Intellectual and educational game "wheel of history". Intellectual game "Patriots of the Fatherland" methodological development (8th grade) on the topic "The Great Patriotic War"

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Given extracurricular activity is an intellectual and educational game that complies with the rules of the TV game "Wheel of History". The guys go on a journey through the pages of our history, remembering the heroic deeds of the people. Remembering means living. An archivist accompanies them along the way.

Target: nurturing a sense of patriotism, love and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.


  • cultivate respect for people of the older generation, love for their homeland;
  • instill interest in the heroic past of Russia;
  • expand the horizons of students on the history of our Motherland;
  • develop a sense of cohesion in the team.

Forms of organizing children's activities: This extracurricular activity is an intellectual and educational game, accompanied by a presentation of presentation slides in Power Point. The rules of the game correspond to the rules of the TV game “Wheel of History”. The game is designed for students in grades 7-8.

Progress of the event

(soft music sounds)


There is no such thing in the world as free Russia.
Our flowers are brighter and stronger people,
Our people are immortal, great and free,
Our Russian, our eternal, our proud people!
He endured the invasion of Batu's hordes,
Broke every link of the shackles,
He created Russia, he raised Russia
To the stars, to the highest, to the crests of centuries!

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to the historical game “Wheel of History”.

Over the course of many centuries, Russian people have had to defend the freedom and independence of their Motherland more than once. Years go by, generations change. But the people’s feat is destined to remain in history forever. Military history our country is full of heroism, romance, true patriotism, courage. Since ancient times, the warrior - defender of Russia, whether with a bow, sword or weapon in his hands, has enjoyed great respect and love among the people.

To you, the past of our Motherland seems like distant history. And let our game “Wheel of History” take you back to those distant years and help you remember the brilliant victories and heroic deeds of our people.

3 teams go on a journey: in red, yellow, green carriages. For each correct answer the team receives 100 versts. An archivist will help us on our journey.

So, let's go!

Exercise 1

Leading: And our journey begins with the glorious pages of representatives of the Russian army - historical figures, fighters for the independence of our Motherland. Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov look at us from the top of history. Denis Davydov and many others who piece by piece collected our Fatherland and showed unprecedented heroism, courage, boldness, bravery in the name of people’s happiness.

Question 1. Here are 3 portraits of outstanding commanders: M. Kutuzov, A. Nevsky, A. Suvorov. Identify them by description.

  1. Russian prince, outstanding commander and statesman. Won a major battle with the Swedes when he was only 20 years old. This victory brought him historical fame. He was canonized by the church as a saint.
  2. An outstanding Russian commander, he valued the human being in a soldier. Loved and respected him, took care of him. They were ready to follow him into fire and water. This man went through all the steps of the military ladder from soldier to generalissimo. He had many ranks, titles, awards, both Russian and foreign.
  3. The fate of this man was not entirely ordinary. He was a student of Suvorov and received his first baptism of fire during the capture of the Izmail fortress. He spent almost 40 years in battles and campaigns. He was wounded three times, two of them seriously. He met the Patriotic War of 1812 as commander-in-chief, after Borodin he received the rank of field marshal, and after the expulsion of the French - the title of His Serene Highness Prince of Smolensk.

Archivist: A. Nevsky, A. Suvorov, M. Kutuzov

Task 2

Leading: Throughout their lives, these men taught soldiers military wisdom. Many of their words were the rule for soldiers, and then became catchphrases. Some of them help instill civic and patriotic feelings.

Question 2. Here are the statements of famous commanders: M. Kutuzov. A. Suvorov, A. Nevsky. Determine who owns the following statements and sayings.

“It’s hard to learn, but it’s easy to fight.”

“Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.”

“Russia is not lost with the loss of Moscow...”

Archivist: A. Suvorov, A. Nevsky, M. Kutuzov

Task 3

Leading: About whom are there many proverbs, sayings, and aphorisms? About him, a Russian soldier, people say about him with respect and love: “Experienced! I've been everywhere, seen everything. Can tell you a lot." The defender of the Fatherland is accustomed to everything. “He shaves with an awl, warms himself with smoke, and on occasion he can cook porridge with an ax - you’ll lick your fingers.”

(dramatization from the fairy tale “Porridge from an Ax”)

Question 3. Here are a few proverbs that you need to complete.

The soldier is sleeping, and... (service is in progress)

Cabbage soup and porridge –…. (our food)

Smoke... (there is no fire without fire)

The bullet is a fool... (well done bayonet)

Perish yourself, and... (help your comrade)

Leading: Love for the Motherland, hatred of its enemies, perseverance, courage - all this was reflected in short, wise sayings. Now each team will have the opportunity to get an additional 100 miles.

What do the words “The soldier sleeps, but the service goes on” mean?

Archivist: The most notable people had to serve in the guard. The Guard was created during the time of Peter I, from these times the custom began to enroll noble sons in military service from an early age. A boy is born and he is enlisted in the regiment. “The guardsman snores in his cradle, dirtying his diapers,” but his service life goes by, his ranks grow. By the age of ten he will be promoted to officer, and he’s not far from general. So they began to say: “The soldier is sleeping, but the service is going on.”

Task 4

Leading: The soldiers are leaving. There are fewer people left who can talk about troubles, human tears, and severe trials. But there are people who perpetuated their memory. These are artists, writers, poets, composers. Many artists, together with the people, went through a glorious heroic path. They created magnificent sketches, posters, portraits, paintings in which you can see scenes of battles and individual episodes of historical events. In their works they tried to reflect the rebellious, proud spirit of our people, who stood up to defend the Fatherland.

Question 4. Here are several paintings by famous Soviet artists. The team chooses a picture and answers the following question: what historical event is depicted here, period, episodes.

  • Morning on the Kulikovo Field (P. Bubnov)
  • Three heroes (V. Vasnetsov)
  • Duel between Peresvet and Chelubey (M. Avilov)
  • Defenders of the Brest Fortress (P. Krivonogov)
  • Defense of Sevastopol (A. Deineka)
  • Victory (P. Krivonogov)

Task 5

Leading: Writers and poets have composed and are composing their epics, poems, ballads, poems about the exploits of the Russian warrior, his strength, and courage.

Question 5. The team’s task is to find out the literary hero and what work he is from.

  1. And then we found a large field:
    There is somewhere to roam in the wild!
    They built a redoubt.
    Our ears are on top!
    A little morning the guns lit up
    And the blue tops of the forests -
    The French are right there.
    I jammed the charge into the gun tightly,
    And I thought: I’ll treat my friend!
    Wait a minute, brother monsieur!
    What is there to be cunning about, perhaps for a fight;
    We'll go and break the wall,
    Let's stand with our heads
    For your Motherland!
  2. I am from near the city, near Murom, from the village of Karacharova, a peasant son. I didn’t save you out of selfishness; I don’t need silver or gold. I saved Russian people, red girls, small children, old mothers. My wealth is strength. Bogatyrskaya, my job is to serve Rus' and defend it from enemies. In Rus' there is a groan from enemies, I need to get on the road to the prince as soon as possible and get down to business.
  3. There is no bond holier than fellowship! A father loves his child, a mother loves her child, a child loves his father and mother. But that’s not it, brothers: the beast also loves its child. But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood. There were comrades in other lands, but there were no such comrades as in the Russian land.

Archivist: M.Yu. Lermontov - Borodino, Ilya Muromets - First fight of I. Muromets, N. Gogol - Taras Bulba

Task 6

(the phonogram of V. Lebedev-Kumach’s song “Holy War” plays, front-line soldiers come out, sit in a clearing and have a conversation)

Leading: Great Patriotic War. Every person in our Motherland knows and remembers these three words. The war burned every home, every family. Now we will remember those events and those who achieved victory at the cost of their lives.

Question 6. Each team must answer three questions.

Blitz survey

  1. This was one of the first battles of the war. There were fierce battles with the enemy for almost a month. What did the participants in this battle defend?
  2. How many days and nights did the siege of Leningrad last?
  3. Great military leader of the Second World War, Marshal Soviet Union led the defense of Moscow. And later he hosted the victory parade on Red Square in Moscow.

Archivist: defense of the Brest Fortress, 900, Georgy Zhukov

  1. Where was the road of life?
  2. What weapons did Russia use for the first time during the Second World War?
  3. This soldier sacrificed himself in the name of Victory, in the name of saving his comrades. He covered the embrasure of the enemy bunker with his body.

Archivist: Lake Ladoga, Katyusha, Alexander Matrosov

  1. Name the girl who became famous throughout the world thanks to the diary she kept in besieged Leningrad
  2. What song became the anthem of the Second World War?
  3. Name the hero cities.

Archivist: Tanya Savicheva, Holy War; Moscow, Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Novorossiysk, Tula, Smolensk, Murmansk, Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad), Odessa, Kerch, Sevastopol, Kyiv, Minsk, Brest Hero Fortress.

Task 7

(the soundtrack of the song “Eh, roads...” plays)

Leading: Oh, roads! How many of them are left behind? And the song was a reliable friend along the way. The songs fought together with the people. In the respites between battles, they sang in dugouts and cold trenches, and performed in front of the wounded in hospitals, thereby helping them survive and drown out mental and physical pain. Each song has its own story, its own destiny. The best songs continue to live and bring joy and pleasure to people.

Question 7. Guess the names of the songs

  • Muscovites
  • In the dugout
  • Dark night
  • Cranes
  • Holy war
  • Katyusha

Task 8


There are many different monuments,
Many flowers on pedestals,
No matter how many flowers you bring here -
There will be little due to the fallen.

In different cities and villages there are monuments of glory, monuments and obelisks. They live and preserve the peace of those who died for a just cause.

Question 8. Based on the description, determine which monument we are talking about.

– There is an ancient city of Plovdiv on Bulgarian soil. He witnessed many events. Its streets, houses, monuments can tell about them. One of them is a monument to Soviet soldiers - liberators. The majestic hill is crowned with the figure of a Soviet soldier, 11.5 m high. His huge boots and tunic are carved from granite stone. There are 100 wide steps leading up to this pedestal. This place is sacred for every Bulgarian. This monument was opened in 1957.

After a visit to Bulgaria in 1962, composer E. Kolmanovsky wrote a song.

Archivist: monument "Alyosha"

Our journey has come to an end


Leading: The bad people are the ones who don’t remember, appreciate, and don’t love their history. So let's take care of the past and the lessons of history.

Extracurricular activity 8th grade teacher Vinokurova E.V.

Topic: Patriots of the Fatherland (People and events of the Patriotic War of 1812)

Target: repetition and generalization of previously studied material



1. Repeat and secure in game form knowledge on the topic “Patriotic War of 1812”


1. To develop students’ cognitive interest in history, logical and analytical thinking;

2. Continue work on the formation of historical concepts and terms;

3. Develop the ability to evaluate historical events and historical figures;


1. Contribute to the formation of communicative skills in students and team building.

Lesson type: lesson of repetition and systematization of knowledge

Lesson equipment:

1. Cards with tasks;

2. Scoring forms;

3. Multimedia presentation;

4. Schemes - names of stages.

Game plan and stages:

I. Presentation of commands

II. Progress of the game

1. “Tests, tests, tests...”

2. “Find errors in the historical text”

3. “Geography of the Patriotic War of 1812”

4. “Pages of the Patriotic War of 1812”

5. Captains competition

III. Summing up and rewarding teams

Game conditions:

2 teams take part in the game. The maximum number of points for a correct answer is announced before each competition.


Teacher's introduction. Command View

Hello guys! Today we have an intellectual game on history. You can show your knowledge on the topic “Patriots of the Fatherland” People and events of the Patriotic War of 1812. During the game we will identify the winning team. Every team has fans - these are helpers. If the team does not respond, the fans can help.

At the end of the game, not only the participants, but also the fans will receive marks.

Before you are the stages of the game. All stages must be completed

Stage I “Tests, tests, tests...”

Tasks for teams: Within 7 minutes, the team answers the test tasks proposed to it. For each correct answer 1 point is given.

Task for team No. 1

1. Date of invasion of Napoleon’s troops into Russian territory:

2. Which battle did the enemy call Moscow?

A) Kulikovskaya B) Poltava

C) Borodinskaya D) Nevskaya

3. Napoleon's main idea was to:

A) Capture Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv

B) Defeat the Russian armies one by one

IN) Defeat the Russian army near the border

D) Do not engage in a pitched battle

4. Who was replaced by Prince M.I. Kutuzov as commander-in-chief of the Russian army in August 1812?

A) Ermolova B) Tormasova

C) Bagration D) Barclay de Tolly

5. A military formation created on a voluntary basis to help troops is called:

A) Foragers B) Partisans

B) semi-regular army D) Militia

6. What “Napoleon waited in vain” from “Kneeling Moscow”:

A) Deadbolt B) Keys

C) Shekold D) Locks

7. What natural phenomenon prevented Napoleon from blowing up the Kremlin?

A) Rain B) Earthquake

C) Snowfall D) Flood

8. In films about the War of 1812, Kutuzov is often depicted with an eye patch. But if we look at the portraits of the marshal painted by his contemporaries, we will not see this bandage there. Why?

A) Artists believed that the bandage disfigures the face

B) The second eye was not blind

B) Kutuzov’s wound was hidden from enemies

D) Kutuzov had an artificial eye

Task for team No. 2

1. The name of one of the government services first appeared as the name of the people's militia in the war with Napoleon. What kind of service is this?

A) Rescuers B) Police

C) Foresters D) Firefighters

2. The army of “twelve languages” was called the army:

A) Kutuzov B) Bagration

C) Napoleon D) Alexander I

3. What phrase did Napoleon say after the defeat in Russia?

A) “From the great to the ridiculous one step”

B) “The Rubicon has been crossed, the die has been cast”

B) “Give me a point of support, and I will turn the whole world upside down”

D) “You can’t understand Russia with your mind, you can’t measure it with a common yardstick”

4. 30 regiments of Bashkir soldiers took part in the Patriotic War. What did the French call a Bashkir warrior if he was armed with a bow and arrow?

A) Samurai B) Archer

B) Cupid D) Messenger of God

5 . The Patriotic War ended:

6. During the war, the peasant partisan detachment was led by:

A) Davydov B) Seslavin

B) Platov D) Kurin

7. For the first time, Napoleon proposed to Alexander I to make peace:

A) After joining Smolensk B)After entering Moscow

C) After the Battle of Borodino D) After the Battle of Maloyaroslavets

“...We retreated silently for a long time

It was a shame, we were waiting for a fight,

The old people were grumbling..."

A) M.Yu. Lermontov B) A.S. Pushkin

C) L.N. Tolstoy D) D. Davydov

Stage II “Find errors in the historical text.”

Assignment to the teams: Within 10 minutes, the team finds errors in the historical text and corrects them. For each error found, 1 point is given.


On June 1, 1812, Napoleon’s “Grand Army” (640 thousand people), having crossed Dnieper (Neman), invaded Russia. The Russian army numbered 590 thousand people, but it turned out to be possible to field only a little more than 200 thousand. The Russian troops were divided into three separate armies: one under the command of M.B. Barclay de Tolly, the other - P.I. Bagration, the third - M.I.Kutuzova (A.P. Tormasova). The French army advanced very quickly, and the Russian army was forced to retreat in order to unite scattered forces. The enemy's numerical superiority raised the question of a succulent replenishment of troops. However, the principle of recruiting the army gave slow results. And Alexander I decided to take an unusual step. On July 6 he issued a Manifesto about the introduction in a country of universal conscription(with a call to create a people's militia). The Russian army was able to unite only under Kaluga (Smolensk) at the end of July. General leadership was taken over by M.B. Barclayde Tolly, who at that time held the post of Minister of War. A good strategist and courageous warrior, he was silent and reserved. The army didn't like him. His disagreements began with the generals, primarily with Bagration. These disputes are considered the main reason that Kaluga could not be retained. In this situation, Alexander I decided to appoint M.I. Kutuzov as commander-in-chief, who arrived at army headquarters September 17 (August 17). And preparations for a general battle immediately began.

Stage III “Pages of the Patriotic War of 1812”

Assignment to the teams:Based on the slides presented on the screen, determine the event or the name of the hero of the Patriotic War. The team receives a participation sheet and the opportunity to earn 1 point for each correct answer.

Participation sheet


Hero name, event name

Presented slides

  1. M. B. Barclay de Tolly
  2. Scheme of the Battle of Borodino
  3. Vasilisa Kozhina
  4. M.I.Kutuzov
  5. P. I. Bagration
  6. The French crossed the river. Berezina
  7. Napoleon
  8. D. Davydov
  9. Fire in Moscow
  10. Military Council in Fili

Stage IV “Geography of the Patriotic War of 1812”

Assignment to the teams:Using excerpts from documents, identify geographical objects or events of the war. Each correct answer is worth 2 points.


Task for team No. 1

1. “This city of Russians was considered by foreigners to be the main basis of the entire state, and all the eyes of the French army were turned to it with hope, and now this city was just a huge fire, covered with corpses and wounded.”

French officer Jomini


2. “Of all my battles, the most terrible is the one I fought near Moscow. The French showed themselves worthy of victory, and the Russians won the right to be invincible.”


(Battle of Borodino)

3. “Two days after our arrival, a fire started. At first it did not seem dangerous, and we thought that it arose from the soldiers’ fires, lit too close to the houses, which were almost entirely wooden.”



Task for team No. 2

1. “According to the news that it was planned to give battle to the enemy under the walls of Moscow, the remaining residents prepared themselves for it. But on Monday, that is. On September 2, the city police left Moscow along with officials and fire pipes. They carried a lot of guns through the city, and it went Russian army in large numbers and in a quick march, heading from Tverskaya to Rogozhskaya outpost.”

Eyewitness A.A. Karfachevsky

(Tarutino March - maneuver)

2. “The city was taken several times, recaptured and taken again, and only by eight o’clock in the evening did it remain with the viceroy. He won a big battle, but lost almost all his provisions and up to seven thousand killed.”

French officer Dedem


3. “We have passed the most nasty and barren road; horses that fell on the road were immediately eaten"

French officer Bonnet

(retreat of the French army)

Stage V "Captains Competition"

The captain of each team is asked to answer questions. For each correct answer - 1 point.

1. Count S.R. Vorontsov, the Russian ambassador to England, writes at the beginning of June 1812: “If Napoleon pursues us, he is dead... he will end up being exterminated by our faithful ally.” Which Russian ally are we talking about?(Winter)

2 . In the 19th century, double surnames were quite common in high society. M.I. Kutuzov also had a double surname. Which?(Kutuzov – Golenishchev)

3. Which of the Russian commanders wrote the words: “Not a single commander in any army has ever been in such an extremely unpleasant situation as I was. Each of the two united armies had its own special commander-in-chief, who was endowed with powers quite consistent with such a position. True, as Minister of War I had the right to give orders, but I did not exercise this right.”(Barclay de Tolly)

4. The capital of our Motherland is famous for its large number of churches. One of them is directly related to the history of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the victory in this war. What kind of temple is this? Tell us about the history of its creation and further fate. (Cathedral of Christ the Savior)

5. Continue Napoleon’s words:

"If I take Kyiv,
I will grab Russia by the legs.
If I take possession of St. Petersburg,
I'll take her by the head.
Having occupied Moscow, -____________ (I will hit her in the heart).


Calculation of the total number of points, determination of the winning team.

Hello, girls and boys!

Hello, dear colleagues!

We welcome you to the intellectual game “Smart Men and Women”. And today the theme of our game is “History of Russia in the 19th century”

It has long been known, it has long been said and proven that Russia has a special destiny in the history of mankind.

Russia was, and still is, on the border of two great civilizations, figuratively called East and West. But Russian society has never been either only Western or only Eastern. Of course, Russia was sensitive to the influence of both sides. It is not for nothing that historians studying the past of our Motherland constantly compare Russia with European countries, then with the eastern powers. And in both cases they find some common features. However, Russia has always had its own historical destiny, different from other nations.

In Russia, two different cultures, two different worldviews collided. They collided and intertwined in a unique way on the basis of Russian culture itself. And it is interesting that the West perceived Russia as a representative of the culture of the East, and the East as a representative of the culture of the West. And this was its own, Russian culture, neither Western nor Eastern.

In addition, Russia was not only a bridge, but also a barrier separating East and West, and protecting them from disastrous collisions with each other. Thus, it was Russia that absorbed the great invasion of the East into the West in the form of the Mongol-Tatar hordes, and then resisted the Turkish empire for three centuries. On the other hand, Russia turned out to be one of the barriers to the Catholic expansion of the West to the East and did not allow the crusades to unfold throughout the Eurasian continent. In the 19th century, Russia stood up as a wall in front of Napoleon’s army, and in the 20th century – in front of fascist aggression.

The difference between Russia and the West and the East was expressed in the fact that in Rus', since ancient times, since the 10th century, a unique form of Christianity developed, which later received the name Russian Orthodoxy. Russian Orthodoxy did not arise at one moment, but developed gradually, developing its principles in accordance with the spiritual needs of the Russian people. Over time, especially since the Mongol-Tatar invasion, Orthodoxy itself began to be associated in the popular consciousness with the idea of ​​national independence, for it personified the fight against foreign invaders, proved that the Russian people, having preserved their religion, would not sink into oblivion of history, but will preserve itself and its culture. After all, the Orthodox Russian people opposed both the united Catholic West and the united Muslim East.

Moreover, it was thanks to Orthodoxy that the Russian people arose, which created the great Russian state and mastered the vast expanses of Eurasia.

And then the question arises - why did the Russian people come into the world? Why did he master such great spaces of Europe and Asia? For what purposes did he unite states into one? different peoples? It is quite clear that the more than thousand-year history of the Russian people and Russia could not be meaningless, otherwise the connection of times is lost, the past is divorced from the present and future. In fact, if history makes no sense, then why should we care about the achievements and exploits of our ancestors? And if there is no meaning in our own lives, then why should we care about how our descendants will live there? We lived somehow, and perhaps our descendants will somehow live out the five to seven decades allotted to them.

But if the history of a people makes sense, if a people has a goal of historical development, then everything falls into place. Then the connection of times is preserved and valid. Then the exploits of our ancestors are our exploits, and we ourselves create deeds for the future, so that our descendants, remembering us and more distant ancestors, take advantage of the thousand-year experience of the people and continue the common thousand-year national cause.

Well, in the meantime, today we have to identify the best erudite in the field of history of the Yashkinsky district. And our expert jury will help us with this: _history teacher; ____- methodologist of the MBOU DOD "House of Children's Creativity", chairman of the jury____methodologist of the information and methodological center.

The following came to us to compete for the title of Erudite:

So, our game today will consist of two stages. At the first stage, you will have to answer a number of tricky questions. For correct answers you will be awarded the “order of smart people”. The three leaders who have collected the most orders will advance to the second stage.

I wish you all success. And let the motto of our game be: “being smart is fashionable.”

So, the first stage.

Round 1 questions

1.When and under which Russian emperor was the large coat of arms approved - “Coat of Arms of the Empire”?

Answer: (1882 Alexander III.)

2.Which song became the official anthem in 1833 Russian Empire?

Answer: “God save the Tsar!”

3.After the Crimean War of 1853-1855, what disappeared from the arsenal of the Russian fleet?

Answer: Sailing fleet

4.1877-78 Russia began a war for the liberation of the Slavic peoples of the Balkan Peninsula. Which state was Russia at war with?

Answer: C Ottoman Empire, Turkey

5. Famous Russian commander of the late 18th century. He was born a weak, sickly child, but decided to become a military man. I worked on hardening my body on my own. He took the impregnable Turkish fortress of Izmail by storm. He commanded the Russian army during the famous crossing of the Alps. Generalissimo of the army of the Russian Empire, undefeated in 50 military campaigns.

Answer: The great Russian commander is Alexander Suvorov.

6. Guess the event and date

We retreated silently for a long time,

It was a shame, we were waiting for a fight,

The old people grumbled:

What about us? For winter apartments?

Don't the commanders dare?

Aliens tear up their uniforms

About Russian bayonets?

And then we found a large field

There is a place to go for a walk in the wild

They built a redoubt.

Answer: Patriotic War of 1812 Borodino

7.What military rank was awarded to Alexander Suvorov?

Answer: Generalissimo. For the Italian and Swiss campaigns

8.What is the name of Alexander Suvorov’s book, where he summarized his military experience “offensive tactics”?

Answer: “The science of winning”

9. Alexander I: “Society wanted his appointment, and I appointed him, but I wash my hands of it.” When and on what occasion did his phrase sound?

Answer: About the appointment of Kutuzov in August 1812 as commander-in-chief of the Russian army after Napoleon’s invasion of Russia.

10. After what unsuccessful battle and with whom did Kutuzov save the Russian army and lead it out of the swamps?

Answer: At Austerlitz, 1805, the battle of the Russian-Austrian army with Napoleon.

11. Kutuzov: “As long as the army still exists, there will still be hope to end the war with honor, but if the army were destroyed, not only Moscow, but all of Russia would be lost.” Where, during what events did the commander say this?

12. Which famous Russian commander served under the command of Pyotr Aleksandrovich Rumyantsev?

Answer: A. V. Suvorov

13. To whom A.S. Pushkin dedicated the following lines:

Raised under the drum

Our dashing king was a captain:

He fled near Austerlitz,

In the twelfth year I was trembling.

Answer: Alexander I.

14. This emperor was the initiator of the creation of his own national anthem of Russia to the music of Lvov and the words of Zhukovsky in 1833.

Answer: Emperor Nicholas 1

15. Which Russian writer was an artillery officer and a participant in the Crimean War?

Answer: L.N. Tolstoy

16.Who wrote the opera “A Life for the Tsar,” the melody from which was the Russian National Anthem in 1992-2000?

Answer: Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka.

17. Which famous Russian writer was both an outstanding diplomat and a talented composer?

Answer: Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov.

18.What architectural structure was erected in honor of the victory of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812 in Moscow.

Answer: Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

19.When and where was the first one built in Russia Railway?

Answer: In 1837 it connected St. Petersburg, Pavlovsk and Tsarskoe Selo.

20.Where and when was the first one opened in Russia Botanical Garden according to the European model?

Answer: In 1812 in Crimea - Nikitsky.

21. At the age of 23, he became a professor at Kazan University and proposed a non-Euclidean system of geometry. Who is this?

Answer: Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky.

22. His name became known to the wider Russian public in connection with his dedicated work in besieged Sevastopol.

Answer: Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov.

23. His novel in verse was called by his contemporaries “an encyclopedia of Russian life.” Who is the author and what is the name of the work?

Answer: A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”.

24.The first Russian expedition to Antarctica was led by Admiral...?

Answer: Thaddeus Faddeevich Bellingshausen

25.In 1827 Russian artist K.P. Bryullov visited the excavations of the ancient city of Pompeii. Six years later, the painting made a triumphal march from Italy to Russia...?

Answer: The Last Day of Pompeii

26.He was distinguished by his breadth of outlook and strict systematic thinking. Under Alexander I, he experienced both rise and fall; Napoleon thought highly of him; Nicholas I, for compiling a code of laws of the Russian Empire, awarded him the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, which he had withdrawn from himself. Who is this?

27. They went down in history as “the people of the forties.” They were united by the idea of ​​the deep difference of Russia, of the special path of its development. They saw the main features in the peasant community and the Orthodox faith. They assessed the transformations of Peter I critically. Who were these people?

Answer: Slavophiles.

Answer: P.Ya. Chaadaev for the “Philosophical Letter” in which he spoke with bitter indignation about the isolation of Russia from the latest European ideological trends.

29. A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” begins with the lines “Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree...”. It is known that in the 19th century Lukomorye was understood as the area located in the land of the Don Cossacks. Where was this “Lukomorye” located?

Answer: “Lukomorye” was the name given to the Taganrog Bay, the northern coastal part of which resembles a bent bow in its outline.

30.The largest city at the beginning of the 19th century.

Answer: Petersburg.

31. About whom did P. Vyazemsky say: “The Sphinx, not solved to the grave”?

Answer: About Alexander I.

Answer: Faberge.

33. How many months did the Patriotic War of 1812 last?

Answer: 6 months.

34. A monument was erected to him at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, and the historian Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky said: “Science will give the emperor his rightful place not only in the history of Russia, but also of all Europe.” He was nicknamed the peacemaker; during his reign, Russia did not fight with any power

Answer: Alexander III

35. This engineer built the first oil pipeline in Russia, and unprecedented ships sailed along the Caspian and Volga - oil barges of his design.

Answer: Shukhov Vladimir Grigorievich

36. This 3-kilometer-long railway appeared and operated just three years before the opening of the famous Tsarskol Selo railway in St. Petersburg. What road are we talking about?

Answer: railway of the Cherepanovs Efim Alekseevich and Miron Efimovich

37. This Russian artist was madly in love with birds, so every day he went outside with a whole bag of food. The birds recognized him and flocked to dinner. After his death, he left about two million rubles in his will to encourage young artists.

Answer: Arkhip Kuindzhi.

38. At the age of 14, this poet suddenly turned from a wealthy heir into a “man with no name.” All his life, trying to regain his former name, he served in the army as an officer in order to earn his hereditary nobility. With great difficulty, by the middle of his life he regained his hereditary name and lived in his own house in Moscow.

Answer: Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (Shenshin)

39. Whose words are these: “The days of Alexander are a wonderful beginning...”, dedicated to the beginning of the reign of Alexander 1.

Answer: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

40.What was the name of the first secret society of the Decembrists.

Answer: "Union of Salvation"

41.What contemporaries called the censorship regulations of 1826.

Answer: "cast iron"

42. Grandmother of Nicholas I.

Answer: Catherine II

43.Who was called “The luminary of the Russian bureaucracy.”

Answer: Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky.

"Who are we talking about?"

44.He reigned little, but performed many miracles:

He exiled one hundred and twenty-five to Siberia and hanged five.

Answer: Nicholas I.

45. Everything he does, he does halfway. He is too weak to control and too strong to be controlled.

Answer: Alexander I

46.Legends were made about his exploits near Moscow. He served in one of the first flying cavalry detachments. He wrote about himself: “I was born for the fateful year of 1812.”

Answer: Denis Davydov

It is necessary to guess who, when, and for what reason could have sent each of these reports.

47.Moscow is burning. No people are visible. Cold. Hungry.

Answer: Napoleon from Moscow in the fall of 1812.

48.The troops were brought to the square. Where is Trubetskoy?

49. There are five of us. God and the sovereign decided our fate. We must die. Don't complain

Answer: Decembrists sentenced to execution in July 1826.

50.The attacking side suffers heavy losses. We have an advantage in the number of guns. Answer: The Russian army from the Battle of Borodino on August 26, 1812.

51. Peasants must report to their master’s work at sunrise in the summer and go home at sunset. In winter, thresh bread before dawn.

Answer: About the work of serfs. From instructions to the manager of a landowner's farm.

52. Cleanliness and neatness are the first virtue in this settlement. In this settlement there are midwives, stretchers, latrines - everything is royal.

Answer: About military settlements. From the “Notes of Major General S. Mayevsky.

53. If any of the landowners wishes to release their peasants individually or as a whole village and at the same time approve a plot for them, then, having made conditions with them that are recognized as the best, he has to submit them for consideration. Answer: Decree on free cultivators

54. Infantry combat, manual combat, with bayonets, cavalry attacks, continuous artillery fire. The dead and wounded fell on both sides, guns and cavalry galloped over them and crushed the wounded. Piles, mountains of the dead lay over a space of four miles.

Answer: About the Battle of Borodino. Memoirs of the Russian officer Muravyov.

Based on the results of the first stage, we have identified three leaders

we invite you to visit us. You have a choice of three tracks: red, yellow and green. On the red one you have to answer two questions, but you can’t make a mistake. On yellow there are three questions, you can make one mistake. And the green track - 4 questions, two mistakes can be made, but your opponents can pass you on the yellow and red tracks. The tracks are distributed.

We are starting the second stage. In the second stage, you will be asked questions on the topics: “Russian Emperors”, “Nicholas II”, “Russian Scientists”, “Russian Writers”, “Art Galleries”, “Document”, “Great Commanders”.

Round 2 questions

Great commanders

Famous Russian commander of the early 19th century. He took part in the capture of Ishmael. He commanded the Russian army during the Battle of Austerlitz, when the Russian and Austrian armies were defeated by Napoleon Bonaparte. At the council in Fili on September 1, 1812, he said: With the loss of Moscow, Russia is not lost. He considered Suvorov his teacher. He died during the foreign campaign of the Russian army in 1813.

Answer: Field Marshal Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov

Alexander I

In 1817, Alexander I saw an engraving in London that depicted a beautiful building. The Emperor expressed his wish that such a building be built in Russia, in Moscow. Imagine Alexander’s amazement when he was told that this building existed in Moscow and the engraving depicted it, only at an earlier time. What architectural structure was depicted in the engraving?

Answer: St. Basil's Cathedral.

Russian emperors

His favorite activities included chopping wood and clearing snow, among others. He married a woman whose name was Alice-Victoria-Elena-Louise-Beatrice. His relative declared war on him. He wanted to pass on everything he had not to his son, but to his brother. He wanted to get married the day after his father's death, and only the strong protests of his relatives prevented him from carrying out his intention. During the general census, when filling out a questionnaire, in the “Profession” column he wrote: “Owner of the Russian land.”

When this Russian writer died, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said about him: “He was a strong strong head. That bastard spirit that lives in a petty, mentally defrauded, middle-class Russian intellectual has lost in him his most stubborn and annoying enemy. Every newspaperman knows how to denounce, but only he knew how to openly despise. Two-thirds of the readers did not like him, but believed him. No one doubted the sincerity of his contempt." Who are we talking about?

Answer: Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov - Shchedrin.


Find out what this document is about.

Blood stallions are for sale, accompanied by a coachman and groom. For sale is a pack of dogs and a traveler with them.

Answer: Advertisement in the newspaper about the sale of serfs

Art Gallery

There are 11 people on the river bank under the scorching rays of the sun. They move slowly, tired and exhausted. Their feet get stuck in the deep sand, the bright sun mercilessly burns their heads, and step by step they pull their burden. The river is endlessly long, their path is endless and difficult. In the faces of some there is submission to fate and humility, in others there is protest and embitterment, and still others are imperturbable...

Answer: Ilya Efimovich Repin “Barge Haulers on the Volga”

He threw aside the chair on which he had just been sitting, just a moment ago, and then in a frantic anger he threw an iron-bound staff at the heir. Scary main character. This is a despot, a tyrant. In his unlimited autocracy, he long ago freed himself from all moral laws and transgressed them: he is not answerable to anyone, and human lives have long been of no value to him.

Intellectual game,

dedicated to history

Great Patriotic War.

Ermoshina Lyudmila Valerievna,

Subject (focus): story

Children's age: 8-9 grades

Location: classroom or assembly hall


educational: repeat, summarize, systematize the studied material, pay attention to the role of the individual in history;

— developing: consolidate the basic skills acquired during the study of this period, complex analysis, historical thinking;

- educational: continue to cultivate a sense of respect and interest in the history of your country, in the people who created this history.

Equipment: presentation, historical map, historical documents, memoirs.


conducting an intellectual game dedicated to 65 -Anniversary of the Victory.

1. introduction teachers.

2. Draw.

3. Greetings of teams (Name, emblem, motto).

4. Stage 1. Blitz tournament.

5. Stage 2. Competition for experts in the history of the Second World War.

6. Stage 3. Captains competition.

7. Stage 4. “Encryption” competition.

8. Stage 5. “Constructors” competition.

9. Stage 6. Competition “Decipherers”.

10. Stage 7. Competition " Homework" (Students creating a model of the monument to VICTORY in the Great Patriotic War).

11. FAN competition (held during the Captains competition).

12. Summing up the results of the intellectual game.

13. Awarding the winning teams.


Valentin Sidorov.

(The poem was written for the 30th anniversary of the Victory)

And you and I will be overcome by silence,

The more powerfully and clearly we can hear

Its roars, uplifting the earth.

And the calmer the quiet sunsets,

The more clearly we can see in the sunset darkness

Huts charred by the fire of war.

Knowing all the bitterness of these years in full

Not from hearsay, not from the outside,

The closer our memories are to us.

And the peaks are exposed more clearly,

It’s all the more clear what we’ve done...

Stage I. Blitz tournament

Teams take turns answering questions on the topic. 30 seconds to prepare an answer

For the campaign to the East, the Nazi command developed two important plans. One was called "Barbarossa". What was the name of the second one?


Already in June 1941, a poem appeared, which soon became the words of the main Soviet song of the Great Patriotic War. Name this song

"Holy war"

In June 1941, a Soviet pilot sent his crippled plane to a concentration of German military equipment. Who is this pilot?

Nikolai Gastello

After this battle, the myth of the invincibility of the German army was dispelled. What kind of battle is this?

Moscow Battle

Not only people fought on the war fronts, but also “yaks”, “tigers”, “panthers”, “leopards”. What exactly are we talking about?

This is military equipment: tanks, airplanes

Already in June 1941, people and production facilities began to be transported from the western regions of the USSR to the east. What was this process called?


This was the first Soviet city that, even surrounded, Hitler’s troops could not capture. What city is this?


At the beginning of 1944, the blockade of one of the largest Soviet cities was finally lifted. How many days did it last?

900 days

It means "skull" in Spanish and saved the lives of many soldiers during the war. What is this?



Fascist troops in 1941-1942. spent 250 days capturing this city, and the Soviets liberated it in 1944 in 5 days. What city are we talking about?



By the beginning of 1944 there were about 20 of them, and by the end of 1944 they had more than 1,000 branches. They were called "death factories." What it is?





In the warm season, Soviet soldiers rolled it into a tube and carried it over their shoulders; at rest stops it was used both as a pillow and as a blanket. She was called a "skatka". What it is?



What was the largest battle in the Great Patriotic War in 1945?

Battle of Berlin


Victory brought Stalin the highest military rank. Which?



Before the war, there were only 5 of them in the USSR, and during the war years 11 more appeared, all of them found their heroes. What it is?



Why are the fighters Egorov and Kantaria famous in the history of the war?

The Victory Banner was hoisted over the Reichstag


Not only people, but also entire cities and even one defensive facility became heroes in war. Which?

Brest Fortress


"A. Nevsky", "Kutuzov", "Suvorov" also fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, but in the form of... What?



When was the act of unconditional surrender of Germany signed?


Who was the first to be awarded the main Soviet military order "Victory"?

G. K. Zhukov


In which Soviet city did the first Victory Parade take place?

In Moscow


Three people were awarded the Order of Victory twice - Zhukov, Vasilevsky... Who is the third?

I. V. Stalin


How many days did the Great Patriotic War last?



What were the total losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War?

About 27 million people


During the war years, their number was 12 million in the Red Army, and 7 million in the German Army? What is it about?



Which of the major Soviet military leaders did not lose a single battle during the Great Patriotic War?

G. K. Zhukov


Before the war, this city was called Koenigsberg and belonged to Germany, and after the war it went to the USSR. How did it come to be called?



During the war years, 11,600 people became such, 86 of them were women. Who is this?

Heroes of the Soviet Union


During the war years in the Red Army they were called “junior commanders.” How did they begin to be addressed soon after the war?



On April 30, 1945, 2 historical events took place in Berlin: the first was the hoisting of the Victory Banner over the Reichstag. What's the second one?

Hitler's suicide

Team assignment 1.

    At one time, at school they learned the following song: “The evil autumn was circling in the field, / The late leaves were flying. / There were only... / And Moscow was behind us.” Which numeral is missing?(28)

    Lyubov Timofeevna had two children of the same age. Immediately after the start of the war, they voluntarily went to fight. However, the daughter fell into the clutches of the Nazis and was hanged in the village of Petrishchevo, and the son, a tank driver, died in battle. Both were awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union medal. What are the last names of Zoya and Shura?ANSWER. Kosmodemyanskie.

    The Museum of the Armed Forces has a very simple exhibit: soil from the Malakhov Kurgan, which is located in the city of Volgograd, is poured into a small box. Why is it immediately clear that this is land from the battlefield? ANSWER.It is simply littered with shell fragments.

Competition for experts in the history of the Great Patriotic War

Team assignment 2.

    In Berlin, in Treptower Park, a monument to a Soviet soldier was erected. In one hand he has a lowered sword, and on the other hand he holds... Finish the description of the monument.(Girl) Comments. “And in Berlin, on a memorable date/ A monument to a Soviet soldier/ With a rescued girl in his arms was erected to stand for centuries.”

    Everyone knows that a military parade is a fascinating event.
    But one parade on Red Square was special: troops pro-
    walked around the square and on the same day entered into battle with the fascists.
    Name the date of this parade.ANSWER. 7 November 1941

    A free zone, a partisan region, had formed deep behind enemy lines. The Germans passed through these villages, which they could not take away and destroyed. But the battles near Moscow drew their forces there, and about 600 villages and towns began to live without invaders, under the protection of partisans. They opened a school, a hospital and even a cinema. But they couldn’t publish the newspaper because there was nothing to print it on. However, thanks to the guerrilla radio and some school furniture, people were informed of the news on time. What kind of furniture helped to introduce the news to fellow villagers?ANSWER. Blackboard.

Comments. News from the fronts was written on the school blackboard with chalk.

Competition for experts in the history of the Great Patriotic War

Team assignment 3.

1. This temporary road, not laid on the ground, truly became the Road of Life for thousands
Leningraders. So where was it laid anyway?ANSWER.

On the ice of Lake Ladoga.

2. Poems by front-line poet Eduard Asadov:

It was all sorts of things for us: both bitter and difficult.
We knew: it was possible, sliding on bumps,
You can perish in the swamp, you can freeze,
To fall like a bullet, you can despair,
It’s possible to do bothotherCan -
And just... you can’t give it away.

There is one word missing in the last line - the name of the city. Which one?

ANSWER. Leningrad.

3. Academician historian Evgeniy Viktorovich Tarle could quote numerous
historical documents of different eras and peoples. Maybe that's why he suggested
some kind of ritual. He was so effective that, despite the fact that Tarle served time in 1930
prison and spent several years in exile, his proposal became the culmination of the
famous triumphal event in our country. What did he propose?

ANSWER. During the Victory March of 1945, throwing fascist banners in a heap on the ground.

Stage 3. Captains competition.

The captains complete the task within 3 minutes.


Enter into the table as many names of Soviet commanders of the Great Patriotic War as possible. After completing the task, each of the captains, in turn, must name the names of military leaders (one at a time) from their list, without repeating those already given by the other captain. The winner is the one who named the last name of the commander.


Surname of the Soviet military leader

Mark on the holding of this surname by an opponent




















The winner gets 3 points

Completing the task fans teams during the CAPTAINS competition.


Enter into the table as many names of hero cities in the Great Patriotic War as possible. After completing the tasks, each fan in turn must name the name of the hero city (one at a time) from his list, without repeating those already named.


Name of the hero city

Marking the correct name of the hero city in the list (+ or -)

















Stage 4. “Encryption” competition. Exercise.Unravel words and give them definitions

Stage 5. Constructors Competition

First group task.

Answer: (Tank T-34)

Second group task.

Assemble an image from the proposed puzzles (elements). Name the image and briefly describe it.

Answer: (Yak -34)

Stage. 6. Competition "Decipherers".

Team assignment #1.

Remember, future generations,

Victories of heroes, fathers, mothers.

Remember your deeds and achievements

the name of your future children.

Team assignment #2

Hear, new generations,

How your hearts beat.

This is the echo of heartbeats

Soldiers who did not return from the front.

Team assignment #3

Know, future generations,

In any century, in any year

The feat is not consigned to oblivion.

The feat always lives nearby.

Task No. 1,2,3

It is necessary to decipher the proposed text and read it expressively.

Stage 7. “Homework” competition.

(Students creating a model of the monument to VICTORY in the Great Patriotic War).

Stage 8. Summing up.

Winner's reward ceremony.


1. Anashina N.Yu.History Day at school. Intellectual games and entertainment. The history of homeland, The World History, history of law. M., 2008.

2. Timokhin E. Everything about weapons. M., 2000.

3. Turchaninov V.I. Decisive victories of the Great Patriotic War. St. Petersburg, 2005.

4. Chuikov V.I., Ryabkov V.S. The Great Patriotic War. M., 1994.

5. Shcherbakov V.I. On the coastal flanks. St. Petersburg, 1996.