Filling adv 3. Software. Order and sample

12.05.2024 Ulcer

Form ADV-3 is an application for the issuance of a copy of a social insurance certificate, which is submitted to the territorial office of the Pension Fund. This is done if a citizen loses a document. The relevant documentation is completed exclusively by the insured person or his official representative.

It is worth noting that in certain cases, it is allowed to fill out application documentation by recruitment agencies and any other authorized persons. The correctness of the specified data in each specific case is confirmed by the signature of the insured citizen.

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To understand the features of filling out, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the established role and norms of the document, with the procedure and sample, with the current list of required details, with the rules for filling out, as well as with situations when the insured person makes a mistake when forming an application.

Basic moments

An application for a duplicate insurance certificate is submitted to the territorial regulatory authorities only if the original is lost or unusable. The document is drawn up in accordance with established standards, which are clearly regulated by current federal legislation.

Based on the insurance certificate, the current amount of pension contributions is formed. The document is prepared in the format of a green card, which indicates all personal information about the insured person. The certificate is always opened along with the birth certificate.

The document is required to solve the following tasks:

  • creating an individual account for employee contributions to social insurance;
  • prompt registration on the website for the provision of public services;
  • development of a specialized electronic card that can significantly facilitate interaction with government organizations;
  • transfer of information about a person between authorized departments;
  • obtaining by a citizen the rights to additional social security and benefits.

It is worth noting the fact that every citizen must be registered with the Pension Fund of Russia branch in order to organize official employment. In cases where a person gets a permanent job for the first time, the employer can draw up the document directly to ensure social guarantees for his employee.

In case of loss, the certificate must be restored without fail.

To do this, you must follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • contact the nearest territorial branch of the Foundation;
  • provide the authorized employee of the organization with a passport and a copy of the lost certificate, if available;
  • fill out the prescribed form, which will be the only legal basis for issuing a duplicate.

Order and sample

In the vast majority of cases, the form is filled out by the citizen by hand in dark paste using printed characters directly at the Foundation branch. However, in some cases, each interested person can take care of generating the document in advance and download the sample completely free of charge from the official portal of the Pension Fund of Russia.

The upper part of the form is filled out by the citizen. This fact is due to the fact that it is necessary to enter current passport information in the appropriate fields. At the bottom of the document, the employer, who acts as the policyholder, must register the citizen’s individual identification number in the social insurance system.

It is important to remember that, in accordance with the law, a special list of rules has been developed on the basis of which the form is filled out:

  • registration of ADV-3 can only be carried out if the person has lost his own insurance certificate;
  • You can apply for a duplicate only to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of permanent registration of the citizen;
  • each specific citizen who has lost a document fills out an application in his own hand - only in individual cases is it allowed to involve the personnel department from the place of permanent employment in the process;
  • the organization’s management can prepare the statement on their own initiative or in cases where the loss is associated with the actions of company representatives.

A sample of filling out the form in question can be requested by the interested party directly at the Pension Fund office.

To correctly fill out the document, you must carefully consider each of the fields separately:

It is worth noting that the document must be supported by the signature of the applicant or an authorized person involved in drawing up the application, with a transcript.

List of details

When filling out the form, it is important to take into account the details, the full list of which is regulated by the provisions of the current legislation.

Among them it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Full name and date of birth;
  • Actual place of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • place of residence and state registration;
  • Contact phone numbers;
  • contained in any document with which the identity of the applicant can be verified, and so on.

All the above details must be filled in by the person interested in receiving a duplicate.

Rules for filling out form ADV-3

Form ADV-3 is filled out in accordance with the information presented in the table below:

Intelligence Filling Features Mandatory
Information provided on the social security certificate Filling out is carried out in accordance with the standards established by the Pension Fund of Russia. A questionnaire of the insured person is provided. Necessarily
Information that is relevant at the present time (full name, gender, citizenship, place of actual residence, contact numbers A special application for replacement of insurance documentation is provided Only replaceable information is filled in - if the place of birth has changed, then all components of the relevant details are recorded
Identity document Registered in the form Necessarily
Date of completion Specified in the prescribed format

Special cases

If an error has crept in

In some cases, when filling out a document, a citizen may make certain mistakes. If the form is filled out in advance, the easiest way to correct it is to download a new form and fill it out again.

In cases where the document is filled out at the territorial office of the Pension Fund, it is important to take into account several rules:

  • an incorrect character is neatly crossed out with a diagonal line;
  • The correct value is indicated next to it;
  • at the bottom of the document there is a statement stating that the document has been corrected legally;
  • a personal signature is affixed.

An application for a copy of a social insurance certificate is submitted to the territorial office of the fund in the event that the insured person loses the certificate.

When filling out, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • the full name details must be filled in exclusively in the nominative case;
  • gender must be indicated;
  • details with the place of birth are drawn up according to the scheme - locality-region-administrative entity-country;
  • the details with information about citizenship indicate the state of which the specific insured person is a citizen at a specific point in time - for citizens of the Russian Federation the corresponding field is not provided.

When lost

In cases where a citizen allows the loss of a document to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to submit an application for replacement. Every interested person can download the online application form.

In this case, the document is prepared as follows:

  • Full name is indicated in the nominative case;
  • gender is marked with the letters M or F;
  • the date of birth is written in the format day-month-year - in cases where the identity document contains information about a non-existent date, then the “special” mark is required;
  • registration and actual addresses are filled in in accordance with the established format from largest to smallest, for example, index-country-region-district-city and so on;
  • the personal signature is independently certified by the insured person or his employer;
  • As for the section reserved for indicating information from the employer, it is filled out only in cases of receiving a duplicate through the organization.

Features in the program

The formation of the application documentation under consideration is carried out in several stages:

  1. A personal card of an employee of a certain organization is developed and filled out.
  2. A basic package of documents is being formed.
  3. The established printing forms are prepared.
  4. A reporting file is developed, which is subsequently checked for compliance with the requirements of the Pension Fund.

The report for each form is a list of completed documentation for individual accounting.

To develop it in a specialized program, you must follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Go to the menu section on the Pension Fund website.
  2. In the tab with information about the place of birth, indicate personal information about the citizen - all components of this detail are written in the nominative case using the names of settlements, territories, republics, and so on.
  3. In the line with information about the locality, only the name of the city or town is indicated, without nuances associated with the type.
  4. The line with information about the district indicates the name of the specific district without abbreviations.
  5. In the field with information about the region, territory or republic, all information is written without abbreviations.

In cases where the actual place of birth cannot be registered in accordance with the established scheme, then a special note about the place must be indicated. In this case, the full name of the place of birth can be indicated in free form.

After this, the applicant must click on the “OK” button for the program to begin processing all the information entered into the application form. Below are the conditions for preparing the report.

Often, a citizen's insurance certificate (SNILS) is lost or damaged, resulting in the need to restore this important document.

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To obtain a duplicate from the Pension Fund of Russia, you will have to draw up an application in accordance with a special form ADV-3 and submit it there for consideration.

If the paper is filled out correctly and contains all the necessary information, the person receives an updated certificate with the same identification code.

This article will discuss how to correctly fill out an application using the ADV-3 form.

What you need to know

Application ADV-3 is written on his own behalf by a citizen who has lost his insurance certificate. All information provided in the form must be correct - the applicant certifies it with a personal signature.

Photo: insurance certificate for compulsory pension insurance

If there is an inaccuracy in the form and a discrepancy between the information and the database is later discovered, then a duplicate SNILS will not be issued to him.

A document for the issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate on behalf of a person can be submitted to the Pension Fund by his employer.

However, this can only happen if the citizen himself is unable to do this at the moment due to:

  • long business trip (more than 1 month);
  • serious illness or injury.

In such a situation, when filling out the application, the employer must indicate the reason why he had to generate the specified document himself.


SNILS has the form of a green card with a person’s personal data, which is issued once and for life.

It is opened together with the issuance of a birth certificate (entitles you to receive benefits for medical and social services) or at your first place of work.

An insurance certificate is required to solve the following tasks:

  1. Creating an account for accumulating employee contributions to social insurance.
  2. Prompt registration within the framework of the State Services portal (
  3. Registration of a special electronic card, which facilitates interaction with government agencies.
  4. Interdepartmental transfer of information about a person.
  5. Obtaining the right to various social benefits and other payments.

Purpose of the document

Registration of a citizen with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is a mandatory condition for his official work activity. This procedure boils down to issuing him a personal account on which insurance contributions will be accumulated throughout his working life.

Subsequently, his pension will be calculated on their basis. Insurance certificate (SNILS) is a mandatory document when applying for a job. If a person is employed for the first time, then the employer himself has the right to start one.

The Green Card is not only a guarantee of future pension payments, but also a way to use benefits when using public health and social services.

However, SNILS is often lost or damaged, which requires the restoration of this important document. To do this you will need:

  1. Contact the nearest Pension Fund branch.
  2. Take with you the original passport and a copy of the lost SNILS (if available).
  3. Fill out form ADV-3 on site.

Thus, the ADV-3 application form for obtaining SNILS is the only basis for issuing a duplicate insurance certificate. This is the purpose of this document.

Regulatory consolidation

The legislative basis for obtaining SNILS and its duplicate based on the ADV-3 form is the following regulations of the Russian Federation:

Based on the latest resolution, the Pension Fund of Russia has developed instructions for submitting documents to obtain an insurance certificate and for filling out ADV-3.

Rules for filling out form ADV-3 for issuing a duplicate

Since when restoring SNILS, Pension Fund employees need to make sure that the applicant really wants to receive a duplicate document and not commit a fraudulent transaction, they will need the entire range of personal data about him.

Video: preparing personalized reporting

The easiest way to obtain information is by filling out the ADV-3 form, which can be requested at any territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or downloaded online.

In addition, it is now possible to fill out the ADV-3 application online. When submitting an application for a duplicate SNILS, it is important to adhere to the following simple requirements:

  • all personal and contact information of a person must be true and accurate;
  • the required information must be entered in all fields of the proposed form;
  • the form must be filled out by the citizen personally or by his employer, with the obligatory indication of the reason for delegating this issue.

Formation order

Most often, the ADV-3 form is filled out by the citizen by hand in dark paste, in block letters, directly to the Pension Fund. However, you can download it in advance and enter the necessary information on your computer.

The upper part of the document is filled out by the employee himself, since information from his passport, birth certificate, and lost SNILS is entered into it.

At the bottom, the employer, acting as the policyholder, enters the person’s identification number in the social insurance system.

Currently, a range of rules has been developed on the basis of which the ADV-3 is filled out. Among them (PFR Resolution No. 192-p):

  1. Filling out the form is carried out only if the citizen has lost or otherwise lost his insurance certificate.
  2. For a duplicate, you should contact the Pension Fund, where, on the basis of the information presented in ADV-3, using information from the unified federal database, SNILS will be restored.
  3. The applicant must draw up the document in his own hand, as well as submit it to the Pension Fund.
  4. In extreme cases, the paper is filled out on the basis of the employee’s documents by personnel from his place of residence, indicating the reason why the applicant could not do this on his own.

Obtaining a duplicate insurance certificate falls on the shoulders of his employer even if the SNILS was lost due to the fault of the organization.

Sample filling

A sample for filling out ADV-3 can be requested from the territorial office of the Pension Fund of Russia. However, even without it, it is not at all difficult to correctly enter information into the form fields.

It is advisable to consider each of the form fields separately:

Data from insurance certificate Completing this section is a prerequisite, since on its basis information will be checked against the federal database.

Here they write:

  • Full name and gender of the person;
  • his date and place of birth
Current information This section of the document includes the same information as the previous one. However, it is also attributed here:
  • addresses of registration and actual residence;
  • person's last name, if it has been changed
Identity document Here, as a rule, the passport is indicated. Below are the date of issue and expiration of the validity period, series and number, as well as the office that issued the document. All fields in this section are also required.
Date of preparation of the ADV-3 application It is written in the following order: date (as a two-digit number), month (in words), year (as a four-digit number). For example, August 03, 2019
Information entered by the employer If the citizen himself decides to restore SNILS, then he does not have to involve his employer in this matter: he can fill out this part on his own. Here you will need to enter:
  • insurance identification number, which was contained in the lost certificate;
  • whether information about the person has previously been submitted to the Pension Fund or is it being sent there for the first time?

Both parts of the document are certified by the signature of the applicant (or his employer) with mandatory decryption.

The finished document is submitted for review to Pension Fund employees, who inform you after what period it will be possible to pick up a duplicate SNILS. Typically, the waiting time is less than one month.

If an error is found

Sometimes, in the process of filling out ADV-3, a citizen inadvertently makes mistakes. If the document is prepared in advance, then the easiest option for correcting them is to download a new form and fill it out from scratch.

If the document is drawn up by hand by the Pension Fund, then it is important to adhere to the following rules for correcting inaccuracies:

  1. Carefully cross out the incorrect letter or number with a diagonal line and write the correct value next to it;
  2. At the very bottom of the document, write the phrase “Believe the Corrected” and put a personal signature.

It should be remembered that a form with corrections provides a greater guarantee of receiving a document than an ADV-3 with errors.

Thus, filling out form ADV-3 is required to obtain a duplicate of the insurance certificate in the event of its loss.

The document is drawn up on official letterhead, which was developed and approved by the Pension Fund, and then handed over to its employees.

The application must be completed and submitted by the applicant himself or, in extreme cases, by his employer, acting as the insured.

All personal information entered in the document must be accurate and reliable and certified by the signature of the person.


  • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the website.
  • All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee a solution to your specific problems.

Every able-bodied citizen must have an insurance certificate containing a unique SNILS number. And if the employee does not have the most important document, the employer must take care of its preparation. However, what to do if the employee has a SNILS, but the data in it does not match. For example, an employee got married and now has a different last name in her passport.

Note that not only the surname, but also the first or patronymic of a citizen, as well as the place and date of his birth can change. Such situations occur quite rarely, for example, in newly discovered special circumstances.

In such a situation, it is necessary to draw up a special appeal to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - “Application for the exchange of an insurance certificate.” This document has a unified form ADV-2, approved by Resolution of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 2 dated January 11, 2017.

Current form ADV-2

Information must be submitted to the Pension Fund no later than 14 days from the date of the employee’s application; such norms are enshrined in clause 5 art. 7 of the law of 01.04.1996 No. 27-FZ, clause 27 of the Instructions, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 14, 2009 No. 987n.

How to fill out the ADV-2 application

The employee can fill out the application independently or contact the organization’s human resources department. To draw up this application to the Pension Fund, the following documents will be required:

  • passport containing new information;
  • documents confirming changes in the employee’s personal data (marriage certificate, court decision, etc.);
  • insurance certificate with old data.

Having prepared the documentation, we proceed to the formation of ADV-2. We use the conditions of the example for clarity: Victoria Viktorovna Viktorova registered an official marriage. When registering, I changed my last name to Kostina.

We follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. We enter the personal data of citizen V.V. Viktorova. in the first block of the statement. Please note that SNILS, last name, first name and patronymic in this section should be indicated before changes.

  1. In the next block we indicate the changed personal data. Please note that there is no need to duplicate information that has remained unchanged. We register only the new surname.

  1. We also indicate the addresses of permanent residence: at registration and at actual residence. Let us remind you that if these addresses match, only the block with the registration address is filled in. Then we register the citizen’s contact phone number.

  1. Now we indicate information about the identity document. In our case, this is a passport. We write the name of the document in accordance with the Classifier presented in Appendix No. 2 of Resolution No. 2p. Next, write down the series and number of the document, the date of issue and the name of the authority that issued the passport. Then we indicate the date of preparation of the ADV-2 and sign it with the citizen who changed his personal data.

In addition to the application to change the SNILS data, a special accompanying inventory must be submitted to the Pension Fund. Read about how to compose it in a separate article: .

Ready-made ADV-2: sample filling when changing surname

If SNILS is lost

Changing your last name is not the only case when you will have to contact the Pension Fund for a new insurance certificate. For example, if an employee has lost a document or lost it under certain circumstances.

In such a situation, it is necessary to draw up a special application in form ADV-3 for the issuance of a duplicate SNILS.

The application form was approved by Pension Fund Resolution No. 2p. This regulatory legal act contains not only detailed instructions for filling out the form, but also a visual example.

How to fill out ADV-3 correctly

The form should be filled out in the same order:

  1. Provide personal details (full name, date of birth, gender and place of birth).
  2. Record citizenship.
  3. Enter your place of permanent residence (registered and actual). If the data matches, then there is no need to duplicate the information.
  4. Register your phone number, work or home.
  5. Details of the identity document.
  6. Put the date and signature of the citizen who lost the insurance certificate.

The application is then certified by the employer. The SNILS number is indicated, according to which deductions were made to the Pension Fund and reports were submitted.

An application for the issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate in form ADV-3 is submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the event that the insured person loses the insurance certificate or the insurance certificate is unsuitable for use.

Filled out according to the following rules:

1. The details “Last name, first name, patronymic” are indicated in the nominative case (required to be filled in)

2. Gender - indicate the letter “M” or “F” (required to be filled in)

3. Date of birth - indicated as follows: DD name of the month YYYY. If the identity document indicates a non-existent date of birth, for example June 31, then this date is transferred to the insured person’s application form without changes and the word “special” is indicated in the same line. If the identity document does not contain the month and/or day of the month of birth (for example, “May” 1950 or “1950”), then this date is transferred to the insured person’s questionnaire “May 15, 1950”, “July 01, 1950” and in the same line the word “special” is indicated.

4. The details “Place of birth” are filled in according to the following scheme:

locality - district - region - country


in the line city (village, village,..) only the name of the settlement is indicated without indicating the type of settlement, i.e. the words “city”, “village”, “village”, “urban-type settlement”, “settlement”, “state farm”, “stanitsa”, “farm”, etc., as well as their abbreviations are not indicated;

in the district line the name of the district is indicated without indicating the word “district” or the abbreviation of this word;

in the line region (region, republic,...) the name of the region, region, republic is indicated in full, while the words “region”, “region” are indicated without abbreviations. Autonomous and union republics, autonomous districts, autonomous regions are indicated by generally accepted abbreviations: “ASSR”, “SSR”, “AO”, etc.;

The country line for the former republics of the USSR is not filled in. In the event that the district had republican subordination, the name of the republic is indicated in the line region (region, republic,...).

Nationality detail - indicates the country of which the insured person is a citizen. For citizens of the Russian Federation it is not completed.

5. If the place of birth cannot be indicated in accordance with the proposed scheme, the “Place of Birth” detail is filled in as follows:

after the words “Place of birth” on the same line the word “special” is indicated;

the name of the place of birth is divided into parts, and each part is written on a separate line of details, while all components are indicated in the nominative case in accordance with the identity document of the insured person, including the type of settlement and administrative entity.

6. The details “Registration address” and “Actual residence address” are filled in according to the following scheme:

index, country, region, district, city, locality, street, house, building, apartment


The country address element for residents of Russia is not filled in. If the country is not Russia, the remaining elements of the address are written in any form.

For residents of Russia, the composition of elements in the address must correspond to their composition adopted when writing a postal address. At the same time, for regional centers the names of regions may not be indicated. For district centers, the names of the districts may not be indicated. For the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, which are subjects of the Russian Federation, the region element (“MOSCOW G” or “SAINT PETERSBURG G”, respectively) must be filled in, the district element is not indicated, and in the city and locality elements intracity cities and districts are indicated.

Filling out the specified address elements is done only in capital Russian letters and begins with the semantic part of the element, and then the abbreviated name of the element type is written, for example: the city of Podolsk is written as Podolsk g; Pobeda village - Pobeda n; Stroiteley street - Stroiteley street; Mira Boulevard - Mira Boulevard, etc. Periods at the end of abbreviations are not allowed.

When filling out the house and building address elements, not only numeric, but also alphabetic values, as well as the symbols “-” and “/” (to indicate a corner house) can be used. The house element can indicate ownership, and the building element can indicate a building.

Abbreviations for address element types are listed in the Address Element Types table.

7. Identity document: type of document - indicate the name of the identity document.

series and number - indicate the series and number of the identity document; date of issue - the date of issue of the identity document is indicated, filled in as follows: DD name of the month YYYY; issued by - when filling out the details, you should strictly adhere to the names of districts, cities, villages and other territorial entities contained in the identity document (despite possible changes in the names at the time of filling out the form), all generally accepted abbreviations are allowed. The date the insured person filled out the questionnaire is indicated as follows: DD month name YYYY.

Filled out by the policyholder (employer) - this is a required detail when filling out an application for the issuance of a duplicate by the policyholder.

If your employee has lost his certificate of compulsory pension insurance (where SNILS is indicated) or has lost it in another way, the employer will have to restore the document (clause 5 of article 7, clause 1 of article 9 of Law dated 01.04.1996 No. 27-FZ). In this case, the employee must draw up an application for the issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate (clause “b”, clause 26 of the Instructions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 14, 2009 No. 987n) in form ADV-3 (Appendix 1 to the Resolution of the Pension Fund Board dated June 1, 2016 No. 473p). It is permissible for the employer to fill out the application by specialists from its HR service or accounting department, but in any case the employee must sign the application (clause 22 of the Instructions for filling out forms to the Resolution of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Board of June 1, 2016 No. 473p).

Form ADV-3: what to indicate

The application for a duplicate must reflect the following information about the employee: full name, gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, residence address (according to registration and actual, if it differs from registration), telephone number, as well as details of an identity document. Below, the policyholder must indicate the employee’s SNILS, according to which personalized information was previously submitted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. And confirmation of the fact that the employee was assigned just such a SNILS will be, for example, a copy of his pension certificate, which most employers make when hiring new employees. It will need to be attached to the application, as well as a list of documents in the ADV-6-1 form, and sent to the Fund office within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of the application for a duplicate from the employee (clause 5 of Article 7 of the Law of 04/01/1996 No. 27-FZ, clause 27 of the Instructions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 14, 2009 No. 987n).

Procedure for issuing a duplicate

Pension Fund specialists will have to consider the application within a month (clause 28 of the Instructions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 14, 2009 No. 987n). Based on the results, they will make a positive or negative decision. They will refuse to issue a duplicate if they cannot find an insured person with the SNILS number specified in the application in the Pension Fund database.

If a positive decision is made to issue a duplicate, it will be sent to the policyholder along with the accompanying statement. The employer will have to give the employee a duplicate certificate within a week after receiving it (clause 14 of the Instructions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 14, 2009 No. 987n). The employee must sign the accompanying statement, which will need to be sent back to the Pension Fund.

ADV-3: sample filling

Among the forms of documents for individual (personalized) registration in the compulsory pension insurance system newly approved in 2016 (Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of June 1, 2016 No. 473p) there is also form ADV-3. It is this version of the form that should be used if an employee needs to issue a duplicate.