, it is better if it is open; this will give the space a laconic look. The best choice is to have a modular kitchen unit with a large number of cabinets, a built-in refrigerator and a washing machine. This will keep all your essentials out of sight. Separating the kitchen area from the living room can be achieved by painting the walls of the kitchen area in a darker color by choosing combined wallpaper for the apartment.

The arrangement of furniture should be such that there are no problems with movement in the presence of guests. Not only a small, but even a two-story studio apartment will benefit from the correct arrangement of furniture.

Minimalist furniture with clean and straight lines is encouraged. If you want to place something antique in such an apartment, with carvings and gilding, for example, a beautiful antique chair that you don’t want to part with, you should make it the central thing in the apartment.

Preferable pieces of furniture that perform a double function, for example, an ottoman with a built-in drawer for linen.

You should avoid using a large number of trinkets to decorate your studio apartment, as this can make it cluttered or give it a museum-like look.


Options for the most interesting design ideas

Some examples of style solutions for the interior of an apartment - studio.

Bright design solution in style "industrial modern": A chic velor sofa in the center of the living area creates a bright spot against the pastel wall and attracts the eye. Its color echoes the book storage rack and watercolors on the wall. The living wood-colored floor is made of laminate; the wood trim is repeated on the wall near the homemade wooden bar table.

The colors of wood, gold and salmon are repeated in the upholstery of the armchairs, small table and chairs by the window. The huge window has no curtains, but compensates for their absence with a charming view and a collection of knick-knacks on the windowsill. This room is the living room of a large two-story apartment - studio, the sleeping area of ​​which is located on the second floor. Living in such an apartment is convenient for a young couple in love.

Style "Provence" implies a large number of light-colored furniture, romantic voile curtains, sewing and ruffles on tablecloths and canopies. A full-length panoramic window gives such an apartment a fabulous and aristocratic look. This impression is enhanced by antique furniture and modern chests of drawers and sofas, made in an antique style. A stretch two-level ceiling emphasizes the airiness of the room.

A bright spot of color can be the upholstery of a sofa and armchairs, made of fabric in dark, practical tones. Such an apartment must have flowers, either fresh or in the form of engravings or prints on tapestries. A kitchen area in this style will look harmonious if the furniture is finished with natural veneer, the color of which echoes the shades of the wooden parts of the armchairs and sofa. A young romantic lady would choose this interior for living.

Style Description "loft" It’s worth starting with the presence of deliberately rough, unprocessed details in the interior, for example, tin ventilation pipes running under the ceiling of the apartment. The windows are darkened by blinds, the floor is usually wooden, or combined with tiles in the kitchen area. The modular kitchen is equipped with a granite or marble countertop, consistent in the overall color scheme, and is separated from the living area by a bar counter.

An additional accent is given to the kitchen space with the help of lighting. You can separate the kitchen wall by choosing suitable photo wallpaper. The sleeping area in this style is not blocked by anything, since the owner of the apartment is a person not limited by conventions. There is not much furniture; it is purely functional and does not pretend to be elegant. The living room is formed by a sofa, the fabric of which can be called practical rather than decorative. The walls are decorated with catchy and non-standard drawings, children's watercolors, possibly belonging to the owner of the apartment himself. This is a typically male apartment, unencumbered by decorations and small interior details.

Style "fusion" allows for a mixture of all kinds of directions and trends. The main thing is to stay within the bounds of reason, so as not to look ridiculous and tasteless. A brick section of the wall looks quite harmonious, next to which an antique sofa upholstered in plush and a table with a knitted tablecloth, set for a romantic dinner with candles, can be located. A ceiling with built-in lamps and a chandelier-fan quite appropriately echoes the black and white wallpaper in the kitchen area.

Heavy curtains on the windows harmonize the color scheme with an imitation fireplace and engravings on rough brick walls. The kitchen area can be designed in a practical “techno” style, the most convenient for maintaining cleanliness. The sleeping area in such an apartment usually looks very elegant, decorated in soft pastel colors and evokes romantic dreams. The newlyweds will choose a similar style; it will emphasize the individuality of each of them.

"Art Deco" can be called the most romantic and sophisticated style in modern design. In the twentieth century, it became synonymous with glamor and luxury in decoration. A handmade bed made of solid wood, an antique chest of drawers and a carved table allow the owner of such an apartment to feel like a real Parisian. A sofa and armchair, purchased from a thrift store, covered with the patina of time, emphasize the atmosphere of antiquity and mystery. The French windows are decorated with pots of flowers and blinds.

A romantic plasterboard arch separates the kitchen area from the living room. The furniture in the kitchen consists of numerous shelves, shelves and cabinets; it is deliberately shabby and equipped with beautiful curly handles. To equip a studio apartment like this, you need to put a lot of time and effort into choosing decorative elements and furniture carefully and with soul. An apartment for a true bohemian, sensitive to guest reviews and ratings.

Whatever style you use when creating your individual nest, be sure to adhere to the golden rule that says: “less is always more” when decorating a studio apartment.

By purchasing new housing, future owners are interested in it characteristics and parameters.

Before you buy studio apartment, find out what it is and whether you will be comfortable in this type of room.

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Studio apartment – ​​what is it?

Many have heard the name “studio”, but not everyone knows what is an apartment of this type and where did such an unusual layout come from.


Name "Studio" came to us from the West. Similar apartments appeared in USA about a hundred years ago.

The founders of the trend were the group architects.

As a result, it appeared space without standard internal layout. It was breakthrough in architecture. There was no longer a division into separate rooms, which allowed the owners of the apartment to create.

The main idea is the construction of premises using load-bearing floors only along the perimeter of the building.

The role of walls made original screens, partitions and furniture. People appreciated this interesting layout creative professions and representatives elites. Here you could create workshop, conduct parties or live young family.

The main advantage is a lot of space, the ability to change the environment at your discretion.


Usually these are apartments, initially not having a large area. Represent clean space, without unnecessary walls.

This means there is a need divide it into zones: rest, bedroom, kitchen.

More often the kitchen is combined with the living room.

The result is a comfortable, multifunctional space. If the area allows, then allocate and other zones– work, play, for receiving guests.

Since the apartment has no walls and doors between zones, it is necessary to arrange a transition between them smoothly, so that there is no sharp contrast, and the area represents single ensemble.

What does it look like?

Upon entering the studio apartment, you will immediately understand where you are. In front of you space, where they stand out clearly different zones.

On a large area no doors, but for convenience they can be supplied partitions, screens or curtains.

This is especially important when they live in an apartment several people. You see right away kitchen, a stand by which it is usually demarcated from other zones.

The only door can lead to bathroom, but it is also small in size.

Features of layout and interior

The layout is different freedom of style, lack of boundaries And creative approach. It is important to take into account the characteristics and interests of residents.

Most often the following zones are distinguished:

  • dining room, or kitchen;
  • the place where the bed is located;
  • working;
  • for relax.

Division may be square or rectangular, depends on the size and type of room.

Furniture can be installed anywhere, even in the middle can be installed, thereby creating space for relaxation.

To delimit zones use:

  1. floor of different heights;
  2. color variety;
  3. arranging furniture in a certain way.

Moving into a new studio, the owners of the premises have the opportunity to express own fantasy. Having a small area, you can organize the space competently and comfortably.

An example of a layout for a studio apartment. Click to enlarge.

Who is it suitable for?

A studio apartment is more suitable for lonely people. They will feel good here and creative people who want to organize their living space in the most unusual and at the same time cozy way.

If you love a lot of air, space and can’t stand small, enclosed rooms with many doors, then a studio apartment is also for you.

She will also fit young couple, especially if the size of the room allows you to select several zones.

For family, where there are children, this type of housing will not be entirely convenient, because children need a separate room.

Exception - family with a baby, where the child’s crib is usually installed close to the parents.

Aged people Also Fine they will feel themselves in the studio.

If people of different generations live in an apartment, then this type of room is inconvenient - there will be no personal space.

A studio apartment is often chosen as a resort option.

What is the difference between a studio and an apartment?

What are the main differences between an ordinary apartment and a studio:

For lovers of variety, the studio has another important feature - the ability to easily change the interior and layout of the apartment if the old design and arrangement of furniture gets boring.

Cost of studio apartments

The price depends on many parameters: taken into account square, area, Availability repairs: is it regular or euro version, .

Many new buildings now offer a similar layout, suggesting that residents organize their own living space. this one good way to save money on purchasing housing.

It is noted that in many cases studio is more expensive than ordinary housing. This is explained by the fact that it is often distinguished as elite real estate.

In a small apartment the cost per square meter is traditionally higher, since such housing is used increased demand.

An example of an elite class studio apartment. Click on photo to enlarge

An example of a studio apartment with a simple renovation.

If you have purchased a studio, then the question immediately arises: proper arrangement. There must be space comfortable for living.


If the room is small, use functional furniture. Often for such apartments it is chosen bed on the podium. A more functional option - wall folding bed, which is removed during the day and frees up space.

Will fit in well small sofas, which can be converted into a full-size bed. Wardrobes it is more convenient in such an apartment than with classic doors.

They will find their place in the recreation area frameless chairs And low tables.

An example of a successful solution for saving space in an apartment: a built-in bed. Click to enlarge.

Color spectrum

Various colors are acceptable for the studio, but they should not turn into motley, tiring vision. Most comfortable beige, light green shades, combination gray and black, beige and brown.

One of the zones can be made brighter.

Design solutions

Will help increase the perception of space glass And mirror partitions.

kitchen will separate it from the rest of the space rack. It will also become a place for preparing and eating food.

Most convenient for the studio built-in household appliances. You should definitely install a hood above the hob, otherwise the aromas of food will spread throughout the entire area.

They are used as zoning and decorative elements. houseplants – large in tubs or climbing, creating a green wall.

Kitchen design in a studio apartment:


Suitable for studio minimalist design, since you need to save maximum usable space.

Looks interesting high tech– a combination of metal, glass, modern furniture and appliances.

Unusual and pleasant Scandinavian style– light shades, wooden surfaces.

For creative people suitable studio style loft– brick, concrete walls, beams, plank or concrete floors.

An example of studio design in high-tech style. Click to enlarge.

Advantages and disadvantages

When planning to purchase a studio, it is worth assessing the pros and cons of this option.

Positive aspects of the apartment:

  1. A lot of space;
  2. good acoustics, ideal for parties;
  3. a lot of light;
  4. there are no problems typical for small rooms - cramped rooms, corners, narrow corridors;
  5. minimum distances between the kitchen, bedroom, work and rest areas;
  6. TV, computer, acoustic system can be installed in a single copy, and not have for each room;
  7. interesting opportunities for design and redevelopment.

However, studio apartments also have minuses. If in the West they refer to low-budget housing, then here we have to invest in redevelopment and design.

Main disadvantages:

  • a maximum of two people can live comfortably, but still it is more suitable for one;
  • , not all apartments are allowed to demolish main walls to create a studio;
  • bathrooms in such apartments are small, often you have to limit yourself to only a shower;
  • since there is no partition between the room and the kitchen, this contributes to the spread of odors and noise.

Thus, Studio– comfortable housing for one or two people who do not like restrictions and prefer maximum usable space and light.

To learn how to renovate a studio apartment correctly and beautifully, watch the video: