Potato - Hans Christian Andersen. Extracurricular event: a fairy tale about potatoes A fairy tale about potatoes in traditions

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A short story about how potatoes took root among the people. For a long time, people did not understand how to cook it, they ate it raw or expected that a huge tree would grow from the tuber...

Potato read

“A good man must be honored someday,” said the grandmother. - Well, at least take some potatoes; She would have told a lot if she could speak! Indeed, for many years, potatoes were not valued at all. Even pastors in church sermons said that it was given to us for joy and benefit, but it was all in vain: the people did not believe it. The kings themselves distributed potato tubers to people - let them plant them in the ground. Did anyone plant them?

Yes, even in Prussia, there was a great king, nicknamed Old Fritz; He was a great guy, and he also took on the potatoes.

He donated a whole cartload of potatoes to one of the cities in his kingdom and ordered the drums to be beaten to call all the townspeople to the square. Not just anyone, but the city fathers showed the people strange tubers and loudly taught them how to plant potatoes, how to grow them and how to cook them.

What's the point: it went in one ear and came out the other. People still didn’t understand what they were being told, and began to taste the raw potatoes. “Ugh, how disgusting!” - they said and threw the potatoes into the gutter, and saw with their own eyes that even the dogs disdained them. There were also those who tried to plant potatoes: some buried the potatoes away from each other and began to wait for trees to grow from them and they could harvest the fruits.

Others threw them into one large hole, where the tubers stuck together and yielded tops. The next year the king had to start all over again, and a lot of water passed under the bridge before people realized what they had to do.
- And it was like that everywhere! Potatoes, this best of the fruits given to us people, were not considered anything at all,” said the grandmother. - But now he has no price! Today he was recognized. Let all good things be honored someday! It has often happened to me to see how difficult it is for people in the world; and every time I remembered the potatoes and my grandmother’s words.

Published by: Mishka 24.01.2018 12:50 24.05.2019

Potato's stubbornness knew no bounds.

“I don’t want to live in a warm bag,” Potato once said, and jumped out.

Where are you going? - shouted the rest of the potatoes. This is your place!

No,” Potato answered firmly. - Not here. Your place is good, but cramped. I'll go look for a new Home.

And Potato walked through the fields, over the hills, and through the lowlands.

Came to the Carrot Field. Carrots dance in circles, weave green braids, and invite potatoes to live with them. Potatoes settled among Carrots. He was attracted by the orange and cheerful life. But he couldn’t stand such a life and said goodbye to Carrots.

Where and why are you going? - Carrot screamed.

It's good for you, but this is not my place. I'm not a carrot to braid.

And what do you want? - asked Carrots.

Apparently its own, potato something. I like my color better, and I like tumbling more than dancing in circles.

“So do all this with us,” Carrots asked.

“One is bored, and you are not interested either,” said Potato, and moved on.

How stubborn! - Carrots shouted, and again formed a round dance.

Potatoes are walking through fragrant meadows, between white birches and curly rowan trees.

Suddenly, on the way, he met the White Goib family. There are mushrooms standing by the tall grass, their noble caps shining, their round sides twirling.

Potatoes lived among the mushrooms. There were some things he liked. The sun is shining - the mushrooms are telling tales to each other, the rain is pouring - they are covering themselves with dry leaves.

And then, Potato didn’t like it anymore and got ready to leave.

Where? Why? - Mushrooms ask.

I want to write my own fairy tales and live a potato life.

So tell us your fairy tales.

And you only know how to listen to mushroom tales.

Potato traveled for a long time. I visited many interesting places and learned a lot.

And when he came to the potato field, where the potatoes were tumbling and writing fairy tales, he immediately realized that the most interesting thing for him was that he would live here! And he stayed. But is it forever? I think he himself doesn’t know this yet...

© Copyright: Anastasia Unpeleva, 2011

Photo from blogs.guardian.co.uk There was quite a commotion in the cellar. The vegetables were discussing the latest news.

Today the owner has built a tiny nook in the coziest corner of the cellar. Then he poured something from a bucket into it, saying:

Oh, you are my golden one! My potato! I suffered without supervision. You are my steadfast one! Precious treasure!

When the cellar door closed, the vegetables, without saying a word, looked into the small branch.

There were several dozen medium-sized white and yellow potatoes, about half a bucket, lying there.

Ugh! - Said the selected Potato. - An inconspicuous little thing, few in number... And why did the owner fuss with it like that? Today he didn’t even look in my direction with delight, as usual! It's as if I'm not even in the basement...

And don't talk, girlfriend! - Seed Potato echoed her. - Something is wrong with the Master today. He didn’t even caress me with a satisfied look...

Slender, bright carrot said:

Well, no skin, no face. Fi!

The sedate Zucchini chuckled:

He didn’t even smile at us... He didn’t stroke our pot-bellied sides...

The solid, rosy-burgundy Beet sighed:

Oh! And why is this such honor and respect for the rootless brethren?

All the vegetables have recently moved into the cellar for the winter. The owner arranged a comfortable, dry and cozy place for each of them. He carefully scattered them and laid them down.

The vegetables have already become friends. We had leisurely conversations. And then suddenly these strangers appeared. No one saw them in the garden. Where are they from?

And the newcomers became quiet. They were a little frightened by the inhospitability of the inhabitants of the cellar. But just a little... Potatoes knew how to stand up for themselves. They again remembered their childhood, their difficult growth.

Here is how it was. This spring, the Owner put potatoes into bags for planting and took them on a horse-drawn cart to a potato field called the estate. A hole appeared in one bag and three small potatoes rolled out onto the cart. And when the owner was leaving the field, the cart wheel fell into a hole. The potatoes jumped up and ended up in the grass behind the burdocks not far from the estate.

They heard how the Master carefully planted their relatives in the ground so that they would grow up and give birth to large potato offspring.

But no one noticed the three poor things. But they knew that they needed to germinate and have small nodules. This is what they were born for. Looking around, the little ones saw a small depression in the ground and, helping each other, rolled into it. They lay down side by side and hid.

The days dragged on. Grass was rampant around, Burdock and Nettle were growing.

They were the masters here. They were strong and resilient, survived on their own and did not need the help of the Master.

The Potatoes were strangers here and often heard ridicule addressed to them:

Well, sissies, is it hard without care and attention? We spend our entire lives making our own way. And when our seed is brought to the field and it grows there, the Owner mercilessly uproots us so that your relatives can live calmly and joyfully. Calls us insultingly weeds. We won’t touch you, you yourself will die. Give it to you greenhouse conditions! Ha ha ha!

It wasn't easy for the potatoes. But they did not despair and supported each other. They were together.

When it rained, the drops bounced off the Burdock leaves and fell on the potatoes. The wind slowly deposited soil on them... Gradually, the potatoes nestled comfortably in the ground and began to sprout. Tender pale shoots emerged in three places above the surface.

The sun warmed weakly through the leaves of Burdock and Nettle, but every ray of it was great joy and hope! Life went on. It was insulting and bitter to hear the voice of the Owner, who was caring for their relatives. He dug them up and pulled out the weeds in a timely manner.

The potatoes didn't give up. Three persistent girlfriends ate together and blossomed among the thickets of Grass. They gave birth to little nodules that needed to be taken care of.

The babies turned out to be so agile and resilient, they were so happy to be born that even Burdock grew older and folded his huge leaves so that the radiant sun could caress the nodules to the fullest.

So the summer flew by. Potato harvesting has begun on the estate. Each potato was dug out of the ground by the warm and kind hands of the Owner, carefully placed in a basket and taken to a cozy place in the basement. The owner was pleased with the good harvest.

How worried the three potatoes were that their healthy and hardy potato offspring would remain in the ground. It will not feel the warmth of human hands, will not meet its relatives and will die in the winter. What should I do?

But salvation came unexpectedly. At the end of the work, the owner organized a party for his children. I lit a fire to bake some potatoes.

Meanwhile, the children were playing with a ball in the meadow. The ball rolled and hit Burdock. The owner's daughter ran up to get the toy and saw potato bushes. She screamed loudly and cheerfully:

Dad, dad! I found a treasure!

The father came up and, smiling, said:

Let's dig up the treasure! Bring a shovel and bucket.

The owner carefully and with great pleasure dug up three bushes. There weren't that many potatoes, but they were surprisingly healthy, smooth and somehow cheerful.

We will definitely plant it next year. This is a very manly potato. And it looks like our favorite potato! Looks like I got here by accident during landing.

This is how the potatoes ended up in the cellar.

The next day, the owner went into the basement again. It seemed to him that the vegetables were somehow different. The selected Potatoes lay listlessly in a heap, the seed Potatoes were also sad. Zucchini's side did not shine. The fashionable Carrot somehow faded, the important Beet was not so rosy. Potato was completely scared...

The owner affectionately addressed Potato:

My girlfriend! You support the bread. For me - the second loaf of bread! I can't live without you!

And without you, sweet and rosy queen, I cannot live. My hostess makes such delicious borscht. And how we love vinaigrette! - He said to Beet.

Then he turned to Carrot:

You are my joyful and delicious beauty. They say about you “carrots make you bleed.” Carrot, the children love you very much!

The owner approached Zucchini, stroked him and smiled:

And to you, my strong fellow, I take off my hat. Your sun-filled barrel is so useful! We really need you too.

And now I want to introduce you all to our guests.

They are not guests at all. And our real Potato. Heroic, persistent.

The owner told the whole friendly vegetable family the story of three potatoes.

The basement was delighted. The vegetables apologized for their discourtesy.

The vegetable choir sang with joy:

Welcome, dear guests, to our cozy home!

The owner was pleased that peace reigned again. Now the vegetables will winter together as a friendly family.

At home at the table the owner never tires of repeating:

He who makes friends with vegetables every day lives long and does not bother!

This is how the story happened!

Skazka potatoes are a medium-ripening table variety. Scientists from the Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture "Belogorka" together with employees from the Breeding Company "Liga" LLC worked on the creation of the Fairy Tale.

In 2004, the Fairy Tale was accepted into the State Register of the Russian Federation and classified into three regions:

  1. Srednevolzhsky.
  2. Uralsk.
  3. Far Eastern.

In the article you will learn a description of the variety, the correct planting and care techniques, and see photos and reviews from gardeners who have practical experience with the Skazka variety.

Description of tubers

Harvest ripening occurs 70-90 days after planting. Medium-sized tubers - from 70 to 130 g. Shell white. The flesh is the same shade. There are eyes of medium depth on the surface. Painted in a dark pink shade.

The percentage of starch content varies between 14-17%. Potatoes are universal, suitable for making soups, salads, frying and boiling. When peeled and heat treated, the pulp does not change its color.

Characteristics of the bush

The bush has a well-developed structure. It is tall, up to 70 cm, has succulent leaves and shoots. The leaves are bright green. It blooms in small inflorescences, 5-6 flowers of a lilac hue.


The variety is high-yielding. One bush can produce up to 30 medium-sized potatoes. On an industrial scale, it is possible to achieve yields of 300-400 centners per hectare.

Harvest shelf life indicators are 91%.

Tubers do not require special care when growing. Also, the variety is protected from most viral diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Skazka potato has a number of advantages. Among the main ones it is worth noting:

  1. High yields.
  2. Strong immunity that protects the crop from most fungal diseases.
  3. Easy to care for.
  4. Long shelf life.
  5. High commercial quality.
  6. Good taste.

At the same time, it also has its negative sides. Among them:

  1. The presence of relatively deep eyes, which makes cleaning the tubers much more difficult.
  2. A tall and spreading bush of tops makes it difficult to care for the crop.

Growing Tales

Preparations for planting begin in the fall, at the time of harvest. Then “elite” tubers are selected, which in the future will become planting material. Basic requirements for seed material:

  1. The tubers should be medium in size, about 60-70 cm. This is the standard. You can, of course, cut the potatoes into pieces, but experts recommend planting whole tubers.
  2. Root crops should not have any defects: rot on the surface, ulcers, insect tunnels, etc.
  3. 3-4 weeks before planting, it is advisable to remove the tubers from their storage location and germinate them.

The Skazka variety will produce the best yields in chernozems, sandy loam or loamy soils. It is ideal if crop rotation is observed and legumes, cabbage or cucumbers were previously grown on the planted area.

The site is being prepared in the fall. After harvesting, the soil is cleared of weeds. Then fertilizers (humus) are applied at the rate of half a bucket per 1 m2. After fertilizing, the soil is plowed/dug up.

Planting is carried out in early May, when the soil temperature rises to +8-9 degrees Celsius. The depth of planting potatoes depends on the type of soil on the site. If the soil is light sandy loam, then holes are made up to 10-15 cm. If the soil is heavy, then holes are dug no more than 5 cm.

The distance between the holes is maintained at least 25 cm, but preferably 30-40 cm. Row spacing is 60-70 cm. Such a large distance between rows is necessary for several reasons:

  1. Thanks to the large distance, the bushes will be ventilated and well lit.
  2. In the future it will be easier to hill up rows.

Cultivation care

Caring for potatoes The fairy tale lies in hilling and irrigation.

Hilling up means moving soil from the rows to the crop bush. Additional stolons appear on the ridge formed by the soil, on which new tubers are formed. Thus, hilling not only helps to clear the garden of weeds and loosen the soil, but also increases the yield by 20-30%.

The first time potatoes are hilled 12-15 days after the first appearance of sprouts. By this time, the tops will have grown by 20-25 cm. The second hilling is carried out 3 weeks after the first.

The Skazka potato is a moisture-loving variety. But in any case, you should not neglect watering, since an abundance of water can only harm the future harvest.

  1. The first watering is carried out when the tops have become 10-12 cm. Earlier watering is not recommended.
  2. The second watering is when the inflorescences appear.
  3. The third is when they disappear.

Watering nuances:

  1. If climatic conditions unfavorable (drought), then the amount of watering is increased.
  2. It is not recommended to water the bushes after flowering, since this period occurs at the peak of late blight activity, and moisture, as is known, is an ideal environment for its development.


Harvesting takes place in early autumn. A week before the planned harvest, the tops are mowed to protect the crop from the development of diseases and to allow the root crops to “ripen”.

Dug up tubers cannot be immediately placed in the cellar. They need to be dried for 5-6 hours in the fresh air. After drying, the tubers are sorted, removing damaged or infected tubers. After sorting, the potatoes can be transferred to a permanent storage location.


The main diseases that the Skazka variety may encounter are:

  1. Late blight.
  2. L-virus.
  3. Rhizoctoniosis (black scab).

Late blight

When a crop is affected by this disease, yellowing of the leaves and the appearance of dark spots on the root crops are noted. An infected crop loses at least 10% of its total yield.

The main preventive measure is selection seed material.


The first sign of this disease is curling of the leaves. The carrier of the disease is aphids.

We recommend reading: " "

Preventive measures include selecting high-quality seed material and destroying aphids.

Black scab

When this disease manifests itself, netted spots appear on the tubers, the stem becomes thin, and the plant begins to slow down in development. A crop affected by the disease loses from 10 to 40% of its yield.

The main preventive measure is compliance with crop rotation and selection of high-quality planting material.

GBOU RME "Nartas special (correctional)

secondary school - boarding school for students,

pupils with disabilities of type VIII"

A tale about potatoes

(CTD dedicated to the holiday

Harvest in 5th grade)

Developed and conducted by: Petrova S.T.,


village Narthas

K.T.D. "Fairytale map of Russia", dedicated to the year of Russian history (traditional Harvest holiday).

A fairy tale about potatoes.


Formation of a positive attitude towards work.


  1. Development of creative abilities and sustainable interest in mastering technologies for growing agricultural products.
  2. Promoting moral and aesthetic education.
  3. Formation of a common environmental culture. Revival of the cultural heritage of Russia.
  4. Development of communication skills, joint activities of students with teachers in preparing and holding the holiday.
  5. Acquaintance with the properties of potatoes, determining its benefits and importance for human health.


1 - part of the hall --- Baba Yaga's domain; 2 – part of the people’s home;

(There is a plate with toadstools and fly agarics on the table);Tray with potatoes;

Tray with potato dishes.

Characters:Baba - Yaga, Leshy, Koschey, Serpent - Gorynych, Jacket Potato, people.

1 Vedas: As from childhood, we all love fairy tales.

Adventures, miracles.

In them, goodness tears off its masks,

Beauty wins in them.

2 Vedas: The reality of fairy-tale worlds,

Are you ready to enjoy?

And so attention friends,

You can't miss this.

Presenters: One-two-three---Open the doors!

1 Scene: Domain of Baba-Yaga

1 Vedas: In some kingdom

In some state

Where there is a forest or taiga,

There is a Yaga everywhere,

And here is our Yaga,

From the city of Yaroslavl(Baba Yaga enters followed by Koschey).

2 Vedas: And with her Koschey - the Immortal

Grandma's devoted servant.

She is friends with the devils,(Leshy enters)

On horseback and on foot,

And always hungry

Swamp witches.

1 Vedas : Baba Yaga sits eating her fly agarics and toadstools (to the music) and winces.

Baba Yaga: Eww, what a food, it’s impossible to eat at all (pushes the plate away)

2 Vedas: Baba Yaga spent a whole month in bed.

Sickness and illness overcame her.

B-i: Oh, poor me! (Yaga sighs)

My bone leg is aching,

Fingers don't bend

The back shoots

I need a doctor

I'm weak and sick!

Oh-oh-oh absolutely

My health is bad.

But I'm still young,

I'm only 300 years old.

Goblin: Hey, you're a darling, my old lady.

Why are you complaining so much?

B-Y: Oh, chavoy, I feel bad!

Do you hear? I felt a crunch in my back.

And Koscheyushka stopped helping,

Maybe call him...

(takes out phone and rings)

Lesh: Look, Koscheyushka is in a hurry

Snake-Gorynych urges him on.(Snake and Koshchei fly up)

Serpent-Horus: W-w-w-w-w What happened? W-w-w-w-w.

B-Y: You Gorynych, don’t buzz, it’s better to do your service.

Koschey and the Serpent: Soooo, we are ready to help! Tell me what you need?

B-Y: Far, far away, there - Where the sun shines all year round, birds sing, gardens bloom, people grow vegetables together. I've heard that it helps with diseases and illnesses. I want you to deliver this overseas vegetable to me.

Koschey: Okay, we'll deliver the vegetable. Get ready for the journey Gorynych!

Serpent: Well, let's fly. (addresses Koshchei - Fly away …….Fly around the earth).

Serpent: Look, Koschey, this is the land I need to land.

Koschey: We landed on the field over there. Let's listen to the people what they say about this miracle vegetable(Having arrived, they stand on the side of the dwelling).

Scene 2 - People's Dwelling:

1 Vedas: This time there will be a story

About the one who has six eyes,

And sometimes seven and five,

About the one who slept sweetly through the winter,

Climbing into the basement in the fall.

About the one who comes to our kitchen

In the spring I brought it myself.

About the one whose strange eyes

They grew day by day.

About someone who knew me

But he didn't see me.

Think a little

What is this? (potato).

2 Vedas: It had royal properties:

She managed to feed the people.

In a word, our speech is about

How the potatoes came into the house!

About all properties, about care

About working in the garden.

About crafts delicious food,

It wouldn't hurt for everyone to know.

1 hour: Potatoes interesting story. It was brought to Europe from South America, traveled for a long time from country to country as a strange plant.

2 hours: At first, poisonous berries were eaten instead of tubers and people died, so the potato was called the “Devil's Apple.”

3 hours: The first bag of potatoes was sent to Russia from Holland by Peter I

4 hours: Now potatoes are one of the most famous crops.

1 Vedas: Among vegetables, potatoes hold one of the first places in terms of vitamin content. It contains vitamin C, vitamin group B, fiber, organic matter.

2Ved: Therefore, it is used in medicine and included in the diet for treatment.of cardio-vascular system, kidney, and the juice of raw tubers will heal stomach .

1 hour: Potatoes are good in all forms; they should not be overcooked or overcooked.

2 hours: Potatoes are considered the second bread; more than one breakfast, lunch, or dinner cannot be done without it.

3 hours: It also serves as feed for livestock.

4 hours: It is grown on all farms in our Republic.

Koschey and the Serpent: How is this miracle - a vegetable grown?


  1. Buried in the ground in May

And they didn’t take it out for a hundred days,

And they started digging in the fall

Ten were taken out of the ground.

  1. She's in the rain, she's in the heat

Hides tubers underground.

You will pull the tubers into the light

Here's breakfast and lunch.

  1. We have a big family -

You won't drink milk.

Have time to take a spoon

To eat potatoes.

  1. Although it’s not decent to boast

But we must tell you

Without potatoes, excellent

Don't eat, don't dance.

Koschey: This vegetable suits us, Yaga will be glad to see us.

People: - We give you this miracle.

Stay well fed and healthy.

It's starchy, juicy, and simply delicious.

All: - And necessary for life.

Grow, breed.

Serpent and Koschey: Thank you for the vegetable, we’ll fly to Yaroslavl and we’ll cure Yaga (After thanking, they fly away…….. fly into the possession of B-Ya).

Scene 3 - Baba Yaga's domain:

Koschey: Here is Baba Yaga, we brought you the “Devil’s Apple”, the task is completed.

Serpent: This strange overseas vegetable is very healthy.

B-Y: Damn apple? What the hell is this?

Serpent: No, not from the devil, but from people.

Koschey: And they called it that because people die from the berries. Look, just eat the tubers, people call them potatoes.

Potato entry.

B-Y: Yes - who is this?

Potato: Who is this? I'm a potato.

I'm the only one in the world

Not just boiled, but in its uniform.

B-Y: Here they served, here they made friends. I am so glad. I’ll start growing and breeding potatoes and eating them. To improve my health, I want to be beautiful, forever young.

1 Vedas: Out of joy when Baba Yaga recovered, she baked and fried many potato dishes: Dumplings with potatoes are ready for Zhenya, and ruddy pancakes for Tolya, Kolya, and Yulia, and jacket potatoes for Adele and Daniil, and baked potatoes for Sasha and Pasha , and for Kristinochka fried potatoes.

2Ved: Well, for all of you, friends, pies with potatoes. I fell in love with potatoes, it’s Baba Yaga, I ate them myself, praised them, and shared them with everyone. This is how potatoes became famous in Yaga’s possession.

All: People have known for a long time that tastier than potatoes No!! (Everyone stands in a row.)

That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened.