Where love is found. How to find love. Tips for Finding Love #3: Learn to Accept Rejection with Grace

23.12.2021 Ulcer

Love, mutual understanding, a strong family - most people dream about this. But how to find your soulmate? It can be difficult. Often people just sit and wait for love to find them. Take the initiative into your own hands - and happiness will not keep you waiting!

Draw a detailed portrait of your significant other: tip 1

Be honest with yourself and at the same time realistic. Think about what is really important to you in a person, which shortcomings you can come to terms with and which ones you cannot. In our early youth, we succumb to the charm of media heroes, girls fall in love with movie and show business stars, boys dream of supermodels. This is a normal stage of sensory personality development. But if you've already passed puberty, dreaming that Johnny Depp or the Prince of Wales will be drawn outside your door one morning is not constructive.

Decide on the age, level of education and income of the person you want to find, think about what his goals are in life, how he should behave, what he can dream about. Do not consider that these are too rude and materialistic indicators that have nothing to do with love. Statistics show that alliances between people of the same circle are always much stronger and more successful than misalliances. Stories in the spirit of “the young lady and the bully” rarely happen in practice, but even if they do happen, as a rule, they do not lead to long-term harmonious relationships.

37% of women and 35% of men have posted a profile on dating sites at least once in their lives.

For someone to love you, you have to love yourself. Imagine the man or woman of your dreams - are you really a worthy companion for such a person?

Of course, spiritual qualities are very important, but the form of this content is no less important. Whatever one may say, it is appearance that we pay attention to first of all. So take care of yourself. If you have long wanted to get in shape, sign up for the gym without delay. Leave in your wardrobe only those things that you like yourself in. Go to a hair salon or spa. Try to look like you have a dream date every day. All these measures will not only help you look better, they will give you confidence in your irresistibility, and this is what makes a person attractive.

Go out in public more often and expand your social circle: tip 3

How to find your love, where is it waiting for you? Anywhere, but not at home on the couch in front of the TV. To meet new people, you need to go to new places. Go to exhibitions, lectures and seminars on any subject that interests you, join a sports section or look for a nice skating rink, go on a trip, even if there is no company. The more you interact with people you don't know well, the better your communication skills become. This is extremely useful, especially if you are not a naturally sociable person and sometimes get lost when talking with strangers.

According to statistics recent years, approximately 30% of relationships that ended in marriage began as a romance in the virtual space - future spouses found each other on dating sites, social networks, and Internet forums.

Even if you are very tired of loneliness and are determined to quit serious relationship, maintain a certain sobriety of mind. Fans or admirers will certainly appear after following the first three tips, but how to determine whether they are worth your attention? Is it love or not love?

The question is complex, especially since there is no single standard, there is no instrument capable of measuring the “truth” of love. This feeling is often confused with physical attraction, which can literally overwhelm and knock you down. But such hormonal storms do not last long - only a few months. And if you and the object of your passion have nothing to talk about, if his personality does not interest you and you as a person are also uninteresting to him, such a relationship is doomed.

Often, the choice is influenced not by one’s own hormones, but by the opinions of others. Your parents are delighted, your friends also like your chosen one, everyone begins to hint to you that you have finally met a couple, but this person does not evoke any special feelings in you - this is a very common situation. Don't let public opinion influence your choice. It’s easier to endure the reproaches of others that you missed such a promising option than to connect your life with someone you don’t love, just so as not to disappoint your relatives and friends.

If you don't know where to find love, then a dating site is the most obvious answer to this question. Of course, there are also people on such sites looking for frivolous adventures, but the majority come to these resources with the goal of finding their soulmate.

British sociologist Geoffrey Gavin conducted a study in which he invited a group of randomly selected young men and women aged 19 to 26 to post their profiles on dating sites. It soon became clear that more than 70% of the subjects began relationships with their virtual acquaintances.

How to choose a dating site where you can meet your love

There are a lot of dating sites, but not all of them have a good reputation. Among the large resources, Edarling.ru and Loveplanet.ru are well known; the website Linkyou.ru provides good chances of finding your love, where you can find a person of a certain profession or religion. Those sites where the main functionality is available only to paid users can also be considered reliable - this immediately scares away frivolous people.

How to create a profile correctly

A user's profile on a dating site contains basic information about him and his photographs. Take your profile creation seriously and be honest. Provide only information that is true. What's the point of writing in the "Hobbies" section about your love of literature if all you read are business letters and food labels in the supermarket? Your profile should reflect your personality in order to attract the attention of the right people. Don't be afraid to seem weird or too original.

You should choose your photo especially carefully. Do not overuse filters and graphic editors - remember that this can result in awkwardness and disappointment in a personal meeting. A clear photo that clearly shows your smiling face is the best option. If your goal is a serious relationship, do not post too explicit photos. Experts on dating sites unanimously claim that the greatest interest is generated not by selfies or staged photographs, but by pictures in which a person is busy with some activity.

Natural selection: how to know you've found the right person

Most sites offer you likely candidates based on your profile data, as well as taking into account the wishes you have indicated. Therefore, when filling out your profile, be extremely precise, indicating age, geographic and other boundaries, otherwise you will literally be inundated with letters from people who are clearly not suitable for you.

However, you shouldn’t expect that you will find The One or The One in the first couple of days. Get ready to do the screening. It is quite obvious that people who from the very first lines offer you sex or send you candid photographs are not suitable for you - there are many men on dating sites looking for a girlfriend for the night and girls of a certain profession. But if you want to find love, these people are unlikely to interest you. Also beware of those who are clearly trying to extract as much personal information from you as possible, but do not say anything specific about themselves - this may be a sign of a scammer.

If communication goes smoothly and you are clearly interested in each other, you can make an offline date. Experts strongly recommend arranging the first meeting not at home, but in a public place - if things don't go according to plan, you can always leave with your dignity intact.

How to start a conversation and interest your interlocutor

Avoid template, faceless phrases and stock compliments. Your task is to stand out from the endless “Hello! How are you? And you’re cute.” Look at the profile of the person you are interested in - there are many tips on how to start a conversation. If he likes old movies, ask him to recommend something worthwhile from the “retro” category. If a person is posing with a dog or cat in a photo, ask what breed it is. There are many options for successfully starting a conversation, but there is a main rule - be sincerely interested in the person! Only in this case will you not look pretentious and fake and will be able to truly interest your interlocutor.

When communicating online, remember the basic rules of politeness. Perhaps the one you are interested in will remain indifferent to your charms. This is not a reason to be offended, much less insult a person. Remember that almost all dating sites have the opportunity to report a rude person.

We don't promise that by applying our tips you will find love, but you will increase your chances of finding love. The main thing is to believe in love, not to give up at the first unsuccessful attempt and to act. Remember: water does not flow under a lying stone. The clearest illustration of this law is the tragic story of Oblomov, who exchanged love for a sofa.

Almost every person on the globe dreams of meeting his soulmate, his love. But, alas, not everyone succeeds in this. Often you have to go through various griefs and very painful disappointments. What should you do to hit as few bumps as possible on the way to the one or only person with whom happiness is possible? Where do other people find love?


In many cases, people who yearn for love, understanding, happiness, completely focus on this dream of theirs. Of course, the presence of a loved one in the life is a great happiness, although it sometimes requires a complete revision of one’s own and life’s priorities. The thirst for love can lead to a desperate search that alienates you from friends, family, and life in general, preventing you from revealing your individuality.

In fact, you don't need to be so passionate about your goal. It is much more important and promising to meet different people, establish and maintain friendly connections. By constantly expanding the circle of your own knowledge and interests, enjoying communication with friends, traveling, you can get much more pleasure from life than as a result of eternal rushing in search of love. It's better to accept that you'll be single for a while and enjoy life than to worry about where love is found.

By making this decision, you will continue to be an interesting person to your friends, enrich your communication experience, which ultimately will significantly increase the likelihood of finding your soulmate.

Meet different people

Before you finally settle on one person, you need to meet people various types. In this way, you will learn to better understand a person’s character and understand his personal characteristics; someone who has a rich store of knowledge about behavior in various situations has a better chance of successfully choosing a life partner. If you have many friends, then you are unlikely to allow your relationships to not be harmonious, respectful and fair.

For shy people, psychologists have a recommendation: take communication skills courses. This will help get rid of discomfort on dates and better understand where love is found, because most often the teachers are experienced psychologists who have a clear answer to this question.


All people have unique techniques for sending signals to members of the opposite sex. This can be absolutely any action: eyebrow movements, suggestive glances, whispers, light touches, winks, etc. There can really be a lot of options, the main thing is that these signs are understandable to those to whom they are directed.

Girls should not be shy about flirting in an attempt to attract a man. After all, for a very long time, representatives of the fairer sex have been taking the initiative, taking the first step towards the object of sympathy. During a conversation, be attentive to your interlocutor, noting his tone of speech and the topic of conversation. If your partner asks questions, this indicates that he is interested in you. If in response to touching, an attempt to come closer, a lowering of tone, a person reacts in a similar or positive way, then your mutual attraction increases. If the interlocutor averts his eyes, quietly moves away, listens more, then he is not interested in your company.

Working team

It would seem that the office is the last place where you can find love. Nevertheless, quite a lot of people have found their happiness in the work environment. The explanation for this is simple - firstly, we spend most of our time at work, so why not benefit from it for ourselves. Secondly, people working in the same organization initially have much more in common than people meeting, for example, on the street.

Friendly meetings

Surely, everyone was once invited by friends to visit with the goal of introducing them “to an interesting person.” You should not refuse such gatherings. Of course, it is far from a fact that this will be the same person with whom you will have a whirlwind romance and have children. It’s not at all a fact that even you will just like it. But if you don’t knock on every door, you’ll have to wait much longer for results. In the end, even if a spark doesn’t fly between you, you can just have a good evening in pleasant company. But there are still many couples who, when asked where they find love, proudly answer: “Friends!”

Marriage Agency

Let's consider another answer to the question of where to find. We will talk about marriage agencies. Such organizations, as a rule, take the selection of a couple quite seriously, focusing on common interests and mutual requirements. At the agency, you will need to fill out a questionnaire, answering questions about yourself and your prospective partner. The computer will process the data and select candidates based on the results.

Some marriage firms have their own halls where they hold events where you can meet your partner. Such organizations are useful for those who find it difficult to get along with people, who do not know where and therefore it is worth taking advantage of the opportunity they provide.

Wherever you decide to look for your soul mate, no matter how often you ask yourself questions: “Where is my love?”, “How to meet your love?”, “Why do you have to wait so long?”, do not forget, in order to meet interesting person, you need to be no less interesting yourself. Therefore, the main rule is: do not get hung up on the search, develop and enjoy life. And someone will definitely appear with whom you will always want to be close, who will understand at a glance and at a glance, someone in front of whom you will not need to pretend and pretend to be happy, in a word, someone with whom you will be happy!

Only by keeping an open mind do you cultivate the possibility of finding love.

Try new hobbies, have explosive experiences, and don't judge people.

The more open you are, the better.

5. Don't cling to type

If you only pay attention to dark-haired, green-eyed, hugely inherited girls or guys, you exclude a lot of worthy people from your focus without even giving them a chance.

Try to avoid any types, but if you are a man, remember that the appearance of the object of your love should, at a minimum, be very sympathetic to you.

Sometimes true love is right on your doorstep without you even realizing it.

Is there anyone among them who could really be something more for you?

7. Try online dating

It is worth considering that often than simpler people converge, the easier it is to diverge.

8. Analyze past mistakes

Looking at your past can really help you find love in the future.

All your romantic experiences should help you learn and grow.

Try to remember what was done right and what you would change if a similar situation were to happen again.

Use these lessons in the future to make your future relationships and search for love more successful.

9. What you seek also seeks you.

At some point, it may seem like you will never be able to find love.

Despite this, continue to believe that your person is also in search, and he is looking for you.

If you give up, you will never meet him.

10. Stay positive

While searching for your love, as well as constantly when you are, be sure to remain positive.

The more negative, obsessive, and pathetic you become, the more people will turn away from you.

11. New hobbies

New interests and hobbies open new doors for you. They take you to exciting places where you can meet new people.

New hobbies will easily expand your social circle. You will meet people who do the same things as you, which will be a great basis for communication and starting a relationship.

12. Enjoy life

Don't forget that true love often comes when you least expect it.

Don't make the search for love the cornerstone of your life.

Enjoy every moment, take a deep breath, mind your own business, and you will notice that love will appear in your life easier than you expected.

13. Know what's important to you

Have clear expectations from your future partner.

You can find the right person much easier if you are clear about what is important to you and what you can compromise on.

14. Don't waste time

There is no point in wasting your time in a relationship that is doomed to fail.

If your life goals and values ​​are completely different, no matter how much you love each other, be honest with yourself.

In this case, the relationship will still end, but keep in mind that a later breakup will be much more painful.

15. Don't interfere in other people's relationships

If you have a crush on someone in a relationship, you shouldn't get involved, and here's why.

You may end up spending too much time to end up with nothing to show for it.

Perhaps the object of your attraction is crazy about his other half and will never leave.

Maybe this person is completely unsuitable for you, and you are wasting your time in empty anticipation.

Well, in general. Interfering in other people's relationships is unethical.

16. Be friendly

Well what can I say. A smile is the most important component of a successful person.

A high level of friendliness increases the level of attraction of other people to you.

You will definitely be able to find love, because new people in your life will relate to you more easily and it will be easier for them to communicate with you.

17. Learn to say “Yes”

The more life experiences you have, the more activities, things and emotions you can try and experience.

True love arises in mysterious ways and can be found in the most unexpected places.

So prepare a springboard for her and say “Yes” to her and life’s events.

18. Be realistic

Be realistic in your expectations of love.

Unrealistic expectations can cause deep disappointment because overly high expectations will result in you not finding anyone who meets your ideal.

19. Listen to your intuition

How to find love? Listen to your intuition, because it is unlikely to let you down.

Follow the sensations that arise through intuition so that everything that happens is fully realized.

20. Make an effort

The more effort you put into staying fit, looking attractive, and being socially active, the more likely you are to find love.

Therefore, make sure that you look good and are able to make a positive impression on others, and often get out of the house in search of love.

And in more detail. I think that the definition of love is set differently for everyone... I’ll try to highlight the general definition of this term. Love is emotions, feelings, affection for a person.

There is also love for another object, but in this article we will talk about the love of a person for a person. A more detailed definition of the word “love” can be found in the article “ “

Reasons for loneliness

I think at the moment a lot of people consider themselves lonely. Even reading this article, you probably at least a little consider yourself lonely, and are also looking for your love...

The main problem with this is that many sit and wait for their love, postponing this feeling for the future. Typical reasoning: “Someone will love me, then it will be clear whether it is love or not.” I’ll meet someone, and I’ll give all the love that I’ve been saving up to my future other half. In my opinion, doing that is stupid.

Imagine example: You spend your entire life saving money for yourself in order to find that one thing on which you will spend all this accumulated over your entire life, starving and begging.

Here's a better example: You are an athlete and have been accumulating strength for many years, so that later you can “shoot” somewhere at the World Championships, without showing anything at competitions, so that you have strength for the future. Isn't it stupid?

With love, everything is exactly the same: by pushing away love, you also push away the “chosen ones”. Remember: do you have little love? You will also have little sympathy from others. And of course, on the contrary - you have a lot of love? Yes and more people will be drawn to you

It may also be that you think that your life has not worked out. Or do you wait and put off your love until there is someone to love?

By your own actions you push away love. But you, yes, she needs you. Don’t waste time, use every minute so that there is more and more of this love in you. And everyone around will see that love is simply “gushing” in you and they themselves will be drawn to you. They will change their opinion about you, they will perceive you much better, and respond with the same love as you.

There is no need to transfer everything to the future, try to behave as if Your love is already near.

For example, many girls don't wear beautiful clothes, because they want to show it to their loved one, or their home is a mess - there is no one to try for; they sleep in old pajamas because there is no one to appreciate beautiful and expensive things.

    Try to find the reasons for your loneliness (maybe it’s your character, problems). They sometimes make it difficult to find that “one” person.

    Resolve the reasons that you have found in yourself. And try to correct them step by step or try to start looking at life “from scratch.”

    There is no need to despair, be upset, scold your life or become depressed, try to be more cheerful, smile more often sincerely: a smile attracts and brings people together.

    Possess such qualities for which you yourself would love a person. Remember the proverb: “A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar,” remake the same proverb about love: I think you understand what I meant. If you are looking for people with certain qualities, then show the same qualities to the people who surround you.

    In your search for love, do not forget: you need to love constantly, all the time.


Love is one of the most beautiful states characteristic of a person. Its mechanism has not yet been fully determined. Many biochemist researchers who study this phenomenon from a scientific point of view associate its occurrence with certain chemical processes occurring in our brain. Philosophers and poets call love a magnificent gift of the gods, designed to make a person kinder, purer, nobler and more sublime. It is quite possible that both opinions are true.

Article outline:

Where to find love?

If you are single and crave warmth and tenderness, you may often have a question: “Where can I look for her, the love of my life?” Some create the ideal image of a prince on a white horse or a brave pirate on a beautiful schooner, and wait, thinking that their ideal will find them. Moreover, their image is so vivid and real for themselves that the appearance of a candidate with any, even the most minimal, deviation from the canons of the image will be perceived by them as heresy, and will be immediately and indignantly rejected. Ultimately, it is a dead end and an escape from reality that can lead to loneliness into old age. You can draw an ideal for yourself, but try to adapt it to real life, because there are a lot of princes in the world.

The other extreme is an endless series of falling in love. Meeting each new person, this type of personality finds in him those ideal traits that, as it seems to him, are capable of making life truly happy. And when, ultimately, a new object of adoration appears on the horizon, the old idol is immediately forgotten and mercilessly discarded.

Many people fall in love with actors, singers, athletes and other celebrities. They become one of the many, part of the crowd of fans besieging the unfortunate “star”.

Firstly, people often fall in love not with a specific person, but with an image created by image makers, a celebrity and, often, the person in love himself. Cases when a relationship developed between a celebrity and a fan, as a natural continuation of any love and sympathy, are extremely few, practically absent. Therefore, you should not succumb to the charms of art, because you don’t know the person himself at all. The hero and “macho” on the screen may turn out to be a coward and an infantile nonentity.

In order to find the person who really suits you, follow these recommendations:

  • Try to carefully look around your immediate surroundings. A person with whom you have the opportunity to see often has a much greater chance of becoming a (truly) close person to you.

  • Choose a person who is close to your interests, hobbies and hobbies. A partner with whom you can only talk about the weather and politics has little chance of becoming your one and only.

  • Don't look towards married guys or married girls, even if it is crystal clear to you that he (s) is unhappy in marriage, and you are the ideal match. Relationships can only be built after a person has divorced, overcome emotional attachment and is ready for a new relationship. Otherwise, you may associate your whole life with the process of parting with your ex and pangs of conscience, annoyance and other negative aspects that accompany the breakup of two people. In the end, in order to get rid of subconscious discomfort, such a partner will break up with you.

  • Expand your horizons, social circle and interests. This will not only allow you to develop as a person, but also to find new acquaintances and friends who may find you attractive and like you. Few people are interested in boring conservative snobs.

  • Be careful with dating sites and social networks. This is a fairly easy way to find a partner by assessing his external characteristics and interests. However, as practice shows, the ease of such acquaintances corrupts people and deprives them of the value perception of relationships. Subconsciously, he will always believe that he still has a bunch of potential partners in his stash. The consequence of this will be a weak desire to compromise, give in, or infringe on oneself in something for the benefit of the relationship. Partners will be attracted by a sea of ​​potential opportunities, a desire to try something else and the question: “Isn’t this a mistake? Is this the same woman? Maybe busty Irochka would be a better housewife and flexible wife?

  • Try not to choose future spouses at work. Office romances are only good in films. In fact, such relationships will be equally harmful to both work and love. In a relationship, there should be a change of scenery, small natural “pauses” and the opportunity to take a break from each other. If you work during the day and then come home, you will inevitably deal with professional issues. The partner's face will be associated with work, and emotional fatigue may result in a break in the relationship.

True love and its search

? This is a feeling of tenderness, affection, admiration and respect for the object of your feelings. Love can be maternal, paternal, brotherly, and so on. Love between a man and a woman is something special. Therefore, it is important to promptly and correctly identify what you are experiencing. It is quite difficult to identify the criteria for true love, since for each character and temperament love and its manifestations will be different. Traditionally, the symbols of true love are the ability to sacrifice something valuable, happiness, life, career for the sake of a loved one. But these criteria are not always correct.

Practice shows that ardent, passionate love with beautiful gestures, exalted and reckless actions is characteristic of bright, enthusiastic natures. Both partners enjoy their feelings, they are bursting with the desire to flaunt them. Often they demonstratively show their feelings by rapturously kissing in the presence of the general public, making bright gestures and using “intimate” epithets and addresses even in front of strangers. Therefore, the more stormy and enchanting the romance proceeds, the greater the chances for a quick cooling of the partners’ feelings and a break in the relationship. This is due to the fact that explosive and vivid emotions require constant novelty in relationships. It's good when both partners are aware of this and are ready to work on it. Most often, love passions pass through the brightest phase and fade away safely, freeing partners to search for new bright and intense sensations and emotions.

It’s another matter when relationships arise slowly, unhurriedly, affection gradually acquires new sympathies and small touches that bring people closer together. In this case, you will not see public displays of feelings, “intimacy for show.” In front of strangers, such a couple is reserved and even somewhat cold towards each other. There will be no ugly scenes of jealousy or exciting acts of passion on display. But such love will manifest itself in actions, care loving people about each other. Ideally, in old age, such love, bypassing the stages of carnal attraction and falling in love, develops into a calm mutual respect partners.

It's more difficult when true love is unrequited. Often, the lack of reciprocal feelings only inflames the lover even more and provokes him on a long road “to nowhere.” If you see that the object of your desire, despite all your efforts to awaken sympathy, remains cold, you should get rid of this feeling. There are many ways to do this: moving, refusing to communicate with the object of love, looking for new partners and a new interesting work. In the end, you will look back in amazement and wonder that this person evoked such deep feelings in you.

You should also not confuse true love with sexual desire. You may feel comfortable with a person in bed, and they may be quite attractive and sexy. You may even find it interesting to communicate with him between sexual acts. But if your relationship lacks emotional depth, if you are simply satisfying physiological needs, partially compensating for emotional emptiness and the need for intimacy, such a relationship should not last long. Otherwise, they can turn into a bad habit, emotional dependence, which will be very difficult to get rid of.

Relationships and love are a long process of building, working on yourself and your partner, making concessions and compromises. Therefore, you should not build love only on external sympathies.

How to look for a soulmate after 30 years?

This is the age when it is worth thinking about permanent stable relationships, family and children. After all, if you delay the birth of a child for a long time, it will be difficult for you to support him while studying at a university and, in general, you will be representatives of too different generations, which will create additional barriers to communication.

What to look for when choosing a future partner and the love of your life.

  1. Relationships are a constant movement and development. Observe whether the object of your sympathy is able to build and develop relationships, bear responsibility for them, plan a family and grow old together. If he has no desire to build your relationship with all seriousness, to work on his shortcomings, to give in to you, then it is best for you to break up at the stage of easy love in order to avoid emotional trauma in the future.

  2. Analyze whether there is an emotional connection between you and whether there are any omissions. Can you directly state what you don't like and discuss it together, solving the problem.

  3. Try to ensure that your loved one shares your interests in life, can provide you with moral support in difficult times, serve as support and support, and not a hindrance. If you notice that your partner is busy organizing his affairs at your expense, constantly sacrifices your interests for the sake of his own and demonstrates, albeit not clearly, selfishness and selfishness, run away from such a person as much as you can. He will not change or improve, no matter what you do or say.

  4. Note for yourself the person’s tendency to petty quibbles, the ability to forgive, extinguish conflicts and act as a “peacemaker,” even if the fault lies with him. This quality indicates that they love you and value your relationships more than their empty ambition and desire to assert themselves.

Conspiracies to find love

  • An ancient pagan conspiracy to find love. This conspiracy is associated with the Slavic goddess of love and fertility Makosh. Get outside early before sunrise. Pick up two objects of different sizes. Turn to the rising sun and concentrate your thoughts on the image of the person you would like to meet. Throw the larger object to the left, and the smaller one to the right. At the same time, say out loud: “Take this gift from me, O goddess of fertility, visible but intangible. What could have remained mine, I give to you. For this I expect happiness, love, health and joy from you. May there be balance in the world for everyone. Thanks to you, Makosh!”

  • Take a pear and three cherry wood chips. Halve the pear and say out loud: “Even though the whole thing has fallen apart, so I sit here, alone.” Then stick the slivers into the pears and fasten the halves together. Say: “As soon as the different parts are united into one whole, then I will find my betrothed.” Wrap the pear in a piece of linen and hide it near any fruit tree. This .

How to find a loved one at 10 years old?

Our very first crushes occur at an early age. Our parents are touched when, coming home from kindergarten, we proudly declare that we “love Masha.” At school, our crushes become more meaningful. We can already formulate why we like a person. We carry girls' briefcases, go to the movies with them, secretly kiss and brag to these friends.

All these points are extremely important for the child. At this time, he learns to build relationships correctly, to look after and love, to take care, to be responsible for himself and for the one he sympathizes with. These loves rarely last. In most cases, they remain a light and touching sadness for the rest of your life.

Love and be loved!