How to care for a small puppy while living in an apartment. A puppy in an apartment will provide him with complete care. Caring for newborn puppies How to care for a small breed dog

22.03.2022 Complications

The birth of puppies is a joyful and exciting event for which you need to prepare in advance. In order for newborn babies to feel protected and in comfortable conditions, you must purchase in advance for them and their mother a bed, an electronic heating pad and scales, and artificial milk. We invite you to learn how to care for puppies in the first days and weeks of their life.

What to do after the birth of puppies?

Take time off from work so you can spend as much time at home as possible. This way you can observe how the bitch behaves, especially if this is her first litter. Note for yourself the important moments of your mother’s behavior. If you plan to regularly breed puppies in the future, the experience gained will be invaluable to you.

During a normal birth, and if the bitch is already experienced, it will not be difficult to care for the babies, since from birth they already have certain reflexes. An adult dog has a very strong maternal instinct. If this is not the first litter, the bitch will carefully look after the children, carefully licking them, protecting them and feeding them.

Newborn puppies. Care in the first days of life

Newborn puppies are blind and deaf

Babies are born blind and deaf, however, thanks to instincts, from the first hours of life they are able to independently find their mother's nipple. The feeding process usually looks like this: the puppy attaches itself to the chest and begins to massage the area around it with pushing movements with its front and back paws. This helps produce and supply more milk. An important point: it is necessary to put babies to the breast in the first hours after birth so that they eat nutritious colostrum. It contains many vitamins, proteins and other useful substances. The baby's immunity will be strengthened, and various infectious diseases will not be harmful to a growing organism.

In the first few days after birth, puppies cannot empty their bladders or bowels on their own. The bitch does this for them, diligently licking the babies and eating all the secretions. Therefore, newborn puppies lie dry and clean, and there are no marks on the bed. Blind and deaf babies mostly just sleep and suck, rapidly gaining weight. If the puppies do not squeak, it means they are full.

Bitch after giving birth

Try to be there for a few days after giving birth.

If the bitch had a caesarean section, in the first days after the operation she will not be able to independently care for the offspring.

You will have to take this responsibility upon yourself. Massage the babies' bellies with a damp, warm cloth. Having recovered from anesthesia, the bitch may be shocked: where did so many new residents come from? There is a high probability of such a development of events if this birth is her first. When the puppies start crawling around and looking for the nipple, this can make the bitch nervous. Therefore, when the animal has completely recovered from anesthesia, place one puppy in its bed and monitor the reaction. Only if everything went well, can you move all the other kids there. The mother will be cautious and a little aggressive with them until she gets used to it. So try to be there constantly for a few days after giving birth. If this is not the first litter, she will accept them normally and will properly care for the puppies, even with an unhealed suture. In order not to harm the mother, you can keep her newborn babies separately for several days, in a box with a heating pad, placing them next to it only during the feeding period.

If the bitch has no interest in babies, she may be sick. Call a veterinarian immediately for an examination.

Useful information: You should not leave the mother alone with the puppies if this is her first litter. Not every dog ​​exhibits maternal instinct; without supervision, it can harm babies (gnaw off limbs or even eat them completely). Fortunately, this rarely happens. Most often, after a few days, the mother gets used to her role.

Feeding newborn puppies

Puppies often do not gain weight in the first few days.

Useful information: Healthy babies know how to grasp the nipple tightly, they lift their tails up, sleep well, and have wet noses. If there are lethargic and inactive ones, they need to be shown to a veterinarian.

It is very important to weigh a newborn puppy and subsequently monitor how he gains weight and how much food he takes at a time. If the baby is very weak and cannot suck even a drop on his own, he will need to be fed every 1.5 hours from a pipette, syringe or pacifier. To do this, express the mother's milk and give it to the puppy little by little. For the first time, 1 milliliter will be enough.

When the puppy grows a little, increase the amount of milk to 5-10 milliliters. This can only be done after 2 weeks.

Often, in the first few days after birth, babies do not gain weight, and sometimes they can even lose a little weight. But after a couple of days, positive dynamics should appear. If this does not happen, it means that the bitch does not have enough milk to feed the children. You will have to additionally feed the growing body

Often the mother has an excess of milk that remains after feeding. To avoid congestive mastitis, regularly examine your dog's chest and express any excess. This may be due to the fact that she gave birth to only one puppy, which simply cannot suck all the milk. The nipples most commonly pulled by puppies can be swollen, hard, and hot. Owners who encounter a brood for the first time sometimes forget to examine the upper glands, which the babies do not touch. However, milk may also remain there; you need to keep an eye on this. Check all nipples regularly, massage them and express any remaining milk.

Thermoregulation of newborn puppies

In the first week of life, babies do not have a proper thermoregulation system. Even if they are cold, there will be no tremors in the body. So you will have to monitor the temperature in the bed if they grow up separately from their mother, or make sure that they are always close to their mother. To keep the temperature normal and the puppies not to freeze, it is necessary to place them close to each other. If the cot is colder than +30°C, there is a chance that the babies will freeze.

Short-term mild hypothermia will not harm the puppy’s health, but, on the contrary, will strengthen the immune system. This way the puppy will gradually get used to growing in natural conditions. But longer hypothermia can threaten the puppy's life. This problem can be solved by placing an electric heating pad in the baby's bed. Remember that it does not need to be installed over the entire area where the puppies live. If the bitch gets hot, prepare a place where she can move without leaving the children.

First week of life. How to properly care for puppies?

In the first weeks after birth, puppies mostly eat and sleep.

Around the 8th day, you need to trim the puppy’s nails for the first time, and then repeat the procedure every week. This should be done so that the baby does not scratch the mother’s delicate skin around the nipple while sucking milk. Only cut off the sharp edges, the so-called hook tips.

Newborns may develop health problems in the first days, so they need to be closely monitored. When intestinal infections appear, an unpleasant sour smell will appear in the bed, and yellow marks from the disorder will remain around the butt. Then weaker puppies may die literally on the first day.

Useful information: The main cause of infection may be inflammation of the navel stump. Bacteria can enter when a bitch with bad teeth chews and licks the umbilical cord. For prevention, lubricate the stump with brilliant green several times a day.

In the first weeks after birth, puppies mostly only eat and sleep. Don't be alarmed if babies twitch during sleep - this is normal. In the first weeks of life, their eyes and ear canals are closed.

Babies open their eyes for the first time from the 11th to 15th day of life. The rumor appears a little later, on the 18th day. Normal body temperature for a newborn is 34.5-36°C.

The third week of babies' lives is full interesting events and new discoveries, as they are already beginning to walk and explore the territory not only in the bed, but also outside it. At this age they become very pretty, playful and active. They begin to get out of their corner and go to the toilet (tray, diaper or newspaper).

At the fourth week of life, puppies begin to erupt their first teeth. The fangs come out first. This usually happens on days 21-25. As soon as the first teeth appear, you can start feeding the puppy. Over time, mother's milk will gradually begin to disappear, so if the baby gets used to a different diet by then, it will not be stressful for him. At first, give only special milk, and then, as they grow older, add other healthy foods to the diet.

First food for puppies

Initially, feed puppies only one type of complementary food.

Weaning is an important and even critical period for a puppy, which can be harmful to health. But everything will be fine if you know how to do it correctly and carefully monitor your diet. This period will be especially dangerous for weakened and developmentally delayed puppies. Try to gradually make changes to your baby's diet.

It is very important that puppies are initially fed only one type of complementary food. This should be done no more than once a day. Allow your growing body to get used to minor changes so that problems do not arise in the future. Make sure that the babies are absorbing the new food well, and only then increase the dosage.

Gradually expand the puppy's diet

The next step is to offer the puppies supplemental food twice a day. Then gradually expand the diet and feed three times a day. Gradually increase the amount of new food until the bitch is completely weaned. Babies can be completely removed from mother's milk at 5-6 weeks. Let us emphasize once again: it is very important to do everything gradually so as not to harm the health of the puppies. Warm complementary foods to the temperature of mother's milk (approximately +38°C).

You can add boiled food to your diet chicken fillet. Rabbit meat is also ideal for complementary feeding. At the age of 5-6 weeks, babies need to be fed 5 times a day, of which 3 with dairy products, 2 with meat and porridge. Sometimes you can give puppies some boiled fish. Be sure to check the pieces well before giving them to your little ones to avoid any bones.

Be sure to feed the puppies fermented milk products(cottage cheese and bifilin). Boil an egg several times a week and feed only the yolk to the children. You can also dilute the diet rice porridge with meat. It is important that the rice is boiled and does not clog the puppies’ stomach. For variety, include special soaked dry food in your baby's daily menu.

When using premium food, no nutritional problems will arise, but only if you consistently and correctly follow all the recommendations for using this product.

Around this time, the bitch will already be tired of her children and will spend time with them only at night.

Proper care for puppies at 1-2 months

It is important that your baby receives the exact dose that is appropriate for his weight and age. To do this, carefully read the instructions before performing the procedure. Any drug contains an insert sheet in which everything is described in detail.

Helpful information: Puppies instinctively do not go to the toilet where they eat and sleep, so prepare a tray in which they can relieve themselves. At two months of age, the baby prefers to always defecate in one place.

At 2 months it becomes clear what character the baby will have in the future. On the 45th day of life, puppies become active and get used to the world around them.

At this age they can be given nicknames. They already recognize the person who has been caring for them all this time, and as a sign of gratitude they lick his hands and play with him. Only at 2 months does it become clear what character the baby will have in the future. From about this age, it is necessary to devote more time to puppies and play with them, since character depends not only on the characteristics inherent in genes, but also on experience in communicating with humans. After 2 months, older, active and playful babies can go to new owners.

Video. Husky puppies: first weeks

Use our tips and you will be able to raise healthy and energetic puppies, successfully coping with any potential problems.

Any dog ​​- both long-haired and short-haired - requires mandatory care for its coat. If this is not carried out, the dog's coat becomes dull, brittle, the skin begins to peel, and dandruff may appear. To avoid this, you should make it a rule to not only brush your pet regularly, but also cut it on time (dogs with long hair especially need this). In general, caring for your pet's coat is not so difficult - you just need to remember a few important rules.

Caring for your dog's paws from A to Z

Any dog, from a tiny toy to a huge Great Dane, needs care and attention from “their” person. Proper and regular care of dogs' paws is not only a necessary measure for maintaining cleanliness in the house, but also the prevention of many dangerous diseases.

Even seemingly clean dog paws should be washed after every walk. To save time, prepare a towel, soap solution in advance (the shampoo you usually use to wash your dog should be diluted 1:5 and poured into an empty bottle) and a suitable brush (if the dog has long or coarse hair). Since you have to wash your dog’s paws quite often, you don’t need to use cosmetical tools without urgent need (the shampoo removes the protective layer from the surface of the coat; frequent use causes the coat to become dry and brittle). Regular dust and dirt are easily washed off with warm running water. If linden buds are tangled in the fur or the dog is dirty in resin, simply increase the water temperature. A soap solution is necessary when the dog has stained its paws with something odorous and difficult to wash off (tar, paint, ash, etc.).

Dog dental care

A healthy mouth is important not only for people, but also for dogs. The state of the animal’s digestive system depends on the health of the oral cavity, and taking this into account, caring for your dog’s teeth must be carried out regularly!

Dog teeth: main features

Most breeds have a special type of bite, and the correct alignment of the teeth plays a role in vital role, if the dog is a participant in any exhibitions and competitions. If the bite is incorrect, the animal will not receive high marks, but this is not even the main thing: if the teeth are positioned incorrectly, this can create problems for the pet with chewing food, and this is already a threat to the dog’s stomach and other digestive organs. That is why, if you notice an abnormal bite in your dog (usually this is visible immediately upon purchase), you should definitely show it to the veterinarian.

Caring for your dog's ears

A healthy dog's ears clean themselves, so cleaning them regularly is not necessary. However, you still need to care for your pet’s ears, and such care usually comes down to constant monitoring of their condition. Healthy ears should be cleaned no more than once a month, but examined at least once a week.

How to clean your dog's ears?

Everything is very simple: for these purposes, a gauze swab is used, which is moistened in vegetable or vaseline oil, which helps to perfectly remove inflammation. Very dirty ears can be cleaned with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. In this case, your task is to simply treat the outer part of the ears, without penetrating deep into the ear canal. During this procedure, carefully monitor the condition of your pet's ears: if there is an unpleasant odor coming from them, discharge appears, or a crust is growing inside the auricle, do not delay a visit to the veterinarian! All these are signs of incipient inflammation, and in this case the dog needs the help of a doctor.

Dog Eye Care

Clean, shiny and slightly moist eyes are an indicator of the dog’s well-being. But, living next to a person, the dog’s eyes are exposed to irritating external factors every minute. Therefore, caring for your dog’s eyes should become a habit for every self-respecting dog breeder.

Taking care of your eyes: what to pay attention to?

The color, shape and shine of a dog's eyes have vital importance for the pet's attractiveness, and can also significantly affect its exhibition rating. That is why many owners of dogs participating in competitions and exhibitions often even resort to operations to change the shape of their pet’s eyes, but this should not be done under any circumstances: firstly, the presence of small seams will still indicate fraud, and secondly Secondly, such a procedure certainly will not have a positive effect on the animal’s health! Likewise, you should not resort to potent substances that increase the shine of the animal’s eyes (cocaine is often used for this purpose): this can and will make the dog’s eyes more expressive, but it is unlikely to add health to the animal.

Feeding the dog

Basic rules for feeding an adult dog

Before deciding on a diet, every owner must understand the basic standards for feeding dogs. There are not many rules, but they must be followed throughout the pet’s life. So, the most important thing to remember:

Adult dogs are fed 1-2 times a day;

It is necessary to feed the dog after a walk (walking on a full stomach is harmful and even dangerous);

Meat is given in the second half of the day, vegetables, cereals, dairy products - in the first half of the day;

How to toilet train a dog: litter box or outdoors?

Any owner of a small dog is once faced with a choice: street or litter box? Of course, taking the dog outside to “do business” is preferable and in all respects healthier for the animal. But sometimes it is necessary to accustom an adult dog to the litter box (there is no time for a full walk, the dog or owner is ill, etc.).

How to train a dog to use a litter box?

So, let's start with a trip to the pet store. We will need disposable diapers (you can buy baby diapers at the pharmacy, they are often cheaper, but no different), a brush for cleaning the toilet, a disinfectant, a bag of your favorite treats, a tray.

More about dog litter boxes

The simplest and most convenient tray for small dog breeds is a plastic “tray” with a grid or grooved mat at the bottom. If there is a removable grill inside, then the diaper should be placed under it (the paws remain dry), and if there is a corrugated rug, then the diaper is simply placed on top. When choosing a dog litter box without a grid, pay attention to models that are equipped with a diaper holder. Many dogs play with diapers, sometimes swallowing pieces. If the diaper is well secured to the bottom of the tray, the dog will not be interested in it.

The appearance of a small pet in an apartment is undoubtedly a joyful event. You just need to make sure that the puppy will have a comfortable and convenient stay, and provide him with walks in the fresh air.

What is the difference between caring for puppies in an apartment or a private house?

If a small puppy is brought into your apartment, you need to accustom him to additional rules from a young age:

1. You should not allow your dog to bark around the clock and react to any noise indiscriminately. This is a very pressing problem, especially if people live next door, to put it mildly, “not fans” of animals. In a private home, they don’t even pay attention to such little things.

2. You cannot walk your pet without a muzzle, this especially applies to large and fighting dogs. It is necessary to accustom your baby to a muzzle from childhood so that it does not cause discomfort in the future.

It is never possible to fully understand what is on a dog's mind. And if in childhood the puppy was raised incorrectly and his psyche was traumatized, then in adulthood you can expect anything.

It is necessary to teach the dog commands from a very early age, even with the help of a specialist if necessary, so that the dog is not socially dangerous.

3. It is strictly forbidden to walk puppies in cultural parks or playgrounds. There are specially designated places for walking. As a rule, walking areas are equipped with dog exercise equipment and training ladders.

In addition, from an early age the baby will learn to be friends with other animals like him, and not rush into the street spraying saliva on the neighbor’s dog.

Residence area

From the very first days the puppy lives in an apartment, he needs to be provided with a comfortable sleeping place and a place to play. If the dog is a small breed, you can determine a small corner in the room. Larger dogs are usually housed in the hallway.

The place should not be too big or too small. It is necessary that the pet, as an adult, can sleep with its legs stretched out. The sleeping area should be permanent, so caring owners, wanting the best for their little dog, allow them to choose a suitable place themselves. They let the puppy out to roam freely and where he will go to sleep will be his “bed.”

The puppy's bedroom should not be directly under the front door. It is very restless and drafty there. It is also undesirable to place your pet under a radiator. You should choose a place to sleep that is well lit.

The owner and his dog will feel comfortable if the puppy’s place is near the owner’s sofa or bed. The contact between the person and the dog will become closer; you can always pet the puppy and cuddle him. The dog will feel protected.

If you show weakness and let the puppy onto the bed, there is a very high probability that he will stay there. Even if, when falling asleep, the owner orders the pet to sleep in its place, at night the dog will definitely climb onto the bed.

Select bedding that is soft and warm. Some short-haired dog breeds get too cold. Others develop calluses on the bends of their paws when lying on hard surfaces.

It is worth coming up with a cover for the animal's rug so that it can be changed and cleaned frequently. Even if the puppy has very little hair, skin epithelium and small pieces of debris will still fall onto the bedding.

Walking area in the apartment

You cannot force your dog to lie in his place all the time. She desperately needs communication, especially small pets. Therefore, the rules for caring for puppies in an apartment include regular time spent with the baby.

If the puppy is running around, there is no need to stop him. But, it is still necessary to accustom the baby to a certain place for games. The dog owner will not always be at home and pay attention to the puppy. Therefore, the apartment must have a special dog playpen. You can simply fence off any corner in the room and teach your baby to spend time in it.

Animal psychologists do not recommend locking dogs in a room, especially at an early age, when the psyche is not yet formed. Dogs are terrified of closed spaces. They are lost, nervous, and in the hope of somehow getting out, the dog will scratch the door, bark, howl and chew everything. When leaving, you should leave the door to the room open, but at the same time give the command “place”.

It is highly undesirable to leave a small puppy alone for a long time. He will lose faith in the owner, there will be no close contact and trust. Such dogs are difficult to train, sometimes even impossible.

Feeding area

The kitchen is another important corner that must be present in the apartment. There is no need to allow the puppy to drag a piece of meat to his mat and finish it there. The baby needs to understand that they eat and sleep in different spaces.

The most convenient place to feed your dog is in the kitchen. It is necessary to place two bowls under the wall, so as not to be in the middle of the room. One is for food, the other is for drinking water.

It is better to buy metal or ceramic plates for feeding. You can put an oilcloth under them so that the floor does not get dirty during feeding. Every time after eating, the plate is removed and washed. The dishes with water are left. Once a day, the plate is washed and fresh drink is poured.

If the dog is large, it should not tilt its head low while eating. Therefore, the plates should be in a raised state on a special shelf.

Time for a walk

When caring for a puppy in an apartment, it is impossible to fully satisfy the baby’s need for games. This means that you need to spend enough time walking.

There will be a full-fledged walk only when the animal runs up, jumps, communicates with its relatives, and splashes out all the accumulated energy.

It is worth knowing that one bowel movement is not enough for a puppy. Bladder. He should go to the toilet 2-3 times. Therefore, you need to walk them three times a day and stay in the fresh air for one hour.

Be sure to let your pet off the leash so that he can run freely. This contributes to the proper development of the skeleton, muscles and psyche.

Small dogs freeze quite quickly and catch colds easily, so you should provide them with special items of clothing for walking in advance. There are no training courses for small breed dogs, but they need to take obedience courses in the same way as larger dogs.

Content Features

If you have an indoor breed dog, you need to remember that this is still not a toy or an artificial decoration for the room, but a living creature! Do not forget that your pet is very small in stature - always be careful and watch your step so as not to injure the baby. It is also important to know that small dogs are not afraid of heights. They can make a jump without any fear, harming themselves in the process. When you pick up a dog, you need to hold it tightly so that it doesn’t fall. It is better for guests not to let the dog in their arms.

In cold and wet weather, when taking a small pet for a walk, especially a short-haired one, you will have to insulate it. Some dwarf dog breeds are very cold even on a summer evening and can quickly catch a cold. Nowadays, there are many options for clothing for small dogs on sale. There is a place to let your imagination run wild and express your concern for your pet.

Feeding small dogs

This issue requires special attention, since small dogs have a very special metabolism. It is best to feed them food specially formulated by professionals. It contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements for your pet. The usual feeding regimen begins with six times a day at 1-2 months of age, and then each subsequent month the frequency of feeding is reduced to 1 time per day. Once your dog reaches 10 months or more, you can start feeding him twice a day.

Feeding should be at the same time. Be sure to remove the bowl immediately after eating. If your dog is absolutely healthy, but refuses to eat, try removing the bowl until the next feeding. This way the little tailed pet will quickly get used to its special regime. But we must remember that this rule does not apply to water - the dog should always have the opportunity to quench its thirst.

The diet for small dogs should be selected according to the needs of their body. They, unlike large breeds, are not able to eat large portions of food, and their diet must be dominated by easily digestible nutritious protein. Fatty, sweet, spicy and salty foods are extremely harmful for toy breeds. These pets, with a high caloric intake in their daily diet, are constantly prone to excess weight, and salty food retains fluid in the body, disrupts metabolism, and sweet food severely destroys teeth.

In general, dental problems in small dogs are quite relevant. They often suffer from a “multi-tooth” bite due to the loss of baby teeth. As a result, dangerous plaque is intensively formed. When fed with an abundance of sweets and without caring for the dog’s mouth, it develops gum inflammation, tooth decay and early tooth loss. And of course, we must not forget about regular visits to the veterinarian. A preventative visit to a specialist will help maintain the long-term health of your pet and prevent illness in time.

The site constantly writes that training is no less necessary for decorative breeds than for large dogs. This issue has been discussed more than once and now a whole series of articles is being prepared about teaching our kids various sciences. However, the issue of training the owner himself is very often left out of the equation. And even if a specialist can still teach the dog commands, he will not be able to protect it from the daily decisions made by the owner.

This material is designed to protect our students from the most common mistakes of dog lovers: and it makes no difference whether he is a beginner or an experienced one.

Food hazards

Any human sweets, of course, will delight the baby, but such a treat is a direct road to allergies. It’s good when it manifests itself as a normal diathesis, but often the owner’s carelessness ends in anaphylactic shock in the pet.

Even if the animal does not suffer from hypersensitivity to allergens, using candy as a treat will cause poisoning or digestive disorders - the stomach is too sensitive.

Let's not forget that a weak digestive system is characteristic of most decorative dogs, and sweets force the pancreas and liver to work harder. There are also breed characteristics, for example, you need to understand why the Pekingese is heavy to lift.

It is prohibited to introduce tubular bones of birds into the diet of pets. Such bones are found in chicken legs, thighs, etc.

When chewed, they break into small pieces, and their sharp ends can not only scratch the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, but also seriously injure these organs, including perforation. With caution, you can treat only the spongy breast bone from chicken.

A sudden change in diet is another common mistake dog breeders make: I saw an advertisement, fell for the colorful packaging, the “tasty” description of the nutritional value of the food, and immediately bought it, and on the same day I gave the dog a full bowl. And hello diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite and possibly allergies!

The transition to a new food begins with small doses, adding new food to the old gradually (over two to three weeks).

If it is recommended to feed a small pet two to three times a day, then the baby should have access to water around the clock - water starvation is very dangerous: it makes it difficult to remove harmful products from the body, digestion, breathing, and blood circulation are disrupted.

Breeds such as Pekingese, miniature schnauzers, Yorkies, pugs, etc. are at risk of developing urolithiasis, so they should drink especially plenty of fluids. The water is changed at least once a day, and preferably after each drink.

After a hearty meal, the dog should remain calm for some time - too active movements will lead to nausea and vomiting, and in rare cases, to volvulus. That is why it should be before meals, and not after.

Household items

“The dog is missing” :) This cartoon from the pre-Internet era clearly demonstrates the need to be careful every day :)

It is difficult to keep track of the nimble robbers - they are always spinning under your feet in search of affection or attention. Stepping on, sitting on a pet, tripping over it, or getting caught in doors is not a tricky thing, so it is important for the owner to learn to move extremely carefully and carefully around the apartment, especially in the dark. This is especially true for children, so instruction with them is necessary.

Curiosity is not a vice, but for such kids it can be fatal. All small objects (toys, threads, hairpins, buttons, etc.) must be securely hidden, and medicines and household chemicals are also placed in inaccessible places so that the pet does not accidentally swallow them or try them due to its excessive curiosity.

It is dangerous to teach your baby to sleep in bed with you: he can be accidentally crushed in his sleep or thrown to the floor, and a fall can lead to fractures, bruises and a concussion. It is better for the dog to rest in its designated place. The lounger should be warm and comfortable, located in a secluded corner away from drafts.

Don’t forget about plants in pots: for example, such familiar ones indoor flowers, like Dieffenbachia, Euphorbia, Alocasia, Aloe are poisonous and can cause the death of a small dog!

When purchasing dog accessories, pay attention to their safety and non-toxicity: foreign chemical odors and washable paint are not acceptable. They also choose toys carefully: they must be sufficiently resistant to sharp teeth and not have small parts that can easily come off.

Until the puppy has grown up, jumping from heights is contraindicated for him!

A small pet, like a porcelain doll, requires careful handling - these are not plastic cats, which if you don’t take them, nothing will happen to them. Decorative dogs are picked up with both hands, placing one palm under the chest and belly, and the other behind the hind legs. Under no circumstances should you sharply pull the limbs - the chance of breaking, dislocating, or stretching the bone apparatus is too great.

For the same reason of extreme “fragility,” the dog should not be allowed to jump from the bed (chair, sofa, table) or throw it from a height of human height - only carefully place it on all four legs.

Among decorative breeds there are individuals with unstable psyches. For them, fainting, having a heart attack or convulsing from a loud shout, a sharp sound or a clap is a common occurrence. You need to be prepared for this by keeping pacemakers and ammonia on hand. There have been cases when children, not accustomed to independence, died from a broken heart after being left alone for a long time.

This lap dog didn't waste any time: the owner's sofa was completely destroyed.

Loneliness is unbearable for some dogs. Out of fear, they can climb into places where they cannot get out on their own, or, struggling with excitement, they begin to gnaw on everything they come across. For some reason, electrical wires are the first to appear under the teeth, and what happens from an electric shock is not worth describing. When leaving home, ensure your baby's safety.

On a walk

Clothing for small breeds is not a whim of the owner, but a necessity. In cool weather, taking your baby outside without risking a cold. In severe frosts (below - 5°C), it is worth staying at home completely, so that the pet does not get frostbitten paws and develop a general cooling of the body with subsequent pneumonia.

The dog must be trained to walk on a leash, especially in places near the road and crowded streets. This is the only way to protect your baby from the accident of being crushed by a car or a careless passerby.

A walk is necessary not only to satisfy natural physiological needs and strengthen the immune system, it helps the baby to throw out emotions, communicate with relatives, and affirm his “I”.

During a walk, your pet should not be allowed to communicate with stray animals - there is a chance of contracting an infection; for the same reason, the dog should not pick up various “goodies” from the ground, which can also lead to serious poisoning.

After a walk, be sure to wipe the fur and paws with a damp cloth or napkin - this will remove all the dirt and dust that may have settled on the animal while it was in the yard. In winter, in large cities, paws should be washed with soap to remove the chemicals that are sprinkled on the streets.

Some housewives drag their dog with them everywhere, sometimes they need to run into a store or cafe, and have to leave the baby in the car. It is not prohibited to do this, but you must understand that it is too hot in the interior of a car left in the sun and the dog may get heatstroke. You need to park in the shade and provide access to fresh air through slightly open windows.

Nuances of education

Permissiveness in puppyhood leads to disastrous consequences in the future. Unexpected prohibitions will make the dog aggressive and nervous, so from childhood it is necessary to clearly differentiate what is allowed and what is not.

Limitation in communication, grabbing a pet in your arms for protection for any reason or without, makes the dog unadapted to the world around him, as a result he becomes cowardly, which is manifested by uncontrollable barking and disobedience.

An example of an imbalance in upbringing is in the video from our YouTube channel:

Here the owner encourages, finding the stress of two wards at once funny.


Periodic hygiene procedures for your dog are a guarantee of its health. , ears and fur are the responsibility of a loving owner. Lack of proper care is a direct path to the appearance of diseases.