A lubricant secreted by men. Natural and abnormal discharge in men during sexual arousal. What if there is not enough lubrication?

08.02.2022 Complications

Discharge from the urethra, which men notice during sexual arousal, is a normal physiological phenomenon. It is provided by nature itself to moisturize the mucous membranes of the genital organ. However, it is important to pay attention to the color of the discharge during an erection. If they are transparent, then this is considered an indicator of health. In the case of a change in color and consistency and the occurrence of pain, we have to talk about pathological changes and the presence of infections.

The health of the genitourinary system can be judged by the external signs of discharge. The initial change in their characteristics determines the degree of pathological processes occurring in the body. A man can identify all the signs on his own and seek medical help in time.

Read in the article

general characteristics

Discharge in men is different and depends on individual characteristics. For some they are abundant and occur regularly, for others they are scanty or not noticed at all. In any case, if a man is healthy, when aroused, a clear liquid is released from the penis, which is absolutely normal and is not a sign of any abnormalities.

The medical name for the secretion released during erection is urethrorrhea. The fluid that appears from the urethral canal before sexual intercourse or just before ejaculation is called pre-ejaculate. This mucus performs a necessary function - it neutralizes the acidic environment in the vagina, which is harmful to sperm. This prepares the necessary environment for fertilization of the egg.

Pre-ejaculate contains active sperm, and even after shallow penetration, fertilization of the egg can occur.

The secretion of secretory fluid occurs not only before sexual intercourse, but also in the morning, which is associated with an increase in the level of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Spontaneous ejaculation, or wet dream, most often occurs in adolescents as they grow up and in men who have not had sex for a long time.

Minor clear discharge in men comes out during bowel movements. This phenomenon is called defecatory prostatorrhea and occurs due to severe tension in the abdominal muscles.

Discharges natural to the body:

  • smegma is a product of the sebaceous glands, produced constantly, localized under the skin of the foreskin. During hygiene procedures, it is washed off, otherwise its excessive accumulation becomes a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora, which provokes inflammatory processes;
  • sperm - consists of sperm produced by the gonads. Begins to be released during ejaculation during sexual discharge. Ejaculate white, viscous and thick. The absence of ejaculation during sexual intercourse or, conversely, spontaneous emission of semen without any impact indicates diseases of the genitourinary organs.

Pathological discharge

The male reproductive system is a complex mechanism, an important part of which is discharge during erection, which in turn is divided into two types: physiological and pathological. If the former are considered the norm, and the patient does not need medical intervention, then the latter require close attention and urgent measures to avoid irreversible consequences.

Discharges of a pathological nature can be of infectious or non-infectious origin. The first are divided into specific, which are caused by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and nonspecific, which arise from exposure to harmful microorganisms and bacteria. These include chlamydia, ureaplasma candidiasis, herpes and others.

Non-infectious causes include allergies, trauma to the mucous membrane of the urethral canal, as well as narrowing of the ureter as a result of exposure to chemicals.

Such urethral discharge appears with constant frequency and differs in the following characteristics:

  • volume - a lot or drop by drop;
  • external manifestations - color ranges from whitish to dirty yellow or greenish; instead of transparency they become cloudy;
  • impurities - blood streaks, purulent inclusions, mucus clots;
  • consistency - thin or, conversely, too thick;
  • smell – unpleasant putrefactive or sour.

Depending on the state of the male immune system, existing diseases and the type of infectious agent, the discharge will be different, which helps determine its nature.

White discharge

The main reason for the appearance of white discharge in men is candidal urethritis, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. a sour, yeast-like odor coming from the urethra;
  2. leucorrhea of ​​a curdled consistency covering the head of the penis;
  3. pain in the groin and shaft of the genital organ, accompanied by itching;
  4. discharge during urination;
  5. irritation in the form of red spots;
  6. pain during intercourse.

The indicated discharge can be observed in mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis and chronic prostatitis, which are characterized by a false urge to go to the toilet, incomplete evacuation accompanied by a burning sensation, decreased libido and potency.

Advanced inflammation in the prostate most often causes not only sexual dysfunction, but also the inability to have offspring.

Purulent discharge

They consist of mucus, dead particles of epithelium and leukocytes, and are characterized by a yellow or yellow-green tint, which indicates the presence of diseases:

  • gonorrhea - characterized by a viscous, foul-smelling discharge that does not stop throughout the day, a burning sensation in the urethra after urination;
  • trichomoniasis - at the initial stage it occurs without significant symptoms, except for the appearance of yellow discharge. As the infection progresses, the pus-like mucus causes inflammation in the genital area.

Characteristic smell

The unpleasant smell of discharge during an erection is explained by an infection that affects the genitourinary organs. Neglect of hygiene procedures should not be ruled out. Smegma, accumulating, becomes a favorable environment for harmful bacteria. Their rapid reproduction leads to inflammation of the head of the male organ and the skin under the frenulum, causing a pungent odor.

The same manifestations are observed in men suffering from diabetes mellitus and metabolic disorders.

Bloody issues

Traces of blood in the seminal fluid, which is released in the form of red threads, are a sign of an infectious lesion of the pelvic organs. The volume of discharge depends on the duration of the disease. Over a long period, the mucous layer is destroyed, exposing small capillaries, which begin to bleed at the slightest impact.

There are also other reasons:

  • medical procedures - taking a smear from the urethra, installing or removing a catheter;
  • kidney sand or stones - when they pass through the urethra, it is damaged, blood mixes with urine;
  • oncopathology - blood inclusions appear in cancer of the testicles, testes and prostate gland.

It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on external signs of discharge. If you suspect a pathology, you need to undergo an examination, after which, based on the results obtained, the specialist will prescribe the necessary treatment. Then it will be possible to preserve men’s health and avoid irreversible consequences.

Discharge from the genital organs in men is discharge from the urethra (urethra) and secretion preputial glands that are located on the head of the penis, under the skin of the foreskin. The urethra opens ejaculatory duct, prostate ducts, urethral And bulbourethral iron

Variants of physiological secretions

Criteria for normal discharge, corresponding to the functions of the organs of the urogenital system:

  • Urine– transparent, from straw to golden yellow color, practically odorless, containing no flakes or other inclusions;
  • Prostate secret has a viscous consistency and a whitish tint, there is a specific smell of sperm;
  • Ejaculate: sperm from the ejaculatory duct mixes with secretions from the Littre (urethral), Cooper (bulbourethral) glands and prostatic secretion, acquiring grayish white color and slimy consistency;
  • Fresh smegma from the preputial glands looks like a thick white lubricant; may become yellowish or greenish over time.

Preputial lubrication – smegma– stands out constantly, accumulating under the inner layer of the foreskin and in the coronary groove of the penis. The lubricant consists of fats and bacterial residues, is evenly distributed and reduces friction between the skin of the foreskin and the glans. The maximum activity of the preputial glands is characteristic of the period of puberty; with age, secretion decreases and by old age it stops completely.

If you neglect the rules of personal hygiene, then smegma can accumulate under the folds of the foreskin. In this case, the fatty part of the lubricant oxidizes, and the protein part disintegrates (in fact, this is rotting), and the masses become greenish, acquiring an unpleasant odor. The same process occurs when, due to fusion of the foreskin, it is impossible to completely free the head of the penis from the skin folds and remove the smegma. The accumulation and breakdown of lubricant can lead to chronic balanitis and balanoposthitis(inflammation of the foreskin and glans penis), increase the risk of developing tumors.

in the figure: possible forms of balanoposthitis - hygienic and pathological

Urethrorrhea, mucous, colorless discharge from the bulbourethral and urethral glands. They appear only with excitement associated with libido. The excretion of clear mucus is intended to lubricate the urethra and improve the passage of sperm. The amount of secretion ranges from scanty to abundant, these parameters are associated with individual characteristics body and frequency of sexual activity. After prolonged abstinence, the volume of discharge increases.

Emission - spontaneous release of sperm, not associated with sexual intercourse. Usually observed in the morning, when testosterone levels rise. Depends on age and intensity of sexual activity: it appears in boys during puberty, in adult men - with irregular or rare sexual intercourse.

Prostatorrhea, discharge of a small amount of clear mucus from the urethra with grayish-white inclusions. Occurs after straining the abdominal muscles (for example, with constipation) or after urinating. The secretion consists of a mixture of seminal fluid and prostate discharge; increased volume and cloudiness may be signs of prostatitis.

Pathological discharge

In men, the causes of discharge from the penis can be STDs, tumors, nonspecific inflammation of the urogenital organs, various injuries, medical procedures or operations.

Pathological discharge from the urethra differs from normal:

  1. By volume (too abundant or scanty, perhaps moderate);
  2. By color and transparency (from white to yellow-green color, cloudy);
  3. By impurities (blood, pus, lumps of mucus);
  4. Consistency (very liquid or too thick and sticky);
  5. By smell (sourish, putrid, fishy);
  6. According to the frequency of appearance (depending on the time of day, constant or episodic discharge);
  7. In connection with urination, sexual arousal, drinking alcohol, hot and spicy foods.

The nature of the discharge depends on the causative agent of the disease, the status of the immune system, and concomitant ailments, as well as the severity and duration of inflammation (acute or chronic).

If there is a change in the amount, density or color of the discharge, or if an unpleasant odor appears, it is recommended to consult a doctor and have tests done. There is no point in self-diagnosis; it is very difficult to correctly recognize the disease based on just one symptom.

Penile discharge associated with STDs


Mucous: transparent discharge, viscous and small in quantity, occurs in the chronic form, or urethritis. Microscopy reveals a moderate number of leukocytes in the discharge (the norm is up to 4 cells in the field of view).

Mucopurulent: white discharge, translucent; observed in the acute phase of chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis. With chlamydial infection, they accumulate on the head of the penis, as if “sticking” to the skin.

Purulent discharge, having an unpleasant odor, are characteristic of. They are sticky, thick, and yellow in color. or with a greenish tint, with a putrid odor. Under microscopy, epithelial cells from the urethra and many leukocytes are visible in the material.

Symptoms accompanying gonorrheal urethritis: constant and heavy discharge; especially strong when urinating.

With sexually transmitted diseases, combined infections are often observed, combining several pathogens at once. Gonorrhea and are accompanied by chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis usually occur “in pairs”. The symptoms of such diseases differ from classical manifestations; urethral discharge can also take on a completely different character. Therefore, for final diagnosis, modern analytical techniques with a high degree of reliability are used, and not the characteristics of the secretions.

Nonspecific (non-venereal) inflammation

The cause of nonspecific inflammation is the patient’s own microflora, which is classified as opportunistic and is activated only in case of problems with the body’s immune defense. Strepto- and staphylococci, fungi of the genus Candida and E. coli are always present on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, but they begin to actively multiply and displace beneficial bacteria after hypothermia, prolonged stress, uncontrolled treatment with antibiotics, after courses of radiation and chemotherapy.

Nongonorrheal (nonspecific). Inflammatory discharge is small in volume, visible in the urine as mucopurulent strands or lumps, appearing at the very beginning of the disease. Symptoms in the form of burning and itching during urination are less pronounced than with gonorrhea, but the urge is frequent and does not bring relief. With ascending infection, the bladder becomes inflamed first, followed by the ureters and kidneys; appear discharge mixed with scarlet blood.

in the photo: signs of candidiasis (candidal balanoposthitis) on the surface of the penis

, fungal infection of the urethra. Usually develops against the background of suppression of the immune system after a course of antibiotics, chemotherapy or radiotherapy; sexual transmission of candidiasis in men is rare. Thrush is characterized by a cheesy discharge with a sour odor, which is combined with itching and burning during ctions(urination) and ejaculation(ejaculation), may be accompanied by dull pain in the groin, above the pubis and in the lower back.

urethra. Characteristic fishy smell of discharge; they are meager yellowish-whiteor greenish. According to some classifications, gardnerella is classified as an STD, but in men, infection with gardnerella through sexual contact is more of a curiosity. In fact, this disease is associated with a disruption of the normal microflora, that is, with dysbacteriosis. When treating it, immunocorrectors and probiotics (lactic acid bacteria) are necessarily used.

, inflammation of the foreskin. Locally, abundant purulent discharge is observed, and there may be an admixture of mucus. They are always accompanied by swelling and hyperemia (redness) of the leaves of the prepuce, pain in the head of the penis.

At cloudy discharge appears at the end of urination, copious discharge - during the acute period of inflammation; scanty and white - when the disease becomes chronic. Prostatitis is usually complicated by difficulty urinating and erection weakness, in severe cases - up to anuria(complete absence of urine output) and impotence.

Discharge not associated with inflammation

Spermatorea – discharge in the form of passively flowing sperm, occur outside of sexual intercourse or masturbation, without the feeling of orgasm. Causes – some diseases nervous system, spinal injuries, chronic stress and any long-term inflammation of the genital area. Spermatorea is associated with impaired innervation and decreased tone of the vas deferens.

Hematorrhea,bloody issues. Often appears with injuries of the urethral canal received during bougienage, after production catheter or when taking a smear from the mucous membrane. In these cases, the blood is fresh, without clots, the amount is small, and the bleeding stops quickly. When small kidney stones or sand pass, blood is released during or immediately after urination, hematorrhea is accompanied by very severe pain ( renal colic). Discharge of blood during hematuric form of glomerulonephritis(inflammation of the renal glomeruli) are combined with edema and persistently elevated blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine.

Discharge is brown, with clots of blood or mucus, mixed with pus, appear with malignant tumors emanating from the prostate, urethra or Bladder. Brownish mucus can form during the healing of wounds on the mucous membranes, and is released during polyposis of the urethra and/or bladder.

Prostatorrhea- secretion of the prostate gland flowing from the urethra. Occurs in chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, impaired innervation ( neurogenic bladder).

Examination algorithm for the presence of pathological discharge from the penis

  1. Inspection of the perineum, penis, foreskin and glans. The goal is to identify deformations of the genital organs, traces of injury, signs of external inflammation, discharge, rash, etc. Traces of discharge are sometimes visible on underwear.
  2. Palpation of the inguinal lymph nodes, assessment of their condition: size, whether they are hotter or colder than the surrounding tissues, painful or not, soft or dense, mobile or fused to the skin, whether there are ulcerations over them.
  3. Digital examination of the prostate; massage the prostate through the rectum and obtain secretions for microscopic examination. Before the massage, it is advisable to refrain from urinating for 1-2 hours. With prostate adenoma, its lobes are enlarged approximately equally, dense cords are palpable. Uneven growths and their consistency are typical for a malignant tumor; during palpation of the prostate, blood with clots may be released from the urethra.
  4. Material – for microscopy and. When examined under a microscope, the stained smear reveals blood cells, epithelium, sperm, fatty inclusions, and some pathogens (Escherichia coli, gonococci, gardnerella, yeast fungi). Increased white blood cell count characteristic of acute urethritis or exacerbation of chronic inflammation, eosinophils– for urethritis with allergies. Red blood cells found in severe inflammation, tumors, injuries of the genitourinary organs, and urolithiasis. Large amount of epithelium– a sign of chronic urethritis, urethral leukoplakia. When spermatorrhea is found in a smear spermatozoa, with urethrorrhea - slime, simpler - lipid grains.
    For information content and reliability of the results, a smear is taken no earlier than 3 days after the local use of antibiotics, antifungals and disinfectants. If treatment with antibiotics was systemic, then at least 3 weeks should pass after the course. Before taking a smear, do not wash; try not to urinate for 2-3 hours.
  5. General clinical blood test,blood for sugar- in the morning, on an empty stomach. Detailed urine analysis(morning portion, immediately after sleep).
  6. Ultrasound of the prostate, bladder and kidneys; CT and urography.

If the manifestations of genital inflammation are severe, then before receiving test results, the patient is immediately prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics. If there is heavy bleeding, hospitalization is indicated and active steps to stop bleeding. The suspicion of a malignant tumor can only be confirmed by the result of a biopsy; the final diagnosis is made on the basis of histological examination.


  • Discharge from the penis is just one symptom that cannot be used as a guide when making a diagnosis.
  • Unacceptable independent prescription of pharmaceuticals. drugs, even if the manifestations seem obvious for a particular disease.

Video: discharge after sexual intercourse in men - doctor’s opinion

The release of a small amount of liquid by representatives of the stronger sex during intimacy is a completely natural, normal process provided for by nature. In the absence of any diseases, this liquid is transparent, without a sharp unpleasant odor, and has a thick and viscous consistency. In the article you will learn in detail what is secreted in men when aroused, about the functions that this secretion performs, and what signs are normal and what indicates a violation.

In men, discharge from the urethra is not as common as in women. This process may indicate the course of some disease of the genitourinary organs, but in some cases it is natural and even necessary. We are talking about the so-called libidinal urethrorrhea - the discharge of a small amount of transparent thick mucus from the urethra during sexual arousal or morning erection.

The volume of mucus secreted in such situations, which is also called pre-seminal fluid or pre-ejaculate, usually does not exceed a few drops, but in some men this figure increases to five milliliters. In the absence of pathological external changes, this should not be alarming, since it is not a symptom of the disease, but an individual feature.

Lubricant in men during arousal also contains smegma, secreted by glands located in the epithelium of the foreskin. The purpose of this substance is to ensure easy, injury-free exit of the head of the penis from the folds of the prepuce during erection. Smegma accumulates in the preputial sac and, in combination with dead epithelial cells, provides an excellent breeding ground for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. To prevent the development of infectious and inflammatory pathologies, it is necessary to carefully observe intimate hygiene, rinse the penis with running water twice a day, and use clean underwear.

The secretion of mucus in men during arousal, the external characteristics of pre-ejaculate, its color and smell change during pathological processes. The acquisition of a greenish-yellow hue and a pungent odor, the appearance of blood impurities may occur earlier than other painful symptoms. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the fluid released during erection and, if you notice changes, consult a urologist as soon as possible. This will make it possible to diagnose the disease at a very early stage, which will greatly facilitate treatment and prevent the development of complications.

Biological functions of pre-ejaculate

Male lubrication during arousal performs two main functions:

  • Soft and free entry of the penis into a woman’s vagina during sexual intercourse protects the head of the penis from microtrauma.
  • Increasing the likelihood of conception - pre-seminal fluid reduces the acidity of the vaginal environment. When entering the acidic environment of the vagina during ejaculation, most of the sperm die or lose the mobility necessary to reach the egg and fertilize it. Pre-ejaculate protects sperm from external conditions that threaten their viability, thereby ensuring the safety of male reproductive cells. In addition, mucus helps eliminate uric acid accumulated after urination from the walls of the urethra.

The release of fluid at the time of sexual arousal is a normal process designed to facilitate the entry of the penis into the female vagina during sexual intercourse. Pre-ejaculate also reduces the acidity of the vagina, which is necessary for sperm to maintain activity and the ability to fertilize an egg.

Be careful: chronic prostatitis in 89% of cases leads to prostate cancer!

If treatment is ignored, many patients experience problems such as impotence, high blood pressure and strong changes in their psycho-emotional state.

How to be treated if there is deception everywhere? Journalist Sheinin conducted his investigation. IN this article he discovered a drug that gave significant results in the treatment of prostatitis and restoration of erectile dysfunction - this Urotrin.

What changes indicate the disease?

Various changes in pre-ejaculate indicators are cause for concern. The reasons for immediately visiting a specialist are:

  • Change in the color of the liquid - it may be grayish, with a green or yellow tint (which indicates the presence of purulent contents).
  • Blood impurities.
  • Cloudiness.
  • Cottage cheese-like consistency.
  • Unpleasant, musty odor.

These signs indicate an inflammatory process. The following symptoms often appear:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  • Heat.
  • Hyperemia of skin areas.
  • The appearance of purulent discharge from the urethra at rest (in the absence of sexual arousal).

Mucus can be released from the urethra with the development of postoperative complications during surgical operations on the prostate and other organs of the genitourinary system.

The release of clear fluid in the absence of an erection is one of the symptoms of pathology, the causative agents of which are streptococci, staphylococci, and E. coli. A similar situation is observed when infected with sexually transmitted infections. In such cases note:

  • Hyperemia of the external reproductive organs.
  • Itching sensation in the penis and scrotum.
  • Swelling of the lower extremities.

If a man notices cheesy inclusions in the pre-ejaculate, he urgently needs to consult a qualified doctor, as this indicates the presence of candidiasis. This inflammatory disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candida, which are opportunistic microflora. Under normal conditions, they exist in the body without causing any harm. The action of negative external factors and weakened immunity contribute to the rapid proliferation of fungi and their transition to a pathogenic form.

A few sperm are found in the pre-ejaculate, which makes conception possible. Therefore, if a couple is not planning a pregnancy, they should take contraceptive pills or protect themselves in another way not only during sexual intercourse, but also during foreplay.

Is precum related to pregnancy?

Doctors often hear questions about whether discharge in men during arousal can cause pregnancy. It has been proven that this fluid contains a small amount of sperm, therefore, there is, even if a small, probability of conception. Moreover, the greater the number of sperm cells that are active, the more of them there will be in the pre-seminal fluid.

It should be taken into account on what day of ovulation sexual intercourse occurred. If the egg has time to mature and leave the follicle, and the cervix is ​​slightly open, one sperm is enough for successful fertilization.

Also, the likelihood of pregnancy increases with repeated sexual contact. This is explained by the fact that traces of sperm remain on the mucous membrane of the urethral canal, which are released with pre-ejaculate during the next sexual intercourse. To prevent conception, a man is advised to urinate, since the acidic environment of urine passing through the urethra neutralizes remaining sperm.

Stories from our readers

Alexei, Krasnodar: “I had a problem with the prostate, the pain was severe, it was difficult to urinate. Doctors found traces of infection. They prescribed tons of pills that were of no use... Finally, I cured acute prostatitis, cleansed my body and strengthened my immunity against infections, all thanks to this article. Anyone who has prostate problems should read it!”

Sexual discharge in men can be considered direct evidence of the state of the male reproductive system. Quite often it happens that atypical discharge from the genital tract in men is the first symptom of a serious illness. Moreover, sometimes such a symptom may be the only one. That is why every man should be very careful about changes in the nature of such discharge.

How does discharge from the genital tract appear in men?

In medicine, the concept discharge from the penis determines both discharge from the urethra in men and discharge from pathological formations on the skin of the penis, as well as discharge from the sebaceous glands.

Doctors define three types of discharge that appear normally. At the same time, the variety of pathological discharges is much wider.

Speaking about normal discharge, first of all we should mention the so-called libidinal (physiological) urethrorrhea . This is a clear discharge in men that appears from the urethra during sexual arousal. Different men experience different quantities such secretions. In addition, the duration of their appearance and quantity depend on the degree of sexual arousal. You should be aware that discharge in men when aroused contains a small amount of sperm. Therefore, conception can occur when they enter the partner’s genitals. Sometimes discharges that resemble physiological ones, but appear in more abundant quantities, indicate the development of diseases. In this case, the causes of discharge in men may be due to genital ailments.

Another type of normal discharge is smegma . This is a secretion secreted by the glands of the skin of the glans and foreskin of the penis. If a man follows all the rules of personal hygiene, then such discharge does not bother him. But with irregular hygiene procedures, smegma accumulates, which can provoke inflammatory processes. Therefore, it is recommended to wash the penis at least once a day, and you need to thoroughly wash its head.

Normal discharge is also sperm . This white discharge in men contains the secretion of the gonads and a large number of sperm. Sperm is released during ejaculation during sexual intercourse or during masturbation. Sperm can also be released during wet dreams. This is an involuntary ejaculation that occurs most often in teenage boys with a frequency ranging from several times a month to 1-3 times a week.

All other discharge during urination, during sexual intercourse and at rest are pathological. It is especially important to pay attention to discharge with an odor. Suspicious discharge and itching in men are reasons to immediately consult a doctor.

Why do pathological discharges from the genital tract appear?

Pathological discharge in men can occur due to the development of many diseases. These are inflammations that were triggered by infections or opportunistic microflora entering the body. Also, genital discharge in men is sometimes a symptom of sexually transmitted diseases, cancer pathologies, or a consequence of injury or surgery. Discharges that are pathological in nature can be scanty, moderate or abundant, contain an admixture of blood, and have different shades - from transparent to greenish. Their consistency can be either liquid or thick. The type and nature of such secretions is determined by the causative agent of the disease, the severity of the inflammatory process, the state of the person’s immunity, and the presence of other diseases. Therefore, make a diagnosis based solely on studying appearance sexual discharge is impossible.

In diseases that are sexually transmitted, the discharge also has a different character. So, when and, as a rule, transparent viscous discharge appears, which contains a small amount. If these diseases worsen, then pus may appear in the discharge. With chlamydia, discharge may stick to the head of the penis.

The appearance of pronounced purulent discharge, which has a thick consistency and a yellowish-green tint, often indicates that the man has become infected. Such discharge contains a large number of leukocytes and appears constantly.

The causes of genital discharge in men are also often inflammatory diseases not associated with sexually transmitted infections. They are provoked staphylococcus , streptococcus , Candida mushroom etc. As a rule, pathogens are activated in people with reduced immunity. At candidiasis Men experience burning, itching, and redness of the skin of the penis. In this case, a whitish cheesy discharge appears.

If discharge appears between urinations in small quantities, then in this case we may be talking about nongonorrhea . The discharge in this case is usually mucous, mixed with pus.

At balanoposthitis purulent or mucopurulent discharge appears in large quantities, while the foreskin turns red, and pain is noted in the head of the penis. Also, mucopurulent discharge is characteristic of. Their character and quantity depend on the severity of the pathological process.

Several conditions are also identified in which the discharge is not associated with specific diseases. At spermatorrhea sperm appears from the urethra without masturbation or sexual contact. The reason for this phenomenon is impaired muscle tone of the vas deferens. This condition is often the result of diseases of the central nervous system or chronic inflammation that develops in the body. Sometimes doctors cannot determine the cause of spermatorrhea.

At hemorrhea blood is released from the urethra. This is usually associated with injuries, as well as medical procedures during which the injury occurred. Sometimes blood indicates more serious pathologies - malignant tumors, polyps. Blood may appear when sand or stones pass away due to urolithiasis.

At more rustic prostate secretion is released from the urethra. The reason for this phenomenon is diseases of the prostate gland, as a result of which the tone of the smooth muscle fibers of the excretory duct decreases.

But in general, pathological discharge can be associated with a wide variety of diseases and indicate many pathologies. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of changes in the nature of sexual discharge, a man must definitely visit a urologist and undergo all the tests prescribed by the specialist.

How to get rid of pathological discharge from the genital tract?

In order to carry out the correct treatment aimed at eliminating pathological discharge, the doctor must initially establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe a course of therapy that is practiced for a specific disease.

During the diagnostic process, it is necessary to examine the skin of the genital organs in order to detect rashes, redness, and palpate lymph nodes . Held laboratory research blood and urine tests, a smear from the urethra is examined. If necessary, the doctor prescribes a culture of urethral discharge, conducts a digital examination of the prostate, as well as ultrasound, CT, and urography.

Taking a smear from the urethra excludes the topical use of any medicines for three days before analysis. Before taking a smear, you should not visit the toilet or carry out any hygiene procedures for three hours.

For urethritis, etiotropic treatment is practiced, in which the doctor can prescribe correctly selected antibiotics, antifungals, and restorative drugs. Local treatment and physiotherapeutic methods may also be carried out. Local treatment involves instillation of special solutions into the urethra.

For diseases that are sexually transmitted, complex treatment is practiced. As a rule, antibacterial treatment is prescribed in combination with other methods.

For candidiasis, both the use of local medications (special creams or ointments are lubricated on the head of the penis) and the use of tablets (usually containing) are practiced.

Any pathological discharge from the penis is a reason to consult a urologist. Self-medication or delaying treatment can lead to serious complications and longer, less effective treatment.

When the penis is in a state of arousal, a small amount of fluid is released from the urethra. This is a normal phenomenon that occurs in almost all healthy men. As diseases develop, the consistency and volume of the lubricant changes. There is an unpleasant odor, pain or burning sensation when urinating or having an erection. Such a clinical picture requires special attention from a person, since there is a threat to health.

  • Show all

    Discharge in men when excited

    Discharge during arousal in men is called pre-ejaculate. It protrudes from the opening of the urethra at the moment when the guy gets excited. The pre-semen is secreted by the bulbourethral glands and the Littre glands, which are located throughout the entire section of the canal, from the external opening to the neck of the bladder.

    Discharges during arousal in men perform the following functions::

    • provide free passage through the urethra;
    • destroy bacteria;
    • moisturize and suppress the acidic environment in the urethra.

    Pre-semen can also act as a lubricant during intercourse, but in most cases the amount released will not be enough for this. Pre-ejaculate is one of the components of semen. It enters the seminal fluid during ejaculation and mixes with the semen, which helps protect sperm from the acidic environment of a woman’s vagina.

    Healthy discharge in men when aroused

    Normal amount of mucus

    The volume of pre-ejaculate directly depends on the degree. Maximum concentration is achieved with strong sexual desire. The normal amount of liquid is 5 ml.

    Some representatives of the stronger sex are physiologically unable to secrete lubricant. The absence of pre-ejaculation during an erection reduces the ability to conceive.

    Healthy pre-ejaculate has the following characteristics:

    • no odor;
    • transparency;
    • viscosity;
    • absence of lumps or inclusions;
    • does not cause unpleasant or painful sensations.

    Pre-seed performs cleansing functions, so its consistency can change. A man may observe clouding of the lubricant with repeated ejaculation, lack of hygiene, or before ejaculation. She will return to normal in 1-2 days. Otherwise, the development of a pathogenic process should be suspected.

    Signs of deviation from the norm

    The greatest chance of conception in this case occurs in the middle of the cycle, when the woman has ovulated and the cervix is ​​open. In other situations, the concentration of male germ cells in the pre-semen will not be enough. They will quickly die in the vagina, outside the nutrient medium of sperm.

    The likelihood of conception is much higher with repeated sexual contact, when the lubricant contains a fairly large number of sperm.

    To prevent unwanted pregnancy, a man is advised to urinate to wash away any remaining semen.